vim-small-8.0.1568-5.17.1 >  A blp9|( p*\U C]BMZ qKMh.Ɉi2NF<s)"r 68!ů AWNޑ&Y"M0ǏDOWuKU r0^fZ2^@_?mKLJdJ]3[^ q'( 6& 7>HyaQ2"4x|p>#7M_ʤS>] GUv$c152fc73a9c5c45b6ff6923374d50fc7113d02af00c6c5578aad928a7e3e03747231676cf6bc426db08b6cbb8fb255dc395d6df5 &blp9|zA | l|hLn&]Mh-XG`Q]{vޔ0h ;qDqwTuZK.;| ^;Gg]PsK\PAm$*&V,-x$GP_qom2Bi-htW霏J&HF4>/gg}ʎBc@>p]R3bU.3H@Bjɸ=xN?l$>pBiP?i@d   6  $,0 > L h  ,Ori(89:>d@d&Fd.GdHHddIdXdYd\d]d^ebeScedfrefwffzlf|ufvfwhxhyhzhhhhi<Cvim-small8.0.15685.17.1Vim with reduced featuresVim compiled with reduced feature set such as no script interpreters built inb(ibs-power9-13!SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Vim \ --install /usr/bin/vim vim /usr/bin/vim-small 19 \ --slave /usr/bin/vi vi /usr/bin/vim-smallif [ ! -e /usr/bin/vim-small ] ; then /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove vim /usr/bin/vim-small fi6ȀA큤b'b'bbbb'b8b4e5b29f9c3a24b341c61c2b2eee93e1a64d9bac7013e158c44fe16f11cc62b5f96d0bf57942212b6117ac4e6eb9b6ad704c1758511333dd5785cedf3281b8dvim/etc/alternatives/vim@@rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootvim-8.0.1568-5.17.1.src.rpmvivim-smallvim-small(ppc-64)vim_client@@@@@@    /bin/sh/bin/`4@`.V^)@^@^2\@Zľ@ZlZ@Z%Z1@Z@V͛@V͛@VIV@V@VVŲ@V@V@VT@VV@V@V^VVuFVm]Vd#@VQ@VO @VCV VUU6@U@U@UnU@UUUx&U_@U>$U+UUQTT!TD@TfTr@T T TT|TTxcTk4T[bTBV@zbalogh@suse.comlnussel@suse.delnussel@suse.delnussel@suse.deidonmez@su Minimal fix for Bug 1195004 - (CVE-2022-0318) VUL-0: CVE-2022-0318: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 8.2. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0413.patch - Fixing bsc#1190570 CVE-2021-3796: vim: use-after-free in nv_replace() in normal.c / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3796.patch - Fixing bsc#1191893 CVE-2021-3872: vim: heap-based buffer overflow in win_redr_status() drawscreen.c / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3872.patch - Fixing bsc#1192481 CVE-2021-3927: vim: vim is vulnerable to Heap-based Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3927.patch - Fixing bsc#1192478 CVE-2021-3928: vim: vim is vulnerable to Stack-based Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3928.patch - Fixing bsc#1193294 CVE-2021-4019: vim: vim is vulnerable to Heap-based Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-4019.patch - Fixing bsc#1193298 CVE-2021-3984: vim: illegal memory access when C-indenting could lead to Heap Buffer Overflow / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3984.patch - Fixing bsc#1190533 CVE-2021-3778: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in regexp_nfa.c / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-3778.patch - Fixing bsc#1194216 CVE-2021-4193: vim: vulnerable to Out-of-bounds Read / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-4193.patch - Fixing bsc#1194556 CVE-2021-46059: vim: A Pointer Dereference vulnerability exists in Vim 8.2.3883 via the vim_regexec_multi function at regexp.c, which causes a denial of service. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2021-46059.patch - Fixing bsc#1195066 CVE-2022-0319: vim: Out-of-bounds Read in vim/vim prior to 8.2. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0319.patch - Fixing bsc#1195126 CVE-2022-0351: vim: uncontrolled recursion in eval7() / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0351.patch - Fixing bsc#1195202 CVE-2022-0361: vim: Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim prior to 8.2. / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0361.patch - Fixing bsc#1195356 CVE-2022-0413: vim: use after free in src/ex_cmds.c / vim-8.0.1568-CVE-2022-0413.patch- install suse vimrc in /usr (boo#1182324, vim-8.0.1568-globalvimrc.patch)- source correct suse.vimrc file (boo#1182324)- stop owning /etc/vimrc so the old, distro provided config actually gets removed. Leaving it around leads to a duplicated autocmd for * .spec, leading to spec file template inserted twice. - own some dirs in vim-data-common so installation of vim-small doesn't leave not owned directories (boo#1173256). - Add vi as slave to update-alternatives so that every package has a matching "vi" symlink (bsc#1174564, boo#1176549).- Add restrict-shell-commands.patch to disable using interfaces in restricted mode, fixes bsc#1172225 CVE-2019-20807- introduce vim-small package with reduced requirements for small installations (boo#1166602). - BuildRequire pkg-config(krb5) instead of krb5-mini to be able to build against Tumbleweed repo.- Add source-check-sandbox.patch to fix CVE-2019-12735 boo#1137443- Pre-convert gvim icons, otherwise building vim depends on rsvg-convert -> librsvg -> cargo -> Rust -> LLVM - Cleanup SVG icon, make lines pixel-grid aligned - Correct RPM Group- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318]- instead of explicitly unsetting mouse, remove it from the defaults in the first place (boo#1079185, vim-8.0.1568-defaults.patch)- Switch to make -j1 clean to see if it fixes random build failures on Leap/SLE 15.- Updated to revision 1568, fixes the following problems * No test using a screen dump yet. * Screen dump test fails on MS-Windows. * Dead code found. * Assert_equalfile() does not close file descriptors. (Coverity) * Dump test fails when using a shadow directory. * Cannot use 24 bit colors in MS-Windows console. * Compiler warnings without termguicolors feature. * Libterm doesn't support requesting fg and bg color. * C syntax test fails when using gvim * C syntax test still fails when using gvim. * Quotestar test is flaky when using the GUI. * Xxd does not skip NUL lines when using ebcdic. * Popupmenu is too far left when completion is long. (Linwei) * No test for the popup menu positioning. * Popup menu positioning fails with longer string. * synpat_T is taking too much memory. * Terminal screen dump does not include cursor position. * With 'termguicolors' Normal color doesn't work correctly. * When using 'termguicolors' SpellBad doesn't show. * Screen dumps not included in distribution. * Using feedkeys() in a terminal window may trigger mappings. (Charles Sheridan) * Undo in the options window makes it empty. * Screen dump test script not included in distribution. * Various small problems in test files. * Various small problems in source files. * On Mac 'maxmemtot' is set to a weird value. * May leak file descriptors when executing job. * Cannot see what digraph is used to insert a character. * Custom plugins loaded with --clean. * Build error for some combination of features. * May not parse the t_RS response correctly, resulting in wrong characters in the input stream. * printf() does not work with only one argument. (Daniel Hahler) * No right-click menu in a terminal. * Build failure without GUI. * Build failure without GUI on MS-Windows. * Crash with rust syntax highligting. (Edd Barrett) * The terminal debugger can't set a breakpoint with the mouse. * Timeout of getwinposx() can be too short. (lilydjwg) * Too many #ifdefs. * Can't build Mac version without GUI. * Too many #ifdefs. * Cannot build Win32 GUI without IME. (John Marriott) * Can't build on older Mac, header file is missing.- Recommend vim-data so that colors can work by default- Updated to revision 1525, fixes the following problems * Compiler complains about uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * Missing -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 may cause problems if a library is compiled with it. * Cannot act on edits in the command line. * Acessing freed memory after window command in auto command. (gy741) * Still too many old style tests. * Segmentation fault when Ruby throws an exception inside :rubyfile command. * Slow redrawing with DirectX. * Endless loop when gui_mch_stop_blink() is called while blink_state is BLINK_OFF. (zdohnal) * It is difficult to set the python home directory properly for Python 2.7 and 3.5 since both use $PYTHONHOME. * Terminal test fails on some systems. (jonathonf) * Terminal test fails on some slow terminals. * When in silent mode too much output is buffered. * If $SHELL contains a space then the default value of 'shell' is incorrect. (Matthew Horan) * Timer test on travis Mac is still flaky. * Clojure now supports a shebang line. * Filetype detection test does not check all scripts. * Cannot handle change of directory. * Missing file in patch. * Missing another file in patch. * Missing yet another file in patch. * Test fails without 'autochdir' option. * Completing directory after :find does not add slash. * Python2 and python3 detection not tested. (Matej Cepl) * Older GTK versions don't have gtk_entry_get_text_length(). * Libvterm doesn't handle illegal byte sequence correctly. * Illegal memory access in del_bytes(). * When package path is a symlink adding it to 'runtimepath' happens at the end. * Integer overflow when using regexp pattern. (geeknik) * On MS-Windows CursorIM highlighting no longer works. * MS-Windows: nsis installer is a bit slow. * MS-Windows: D&D fails between 32 and 64 bit apps. * Visual C 2017 has multiple MSVCVER numbers. * Invalid memory access in read_redo(). (gy741) * Screen isn't always updated right away. * Redraw flicker when moving the mouse outside of terminal window. * Unnecessary condition for "len" being zero. * Insert mode completion state is confusing. * Patch missing change. * Clearing a pointer takes two lines. * Using feedkeys() does not work to test Insert mode completion. (Lifepillar) * Searchpair() might return an invalid value on timeout. * Reduntant conditions. * Weird autocmd may cause arglist to be changed recursively. * Accessing invalid memory with "it". (Dominique Pelle) * Test 14 fails. * Emacs tags no longer work. (zdohnal) * There is no easy way to get the global directory, esp. if some windows have a local directory. * Number of spell regions is spread out through the code. * The minimum width of the popup menu is hard coded. * Memory leak in balloon_split(). * Completion items cannot be annotated. * No autocmd triggered in Insert mode with visible popup menu. * Having 'pumwidth' default to zero has no merit. * Clearing a pointer takes two lines. * Getting the jump list requires parsing the output of :jumps. * Getjumplist() returns duplicate entries. (lacygoill) * Out-of-memory situation not correctly handled. (Coverity) * Possible NULL pointer dereference. (Coverity) * Out-of-memory situation not correctly handled. (Coverity) * In out-of-memory situation character is not restored. (Coverity) * Access memory beyond end of string. (Coverity) * Win32: the screen may be cleared on startup. * Debugger can't break on a condition. (Charles Campbell) * New version of HP NonStop (Tandem) doesn't like the default header for setenv(). * Timer test is a bit flaky. * The :drop command is not always available. * Test for failing drag-n-drop command no longer fails. * Cannot test if a command causes a beep. * Some code for the debugger watch expression is clumsy. * Warning for possibly using NULL pointer. (Coverity) * The jumplist is not always properly cleaned up. * Getting the list of changes is not easy. * BufWinEnter event fired when opening hidden terminal. * Errors for job options are not very specific. * Invalid memory acces with pattern using look-behind match. (Dominique Pelle) * Error messages suppressed after ":silent! try". (Ben Reilly) * Getchangelist() does not use argument as bufname(). * Cursor is in the wrong line when using a WinBar in a Terminal window. * Shift-Tab does not work in a terminal window. * Popup menu is positioned in the wrong place. (Davit Samvelyan, Boris Staletic) * Cannot write and read terminal screendumps. * Compiler warnings for uninitialized variables. (Tony Mechelynck) * Using :wqa exits even if a job runs in a terminal window. (Jason Felice)- Split vim-data into vim-data-common package for low-disk usage scenarios bsc#1078722 bsc#1078554 bsc#1075541 - Make set mouse= default in suse.vimrc bsc#1079185 bsc#1078564 bsc#1067890 bsc#1064068 bsc#1062691- Updated to revision 1442, fixes the following problems * Crash when calling term_start() with empty argument. * Crash when term_start() fails. * MS-Windows: vimtutor fails if %TMP% has special chars. * After ":copen" can't get the window-ID of the quickfix window. (FalacerSelene) * Illegal memory access after undo. (Dominique Pelle) * GTK: :promtfind does not put focus on text input. (Adam Novak) * Memory leak in test_arabic. * Not enough information about what Python version may work. * Pkg-config doesn't work with cross compiling. * Filetype detection test not updated for change. * If cscope fails a search Vim may hang. * Terminal window: some vterm responses are delayed. * Using ":undo 0" leaves undo in wrong state. * Using pointer before it is set.- Make vim require vim-data bsc#1077352 bsc#1075541 bsc#1074790- Sort with spec-cleaner - Add conditional to build with python2 in order to build with py3 only enviroment - Convert dependencies to pkgconfig style- Updated to revision 1428, fixes the following problems * No test for expanding backticks. * Cursor column is not updated after ]s. (Gary Johnson) * Accessing freed memory in vimgrep. * Accessing invalid memory with overlong byte sequence. * No fallback to underline when undercurl is not set. (Ben Jackson) * Error in return not caught by try/catch. * The timer_pause test is flaky on Travis. * execute() does not work in completion of user command. (thinca) * "gf" and don't accept ? and & in URL. (Dmitrii Tcyganok) * The :leftabove modifier doesn't work for :copen. * Compiler warning on 64 bit MS-Windows system.- ignore make check transient errors for PowerPC bypass boo#1072651- Update apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.12) * add support for the "smc" network keyword- Updated to revision 1417, fixes the following problems * Encoding empty string to JSON sometimes gives "null". * Build fails with --with-features=huge --disable-channel. * Too much highlighting with 'hlsearch' and 'incsearch' set. * Cannot intercept a yank command. * It is not easy to see if a colorscheme is well written. * Memory leak when CTRL-G in search command line fails. * Pattern with \& following nothing gives an error. * :packadd does not load packages from the "start" directory. * Warnings and errors when building tiny version. (Tony Mechelynck) * Color scheme check script shows up as color scheme. * Cannot build with GTK but without XIM. (Guido) * Crash with nasty autocommand. (gy741, Dominique Pelle) * Using freed buffer in grep command. (gy741, Dominique Pelle) * Invalid memory access on exit when autocommands wipe out a buffer. * Duplicated code for getting a typed character. CursorHold is called too often in the GUI. (lilydjwg) * Difficult to track changes to a quickfix list. * GUI: CursorHold may trigger before 'updatetime' when using timers. * Crash in setqflist(). * Buffer overflow in :tags command. * Hang when using count() with an empty string. * Reading invalid memory with CTRL-W :. * Using free memory using setloclist(). (Dominique Pelle) * Accessing freed memory in :cbuffer. * Accessing freed memory in :lfile. * Warning for unused function without timers feature. * Crash when searching for a sentence. * Test doesn't search for a sentence. Still fails when searching for start of sentence. (Dominique Pelle)- Updated to revision 1390, fixes the following problems * Balloon shows when cursor is in WinBar. * terminal test hangs, executing abcde. (Stucki) * Cannot drag status line or vertical separator of new terminal window. (UncleBill) * MS-Windows: drawing underline, curl and strike-throw is slow, mFallbackDC not properly updated. * Channel test for callback is flaky. * Shift-Insert doesn't always work in MS-Windows console. * Profile log may be truncated halfway a character. * No error when settting 'renderoptions' to an invalid value before starting the GUI. * CTRL-A does not work with an empty line. (Alex) * Window size wrong after maximizing with WinBar. (Lifepillar) * Cursor in terminal not always updated. * Cannot call a dict function in autoloaded dict. * Autoload script sources itself when defining function. * Configure check for selinux does not check for header file. * When recovering a file with "vim -r swapfile" the hit-enter prompt is at the top of the window. * ch_readraw() waits for NL if channel mode is NL. * Get "no write since last change" message if a terminal is open. * Local additions in help skips some files. (joshklod) * Not enough quickfix help; confusing winid. * Python 3.5 is getting old. * Cannot select modified buffers with getbufinfo(). * Wordcount test is old style. * Char not overwritten with ambiguous width char, if the ambiguous char is single width but we reserve double-width space. * getqflist() items are missing if not set, that makes it more difficult to handle the values. * DirectX scrolling can be slow, vertical positioning is off.- Updated to revision 1365, fixes the following problems * Libvterm ANSI colors can not always be recognized from the RGB values. The default color is wrong when t_RB is empty. * The Terminal highlighting doesn't work in a terminal. * Some users don't want to diff with hidden buffers. * Terminal window colors wrong when using Terminal highlighting. * Recovering does not work when swap file ends in .stz. * There is no easy way to get the window position. * When one channel test fails others fail as well.