libpoppler-glib-devel-23.01.0-150500.1.2 >  A cѝbp9|NW qADlxJ&ϖ&ɑv6ڜkk=GX[| Gi̻4Ģ\3+!W,1@Ƥ{}w|({< gwWJq4R7d)\rdykkq6>9|}Y 9"Н{5Y$$鼣}vTKL6jʈ.@z`x22 yl*l_ead4bf169794d9432a35b8048ac06552d1ddd348eb0e3efdb0d94068d2940e1a09c4df9654cb18fac0b2d794825429e94e1c5d18cѝbp9|2oƠy;BMzr}fSakY}c5-> aYy6D+bJ )`xy?ZLL+xz0`c[P[\`nL Εɿ6%>R>aU_- Tqf#u^݄mF08 5*_W/~)xq{M7Eg)Rִ|d|n;fezv蔇və⨾QB1{AoZ)a?ТR錢X6xj#>p>M\?MLd  + b *G ]}GG VG G G GG GG#GG D 4 (z8l94l:'zlF= G= GH><GI?XGX?Y?\?G]@G^FibG cGdH eHfHlHuH(GvID wJGxKGyLzLLMMMHClibpoppler-glib-devel23.01.0150500.1.2Development files for the Poppler Glib wrapper libraryPoppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.cѝs390zp31#SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only and C++https://poppler.freedesktop.orglinuxs390x/<T# 'W * 83A%, h-u `;/. 9?  - RE XT\'%, 5mbH#%u-VvA큤A큤cѝc{qc{qc{qc{qc{qcѝXcќc{qc{qcќc{qc{qc{qc{qc{qcѝcќcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝcѝ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 @ @ @    /usr/bin/pkg-configlibpoppler-glib8pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(poppler)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)typelib-1_0-Poppler-0_1823."@c< @c@bbޅbҨ@bbbv_@b^@b aq@a@a@a@aV@aQ@au``@`7@`@`i@`T@`M`%@_@_ _ǁ_ _@^^א^^^^r @^\@^[^@]߶]{@]z@]z@]@]t@]_@]D%]@\.@\`@\@Zľ@Z5 Z-!ZfYdYdY@Y4YYYK@Y=0Y$$@Y!@XӸXX~@XS@X2WWWE@WPWf@We7WBW'A@WVVŲ@V@Vs@VKVU@UUb@UXU 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Add patch to reduce the boost dependencies (which isn't really needed) so we can build poppler 23.01.0 in SLE-15-SP4/SP5: * reduce-boost-required-version.patch- update to 23.01.0: core: * PDFDoc::sign: Fix crash if font can't be found * PDFDoc::sign: Try Arial to sign if Helvetica isn't found * FoFiType1::parse: Be more flexible parsing the encoding content. Issue #1324 * Gfx::opBeginMarkedContent: Support Span with Name. Issue #1327 * Splash: Avoid color issues due to implicit rounding * Splash: Fix crash on malformed file. * CairoOutputDev: Ignore text rendering mode for type3 fonts * Remove unused FoFiType1::load function build system: * Increase minimum required versions of several dependencies * Improve include path handling qt6: * Use less deprecated functions- Configure $CXX to the correct compiler version on codestreams that have gcc12, such as SLE-15-SP5. [bsc#1206019]- The development compiler in SLE 15 has been updated to gcc12 via maintenance update. Therefore adjusting the compiler version for SLE 15 in the spec file, to not build with gcc11 anymore. This resolves bsc#1206019.- update to 22.12.0: core: * Form::addFontToDefaultResources: Be stubborn in finding a font we can use. Issue #1272- update to 22.11.0: core: * CairoOutputDev: Update font after restore * Protect against broken files * Small code refactoring- update to 22.10.0: * SplashOutputDev::tilingPatternFill: Properly restore CTM on failure. * Protect against malformed files * Refactor code to not use strndup * Other small code refactoring utils: * pdftoppm: Avoid round-off errors when determining raster dimensions * pdftocairo: Avoid round-off errors when determining raster dimensions * pdftotext: Simplify memory handling qt: * Take into account flagNoView when getting/setting the visible status. KDE bug #456313- update to 22.09.0 (CVE-2022-38784): * Splash: Do not truncate line dash patterns with more than 20 entries. Issue #1281 * Various signature related improvements * Fix FormField::getFullyQualifiedName in some scenarios * Splash: Small optimization on dash pattern handling * JBIG2Stream::readHalftoneRegionSeg: Fix potential memory leak * Fix crashes on malformed files. Including CVE-2022-38784 * Fix string formatting in error reporting * Fix two potential memory leaks in poppler_document_create_dests_tree * pdfsig: List signature field names when listing signature information * pdfsig: Add support for specifying signature by field name * pdfunite: Fix crashes on malformed files * pdfunite: Fix potential memory leak of docs - Bump soname following upstreams changes.- update to 22.08.0: * Fix rendering text on some forms * CairoOutputDev: Support Type3 charprocs having Resources * Fix crashes on malformed files- update to 22.07.0: * Fix crash when filling in forms in some files. Issue #1258 * Fix first lines of Annotations sometimes being cut off. Issue #1246 * Signatures: Don't crash if the signature doesn't have a common name * CairoFontEngine: increment font_face reference when retrieving from the cache * Add ToUnicode support for lessorequalslant and greaterorequalslant glib: * Add support for stamp annotation - add gpg keyring validation for the release tarball - drop da226d346e691f7545d995d6761d43e08855a3b7.patch (upstream)- Add da226d346e691f7545d995d6761d43e08855a3b7.patch -- CairoFontEnginer: increment font_face reference when retrieving from the cache; this fixes crashes with certain pdfs [glgo#GNOME/evince#1808, glfo#poppler/poppler#1212].- update to 22.06.0: core: * Forms: Fix crash in forms with their own DR * Refactor CairoFontEngine caching * CairoOutputDev: preserve text color when drawing type 3 glyphs * Windows: font code simplification * Minor code improvements * pdfattach: Assume filename is utf8 encoded * pdftohtml: Fix type 3 font size calculation - drop poppler-cairo_font_face_t-incorrect-cacheing.patch (upstream)- Add poppler-cairo_font_face_t-incorrect-cacheing.patch -- Fix missing symbols after reloading some pdf files; patch taken from upstream merge request [glfo#poppler/poppler#1247].- update to 22.05.0: * Annotations: Make sure we embed fonts for the FreeText annots * Forms: Make sure we embedd fonts as needed * Signatures: Make sure we embed the needed fonts * CairoOutputDev: color type 3 fonts * fix two bugs in multiline find_text() * code improvements * pdftotext: added TSV mode * HtmlOutputDev: don't use png.h * Use time_t for time * Add page_transition::durationReal * Pass leftFontSize down to `FormWidgetSignature::signDocumentWithAppearence`- update to 22.04.0: * Fix underline sometimes being drawn only partially * Fix Adobe Reader not reading some of the contents we write correctly * Fix code that workarounds some broken-ish files * FoFiTrueType: Parse CFF2 fonts too * FoFiTrueType: Support cmap types 2 and 13 * Fix a few small memory leaks * code improvements qt: * Handle SaveAs named action * Annotations: don't change the text color when changing the font utils: * pdftotext: print creation and modification date when using htmlmeta param glib: * Fix returning internal data of temporary strings cpp: * Fix code incompatibility with MSVC build system: * poppler internal library is no longer forced to static on MSVC * Error out if iconv is not available and the cpp frontend is enabled * Require FreeType 2.8- Update to version 22.03.0: + core: - Signature: . Fix finding Signatures that are in Pages not not in the global the Forms object . Improve getting the path to the firefox certificate database - Splash: Fix rendering of some joints. - Fix get_poppler_localdir for relocatable Windows builds - Minor code improvements + qt: Minor code improvements + utils: pdfimages: Fix the wrong Stream being passed for drawMaskedImage + build system: Small code improvements - Changes from version 22.02.0: + core: - Signature: . Add a way to detect unsigned FormFieldSignature . Suport background image when using left and right text . Fix path where to search for Firefox NSS in Windows . Fix NSS code to work correctly in Windows/Android - Count only signature fields in PDFDoc::getNumSignatureFields - Minor code improvements + qt: - Allow signing unsigned signature fields - Allow passing a background image for the signature when signing - Allow passing the document password when signing - Fix leftFontSize being ignored when signing + glib: - Try with utf8 password if latin1 fails - New method for getting all signature fields of a document - Fix compile with MSVC + utils: pdfsig: Fix compile with MSVC + build system: Fix NSS cmake check for MSVC - Bump poppler sover following upstream changes.- Update to 22.01.0: core: * Allow local (relative to dll) fonts dir on Windows * TextOutputDev: require more spacing between columns. Issue #1093 * Fix crash in Splash::gouraudTriangleShadedFill. Issue #1183 * Fix crash when calling Form::reset() * GfxSeparationColorSpace: Check validity of colorspace and function. Issue #1184 * Minor code improvements glib: * Include glib.h before using defines from it * Close file descriptors on error * Plug some memory leaks * Replace use of deprecated g_memdup/g_time_zone_new * Remove FD-taking functions on windows utils: * pdfsig: Add support for documents with passwords * pdfsig: Fix signing with -sign if nss password is needed- Use gcc11 when building in SLE/Leap since a Qt6 header file includes which was still experimental in gcc7.