libmate-panel-applet-4-1-1.24.0-bp153.1.20 >  A `CG !M@eee^=;;`·U&J?-g*6B'f)QOȨE i, 3^0eӋc"Ν4(%S,y ӯ7˳n0ħq#EiQ~Clc Y3h2=Μt҅1JofAʧ}4T"4#?R%zWf' Od`uMc9ٟ>;ig߆7bg`$sߜ3823086f61fb0440231143117afa3028737de6450ab7cdaf5f16bbfccdf1500d6ad16f59e5bccb8c76ffff860b2760bf41d65e0bĉ`CG !M@eee 2 LU9H>'˻ЛaP]:@ټ JAUh3iφpYC篐is] ?~^{lT 9B >J#Q[g uit eDPZRzЗħLrn!ůױ(Cr;~a- < .y\^!>0C:uupdrfa_G|…]Cxcw$QP 9>p@}?}d" - f%.@ Zf     $3Bht(8-9-: ->zf@zuFzGzHzIzXzYz\z]z^{5b{Mc{d|_e|df|gl|iu||v|w}(x}4y}@ z}p}}}}Clibmate-panel-applet-4-11.24.0bp153.1.20MATE Panel Applet Library -- matecomponent-based libraryThis package contains the MATE Desktop Panel. The panel is an interface to manage the desktop, launch applications, and organise access to data.`CFs390p23~SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSELGPL-2.1-or-laterhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgUnspecified`CF`CF`    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/^V]^4]V]/ \ \C@\~d\U@\'@[l,[{@ZZZw@ZS]@Z ZYp@Y>@X@X@X@W$W]@WXWVn@VɦV@V@VV\:@V;DV0V/g@V }@U@Ua@UG_@U@T5TTq@Ta@TL@Alexei Sorokin Dominique Leuenberger Jonathan Brielmaier Jonathan Brielmaier Alexei Sorokin Alexei Sorokin sor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rujengelh@inai.desor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.alexei@meowr.rusor.al Update to version 1.24.0 (changes since 1.23.0): * Wayland support for panel-toplevel.c. * Wayland support for panel-layout.c. * Wayland support for panel-profile.c. * Wayland support for main.c. * Wayland support for panel-applet-container.c. * Fix out-of-process applets on X11 by fixing mate-panel-applet.c. * Wayland support for mate-panel-applet.c. * Wayland support for libegg. * In mate-panel-applet-factory.c, only set screen when used. * Make system-tray X11-only. * Make panel-struts X11-only. * Reinit panel-multimonitor when screen is changed. * Reinit panel-multimonitor when a monitor is invalidated. * Make panel-multimonitor Wayland ready. * Update to the new panel_multimonitor functions. * Refactor panel_multiscreen functions into panel_multimonitor ones. * Rename panel-multiscreen files panel-multimonitor. * Make panel-background Wayland ready. * Make panel-background-monitor X11-only. * Strings resistance. * Fix to install in a given prefix path. * Error in the correct place when applets are loaded on a platform they don't support. * Add supported platform values to *.mate-panel-applet files. * Load and store what platforms applets support. * panel-addto support disabling applets. * Panel addto Wayland support. * Add MATE_PANEL_APPLET_LIB_PREFIX environment variable. * Switch out wayland protocols for gtk-layer-shell dependency. * revert menu-bar: Transfer focus correctly on alt-F1. * Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private. * Fix reloading the default layout after panel reset. * Fix random crashes on panel reset. * Set compressed="true" for gresource text files. * panel-toplevel: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. * button-widget: Clarify calculation precedence for '&' and '?'. * Determine libwnck version during configure. * Add version check for libwnck. * window-list: Show window previews on hover. * Fix panel applet keyboard focus trap. * fish: Use a higher resolution image for Wanda the Fish. * Fetch clock formats using LC_TIME (as opposed to LANGUAGE). * Change the panel menu descriptions to better identify them. * Load layouts from absolute paths. * Set compiler debug flags using MATE_DEBUG_CHECK. * When determining whether the pos is in the applet, use ad->cells to calc. * build: Use AC_STRUCT_DIRENT_D_TYPE instead of custom macro. * panel-toplevel: Avoid deprecated gtk_css_provider_get_default. * panel-toplevel: Fix applets placement on expanded vertical panel. * Fix GTK Layer Shell include and CFLAGS. * [clock-applet] Add scroll interface tabs with mouse wheel. * Keep menu button popup from covering up menu on Wayland. * Keep applet menus from covering up applets on Wayland. * Add comment headers to wayland backend files. * Add Wayland backend. * Remove trailing whitespaces. * Use monitor size instead of screen size in panel-toplevel.c. * Add panel_multimonitor_get_bounds (). * Avoid double a11y description on panel toplevels. * clock applet: Fix string comparison. * clock applet: add a call to ATK to provide the current displayed time. * status-notifier: Render menu items as cairo surface. * status-notifier: Render icons as cairo surface. * na-tray: Increase min_icon_size value. * Fix mate-panel can not find mo file. * Migrate from intltool to gettext. * build: %.gschema.xml files were already generated by * build: Show warning flags on configure summary. * Update translations. - Drop support for old openSUSE versions.