- Update to revision 1358 * Too many changes to list - Fixes CVE-2017-1000382 bsc#1065958 - Refresh patches: * disable-unreliable-tests.patch * vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch * vim-7.4-disable_lang_no.patch * vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch * vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch- Explicitly require python2-devel- Add disable-unreliable-tests.patch to disable unreliable tests bsc#1054723- Bump priorities so we can upgrade from 12.3- Updated to revision 627, fixes the following problems * Call for requesting color and ambiwidth is too early. (Hirohito Higashi) * "1gd" may hang. * Bracketed paste is still enabled when executing a shell command. (Michael Smith) * Can't run make with several jobs, creating directories has a race condition. * The cursor line number becomes negative when using :z^ in an empty buffer. (neovim #6557) * Building the command table requires Perl. * Running parallel make after distclean fails. (Manuel Ortega) * Get only one quickfix list after :caddbuf. * Using freed memory when resetting 'indentexpr' while evaluating it. (Dominique Pelle) * Can't build when configure choses "install-sh". (Daniel Hahler) * Warning for uninitialized variable. (John Marriott) * :simalt on MS-Windows does not work properly. * Duplicate test case for quickfix. * Cannot set the valid flag with setqflist(). * Moving folded text is sometimes not correct. * Illegal memory access with z= command. (Dominique Pelle) * Fold test hangs on MS-Windows. * Memory leak when executing quickfix tests. * Test_options fails when run in the GUI. * No test for mapping timing out. * Configure check for return value of tgetent is skipped. * job_stop() often assumes the channel will be closed, while the job may not actually be stopped. (Martin Gammelsæter) * :simalt still does not work. * Cannot add a context to locations. * Changes to eval functionality not documented. * If a job writes to a buffer and the user is typing a command, the screen isn't updated. When a message is displayed the changed buffer may cause it to be cleared. (Ramel Eshed) * Duplication of code for adding a list or dict return value. * Build failure when windows feature is missing. * Coverity warning for not checking return value of dict_add(). * Crash when complete() is called after complete_add() in 'completefunc'. (Lifepillar) * Off-by-one error in buffer size computation. * Building with gcc 7.1 yields new warnings. * diff mode is insufficiently tested * test_recover fails on some systems. * No test coverage for :spellrepall. * When gF fails to edit the file the cursor still moves to the found line number. * gF test fails on MS-Windows. * gF test fails still on MS-Windows. * The buffer that quickfix caches for performance may become invalid. (Daniel Hahler) * Cannot set the context for a specified quickfix list. * When creating a bufref, then using :bwipe and :new it might get the same memory and bufref_valid() returns true. * Cannot manipulate other than the current quickfix list. * For some people the hint about quitting is not sufficient. * The screen is redrawn when t_BG is set and used to detect the value for 'background'. * When t_u7 is sent a few characters in the second screen line are overwritten and not redrawn later. (Rastislav Barlik) * Package directories are added to 'runtimepath' only after loading non-package plugins. * The conf filetype detection is done before ftdetect scripts from packages that are added later. * float2nr() is not exactly right. * Using % with :hardcopy wrongly escapes spaces. (Alexey Muranov) * When setting the cterm background with ":hi Normal" the value of 'background' may be set wrongly. * Hardcopy test hangs on MS-Windows. * NFA regex engine handles [0-z] incorrectly. * In the GUI, when a timer uses feedkeys(), it still waits for an event. (Raymond Ko) * Since we only support GTK versions that have it, the ckeck for HAVE_GTK_MULTIHEAD is no longer needed. * The ":stag" command does not respect 'switchbuf'. * Using a text object to select quoted text fails when 'selection' is set to "exclusive". (Guraga) * The message "Invalid range" is used for multiple errors. * Warning for unused variable in tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck) * shellescape() always escapes a newline, which does not work with some shells. (Harm te Hennepe) * In the GUI the cursor may flicker. * When 'wrapscan' is off "gn" does not select the whole pattern when it's the last one in the text. (KeyboardFire)- Extend vimrc with mappings for 8-bit controls key escape sequences- Conflict with old vim versions to fix the upgrade from 12.3 boo#1036583- Updated to revision 566, fixes the following problems * :windo allows for ! but it's not supported. * Undefined behavior when using backslash after empty line. * Not enough test coverage for syntax commands. * Crash when getting the window position in tmux. * Cannot detect Bazel BUILD files on some systems. * Using freed memory in :caddbuf after clearing quickfix list. * Setting nocompatible for the tiny version moves the cursor. - Refresh and re-add vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch- Updated to revision 559, fixes the following problems * Test_edit causes older xfce4-terminal to close. (Dominique Pelle) * Cppcheck warnings. * Edit test may fail on some systems. * Swap file exists briefly when opening the command window. * Extra line break in verbosefile when using ":echomsg". (Ingo Karkat) * Saving the redo buffer only works one time, resulting in the "." command not working well for a function call inside another function call. * No test for the 8g8 command. * Some etags format tags file use 0x01, breaking the parsing. * The typeahead buffer is reallocated too often. * Toupper and tolower don't work properly for Turkish when 'casemap' is empty. (Bjorn Linse) * Toupper/tolower test with Turkish locale fails on Mac. * Toupper and tolower don't work properly for Turkish when 'casemap' contains "keepascii". (Bjorn Linse) * Toupper/tolower test fails on OSX without Darwin. * Getting the window position fails if both the GUI and term code is built in. * GTK: using static gravities is not useful. * The :ownsyntax command is not tested. * Setting ttytype to xxx does not always fail as expected. - Remove vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch, fixed upstream.- Update the update-alternatives code- Updated to revision 542, fixes the following problems * ml_get errors in silent Ex mode. (Dominique Pelle) * A large count on a normal command causes trouble. (Dominique Pelle) * There is no way to remove quickfix lists (for testing). * Storing a zero byte from a multi-byte character causes fold text to show up wrong. * Character classes are not well tested. They can differ between platforms. * Using a function pointer instead of the actual function, which we know. * GtkForm handling is outdated. * MS-Windows: when 'clipboard' is "unnamed" yyp does not work in a :global command. * dv} deletes part of a multi-byte character. (Urtica Dioica) * Folds are messed up when 'encodin' is "utf-8". * Coverity complains about possible negative value. * RISC OS support was removed long ago, but one file is still included. * When 'wildmenu' is set and 'wildmode' has "longest" then the first file name is highlighted, even though the text shows the longest match. * Line in test commented out. * Buffer overflow when 'columns' is very big. (Nikolai Pavlov) * Test with long directory name fails on non-unix systems. * Test with long directory name fails on Mac. * Abbreviation doesn't work after backspacing newline. (Hkonrk) * Defaults.vim does not work well with tiny features. (crd477) * Memory leak when exiting from within a user function. * Quickfix window not updated when freeing quickfix stack. * Illegal memory access with :z and large count. * No test for falling back to default term value. * Startup test fails on Mac. * Building unit tests fails. * Compiler warning on MS-Windows. * getpos() can return a negative line number. (haya14busa)- Update spec.skeleton with spec-cleaner- Updated to revision 514, fixes the following problems * Insufficient testing for statusline. * 'makeencoding' missing from the options window. * Git and hg see new files after running tests. (Manuel Ortega) * Options test does not always test everything. * Options test fails or hangs on MS-Windows. * 'cinoptions' cannot set indent for extern block. * "make shadow" creates an invalid link. * Quite a few beeps when running tests. * Clang version not correctly detected. * Some functions are not tested. * Running the options test sometimes resizes the terminal. * The packadd test does not create the symlink correctly and does not test the right thing. * The fnamemodify test changes 'shell' in a way later tests may not be able to use system(). * Using ":%argdel" while the argument list is already empty gives an error. (Pavol Juhas) * Not enough test coverage in Insert mode. * Dead code in #ifdef. * Patch shell command uses double quotes around the argument, which allows for $HOME to be expanded. (Etienne) * Terminal width is set to 80 in test3. * Diffpatch fails when the file name has a quote. * Getpgid is not supported on all systems. * The ";" command does not work after characters with a lower byte that is NUL. * Getting font name does not work on X11. * Some macros are in lower case, which can be confusing. * Part of fold patch accidentally included. * v:progpath is not reliably set. * Some macros are in lower case. * Some macros are in lower case. * Adding fold marker creates new comment. * Compiler warnings for comparing unsigned char with 256 always being true. (Manuel Ortega) * The mode test may hang in Test_mode(). (Michael Soyka) * Typo in MinGW test makefile. * Using :move messes up manual folds. * Potential crash if adding list or dict to dict fails. * Old fix for :move messing up folding no longer needed, now that we have a proper solution. * Can't build on HPUX. * Test 45 hangs on MS-Windows. * If an MS-Windows tests succeeds at first and then fails in a way it does not produce a test.out file it looks like the test succeeded. * Resetting 'compatible' in defaults.vim has unexpected side effects. (David Fishburn) * Can't find executable name on Solaris and FreeBSD. * Off-by-one error in using :move with folding. * There are still a few macros that should be all-caps. * Using g< after :for does not show the right output. (Marcin Szamotulski) * After aborting an Ex command g< does not work. (Marcin Szamotulski) * Compiler warnings on MS-Windows. * Not enough testing for help commands. * Exit callback test sometimes fails. * When a test fails and test.log is created, Test_edit_CTRL_I matches it instead of * No test covering arg_all(). * The client-server feature is not tested. * Not enough testing for the client-server feature. * Missing change to main.c. * The client-server test may hang when failing. * Tests use assert_true(0) and assert_false(1) to report errors. * remote_peek() is not tested. * The remote_peek() test fails on MS-Windows. * Unnecessary if statement. * The setbufvar() function may mess up the window layout. (Kay Z.) * Illegal memory access when using :all. (Dominique Pelle) * Using :lhelpgrep with an argument that should fail does not produce an error if the previous :helpgrep worked. * Not all windows commands are tested. * Crash and endless loop when closing windows in a SessionLoadPost autocommand. * The autocmd test hangs on MS-Windows. * Running tests leaves an "xxx" file behind. * Clipboard and "* register is not tested. * Splitting a 'winfixwidth' window vertically makes it one column smaller. (Dominique Pelle) * The quotestar test fails when a required feature is missing. * A failing client-server request can make Vim hang. * Crash with cd command with very long argument. * Build failure with older compiler on MS-Windows. * The quotestar test uses a timer instead of a timeout, thus it cannot be rerun like a flaky test. * Insufficient testing for folding. * Arabic support is not fully tested. * Two autocmd tests are skipped on MS-Windows. * taglist() does not prioritize tags for a buffer. * Quotestar test is still a bit flaky. * On MS-Windows ":!start" does not work as expected. * Coverity complains about possible NULL pointer. * Endless loop in updating folds with 32 bit ints. * Looking up an Ex command is a bit slow. * Failed window split for :stag not handled. (Coverity CID 99204) * Can't build with ANSI C. * Client-server tests fail when $DISPLAY is not set. * Coveralls no longer shows per-file coverage. * No link to results. * Typo in link to results. * Menuage for skipping client-server tests is unclear. * Check for available characters takes too long. * Getting name of cleared highlight group is wrong. (Matt Wozniski) * Script for creating cmdidxs can be improved.- Disable term=xxx test, does not work with any vim version * vim-8.0-ttytype-test.patch- Update apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.11) * add support for the "kcm" and "qipcrtr" network keywords * update change_profile rule highlighting- Build default vim without X11 support, use update-alternatives to prefer gvim if installed for X11 support.- Updated to revision 425, fixes the following problems * Packadd test does not clean up symlink. * Packadd test uses wrong directory name. * The E11 error message in the command line window is not translated. * The "zero count" error doesn't have a number. (Hirohito Higashi) * Xfontset and guifontwide are not tested. * Illegal memory access after "vapo". (Dominique Pelle) * Restoring help snapshot accesses freed memory. (Dominique Pelle) * GUI test fails on some systems. * Illegal memory access when 'complete' ends in a backslash. * Can't access b:changedtick from a dict reference. * Functions test fails. * Flags of :substitute not sufficiently tested. * Invalid memory access in :recover command. * :recover test fails on MS-Windows. * Illegal memory access with vi' * Not checking return valud of dict_add(). (Coverity) * When using complete() and typing a character undo is saved after the character was inserted. (Shougo) * Double free when compiled with EXITFREE and setting 'ttytype'. * b:changedtick can be unlocked, even though it has no effect. * Unlet command leaks memory. (Nikolai Pavlov) * islocked('d.changedtick') does not work. * Vim relies on limits.h to be included indirectly, but on Solaris 9 it may not be. (Ben Fritz) * When using CTRL-X CTRL-U inside a comment, the use of the comment leader may not work. (Klement) * When building with a shadow directory on macOS lacks the +clipboard feature. * Redrawing errors with GTK 3. * Not enough test coverage for Perl. * No test for concatenating an empty string that results from out of bounds indexing. * The condition for when a typval needs to be cleared is too complicated. * If [RO] in the status line is translated to a longer string, it is trunctted to 4 bytes. * Test to check that setting termcap key fails sometimes. * Using uninitialized memory when 'isfname' is empty. * Leaking memory when setting 'ttytype'. * Crash when setting 'guicursor' to weird value. * Invalid memory access in C-indent code. * 'number' and 'relativenumber' are not properly tested. * Sometimes VimL is used, which is confusing. * GUI initialisation is not sufficiently tested. * Tests fail on MS-Windows. * Travis is too slow to keep up with patches. * ]s does not move cursor with two spell errors in one line. * Might free a dict item that wasn't allocated. * Build fails with tiny features. * If configure defines _LARGE_FILES some include files are included before it is defined. * Not all options are tested with a range of values. * The 'balloondelay', 'ballooneval' and 'balloonexpr' options are not defined without the +balloon_eval feature. Testing that an option value fails does not work for unsupported options. * Invalid memory access when setting wildchar empty. * Leaking memory when setting v:completed_item. * More options are not always defined. * Build fails without +folding. * Invalid memory access when using :sc in Ex mode. (Dominique Pelle) * The "+ register is not tested. * Size computations in spell file reading are not exactly right. * Possible overflow when reading corrupted undo file. CVE-2017-6349 bsc#1027057 * Another possible overflow when reading corrupted undo file. CVE-2017-6350 bsc#1027053 * CTRL-Z and mouse click use CTRL-O unnecessary. * With 'linebreak' set and 'breakat' includes ">" a double-wide character results in "<<" displayed. * Diff mode is not sufficiently tested. * Warning in tiny build for unused variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * Misplaced #ifdef. (Christ van Willigen) * Timer test failed for no apparent reason. * No tests for arabic. * Tiny build has a problem with generating the options test. * compiler warnings * filtering lines through "cat", without changing the line count, changes manual folds. * Test for arabic does not check what is displayed. * When the window scrolls horizontally when the popup menu is displayed part of it may not be cleared. (Neovim issue #6184) * Arabic support is verbose and not well tested. * GUI test fails with Athena and Motif. * When the same tag appears more than once, the order is unpredictable. (Charles Campbell) * Tabs are not aligned when scrolling horizontally and a Tab doesn't fit. (Axel Bender) * Testing the + register fails with Motif. * 'balloonexpr' only works synchronously. * Cannot build with the viminfo feature but without the eval feature. * Illegal memory access with "t". * Crash when using balloon_show() when not supported. (Hirohito Higashi) * Some tests have a one second delay. * Test fails with missing balloon feature. * :map completion does not have . (Dominique Pelle) * GUI tests may fail. * Not enough testing for quickfix. * v:progpath may become invalid after ":cd". * The arabic shaping code is verbose. * Filtering folds with marker method not tested. * Updating folds does not work properly when inserting a file and a few other situations. * set_progpath is defined but not always used * Newer gettext/iconv library has extra dll file. * We can't change the case in menu entries, it breaks translations. * Menu test fails on MS-Windows. * Menu test fails on MS-Windows using gvim. * Balloon eval is not tested. * Balloon test fails on MS-Windows. * Setting v:progpath is not quite right. * Test for the clipboard fails sometimes. * ASAN logs are disabled and don't cause a failure. * Test for v:progpath fails on MS-Windows. * When running :make the output may be in the system encoding, different from 'encoding'. * Diff mode is displayed wrong when adding a line at the end of a buffer. * Python test fails with Python 3.6. * The effect of adding "#" to 'cinoptions' is not always removed. * Compiler warnings on MS-Windows. (Ajit Thakkar) * Build errors when building without folding. - Drop test87-python36.patch, fixed upstream.- Add test87-python36.patch to update test results for Python 3.6- Updated to revision 324, fixes the following problems * When a json message arrives in pieces, the start is dropped and the decoding fails. * Not enough testing for GUI functionality. * getcmdtype(), getcmdpos() and getcmdline() are not tested. * ":help :[range]" does not work. (Tony Mechelynck) * ":help z?" does not work. (Pavol Juhas) * No test for setting 'guifont'. * Small mistake in 7x13 font name. * Insert mode completion does not respect "start" in 'backspace'. * Warning for unused variable with small build. * When using the tiny version trying to load the matchit plugin gives an error. On MS-Windows some default mappings fail. * Possible overflow with spell file where the tree length is corrupted. CVE-2017-5953 bsc#1024724 * When running the command line tests there is a one second wait. * Illegal memory access with "1;y".- Updated to revision 311, fixes the following problems * Double free on exit when using a closure. (James McCoy) * Ex command range with repeated search does not work. (Bruce DeVisser) * When the GUI window is resized Vim does not always take over the new size. (Luchr) * Cannot stop diffing hidden buffers. (Daniel Hahler) * No tests for ":set completion" and various errors of the :set command. * Cannot set terminal key codes with :let. * Bracketed paste does not work in Visual mode. * Assign test fails in the GUI. * Invalid memory access when option has duplicate flag. * mode() not sufficiently tested. * Asan detects a memory error when EXITFREE is defined. (Dominique Pelle) * When using a symbolic link, the package path will not be inserted at the right position in 'runtimepath'. (Dugan Chen, Norio Takagi) * Cannot use an empty key in json. * Not enough testing for GUI functionality. * Linebreak tests are old style.