kubernetes1.23-client-bash-completion-1.23.17-150500.1.3 >  A ddڢp9|&V7S q|}kvKKhlٱawGyk97C> wd=%\$Q5":ʹ*0qGH{dez$nx&eHҽ+9FcR–s$Y5dnPit4J2<@svO΢ )_#VBxos )`6A."4b!*J Yl" ۑ@,uR60444ec44ce384afe9d3946167cd93eb88756e7fc683b66341a92963c309fb5e8ad5587aacca4b788f9ed9dbb478ed08cb304112rddڢp9|$&SؒU"~:!Ԙ)$O4#zCLb!J#U,%0q^(% s; ̨tBt焖\;@LMsUz|btE#`O90CKrx~מQ \f}z#?{T}Aa*Yd{-[{++q&t8-#)Ӊ)-e%@Q/sKzXNu?ԃġ?9.oG&8H>͝,,v ?qb^U0]t>pDC`?CPd(0 ; e 4:DH J L P  0'()809l:B@FAGAHAIA XA$YA,ZAH[AL\AP]AT^A\bAcB-dBeBfBlBuBvBzBBBBCCC CLCkubernetes1.23-client-bash-completion1.23.17150500.1.3Bash Completion for kubernetes1.23-clientBash command line completion support for kubernetes1.23-clientdd;goat16\USUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Apache-2.0https://www.suse.com/System/Shellshttps://kubernetes.io/linuxnoarch\Udd61b1ad17b83a234ad5dd3cc336533e055b1d6a44bd431f22a1d4a9dd8cd0985b4rootrootkubernetes1.23-1.23.17-150500.1.3.src.rpmkubernetes-client-bash-completionkubernetes1.23-client-bash-completion    bash-completionkubernetes1.23-clientrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)!@d!@ddb֜b֜b֜b֜b֜b1@b a@a*@a@priyanka.saggu@suse.comrombert@apache.orgrombert@apache.orgpriyanka.saggu@suse.compriyanka.saggu@suse.comjkowalczyk@suse.comjkowalczyk@suse.comjkowalczyk@suse.comjkowalczyk@suse.comjkowalczyk@suse.comrbrown@suse.comdmueller@suse.comrbrown@suse.comrbrown@suse.comrbrown@suse.com- add kubernetes1.18-client-common as conflicts with kubernetes-client-bash-completion- Stronger conflicts for completion packages- Split individual completions into separate packages- update patch files to reflect upstream registry changes from k8s.gcr.io to registry.k8s.io * kubeadm-opensuse-registry.patch * revert-coredns-image-renaming.patch- Update to version 1.23.17: * Release commit for Kubernetes v1.23.17 * releng: Update images, dependencies and version to Go 1.19.6 * Update golang.org/x/net to v0.7.0 * Pin golang.org/x/net to v0.4.0 * add scale test for probes * use custom dialer for http probes * use custom dialer for tcp probes * add custom dialer optimized for probes * egress_selector: prevent goroutines leak on connect() step. * tls.Dial() validates hostname, no need to do that manually * Fix issue that Audit Server could not correctly encode DeleteOption * Do not include scheduler name in the preemption event message * Do not leak cross namespace pod metadata in preemption events * pkg/controller/job: re-honor exponential backoff * releng: Update images, dependencies and version to Go 1.19.5 * Bump Konnectivity to v0.0.35 * Improve vendor verification works for each staging repo * Update to go1.19 * Adjust for os/exec changes in 1.19 * Update golangci-lint to 1.46.2 and fix errors * Match go1.17 defaults for SHA-1 and GC * update golangci-lint to 1.45.0 * kubelet: make the image pull time more accurate in event * change k8s.gcr.io/pause to registry.k8s.io/pause * use etcd 3.5.6-0 after promotion * changelog: CVE-2022-3294 and CVE-2022-3162 were fixed in v1.23.14 * Add CVE-2021-25749 to CHANGELOG-1.23.md * Add CVE-2022-3294 to CHANGELOG-1.23.md * kubeadm: use registry.k8s.io instead of k8s.gcr.io * etcd: Updated to v3.5.5 * Bump konnectivity network proxy to v0.0.33. Includes a couple bug fixes for better handling of dial failures. [Agent & Server](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/apiserver-network-proxy/commits/v0.0.33) include numerous other fixes. * kubeadm: allow RSA and ECDSA format keys in preflight check * Fixes kubelet log compression on Windows * Reduce default gzip compression level from 4 to 1 in apiserver * exec auth: support TLS config caching * Marshal MicroTime to json and proto at the same precision * Windows: ensure runAsNonRoot does case-insensitive comparison on user name * update structured-merge-diff to 4.2.3 * Add rate limiting when calling STS assume role API * Fixing issue in generatePodSandboxWindowsConfig for hostProcess containers by where pod sandbox won't have HostProcess bit set if pod does not have a security context but containers specify HostProcess.- Update to version 1.23.9: * Do not skip job requeue in conflict error * kubeadm: fix the bug that configurable KubernetesVersion not respected during kubeadm join * Bump cAdvisor to v0.43.1 * Fix: filter out unsatisfied nodes when calling AddPod in PodTopologySpread * kubeadm: fix the bug that configurable KubernetesVersion not respected during kubeadm join * GIT-110239: fix activeDeadlineSeconds enforcement bug * fix: --chunk-size with selector returns missing result * Fixed winkernel proxy failing to query v1 endpoints created by dockershim CNIs * Winkernel proxier cache HNS data to improve syncProxyRules performance * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md for v1.23.8 * apiserver: printers should use int64 * add missing error handling steps * add missing error handling steps * fix image pulling failure when IMDS is unavailalbe in kubelet startup * fix: exclude non-ready nodes and deleted nodes from azure load balancers * Avoid updating Services with stale specs Fix the bug that service specs in servicesToUpdate may have been updated by clients. - Require only BuildRequires: golang(API) = 1.17 pinned Go major version. Remove potentially conflicting BuildRequires: go >= x.y.z. The plan for future updates is BuildRequires: golang(API) >= 1.17 minimum Go major version.- Update to version 1.23.8: * Revert "Automated cherry pick of #109124: Winkernel proxier cache HNS data to improve syncProxyRules" * test: update graceful node shutdown e2e with watch * move the ignore logic higher up to the reconciler * Ignore EndpointSlices that are already marked for deletion * kubelet: Mark ready condition as false explicitly for terminal pods * agnhost: bump version 2.39 * Update Go to 1.17.11 * add service e2e tests * kubelet: add e2e test to verify probe readiness * kubelet: only shutdown probes for pods that are terminated * kubelet: Pod probes should be handled by pod worker * Enable resize feature * Reject proxy requests to as well * ipvs: fix prevent concurrent map read and map write for 1.23 * cpu manager policy set to none, no one remove container id from container map, lead memory leak * fix audit union loop variables in closures * Updating e2e test to check EndpointSlices and Endpoints as well * e2e: services with evicted pods doesn't have endpoints * e2e test for evicted pods * endpoints controller: don't consider terminal endpoints * endpointslices: terminal pods doesn't receive enpoints * add pod util to verify pod is terminal * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md for v1.23.7 * Add test for checking ephemeral volume expansion * Fix resizing of ephemeral volumes * untangle fix with healthCheck feature * Winkernel proxier cache HNS data to improve syncProxyRules performance * Skip updating Endpoints and EndpointSlice if no relevant fields change- Update to version 1.23.7: * Fix requests scope classification * Update Go to 1.17.10 * authn: fix cache mutation by AuthenticatedGroupAdder * GCE: skip updating and deleting external loadbalancers if service is managed outside of service controller * Wait for cache to sync in job's TestWatchOrphanPods * Fix OpenAPI loading error caused by empty APIService * Test Foreground deletion in job integration * Fix removing finalizer from finished jobs * Don't mark job as failed until expectations are satisfied * Integration test for backoff limit and finalizers * component-base: replace url in rest client metrics * fix broken find command * Allow KUBE_TEST_REPO_LIST to be a remote url as well * Disable JobTrackingWithFinalizers due to unresolved bug * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md for v1.23.6 * Correct event registration for multiple scheduler plugins. * kubelet: rename closeAllConns to onHeartbeatFailure * kubelet apiserver: be gentle closing connections on heartbeat failures * fix: race detected in TestErrConnKilled * Replace hardcoded kubectl with kubectl.Name() * kubectl: fix hard-coded value in zsh completion * kubeadm: add etcd flag for member data consistency * Fix a bug that out-of-tree plugin is misplaced when using scheduler v1beta3 config * ipvs: remove port opener * iptables: remove port opener * azure_file: try to get secret namespace from ClaimRef * azure_file: add namespace tests for InTree to CSI conversion- Update to version 1.23.6: * Update Go to 1.17.9 * Fix: abort nominating a pod that was already scheduled to a node * Fix the overestimated cost of deletaged API requests in P&F * omit enums from static openapi snapshots used to generate clients * Drop enum tag from certificate request condition * Addresses the issue which caused #109115 * Add test for indexer with multiple values * Reduce number of pods in Job+GC tests * Adjust validation checks to pass for both client-side and server-side validation * Remove finalizer when orphaned * Fix: Clean job tracking finalizer from orphan pods * Add test for Background delete propagation * Add integration test for orphan pods when there is GC * Copy request in timeout handler * kube-up: use registry.k8s.io for containerd-related jobs * kubelet: If the container status is created, we are waiting * e2e: Wait only for the service account * e2e: Wait for kube-root-ca.crt to be created * client-go: update generated * default kubernetes agent for generated clients * Include pod UID in secret/configmap cache key * Move kubelet secret and configmap manager calls to sync_Pod functions * test: Verify that nodes do not transition to Failed while ready * test: Add E2E for job completions with cpu reservation * test: Add E2E for init container pod deletion * kubelet: Delay writing a terminal phase until the pod is terminated * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md for v1.23.5 * generated: make update * polish comments of non-enum values. * unmark non-validated types as enums.