- Drop pkgconfig(NetworkManager) BuildRequires: the build system never references this symbol.- Remove build require on libxml2-python as it's not required. There is no sign in the source code that it's needed.- Update to version 1.23.0: * Update translations. * Show single empty panel, even if no default layout is found * Dropped *-protocol suffix from generated files * na-tray-child: avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_set_double_buffered' * Wayland support for several files * Error if compiling panel-plug-private.h without X11 support * Don't build X11 specific files when X11 support is not enabled * Remove unneeded X11 includes * GdkRectangle monitor -> monitor_geom * Change panel_toplevel_get_monitor_geometry to fill in a GdkRectangle instead of 4 ints - remove patch: * mate-panel-gtk-3.20.patch: we don't support gtk3.20 anymore - build require gtk >= 3.22, glib >= 2.50 and gio >= 2.50- Update to version 1.22.1: * Add volume-applet to fedora layout. * help: Update copyright. * [Security] panel-keyfile: Use "g_strlcpy" instead of "strcpy". * Update translations. - Rebase mate-panel-layouts-suse.patch.- Update mate-panel-layouts-suse.patch for the volume control applet.- Update to version 1.22.0: * Support new mate-menus api. * panel-context-menu.c: Avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem. * Avoid gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new with stock ids. * panel-run-dialog.ui: Avoid deprecated functions. * fish.c: Avoid gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons with stock ids. * panel-test-applets.ui: Avoid deprecated functions. * window-list.ui: Avoid GtkVBox and GtkButton:use-stock. * workspace-switcher.ui: Avoid deprecated GtkButton:use-stock. * panel-properties-dialog.ui: Avoid GtkButton:use-stock and GtkImage:stock. * fish.ui: Avoid deprecated functions. * clock.ui: Avoid deprecated functions. * Avoid gtk_dialog_add_buttons with stock ids. * panel-menu-button.c: Force use basename for compare. * applet.c: Avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem. * fish: Avoid deprecated "gtk_window_set_wmclass". * Replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup. * na-tray-child: Replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions. * libmate-panel-applet: Replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions. * panel-xutils: Replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions. * panel-util: Replace deprecated gdk_flush. * main: Replace deprecated gdk_flush. * panel-widget: Replace deprecated gdk_flush. * panel-force-quit: Replace deprecated gdk_device_grab. * panel-force-quit: Replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions. * panel-force-quit: Replace deprecated gdk_flush. * menu.c: Fix: Keep spaces in the left if "menus-have-icons" is off. * Panel-gtk.c: Show menu icons only when "menus-have-icons" is set. * workspace-switcher: Provide themed fallback colour. * Check if manager->proxy is NULL. * Migrate mate-panel from dbus-glib to gdbus. * notification-area-preferences-dialog.ui: Avoid GtkButton:use-stock. * Fix a GdkSeat warning. * Ensure alt-F1 can show the menu even if no menu applet on panel. * na-tray: Add preferences dialogue and applet menu entry. * na-tray: Wide panels, add GSettings to the applet. * README - Add dependency list. * libmate-panel-applet: Add comments in headers to explain Wayland behaviour. * libmate-panel-applet: mate-panel-applet.c Wayland support. * libmate-panel-applet: Applet factory Wayland support. * libmate-panel-applet: Error