- Updated to revision 296, fixes the following problems * Jumping to a tag that is a static item in the current file fails. (Kazunobu Kuriyama) * The test for :profile is slow and does not work on MS-Windows. * On MS-Windows the system() test skips a few parts. * Some syntax arguments take effect even after "if 0". (Taylor Venable) * Warning for an unused parameter when the libcall feature is disabled. Warning for a function type cast when compiling with -pedantic. * Some syntax arguments are not tested. * When completing a group name for a highlight or syntax command cleared groups are included. * No test for invalid syntax group name. * Order of complication flags is sometimes wrong. * Compiler warns for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * After :undojoin some commands don't work properly, such as :redo. (Matthew Malcomson) * Test coverage for :retab insufficient. * Leaking file descriptor when system() cannot find the buffer. (Coverity) * Internally used commands for CTRL-Z and mouse click end up in history. (Matthew Malcomson) * When using :substitute with the "c" flag and 'cursorbind' is set the cursor is not updated in other windows. * Vim does not support bracketed paste, as implemented by xterm and other terminals. * Build fails if the multi-byte feature is disabled. * The buffer used to store a key name theoreticaly could be too small. (Coverity) * The Netbeans "specialKeys" command does not check if the argument fits in the buffer. (Coverity) * Leaking memory when syntax cluster id is unknown. (Coverity) * When a Cscope line contains CTRL-L a NULL pointer may be used. (Coverity) * When decoding JSON with a JS style object the JSON test may use a NULL pointer. (Coverity) * Build fails without the cscope feature. * No command line completion for :cexpr, :cgetexpr, :caddexpr, etc. * Ubsan reports errors for integer overflow. * Completion for :match does not show "none" and other missing highlight names. * Checking if PROTO is defined inside a function has no effect. * When a multi-byte character ends in a zero byte, putting blockwise text puts it before the character instead of after it. * Coverity gets confused by the flags passed to find_tags() and warnts for an uninitialized variable. * When 'fileformats' is changed in a BufReadPre auto command, it does not take effect in readfile(). (Gary Johnson) * When a block is visually selected and put is used on the end of the selection only one line is changed. * The test for patch 8.0.0224 misses the CR characters and passes even without the fix. (Christian Brabandt) * Crash when 'fileformat' is forced to "dos" and the first line in the file is empty and does not have a CR character. * When pasting test in an xterm on the command line it is surrounded by and . (Johannes Kaltenbach) * When freeing a buffer the local value of the 'formatprg' option is not cleared. * When using bracketed paste line breaks are not respected. * There are no tests for bracketed paste mode. * Pasting in Insert mode does not work when bracketed paste is used and 'esckeys' is off. * The paste test fails if the GUI is being used. * When several lines are visually selected and one of them is short, using put may cause a crash. (Axel Bender) * Memory leak detected when running tests for diff mode. * Gcc complains that a variable may be used uninitialized. Confusion between variable and label name. (John Marriott) * When setting wildoptions=tagfile the completion context is not set correctly. (desjardins) * When using bracketed paste autoindent causes indent to be increased. * The address sanitizer sometimes finds errors, but it needs to be run manually. * The clang build on CI fails with one configuration. * Vim defines a mch_memmove() function but it doesn't work, thus is always unused. * Completion of user defined functions is not covered by tests. * When making a character lower case with tolower() changes the byte cound, it is not made lower case. * When the user sets t_BE empty after startup to disable bracketed paste, this has no direct effect. * The generated zh_CN.cp936.po message file is not encoded properly. * Compiler warnings for int to pointer conversion. * Under some circumstances, one needs to type Ctrl-N or Ctrl-P twice to have a menu entry selected. (Lifepillar) * vim_strcat() cannot handle overlapping arguments. * When two submits happen quick after each other, the tests for the first one may error out. * When virtcol() gets a column that is not the first byte of a multi-byte character the result is unpredictable. (Christian Ludwig) * It is not so easy to write a script that works with both Python 2 and Python 3, even when the Python code works with both. * Characters below 256 that are not one byte are not always recognized as word characters. * When creating a session when winminheight is 2 or larger and loading that session gives an error. * When using an assert function one can either specify a message or get a message about what failed, not both. * When calling setpos() with a buffer argument it often is ignored. (Matthew Malcomson) * Tests fail because some changes were not included. * The keyword test file is not included in the archive. * The keyword test file is not included in the archive. * Tab commands do not handle count correctly. (Ken Hamada) * Build fails with tiny features. * Not enough test coverage for eval functions. * Farsi support is barely tested. * Farsi support is not tested enough. * Memory error reported by ubsan, probably for using the string returned by execute(). * May get ml_get error when :pydo deletes lines or switches to another buffer. (Nikolai Pavlov, issue #1421) * Compiler warning for using uninitialized variable. * A channel test sometimes fails on Mac. * May get ml_get error when :luado deletes lines or switches to another buffer. (Nikolai Pavlov, issue #1421) * May get ml_get error when :perldo deletes lines or switches to another buffer. (Nikolai Pavlov, issue #1421) * May get ml_get error when :rubydo deletes lines or switches to another buffer. (Nikolai Pavlov, issue #1421) * May get ml_get error when :tcldo deletes lines or switches to another buffer. (Nikolai Pavlov, closes #1421) * Crash on exit is not detected when running tests. * Dead code detected by Coverity when not using gnome. * When update_single_line() is called recursively, or another screen update happens while it is busy, errors may occur. * When checking for CTRL-C typed the GUI may detect a screen resize and redraw the screen, causing trouble. * Checking for FEAT_GUI_GNOME inside GTK 3 code is unnecessary. * The GUI test may trigger fontconfig and take a long time. * GUI test fails on MS-Windows. * With MSVC 2015 the dll name is vcruntime140.dll. * On MS-Windows setting an environment variable with multi-byte strings does not work well. * MS-Windows files are still using ARGSUSED while most other files have UNUSED. * When doing a Visual selection and using "I" to go to insert mode, CTRL-O needs to be used twice to go to Normal mode. (Coacher) * The return value of mode() does not indicate that completion is active in Replace and Insert mode. (Zhen-Huan (Kenny) Hu) * The Test_collapse_buffers() test failed once, looks like it is flaky. * Tests fail with tiny build on Unix. * When concealing is active and the screen is resized in the GUI it is not immediately redrawn. * Cannot access the arguments of the current function in debug mode. (Luc Hermitte) * Errors reported while running tests. * No test for "ga" and :ascii. * If a wide character doesn't fit at the end of the screen line, and the line doesn't fit on the screen, then the cursor position may be wrong. (anliting) * Visual block insertion does not insert in all lines. * The stat test is a bit slow. * Some tests have a one or three second wait. * Argument list is not stored correctly in a session file. (lgpasquale) * test_viml hangs. * Bracketed paste can only append, not insert.- Improve summary bsc#1021040- Add missing %changelog to spec.skeleton- Updated to revision 194, fixes the following problems * When compiling with EBCDIC defined the build fails. (Yaroslav Kuzmin) * For completion "locale -a" is executed on MS-Windows, even though it most likely won't work. * Setting language in gvim on MS-Windows does not work when libintl.dll is dynamically linked with msvcrt.dll. * Using :change in between :function and :endfunction fails. * When opening a buffer on a directory and inside a try/catch then the BufEnter event is not triggered. * test_command_count may fail when a previous test interferes, seen on MS-Windows. * 'formatprg' is a global option but the value may depend on the type of buffer. (Sung Pae) * Error E937 is used both for duplicate key in JSON and for trying to delete a buffer that is in use. * When 'cursorbind' and 'cursorcolumn' are both on, the column highlignt in non-current windows is wrong. * When 'cursorbind' and 'cursorline' are set, but 'cursorcolumn' is not, then the cursor line highlighting is not updated. (Hirohito Higashi) * Ubsan warns for using a pointer that is not aligned. * When in Ex mode and an error is caught by try-catch, Vim still exits with a non-zero exit code. * The system() test fails on MS-Windows. * The error message from assert_notequal() is confusing. * Building with a new Ruby version fails. * Using NOT_VALID for redraw_later() to update the cursor line/column highlighting is not efficient. * There are no tests for the :profile command. * Detecting duplicate tags uses a slow linear search. * Some systems do not have ruby_sysinit(), causing the build to fail. * Build fails with tiny features. * Accidentally removed #ifdef. * Profile tests fails if total and self time are equal.- Updated to revision 172, fixes the following problems * When a C preprocessor statement has two line continuations the following line does not have the right indent. (Ken Takata) * ":earlier" and ":later" do not work after startup or reading the undo file. * When the pattern of :filter does not have a separator then completion of the command fails. * To pass buffer content to system() and systemlist() one has to first create a string or list. * Running the channel test creates channellog. * system() test fails on MS-Windows. * system() test fails on OS/X. * When sorting zero elements a NULL pointer is passed to qsort(), which ubsan warns for. * Several float functions are not covered by tests. * No command line completion for ":syntax spell" and ":syntax sync". * On MS-Windows some float functions return a different value when passed unusual values. strtod() doesn't work for "inf" and "nan". * Using a NULL pointer when using feedkeys() to trigger drawing a tabline. * EMSG() is sometimes used for internal errors. * Build fails when using small features. * Build error on Fedora 23 with small features and gnome2. * Ruby 2.4 no longer supports rb_cFixnum. * Outdated and misplaced comments. * Ubsan warns for integer overflow. * JSON with a duplicate key gives an internal error. (Lcd) * str2nr() and str2float() do not always work with negative values. * Still some float functionality is not covered by tests. * For complicated string json_decode() may run out of stack space. * Channel test fails for using freed memory. * JS style JSON does not support single quotes. * The command selected in the command line window is not executed. (Andrey Starodubtsev)- Updated to revision 147, fixes the following problems * Not enough test coverage for syntax commands. * Test fails because of using :finish. * "2;'(" causes ml_get errors in an empty buffer. * Null pointer access reported by UBsan. * An address relative to the current line, ":.,+3y", does not work properly on a closed fold. * When using indent folding and changing indent the wrong fold is opened. * When 'maxfuncdepth' is set above 200 the nesting is limited to 200. * Small build fails. * Warning for unused argument. * Pasting inserted text in Visual mode does not work properly. * Nested function test fails on AppVeyor. * Normal colors are wrong with 'termguicolors'. * Line number of current buffer in getbufinfo() is wrong. * When using MSVC the GvimExt directory is cleaned twice. * Running tests on MS-Windows is a little bit noisy. * When using 'termguicolors' on MS-Windows the RGB definition causes the colors to be wrong. * searchpair() does not work when 'magic' is off.- Updated to revision 130, fixes the following problems * Not enough testing for entering Ex commands. * Display problem with 'foldcolumn' and a wide character. (esiegerman) * Cancelling completion still inserts text when formatting is done for 'textwidth'. (lacygoill) * Display test fails on MS-Windows. * Parallel make still doesn't work. (Lewis Muir) * Configure uses "ushort" while the Vim code doesn't.- Updated to revision 124, fixes the following problems * May not process channel readahead. (skywind) * Value of 'thesaurus' option not checked properly. * When using ch_read() with zero timeout, can't tell the difference between reading an empty line and nothing available. * Cannot use a semicolon in 'backupext'. (Jeff) * When reading channel output in a timer, messages may go missing. (Skywind) * The channel "drop" option is not tested. * Still checking if memcmp() exists while every system should have it now. * Drop command doesn't use existing window. * The :history command is not tested. * Tests 92 and 93 are old style. * When reading English help and using CTRl-] the language from 'helplang' is used. * Parallel make fails. (J. Lewis Muir) * No test for using CTRL-R on the command line. * Setting 'cursorline' changes the curswant column. (Daniel Hahler) * Internal error for assert_inrange(1, 1).- Updated to revision 101, fixes the following problems * When the input or output is not a tty Vim appears to hang. * When a channel callback consumes a lot of time Vim becomes unresponsive. (skywind) * Can't build on MS-Windows. * Popup menu always appears above the cursor when it is in the lower half of the screen. (Matt Gardner) * Options that are a file name may contain non-filename characters. * Some options are not strictly checked. * (after 8.0.0101) cannot set 'dictionary' to a path- Updated to revision 95, fixes the following problems * Problems with GTK 3.22.2 fixed in 3.22.4.- Export "TERM=linux" before running the test suite: vim does quite an extensive test relying on a full fledged terminal inside OBS, stdio is redirected to a serial console (where the build log is being recorded/extracted. Systemd set non-local tty by default to vt220 in upcoming versions (which the vi test suite fails to run on; this should be considered a vim bug).- Updated to revision 92, fixes the following problems * Using NUL instead of NULL. * Crash when using the preview window from an unnamed buffer. (lifepillar) * On Windows job_stop() stops cmd.exe, not the processes it runs. (Linwei) * When a match ends in part of concealed text highlighting, it might mess up concealing by resetting prev_syntax_id. * An exiting job is detected with a large latency. * New code for job_stop() breaks channel test on AppVeyor. * Conceal test passes even without the bug fix. * No test for what 8.0.0047 fixes. * On Windows job_stop() stops cmd.exe, not the processes it runs. (Linwei) * Minor comment and style deficiencies. * When setting 'filetype' there is no check for a valid name. * Tests fail without the 'keymap' features. * Positioning of the popup menu is not good. * Vim does not build on VMS systems. * When using an Ex command for 'keywordprg' it is escaped as with a shell command. (Romain Lafourcade) * Compiler warning for unused variable. * No digraph for HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS. * Compiler warning for comparing with unsigned. (Zoltan Arpadffy) * Normal test fails on MS-Windows. * Compiler warning for unused function in tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck) * when calling an operator function when 'linebreak' is set, it is internally reset before calling the operator function. * VMS has a problem with infinity. * Checking did_throw after executing autocommands is wrong. (Daniel Hahler) * Compiler warning for self-comparison. * Tests referred in Makefile that no longer exist. * Exit value from a shell command is wrong. (Hexchain Tong) * MS-Windows: Crash with long font name. (Henry Hu) * More comparisons between firstwin and lastwin. * Cannot make Vim fail on an internal error. * Using number for exception type lacks type checking. * Channel log has double parens ()(). * The GUI code is not tested by Travis. * Accessing freed memory in quickfix. * Accessing freed memory in quickfix. (Domenique Pelle) * The OS X build fails on Travis. * Inconsistent function names. * Extension for configure should be ".ac". * Using freed memory with win_getid(). (Domenique Pelle) * Using freed memory when adding to a quickfix list. (Domenique Pelle) * Using freed memory with recursive function call. (Dominique Pelle) * Cannot add a comment after ":hide". (Norio Takagi) * When the channel callback gets job info the job may already have been deleted. (lifepillar) * When a test fails in Setup or Teardown the problem is not reported. * Various problems with GTK 3.22.2. * Cursor moved after last character when using 'breakindent'. * Test_help_complete sometimes fails in MS-Windows console. * C indenting does not support nested namespaces that C++ 17 has. - Drop bsc-1008800.patch, fixed upstream.- Add bsc-1008800.patch to fix gvim rendering with recent gtk+ update. Fixes bsc#1008800. Patch by Jan Alexander Steffens.- Updated to revision 45, fixes the following problems * Cannot use overlapping positions with matchaddpos(). * No completion for ":messages". * Order of matches for 'omnifunc' is messed up. (Danny Su) * Detecting that a job has finished may take a while. * Get E924 when switching tabs. * OPEN_CHR_FILES not defined for FreeBSD using Debian userland files. * When Vim 8 reads an old viminfo and exits, the next time marks are not read from viminfo. (Ned Batchelder) * Whole line highlighting with matchaddpos() does not work. * When using Insert mode completion but not actually inserting anything an undo item is still created. (Tommy Allen) * When using Insert mode completion with 'completeopt' containing "noinsert" change is not saved for undo. (Tommy Allen) * When using Insert mode completion with 'completeopt' containing "noinsert" with CTRL-N the change is not saved for undo. (Tommy Allen) * In diff mode the cursor may end up below the last line, resulting in an ml_get error. * Calling job_stop() right after job_start() does not work.