- update to 21.12.0: * Add API to add images * CairoOutputDev: Fix de-duping of Flate images * Fix crash on broken files when using non-default ENABLE_ZLIB_UNCOMPRESS. Issue #393 * Minor code improvements * Add API for validation of signatures * Add API to read/save to file descriptor * pdftohtml: Reduce sensitivity of duplicate detection. Issue #1117 * Increase C++ standard to 17- Update to 21.11.0: core: * Fix rendering of some non-standard confirming annotations * Support rendering of some non-standard Type3 charprocs * TextOutputDev: Respect orientation when selecting words * CairoOutputDev: Don't override the antialias settings from the cairo_t * StructElement: support MCID in XObjects * Fix detection of monospace fonts * Ignore Adobe-Identity for non embedded CID fonts * PageLabelInfo::labelToIndex: work on some special no style intervals * Fix crash in malformed files * Minor code improvements utils: * pdfinfo: add -url option to print all URLs in a PDF * pdftohtml: document what zoom means in regard to DPI qt6: * Require Qt 6.1 * Minor code improvements- Update to 21.10.0: core: * Add support for setting custom stamp annotations * Add default appearance for the well known stamp names * Correct encoding of signature's properties Reason & Location * Splash: Fix rendering of some odd patterns * SignatureHandler::validateCertificate: Add option to not do OCSP revocation check * SignatureHandler::validateCertificate: Add support for AIA fetching to verify certificates * greallocn: if memory allocation fails, free the previous pointer to avoid memory leak * Fix issues with malformed files utils: * pdfsig: Add a way to list certificate nicknames * pdfsig: You can now add signatures from pdfsig * pdfsig: Add option to not do OCSP revocation check * pdfsig: Add option for AIA fetching to verify certificates * pdfinfo: Add -custom option to print custom metadata * pdfinfo: add metadata flags qt: * Add support for setting custom stamp annotations * Add getters for signature's properties Reason & Location glib: * Remove incorrect PopplerAttachment deprecation- Update to 21.09.0: core: * Splash: Massive speed improvement on files that use lots of save/restore (q/Q) operators * Correct decoding of signature properties Reason & Location when they are Unicode * Fix issues with malformed files- Update to 21.08.0: core: * Add API to allow addition and modification of outlines into a PDF * Use additional samples to test for constant parts of an axial gradient * forms: Create fallback fonts for some well known font names * Support reading the PDF Version from the Catalog * Fix XRef::copy when there are modified objects * Take into account that Date string may be in unicode * JBIG2Stream: Fix regression in "Do not consider a size-0 to be an error" * Replace a local bubble sort implementation by std::sort * Fix issues with malformed files build system: * Better error message when libjpeg is not found * Better error messages when libopenjpeg2 is not found qt5/qt6: * Document that a document has to outlive its pages * Make getPdfVersion return a dedicated version object glib: * mimick TextSelectionDumper logic change for spaceAfter- update to 21.07.0: core: * JBIG2Stream: Do not consider a size-0 to be an error. Issue #535 * PSOutputDev: fix off-by-one error for image masking in L1/L2 output. Issue #1088 * CairoOutputDev: Fix memory leak on broken files * Minor code improvements build system: * set C standard to 11 without extensions- Update to 21.06.1: core: * Fix rendering of some extended latin1 characters in annotations. Issue #1070 * Support some not so well formed documents with password. Issue #1083 * Add API to get notified if the xref is reconstructed * Add somewhat fancier left/right signature visual representation * Fix crashes in malformed files * Minor code improvements qt6: * Change some functions to return std::unique_ptr qt5/qt6: * Add API to get notified if the xref is reconstructed * Add somewhat fancier left/right signature visual representation * Don't assert when trying to invert singular matrices build system: * make boost opt-out if building splash glib: * fix poppler_rectangle_free() regression. Issue #1087- Update to 21.05.0: core: * Fix crashes in malformed files * Export SplashFont* symbols used by Scribus * Minor code improvements glib: * Enhance find to support multi-line matching qt5/qt6: * Make sure new signatures are always properly oriented * Allow to pass the border width when signing utils: * pdftoppm: Fix regression when using single scaleTo. - Drop Export-SplashFont-symbols-used-by-Scribus.patch as the change was upstreamed- Add Export-SplashFont-symbols-used-by-Scribus.patch to fix scribus' PDF import plugin- update to 21.04.0 core: * Hide symbols by default * TextSelectionDumper: fix word order for RTL text * Fix rendering of text in some files. Issue #1052 * Implement rendering of Masks of Image subtype. Issue #1058 * Forms: fix unclicking standalone form buttons. Issue #1034 glib: * Expose more fields from MediaRendition in PopplerMedia * Use stock glib macro to define boxed type * Remove incorrecly used volatile from enum type registration code qt5: * Fix crash in files with malformed signatures * Fix memory leak when QImage constructor "fails" qt6: * Fix crash in files with malformed signatures * Fix memory leak when QImage constructor "fails" utils: * pdfsig: New paragraph for "-sign" in manpage * pdfimages: Do not assert in "too big images". Issue #1061- Add a Qt6 flavor to poppler- update to 21.03.0: core: * Fix parsing text in some broken pdf files. Issue #1040 * Fix memory issue when using threads. Issue #1050 * TextSelectionDumper: Fix getText() for space after word * Change signature of OutputDev:tilingPatternFill * Make PDFDocBuilder return a std::unique_ptr * Improve well formed check for shading functions * Fix leak in case of fread failing * Fix memory leak in broken file in JBIG2Stream::readGenericBitmap * PSOutputDev: Fix stack overflow in broken files glib: * poppler_annot_free_text_get_callout_line: Fix wrong static cast * poppler-structure-element: fix memleak * Improve documentation * demo: keep same visual appearance between displayed and copied text utils: * pdftotext: Add -cropbox option * pdftoppm: Add -progress option * pdftoppm: Fix rounding bug in computation of output bitmap size. Issue #927 qt6: * Add missing poppler-qt6.pc.cmake- Update to 21.02.0: + core: - GfxCal*ColorSpace: introduce Bradford transform for chromatic adaptation - Fix memory leak if saving the file fails - Internal code improvements - Fix various issues handling broken files - Make checkedAdd work for long long in MSVC + qt5: - Properly export NewSignatureData class - Fix regression in QIODeviceOutStream + MSVC + qt6: - Properly export NewSignatureData class - Fix regression in QIODeviceOutStream + MSVC + utils: - pdftohtml: Fix error() parameter type- Update to 21.01.0: + core: - Faster routines for jpeg decoding - Fix reading signatures in encrypted files - Add white point correction when lcms is used - JBIG2Stream: Fix byte counting - Fix potential data loss if we try to fetch a non existing Ref after modifying the document - Specifically use DeviceGray instead of DefaultGray for softmasks - Fix various issues handling broken files (including bsc#1181551, glfo#poppler/poppler#1014) + utils: - pdftocairo: Setmode binary for windows - pdfsig: Add hability to digitally sign files - pdftoppm: add options to set DeviceGray/DeviceRGB/DeviceCMYK - pdftops: add options to set DeviceGray/DeviceRGB/DeviceCMYK - pdfimages: Account for rotation in PPI calculation + qt5 and qt6: - Add hability to digitally sign files- Update to version 20.12.1: + core: - PSOutputDev: fixing regression in the rasterization code. - Add missing profile copy operation in GfxICCBasedColorSpace::copy() - Fix issue in broken files. + build system: Use modern CMake linking for Qt and boost.- Update to 20.12.0: + core: - Draw better circles for circle annotations - Fix annotation line width if no appearance stream or style are given - Tweak rendering of highlight annotations - Fix border rendering of some annotations - Fix rendering of some files - PSOutputDev: . provide options to set the rasterization color space and ICC profile . for splashModeCMYK8 and language level >=2 activate overprint emulation . use the DeviceN8 bitmap for rasterization with CMYK-output + overprint - Use the font name without subset tag when querying for a system font - Splash: Fix wrong x adjustment during clipping - Splash: Fix blitImage in uncolored tiling patterns - timeToDateString: We forgot the ' after the minutes - Move psLevel to PSOutputDev creation - Fix several issues in broken files + utils: - pdftops: . provide options to set the rasterization color space and ICC profile . for splashModeCMYK8 and language level >=2 activate overprint emulation- Use the correct, upstream provided tarball.