if panel-plug is built without X11. * libmate-panel-applet: Stop X11 specific files from building on Wayland. * eggsmclient: Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private. * panel-config-global: Avoid deprecated g_settings_list_keys. * Store fish surface size to enable rendering without backend specific code. * Remove unused screen variable in fish applet. * Remove X specific functions from fish applet. * README: Don't mention dbus-glib which is not needed anymore. * Disallow building without X11 support. * Allow for enabling and disabling a backend without affecting the other. * Remove generated Wayland files on make clean. * Replace wayland-scanner private-code option with code. * clock.c: Force negative margin, not passing on clockbutton. * Link with Wayland protocols and libraries. * Include Wayland protocol generating makefile in build system. * Add wayland protocol generating makefile. * Updated for Wayland support. * Add XDG Shell protocol xml. * Add Layer Shell protocol xml. * Remove legacy X11 package detection. * panel-gtk: Fix memory leaks. * Ensure proper translation of the About dialogue title. * Make translatable the copyright in the About dialogue. * Fix last menu with gtk_menu_popup and failure to follow panel theme. * mate-panel-applet.c: Replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup. * Properly align button menu positions on vertical panels. * panel-action-protocol: Error if used when X11 is disabled. * panel-force-quit: Error if used when X11 is disabled. * panel-xutils: Error if used when X11 is disabled. * xstuff: Include GTK and GDK X11 headers. * xstuff: Add is_using_x11(). * xstuff: Error if X11 not enabled. * Applets: Only compile X11 applets when X11 is enabled. * Clock: Wayland support. * wncklet: Error if compiling without X11 support. * Notification area: Error if compiling without X11 support. * applet.c: Remove unused mate_panel_applet_position_menu. - Rebase mate-panel-gtk-3.20.patch.- Update to version 1.20.5: * Fix a crash on removing tray. * Tray: Fix too-wide icon spacing after mate-polkit has been used with StatusNotifier. * na-tray: Wide panels, convert main GtkBox display to GtkGrid. * na-tray: Wide panels, preliminary batch box to grid rename. * button-widget: Wide panels, more suitable resize limits on Widgets and arrows. * clock: Set horizontal padding for clock-button. * Clock: Fix weather icon size selection for panel height. * Clock: Ensure weather icon resizes with panel. * clock: Force no button vertical padding and margin. * Update translations.- Update to version 1.20.4: * Disable deprecation warnings for distcheck. * Tray: Simplify force-redraw, use code that actually works. * Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS. * menu-bar: Transfer focus correctly on alt-F1. * Update legal.xml. * Clock applet help: To Adjust the System Date or Time. * Clock applet help: Add Show week numbers in calendar. * Clock applet help: Fix speed unit for meters per second. * Add fish and clock help to transifex config. * panel: Avoid a critical. * panel-toplevel: Fix memory leak in calculate_minimum_height. * Update translations.- Update to version 1.20.3: * Change GTK_CHECK_VERSION to match the next GTK+3 release. * applets: Guard against GTK+ scale-factor fixes on GtkSocket. * window-list: Skip setting size hints until WnckTasklist has items to show. * applets: Fix runtime error messages. * mate-panel-applet: Setup_x_error_handler for in-process applets too. * GTK+ 3.23+: Fix applet size allocation. * GTK+ 3.23+: Don't cut tray icons too narrow in HiDPI mode. * na-tray-child: Remove na_tray_child_size_allocate. * Remove a leftover from GTK+2 that may play a role in cutting tray icons. * panel-toplevel: Add position css class. * Update translations.