- Updated to revision 32, fixes the following problems * getwinvar() returns wrong Value of boolean and number options, especially non big endian systems. (James McCoy) * A string argument for function() that is not a function name results in an error message with NULL. (Christian Brabandt) * Netbeans test fails with Python 3. (Jonathonf) * ":lb" is interpreted as ":lbottom" while the documentation says it means ":lbuffer". * Vim 7.4 is still mentioned in a few places. * Popup complete test is disabled. * Unnecessary workaround for AppVeyor. * Crash when editing file that starts with crypt yeader. (igor2x) * On OSX Test_pipe_through_sort_all() sometimes fails. * Typos in comments. * Missing comma in list. * Crypt tests are old style. * Can't tell which part of a channel has "buffered" status. * Build fails. * Cannot get the number of the current quickfix or location list. * When using ":sleep" channel input is not handled. * Test_command_count is old style. * The regexp engines are not reentrant. * In the GUI when redrawing the cursor it may be on the second half of a double byte character. * If a channel in NL mode is missing the NL at the end the remaining characters are dropped. * "gd" and "gD" may find a match in a comment or string. * When the netbeans channel closes, "DETACH" is put in the output part. (Ozaki Kiichi) * Inconsistent use of spaces vs tabs in gd test. * Error format with %W, %C and %Z does not work. (Gerd Wachsmuth) * A channel is closed when reading on stderr or stdout fails, but there may still be something to read on another part. * Superfluous semicolons. * Code for MS-Windows is complicated because of the exceptions for old systems. * Mouse mode is not automatically detected for tmux. * After ":bwipeout" 'fileformat' is not set to the right default.- Updated to revision 3, fixes the following problems * getwinvar() returns wrong Value of boolean and number options, especially non big endian systems. (James McCoy)- Updated to revision 2, fixes the following problems * Intro screen still mentions version7. (Paul) * The netrw plugin does not work.- Update to version 8.0 * Crash on exit when EXITFREE is defined. (Dominique Pelle) * Valgrind reports using uninitialzed memory. (Dominique Pelle) * Test 86 and 87 fail with some version of Python. * Netbeans test fails when run from unpacked MS-Windows sources. * Netbeans test fails in shadow directory. * Not enough test coverage for Normal mode commands. * The example that explains nested backreferences does not work properly with the new regexp engine. (Harm te Hennepe) * Regexp fails to match when using "\>\)\?". (Ramel) * Reading past end of line when using previous substitute pattern. (Dominique Pelle) * Attempt to read history entry while not initialized. * Compiler warnings with Solaris Studio when using GTK3. * Memory leak in timer_start(). * Invalid memory access when formatting. (Dominique Pelle) * Checking for last_timer_id to overflow is not reliable. (Ozaki Kiichi) * Illegal memory access with ":1@". (Dominique Pelle) * Superfluous function prototypes. * Sort test sometimes fails. * Needless line break. Confusing directory name. * MS-Windows gvim.exe does not have DirectX support. * Test runner misses a comma.- Updated to revision 2347, fixes the following problems * submatch() does not check for a valid argument. * The 'langnoremap' option leads to double negatives. And it does not work for the last character of a mapping. * Can't use "." and "$" with ":tab". * With SGR mouse reporting (suckless terminal) the mouse release and scroll up/down is confused. * Warning for missing declaration of skip_vimgrep_pat(). (John Marriott) * Tests using the sleep time can be flaky. * Timer test sometimes fails. * Timer test sometimes fails. * Warning for assigning negative value to unsigned. (Danek Duvall) * Adding pattern to ":oldfiles" is not a generic solution. * Filter test fails. * Oldfiles test fails. * Tiny build fails. (Tony Mechelynck) * When cancelling the :ptjump prompt a preview window is opened for a following command. * Missing colon in error message. * Some error message cannot be translated. * In rare cases diffing 4 buffers is not enough. * Compiler warnings for signed/unsigned in expression. * Check for Windows 3.1 will always return false. (Christian Brabandt) * Compiler warnings in MzScheme code. * The script that checks translations can't handle plurals. * Coverity complains about null pointer check. * Coverity complains about not checking for NULL. * Two JSON messages are sent without a separator. * With 'incsearch' can only see the next match. * Channel test is flaky. * Build fails with small features. * Fail to read register content from viminfo if it is 438 characters long. (John Chen) * :filter does not work for many commands. Can only get matching messages. * When adding entries to an empty quickfix list the title is reset. * printf() isn't tested much. * printf() test fails on Windows. "-inf" is not used. * Build fails on MS-Windows. * Using CTRL-N and CTRL-P for incsearch shadows completion keys. * Using 'hlsearch' highlighting instead of matchpos if there is no search match. * Insufficient testing for NUL bytes on a raw channel. * Netbeans test doesn't read settings from file. * getbufinfo(), getwininfo() and gettabinfo() are inefficient. * getwininfo() and getbufinfo() are inefficient. * Command line completion on "find **/filename" drops sub-directory. * ":diffoff!" does not remove filler lines. * Command line test fails on Windows when run twice. * Memory leak in getbufinfo() when there is a sign. (Dominique Pelle) * New users have no idea of the 'scrolloff' option. * Starting diff mode with the cursor in the last line might end up only showing one closed fold. (John Beckett) * printf() doesn't handle infinity float values correctly. * Timer test fails sometimes. * When a child process is very fast waiting 10 msec for it is noticeable. (Ramel Eshed) * Part of ":oldfiles" command isn't cleared. (Lifepillar) * Comment in scope header file is outdated. (KillTheMule) * Generated files are outdated. * The tee program isn't included. Makefile contains build instructions that don't work. * The callback passed to ch_sendraw() is not used. * MS-Windows build instructions are clumsy. "dosbin" doesn't build. * When installing and $DESTDIR is set the icons probably won't be installed. * Compiler warning in tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck) * printf() handles floats wrong when there is a sign. * Not all systems understand %F in printf(). * Modelines in source code are inconsistent. * Sign test fails on MS-Windows when using the distributed zip archives. * Cscope test fails. * No tests for :undolist and "U" command. * When starting a job that reads from a buffer and reaching the end, the job hangs. * It is not possible to close the "in" part of a channel. * QuickFixCmdPre and QuickFixCmdPost autocommands are not always triggered. * Get warning for deleting autocommand group when the autocommand using the group is scheduled for deletion. (Pavol Juhas) * MS-Windows: some files remain after testing. * Default interface versions for MS-Windows are outdated. * When using "is" the mode isn't always updated. * In a timer callback the timer itself can't be found or stopped. (Thinca) * Marks, writefile and nested function tests are old style. * Default value for 'langremap' is wrong. * Several tests are old style. * Old charsearch test still listed in Makefile. * Crash when doing tabnext in a BufUnload autocmd. (Dominique Pelle) * Accessing freed memory when a timer does not repeat. * Appveyor 64 bit build still using Python 3.4 * Crash when autocommand moves to another tab. (Dominique Pelle) * Crash when deleting an augroup and listing an autocommand. (Dominique Pelle) * No error when deleting an augroup while it's the current one. * Insufficient testing for Normal mode commands. * Channel sort test is flaky. * Normal mode tests fail on MS-Windows. * When 'incsearch' is not set CTRL-T and CTRL-G are not inserted as before. * No way for a system wide vimrc to stop loading defaults.vim. (Christian Hesse) * Redraw problem when using 'incsearch'. * When a test is commented out we forget about it. * Access memory beyond the end of the line. (Dominique Pelle) * Using freed memory when using 'formatexpr'. (Dominique Pelle) * Crash when editing a new buffer and BufUnload autocommand wipes out the new buffer. (Norio Takagi) * Tiny build fails. * Illegal memory access when Visual selection starts in invalid position. (Dominique Pelle) * Freeing a variable that is on the stack. * Crash when BufWinLeave autocmd goes to another tab page. (Hirohito Higashi) * Error for min() and max() contains %s. (Nikolay Pavlov) * Coverity complains about not checking curwin to be NULL. * Using CTRL-X CTRL-V to complete a command line from Insert mode does not work after entering an expression on the command line. * Crash when stop_timer() is called in a callback of a callback. Vim hangs when the timer callback uses too much time. * Outdated comments in test. * On MS-Windows test_getcwd leaves Xtopdir behind. * taglist() is slow. (Luc Hermitte) * Running normal mode tests leave a couple of files behind. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * taglist() is still slow. (Luc Hermitte) * Can't build with small features. (John Marriott) * Tab page test fails when run as fake root. * MS-Windows: Building with Ruby uses old version. * Tiny things. Test doesn't clean up properly. * Typo in MS-Windows build script. * Too many old style tests. * The "Reading from channel output..." message can be unwanted. Appending to a buffer leaves an empty first line behind. * For MinGW RUBY_API_VER_LONG isn't set correctly. Many default version numbers are outdated. * Autocommand test fails when run directly, passes when run as part of test_alot.- Updated to revision 2334, fixes the following problems * No tests for :undolist and "U" command. * When starting a job that reads from a buffer and reaching the end, the job hangs. * It is not possible to close the "in" part of a channel. * QuickFixCmdPre and QuickFixCmdPost autocommands are not always triggered. * Get warning for deleting autocommand group when the autocommand using the group is scheduled for deletion. (Pavol Juhas) * MS-Windows: some files remain after testing. * Default interface versions for MS-Windows are outdated. * When using "is" the mode isn't always updated. * In a timer callback the timer itself can't be found or stopped. (Thinca) * Marks, writefile and nested function tests are old style. * Default value for 'langremap' is wrong. * Several tests are old style. * Old charsearch test still listed in Makefile. * Crash when doing tabnext in a BufUnload autocmd. (Dominique Pelle) * Accessing freed memory when a timer does not repeat. * Appveyor 64 bit build still using Python 3.4 * Crash when autocommand moves to another tab. (Dominique Pelle) * Crash when deleting an augroup and listing an autocommand. (Dominique Pelle) * No error when deleting an augroup while it's the current one. * Insufficient testing for Normal mode commands. * Channel sort test is flaky. * Normal mode tests fail on MS-Windows. * When 'incsearch' is not set CTRL-T and CTRL-G are not inserted as before. * No way for a system wide vimrc to stop loading defaults.vim. (Christian Hesse) * Redraw problem when using 'incsearch'. * When a test is commented out we forget about it. * Access memory beyond the end of the line. (Dominique Pelle) * Using freed memory when using 'formatexpr'. (Dominique Pelle) * Crash when editing a new buffer and BufUnload autocommand wipes out the new buffer. (Norio Takagi) * Tiny build fails. * Illegal memory access when Visual selection starts in invalid position. (Dominique Pelle) * Freeing a variable that is on the stack. * Crash when BufWinLeave autocmd goes to another tab page. (Hirohito Higashi) * Error for min() and max() contains %s. (Nikolay Pavlov) * Coverity complains about not checking curwin to be NULL. * Using CTRL-X CTRL-V to complete a command line from Insert mode does not work after entering an expression on the command line. * Crash when stop_timer() is called in a callback of a callback. Vim hangs when the timer callback uses too much time. * Outdated comments in test. * On MS-Windows test_getcwd leaves Xtopdir behind.- Updated to revision 2295, fixes the following problems * The field names used by getbufinfo(), gettabinfo() and getwininfo() are not consistent. * Tab page tests are old style. * Test files have inconsistant modelines. * Startup test fails on Solaris. * There is no equivalent of 'smartcase' for a tag search. * ":oldfiles" output is a very long list. * The default ttimeoutlen is very long. * Crash when using funcref() with invalid name. (Dominique Pelle) * Can't build with +eval but without +quickfix. (John Marriott) * submatch() does not check for a valid argument. * The 'langnoremap' option leads to double negatives. And it does not work for the last character of a mapping. * Can't use "." and "$" with ":tab". * With SGR mouse reporting (suckless terminal) the mouse release and scroll up/down is confused. * Warning for missing declaration of skip_vimgrep_pat(). (John Marriott) * Tests using the sleep time can be flaky. * Timer test sometimes fails. * Timer test sometimes fails. * Warning for assigning negative value to unsigned. (Danek Duvall) * Adding pattern to ":oldfiles" is not a generic solution. * Filter test fails. * Oldfiles test fails. * Tiny build fails. (Tony Mechelynck) * When cancelling the :ptjump prompt a preview window is opened for a following command. * Missing colon in error message. * Some error message cannot be translated. * In rare cases diffing 4 buffers is not enough. * Compiler warnings for signed/unsigned in expression. * Check for Windows 3.1 will always return false. (Christian Brabandt) * Compiler warnings in MzScheme code. * The script that checks translations can't handle plurals. * Coverity complains about null pointer check. * Coverity complains about not checking for NULL. * Two JSON messages are sent without a separator. * With 'incsearch' can only see the next match. * Channel test is flaky. * Build fails with small features. * Fail to read register content from viminfo if it is 438 characters long. (John Chen) * :filter does not work for many commands. Can only get matching messages. * When adding entries to an empty quickfix list the title is reset. * printf() isn't tested much. * printf() test fails on Windows. "-inf" is not used. * Build fails on MS-Windows. * Using CTRL-N and CTRL-P for incsearch shadows completion keys. * Using 'hlsearch' highlighting instead of matchpos if there is no search match. * Insufficient testing for NUL bytes on a raw channel. * Netbeans test doesn't read settings from file. * getbufinfo(), getwininfo() and gettabinfo() are inefficient. * getwininfo() and getbufinfo() are inefficient. * Command line completion on "find **/filename" drops sub-directory. * ":diffoff!" does not remove filler lines. * Command line test fails on Windows when run twice. * Memory leak in getbufinfo() when there is a sign. (Dominique Pelle) * New users have no idea of the 'scrolloff' option. * Starting diff mode with the cursor in the last line might end up only showing one closed fold. (John Beckett) * printf() doesn't handle infinity float values correctly. * Timer test fails sometimes. * When a child process is very fast waiting 10 msec for it is noticeable. (Ramel Eshed) * Part of ":oldfiles" command isn't cleared. (Lifepillar) * Comment in scope header file is outdated. (KillTheMule) * Generated files are outdated. * The tee program isn't included. Makefile contains build instructions that don't work. * The callback passed to ch_sendraw() is not used. * MS-Windows build instructions are clumsy. "dosbin" doesn't build. * When installing and $DESTDIR is set the icons probably won't be installed. * Compiler warning in tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck) * printf() handles floats wrong when there is a sign. * Not all systems understand %F in printf(). * Modelines in source code are inconsistent. * Sign test fails on MS-Windows when using the distributed zip archives. * Cscope test fails.- Updated to revision 2225, fixes the following problems * When using matchaddpos() a character after the end of the line can be highlighted. * Can't build with +timers when +digraph is not included. * Recursive call to substitute gets stuck in sandbox. * printf() gives an error when the argument for %s is not a string. * printf() does not support binary format. * Sourcing a script where a character has 0x80 as a second byte does not work. * Buffer overflow when using latin1 character with feedkeys(). * Compiler warnings with older compiler and 64 bit numbers. * Crash when placing a sign in a deleted buffer.