- update to version 20.10.0: + core: - Filter out repeated forms. - Implement EmbedStream::reset(). - CairoOutputDev: evict just font faces owned solely by cache. - Splash: Rename Yd to Ydown, Xu to Xup, etc. - Splash: fix crash in out-of-memory situation. - Fix some undefined behaviour situation with forged files. - Compability fix for Forms. - Fix fetching of Objects failing in some cases. - Fix clearing date in Annot setModified/setDate. - TextSelectionPainter: support glyphless fonts. - Splash: Don't try read past end of image. - avoid abort() on large memory allocation. - Fix memory leak on broken files. - Fix potential invalid memory read. - Small code improvements. - Sub-page objects: initialize clip max values considering the render resolution. - Splash: Set initial line width to 1. - Fix stack overflow with specially crafted files. - GfxShading: Simplify holding the Function. - Splash: Fix x86 + windows asm build. - Fix regression on PS conversion.. Regression only happened on applications that are locale enabled i.e. Okular but not pdftops, when using a quite new lcms and the user locale uses , as decimal separator instead of . - Add UTF16LE support to TextStringToUCS4, even if the standard clearly says it should be UTF16BE + qt5: - Document TextAnnotation::inplaceAlign. - Make Annotation::setModification/CreationDate work on existing annots. - Be a bit more stubborn converting dates that come from xml. - Clean as many null characters from the end as possible when converting strings. - Deprecate Document::toc. - Deprecate AnnotationUtils. + glib: - Add accessor functions for PopplerAttachment. - Deprecate PopplerAttachment GTime fields. - Deprecate PopplerDocument date properties. + utils: - pdftoppm: report error and exit if output file cannot be written. - Document that PDF-file can be '-' to read it from stdin. + build system: - cmake: Modern way to link against libpng, zlib and libtiff. - cmake: Remove stray support for lcms1 in pdftocairo. + qt6: - Add work in progress qt6 port.- update to version 0.90.0 + core: - Color profile tweaks - Small signature improvements - BBoxOutputDev: Fix calculation when type3 fonts are involved - Fix potential crash when reading Forms - Fix infinite loop in broken file + glib: - Fix adding annots in rotated pages - Add ability to reset forms - Several fixes to the documentation + qt5: - Make it clear we require Qt 5.5 - demo: Fix crash on broken files - Small documentation improvements + utils: - pdftoppm: Add option to set display profile - pdftops: Add a -rasterize option with values always, never, or whenneeded + build system: - Require cmake 3.5 - More modern cmake way to link against curl - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- update to version 0.89.0 + core: - Add support for ResetForm action - Fix crash in PDFDoc::getSignatureFields when there's no Forms at all - Fix exporting to PS of some files with CID fonts - Use ICC profiles in PS output (if new enough lcms is used) - Allow almost-singular tiling pattern matrices - Fix memory leak when failing to load some fonts - CairoOutputDev: Use stroke opacity when clipping to a stroke path - CairoOutputDev: Fix tiling patterns when pattern cell is too far + glib: Add poppler_movie_get_aspect + cpp: Add the font infos to the text_box object - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.88.0: + core: - Support Widget Annotation Buttons not linked to any Form - SplashOuputDev: Use stroking opacity when clipping to a stroke path - Handle 1 bit RGB images in ICC colorspace - Internal code improvements + qt5: - Add Document::signatures. Returns signatures not attached to any page - ArthurOutputDev: . Fix font hinting . Set the opacity when filling with axial gradients . Implement the clipToStrokePath method . Use stroking opacity when clipping to a stroke path + glib: - Add poppler_page_get_bounding_box - Add poppler_form_field_get_alternate_ui_name - Implement rotation for 'flagNoRotate' annots + cpp: Add non_raw_non_physical layout for page::text() + utils: - pdftohtml: Fix noRoundedCoordinates->noroundcoord in man page - pdfsig: Show also signatures that aren't attached to any page - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.87.0: + core: - Fix crashes due to inconsistent vtables for Clang builds - Fix leak in broken files - Internal code improvements + qt5: - Add option to get form choice for export value - ArthurOutputDev: Avoid division by zero in updateLineDash + glib: Internal code improvements + utils: pdftohtml: Fix memory leak in HtmlOutputDev::getLinkDest - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Add pkgconfig(poppler-data) BuildRequires: New versions of poppler-data actually have a .pc file, and we check for it during build, so lets add this optional dependency. - Enable building of gtk-docs again.- Add missing devel package requires (bsc#1153146).- Update to version 0.86.1: + core: - Fix regression in Browse Link handling. - Internal code improvements. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.86.0: + core: - Fix link content exfiltration attack. - Splash: Implement gouraudTriangleShadedFill for some non parametrized shadings. - Fix case unsensitive search for Old Hungarian, Warang Citi, Medefaidrin and Adlam. - Internal code improvements. + glib: - Automatic handle of page's cropbox on annots. - Fix memory leak if poppler_document_new_from_file fails. - Minor speed optimization on poppler_page_get_annot_mapping. + utils: - pdfdetach: add 'savefile' option. - pdftoppm/pdftocairo: Fix more odd/even mismatch. + qt5: Fix loading from iodevice. - Changes from version 0.85.0: + core: - Fix case unsensitive search for Deseret and Osage. - Fix crash in unicodeToAscii7. - CairoOutputDev: make initialisation thread-safe. - Fix crash on broken files. - Internal code improvements. + qt5: - Fix FormField::name encoding. - Accept UTF-16 uiNames for form fields. - Fix search for "complex" characters. - Allow to load document from QIODevice. + utils: - pdftoppm/pdftocairo: Fix -e/-o printing the wrong pages. - pdftohtml: Fix issue with the font size sometimes being huge. + glib: make the frontend initialization thread safe. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.84.0: + core: - Fix crash when converting from Unicode to ASCII-7 - Splash::scaleImageYdXu: Protect against crash if srcWidth is too big - JBIG2Stream: . Fix potential crash in malformed documents . Fix leak in reset() if called several times - Internal code improvements + utils: - pdfimages: Add error message if first page is larger then number of pages - pdfinfo: Improved paper size recognition - pdfsig: Fix exit code when dumping signatures - pdftocairo: Error out when even/odd selects 0 pages - pdftohtml: Fix memory leak - pdftoppm: . Add an option to scale before rotate . Add -hide-annotations option . Error out when even/odd selects 0 pages - pdftops: Improve -optimizecolorspace + qt5: Code cleanups + glib: Fix compiler warnings - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.83.0: + core: - Improve when a file is recognized as Linearized. - Improve const-ness of the code. - Make code a bit more readable/maintanable. - Fix uninitialized memory uses in broken files. + utils: - pdffonts: Make code a bit more readable/maintanable. - pdftohtml: Make code a bit more readable/maintanable. + qt5: - Remove a bunch of unused internal functions. - trUtf8 -> tr (less warnings). + build system: make-glib-api-docs: switch to python3. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.82.0: + core: - Fix not being able to open some files. Issue #832 - Fix crashes in malformed files - Fix memory leak on broken files - Minor performance improvements - Minor code improvements + glib: - Add poppler_document_new_from_bytes - PopplerAttachment: Silence deprecation warnings for ctime/mtime + build system: - pdf-inspector: Support builddir != srcdir - Install Cairo* headers if Cairo has been found - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes. - Drop patches already included by upstream: + 0001-Include-SplashMath.h-only-where-needed.patch + 0002-Move-the-non-trivial-part-of-the-clip-test-to-the-im.patch- Avoid unconditional dependency on boost_headers when using the (private) splash headers. Depending on the used classes (e.g. SplashXPathScanner), the boost headers may still be needed, add + 0001-Include-SplashMath.h-only-where-needed.patch + 0002-Move-the-non-trivial-part-of-the-clip-test-to-the-im.patch- Define %cmake_build for Leap 15.0.