ruby2.5-rubygem-mime-types-testsuite-3.3.1-150400.1.6 >  A bvCp9|ϛ/RHrgDZ!qŷkYB .{~]oO h{5{Y٥ɇQSAqr|t nר|E)uD}|}@"&w7uAO(O xf7X/w.&fYka(,!0K/( vnB P(~Lݕd `juC~Fo`r$"u)+JkDbeb773dea8cf8e5974e6b61c19c88e011927fe6b8a2a9be0a85bd419ea38afd1deebf63f8d616cab027b79a3d49c739ab323bae3YbvCp9|)ؾ:X')ᑖč.^|7= RS/1irMe⣤HuJ]1Tis},Mx7 +cq *hM/"hdyʸ'R]$fIL|L{f4?Eg]sY)'5°((:h ZuWDލ6 3,%FXdkP3m><OE:MLt1ߡfrˆn'YE߂J-Ut!wK)qs͌HlaXhO:A <>p;;4?;$d'- 8 R 28@x     B@T(8 9( : F6PG6dH6I6X6Y6\7]7H^8%b9c9d:e:#f:&l:(u:<v:tz::::; Cruby2.5-rubygem-mime-types-testsuite3.3.1150400.1.6Test suite for mime-typesTest::Unit or RSpec files, useful for developers.bvsheep61SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MIT &XAA큤A큤bvbvbvbvbvbvbvbvbvbvbvbvbvbvc63d094df465ca995e4457384347b6d86e1c2fc8b64dce924be0b34ca5fd3be1b04dd2b14cb62a42a19a6229d3cfad84ee1a10c24deefd772fad74aa0d397e22f89ac67990ad22edfb287968a52599bb44c3e4850309f9b8cb1b41a1b52e5244022e625095ffee1fd04a90a29649f2dfd6cfdfab6495bec41e0aa462b72a13f41e03b253b7631d56371d5f7ad40c3028bd5661abfeef9a1b3685fab4e9af91b2105e30c82d45f80be2e8cedf7e3fb9dfc7ea9c1c24a30a15ed06cc0b824a66b6ff3e258159a9dd76c610aa5ed13015952d44406b5f684782cdd451ff1dd7260685f7db3fdb6648e94cbfe96a1340d76df8b57322b6f3a4cc57b923c111c6ebccb822858a7f0f4084e6d49b14528b0b9eb84fb84bf973aaaa2556fdb84187aa3b2e3663af88418276bd33551973f04048a2a710726aac3e90d497d225f5f3c8c7817b086149f74d5ff96768237fc94c59ccb0d518ee002459451615a6a4a399f5rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrubygem-mime-types-3.3.1-150400.1.6.src.rpmruby2.5-rubygem-mime-types-testsuiteruby2.5-rubygem-mime-types-testsuite(x86-64)    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)rubygem(ruby:2.5.0:mime-types)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-^AE[@WBVQ@UUg@U<@Tء@T>aT; updated to version 3.3.1 see installed [#]# 3.3.1 / 2019-12-26 * 1 minor bugfix: * Al Snow fixed a warning with MIME::Types::Logger producing a warning because Ruby 2.7 introduces numbered block parameters. Because of the way that the MIME::Types::Logger works for deprecation messages, the initializer parameters had been named `_1`, `_2`, and `_3`. This has now been resolved. [#146][] * Administrivia: * Olle Jonsson removed an outdated Travis configuration option (`sudo: false`). [#142][] [#]# 3.3 / 2019-09-04 * 1 minor enhancement * Jean Boussier reduced memory usage for Ruby versions 2.3 or higher by interning various string values in each type. This is done with a backwards-compatible call that _freezes_ the strings on older versions of Ruby. [#141][] * Administrivia: * Nicholas La Roux updated Travis build configurations. [#139][]- updated to version 3.2.2 History.rdoc removed upstream- updated to version 3.1 see installed History.rdoc == 3.1 / 2016-05-22 * 1 documentation change: * Tim Smith (@tas50) updated the build badges to be SVGs to improve readability on high-density (retina) screens with pull request {#112}[]. * 3 bug fixes * A test for MIME::Types::Cache fails under Ruby 2.3 because of frozen strings, {#118}[]. This has been fixed. * The JSON data has been incorrectly encoded since the release of mime-types 3 on the +xrefs+ field, because of the switch to using a Set to store cross-reference information. This has been fixed. * A tentative fix for {#117}[] has been applied, removing the only circular require dependencies that exist (and for which there was code to prevent, but the current fix is simpler). I have no way to verify this fix and depending on how things are loaded by +delayed_job+, this fix may not be sufficient. * 1 governance change * Updated to {Contributor Covenant 1.4}[Code-of-Conduct_rdoc.html].