- Updated to revision 2216, fixes the following problems * The qf_init_ext() function is too big. * Compiler warning for initializing a struct. * There is still code and help for unsupported systems. * There is no way to get a list of the error lists. * When using ":vimgrep" may end up with duplicate buffers. * No proper testing of trunc_string(). * Coverage report is messed up by the unittests. * Can't run scripttests in the top directory. * Wrong part of #ifdef removed. * eval.c is too big. * Build fails. * eval.c is too big. * eval.c is too big. * Non-Unix builds fail. * Wrong file name. * qf_init_ext() is too big. * Using dummy variable to compute struct member offset. * eval.c is still too big. * Coverity warns for possible buffer overflow. * Compiler warns for uninitialzed variable. (John Marriott) * getcompletion() not well tested. * Compiler warning for char/char_u conversion. * Not all arguments of trunc_string() are tested. Memory access error when running the message tests. * spell.c is too big. * Missing change to include file. * The return value of type() is difficult to use. * substitute() does not support a Funcref argument. * rgb.txt is read for every color name. * One more place using a dummy variable. * No autocommand event to initialize a window or tab page. * Syntax error when dict has '>' key. * Cannot update 'tabline' when a tab was closed. * Running checks in po diretory fails. * Netbeans test fails on non-Unix systems. * When using PERROR() on some systems assert_fails() does not see the error. * Line numbers in the error list are not always adjusted. * Not much test coverage for digraphs. * Coverity complains about not restoring a value. * New digraph test makes testing hang. * Digraph tests fails on some systems. * Using the system default encoding makes tests unpredictable. * Digraph code test coverage is still low. * Keymap test fails with normal features. * Color handling of X11 GUIs is too complicated. * Using submatch() in a lambda passed to substitute() is verbose. * Coverity reports a resource leak when out of memory. * GTK 3 build fails with older GTK version. * Netbeans test fails once in a while. Leaving log file behind. * The color allocation in X11 is overly complicated. * Man test fails when run with the GUI. * Lambda functions show up with completion. * Warning from 64 bit compiler. * Text object tests are old style. * When a keymap is active only "(lang)" is displayed. * "cgn" and "dgn" do not work correctly with a single character match and the replacement includes the searched pattern. * Looping over windows, buffers and tab pages is inconsistant. * Tiny build with GUI fails. * Can't have "augroup END" right after ":au!". * Code duplication when unreferencing a function. * Configure reports default features to be "normal" while it is "huge". * Clang warns about missing field in initializer. * Misplaced equal sign. * Netbeans test is flaky. * Setting 'display' to "lastline" is a drastic change, while omitting it results in lots of "@" lines. * When there is an CmdUndefined autocmd then the error for a missing command is E464 instead of E492. (Manuel Ortega) * Defaults are very conservative. * getcompletion(.., 'dir') returns a match with trailing "*" when there are no matches. * Test for undo is flaky. * Tiny build fails. * Loading defaults.vim with -C argument. * The default vimrc for Windows is very conservative. * Deleting an augroup that still has autocmds does not give a warning. The next defined augroup takes its place. * Mac: can't build with tiny features. * Closures are not supported. * User defined functions can't be a closure. * No easy way to check if lambda and closure are supported. * Mac: don't get +clipboard in huge build. * No new style test for diff mode. * diffmode test leaves files behind, breaking another test. * Compiler warning for loss of data. * No tests for :diffget and :diffput * The short form of ":noswapfile" is ":noswap" instead of ":nos". * Memory leak when saving for undo fails. * Memory leak when using timer_start(). (Dominique Pelle) * Pending timers cause false memory leak reports. * More memory leaks when using partial, e.g. for "exit-cb". * test_partial has memory leaks reported. * Can't build with tiny features. * No error for using function() badly. * Various tiny issues. * Closure function fails. * Using function() with a name will find another function when it is redefined. * Test 86 and 87 fail. * :delfunction causes illegal memory access. * Tiny build fails. * Coverity reports bogus NULL check. * Leaking memory when redefining a function. * A funccal is garbage collected while it can still be used. * On MS-Windows quickix does not handle a line with 1023 bytes ending in CR-LF properly. * Win32: Using CreateThread/ExitThread is not safe. * Not enough testing for popup menu. CTRL-E does not always work properly. * test_alot fails. * Not much testing for cscope. * If a test leaves a window open a following test may fail. * Warning with MinGW 64. (John Marriott) * Quickfix test fails on MS-Windows. * No proper translation of messages with a count. * GUI test isn't testing much. * Test_communicate() fails sometimes. * Quotes make GUI test fail on MS-Windows. * Compiler warning. * Test_job_start_fails() is expected to report memory leaks, making it hard to see other leaks in test_partial. * Result of getcompletion('', 'cscope') depends on previous completion. * Insufficient testing for cscope. * setmatches() mixes up values. (Nikolai Pavlov) * Expression test fails without conceal feature. * Result of getcompletion('', 'sign') depends on previous completion. * match() and related functions tested with old style test. * It is not possible to use plugins in an "after" directory to tune the behavior of a package. * Startup test fails on MS-Windows. * Small build can't run startup test. * Small build can't run tests. * Not running the startup test on MS-Windows. * Startup test gets stuck on MS-Windows. * Cannot get information about timers. * MS-Windows build fails. * No test for "vim --help". * Can't test help on MS-Windows. * Adding duplicate flags to 'whichwrap' leaves commas behind. * Insufficient testing of cscope. * #ifdefs in main() are complicated. * No testing for -C and -N command line flags, file arguments, startuptime. * No test for reading from stdin. * Reading from stdin test fails on MS-Windows. * There is no easy way to stop all timers. There is no way to temporary pause a timer. * Compiler warning for unused variable. * Color Grey40 used in startup but not in the short list. * Sign tests are old style. * Tests that use RunVim() do not actually perform the test. * Test glob2regpat does not test much. * Timers test is flaky. * glob2regpat test fails on Windows. * Completion does not work properly with some plugins. * Cannot detect encoding in a fifo. * When startup test fails it's not easy to find out why. GUI test fails with Gnome. * No automatic prototype for vim_main2(). * Generating prototypes with Cygwin doesn't work well. * With Gnome when the GUI can't start test_startup hangs. * Sign tests don't cover enough. * MS-Windows: The vimrun program does not support Unicode. * glob2regpat test doesn't test everything on MS-Windows. * All functions are freed on exit, which may hide leaks. * Test alot sometimes fails under valgrind. (Dominique Pelle) * In the GUI the cursor is hidden when redrawing any window, causing flicker. * Cannot get all information about a quickfix list. * The sign column disappears when the last sign is deleted. * Build fails with small features. * Test fails with normal features. * It is not easy to get information about buffers, windows and tabpages. * 'wildignore' always applies to getcompletion(). * Warning for unused function. * The +xpm feature is not sorted properly in :version output. * Test for mappings is old style. * Cannot map . (Stephen Riehm) * On OSX configure mixes up a Python framework and the Unix layout. * Mouse support is not automatically enabled with simple term. * Mark " is not set when closing a window in another tab. (Guraga) * Cannot highlight the "~" lines at the end of a window differently. * A font that uses ligatures messes up the screen display. * It's not easy to find out if a window is a quickfix or location list window. * Test fails without the +sign feature.- Updated to revision 2045, fixes the following problems * Looking up a buffer by number is slow if there are many. * Netbeans file authentication not tested. * GTK: display updating is not done properly and can be slow. * setbufvar() causes a screen redraw. * filter() and map() either require a string or defining a function. * Memory leak when using a function callback.- Updated to revision 2033, fixes the following problems * Memory access error when reading viminfo. (Dominique Pelle) * "gd" hangs in some situations. (Eric Biggers) * Not all quickfix tests are also done with the location lists. * Background is not drawn properly when 'termguicolors' is set. * Coverity warns for unreachable code. * Win32: Cannot compile with XPM feature using VC2015 * The Man plugin doesn't work that well. * File list does not include new XPM libraries. * Viminfo continuation line with wrong length isn't skipped. (Marius Gedminas) * Using Ctrl-A with double-byte encoding may result in garbled text. * Minor problems with the quickfix code. * Quickfix long lines test not executed for buffer. * Ruby test is old style. * Cscope interface does not support finding assignments. * Not all parts of the quickfix code are tested. * No test for what 7.4.1948 fixes. * Using 32-bit Perl with 64-bit time_t causes memory corruption. (Christian Brabandt) * When using CTRL-W f and pressing "q" at the ATTENTION dialog the newly opened window is not closed. * Perl interface has obsolete workaround. * Perl interface preprocessor statements not nicely indented. * Crash when running test_channel.vim on Windows. * Unicode standard 9 was released. * When 'insertmode' is reset while doing completion the popup menu remains even though Vim is in Normal mode. * Two test files for increment/decrement. * Running Win32 Vim in mintty does not work. * The quickfix init function is too big. * When using a job in raw mode to append to a buffer garbage characters are added. * Coverity reports a resource leak. * Falling back from NFA to old regexp engine does not work properly. (fritzophrenic) * Invalid memory access with "\. * When the netbeans channel is closed consuming the buffer may cause a crash. * Using ":insert" in an empty buffer sets the jump mark. (Ingo Karkat) * It is not easy to see unrecognized error lines below the current error position. * On Solaris select() does not work as expected when there is typeahead. * GUI has a problem with some termcodes. * On MS-Windows large files (> 2Gbyte) cause problems. * Number variables are not 64 bits while they could be. * With 64 bit changes don't need three calls to sprintf(). * Large file test does not delete its output. * Getting value of binary option is wrong. (Kent Sibilev) * 'errorformat' is parsed for every call to ":caddexpr". Can't add to two location lists asynchronously. * No testing for Farsi code. * Viminfo file contains duplicate change marks. * farsi.c and arabic.c are included in a strange way. * Not all quickfix features are tested. * Missing changes in VMS build file. * Compiler warns for loss of data. * When copying unrecognized lines for viminfo, end up with useless continuation lines. * When updating viminfo with file marks there is no time order. * filter() and map() only accept a string argument. * Cscope items are not sorted. * glob() does not add a symbolic link when there are no wildcards. * Values for true and false can be confusing. * Not all TRUE and FALSE arguments are tested. * True-false test fails. * GUI: cursor drawn in wrong place if a timer callback causes a screen update. (David Samvelyan) * Capturing the output of a command takes a few commands. * Cannot easily scroll the quickfix window. * When writing buffer lines to a job there is no NL to NUL conversion. * evalcmd() doesn't work recursively. * Evalcmd test fails. * Tiny build fails. (Tony Mechelynck) * Crash when passing number to filter() or map(). * Still cursor flickering when a callback updates the screen. (David Samvelyan) * GUI: cursor displayed in the wrong position. * After using evalcmd() message output is in the wrong position. (Christian Brabandt) * Crash when using tabnext in BufUnload autocmd. (Norio Takagi) * Running the tests leaves a viminfo file behind. * evalcmd() has a confusing name. * Messages test fails. * There is a :cbottom command but no :lbottom command. * It is not easy to get a list of command arguments. * Test for getcompletion() does not pass on all systems. * Using "noinsert" in 'completeopt' breaks redo. * Using "noinsert" in 'completeopt' does not insert match. * When a file gets a name when writing it 'acd' is not effective. (Dan Church) * Warning from MinGW about _WIN32_WINNT redefined. (John Marriott) * When there are many errors adding them to the quickfix list takes a long time. * buf_valid() can be slow when there are many buffers. * When ignoring case utf_fold() may consume a lot of time. * Can't build without +autocmd feature. * Still too many buf_valid() calls. * Warnings from 64 bit compiler. * buflist_findname_stat() may find a dummy buffer. * More buf_valid() calls can be optimized. * The cursor blinking stops or is irregular when receiving date over a channel and writing it in a buffer, and when updating the status. * Reference counting for callbacks isn't right. * Can't build with +eval but without +menu. * cppcheck warns for using index before limits check. * printf() does not work with 64 bit numbers. * ARCH must be set properly when using MinGW. * The list_lbr_utf8 test fails if ~/.vim/syntax/c.vim sets 'textwidth' to a non-zero value. * Build fails with 64 bit MinGW. (Axel Bender) * 'cscopequickfix' option does not accept new value "a".- Updated to revision 1938, fixes the following problems * Updating marks in a quickfix list is very slow when the list is long. * When waiting for a character is interrupted by receiving channel data and the first character of a mapping was typed, the mapping times out. * When receiving channel data 'updatetime' is not respected. * Wrong computation of remaining wait time in RealWaitForChar() * When umask is set to 0177 Vim can't create temp files. * GUI: When channel data is received the cursor blinking is interrupted. * Channel reading very long lines is slow. * balloon eval only gets the window number, not the ID. * Cannot easily get the window ID for a buffer. * Cannot get the window ID for a mouse click. * Cannot use a window ID where a window number is expected. * Invoking mark_adjust() when adding a new line below the last line is pointless. * Various typos, long lines and style mistakes. * User commands don't support modifiers. * GTK 3: cursor blinking doesn't work well. * Using CTRL-] in the help on "{address}." doesn't work. * Win32: the "Disabled" menu items would appear enabled. * No test for collapsing buffers for a channel. Some text is lost. * When writing viminfo merging current history with history in viminfo may drop recent history entries. * Some compilers can't handle a double semicolon. * Collapsing channel buffers and searching for NL does not work properly. * Warnings from 64 bit compiler. * Netbeans uses uninitialzed pointer and freed memory. * Doubled semicolons. * Tests using external command to delete directory. * Recent history lines may be lost when exiting Vim. * No test for using setqflist() on an older quickfix list. * When ":doautocmd" is used modelines are used even when no autocommands were executed. * Executing autocommands while using the signal stack has a high chance of crashing Vim. * The effect of the PopupMenu autocommand isn't directly visible. * No proper test for what 7.4.1906 fixes. * History lines read from viminfo in different encoding than when writing are not converted. * Not enough testing for parsing viminfo lines. * Register contents is not merged when writing viminfo. * Missing test changes. * vim_time() not included when needed. * Ruby 2.4.0 unifies Fixnum and Bignum into Integer. * Command line editing is not tested much. * Missing "void" for functions without argument. * Viminfo does not merge file marks properly. * Possible crash with many history items. * Compiler warning for signed/unsigned. * Overwriting pointer argument. * Inconsistent indenting and weird name. * Can't build without +spell but with +quickfix. * Using both old and new style file mark lines from viminfo. * When writing viminfo the jumplist is not merged with the one in the viminfo file. * Compiler warning about uninitialzed variable. * New style tests not executed with MinGW compiler. * When using the GUI search/replace a second match right after the replacement is skipped. * Off-by-one error in bounds check. * No test for directory stack in quickfix. * When writing viminfo numbered marks were duplicated. - Refresh vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch- Link to perl directly instead of dlopen'ing it.- vim must require %{?libperl_requires}, if perl is not updated with vim in lockstep, the following error occurs: vim: error while loading shared libraries: and the program stops working. (boo#982869)- Updated to revision 1883, fixes the following problems * Python: encoding error with Python 2. * Memory leaks in test49. * Invalid memory access when exiting with EXITFREE defined. * Memory leak in test_matchstrpos. * Setting really_exiting causes memory leaks to be reported. * Appending to the quickfix list while the quickfix window is open is very slow. * When a callback adds a timer the GUI doesn't use it until later. * Comparing functions and partials doesn't work well. * Typing "k" at the hit-enter prompt has no effect. * Whether a job has exited isn't detected until a character is typed. After calling exit_cb the cursor is in the wrong place. * Channel test is flaky. * Appending to a long quickfix list is slow. * Check for line break at end of line wrong. * Cppcheck found 2 incorrect printf formats.- Updated to revision 1862, fixes the following problems * Using a partial for timer_start() may cause a crash. * Compiler warnings with 64 bit compiler. * string() with repeated argument does not give a result usable by eval().- Updated to revision 1859, fixes the following problems * Tests involving Python are flaky. * Ubsan detects a multiplication overflow. * Getting an item from a NULL dict crashes. * Can't build with Strawberry Perl 5.24 (obsoletes perl-5.24.patch) * Still trying to read from channel that is going to be closed. * GUI freezes when using a job. * test_syn_attr fails when using the GUI. * Unix: Cannot run all tests with the GUI. * Crash when job and channel are in the same dict while using partials. * When setting 'termguicolors' the Ignore highlighting doesn't work. * Valgrind reports memory leak for job that is not freed. * When a channel appends to a buffer that is 'nomodifiable' there is an error but appending is done anyway. * When a channel writes to a buffer it doesn't find a buffer by the short name but re-uses it anyway. * Cannot use a function reference for "exit_cb".- Update apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.10.1) * add support for the "unspec" network keyword- Updated to revision 1842, fixes the following problems * non-antialiased misnamed. * When timer_stop() is called with a string there is no proper error message. * Memory leak in debug commands. * Cannot use an Ex command for 'keywordprg'. * Possible crash when conceal is active. * When splitting and closing a window the status height changes. * When using a partial on a dictionary it always gets bound to that dictionary. * The BufUnload event is triggered twice, when :bunload is used with `bufhidden` set to `unload` or `delete`. * Functions specifically for testing do not sort together. * Cannot get the items stored in a partial. * When using packages an "after" directory cannot be used. * The code to reallocate the buffer used for quickfix is repeated. * get() works for Partial but not for Funcref.- Fix build with perl 5.24 (perl-5.24.patch)- Updated to revision 1829, fixes the following problems * No error when invoking a callback when it's not safe. * May try to access buffer that's already freed. * No message on channel log when buffer was freed.