- Update to version 0.81.0: + core: - Splash: Always enable support for CMYK rasterization. - CairoOutputDev: Check scaled dimensions for 0. - BaseCryptStream: Fix potential uninitialized memory read. - SplashBitmap: Fix wrong width condition for splashModeDeviceN8. - Fix crashes in malformed files. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Convert linked package to _multibuild - Cleanup spec file (remove defattr) - Add boost_headers to BuildRequires, speedup Splash backend- Update to version 0.80.0: + core: - Annotations: Implement support for setting a different text in the appearance stream than the real text. - Splash: Optionally use small_vector from boost. - Fix memory leaks on broken files. - Fix abort on broken files. - Small code simplifications. - Remove USE_FIXEDPOINT support. + qt5: - Fix MSVC build. - Add subsitute-font information. - Fix since marker of some functions. - Fix leak when aborting text extraction. - Small code simplifications. + glib: - Make print scaling getter visible. - Make Duplex/NumCopies/PrintPageRange preference available in API. - Implement Movie API. + utils: pdftotext: Add -nodiag flag to remove diagonal text on output. + build system: Mark external lib include dirs as SYSTEM. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes. - Use cmake_build macro.- Update to version 0.79.0: + core: - Fix regression on TextSelectionPainter. - Fix parsing of DefaultAppearance. - Fix memory leak in PostScriptFunction. - Fix crashes in fuzzed files. + qt5: - Implemented support for setIcon by changing appearance. - Added option to set the form available to print. - QString::null is deprecated, use QString(). - Replace deprecated qStableSort with std::stable_sort. + build system: Turn README into and expand it.- Update to version 0.78.0: + core: - Fix line annotation arrows for usage in dimensioning. - Handle Ink annots without an InkList but with an AP. - Fix typos preventing parsing of Movie start and duration. - Fix crash on malformed files. + glib: - Add poppler_document_create_dests_tree(). - Don't use the deprecated g_type_class_add_private(). - Document the differences between render() and render_for_printing(). - Fix introspection for poppler_document_new_from_data. - Don't create PopplerInputStream with length 0. - Document G_IO_ERROR as a possible error condition. - Docs: Add index for API new in 0.78. + build system: - Fixes cross compilation of gir in Void Linux. - Add -Wshadow to the default warning flags. - Install pkg-config pc files if pkg-config is found. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.77.0: + core: - Fix crash on signature handling. Issue #766 - Fix small memory leak in SignatureHandler::getCertificateInfo - Splash: Restrict filling of overlapping boxes. Issue #750 - Fix crash on malformed files + qt5: Fix optional content handling with exclusive layers + cpp: Make render_page thread-safe + utils: - pdfsig: Fix small memory leak - pdftotext: Fix typo in manpage - Changes from version 0.76.1: + core: - Make the mul tables be calculated at compile time with constexpr. - splash: Fix compile with SPLASH_CMYK enabled - Some typo fixing in error messages + qt5: Fix regression in annotation handling + build system: Fix some typos in build system output and comments - Changes from version 0.76.0: + core: - Fix regression on case-insensitive search. Issue #743 - Remove GooList, use std::vector instead - Fix radiobutton reporting wrong state. Issue #159 - Handle UTF16-LE strings - Don't error out if there's no DA in FreeText annotation - cairo: . Compute correct coverage values for box filter. . Constrain number of cycles in rescale filter. - Read more fields from ViewerPreferences . Introduce and use Ref::INVALID . Fix crashes in broken files . Fix mismatched free/delete . Add missing include guards + utils: pdftohtml: Properly initialize HtmlOutputDev::page to avoid SIGSEGV upon error exit. - Changes from version 0.75.0: + core: - Fix rendering of some annotations - Fix crashes in broken files - Small internal code improvements + cpp: - Improve documentation - tests: Add showing version information to poppler-dump + utils: - pdfattach: new util - pdftohtml: add -dataurls parameter - pdftoppm: add -sep and -forcenum parameters - pdftohtml: make singleHtml and stout not mutually exclusive - pdfsig: fix use after free - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.74.0: + core: - Remove support for obsolete systems. - Include timezone in timeToDateString(). - Fix/silence some warnings. - Fix issues with broken files. + build system: - Fix linking in FreeBSD. - Fix fseeko configure check on Android for API level < 24. - Remove unused MacroPushRequiredVars.cmake. + qt5: - Add API that lazily builds an outline by wrapping the internal objects. - Demo: Use new API to build Table Of Contents lazily. + glib: - Improve documentation. - Fix cast from 'GTime *' (aka 'int *') to 'time_t *' (aka 'long *'). + utils: pdfsig: add -nssdir option. + cpp: Add a way to get all the named destinations in a document. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.73.0: + core: - Fix regression reading some encrypted files. - Add X509CertificateInfo classes. - Add new 'IgnoreDiacritics' option to ::findText(). - Open files with CLOEXEC flag set. - Remove Gulong, Guint, Gushort, Guchar typedefs. - Fix handling of some broken files. + qt5: - Expose X509CertificateInfo. - Add the possibility of getting version. - Add new 'IgnoreDiacritics' search flag. - Make initialization of globalParams threadsafe. - ArthurOutputDev: Remove all Splash code usage. + cpp: - Make initialization of globalParams threadsafe. - Fix page::text_list encoding issue. - Improve handling of UTF-16 by considering Endianess. - Add API to specify a custom data directory. + glib: - add new 'POPPLER_FIND_IGNORE_DIACRITICS' find flag. - Fix named destinations. - Make PrintScaling preference available in API. + build system: - Rename ENABLE_XPDF_HEADERS to ENABLE_UNSTABLE_API_ABI_HEADERS. - support enabling NSS on mingw. - Windows: only set SOVERSION for shared libs. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes. - Pass ENABLE_UNSTABLE_API_ABI_HEADERS=on to cmake, replacing ENABLE_XPDF_HEADERS=on we had before.- Update to version 0.72.0: + core: - Fix checkbox lacking AP not being able to change state. - Draw line annotation endings (arrow, circle, ...). - cairo: Don't use UNIQUE_ID for PS output, to avoid using PS memory on cairo >= 1.5.10. - Be more stubborn looking for a nssdb. - GooString::fromInt: Repair the return value. - Minor performance improvements. - Avoid cycles in PDF parsing. - Stream::makeFilter: Fix memory leak. - Fix various issues with malformed files. - Rename GooString::getCString to GooString::c_str. - Regenerate UnicodeDecompTables.h from python 3.7.1. + utils: - pdfdetach: Check for valid embedded file before trying to save it. - pdfdetach: Check for valid file name of embedded file before using it to determine save path. - Fix typos in utils. + glib: - Fix missing PopplerAttachment destructor call. - Support getting form widget additional actions. - docs: Small improvements. + qt5: Internally compile with -DQT_NO_SIGNALS_SLOTS_KEYWORDS. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.71.0: + core: - Replace the implementation of GooString by std::string but keep the exact interface intact. - Replace GBool, gTrue, and gFalse by bool, true, false, resp. - Splash: Fix crash if document is malformed (too wide). + qt5: - Fix crash when adding Highlight Annotations. - Default to hidden symbols. - Fix two leaks in a test. + glib: - demo: Fix build on Windows. - demo: Align property labels to top of cell. + cpp: Fix typos in documentation. + build system: - Enable searching for GTK on Windows - Remove unused files - Add fuzzer target from oss-fuzz project - Changes from version 0.70.1: + glib: Install missing file. - Changes from version 0.70.0: + core: - FreeText annotations: default to font from default appearance string. - Splash: Speed improvements. - Fix security issues found by oss-fuzz. - Improve page lable parsing. - Use std some std classes instead of self grown ones. - Various internal improvements. + glib: - Fix crash on missing embedded file. - Add support for PDF subtype property. - Only export symbols in the public API. + qt5: - Add Page::index() method. - Improve method to get the page from a label string. + utils: pdftohtml: Improve font handling. