fzf-fish-completion-0.28.0-bp154.1.44 >  A bxE!M@eee|z lxH:v mdL=g#Y-Giܑem(Sb\\+ISTڈ1Eb3#pl!6p j,$9!у[1{oXwPS6PZk=Aɉf2)B?/o}|D'r(k?gP 'ZktޠjBZvĆO; N·]S=!Z4:+=CwsO%f-欔nJXAf067f8839e00febfff72358333ef7e563b0c7b77de8c9f865edfda454243e4a2ccbad3c779ff55eeccdd1ce59ec1e2c7e3b76c62H8bxE!M@eee-\p8;fvҙ1HaRcһ=EG^g0J7 &y^Bڐ Ll]ixrnJq4_9PR5(nonn KN.GRphmny)|AIG-(X_˴n~O4#I)LE{4v-;ivX`1H9Dy^wsP'p\a|  ]V>p><?<d ( @`dpt    ( k p|T(q8x9:F9G:H: I:,X:0Y:4\:H]:T^:b:c;ld;e;f;l;u;v;z<<$<(<=<@Matej Cepl Matej Cepl Matej Cepl Paolo Stivanin Matej Cepl Matej Cepl Matej Cepl Matej Cepl Matej Cepl Matej Cepl Matej Cepl Paolo Stivanin Frederic Crozat Paolo Stivanin Paolo Stivanin Matej Cepl Ismail Dönmez Jan Engelhardt Matej Cepl Matej Cepl avindra@opensuse.orgavindra@opensuse.org- update to 0.28.0: * Added `--header-first` option to print header before the prompt line * Added `--scroll-off=LINES` option * Fixed bug where preview window is not updated on `reload` * fzf on Windows will also use `$SHELL` to execute external programs- Update to 0.27.3: - Preview window is `hidden` by default when there are `preview` bindings but `--preview` command is not given - Fixed bug where `{n}` is not properly reset on `reload` - Fixed bug where spinner is not displayed on `reload` - Enhancements in tcell renderer for Windows (#2616) - Vim plugin - `sinklist` is added as a synonym to `sink*` so that it's easier to add a function to a spec dictionary ```vim let spec = { 'source': 'ls', 'options': ['--multi', '--preview', 'cat {}'] } function spec.sinklist(matches) echom string(a:matches) endfunction call fzf#run(fzf#wrap(spec)) ``` - Vim 7 compatibility - Set FZF_VERSION and FZF_REVISION environment variables as well.- Update to 0.27.2: - 16 base ANSI colors can be specified by their names fzf --color fg:3,fg+:11 fzf --color fg:yellow,fg+:bright-yellow - Fix bug where --read0 not properly displaying long lines- Update to 0.27.1: - Added unbind action. In the following Ripgrep launcher example, you can use unbind(reload) to switch to fzf-only filtering mode. See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/blob/master/ADVANCED.md#switching-to-fzf-only-search-mode - Vim plugin will stop immediately even when the source command hasn't finished " fzf will read the stream file while allowing other processes to append to it call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({'source': 'cat /dev/null > /tmp/stream; tail -f /tmp/stream'})) - It is now possible to open popup window relative to the currrent window let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.6, 'relative': v:true, 'yoffset': 1.0 } }- Update to 0.27.0: - More border options for `--preview-window` ```sh fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window border-left fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window border-left --border horizontal fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window top:border-bottom fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window top:border-horizontal ``` - Automatically set `/dev/tty` as STDIN on execute action ```sh [#] Redirect /dev/tty to suppress "Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal" [#] ls | fzf --bind "enter:execute(vim {} < /dev/tty)" [#] "< /dev/tty" part is no longer needed ls | fzf --bind "enter:execute(vim {})" ``` - Bug fixes and improvements- Update to 0.26.0: - Added support for fixed header in preview window [#] Display top 3 lines as the fixed header fzf --preview 'bat --style=header,grid --color=always {}' --preview-window '~3' More advanced preview offset expression to better support the fixed header [#] Preview with bat, matching line in the middle of the window below [#] the fixed header of the top 3 lines [#] [#] ~3 Top 3 lines as the fixed header [#] +{2} Base scroll offset extracted from the second field [#] +3 Extra offset to compensate for the 3-line header [#] /2 Put in the middle of the preview area [#] git grep --line-number '' | fzf --delimiter : \ - -preview 'bat --style=full --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \ - -preview-window '~3:+{2}+3/2' - Added select and deselect action for unconditionally selecting or deselecting a single item in --multi mode. Complements toggle action. - Sigificant performance improvement in ANSI code processing - Bug fixes and improvements- Update to 0.25.1: - Added `close` action - Close preview window if open, abort fzf otherwise - Bug fixes and improvements- Text attributes set in --color are not reset when fzf sees another - -color option for the same element. This allows you to put custom text attributes in your $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS and still have those attributes even when you override the colors. [#] Default colors and attributes fzf [#] Apply custom text attributes export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--color