- Update to version 1.23.5: * Remove apf_fd from httplog * Update Go to 1.17.8 * cluster/gce: update konnectivity image tags to v0.0.30 * bump sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client@v0.0.30 * fix dryrun when ca file exists * fix regression introduced by PR 100320 * Add unit tests * Fix nodes volumesAttached status not updated * Fix default config flags * test/e2e/framework: include the new control plane taint * kubelet: Clean up a static pod that has been terminated before starting * Add an e2e test for updating a static pod while it restarts * cronjob_controllerv2: do not filter jobs to be reconciled by labels * kube-proxy: fix duplicate port opening * increase Azure ACR credential provider timeout * Updating EndpointSlice strategy to retain node name in topology until field is set * fix: do not return early in the node informer when there is no change of the topology label. * /test/e2e_kubeadm: adjust label checks for 1.23 * Ignore container notfound error while getPodstatuses * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md for v1.23.4 * Add PDB selector patch integration test * Revert v1beta1 PodDisruptionBudget select patchStrategy * test/e2e_kubeadm: fix matching UnversionedKubeletConfigMap defaults * kubeadm: fix the bug that 'kubeadm init --dry-run --upload-certs' command failed with 'secret not found' error * wrap error from RunCordonOrUncordon- Update to version 1.23.4: * Update Go to 1.17.7 * Use serializable struct for x-kubernetes-validations in openapi * Make JSON schema round tripping test more strict * ignore CRI PodSandboxNetworkStatus for host network pods * set secondary address on host-network pods * Deeply copy JSONSchemaProps.XValidations. * Ensure the execHostnameTest() compares hostnames * Revert "Fix comparison between FQDN and hostname" * service REST: Call Decorator(old) on update path * add namespace in azurefile volumeid * fix: azurefile volumeid conflict in csi migration * Mark device as uncertain if unmount device succeeds * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md for v1.23.3 * kubelet: fix podstatus not containing pod full name * Fix bug with node restriction blocking pvc.status.resizestatus change * Fix regression pruning array fields with x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true * Set max results if its not set * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md for v1.23.2 * Update k/utils to v0.0.0-20211116205334-6203023598ed * [go] update to Go 1.17.6 * fix: remove outdated ipv4 route when the corresponding node is deleted * fix: delete non existing disk issue * Revert "Automated cherry pick of #107554: Correct the feature gate string for RBD migration." * fix containers order after applying * generated: ./hack/update-vendor.sh * upgrade sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4 to v4.2.1 * Execute sync before taking the snapshot * Correct the feature gate string for RBD migration. * fix: azuredisk parameter lowercase translation issue * removed unnecessary log line * kubectl: add integration test for result reporting * cli: let kubectl handle error printing * cli: avoid logging command line errors in more cases * Fix header mutation race in timeout filter * clear pod's .status.nominatedNodeName when necessary * use node informer to check volumes attachment status before backoff * When volume is not marked in-use, do not backoff * kubeadm: remove the restriction that the ca.crt can only contain one certificate * flake fix: remove the error handler for cronjob integration test * Fix the leak of vSphere client sessions * fix nil pointer in create secret commands * Fix order of commands in the snapshot tests for persistent volumes * client-go: Clear the ResourceVersionMatch on paged list calls * Improving performance of EndpointSlice controller metrics cache * fix the error when cleaning up jobs for cronjob * Update CHANGELOG to add missing release notes. * apf: ensure exempt request notes the classification * Enabling kube-proxy metrics on windows kernel mode * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md for v1.23.1 * add gce loadbalancer no-op finalizer and existingFwdRule tests * disable gce service handling if has rbs forwarding rule * add ELBRbsFinalizer * add gce elb rbs opt-in annotation * cherry pick of knp 0.0.27 * Remove JSON logging performance regression * Re-introduce removed kubectl --dry-run values. * Point flowcontrol users at v1beta2 * [go1.17] Update to go1.17.5 * dependencies: Update golang.org/x/net to v0.0.0-20211209124913-491a49abca63 * mount-utils: Detect potential stale file handle * Skip creating HNS loadbalancer with empty endpoints * Add regression test for CPUManager distribute NUMA algorithm * Add unit test for CPUManager distribute NUMA algorithm verifying fixes * Fix accounting bug in CPUManager distribute NUMA policy * Fix error handling in CPUManager distribute NUMA tests * Add a sum() helper to the CPUManager cpuassignment logic * Allow the map.Values() function in the CPUManager to take a set of keys * Fix CPUManager algo to calculate min NUMA nodes needed for distribution * Fix unit tests following bug fix in CPUManager for map functions (2/2) * Fix unit tests following bug fix in CPUManager for map functions (1/2) * Fix bug in CPUManager map.Keys() and map.Values() implementations * Ensure we balance across *all* NUMA nodes in NUMA distribution algo * Short-circuit CPUManager distribute NUMA algo for unusable cpuGroupSize * Round the CPUManager mean and stddev calculations to the nearest 1000th * updated deprecation messages from 1.23 to 1.24 * kubelet: set failed phase during graceful shutdown * kubeadm: avoid requiring a CA key during kubeconfig expiration checks * kubeadm: print the CA of kubeconfig files in "check expiration" * kubeadm: validate local etcd certficates during expiration checks * publishing-bot/doc: add component-helpers to the readme * publishing-bot/rules: remove non existing component-helpers branch 1.19 from the rules * Changelog: mention kube-scheduler bits deprication * rbd: initialize ceph monitors slice with an empty value. * Direct v2betaX users to migrate to HPA v2 * DelegateFSGroupToCSIDriver e2e: skip tests with chgrp * Update CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.23.md for v1.23.0 * [go1.17] Update to go1.17.4- avoid bashism in client-common postinstall script (bsc#1195391)- Increase _constraints to 13GB- Restore & rebase revert-coredns-image-renaming.patch from kubernetes1.22. Looks like it's still needed until all supported k8s versions allow us to change how we publish coredns containers- Initial Packagekubernetes1.22-client-bash-completiongoat16 16843308111. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.suse.de/SUSE:SLE-15-SP5:GA/standard/a0800e7d200987949066e5bb391a6108-kubernetes1.23cpioxz5x86_64-suse-linuxASCII text8̳Cd.R$7(kubernetes1.23-client and bash-completion)utf-8ba9973184d2920b32fddc7d2a8b92f8e43591bd7c200cf40e1c3f5ea3e43b4e8?7zXZ !t/]s*] crv(vX0)8rJ}3V \Kw쬜7{ģXAXȍʖr`{a`]e &Ո\GvEtvꖜ ufJ;$_~d=DH=#x# 7@A: .ux%#xB91lCg:l18ͅ1?GWEC`g5>ݞB}jRE3DaЬ5JTf(^=Wۄ]dŎ(+n9HZ@ы f}q[48%,L ;q].5T{A5G>2ͮQszV@ĒbSbByi2 #It8uPD 1mr54tFuȬ`]d_WӖȉ7l]\AgF-qk }>_A'/ t1Ƚ7{Aƛ*S;V^z_D&MƂ$ʎ+?8e 5:K'F X k&(.ܹnIzeK_MdgmorQо7,rnXT.Z 2{Ըٓ q\g:(10?G0XݿA_Vmڵx kw5E,M ":dO|ď=Xu艄hr33:WY&4mEd:% M!E ,<1èb 7ҟy`*aICnVp :5I \u}؜g?xS0(=ġ˖&3XPzq@p6Bzcx8;X`EX殯_\g9O?27}UL,z,R4"UjZkNiUnh6&;ט%ZvϙdI;+4s.d\$lpG1rq}h4WYmWݡNs3dPP>$Jtm:s3wWwX }FJWkn0 H.|f{&m@NrP啧:0G bLo)4?:H@,3CNzXet>,N # qW/t4 ) ~eSS0GuD]ϔGRc|`1J w-90pSV A1XZcr7kgcےELYBl?5^~?ď'Zj&'m>i B 8 PtEm&1h(3\Noݬ/9ϓNV:Qp!\1IYKR^_1M4wcrPf@FhU͔ͬzY,5FX!0J"-B ZH9dlk8GaPv~MouiE_.ԧ'U4'P&"-s*:gunRt-K̀pI;{i%L;ֲșsfK2RG |p[3Dً[Nn-Ϙ )ڀ Ǹ[_N+-.^|b#)!ɀmN* #wcA,/s$+x~_,q@R6SSεGWRӡ2߂5/X )Nu%M#AM%esjDr12Zǭ$BQUK*$uzaF>:[9򮦏T7-4}Wr$b< d/5֋ ;2 sqڹO+S1H0r5O9*r|h\e3B , ~Ah7S$ڴro,s[mi{kj8,=sOoVφx>&!6aЬlV/{jZ~g/((QhR>;E>zF9^H-L(ƑnQ߆1hW,ڷOfWt}>!>J>@'wA‘?DIpNUXi4OyoJ%(K=/G jpM- ߣ7 IۙOM)Np(p;&JQLP"Ug`ODj;οOH2\׍ÝDr??K@M> ˀ/϶O@V?-vN-4 :ApPE$&N &8we$;v5 .J} }+#q!Њ@4tR` bHm^!t^VĘ5&Gt84 /[~6G;4ȩmkI/mK@A %1gfB"Ck>]D59k` M[?-I]nzR3}B/BwWCT*d܏Mtn" K}  ^zwnߎsnh)7A P6>lV0+ 8M)xTOz_&Ճ\܈jg ;hvSPta.^Ǵ⠯{o&ҜW񞧕(IPW#5+$ŠIU xy =D|VFR z&zϋTMSB,pK8:EXR{%J~@:YY~j}Z8v\ʓh$D@W|.ᘀӼ7k94JQl1q툒6}JVwOGW$hix9AM{uItm᡾k(KZ&cE{2n)R[2bm@EzM +go8jxҺ"aEyʏ_ל.'3脙DTjE׮҆n*7=Xsm&F԰I |_tePiňKd4갚,QՇ'21~+ s 3˭`l*^d`kvS+@XKp P]Qyb_K^&m&)\._t5Uo bMqAx-G%R ' V_zMX?nxdBZޘ YDlfEl[YO   8v,;f2"l4n|&^γR6#դLP8z(Z U#Nigr>;nrz$nP_6DXAbGF0I#t'2ǣ+0jIj(PnտLZBɣro^F1C;ß"0xxȪV_8\q=hKC2ik[c͙ԘLB[DlNnh1H(1,dOy>!:)c[с:^ iRU9@A>z>%WB#ΰЁ $ ѕкwr,BK󍂊_KyÂH1aIiSrH$ע1Y*tKT Pm<{x)۬z,kїN`7e ${fi!3-ͥ:25Eס_T9;YA* r]17r,ʎyOQןpm.:]W^׳wyE@F PS|#LS󺜊 {A]y6UALG&PJ1nf]ճӠ ɘW8#1򼊮0Z?;U\ ?];- F 5-!s3sXk@᧬ݤ")c;β@p4jjfT84;fTR?/q&0d@, K6L*J-3r*8K`9 {~zҕ|'ҡ¢؝񟁙|AM*˿?893n _YB EY<߰X'+j|Kh5EGqJaRӶb_7Q!ieʿg;L/o1{k<L-9[pxdWc"z6lu@,mXP+K?|8D냎3G x+0(:|Vo(h ¦豍|D65WcnZPx-XLI}d05n.9cuTqIԌsr%]1 kwUgvڷUZLom)=o,?jPǕ7 PEATfY~ ʢ0VeA[d k[g[c@RQdHC"cn>;Za?(I"JRbBz^~2?'@}PrXe<שv"`? 4`ލCY0%ZrtVX 2N_t &a7I-"$̍ jѽA~YHxLrqC8Ŭ&[[ii1˾DdPy\H},Ti͟G9^Ϫ;9iOH >u]L.u^}qTwV7+IF~53 o^l C7?ﵲtK['/eW7-9XM;DoB:;(Ўm~^UrcE=z<^ 9LbR& R="%pfZ5a+|oYMO)#k9/ݞυM~W`GxDrc6J+.]D鋢/OI~ gƗojp#n(sEHD+J_o;άLH |lGcwf`l񖫴c35Q2;ķûA D,oɜsLe9TzD6CO!vQi_E[-*NT=si ^,򘝘HdU\HY~T\.иށHm7iIb$;F4)?9 (o/j8U02'vPGKw= .iME`HuiTJj gx']J|ef.hxgFB7&Oɚ\[IȍMCk;xz- (i";|귿N1g/;\~  叼) p?jGM$FfcƀslRVȱ$_ vh桯E %9ޟc3OQYCбRj&|ה"وhpdz!k$2ð1_JOV.3RΓV/A&*Q"<@Mery|fTRǭELn#\k9".av.E>phwM<`oppoNQDdfwȊ2Se n>c>`桯=_j.uMEPZO >"0Q[FT3$*6╂3$& |XmРb75{iPR5w2˦$W9 _At. ]2Y9w8pW B%<`WYiٔ pcn2H6#ޒQހAlwt%Pvp^UKjb9n}Z+ыL"I`Qɜ)ۜS0r%5owҞr(xYеSd<;kWR7k6 ]N|ڢ.^ Lw-@!̴2*ؿq  <֥#ȧ3|_'bA|"&ၗ~<~W?*},/oA>m4}Zç;s^8gD1\ynRQ!PX;/& hC et5eo|[ʣkG{͸`BstDvTZǢ0rˣmcጫ{O bHeM ۠Lڶ3^R.a6IYIx5yښfr:ElqYɪg~b{;嚃\1 ;sq_:BvA3r{Hփ2 ~BT݆[$uXö/AK Tn{|av]ȓ&$ y5n]sH`X%JUMb+n ϓhBfh`jJF`7ď/‰;S3+Q *r?,a=$KGeT@. 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