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.69.0: + core: - Add annotation font color - Splash: Some speed improvements - PSOutputDev: add native support for type 7 shadings when using level 3 - Add support for PDF subtype property - Link: Fix memory leak regarding next actions - Fix handling of Signature Info Location and Reason - Fix errors in computation of type3 glyphs transformation matrix - Reimplement Dict class in a more modern way - Fix security issues found by oss-fuzz - Fix memory issues in GfxImageColorMap copy ctor - Don't abort if the SampleFunction has too many samples. Issue glfdo#poppler/poppler#634 - Document the OutputDev::clip and OutputDev::oeClip methods - Fix macOS compilation due to boolean define in jpeglib - Split GDir and GDirEntry out of gfile.h. Issue glfdo#poppler/poppler#370 + qt5: - Add annotation font color + utils: - pdfinfo: Show PDF subtype - pdftotext: Fix only outputs first page content with - bbox-layout option. Issue glfdo#poppler/poppler#88 - pdftotext: Fix memory leak in printLine + build system - Require C++14- Update to version 0.68.0: + core: - Add Reason and Location to SignatureInfo (fdo#107299). - Fix memory misuse on signature handling - Fix security issues found by oss-fuzz - Don't give a warning when Marked value is false (fdo#107430). + qt5: Add Reason and Location to SignatureInfo (fdo#107299). + cpp: - Add rotation() to text_box (fdo#106562). - Fix build with MSVC + utils: - pdftoppm: Add -jpegopt optimize option support - pdftocairo: Add -jpegopt optimize option support - pdftohtml: . Add option to not round coordinates . Fix possible crash (fdo#107316). + build system: - Use OpenJpeg cmake config file instead of pkgconfig - Remove wchar_t- on MSVC - Changes from version 0.67.0: + core: - Fix lots of security/leak issues found by oss-fuzz - Splash: . Optimize some files, making them 20% faster . Correctly manipulate spot colors if SPOT_NCOMPS != 4 - Fix compilation with some strict compilers. - Bump poppler_sover following upstream changes. - Add openjpeg2 BuildRequires: New dependency.- Update to version 0.66.0: + core: - Fix lots of security/leak issues found by oss-fuzz - Splash: Optimize some files, making them 20% faster - Splash: Correctly manipulate spot colors if SPOT_NCOMPS != 4 - Fix compilation with some strict compilers - Changes from version 0.65.0: + core: - SplashOutputDev: Add the invisible character check beginType3Char. (fdo#106244) - XRef: Fix runtime undefined behaviour. (fdo#105970) - Fix issues with malformed documents. (fdo#104942), (fdo#103238) - Remove GooHash after replacing it by std::unordered_map - Add conversion methods between GooString and std::string. + cpp: - Add newline after error message - Expose more image modes, add option to select mode in renderer. (fdo#105558) + build system: - Fix compilation with libc++ - Small improvement to FindLIBOPENJPEG2.cmake + qt5: - Add widget annot actions to FormFields + utils: - pdffonts: Minor formatting changes in the man page. (fdo#105194) - Changes from version 0.64.0: + core: - Workaround form field text not being drawn on broken files. (fdo#103245) - Add read only setter for form fields - Add support for Link Hide action - Add support for Next actions in Links - Fix parsing of Annot focus out actions - Fix PDFDoc::checkHeader() for PDFs smaller than 1 KiB. (fdo#105674) - Add const to several classes and members - gfile: Fix build on some platforms - Fix issues with on malformed documents. (fdo#105972), (fdo#105969), (fdo#106059), (fdo#106061) - Several small code improvements + qt5: - Allow setting of Form visibility status - Allow setting of Form read only status - Add support for Link Hide action - Add support for Next actions in Links - ArthurOutputDev: Implement axialShadedFill - ArthurOutputDev: Implement drawImageMask. (fdo#105531) - ArthurOutputDev: Implement Type3 font support + utils: - pdfsig: Add -dump which writes signatures to disk (fdo#104881) + glib: - less deprecated calls + build system: - bring back the option to disable GObject introspection - Add iconv include dir when compiling - Make it possible to build poppler without fontconfig. Default for Android. - Bump soversion and data_version to 77 and 0.4.9 respectively.- Update to version 0.63.0: + Core: - CairoOutputDev: support embedding CCITT image data. (fdo#103399) - CairoOutputDev: limit image size when printing. (fdo#103399) - CairoOutputDev: use GOOD instead of BEST as the default cairo filter for scaling. (fdo#103136) - Error out on save if file has changed since we opened it. (fdo#103793) - PDFDoc: use %c instead of \x to output binary. (fdo#103873) - Fix index out of bounds undefined behaviour in PSTokenizer. (fdo#103583) - Fix opening files with OutlineItem loops. (fdo#102914) - Fix some bugs in StructTreeRoot parsing of parent tree. (fdo#103912) - Remove error for wrong child type for tagged pdf. (fdo#103587) - FoFiTrueType::readPostTable() from xpdf 4.00. (fdo#102880) - GfxFontDict: merge reference generation from xpdf 4.00. (fdo#104565) - Reset lastAbortCheck on updateLevel reset - PDFDoc::setup: Fail early if base stream length is 0. (fdo#103552) - Check curStr is actually a Stream before doing Stream operations. (fdo#104518) - Fix new Object API porting bug. (fdo#104517) - Check return code of getChar(), abort reading on error. (fdo#104502) - TextPage: Add horizontal scaling to font matrix. (fdo#105259) - Fix EmbedStream replay. (fdo#103446) - Fix memory leak on error condition - Fix assert on malformed documents. (fdo#104354) - Fix abort in Gfx::opBeginMarkedContent if args[1] is not a name. (fdo#104468) - GfxGouraudTriangleShading::parse: Don't abort on malformed documents. (fdo#104567) - GfxFunctionShading::parse: Fix abort in malformed document. (fdo#104581) - Remove the extern C from glib.h. (fdo#103621) - Don't let ArthurOutputDev be friend of SplashPath anymore - Fix undefined sanitizer warning about qsort - Form.h: include time.h for time_t - Various code improvements + Qt5: - Add cancellation support to renderToImage and textList - Do not assume all Screen annotation actions are Renditions. (kde#388175) - qt5: Implement operator= for PageTransition - ArthurOutputDev: 'clip' should intersect new and old clipping path - ArthurOutputDev: Implement updateBlendMode - ArthurOutputDev: Replace the QPainter by a stack of QPainters - ArthurOutputDev: Rudimentary support for transparency groups - Remove stale libcms1 code. (fdo#104358) - demo: don't crash if page is malformed - Fix warnings due to the use of deprecated overloads of Poppler::Page::Search in tests. + Utils: - pdfimages: Fix for files with flate encoded inline images. (fdo#103446) - pdftocairo: Remove stale libcms1 code. (fdo#104358) - pdfimages: Fix build without libtiff and libpng - pdfseparate: Fix buffer size warning due to missing space for null terminator + Build System: - Enable building all libs as static libs - Enable no-missing-field-initializers - Remove unused FindLIBOPENJPEG.cmake - Add "--owner root:0 --group root:0" options to tar command in dist target. (fdo#104398) - Add python3 support to - Make it work with newer gtk-doc. (fdo#105075) + Cpp: - Add page::text_list- make introspection scanner (g-ir-scanner) work with older build envs- Update to version 0.62.0: + Core: - Stop supporting lcms1 and openjpeg1. - Open files that state 8 bits as third field of W (fdo#103469). - GfxLabColorSpace::parse: fix crash in broken documents (fdo#103582). - Fixes: leak if parseDA fails. And UTF test fail. - Include glibc.h where needed. - Document the meaning of the 'type' integer of a shading. - INSTALL: add debug options. + Qt5: add API to let the rendering process callback to get a partial rendering (fdo#103372). + Qt4: remove the Qt4 frontend. + Utils: - Support unicode on windows console. - pdfsig: install man page. - sort encoding list. + Glib: demo: fix warning. - Remove Qt4 poppler package following upstream change. - Drop conditional use of openjpeg-devel BuildRequires and mainly use pkgconfig(libopenjp2) instead, following upstream change. - Drop Provides/Obsoletes meant for pristine openSUSE 10.3, 11.1/(SLE 11) and 11.4 releases.