- updated to version 3.0 see installed History.rdoc == 3.0 / 2015-11-21 * 2 governance changes * This project and the related mime-types-data project are now exclusively MIT licensed. Resolves {#95}[]. * All projects under the mime-types organization now have a standard code of conduct adapted from the {Contributor Covenant}[]. This text can be found in the {Code-of-Conduct.rdoc}[Code-of-Conduct_rdoc.html] file. * 3 major changes * All methods deprecated in mime-types 2.x have been removed. * mime-types now requires Ruby 2.0 compatibility or later. Resolves {#97}[]. * The registry data has been removed from mime-types and put into mime-types-data, maintained and released separately. It can be found at {mime-types-data}[]. * 17 minor changes: * MIME::Type changes: * Changed the way that simplified types representations are creatd to reflect the fact that +x-+ prefixes are no longer considered special according to IANA. A simplified MIME type is case-folded to lowercase. A new keyword parameter, +remove_x_prefix+, can be provided to remove +x-+ prefixes. * Improved initialization with an Array works so that extensions do not need to be wrapped in another array. This means that %w(text/yaml yaml yml) works in the same way that ['text/yaml', %w(yaml yml)] did (and still does). * Changed +priority_compare+ to conform with attributes that no longer exist. * Changed the internal implementation of extensions to use a frozen Set. * When extensions are set or modified with +add_extensions+, the primary registry will be informed of a need to reindex extensions. Resolves {#84}[]. * The preferred extension can be set explicitly. If not set, it will be the first extension. If the preferred extension is not in the extension list, it will be added. * Improved how xref URLs are generated. * Converted +obsolete+, +registered+ and +signature+ to attr_accessors. * MIME::Types changes: * Modified to track instances of MIME::Types so that they can be told to reindex the extensions as necessary. * Removed +data_version+ attribute. * Changed #[] so that the +complete+ and +registered+ flags are keywords instead of a generic options parameter. * Extracted the class methods to a separate file. * Changed the container implementation to use a Set instead of an Array to prevent data duplication. Resolves {#79}[]. * MIME::Types::Cache changes: * Caching is now based on the data gem version instead of the mime-types version. * Caching is compatible with columnar registry stores. * MIME::Types::Loader changes: * MIME::Types::Loader::PATH has been removed and replaced with MIME::Types::Data::PATH from the mime-types-data gem. The environment variable RUBY_MIME_TYPES_DATA is still used. * Support for the long-deprecated mime-types v1 format has been removed. * The registry is default loaded from the columnar store by default. The internal format of the columnar store has changed; many of the boolean flags are now loaded from a single file. Resolves {#85}[].