- Updated to revision 1826, fixes the following problems * The screen is not updated if a callback is invoked when closing a channel. * Help completion adds @en to all matches except the first one. * Compiler warnings when sprintf() is a macro. * Removing language from help tags too often. * Redirecting stdout of a channel to "null" doesn't work. * When a job is no longer referenced and does not have an exit callback the process may hang around in defunc state. * When job writes to buffer nothing is written. * Callbacks are invoked when it's not safe.- Updated to revision 1816, fixes the following problems * 'guicolors' is a confusing option name. * Quickfix doesn't handle long lines well, they are split. * GTK3 doesn't handle menu separaters properly. * Can't use Vim as MANPAGER. * Running tests in shadow dir fails. * 'termguicolors' option missing from the options window. * Test_out_close_cb sometimes fails. * Using wrong feature name to check for 'termguicolors'. * Using wrong short option name for 'termguicolors'. * Sending DETACH after a channel was closed isn't useful. * Netbeans channel gets garbage collected. * Memory access error when running test_quickfix. * A channel may be garbage collected while it's still being used by a job. * Looping over a null list throws an error. - Refresh vim-7.4-filetype_mine.patch- Updated to revision 1796, fixes the following problems * Cannot use ch_read() in the close callback. * Leading white space in a job command matters. * Channel could be garbage collected too early. * Color name decoding is implemented several times. * Some character classes may differ between systems.- Updated to revision 1786, fixes the following problems * When using the term truecolor feature, the t_8f and t_8b termcap options are not set by default. * Using negative index in strcharpart(). * Warnings reported by cppcheck. * synIDattr() does not respect 'guicolors'. * strcharpart() does not work properly with some multi-byte characters. * The old regexp engine doesn't handle character classes correctly. * Compiled-in colors do not match rgb.txt.- Updated to revision 1778, fixes the following problems * When using complete() it may set 'modified' even though nothing was inserted. * When using feedkeys() in a timer the inserted characters are not used right away. * Undo options are not together in the options window. * Arguments of setqflist() are not checked properly. * No "closed", "errors" and "encoding" attribute on Python output. * Cannot use true color in the terminal. * Newly added features can escape the sandbox. * When using the term truecolor feature, the t_8f and t_8b termcap options are not set by default.- Updated to revision 1754, fixes the following problems * When a buffer gets updated while in command line mode, the screen may be messed up. * Crash when 'tagstack' is off. (Dominique Pelle) * When adding to the quickfix list the current position is reset. * "noinsert" in 'completeopt' is sometimes ignored * syntax not set when using ":buf" and 'filetype' set manually- Updated to revision 1749, fixes the following problems * Cannot detect a crash in tests when caused by garbagecollect(). * The help for functions require a space after the "(". * The Perl interface cannot use 'print' operator for writing directly in standard IO. * It is not easy to get a character out of a string. * Python: turns partial into simple funcref. * Folds may close when using autocomplete. * Test fails when not using utf-8. * It is not possible to only see part of the message history. It is not possible to clear messages. * Count for ":messages" depends on number of lines. * syn-cchar defined with matchadd() does not appear if there are no other syntax definitions which matches buffer text. * Not testing utf-8 characters. * strgetchar() does not work correctly. * Clang warns for uninitialzed variable. (Michael Jarvis) * Python: Converting a sequence may leak memory. * Memory leak in Perl. * Coverity: missing check for NULL pointer. * "gD" does not find match in first column of first line. * When using GTK 3.20 there are a few warnings.- Updated to revision 1726, fixes the following problems * Crash when calling garbagecollect() after starting a job. * When using try/catch in 'tabline' it is still considered an error and the tabline will be disabled. * Tabline test fails in GUI. * Compiler errors for non-ANSI compilers. * ANSI compiler complains about string length.- Updated to revision 1721, fixes the following problems * Leaking memory when opening a channel fails. * Coverity: not using return value of set_ref_in_item(). * Leaking memory when there is a cycle involving a job and a partial. * Tests fail without the job feature.- Updated to revision 1716, fixes the following problems * When using try/catch in 'statusline' it is still considered an error and the status line will be disabled. * For plugins in packages, plugin authors need to take care of all dependencies. * GTK GUI doesn't work on Wayland. * Non-GUI specific settings in the gvimrc_example file. * Double free when a partial is in a cycle with a list or dict. * 'autochdir' doesn't work for the first file.- Updated to revision 1710, fixes the following problems * feedkeys('i', 'x') gets stuck, waits for a character to be typed. * Building the Perl interface gives compiler warnings. * ":syn reset" clears the effect ":syn iskeyword". (James McCoy) * When using :stopinsert in a silent mapping the "INSERT" message isn't cleared. * Display problems when the 'ambiwidth' and 'emoji' options are not set properly or the terminal doesn't behave as expected. * :packadd does not work the same when used early or late. * Using freed memory when parsing 'printoptions' fails. * Using freed memory with "wincmd p". (Dominique Pelle) * Cannot use empty dictionary key, even though it can be useful. * New regexp engine does not work properly with EBCDIC. * Not all output of an external command is read.- Updated to revision 1691, fixes the following problems * When reading JSON from a channel all readahead is used. * channel_get_all() does multiple allocations. * When writing buffer lines to a pipe Vim may block. * Completion doesn't work well for a variable containing "#". * When help exists in multiple languages, adding @ab while "ab" is the default help language is unnecessary. * The Dvorak support is a bit difficult to install. * The justify plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used. * The editexisting plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used. * The swapmous plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used. * The shellmenu plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used. * A reference to the removed file_select plugin remains. * Coverity: copying value of v_lock without initializing it. * Coverity warns for not checking name length (false positive). * Coverity warns for fixed size buffer length (false positive). * Coverity: no check for NULL. * README text is slightly outdated. * There is no easy way to get all the information about a match. * When running tests $HOME/.viminfo is written. * The channel close_cb option does not work. * MzScheme does not support partial. * Ruby interface has inconsistent coding style. * Can't compile with the conceal feature but without multi-byte. * When switching to a new buffer and an autocommand applies syntax highlighting an ml_get error may occur.- Updated to revision 1665, fixes the following problems * When 'F' is in 'shortmess' the prompt for the encryption key isn't displayed. * When binding a function to a dict the reference count is wrong. * Invoking garbage collection may cause a double free. * Crash when an autocommand changes a quickfix list. * Handling emoji characters as full width has problems with backwards compatibility. * Terminating file name has side effects. * Using string() on a partial that exists in the dictionary it binds results in an error. * When a dict contains a partial it can't be redefined as a function. * Using Python vim.bindeval() on a partial doesn't work. * Using freed memory after setqflist() and ":caddbuffer". * Compiler has a problem copying a string into di_key[]. * The matchit plugin needs to be copied to be used. * Quickfix test fails. * Old style test for fnamemodify(). * Users who loaded matchit.vim manually have to change their startup. * Crash when using expand('%:S') in a buffer without a name. * remote_expr() hangs. * Crash when using partial with a timer. * On Unix in a terminal: channel messages are not handled right away. * A plugin does not know when VimEnter autocommands were already triggered. * has('patch-7.4.1') doesn't work. * No test for special characters in channel eval command. * No test for an invalid Ex command on a channel. * Crash in :cgetexpr. * Crash when calling job_start() with a NULL string.- Updated to revision 1635, fixes the following problems * Quickfix code using memory after being freed. * Using channel timeout instead of request timeout. * Timers don't work on Unix. * Not checking for failed open(). * Memory leak when out of memory. * When starting the GUI fails a swap file is left behind. * Timer with an ":echo" command messes up display. * Although emoji characters are ambiguous width, best is to treat them as full width. * Catching exception that won't be thrown. * Having type() handle a Funcref that is or isn't a partial differently causes problems for existing scripts. * Comparing a function that exists on two dicts is not backwards compatible. * string() doesn't handle a partial. * Contents file is only for Amiga distro. * Compiler warnings for non-virtual destructor. * The versplit feature makes the code uneccessary complicated. * Can't build with small features. * Still can't build with small features. * Still quickfix test in old style. * Build fails with tiny features. * Malformed channel request causes a hang. * When a JSON message is split it isn't decoded. * Starting job with output to buffer changes options in the current buffer. * When 'fileformats' is set in the vimrc it applies to new buffers but not the initial buffer. * Emoji characters are not considered as a kind of word character. * Channel test doesn't work with Python 2.6. * Channel demo doesn't work with Python 2.6. * All Channels share the message ID, it keeps getting bigger. * Can't get info about a channel. * Trying to close file descriptor that isn't open. * Missing changes to structs. * Channel out_cb and err_cb are not tested. * 64-bit Compiler warning. * Handling emoji characters as full width has problems with backwards compatibility. * Unicode table for double width is outdated. * Compiler doesn't understand switch on all enum values. * List of test targets is outdated. * If the help tags file was removed "make install" fails. * Vertical movement after CTRL-A ends up in the wrong column. * Channel test is a bit flaky.- Updated to revision 1591, fixes the following problems * Crash when using function reference. * Using ":call dict.func()" where the function is a partial does not work. * Get E923 when using function(dict.func, [], dict). * Warning for unitinialized variable. * Partial is not recognized everywhere. * Nesting partials doesn't work. * Compiler warnings with 64 bit compiler. * Old style test for quickfix. * Combining dict and args with partial doesn't always work. * Warning for shadowed variable. * The quickfix title is truncated.- Updated to revision 1579, fixes the following problems * Passing cookie to a callback is clumsy. * Dict options with a dash are more difficult to use. * Missing update to proto file. * ":helptags ALL" crashes. * An empty list in function() causes an error. * Crash when assert_equal() runs into a NULL string. * Crash in assert_fails(). * Using CTRL-] in help on option in parentheses doesn't work. * Using old style tests for quickfix. * There is no way to avoid the message when editing a file. * No test for ":help". * Setting 'compatible' in test influences following tests. * Tests get stuck at the more prompt. * ":undo 0" does not work. * Write error of viminfo file is not handled properly. * Cannot pass "dict.Myfunc" around as a partial. * There is no way to invoke a function later or periodically.- Updated to revision 1558, fixes the following problems * Using "ever" for packages is confusing. * Specifying buffer number for channel not implemented yet. * MS-Windows job_start() closes wrong handle. * Compiler warning for unitinialized variable. * MS-Windows channel leaks file descriptor. * Using feedkeys() with an empty string disregards 'x' option. * Compiler warning for shadowed variable. * The feedkeys test has a one second delay. * Cannot re-use a channel for another job. * Too many feature flags for pipes, jobs and channels. * Selection with the mouse does not work in command line mode. * Too much code in eval.c. * Channel test is a bit flaky. * Missing job_info(). * job_start() with a list is not tested. * Channel log methods are not tested. * On Win32 escaping the command does not work properly. * GTK3: horizontal cursor movement in Visual selection not good. * Sticky type checking is more annoying than useful. * Getting a cterm highlight attribute that is not set results in the string "-1". * Two tests fail. * Cannot load packages early. * Cannot generate help tags in all doc directories. * ":colorscheme" does not use 'packpath'. * ":runtime" does not use 'packpath'. * Completion for :colorscheme does not use 'packpath'. * List of test targets incomplete. * "make install" changes the help tags file, causing it to differ from the repository. * Windows cannot be identified. * It is not easy to find out what windows display a buffer.- Switch back to GTK+2 because GTK+3 interface seems to be slower.- Updated to revision 1525, fixes the following problems * Statusline highlighting is sometimes wrong. * "J" fails if there are not enough lines. * Channel output to file not implemented yet. * Channel test is a bit flaky. * Channel with disconnected in/out/err is not supported. * Channel test: Waiting for a file to appear doesn't work. * Cannot write channel err to a buffer. * On a high resolution screen the toolbar icons are too small.- Updated to revision 1510, fixes the following problems * Crash when starting a job fails. * Keeping both a variable for a job and the channel it refers to is a hassle. * Channel test fails on AppVeyor.- Updated to revision 1506, fixes the following problems * No error message when :packadd does not find anything. * Garbage collection with an open channel is not tested. * Writing last-but-one line of buffer to a channel isn't implemented yet. * Crash when using ch_getjob(). * No test for reading last-but-one line. * When channel log is enabled get too many "looking for messages" log entries. * Job cannot read from a file.- Updated to revision 1498, fixes the following problems * ":loadplugin" is not optimal, some people find it confusing. * Not using key when result from hangul_string_convert() is NULL. * "inline" is not supported by old MSVC. * Compiler warning for unused function. * Visual-block shift breaks multi-byte characters. * No command line completion for ":packadd". * Wrong callback invoked for zero-id messages. * clr_history() does not work properly. * Crash when built with GUI but it's not active. * Cursor drawing problem with GTK 3. * Error for locked item when using json_decode().- Updated to revision 1485, fixes the following problems * When using hangulinput with utf-8 a CSI character is misintepreted. * Function arguments marked as unused while they are not. * Test_reltime is flaky, it depends on timing. * ":loadplugin" doesn't take care of ftdetect files. * No test for ":loadplugin". * Cannot add a pack direcory without loading a plugin. * "timeout" option not supported on ch_eval*(). * A one-time callback is not used for a raw channel. * Channel "err-io" value "out" is not supported. * Job input from buffer is not implemented.- Updated to revision 1474, fixes the following problems * Sort test doesn't test with "1" argument. * Channel test sometimes fails, especially on OS/X. * Coverity reports missing restore. * Missing out-of-memory check. And Coverity warning. * Can't build without the autocommand feature. * Compiler warnings without the float feature.- Updated to revision 1467, fixes the following problems * Error when reading fails uses wrong errno. Keeping channel open after job stops results in test failing. * The "out-io" option for jobs is not implemented yet. * When encoding JSON, turning NaN and Infinity into null without giving an error is not useful. * JSON encoding doesn't handle surrogate pair. * Can't get buffer number of a channel. * Using empty name instead of no name for channel buffer. * Memory corruption when 'encoding' is not utf-8. * Crash when using json_decode(). * Memory leak when using ch_read(). * JSON tests fail if 'encoding' is not utf-8. * Json encoding still fails when encoding is not utf-8. * Vim hangs when a channel has a callback but isn't referenced. * Test 87 fails with Python 3.5. * Opening a channel with select() is not done properly. * When a JSON channel has a callback it may never be cleared. * When the argument of sort() is zero or empty it fails.- Updated to revision 1421, fixes the following problems * When calling ch_close() the close callback is invoked, even though the docs say it isn't. * Using "u_char" intead of "char_u", which doesn't work everywhere. * Tests slowed down because of the "not a terminal" warning. * May free a channel when a callback may need to be invoked.- Disable sniff support, its unmaintained.- Updated to revision 1410, fixes the following problems * The close-cb option is not implemented yet. * Perl eval doesn't work properly on 64-bit big-endian machine. * Having 'autochdir' set during startup and using diff mode doesn't work. * GTK 3 is not supported. * Completion menu flickers. * Leaking memory in cs_print_tags_priv(). * json_encode() does not handle NaN and inf properly. * Leaking memory in cscope interface.- Updated to revision 1397, fixes the following problems * When the Job exit callback is invoked, the job may be freed too soon. * Starting a job hangs in the GUI. * Can't sort inside a sort function.- Drop vim-7.1.314-CVE-2009-0316-debian.patch, Python 2.7 has the appropriate fix.- Updated to revision 1385, fixes the following problems * Job and channel options parsing is scattered. * Channel test ch_sendexpr() times out. * Can't remove a callback with ch_setoptions(). * Channels don't have a queue for stderr. * X11 GUI callbacks don't specify the part of the channel. * Channel read implementation is incomplete. * Calling a Vim function over a channel requires turning the arguments into a string. * ch_setoptions() cannot set all options. * Can't change job settings after it started. * The job exit callback is not implemented. * Can't get the job of a channel. * It is not easy to use a set of plugins and their dependencies.