libmenu-cache3-1.1.0-bp155.3.15 >  A dk=RI%z fDYQ>3L/w9dOZgEfjvfgc^XY&2;~6% @9 (Si _ @!Q ۲2bk,`.q` d;흩 ͋62cu1v Gnp)G\ږ/ E#b@ӌS9 ++~㣦{6.`<:}7#>R=J !}h5k4;3DH "F;;腓UV 34@,܌k!zuúcC/|XK76Ъ^B7sz<cxT+*i(.id4ї7H-:NRVDr\ې9CKާٴy<(u=YL ܤ8)_ȸgם_HV@&SG 9p i&H_y \0b[+vyE tyAy?99858946eb4fe7dca6895f58633057ace4fde502031ab8378b6af05ea8dcb0e52b7b38ae22d4ca4a5f8ff99c2f4aac92b8c7790dTdk=RI%z '-}NAx;vĬ.&;.ݰ-A'fnóIY 9[Q n 3h02y^l9Vf_X2+>A}M3xsq L-Un,=b[Z+1+*K]'\JƘ Wf?ܯh]W)\ ٕz_`_/gGLHU QLx1vIS*_|:Zu*vseʱGG]{=vT- iKZHy UMlV[uyw_9vc~>4eO7A hP9&p 9LJ.JX;S"cr<& ']91Ll+" F? 1~{c**fWBc"u65W`2LcVުp2Ѫ6׍ح P !^-M#fƼYtatIH͘a`>p@$?$d " 7\`lp     $ f  D(8 9 : >!@!F!G!H!I!X!Y!\"]"^"Bb"Nc"d#ce#hf#kl#mu#v#w$x$ y$( z$L$\$`$f$Clibmenu-cache31.1.0bp155.3.15Menu-cache librariesmenu-cache libraries for developmentdk==cloud121SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP5openSUSEGPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-laterhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Librarieshttps://www.lxde.orglinuxx86_64dk= tag in a menu. * Added new API menu_cache_app_get_generic_name() to get generic name for application. * Fixed potential access violation, use runtime user dir instead of tmp dir. It limits libmenu-cache compatibility to menu-cached >= 0.7.0. * Directory $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications will be created if it does not exist so it will be monitored in any case. * Fixed issue when subdirectories added would be skipped in monitoring. * Fixed potential file descriptors leak. * Reduced inactivity timer to 6 seconds (from 600 seconds). * Fixed an issue with multiple daemons started: test if daemon is already running on socket before killing old socket file. * Fixed 100% CPU load by menu-cached due to invalid dup2() call. - Remove menu-cache-1.0.2-until-fd52af6.patch: upstreamed- boo#boo#1044483: - Add menu-cache-1.0.2-until-fd52af6.patch We need a6763eb which tests for multiple daemons. Other fixes are also important/related/good-to-have- New upstream release 1.0.2 * Fixed crash in menu-cached if cache regeneration fails * Fixed 100% CPU load by menu-cached in some rare conditions * Invalid empty should be ignored, see specification * Fixed crash in menu-cache-gen on if no file to merge found * Fixed showing empty Other menu in some cases * The option --disable-debug is now default, instead of - -enable-debug- New upstream release 1.0.1 * Fixed crash on generating menu with both tags and present. * Fixed crash when menu-cache-gen ran manually without CACHE_GEN_VERSION. * Fixed crash in menu-cache-gen on in menu layout with tag present. * Fixed incorrect processing of in menu-cache-gen. * Added safeguards against environment variables containing newlines. * Fixed case when cache was not updated while it should, it was claimed to be fixed in 1.0.0 but apparently fix was incomplete. * Fixed ignored tags inside of . * Fixed memory corruption in scanning addressed directory. * Removed menu-cache-1.0.0-Fix-crash-on-generating-menu.patch * Removed menu-cache-1.0.0-Fix-crash-CACHE_GEN_VERSION.patch- Added menu-cache-1.0.0-Fix-crash-on-generating-menu.patch * Fix crash