- updated to version 2.6.2 see installed History.rdoc == 2.6.2 / 2015-09-13 * Bugs: * Emilio Losada (@losadaem) fixed an error where +each_with_object+'s block parameters are the inverse of those used by +inject+. Resolves {#107}[] with pull request {#108}[]. * Matt Beedle (@mattbeedle) fixed a typo in MIME::Type::Columnar negatively affecting people who use the +use_instead+ functionality. Resolved in {#109}[]. * Documentation: * Juanito Fatas (@JuanitoFatas) fixed a documentation issue with the README not properly linking internally on the generated rdoc source. Resolved with {#105}[]. * Development: * Fixed a minor issue in the IANA registry parser that would generate empty +text+ xrefs if the +text+ section was empty.- updated to version 2.6.1 see installed History.rdoc == 2.6.1 / 2015-05-25 * Bugs: * Make columnar store handle all supported extensions, not just the first. * Avoid circular require when using the columnar store. == 2.6 / 2015-05-25 * New Feature: * Columnar data storage for the MIME::Types registry, contributed by Jeremy Evans (@jeremyevans). Reduces default memory use substantially (the mail gem drops from 19 Mib to about 3 Mib). Resolves {#96}[], {#94}[], {#83}[]. Partially addresses {#64}[] and {#62}[]. * Development: * Removed caching of deprecation messages in preparation for mime-types 3.0. Now, deprecated methods will always warn their deprecation instead of only warning once. * Added a logger for deprecation messages. * Renamed lib/mime.rb to lib/mime/deprecations.rb to not conflict with the {mime}[] gem on behalf of the maintainers of the {Praxis Framework}[]. Provided by Josep M. Blanquer (@blanquer), {#100}[]. * Added the columnar data conversion tool, also provided by Jeremy Evans. * Documentation: * Improved documentation and ensured that all deprecated methods are marked as such in the documentation. * Development: * Added more Ruby variants to Travis CI. * Silenced deprecation messages for internal tools. Noisy deprecations are noisy, but that's the point.- updated to version 2.5 see installed History.rdoc == 2.5 / 2015-04-25 * Bugs: * David Genord (@albus522) fixed a bug in loading MIME::types cache where a container loaded from cache did not have the expected +default_proc+, {#86}[]. * Richard Schneeman (@schneems) provided a patch that substantially reduces unnecessary allocations. * Documentation: * Tibor Szolár (@flexik) fixed a typo in the README, {#82}[] * Fixed {#80}[], clarifying the relationship of MIME::Type#content_type and MIME::Type#simplified, with Ken Ip (@kenips). * Development: * Juanito Fatas (@JuanitoFatas) enabled container mode on Travis CI, {#87}[]. * Moved development to a mime-types organization under {mime-types/ruby-mime-types}[].- updated to version 2.4.3 * Bugs: * Restored Ruby 1.9.2 support by using +private_constant+ conditionally. Fixes {#77}[] found by Kris Leech (@krisleech). The conditional use of +private_constant+ here will be removed for mime-types 3.0, when Ruby 1.9.2 support will be unconditionally removed. == 2.4.2 / 2014-10-15 * Bugs: * Aaron Patterson (@tenderlove) found a loading bug and provided a fix that nearly doubled registry load performance ({#74}[]). * Godfrey Chan (@chancancode) provided a prophylactic security fix to use JSON.parse instead of JSON.load in {#75}[]. This provides a 20% improvement over the already improved result, resulting in a total 55% performance boost.