fg+:italic,hl:-1:underline,hl+:-1:reverse:underline' fzf [#] Different colors but you still have the attributes fzf --color hl:176,hl+:177 [#] Write "regular" if you want to clear the attributes fzf --color hl:176:regular,hl+:177:regular - Renamed --phony to --disabled - You can dynamically enable and disable the search functionality using the new enable-search, disable-search, and toggle-search actions - You can assign a different color to the query string for when search is disabled fzf --color query:#ffffff,disabled:#999999 --bind space:toggle-search - Added last action to move the cursor to the last match The opposite action top is renamed to first, but top is still recognized as a synonym for backward compatibility - Added preview-top and preview-bottom actions - Extended support for alt key chords: alt with any case-sensitive single character fzf --bind alt-,:first,alt-.:last- Generate tags for vim documentation- Update to 24.4.4: - Added --preview-window option follow [#] Preview window will automatically scroll to the bottom fzf --preview-window follow --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do echo "$i" sleep 0.01 (( i % 300 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J" done' - Added change-prompt action fzf --prompt 'foo> ' --bind $'a:change-prompt:\x1b[31mbar> ' - Bug fixes and improvements - Enable tests- Update to 0.24.3: - Added --padding option: fzf --margin 5% --padding 5% --border --preview 'cat {}' \ - -color bg:#222222,preview-bg:#333333 - Bug fixes and improvements- Update to 0.24.1: - Real-time rendering of preview window [#] fzf can render preview window before the command completes fzf --preview 'sleep 1; for i in $(seq 100); do echo $i; sleep 0.01; done' [#] Preview window can process ANSI escape sequence (CSI 2 J) for clearing the display fzf --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do (( i % 200 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J" echo "$i" sleep 0.01 done' - To indicate if --multi mode is enabled, fzf will print the number of selected items even when no item is selected seq 100 | fzf [#] 100/100 seq 100 | fzf --multi [#] 100/100 (0) seq 100 | fzf --multi 5 [#] 100/100 (0/5) - Added --preview-window options for disabling flags nocycle nohidden nowrap default - Support preview scroll offset relative to window height git grep --line-number '' | fzf --delimiter : \ - -preview 'bat --style=numbers --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \ - -preview-window +{2}-/2 - Added --preview-window option for sharp edges (--preview-window sharp) - Added --preview-window option for cyclic scrolling (--preview-window cycle) - Reduced vertical padding around the preview window when - -preview-window noborder is used - Added actions for preview window preview-half-page-up preview-half-page-down - Vim - Popup width and height can be given in absolute integer values - Added fzf#exec() function for getting the path of fzf executable It also downloads the latest binary if it's not available by running ./install --bin- Update to 0.22.0 - Added more options for --bind - Added preview window option for setting the initial scroll offset - Added support for ANSI colors in --prompt string - Smart match of accented characters - Vim plugin- Add subpackage for fish completion.- Update to 0.21.1 - CTRL-R will remove duplicate commands - Supports tmux popup window (require tmux 3.2 or above) - bug fixes- Update to 0.21.0: - --height option is now available on Windows as well (@kelleyma49) - Added --pointer and --marker options - Added --keep-right option that keeps the right end of the line visible when it's too long - Style changes - --border will now print border with rounded corners around the finder instead of printing horizontal lines above and below it. The previous style is available via --border=horizontal - Unicode spinner - More keys and actions for --bind - Added PowerShell script for downloading Windows binary - Vim plugin: Built-in floating windows support - bash: Various improvements in key bindings (CTRL-T, CTRL-R, ALT-C) - CTRL-R will start with the current command-line as the initial query - CTRL-R properly supports multi-line commands - Fuzzy completion API changed - Bug fixes- Update to 0.20.0: - Customizable preview window color (preview-fg and preview-bg for --color) fzf --preview 'cat {}' \ - -color 'fg:#bbccdd,fg+:#ddeeff,bg:#334455,preview-bg:#223344,border:#778899' \ - -border --height 20 --layout reverse --info inline Removed the immediate flicking of the screen on reload action. : | fzf --bind 'change:reload:seq {q}' --phony Added clear-query and clear-selection actions for --bind - It is now possible to split a composite bind action over multiple --bind expressions by prefixing the later ones with +. fzf --bind 'ctrl-a:up+up' [#] Can be now written as fzf --bind 'ctrl-a:up' --bind 'ctrl-a:+up' [#] This is useful when you need to write special [#] execute/reload form (i.e. `execute:...