- Updated to revision 1353, fixes the following problems * Compiler warnings in build with -O2. * When there is any error Vim will use a non-zero exit code. * When the test server fails to start Vim hangs. * When the port isn't opened yet when ch_open() is called it may fail instead of waiting for the specified time. * The test script lists all functions before executing them.- Updated to revision 1345, fixes the following problems * Crash when using channel that failed to open. * Crash when closing the channel in a callback. * Channel test fails on non-darwin builds. * Channel NL mode is not supported yet. * It's difficult to add more arguments to ch_sendraw() and ch_sendexpr(). * Can't compile with +job but without +channel.- Updated to revision 1328, fixes the following problems * Cursor changes column with up motion when the matchparen plugin saves and restores the cursor position. (Martin Kunev) * "\%1l^#.*" does not match on a line starting with "#". * Channel with pipes doesn't work in GUI. * Crash when unletting the variable that holds the channel in a callback function. * Can't compile with +job but without +channel.- Updated to revision 1294, fixes the following problems * copy() and deepcopy() fail with special variables. * Encoding {'key':} to JSON doesn't give an error. * assert_false(v:false) reports an error. * When jsonencode() fails it still returns something. * jsonencode() is not producing strict JSON. * Crash when evaluating the pattern of ":catch" causes an error. * The job feature isn't available on MS-Windows. * ch_open() with a timeout doesn't work correctly. * ch_sendexpr() does not use JS encoding. - Remove vim-7.3-diff_check.patch- Updated to revision 1194, fixes the following problems * New lines in the viminfo file are dropped. * Old style tests for the argument list. * Generated function prototypes still have __ARGS(). * Wrong argument to assert_exception() causes a crash. * Illegal memory access when using :copen and :cclose. * When running gvim in the foreground some icons are missing. * Recognizing does not work when the language is Turkish. * Using searchpair() with a skip expression that uses syntax highlighting sometimes doesn't work. * Cannot define keyword characters for a syntax file. * Can't sort on floating point numbers. * Default features are conservative. * Conflict for "chartab". * Using the local value of 'errorformat' causes more problems than it solves. * 'langmap' applies to the first character typed in Select mode. * Langmap test fails with normal build. * Autocommands triggered by quickfix cannot always get the current title value. * No support for JSON. * Build with normal features fails. * Coverity warns for NULL pointer and ignoring return value. * type() does not work for v:true, v:none, etc. * Automatically generated function prototypes use __ARGS. * No error for jsondecode('"'). * ":argadd" without argument is supposed to add the current buffer name to the arglist. * Missing error number in MzScheme. * Expressions "0 + v:true" and "'' . v:true" cause an error. * No tests for "is" and "isnot" with the new variables. * This doesn't give the right result: eval(string(v:true)). * No test for new behavior of v:true et al. * The +channel feature is not in :version output. * empty() doesn't work for the new special variables. * test_writefile and test_viml do not delete the tempfile. * Crash with invalid argument to glob2regpat(). * free_tv() can't handle special variables. * Error messages for security context are hard to translate. * The channel feature isn't working yet. * Can't build with FEAT_EVAL but without FEAT_MBYTE. * Compiler warning for not using return value of fwrite().- Updated to revision 1130, fixes the following problems * Repeating CTRL-A doesn't work. * No tests for :hardcopy and related options. * When making a change while need_wait_return is set there is a two second delay. * With 'rightleft' and concealing the cursor may move to the wrong position. * Vim can create a directory but not delete it. * When using ":next" with an illegal file name no error is reported. * Using {ns} in variable name does not work. (lilydjwg) * delete() does not work well with symbolic links. * delete(x, 'rf') does not delete files starting with a dot. * No longer get "." and ".." in directory list. * argidx() has a wrong value after ":%argdelete". (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * delete(x, 'rf') fails if a directory is empty. (Lcd) * Using ":argadd" when there are no arguments results in the second argument to be the current one. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * There is no perleval(). * Can only get the directory of the current window. * Python None value can't be converted to a Vim value. * Memory leak in :vimgrep.- Updated to revision 1087, fixes the following problems * Wrong way to check for unletting internal variables. * The Tcl interface can't be loaded dynamically on Unix. * Crash when using an invalid command. * CTRL-A does not work well in right-left mode. * Using "." to repeat CTRL-A in Visual mode increments the wrong numbers. * The CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands do not update the '[ and '] marks. * Crash with an extremely long buffer name. * CTRL-A and CTRL-X work badly with blockwise visual selection- Updated to revision 1066, fixes the following problems * Segfault when unletting "count". * Illegal memory access with weird syntax command. (Dominique Pelle) * Typos in the :options window. * Compiler warning for ignoring return value of fwrite(). * When a spell file has single letter compounding creating suggestions takes an awful long time.- Updated to revision 1046, fixes the following problems * The fix in patch 7.3.192 is not tested. * When a symbolic link points to a file in the root directory, the swapfile is not correct. * Vim overwrites the value of $PYTHONHOME. * The local value of 'errorformat' is not used for ":lexpr" and ":cexpr". * The column is not restored properly when the matchparen plugin is used in Insert mode and the cursor is after the end of the line. * When there is a backslash in an option ":set -=" doesn't work. * An Ex range gets adjusted for folded lines even when the range is not using line numbers. * Using "q!" when there is a modified hidden buffer does not unload the current buffer, resulting in the need to abandon it again. * g-CTRL-G shows the word count, but there is no way to get the word count in a script.- Updated to revision 1004, fixes the following problems * searchpos() always starts searching in the first column, which is not what some people expect. (Brett Stahlman) * Leaking memory when hash_add() fails. Coverity error 99126.- Updated to revision 979, fixes the following problems * When pasting on the command line line breaks result in literal characters. This makes pasting a long file name difficult. * When using :diffsplit the cursor jumps to the first line. * Using ":sort" on a very big file sometimes causes text to be corrupted. (John Beckett) * test_cdo fails when using another language than English. * When changing the crypt key the blocks read from disk are not decrypted.- Updated to revision 972, fixes the following problems * Test 87 doesn't work in a shadow directory. * Configure doesn't work with a space in a path. * test86 and test87 are flaky in Appveyor. * Rare crash in getvcol(). (Timo Mihaljov) * The asin() function can't be used. * Memory leak when there is an error in setting an option.- Updated to revision 963, fixes the following problems * Crash when dragging with the mouse. * Segfault reading unitialized memory. * X11 and GTK have moure mouse buttons than Vim supports. * Memory leak when encountering a syntax error. * vt52 terminal codes are not correct. * There is no way to ignore case only for tag searches. * test_tagcase breaks for small builds. * Writing tests for Vim script is hard. * New style testing is incomplete. * Missing changes in source file. * Test_listchars fails with MingW. (Michael Soyka) * Can't build when the insert_expand feature is disabled. * When using 'colorcolumn' and there is a sign with a fullwidth character the highlighting is wrong. (Andrew Stewart) * v:errors is not initialized. * Sorting number strings does not work as expected. (Luc Hermitte) * 'lispwords' is tested in the old way. * When a test script navigates to another buffer the .res file is created with the wrong name. * When using Lua there may be a crash. (issue #468) * Vim doesn't recognize .pl6 and .pod6 files. * A few more file name extensions not recognized. * Test_tagcase fails when using another language than English. * Vim checks if the directory "$TMPDIR" exists. * When setting 'term' the clipboard ownership is lost. * Test107 fails in some circunstances. * Cannot run the tests with gvim. Cannot run individual new stests. * test_listlbr_utf8 sometimes fails.- Updated to revision 935, fixes the following problems * Test 94 fails on some systems. * test_utf8 has confusing dummy command. * Crash when using longest completion match.- Updated to revision 930, fixes the following problems * When a BufLeave autocommand changes folding in a way it syncs undo, undo can be corrupted. * Python interface can produce error "vim.message' object has no attribute 'isatty'". * Libraries for dynamically loading interfaces can only be defined at compile time. * Compiler complains about type punned pointer. * t_Ce and t_Cs are documented but not supported. (Hirohito Higashi) * Wrong indenting for C++ constructor. * No utf-8 support for the hangul input feature. * New compiler warning: logical-not-parentheses * When removing from 'path' and then adding, a comma may go missing. (Malcolm Rowe) * When running out of memory while copying a dict memory may be freed twice. (ZyX) * Compiler warning for comparing signed and unsigned. * A digit in an option name has problems. * The dll options are not in the options window. * The rubydll option is not in the options window. * Missing proto file update. (Randall W. Morris) * Leaking memory with ":helpt {dir-not-exists}". * Prototypes not always generated. * User may yank or put using the register being recorded in. * Completing the longest match doesn't work properly with multi-byte characters. * Ruby crashes when there is a runtime error. * A clientserver message interrupts handling keys of a mapping. * "gv" after paste selects one character less if 'selection' is "exclusive". * MS-Windows: Most users appear not to like the window border. - Refresh vim-7.3-sh_is_bash.patch- Updated to revision 898, fixes the following problems * Build failure when using dynamic python but not python3. * Indentation of array initializer is wrong. * On MS-Windows the iconv DLL may have a different name. * C indenting is wrong below a "case (foo):" * vimrun.exe is picky about the number of spaces before -s. * Custom command line completion does not work for a command containing digits. * Editing a URL, which netrw should handle, doesn't work. * Freeze and crash when there is a sleep in a remote command. (Karl Yngve Lervåg) * The 'fixendofline' option is set on with ":edit".- Updated to revision 889, fixes the following problems * Crash when changing the 'tags' option from a remote command. (Benjamin Fritz) * 'smarttab' is also effective when 'paste' is enabled. (Alexander Monakov) * May get into an invalid state when using getchar() in an expression mapping. * Vim leaks memory, when 'wildignore' filters out all matches. * Compiler warning for unused variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * Not obvious how to contribute. * ":find" sometimes fails. (Excanoe) * Coverity error for clearing only one byte of struct. * Can't see line numbers in nested function calls. * Test 49 fails. * When leaving the command line window with CTRL-C while a completion menu is displayed the menu isn't removed. * Block-mode replace works characterwise instead of blockwise after column 147. (Issue #422) * When doing an upwards search without wildcards the search fails if the initial directory doesn't exist. * Using uninitialized memory for regexp with back reference. (Dominique Pelle) * The OptionSet autocommands are not triggered from setwinvar(). * Triggering OptionSet from setwinvar() isn't tested.- Updated apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.10.0) * add support for the "ib" and "mpls" network keywords- Updated to revision 865, fixes the following problems * GTK: font glitches for combining characters * "zt" still doesn't work well with filler lines. (Gary Johnson) * Dragging the current tab with the mouse doesn't work properly. * It's a bit clumsy to execute a command on a list of matches. * Vim doesn't recognize all htmldjango files. * Filetype detection is outdated. * pango_shape_full() is not always available. * Still problems with pango_shape_full() not available. * plines_nofill() used without the diff feature.- Updated to revision 854, fixes the following problems * When '#' is in 'isident' the is# comparator doesn't work. * Compiler warning for possible loss of data. * "vi)d" may leave a character behind. * CTRL-A on hex number in Visual block mode is incorrect. * Moving the cursor in Insert mode starts new undo sequence. * does not show up. * Saving and restoring the console buffer does not work properly. * "zt" in diff mode does not always work properly. (Gary Johnson) * Missing information about runtime files.- Updated to revision 843, fixes the following problems * Xxd doesn't have a license notice. * The ruler shows "Bot" even when there are only filler lines missing. (Gary Johnson) * CTRL-A in Visual mode doesn't work properly with "alpha" in 'nrformat'. * After CTRL-V CTRL-A mode isn't updated. (Hirohito Higashi) * With a sequence of commands using buffers in diff mode E749 is given. (itchyny) * Invalid memory access when using "exe 'sc'". * Gcc sanitizer complains about using a NULL pointer to memmove(). * It is not possible to save and restore character search state. * Illegal memory access with "sy match a fold". * Invalid memory access when doing ":call g:". * Invalid memory access when doing ":fun X(". * Invalid memory access in file_pat_to_reg_pat(). * 'linebreak' breaks c% if the last Visual selection was block. (Chris Morganiser, Issue 389) * Invalid memory access in file_pat_to_reg_pat. * Cursor moves after CTRL-A on alphabetic character. * Invalid memory access for ":syn keyword x a[". * Crash when using "syn keyword x c". (Dominique Pelle) * Crash when clicking in beval balloon. (Travis Lebsock) * Resetting 'encoding' when doing ":set all&" causes problems. (Bjorn Linse) Display is not updated. * When expanding `=expr` on the command line and encountering an error, the command is executed anyway. * $HOME in `=$HOME . '/.vimrc'` is expanded too early. * More side effects of ":set all&" are missing. (Björn Linse) * gettabvar() doesn't work after Vim start. (Szymon Wrozynski) * Comparing utf-8 sequences does not handle different byte sizes correctly. * Can't compile without the crypt feature. (John Marriott) - Refresh vim-7.3-diff_check.patch- Updated to revision 803, fixes the following problems * Repeating a change in Visual mode does not work as expected. (Urtica Dioica) * Accessing memory before an allocated block. * Using freed memory when triggering CmdUndefined autocommands. * Test for ":diffoff" doesn't catch all potential problems. * Using "A" in Visual mode while 'linebreak' is set is not tested. * C indent does not support C11 raw strings. (Mark Lodato)- Updated to revision 797, fixes the following problems * Using freed memory and crash. (Dominique Pellej) * Test fails when the autochdir feature is not available. Test output contains the test script. * The buffer list can be very long. * Can only conceal text by defining syntax items. * Can't specify when not to ring the bell. * The 'fixeol' option is not copied to a new window. * Warning from 64 bit compiler. * Crash when using more lines for the command line than 'maxcombine'.- Updated to revision 788, fixes the following problems * CTRL-A and CTRL-X in Visual mode do not always work well. * :diffoff only works properly once. * Behavior of :diffoff is not tested. * Background color response with transparency is not ignored. * Search does not handle multi-byte character at the start position correctly. * 'langmap' is used in command-line mode when checking for mappings. Issue 376. * When using the CompleteDone autocommand event it's difficult to get to the completed items. * It is not possible to avoid using the first item of completion. * Equivalence class for 'd' does not work correctly. * Coverity warns for uninitialized variable. * Using CTRL-A in a line without a number moves the cursor. May cause a crash when at the start of the line. (Urtica Dioica) * Compiler complains about uninitialized variable and clobbered variables. * line2byte() returns one less when 'bin' and 'noeol' are set. * Still a few problems with CTRL-A and CTRL-X in Visual mode. * copy_chars() and copy_spaces() are inefficient. * Using both "noinsert" and "noselect" in 'completeopt' does not work properly. * On some systems automatically adding the missing EOL causes problems. Setting 'binary' has too many side effects. * It is not possible for a plugin to adjust to a changed setting. * snprintf() isn't available everywhere.- Updated to revision 763, fixes the following problems * Appending in Visual mode with 'linebreak' set does not work properly. Also when 'selection' is "exclusive". (Ingo Karkat) * Using CTRL-A in Visual mode does not work well. (Gary Johnson) * It is not easy to count the number of characters. * Cannot detect the background color of a terminal. * When 'conceallevel' is 1 and quitting the command-line window with CTRL-C the first character ':' is erased. * Spelling mistakes are not displayed after ":syn spell". * The request-background termcode implementation is incomplete. * Comment for may_req_bg_color() is wrong. (Christ van Willegen)- Updated to revision 752, fixes the following problems * When setting the crypt key and using a swap file, text may be encrypted twice or unencrypted text remains in the swap file. * The tab menu shows "Close tab" even when it doesn't work. * The cursor line is not always updated for the "O" command. * ml_get error when using "p" in a Visual selection in the last line. * Wrong argument for sizeof(). * In a string "\U" only takes 4 digits, while after CTRL-V U eight digits can be used. * ":1quit" works like ":.quit". (Bohr Shaw) * When using += with ":set" a trailing comma is not recognized. (Issue 365) * Cannot specify a vertical split when loading a buffer for a quickfix command. * "p" in Visual mode causes an unexpected line split. * No tests for Ruby and Perl. * The entries added by matchaddpos() are returned by getmatches() but can't be set with setmatches(). (Lcd) * ":[count]tag" is not always working. (cs86661) * ":cnext" may jump to the wrong column when setting 'virtualedit=all' * For some options two consecutive commas are OK. (Nikolay Pavlov) * It is not obvious how to enable the address sanitizer. * Unicode 8.0 not supported.