on generating menu with both tags and present - Added menu-cache-1.0.0-Fix-crash-CACHE_GEN_VERSION.patch * Fix crash when menu-cache-gen ran manually without CACHE_GEN_VERSION- update to pre-release version 1.0.0 * A little code optimization * Fix compilation warning * Fix DISTCLEANFILES in docs - generated files should be cleaned * Add Log Domain "Menu-Cache" for better library logging messages * Fixed bug when cache was not updated while it should * Added new cache file format generation support with changes: - invisible directories (NoDisplay=true or empty) can be put into the cache too but with flag (not displayed) set; - content of TryExec field is added to contents of cache file; - the working dir to execute application is added to cache file; - list of categories is added to contents of cache file; - list of keywords is added to contents of cache file. * Fixed crash in menu_cache_item_get_file_dirname() for a non-existent file (might happen for directories without .directory file). * Made menu_cache_app_get_working_dir() actually work. * Made menu_cache_lookup() faster (do not load cache immediately but on idle instead). * Eliminated secondary cache reload in menu_cache_lookup_sync() - server response in such case will be ahead of idle reload (since main thread is in wait ATM) and therefore idle call will be supressed. * Added new API menu_cache_app_get_categories() to get list of categories for the application. * Added new APIs for applications: menu_cache_list_all_for_category() and menu_cache_list_all_for_keyword() that return list of applications matching criteria. * Fixed problem if some string in the desktop entry file contained a new line character. That broke cache file format, now it's replaced with a "\n" string and converted back into new line in the library. - applied spec-cleaner- New upstream release 0.7.0 * do not do configure until $DOCONGIGURE is set to non-empty * menu-cache-gen: don't fail on improper menu sctructure when verbose=0 * Be more verbose on file loading failures. May be better not fail at all? * menu-cache-gen: don't fail if file isn't found, just skip it * Fix menu-cached crash after menu-cache-gen failure * Handles menu-cached failures more gracefully in libmenu-cache * Add a parameter for menu-cached to specify socket path * Fix unrequested empty directories in default mode * Fix support for tag - it should move not into but to instead * debian: add libfm-dev into build dependencies * debian: dh-autoreconf was missing in debian/control file * Fix './configure --help' formatting and update NEWS file * Update output of 'menu-cache-gen -h' command * menu-cache-gen: implement inline_alias attribute support * Take show_empty attribute into consideration in _stage2() * Add option --verbose for menu-cache-gen (quiet by default, max 3 verbosity level) * Support NoDisplay in files (menu-cache-gen) to hide folder * Update AUTHORS and README files * Fixing memory problems in menu-cache-gen * Pass LegacyDir prefix to menu-cache-gen composer using XML comment * menu-cache-gen: add support for tag * Implement support for 'inline' attribute of tag in