- updated to version 2.4.1 * Changed the sort order of many of the extensions to restore behaviour from mime-types 1.25.1. * Added +friendly+ MIME::Type descriptions where known. * Added +reg+, +ps1+, and +vbs+ extensions to application/x-msdos-program and application/x-msdownload. * Updated the IANA media registry entries as of release date. * Several MIME types had updated metadata (application/alto-*, RFC7285; application/calendar\+json, RFC7265; application/http, RFC7230; application/xml, RFC7303; application/xml-dtd, RFC7303; application/xml-external-parsed-entity, RFC7303; audio/AMR-WB, RFC4867; audio/aptx, RFC7310; message/http, RFC7230; multipart/byteranges, RFC7233; text/xml, RFC7303; text/xml-external-parsed-entity, RFC7303) * MIME::Type application/EDI-Consent was renamed to application/EDI-consent. * Obsoleted application/vnd.informix-visionary in favour of application/vnd.visionary. Obsoleted application/ with no replacement. * Added MIME types: application/ATF, application/coap-group\+json, application/DCD, application/merge-patch\+json, application/scaip\+xml, application/vnd.apache.thrift.binary, application/vnd.artsquare, application/vnd.doremir.scorecloud-binary-document, application/vnd.dzr, application/vnd.maxmind.maxmind-db, application/, application/xml-patch+xml, image/vnd.tencent.tap.- adapt to new rubygem packagingsheep61 1651958557 3.3.1-150400. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// textASCII text, with very long linesRuby script, ASCII textGiKX~[]0utf-88c3c2d8b8c86e26ac872e1a7efbff5d3b1d57de0517cb760822a7bceee34e878?P7zXZ !t/] crt:bLL hWtxC^Hzӳn cME>Scȑ]& 脼40|:ME2ƵV9"8R&*ѓÞNl֘M-#.ա+~pa4){ n$`*/s2Dژ|pd;[`epȴ@Hpa7t닍s&*\!UZV/Jq{4 m&{D&Xm#?+ W2 :X3^IՄ_Ml m d09 >Ϡ e+egLAyN>>H%{4yB=Yr^JdNqD_(`xkh|M#˄~q|LY \P/.ˁ#`#סz?N B:)Xeľ}!Գ_00`1%n/QLd6QU:m>gʪIO?j8GK#:ۦQNq ^j&r`r6bDg@LlP+c-w>Zw^~Q+L&]$4sG>Sb`0YжĐQ7 zHZs]{闵{#hGH`(cޝ4rv S-t$ ʾ8zcm(qy>M_nZuT'xW![#kj9\'g]=o77{}?34:9U 6+du),ܨIy A2K{LE[+ KLy:ChLgBj_:n樓<ޥA~Ggʫ -wid,]@)E,v!ڭyI%9b N(O(>aIP BLőeEقբy[4V0 %tEF%azQ4 )ad>"/" mbkdo؆IIM>wdIŲc[.c5[>!_{ӝra5y1x0I)R:UY7p<.3|ɗ(JY 5NͻI{gk?AvQD#{/ ㄵ'_8&<7]Z5|z&4nȴa:n#"rƯ&"RFc(6G:&Dv,?ܰXa6 VB.[S9:Ne҅j:}fyE Iy r;x,(n[CYfdhT"p=i$An琦"z3kߩ Ұ+glr~4\k0/gk{:anyX2 >f ==g/N&1/O'2lqs 獙d&Js.NoP6Np^&SWk.Oqy H(nWtwLz 3r$ԡ[03fVH#*鹳tգ\`}! 9Dvrz6jJ.J|"7Y|S0N(AAgU sFد >)&)~E z($T4{ 6xq3T{x~W/>PDዽP\θW䤌6@ ҥNk}[h^sץ= qJ/'qg*j\dg43OQ V2.wsjsd F:JLL+d V=HFi4wt{g9%ђb\^Ѡ@B[VI!p{y 1 I&#][)_6 > 2#=kfI@)rVQk%9a !wlN))S,𜌒$/S3$?X\1%ub j,yF~ x^VΉ\M>`'_lMD,X=lggikM1Xq紎Z  K1FUudEEɁ"o"fgSK;)8[]h&ič+Ϛ haܬT^#2 /'=Kq3 ʛOꫵ!6!hTa) ֐ވ^;_QkDZBiJMTn|r^4*I~Z8@ҎׂLma3pf]r0mUdk3\43 `_aoy {TЀ ү|C!^V?]BցjQt۫mVέ&%| -flg25)@ G#"]а^[ҀgW'O8uVl } ^T ngyLS5Lvʈfcw~!)뙾ڰ3}@=+4v׍$3]/jB/NjDq tC{)?N_;I6C7 h@hPJ!@|xn"R N݆o&i 6kzSj+JbXԯ[s 'r0 xHn0j~,6d8+OPZ|W-C\/_x+MR&%G`ܾbM<[ bR;P f$$Jo9"XҴ0ؠv>vq^k4d&`$OH*܌29PH/iAv9jE~ҍ);,Oa">+Pzq:i7I'=qS+ thڹ䘢Gm/[H"9]c35LRae1ºhg4[!Rxo^R)cd#~[`ޭhZ 'D[T4[]a q^W+7 `vE"sɡMO_^|CDx=Tib"7ÆC:L%9bx9[>S | w ;RD-+l^Y,%b'ZdJWY LD-:U7eU6|\5tP"8gW!܊9(OUMX*(.NQ?axNӐ(-a6 }vs։8ȟB#YJ/ _@O !fq ũ0c.pF!ssKT&RKif]!֍0p*W#Z)c{^6 \&?>ԸZԱ"gO ŻVf- fiO7 xt"Hs.24ktMW=j#sz;K.I/Ζx(k(dl{[LG3XKS`PoBx7K^413eYe@vQ9T*cNdnPbN%7w-&ɑ.YWr6/GIy 2ذT3 >Vg^:3c._/xes}f@9hOh/'ߙ;9cP% XD9eN*)!J_3YmFx8BZouesje^ef'#޽R۸j=J{Kif~Tڢ+,a{SU0Ԝ-OGF9;#6b5|=w ;;G$:QyCu c@[׮@teQRyJKB`\ɓx:YkE@>?><,UuS4rۢ E3'ޖ u#Wfcb /*W=ރy)a*Q r].rz@SDŽ #`Ƣ: \kjhq֤*IB)<()|tG۟å\K.\@UlOth͈2%CMJ-z~IĻks6S)P}vCPHZnqI4$ MA:k[:kPF q6m&-( ^%ϧÈ0s!9y$@*b'u4HQOʦI3$U VjYlRda*|Y9 Ph:(9Qqwo$ttTb%ּM7sxa HhC?yS*6ޣ6^6&XmL#@b[