libmunge2-0.5.14-bp153.1.17 >  A `L !M@eee(G`uӅj"soۊk\r( @LȆXUR[Fc7Œ:ɡ=6.弮!~7+: g u HPҌLTW.!yƄ?KjdqCZӘvӁ4 {tǙ|Cʣ cIyʛ\f^.;Ap]d3"Ӂtmʭr icb#9L&C~(vIFnr}<̀xS@7bb50f694c02545ae345161867d538b36909615374770a6e6d44bda6dd5277b23846f0e3668264c83fdd30faa26139dea6ad29b16WH`L !M@eeeQ%DgjF.oow5BY}NL pA9*trin`kaǹ[UDGWHA*(ZG rw+Ms4[ Qe9a&ԍ/ãd[# ;( wj5]2׬G"^&.&:Q3jRAd4C$ M|ňx2tMc/dcˏyT]Ѡ텹Ֆ \?1^  {d>s %!>pCH?8d   E  9?HP T X `  < d N (p8x9:~>(@7FFG\HdIlXpY\]^bcdefluvwxyz4Clibmunge20.5.14bp153.1.17Libraries for applications using MUNGEA shared library for applications using the MUNGE authentication service.`Ls390zp27SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSEGPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-laterhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Libraries`L`    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/^y@^8 @^r]µ[.[(@[$ZZ'Z@XXXk@Xk@XN@XIK@XAb@X`@X@X@X@XAna Guerrero Lopez Dominique Leuenberger Egbert Eich Egbert Eich eich@suse.c Update to version 0.5.14, most relevant changes: * Added mungekey command for key generation via HKDF. * Added negative caching of user lookups for processing supplementary groups. * Added munged --origin and --stop cmdline opt. * Added unmunge --numeric cmdline opt. * Added several new configuration options. * Added systemd EnvironmentFile to set sysconfig options. * Added systemd RuntimeDirectory to replace tmpfiles.d conf. * Changed logging of non-existent users to only log once for a given user. * Changed default name of munged seedfile. * Fixed pidfile corruption when starting new daemon while socket still in use. * Fixed munged signal handlers to be async-signal-safe. * Fixed "Logging stopped due to error" behavior for transient errors. * Fixed misleading "Lockfile not found" error message. * Fixed conversion-specifier / argument mismatch in error message. * Removed autotools-generated files from version control. - Update patch: * Make-SUSE-specific-adjustments.patch - Spec cleanup - Update package description to match upstream's - Add logrotate file and Requires in logrotate - Run bootstrap to create autotools files.- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors.- Add Provides for 'munge-libs' to package libmunge for compatibility with the upstream spec file (bsc#1160075).- Fix possible LPE during installation (bsc#1155075, CVE-2019-3691). - Remove special %license treatment for SLE-12 as this has been fixed.- Add coreutils to the Requires(post/postun).- Handle license file using %license where applicable.- Package sysconfig.munge only on non-systemd systems. - Fix group settings for non-systemd systems in spec file: group 'munge' is used there as well. - Some macro cleanup.- added README.SUSE file (bsc#1085665)- Update to 0.5.13: * Added support for OpenSSL 1.1.0. * Added support for UID/GID values >= 2^31. * Added support for getentropy() and getrandom(). * Added --trusted-group cmdline opt to munged. * Added --log-file and --seed-file cmdline opts to munged. * Changed default MAC algorithm to SHA-256. * Fixed autoconf installation directory variable substitution. * Fixed all gcc, clang, and valgrind warnings. * Improved resilience and unpredictability of PRNG. * Improved hash table performance. * Removed libmissing dependency from libmunge.- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)- Fix BuildRequires for zlib-devel.- Replace group/user add macros with function calls. - Make sure we update the user/group of files/directories correctly when updating - in case they have changed.- Use user 'munge', group 'munge' for systemd and user 'daemon', group 'root' for non-systemd by setting the appropriate macros '%munge_u' and '%munge_g'. - Create user/group munge if they don't exist. - Add 'BuildRequires: libbz2-devel' - Fix typo.- Add 'Recommends: munge' to libmunge: This library requires the munge service to run on the local system to be useful.- Fix typo in init script (SLE11) introduced by last change - Fix rpm preun/postun-scripts (SLE11) - Fix empty /etc/sysconfig/munge after update (SLE11)- change USER from munge to daemon for non-systemd OSes- Switch to user 'munge', group 'munge'.- Adding to SLE12 SP2 FATE#321706.- Setting 'download_files' service to mode='localonly' and adding source tarball. (Required for Factory).- Add baselib.conf as Source to spec file. - Remove tar ball of version 0.5.11.- version 0.5.12 * Changed project homepage to . * Changed RPM specfile from sysvinit to systemd. (#33) * Added --max-ttl cmdline opt to munged. (#28) * Added --pid-file cmdline opt to munged. (#41)- Add source service to download sources. - Remove static libraries: If they are needed, they should be packaged separately. - Add a %define have_systemd to clearer identify systemd relevant parts. - Add define of lversion insead of hard conding this. - remove README.MULTILIB: Package is built already. - Add BuildRequires: for bzip2-devel, systemd-rpm-macros. - Spell out files under %{_sysconfdir}/ - Fix symlink to %{_sbindir}/rcmunge for initV and systemd./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigs390zp27 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6ff3d16c0454ed55a2dbd74f9999fd538f5ef63d, not strippedPRRRRw!]hmungeutf-8f21c11e6da7320c1e134207afb93c0a22ee9a3851efe42f2356d55afe1b7bed3?7zXZ !t/ഋ9e] cr$x#Dd{ɫTx'K"*sMOsRKa犵+k oʃ،vDIr"H,UٗIqM+.P"pJ|Vx@5popvX"xkZ v v{Ejk럪Jb%,8!| DF^R" #ݸc|E=cHo9Tr3W5r0p~(\bqaPQ.?KDp@Ls99 )~HġYiH5 ["ǦiVtKmnKƜkt=EneӺģg˒Xd9!G+vL8Aq )hRк\:Wwh+`rx,wZk^K(簘\KNLOĮX$5e[U+,MBBŇvT]oQJξ,fI(1{Mr "milU:vUkn)OctRױ8SUEZ'ߧָڑөC2`}8 hr[TbF%HieRy F8{UkL.6a_WP@iS$OhCC{8^:h#sp'ڰ gFS5zcL8vz]hQMB"B/p ;5]w(d c:$d;hܤcK'd(RӅ~38~~a'uKmberU#Mp ݥT !2]W=)~O|5RipބCz?!hɗE}?FUu(-N]Bm~% y!B6? wc9lۻReS0k6:_%I&([G5͇'}Cׂ>+šN'3|$2(5,$\>X |V{3Eq6lb$d>B,IѩƆj6ѷ"Jmb 炏G0hEtU j%5 έ:8n8G/_>0-D"I10m!N!2Lm$s;!l/{۞3'!*qrXޫBTBo-XyK 'IJ+g%GaR̸~^3x!7Q]GG42b,E.jG$܁R~2vhX [)}..ۇإpE~h n LaQ7p`4\?ziڅ"$9Ѿ A UĀ6䌡7~ig ^AEgXLН PÔ+yVo\Zds#1 fB_RS?Y7dBß TQ? 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