- Update to version 0.61.1: + Core: CairoOutputDev: don't overflow y * stride when accessing image data. + Build system: - Fix incorrect paths in .pc files (fdo#103578). - add the custom buildtests target only once (fdo#103003). - Changes from version 0.61.0: + Core: - Fix crashes in broken files. - Cleanup unused functions from GlobalParams. - Tweak LZWStream::processNextCode error handling (fdo#103174). - Warning fixes. - Remove t1lib code. + Qt5: - Clean up the remaining Splash code in Arthur backend (fdo#103117). - ArthurOutputDev: Properly implement saveState/restoreState (fdo#103118). - Fix leak in ArthurOutputDev::updateFont (fdo#103508). + Build system: - Use GNUInstallDirs (fdo#103211). - Fix installing a .cc file as header. - Use -pthread flag instead of -lpthread. - Changes from version 0.60.1: + Qt5: ArthurOutputDev: Add missing 'return' in error paths. + Build system: FindLIBOPENJPEG.cmake: Add CheckCXXSourceCompiles. - Changes from version 0.60.0: + Core: - Enable libcurl support by default. - PSOutputDev: Fix wrong text generation (fdo#102760). - Added methods to get and set the font size of text fields (fdo#101692). - CairoOutputDev: Do not extend the pattern in drawImageMaskRegular. - CairoOutputDev: do not use the custom downscaling for rendering images when using cairo >= 1.14. - Fix: Build with old clang. Various crashes in broken files. And some warnings. - Add some constness to the basic classes. - Remove unused functions from GlobalParams. + Qt5: - Added methods to get and set the font size of text fields (fdo#101692). - Add whether renderToImage shows annotations. - ArthurOutputDev: . Replace Splash font rendering by Qt font rendering. . Implement the drawSoftMaskedImage method. . Fix several small bugs related to dash pattern handling. + Build system: - cmake is now the default build system. - autotools based build system has been removed. + Utils: pdfinfo: don't truncate dest name. - Drop CVE-2017-14517.patch and CVE-2017-14518.patch: fixed upstream (fdo#102687 and fdo#102688, respectively). - Add cmake BuildRequires; replace configure, make and make_install macros, with cmake, make_jobs and cmake_install: following upstream port. - Add glib2-devel BuildRequires as it's a dependency required by CMakeLists. - Drop command for removal of *.la files: with the build system port to cmake, *.la are no longer generated.- Update package summaries and RPM categorizations. - Drop some idempotent %if..%endif markers whose presence has no effect on the files being output.- Apply CVE-2017-14517.patch from upstream to fix a NULL pointer dereference in the XRef::parseEntry() function that may have lead to potential denial-of-service attack when handling malicious PDF files. [CVE-2017-14517, bsc#1059066]- Apply CVE-2017-14518.patch to remedy a floating point exception in that could have been exploited using a specially crafted PDF document. [CVE-2017-14518, bsc#1059101]- Update to version 0.59.0: + core: Fix infinite recursion in NameTree parsing in broken files. + utils: - pdfunite: Fix API porting error that caused abort in some cases. - pdfinfo: . Fix crashes and memory leaks when using -dests. . Use GooString.append instead of sprintf/strcat. - pdfimages: Fix warning when compiling with cygwin. + build system: - Fix cygwin 32-bit compile. - Cmake tweaks. - Bump soversion following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.58.0: + core: - CairoOutputDev: cairo 1.14 now has high quality downscaling. - Signature related improvements (fdo#99271). - Tweak which cmap we use (fdo#101855). - Memory leak fixes. - Substantial rework of the internals. - win32: call ANSI functions directly (fdo#100312). - Add some documentation. + qt5: - Expose signature information. - ArthurOutputDev: initialize the image with the paper color (fdo#102129). - Fix copy'n'paste bugs: Qt4 -> Qt5. - ArthurOutputDev: Properly set the QPainter transformation. - ArthurOutputDev: Use Qt::SvgMiterJoin instead of Qt::MiterJoin (fdo#102356). + utils: - pdfinfo: add -dests option to print named destinations (fdo#97262). - pdftocairo: add -jpegopt for setting jpeg compression parameters (fdo#45727). - pdftoppm: add -jpegopt for setting jpeg compression parameters (fdo#45727). - pdfimages: support listing/extracting inline images (fdo#25625). + build system: - cmake: Various Windows fixes. - cmake: Use -std=c++11 instead of -std=gnu++11. + cpp: Fix page.text() not taking page orientation into account (fdo#94517). - Bump soversion following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.57.0: + core: - Fix parsing of Type 1 fonts with newlines in encoding sequences (fdo#101728). - Fix crash in broken documents. + utils: - pdfunite: Fix crash with broken documents (fdo#101208). - pdftohtml: skip control characters (fdo#101770). - pdfseparate: minor improvement to the documentation (fdo#101800). + build system: - cmake: Set RUNPATH for poppler shared libs (fdo#101945). - configure: fix --disable-FEATURE actually enabling the feature. - Bump soversion following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.56.0: + core: - FormFieldButton::setState() shouldn't check the field is readOnly. - Fix crashes on multiple broken files. + utils: pdfunite: Fix crash with broken documents (fdo#101153, fdo#101149). - Drop poppler-pdfunite-fix-crash-with-broken-documents.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add poppler-pdfunite-fix-crash-with-broken-documents.patch: pdfunite: Fix crash with broken documents. Sometimes we can't parse pages so check before accessing them (bsc#1043088, bsc#1041783, CVE-2017-7515, CVE-2017-7511, fdo#101153, fdo#101149).- Update to version 0.55.0: + core: - Fix abort in files with broken Decode arrays (kde#379835). - Fix memory leak (and probably logic bug) parsing broken XRef entries (fdo#100775). - Fix memory leak when reconstructing broken files (fdo#100776). - Minor optimization. - Fix regression in GfxIndexedColorSpace::mapColorToBase (fdo#100931). - Fix memory leak in error condition. + cpp: Return nullptr if the page at index can't be fetched (fdo#100981). + build system: - Fail by default if libjpeg is not available. - Fail by default if libopenjpeg2/1 is not available.- Update to version 0.54.0: + core: Make XRef reconstruction a bit better (fdo#100509). + glib: - Expose movie play mode (fdo#99625). - demo: Show play mode in movie properties view. + qt5: Compile with -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_BYTEARRAY (fdo#100311). + utils: pdfimages: don't fail listing if inline image data contains 'EI' (fdo#100737).- Update to version 0.53.0: + core: - Form support improvements. - SplashOutputDev: Fix memory leak when rendering images with colormap and matte color. - Minor fix in GlobalParams documentation. + qt5: - Expose form calculate order. - Expose Form additional actions. + utils: - pdfimages: support 16bpc png and tiff images (fdo#99988). - pdftohtml: fix small memory leak when constructing some filenames. - pdfinfo: fix leak when printing JS. + build system: Compile in C++11 mode. - Bump soversion following upstream changes. - Stop exporting -std=gnu++11 for older versions of gcc, upstream now ensures this happens.- Update to version 0.52.0: + core: - Fix assert on reading some OCGs (fdo#99768). - Properly initialize some RichMedia variables in corner cases (fdo#99767). + qt4: - optcontent structure was leaking the headers items (fdo#99449). - Cleanup objects in tests to fix memory leaks (fdo#99449). + qt5: - optcontent structure was leaking the headers items (fdo#99449). - Cleanup objects in tests to fix memory leaks (fdo#99449). + utils: pdftocairo.1: Fix typo.- Update to version 0.51.0: + core: - Check for error from NSS in SignatureHandler construct (fdo#99363). - Add Form[Field|Widget]::setPartialName - Fix memory leak in PDFDoc::markAnnotations. + qt5: - Implement digital signature support (fdo#94378). - Add Poppler::FormField::setName - Fix segfault/assert if LinkDestination is constructed with invalid input string (fdo#99357). + utils: pdfunite: add fields to AcroForm dict (fdo#99141).- Update to version 0.50.0: + core: - PSOutputDev: Fix PS conversion for some files (fdo#63963). - Fix Outline parsing on broken documents (fdo#98732). - Fix PDFDoc::saveIncrementalUpdate()'s detection of document being modified (fdo#96561). - SplashOutputDev: Read softmask into memstrean in case of matte (fdo#97803). - Bail out if Hints nBitsNumObjects or nBitsDiffGroupLength are greater than 32 (fdo#94941). - CairoOutputDev: initialize CairoOutputDev::antialias (fdo#98983). - Fix crash when loading some thumbnails (fdo#97870). + utils: - pdftoppm: Fix -tiff -gray/-mono incorrect output. - pdftops: add -passlevel1customcolor (fdo#97193). + build system: Default to libopenjpeg2 instead of libopenjpeg1. + qt: Support OCG state change links. + glib: Use g_slice_new0 for PopplerActionLayer (fdo#98786). - Bump soversion following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.49.0: + core: - Merge type3 glyph handling from xpdf 3.04 (fdo#96667). - Continue rendering in case of 'Singular matrix in shading pattern fill (bgo#98623). - Fix memory leak in parametrized gouraudTriangleShadedFill. - Fix crash on broken files. - PDFDoc::setDocInfoStringEntry(): treat value consisting of just the unicode marker as an empty string. - Fix UBSAN warning. - Misc compile fixes. + utils: pdfseparate: remove extra '%' in error message. + build system: configure: Fix typo in disable nss help string.