- Update to version 1.20.2: * Convert launcher icons to cairo surfaces. * Fix rendering and removal of in-process applets on unexpanded panel. * Limit size of panel-hide-button. * clock: Fix copy/paste error which caused use-after-free. * fish: Install fish animations in fish-specific directory. * fish: Drop wanda image from gresource. * css: Use parsing-error signal to warn on bad css file or image. * css: Convert to GResource. * na-tray: Convert to GResource. * wncklet: Convert to GResource. * panel: Convert to GResource. * clock: Use new GdkPixbuf API to load resources. * clock: Convert to GResource. * fish: Convert to GResource. * libpanel-applet: Add panel_applet_setup_menu_from_resource() API. * Theme: Consistant theming for applet drag handles in all themes. * Revert "panel-toplevel: Remove pointer boundary check in panel_toplevel_queue_auto_hide()" * Accessibility: White/black applet handles in GNOME high contrast themes. * Theme: show applet handles on non-MATE themes. * Update translations. - Rebase mate-panel-gtk-3.20.patch.- Update to version 1.20.1: * workspace-switcher: Support Metacity and i3 WMs. * Fix rendering of out-of-process window list with HiDPI. * Apply a fix for workspace-switcher. * hidpi: Fix tray icon spacing with window-scaling > 1. * Fix out-of-process applet sizes for HiDPI. * Fix hide buttons make panel bigger. * run-dialog: Force icon size when loading an application icon. * run-dialog: Fix expand of content on window resize. * Fix run dialogue show-program-list enabling fix. * run-dialog: Use F6 to switch between entry field and application list. * Fix strut sizes for HiDPI multi-monitors. * Do not down-scale monitor geometries for GDK monitors. * Scale monitor geometries down to device pixels to support multiple monitors in HiDPI. * Drawer cleanup and fix arrow behaviour. - Rebase mate-panel-gtk-3.20.patch.- Update summaries. Trim bias and filler wording from descriptions.- Update to version 1.20.0: * Require GTK+ 3.22 and GLib 2.50. * status-notifier: Fix a crash on unknown signal name. * Use GTK+3 bookmarks location for Places menu. * doc: Remove some references to nonexistent stuff. * Run dialogue: Add an option to reverse history view. * Run dialogue: Fix wrong history len with max size 1. * Run dialogue: Allow changing history size. * Run dialogue: Fix wrong history order. * status-notifier: Do not hide passive items. * panel-menu-bar: Fix a build warning and some spacing. * system-tray: Properly propagate orientation changes. * workspace switcher: Handle GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH and fix a build warning. * status-notifier: Fix handling of the icon-padding style property. * Simplify the panel description shown when switching panels with the WM. * status-notifier: Plug a memory leak. * status-notifier-watcher: Allow re-registration of registered items. * Setup a custom icon. * status-notifier: Plug a memory leak. * menu: Remove incorrect code from the popup menu of a menuitem. * status notifier: Follow the same menu theme as the rest of the panel. * clock: Drop deprecated gtk_size_group_set_ignore_hidden(). * menu-button, action-button: Disconnect from GSettings when an applet is removed. * Avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number(). * system tray: Fix hidden icons on image/transparent colour BG. * clock: Fix hovering over timezone text, causes panel to scale beyond screen limit. * wncklet: Stop segfaults, warnings on removing the win-process switcher, window-list. * fish: Fix adding back after removal. * Fish: Stop all warnings on removing when built in-process. * Clock: Fix removal warnings when an in-process applet removed. * clock: Stop a segfault on removing applet when built in-process. * libmate-panel-applet: Fix typos in id->factory_id rename. * libmate-panel-applet: Only declare _panel_applet_shlib_factory() when needed. * libmate-panel-applet: Fix an error in unregistering dbus object. * libmate-panel-applet: Fix a build warning. * libmate-panel-applet: Fix introspection. * libmate-panel-applet: Unown the bus name and unregister the D-Bus object. * libmate-panel-applet: Include a dummy variable in factory for certian applets. * libmate-panel-applet: Fix bg rendering for in-process applets. * libpanel-applet/panel-applet.h: Rename id to factory_id for factory. * limatepanel-applet: Add panel-applet-private.h. * Don't use GtkPlug/GtkSocket for in process applets. * Make it possible to get an applet widget. * libpanel-applet: Add