`) [#] to avoid parse errors and add more actions to the same key fzf --multi --bind 'ctrl-l:select-all+execute:less {+f}' --bind 'ctrl-l:+deselect-all' - Fixed parse error of --bind expression where concatenated execute/reload action contains + character. fzf --multi --bind 'ctrl-l:select-all+execute(less {+f})+deselect-all' - Fixed bugs of reload action - Not triggered when there's no match even when the command doesn't have any placeholder expressions - Screen not properly cleared when --header-lines not filled on reload- Update to 0.19.0 - Added --phony option which completely disables search functionality. Useful when you want to use fzf only as a selector interface. See below. - Added "reload" action for dynamically updating the input list without restarting fzf. See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/issues/1750 to learn more about it. - --multi now takes an optional integer argument which indicates the maximum number of items that can be selected - If a placeholder expression for --preview and execute action (and the new reload action) contains f flag, it is replaced to the path of a temporary file that holds the evaluated list. This is useful when you multi-select a large number of items and the length of the evaluated string may exceed ARG_MAX. - deselect-all no longer deselects unmatched items. It is now consistent with select-all and toggle-all in that it only affects matched items. - Due to the limitation of bash, fuzzy completion is enabled by default for a fixed set of commands. A helper function for easily setting up fuzzy completion for any command is now provided. - Info line style can be changed by --info=STYLE - Preview window border can be disabled by adding noborder to --preview-window. - When you transform the input with --with-nth, the trailing white spaces are removed. - ctrl-\, ctrl-], ctrl-^, and ctrl-/ can now be used with --bind - See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/milestone/15?closed=1 for more details- Remove pointless double extraction of tarball again.- Update to 0.18.0: - 0.18.0 - Added placeholder expression for zero-based item index: {n} and {+n} fzf --preview 'echo {n}: {}' - Added color option for the gutter: --color gutter:-1 - Added --no-unicode option for drawing borders in non-Unicode, ASCII characters - FZF_PREVIEW_LINES and FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS are exported to preview process fzf still overrides LINES and COLUMNS as before, but they may be reset by the default shell. - Bug fixes and improvements See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/milestone/14?closed=1 - Update to 0.17.5: - Bug fixes and improvements See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/milestone/13?closed=1 - Search query longer than the screen width is allowed (up to 300 chars) - Patch build-mode-pie.patch removed as it is unneeded (we don't use Makefile anymore).- Add subpackage vim-fzf with the original vim plugin for fzf (there is also more extensive third party plugin on https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim)- update to 0.17.4 * Added --layout option with a new layout called reverse-list. - -layout=reverse is a synonym for --reverse - -layout=default is a synonym for --no-reverse * Preview window will be updated even when there is no match for the query if any of the placeholder expressions (e.g. {q}, {+}) evaluates to a non-empty string. * More keys for binding: shift-{up,down}, alt-{up,down,left, right} * fzf can now start when /dev/tty is not available by making an educated guess. * bash/zsh completion improvements * install and uninstall scripts support generating files under XDG_CONFIG_HOME on --xdg flag. - remove sed patch for non-excecutable fix (merged upstream)- initial packageold-cirrus4 16520865840.28.0-bp154.1.44fishvendor_functions.dfzf_key_bindings.fish/usr/share//usr/share/fish//usr/share/fish/vendor_functions.d/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP4/standard/dd2bf1f311bf20c1aac5cdef8dde269a-fzfcpioxz5x86_64-suse-linuxdirectoryASCII text!#/2n packageand(fzf:fish)utf-8d8d2997e31c64f45d52c86831aa1be448423a68ba367843b469eda832a5ecf67? 7zXZ !t/P] crt:bLL >X/q#ls&UȱoZ.K/|F6ܸ4 q3^h`I7 oI`7ہ5=U(7XD΃AIォ^S,Zn%GZ?̅sX&} q!L sb#*(3Kхt+Ѭwll)(Ȫ5rWk}W)\A vfW89Vtѯ@)[2w: R:˅DLjF3H8/VӰU0 ";lSK Eg_mBpMyѼiѺA2"lփ.s Bz.aH HjD%g%8qfq ?y"a&0 P  L{2{vаjm&W>Uhdyڬ ?yKY15d5lMM"TAՉoLkθ 0h8͚U0 $ܓpϔF%-f6`ƨO0ۦ7{\a },ǽ]hxbtT MJT__+YT.KZ`,3ͫ[չaYڿ<؋ct1S)ҜMhPPexF; \ +"'ߣ@}(DyJe\sUc6ij GɞTcNq 2n(( |m<5r$z6TJE|SP% U=G]n#|:_'@ ?ځY?{7$nc&0iu_ǚ-zQ4U;Q'ou3eЌV p w:{+A@@+ vDgfS^ G'KD rÇ Yp376,p ZQ4M0^'ZFBFtyIRNPaLL9a/W[|EjVᾝq;27yxG=v_F^4ì=ܺCDbzCoPvIMlE*/.Ʌ +OI!w9Mkꦬ+ Sɯ B^wܙfԉgvFW'W=wk_3O _.c[vf#8 I 3j9rdع-hz3vH7IǍ!宋-r!:h;s0 jgTߟ9T鞰n C_kSu:MKs8QqW#֗X׾`y|,mg : X8LYIX~gT9Wjlblט.%IC֨Tմ+Z3L3Sg杅f1Ӷ YZ