- Update to version 0.48.0: + core: - Fix crashes and memory leaks in invalid files. - Small memory usage improvements. - TextOutputDev: Remove null characters from PDF text (fdo#97144). - TextOutputDev: Break words on all whitespace characters (fdo#97399). - Fix UTF16 decoding of document outline title (fdo#97156). - Add functions for named destination name in name-tree/dict. + glib: Increase glib requirement to 2.41. - Bump soversion following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.47.0 (boo#994702): + core: - Fix abort on documents where the docinfo obj is not a dict (fdo#97134). - Check for XRefEntry existing before using it (fdo#97005). - Fix memory leak on PDFDoc::setDocInfoStringEntry() with empty string. - Don't presume that DocInfo is a dictionary in XRef::createDocInfoIfNoneExists(). + build system: configure: Work with non gnu greps.- The "poppler_soname" macro (and others) really just contained the version (not the entire name), so rename to "popple_sover".- Update to version 0.46.0: + core: - cairo: . Fix bug in setAntialias(). . Fix tiling patterns with BBox with non-zero x,y. . Try finding glyphs in substitute fonts by unicode value (fdo#96994). - Added XRef modification flag. - Added DocInfo setters & getters. - Be less strict when parsing FitH Link destinations (fdo#96661). + utils: - pdftocairo: . Revert the use of groups for blending into white page. . Use fprintf for printing errors. - pdfinfo: Don't print pdf info when printing metadata, javascript, or structure (fdo#96801). + glib: - Added document property setters & simplified getters. - Make document metatag gobject properties writeable. + cpp: - Pass len to GooString constructor in detail::ustring_to_unicode_GooString() (fdo#96426). - Added functions to save a document. - Added document property setters & getters. + qt4: Added document property setters & simplified getters. + qt5: Added document property setters & simplified getters. + build system: - configure: . Don't use -fPIC on cygwin. . Work with non gnu greps. - Bump soname following upstream changes.- Qt 5.7 needs gnu++11 standard, export the appropriate flag in spec when compiler doesn't enforce it by default.- Update to version 0.45.0: + core: - SplashOutputDev: Fix iccTransform + splashModeXBGR8. - Fix memory leaks. - Fix crash in broken files (fdo#95567, fdo#96027). - Emulate some non portable glibc functions when not available. + utils: - pdftohtml: Fix crash in broken files (fdo#95563). - pdfinfo: . Convert dates to local time zone. . Add -isodates for printing dates in ISO-8601 format. . Fix memory leaks. + glib: Return date in UTC instead of local time (fdo#94173). + cpp: Switched from detail::convert_date() to core's dateStringToTime(). - Bump soname following upstream changes. - Drop poppler-Fix-mem-leak-SplashgouraudTriangleShadedFill.patch: Fix upstream.- Update to version 0.44.0: + core: - Fix Compile in 32bit linux (fdo#95492). - Splash: type 3 chars. restore the current position also in output device (fdo#95344). - Splash: Improve rendering of some dotted lines (fdo#84693). - Refactor GooString::Set() (fdo#94201). - Fix typo in GfxPatchMeshShading::parse. - Fix memory leak in PSOutputDev::filterPSLabel. - Fix memory leak in SignatureHandler::getDefaultFirefoxCertDB_Linux. - Fix potential crash in SplashOutputDev::doUpdateFont. - Fix potential crash in TextPage::coalesce. - Remove call that does nothing. + utils: pdftocairo: add -antialias option (fdo#94977). - Bump soname following upstream changes. - Add poppler-Fix-mem-leak-SplashgouraudTriangleShadedFill.patch: Fix memory leak in Splash::gouraudTriangleShadedFill, patch from upstream git.- Update to version 0.43.0: + core: - Implement sanity check for linearization usage (fdo#92482). - Add SymbolMT as an alias for the Symbol font (fdo#93168). - Fix some blank files (fdo#94756). - cairo: . Fix fillToStrokePathClip crash and rendering (fdo#62905). . Check if PDF knows the width of 'm' in case of substituted font (fdo#94054). . Save mask state and don't extend image mask (fdo#94234). - SplashOuputDev: Compile with C++11 compilers that don't define isinfinite (fdo#94761). - Typo fixes. + utils: pdftocairo: Calculate rotation before scaling (fdo#94655). + qt4: Fix crash on certain PDF form item activation actions (fdo#94873). + qt5: Fix crash on certain PDF form item activation actions (fdo#94873). - Drop poppler-Fix-rendering-of-broken-pdfs.patch, fixed upstream. - Bump soname following upstream changes.- Add poppler-Fix-rendering-of-broken-pdfs.patch: Fix pdf rendering commit (boo#973888 bgo#764641 fdo#94830).- Update to version 0.42.0: + core: - Add the support for version 5 + revision 6 documents (fdo#85368). - Add initial support for Signature handling. - Initialize gamut mapping multipliers in ::copy() functions (fdo#90697). - Implement jpx streams support with depth < 8. - Handle SMaskInData = 0 for JPX encoded images (fdo#93468). - Fix rendering of some broken PDF files (fdo#92508). - PSOutputDev: . Support for LZW encoding. . Add support for Flate compression in Level 3 output. - SplashOuputDev: . Implement function shading (fdo#94441). . Improve rendering of some non embedded fonts (fdo#94054). . Fall back to Gfx implementation of tiling pattern if repetition rate is small (fdo#90596). . Implementation of Matte entries in softmasks of softmasked images (fdo#22473). . Assure line width > 0 in case of text stroke (fdo#94038). - TextOuputDev: Cache result of inner loop in visitDepthFirst (fdo#77087). - Avoid attempting a tiling pattern fill with a singular transform matrix. + utils: - pdfinfo: Add option to show document structure - pdfsig: New command that gives information about signature + qt4: Fix bug in links to remote documents getting the page number wrong sometimes. + qt5: Fix bug in links to remote documents getting the page number wrong sometimes. - Add pkgconfig(nss) BuildRequires: Build nss support. - Bump soname following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.41.0: + core: - CairoOutputDev: add missing font types (fontCIDType0COT and fontTrueTypeOT) (fdo#93559). - SplashOutputDev: Adjust limit check and check in addition bitmap pointer (fdo#94053). + utils: - pdfseparate: Refine resource detection. - pdfinfo: fix man page.- Update to version 0.40.0: + core: - CairoOutputDev: Use shape mask with soft mask (fdo#91931). - TextOutputDev: . Handle right-to-left text in search . Fix finding Arabic Presentation Forms ligatures. - Fix crash in invalid file (fdo#93476). - Regression test improvements. + utils: - pdftocairo: . Fix writing to stdout out with image output. . Document that -singlefile appends file type (fdo#86254). . Ensure surface flushed before accessing image data. . Check for invalid use of options (fdo#92195). - pdfunite: Fix typo in manual. + build system: Improve cmake build system.- Update to version 0.39.0: + core: - Ignore the alternateSpace and tintTransform (fdo#92381). - CairoOutputDev: . Scale radial pattern (fdo#22098). . Implement function shading using mesh gradients (fdo#88394). - Regression test improvements. - Fix typos in error messages. + build system: Visual Studio 2015 now supports snprintf (fdo#93116). + utils: - pdftops: fix %%PageBoundingBox (fdo#87161). - pdftocairo: Fix double free when both user and owner passwords are given. + glib: - Add duration_real to PopplerPageTransition (fdo#92040). - Remove enum PopplerOrientation from API (fdo#93229). - Documentation improvements. - glib-demo improvements. - Bump soname following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.38.0: + core: - Splash: Multiply opacity in case of pattern colorspace (fdo#92592). - Small form improvements on non ascii character rendering. - Clarify README. + build system: Clarify internal DCT and JPX are only provided as deprecated fallbacks. + utils: pdftocairo: fix fit to page transformation. - Bump soname following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.37.0: + core: - CairoOutputDev: Use mask for even-odd fill (fdo#84527). - SplashOuputDev: Protect calls to set/getAA with the proper [#]if guards (fdo#92006). - SplashOuputDev: Try to use an external font if the internal one is invalid. - PageTransition D is a number not an int (fdo#92040). - Catalog::getNumPages(): validate page count. - Catalog::cachePageTree(): recover from out of memory condition. - Fix crashes in malformed documents. + build system: configure: fix