- Make Perl support dynamic bsc#804070- Updated to revision 729, fixes the following problems * Illegal memory access when there are illegal bytes. * ":let list += list" can change a locked list. * Autocommands triggered by quickfix cannot get the current title value. * Overflow when adding MAXCOL to a pointer. * When 'list' is set Visual mode does not highlight anything in empty lines. (mgaleski) * 0x202f is not recognized as a non-breaking space character. * For indenting, finding the C++ baseclass can be slow. * ":call setreg('"', [])" reports an internal error. * Occasional crash with 'list' set.- Updated to revision 712, fixes the following problems * Out-of-bounds read, dectected by Coverity. * Not freeing memory when encountering an error. * The filename used for ":profile" must be given literally. * Various problems with locked and fixed lists and dictionaries. * E315 when trying to delete a fold. (Yutao Yuan) * Fold can't be opened after ":move". (Ein Brown) * Compiler warning for using uninitialized variable. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) * Joining an empty list does uneccessary work. * Compiler warning for start_dir unused when building unittests. * Searching for a character matches an illegal byte and causes invalid memory access. (Dominique Pelle) * Can't build with Ruby 2.2. * Window drawn wrong when 'laststatus' is zero and there is a command-line window. (Yclept Nemo) * Undo files can have their executable bit set. * gettext() is called too often. * ":tabmove" does not work as documented. * It is not possible to make spaces visibible in list mode.- Updated to revision 694, fixes the following problems * When starting several Vim instances in diff mode, the temp files used may not be unique. (Issue 353) * When there are illegal utf-8 characters the old regexp engine may go past the end of a string. * "zr" and "zm" do not take a count. * There is no way to use a different in Replace mode for a terminal. * When "$" is in 'cpo' the popup menu isn't undrawn correctly. (Issue 166) * Memory access errors when changing indent in Ex mode. Also missing redraw when using CTRL-U. (Knil Ino) * Can't build with MzScheme. * Session file is not correct when there are multiple tab pages. * Running tests changes the .viminfo file.- Updated to revision 683, fixes the following problems * When using --remote the directory may end up being wrong. * CTRL-W in Insert mode does not work well for multi-byte characters. * MS-Windows: When Vim is minimized the window height is computed incorrectly. * The search highlighting and match highlighting replaces the cursorline highlighting, this doesn't look good. * Typo in the vimtutor command.- Updated to revision 676, fixes the following problems * When 'ruler' is set the preferred column is reset. (Issue 339) * Using freed memory when g:colors_name is changed in the colors script. (oni-link) * Using "0 CTRL-D" in Insert mode may have CursorHoldI interfere. (Gary Johnson) * When 'M' is in the 'cpo' option then selecting a text object in parenthesis does not work correctly. * When using netbeans a buffer is not found in another tab. * When 'compatible' is reset 'numberwidth' is set to 4, but the effect doesn't show until a change is made. * 'linebreak' does not work properly with multi-byte characters. * There is a chance that Vim may lock up. * 'colorcolumn' isn't drawn in a closed fold while 'cursorcolumn' is. (Carlos Pita) * Can't use a glob pattern as a regexp pattern. * When netbeans is active the sign column always shows up. * Using 'cindent' for Javascript is less than perfect. * Warning for shadowing a variable. * When completing a shell command, directories in the current directory are not listed. * The first syntax entry gets sequence number zero, which doesn't work. (Clinton McKay) * Missing changes in one file. * When a FileReadPost autocommand moves the cursor inside a line it gets moved back. - Refresh vim73-no-static-libpython.patch- Updated to revision 658, fixes the following problems * The tabline menu was using ":999tabnew" which is now invalid. * When using "gf" escaped spaces are not handled. * Stratus VOS doesn't have sync(). * When splitting the window in a BufAdd autocommand while still in the first, empty buffer the window count is wrong. * ":bufdo" may start at a deleted buffer. * Compiler complains about ignoring return value of fwrite(). (Michael Jarvis) * Configure check may fail because the dl library is not used. * Can't match "%>80v" properly for multi-byte characters. * Xxd lacks a few features. * Insert mode completion with complete() may have CTRL-L work like CTRL-P. * glob() and globpath() cannot include links to non-existing files. (Charles Campbell) * Text deleted by "dit" depends on indent of closing tag. (Jan Parthey) * Missing changes for glob() in one file. * Compiler warnings for pointer mismatch. * 'formatexpr' is evaluated too often.- Updated to revision 640, fixes the following problems * When using Insert mode completion combined with autocommands the redo command may not work. * The default conceal character is documented to be a space but it's initially a dash. (Christian Brabandt) * 7.4.592 breaks the netrw plugin, because the autocommands are skipped. * Marks are not restored after redo + undo. * If no NL or CR is found in the first block of a file then the 'fileformat' may be set to "mac". (Issue 77) * A search with end offset gets stuck at end of file. (Gary Johnson) * Incorrectly read the number of buffer for which an autocommand should be registered. * Can't build with Lua 5.3 on Windows. * Combination of linebreak and conceal doesn't work well. * After deleting characters in Insert mode such that lines are joined undo does not work properly. (issue 324)- Updated to revision 629, fixes the following problems * For complicated list and dict use the garbage collector can run out of stack space. * Syntax error. * The NFA engine does not implement the 'redrawtime' time limit. * Vim hangs when freeing a lot of objects. * Wrong ":argdo" range does not cause an error. * luaV_setref() is missing a return statement. (Ozaki Kiichi) * luaV_setref() not returning the correct value. * Compiler warning for unitinialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * Returning 1 in the wrong function. (Raymond Ko) * Compiler warning for unused argument. * Crash with pattern: \(\)\{80000} (Dominique Pelle) * May leak memory or crash when vim_realloc() returns NULL. * Possible NULL pointer dereference. * The last screen cell is not updated. * Compiler warning for variable might be clobbered by longjmp. * Coverity warning for Out-of-bounds read. - Remove vim-speedup-gc.patch, fixed upstream- Updated to revision 608, fixes the following problems * Compiler warnings for unitinialized variables. (John Little) * Can't match "%>80v" properly. (Axel Bender) * Range for :bdelete does not work. (Ronald Schild) * Parallel building of the documentation html files is not reliable. * Conceal does not work properly with 'linebreak'. (cs86661) * ":0argedit foo" puts the new argument in the second place instead of the first. * Using ctrl_x_mode as if it contains flags. * test_listlbr_utf8 fails when the conceal feature is not available. * When doing ":e foobar" when already editing "foobar" and 'buftype' is "nofile" the buffer is cleared. (Xavier de Gaye) * Crash when searching for "x\{0,90000}". (Dominique Pelle) * Using a block delete while 'breakindent' is set does not work properly. * The test_command_count test fails when using Japanese. * Tiny build doesn't compile. (Ike Devolder) * Cannot change the result of systemlist(). * Out-of-memory error. * Memory wasted in struct because of aligning. * It is not possible to have feedkeys() insert characters. * ":set" does not accept hex numbers as documented. * 'foldcolumn' may be set such that it fills the whole window, not leaving space for text. * Running tests changes viminfo. * The # register is not writable, it cannot be restored after jumping around. * May crash when using a small window. * Compiler warnings for unused variables.- Add vim-speedup-gc.patch to improve garbage collection performance. Based on (boo#899747)- Modify vim-7.3-filetype_changes.patch to expand tabs when editing * .changes files (bnc#900839)- Update suse.vimrc to stop remembering file positions for git commit cases. This fixes bnc#538369 and based on msys commits 1ef258e and 65ffc90.- Updated to revision 580, fixes the following problems * Ex range handling is wrong for buffer-local user commands. * Segfault with wide screen and error in 'rulerformat'. (Ingo Karkat) * No test for replacing on a tab in Virtual replace mode. * FEAT_OSFILETYPE is used even though it's never defined. * Ranges for arguments, buffers, tabs, etc. are not checked to be valid but limited to the maximum. This can cause the wrong thing to happen. * :argdo, :bufdo, :windo and :tabdo don't take a range. * Non-ascii vertical separater characters are always redrawn. * Giving an error for ":0wincmd w" is a problem for some plugins. * Having CTRL-C interrupt or not does not check the mode of the mapping. (Ingo Karkat) * Building with dynamic library does not work for Ruby 2.2.0 * Can't build with tiny features. (Ike Devolder) * Address type of :wincmd depends on the argument. * Mapping CTRL-C in Visual mode doesn't work. (Ingo Karkat) * No error for eval('$'). * Unicode character properties are outdated. * Redrawing problem with 'relativenumber' and 'linebreak'. * Matching with a virtual column has a lot of overhead on very long lines. (Issue 310) * Using getcurpos() after "$" in an empty line returns a negative number. * Wrong cursor positioning when 'linebreak' is set and lines wrap. * ":52wincmd v" still gives an invalid range error. (Charles Campbell)- Updated to revision 560, fixes the following problems * Tests fail with small features plus Python. * Crash when computing buffer count. Problem with range for user commands. Line range wrong in Visual area. * Cannot build with tiny and small features. (Taro Muraoka) * Crash when doing a range assign. * Using a range for window and buffer commands has a few problems. Cannot specify the type of range for a user command. * Since patch 7.4.232 "1,3s/\n//" joins two lines instead of three. (Eliseo Martínez) Issue 287 * Warnings for unused arguments when compiling with a combination of features. * Highlighting for multi-line matches is not correct. * Repeated use of vim_snprintf() with a number. * Using "vit" does not select a multi-byte character at the end correctly. * Function name not recognized correctly when inside a function. * curs_rows() function is always called with the second argument false. * "ygn" may yank too much. (Fritzophrenic) Issue 295. * Langmap applies to Insert mode expression mappings. * Various small issues. * Missing part of patch 7.4.519. * test_close_count may fail for some combination of features. * Failed commands in Python interface not handled correctly. * One more small issue. * When the X server restarts Vim may get stuck. * Appending a block in the middle of a tab does not work correctly when virtualedit is set. * Memory leak using :wviminfo. Issue 296.- use SUSE LINUX GmbH everywhere- Updated to revision 537, fixes the following problems * With a wrapping line the cursor may not end up in the right place. (Nazri Ramliy) * Using status line height in width computations. * Crash when using syntax highlighting. * Sun PCK locale is not recognzed. * When using "vep" a mark is moved to the next line. (Maxi Padulo, Issue 283) * Specifying wrong buffer size for GetLongPathName(). * When the X11 server is stopped and restarted, while Vim is kept in the background, copy/paste no longer works. (Issue 203) * When using ":ownsyntax" spell checking is messed up. (Issue 78) * map() leaks memory when there is an error in the expression. * matchstr() fails on long text. Daniel Hahler) * Still confusing regexp failure and NFA_TOO_EXPENSIVE. * Crash when using matchadd() (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) * No test for what 7.4.517 fixes. * Many commands take a count or range that is not using line numbers. * Comments about parsing an Ex command are wrong. * When using 'incsearch' "2/pattern/e" highlights the first match. * ":hardcopy" leaks memory in case of errors. * Warnings when compiling if_ruby.c. * Can't build with tiny features. * Test 63 fails when using a black&white terminal. * Value of v:hlsearch reflects an internal variable.- Updated to revision 516, fixes the following problems * When generating ja.sjis.po the header is not correctly adjusted. * Users are not aware their encryption is weak. * "-fwrapv" argument breaks use of cproto. * Generating proto for if_ruby.c uses type not defined elsewhere. * Crash because reference count is wrong for list returned by getreg(). * Memory access error. (Dominique Pelle) * In a help buffer the global 'foldmethod' is used. (Paul Marshall) * Completing a function name containing a # does not work. Issue 253.- Updated to revision 507, fixes the following problems * Setting the local value of 'backupcopy' empty gives an error. (Peter Mattern) * Compiler warning. * Crash when expanding a very long string. * CTRL-W } does not open preview window. (Erik Falor) * 'linebreak' does not work well together with Visual mode. * Issue 26: CTRL-C does not interrupt after it was mapped and then unmapped. * The "precedes" entry in 'listchar' will be drawn when 'showbreak is set and list is not. * Cursor movement is incorrect when there is a number column/sign/fold column and 'sbr' is displayed. * Can't compile on a system where Xutf8SetWMProperties() is not in the X11 library. Issue 265. * When using ":%diffput" and the other file is empty an extra empty line remains. * Using byte length instead of character length for 'showbreak'. * When 'balloonexpr' results in a list, the text has a trailing newline. (Lcd) * A 0x80 byte is not handled correctly in abbreviations. * Abbreviations don't work. (Toothpik) * Check for writing to a yank register is wrong. * ":sign jump" may use another window even though the file is already edited in the current window. * test_mapping fails for some people. * Cursor movement still wrong when 'lbr' is set and there is a number column. (Hirohito Higashi) * Cannot specify the buffer to use for "do" and "dp", making them useless for three-way diff. * When winrestview() has a negative "topline" value there are display errors. * In Insert mode, after inserting a newline that inserts a comment leader, CTRL-O moves to the right. (ZyX) Issue 57. * A TextChanged autocommand is triggered when saving a file. (William Gardner) * Cursor shape is wrong after a CompleteDone autocommand. * XPM isn't used correctly in the Cygwin Makefile. * With some regexp patterns the NFA engine uses many states and becomes very slow. To the user it looks like Vim freezes. * substitute() can be slow with long strings. * Test 72 still fails once in a while. * Typo in file pattern. * Language mapping also applies to mapped characters. * Cannot append a list of lines to a file.- Updated apparmor.vim (taken from AppArmor 2.9.0) * add support for 'hat' keyword * fix highlighting of comments in alias and link rules/bin/sh/bin/shibs-power9-13 16460362648.0.1568- -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// open `/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/vim-8.0.1568-5.17.1.ppc64le/etc/alternatives/vi' (No such file or directory)cannot open `/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/vim-8.0.1568-5.17.1.ppc64le/etc/alternatives/vim' (No such file or directory)ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=163e460d7cb7191b6857893237ba5cb3b37d1104, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, strippeddirectoryASCII textRRRRRR)_(ZJеUutf-8428b752a95db157e34a9e25994bcdceeb62b488e9e742ae082b4162bca10a22e?7zXZ !t/ぐ] caoDfZ(U4MK4uۜytSј .j%Bq~wܖ!bܔ1R21Jn^& s%)l3Z0hJiԳ-"7?:i`6|ş ]""EH}^v^WdI{t| :M+zIzv%QM# C|hYD*AkFoԭUhDލ ܱM"VR"U&iY+{J @?{V$p(-`@c|¡xh$[55VBWd^ /V7kx5 4qZo/Y`dװ TWNko/S}̕C67N6jg̒&O%Qp$ 8/x'ov:=s0 FWdďu#L=.f_Kg^aIdI:Mo ^wlib6;cP`C]0檏Ž5b;RZ 2KӀ6#h& -* ?([J:3-3܈%f hGnܟ Ċ$(}rn<7~(di4^18޸73@3 0gɼ8 7w@u˭(=Q0t ' d{*$%̔"Ü4%Р le (YʈL8S@hs;&T j@Ƞ}\2:?D78!  =_&A0| [#,׼U!2BN90dw>f9ID$J^P(3me`7Y-7*l 9,̞zxRY:7<&!6wݡX}u]h ! /3 RB!vkv&'[49*smekkgjF@B/pd'BS֩-r#Q`FST:ǁ u @0\ L`W`N[)% 8u"Hw \ kdo\R]Rj iDc476A x$=p0=&76M@, 'HxZgZ;,1шoZ[ѕׅ#aƶz򖸬~8:ǟdf3 p8u-{'oqQ7Dp^郪' 'Cn/}sJz!wQP>@~[+PqBnWLͻRoh^Lz7Da )ڳ0fbHk8}$rBP!>$=n=HDYIu~`@ujEMսD]7iΘ,̀a'-בUwʥ-,}=b{QrB҉d0='W[2"'JIƀ!A9K #T鵙:,?dZ2ʩZ ]X/uZȧO!d" Y.PaGm |/ç*I*^>^EGMHWg'U]&%2s7@T_FF\6{9BŴ3)O1acp Xh٧׸Ww[-| "܍O==-gަu[3iC;i+|Ŭ&">k@nkW뮭>B_ʼn-& Qb91s1݈6vEi#>}OkOXZ-n =-~YH;ZQ -HӋ4ƅj쨈$5ZU>U*4dt IXb0SsځOS&k(7ȝoݏs|틻UsOR6FvZ/ P]FeMGtHc+4!Hh ~B+e9vTA| ݈n9Ü.'h!%E ZD5^77w^DpYLoL~9MY+JdCN JA; iYa2C#-,WP.l"61L'Z|[,B9_Q*+yw9ᕏd=0ifEA8MY]j]U /,rʹA<~a|5fLi$ߜc%Oó>i]z$SV)/ 7*ߋMBg//AJD;[uVcO畎i(M&}a^YdUR=,|/ i!1NPgEy g2&2 FܲGQ,*Jl룙fwV2DڙƇvf N֨bzh|r{..TZSo@zGon#,͚Xeͣf;_N*7r kU]Nn&hXCѠnm$s~7,ubtRQ*3ކv4rVT6[ʙ4}sF%꘿(@23tC .֘mNxiJ4r> w &B06uSP]B'MtٹMe@ۡ K|o|4[: g|7}5k|,\r⡆1 ZѲ~D၇<&K S4HMۃI+Y6W.kܺ[\2]8V2>'DuûMXƽ j~/^g<,_tU)RlT s/s}Q5j/$fܔ Fda_и6ZW(KVS*~B7`?{S,zI]~['37.aG)5Vp}]911̓sFY[:]t5XT#^n\6;2H;.guVGjsE^ e[`P%H&K@,et/ O g aUwgth>f 44vď Eq)ȿS{^æ*38_XiH3傲zJ\vsAc)k6e` ivbt)M|Ib3a%{s?HTBw#+Chl+*33AlIO~s١r~sAnt?/r=)"g?9)!=`#c^qmyu p "yhxBҙx[}"5DT* ,uDG HkF&Â7m)DL3LC:SC,r 39"CE]//CAjĊ!b{yhN^2`0Qv,bgd8E$ ze'[ !RPbqn,ž FP;V!$ XR9qxlmPj:Vxu(>5A6!f4)3.h-VlU3!r'!3U̔ 2:lB,m_ [dqъe(w* C>V}(,Q!eR&ϩ]U@"VRG@ׄTxxY;@L>?:N#>׏-{Ђ/ alw`d}zn (v뼇7}Ӽˠ_oPЮ ҃z݇5lRdo$ lb0hD{Tk?Mw2r]6*=4}D.f+2t^4hȼʳYԎ~'>Q&MD`Xn *MU g>˱;EI1$(Oڻc㩰E5>)ԧ kJ1;~UQDsɠ5"1&YskR%MЀ+s I?(ru[_z Oi(Jndr)nDtL^8_S \8X5|rKrNl YSnbtk L`y[xg$ `1ܦoM'676lǺVP# An@×/9NVƁ 5KR+jxuCްYԬ9)*;\xaV KL'mr]IJbjM״ooj>Pc09KٗX"R0g!c22 m ܾ82ۂs#7aͤ^KշW3/]™r ni82rX0Wѹ/0"R[4CBڵ}aΊ%D@0:^l6й։7e快ZW{ocl]PZTŘr|).zL3 T-bhJۄTE\gk#D:);GD=Eӓ G&Q#ޞ%4er N,OdLVn4~FjM`##Use8ln@jg ~1 |qFnl+ܒ'w!,d’os<ҋaw6s_[IT!9b _2:8bJW176d+- eܴ/3Y 4>8'D$mwDĢ8W"hUv9hj5bsc_3.Wc M:g\ZcZ*ժf^S{V7FQN)h  &Ac3Uyx&y8="%M'Am{?㛖i7`Z,HiM9"$@k";7d_Z3(Kjjq7ګvethm5oVUDJ,"8eV?jWlwWZ!`E'f=E/kC>%.k"Et'Kei行}w&7W?C~#ɃVo++J rb}WMBb?IҐ%y> f*rqDqv1J^B;'~DzU"+-uJm'_ ]ۂ٧z1ȿ{.Ae'7Twb5ys |'ͼf2t==ƥ"UQq -{#Q5l 1JX`7+ Z:6Pctp^ 11+=Zck##Y('1WSlqnWϤ[]TDiOHC j"dd~.B_$ĴbzJemj?3Wg?v~e` `X3|f;eN :[vcgg۹R- y4rOAxJ!pש}ex %ey k xI o@e%0!Y Jj(fGJ-,Oz@8MèHa/'7UZ>mwז41 ogJG%䉍CA\_@ KTJ/r<%ރ%tƞ1DMD\eK2iz:E]GMױ iiww?\bwD3Ug|Qź̉:(S=/*\?c;SѩQy@ᛙw25P8'Q"Y2ng5"e1>n-);tqUVxfi"PR=@Ʌxdy̏sZӝ(t G*ܾW7*+ҫP0BO"#l]~*)c㊥0! 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