menu-cache-gen * Fix check for duplicates in menu-cache-gen merging * Add support into menu-cache-gen for tag * Fix few parsing issues in ragards to desktop menu specifications * libmenu-cache: send languages list to menu-cache-gen instead of single lang code * Support for tag in menu-cache-gen * Check for mandatory for tags * First draft on menu-cache-gen, it works now it seems * Add main() function to menu-cache-gen * Make save_menu_cache() safe - rename temp file into it if no errors only * The 'menu-cache-gen': new implementation based on FmXmlFile parser- new upstream version 0.6.1 * Fixed invalid memory access after cache reload. * A little cleanup of dist tarball: removed unused files menu-cache.h and new upstream version 0.6.0 * Fixed few GLIB compatibility issues. * Changed default tarball format to XZ instead of GZIP. * Fixed build without --enable-gtk-doc. * Fixed crash on access root_dir with empty cache (no menu). * Allowed menu_cache_get_desktop_env_flag() accept colon-separated list in accordance to specification for the environment variable XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP. * The case if user deleted cache file is handled: it will be regenerated./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigcloud121 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f72e14e6d0c85c02e7b64426f1258e966d2479ae, stripped PRRRRRR RR:{_G>pU;utf-8a15a3552bf690ed129cf88afebf67b9085b84b0308d722a92c70f1a751222e59?7zXZ !t/_+e] cr$x#Hh9fd7ycX uo@$„8zIYY&JA8п@K!M 2ǘ`4{U\u>Y, Fυ@w]- tC-mE.ԻoxdN-;ϳ?չ66o oU %U'; FbaՈb1Pa2lհ` +݁cu¥+Q@Cs用J6 tM'f>IEXD 嬈Ȳ6s YǦ-kvYY5-Ws-/5ߦ`X8jhB>8[,%Bb+$XĔ"~DbHg5ES}6SR;IwBy(=h2U MyAZna%5FC>FfRsH He+g"Z0~αEV@݆`eBebkەRcwI٢Wa$R"nj&{'~s@څrZ@)w/7&X. a:90EntZe`dEvԓt9Uͅ^&dig D3UZNC)!z F7=@ /BQ:x37X~GI.?ۤ`)pgv站ANsS}v;%u70ש4n_3u 514ƚA)fܠ+D̳G7}ɟ/͍r6~Hz4Y"x1y$bcL*Se@=( o5~kЙZbW2o)Kȷmqce9C]*aHZ[ G$j4~00sUokXL(jE~ǣ\qb1<4F`5tʶȵ zGo>E+3=Az#H;v7 zZXI>oC=7 qenc2Ο `SO|6)>$IxqC@UˍbGQ1S㠈; T*p"mY2Kv(w4p-*/ :Gދ!u6Wv.|Fo 2P f^dr!{@A{ͧ$#N@}y2}➈vѡl\ЏJk厞PӜ|Q$Uœ;l3; ؙ49{21Y<|Mwh4M1YqqlX`j==IR|׺HY$ds8 4V]!3D@E x^~;^Ɂ!Lz7n`p33xRǦ1jmoam=:uZ8Ƭ]28@Trhu1P'kD뒌k}:)/C wKo}s#IasuqSk2YzCNӝky#1pU xߏ@ԕ%m?Wl#|Q₌vB´E mJgгʜ>s2̎CqN#Z,D/Z- ]dXVW Ѻ:ЍqMS Yx%ULt>Ը/e Qaa'bխVMekmm-?vC6),췝z~:}A1+UӰM 3gP WƅNZ͂"u;jy ɪ6䓅 ȁք:ƙtZבN`MApQ7'N5gip,P0D\3ox^x4a@<?5Q9# ̹uT_i{Ԟ:%DY]M9sEJ"Duk)"1r K*ZYyK| |(D>I9bn`4TEp6T0! #RiE.(DRS_@(n԰/'ؾ.;f_N$4=:)UPkDa{hoeR޲Mu.,*ӏԜרJq¯^b&"$V_ |Y +>@,s~\0{grfۃwꍖ v#=C\k;rZgT/$\ˌG1JN|5*W*Ջ|]#%ݓR#;Mk ke7Fɮa* ^U>t%2 օMTatrd,!);-q鍡DSXu[H`?&L ឬLGBS֥6s{¶Q7}~Up$mCģn[28sLkUJc +vxk)܌;w_J5g2P_J{_ܘmֈLp;0Jv}8&Ë%DA!oQ5=hÔ7=@_+_Y1+((9(FOLʯlp{w%8|/KG⺀ܲп 7%VL?k`e#b`I?8zsQZsm$cD qpr83|S2g9tB+Gͨ1P{Tӳ$KN0+ߵl\TN%Nۯ. 5T}x)/Zd"v }P,G$ `pJI !Zΐ;pMJCL/ 'g/T}:tm|Ti:(jٳ꯲8 tijnk\쒿W9q|{naYmm${ QP,'}GX aJ-]LzA t4 p>Qrp2*!xCvĄճVj0jEL_eD:*S>݃NcAuwlzp/?pjIT^U3&{Z 1J unk23D]y#8f@MA2´XnWw 7`fy*@D)M>A*"#rHA}b#_3 :VP5wO^U]|D^0eCʡeDt;7ico K^fPe>q7{= WIa!rM3n$  mG3kO)&!3{#z`6Bmcߘ% 0/|7Z+WYu=v;Ɔo~\; @iòN9WR`$C*ܲ޸i{c+6wYkӢ7v)4ϑig}عp'eQ'KiS3%r1&(;$bgCs8MDeʂ5آgғu 7:zQʈTTT~F&8dƶgUTzՑ"#\#0I 8\xip$XHX ||jT10 lR3Q"h?IL#.-煹1WW"{fkqS e8<%+sуH\ed<g˝ݵ|6kwBJ&DLrq"^0? 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