openjpeg detection. - Use pkgconfig(libopenjp2) BuildRequires for openSUSE newer than 13.1, stay with openjpeg-devel for older releases. - Bump soname following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.36.0: + core: - Patch to support RichMedia annotations. - Splash: Fix wrong memory access (fdo#91686). - Cairo: fix size of transparency group surface (fdo#66229). - Fix bounds check in Linearization::getPageFirst (fdo#91200). - File Saving improvements. - Add premultiplied alpha channel to SplashBitmap. - Fix for xref table creation (fdo#90790). - Fix JBIG2Decode infinite loop and stack overflow (fdo#91186). - Minor optimization in text extraction. + qt4: - Basic support for RichMedia annotations. - Change default image format. - Minor optimizations. + qt5: - Basic support for RichMedia annotations. - Change default image format. - Minor optimizationsHEADmaster. + cpp: Fix utf8/utf16 conversion (fdo#91644). + build system: - Do not hardcode -fPIC in - cmake: Allow configuring SHARE_INSTALL_DIR (fdo#90293). + utils: - pdfunite: Insert embedded files in result pdf (fdo#90066). - pdftotext: Add -bbox-layout option (fdo#89941). - Bump soname following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.35.0: + core: - Fix assert in broken file (fdo#91344). - Adjust memory layout computation of GooString. - Make SplashBitmap XBGR transfer alpha channel. - Splash: Fix wrong writes on non rgb outputs (fdo#90570). - Splash: remove ifndef in Windows code. - GlobalParamsWin bugfixes (fdo#91053). + qt4: - Switch default image format. - Add IgnorePaperColor render flag. + qt5: - Improve efficiency of Poppler::Page::renderToImage. - Switch default image format. - Add IgnorePaperColor render flag. + build system: - Allow configuring SPLASH_CMYK support. + Add configure --enable-build-type (fdo#90796). + glib: - Explicitly link against pthread. - Deprecation fixes. + utils: pdftocairo: Fix cast to pointer from integer of different size on win64. - Bump soname following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.34.0: + core: - Splash: . Fix crash in PDF with nested softmasks (fdo#91240). . Speed up of rendering icc based images (fdo#90171). - PSOutputDev: Embed Type1 fonts to PostScript files correctly (fdo#19747). - Fix pedantic memory leak. + glib: Update new symbols section. + Build system: cmake: Make sure ENABLE_LIBOPENJPEG is either 0 or 1. - Bump poppler soname following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.33.0: + core: - Fix regression in pdftops parameter passing (fdo#89827). - Combine base characters and diacritical marks (fdo#87215). - Use width from W array for WMode positioning (fdo#89621). - Fixed adding annotation of Subtype Popup to pdf page (fdo#89136). - CairoOutputDev: Fix memory leak in CairoFreeTypeFont::create. - SplashOutputDev: memset on error to have reproducible outputs. + qt4: Fix PDF Text String -> QString conversion (kde#344849). + qt5: Fix PDF Text String -> QString conversion (kde#344849). + glib: - Add poppler_annot_markup_set_popup_rectangle() - Fix segfault when creating PopplerAction (fdo#90093). + utils: pdftohtml: Set exit status adecuately (fdo#83609). + build system: configure: Fix invalid shell comparaison in libtiff test. - Bump poppler soname following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.32.0: + core: - Annotations: Fix rendering of empty BG/BC arrays. - Splash: . Fix wrong colour shown when GouraudTriangleShFill uses a DeviceN colorspace (fdo#89182). . Fix use of uninitialized variable in Splash::pipeRun. - Remove unnecesary check for font validity (fdo#88939). - Small optimization in GooString::appendfv() (fdo#89096). - Fix crashes in malformed files. + utils: - pdftops: Make colorpsace optimization an option instead of default. - pdfseparate: use always an unique instance for PDFDoc for savePageAs. + build system: - cmake: If extra-cmake-modules is around include the Sanitizers module. - Bump poppler soname following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.31.0: + core: - CairoOutputDev: support embedding JBIG2 image data. - Accept malformed documents whose root is a Page instead of a Pages (fdo#88172). - Fix crash on broken documents. - JPEG2000Stream: Inline doGetChar and doLookChar. - GlobalParams cleaning. + utils: pdftops: Add rasterization option (fdo#85934). + qt4: Expose whole-words search option. + qt5: Expose whole-words search option. - Bump poppler soname following upstream changes.- reset baselibs.conf for rebuilds- Update to version 0.30.0: + core: - Openjpeg2 support (openjpeg 1 is preferred) (fdo#58906). - Fix potential memory corruption on TextSelectionDumper (fdo#84555). - Check for invalid matrix in annotation (fdo#84990). - Open some not conforming files (fdo#85919). - PSOutputDev: Accept a list of pages indeces instead of first, last (fdo#84833). - Fix memory leak on error condition. + cpp: New API to set debug output function. + build system: configure: Improve support with older clang versions (fdo#76963). + utils: pdfunite: Support output intents, optional content and acroform. - Bump poppler soname following upstream changes.- Update to version 0.29.0: + core: - Use correct LAB byte array for lcms input (fdo#86388). - Write correct size in trailer dict (fdo#86063). - Use Default colorspaces if present instead of Device colorspaces. - Solve blend mode problem in CYMK and DeviceN for separable blend modes. - Compilation/warning fixes on SunOS. - Regression test improvements. + glib: demo: Compilation fixlets. + build system: cofigure: print "no" instead of "auto" if lcms not found. - Bump poppler soname following upstream changes.- BuildRequire libcurl so the library can operate on remote HTTP documents.- Update to version 0.28.1: + Fix small typo that made pkg-config fail on some systems. - Changes from version 0.28.0: + core: - Fix rendering of file with a wrong embedded font (fdo#84270). - Use alt colorspace to get CMYK values for an ICC based CMYK colorspace (fdo#79019). - Map Standard/Expert encoding ligatures to AGLFN names (fdo#80093). - Make Attribute::getName() work when UTF-16BE is used (fdo#84722). - Fix memory leak in Dict::remove (fdo#84607). - Fix crashes in broken files. + SplashOutputDev: Improve Overprintmode and shadings (fdo#80998). + CairoOutputDev: - Fix crash when no group color space (fdo#85137). - Don't render text when text matrix is not invertable (fdo#78042). - Only embed mime data for gray/rgb/cmyk colorspaces (fdo#80719). - Only embed mime data if image decode map is identity. + cairo: - Use matrix to determine pattern size (fdo#33364). - Fix compile warnings. - Regression test improvements. + glib: - Fix use of uninitialized members in PopplerInputStream (fdo#82630). - Documentation improvements. - Do not dist gir_DATA. - Remove use of GTK deprecated functions (fdo#82384, fdo#82385). - Build introspection linking to the uninstalled libraries (fdo#84526). + qt4: Add a new Page::annotations() that let's you specify subtypes. + qt5: Add a new Page::annotations() that let's you specify subtypes. + utils: - pdfseparate: additonal handling for annotations (fdo#77549). - pdfdetach: fix crash when getPage() returns null (fdo#85145). - pdftocairo: Add support for printing to a Windows printer (fdo#79936). + build system: - Move automake version check from to (fdo#79797). - cleanups (fdo#79411). - Use poppler-data pkg-config. - Make work with variables with spaces. - Don't use -fPIC on mingw. - Fix build with --disable-utils (fdo#84448). - Bump poppler soname following upstream.- Add missing baselibs.conf, but as empty file. Since this package is a bit different in number of built libraries, number of linked packages, and the fact that there is often soversion change - generate current library names during buildtimes390zp31 1674681768  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFG23.01.0-150500. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://   directoryC source, ASCII textC source, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesC source, UTF-8 Unicode textpkgconfig fileXML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode textHTML document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesHTML document, UTF-8 Unicode textPNG image data, 16 x 16, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedassembler source, ASCII textPRRRRRzVkj"AUoDutf-826310513169f981530e75ceb0470aa21f0dc0b15eb149399f2df97a5b36bffac? 7zXZ !t/@] crt:bLL #$»]59tMu9.gސ%2,x@G سET0x/\(dFZs_شrRzWE쑵7軓 W>v؏b}DrkuemnOumJADc _+s]eg$cC5ETBY!9V 9 XHdb7Jtۡ^D5Yl.A Gtpfx0[P֥RG{-ª)Z+cAPVSڵ&H( κ5݊|3?0u/}kɀ' -Ev:4.B)I jZى!J`P+Q9iӿg'{&)>GbI,wOu_fB ! 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