panel_applet_factory_get_applet_widget. * libpanel-applet: Return process type and applet uid. * libpanel-applet: Store factories in hash table. * libpanel-applet: Delay GtkPlug creation. * libpanel-applet: Add process type to private data. * libpanel-applet: Remove out_process from panel_applet_factory_main(). * Avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height(), gdk_screen_get_n_monitors(). * fish: Fix applet opening as a thin line when built in-process. * Forces a window scale of 1 for the panel instead of using the default or user configured scale. * Avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor_, gdk_screen_make_display_name(), gdk_display_get_screen() functions. * Don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri(). * An implementation of WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen. * Keep the right icons on bottom still displaying right when the resolution change larger. * wncklet: Disconnect signals by data on destroy. * Clock: Don't check variables that can never be < 0 for < 0. * status-notifier: Hide mate-polkit icon if passive. * Apply a position fix on popup to GTK+ 3.20 and earlier. * Stop panel collapse left on adding certain out-of-process applets. * panel-context-menu: Add confirmation dialogue to the panel reset option. * Add an option to the context menu to reset the panel. * Bump the minimum required libwnck version to 3.4.6. * status-notifier: Don't crash if the tooltip has the wrong type. * status-notifier: Don't crash if the menu layout has the wrong type. * Fix rendering of radio buttons in status notifier. * panel-run-dialog: Fix a segfault when the application list is enabled. * Get focus when displaying the "applet broken" dialogue. * Update the workspace switcher properties dialogue. * Simplify some code. * status-notifier: Properly handle the NULL case for items. * status-notifier: Handle wrong-size icons called by path. * status-notifier: Load icons specified by path. * Fix failures to load icons when the application calls for a path and not an icon name. * Fix a build warning: "toplevel_configure_event" defined but not used. * Fix a build warning: "GLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED" redefined. * status-notifier: Fix failure to show an icon for missing icon. * Spelling: apps, … spaced comma. * Support panel auto-scaling for HiDPI displays. * Add gir for mate_panel_applet_set_size_hints(). * panel-stock-icons.c: Fix warnings in ~/.xsession-errors. * Fix run dialogue show-program-list enabling. * panel-run-dialog: Fix a build warning about incompatible type. * workspace-switcher: Restore border width and spacing in the Preferences dialogue. * context menu: Add a separator before the Reset Panel menu item. * background: Reword a warning about an unsupported background-image value. * Set the "document-properties" icon in "Edit Menus". * Update translations. - Add mate-panel-gtk-3.20.patch: Restore GLib 2.48 and GTK+ 3.20 support.- Update to version 1.18.7: * panel-toplevel: Remove pointer boundary check in panel_toplevel_queue_auto_hide(). * panel-toplevel: Ensure right aligned icons stay right aligned when changing resolutions. * status-notifier: Fix failure to show icon for missing icons. * panel-plug: Fix a build warning. * panel-wdget: FIx a build warning. * panel-applet-container: Rework the process of cancelling the background change operation.- Update to version 1.18.6: * status-notifier: Hide the mate-polkit icon if passive. * wncklet: Disconnect signal handlers on destroy. * Stop segfaults, warnings on removing in-process switcher, window-list. * clock: Disconnect signal handlers on destroy.- Update to version 1.18.5: * Apply a position fix on popup to GTK+ 3.20 and earlier. * GTK+ 3.22 status notifier: Reposition the menu when size changes. * GTK+ 3.22/status-notifer: Fix menu position if size changed since last shown. * Fix crashes on moving/removing applets with glib 2.53.4 or later. * Stop panel collapse left on adding certain out-of-process applets. * Add a gsettings key to enable/disable SNI Support. * Make file/directory launchers work again. * Update translations.- Update to version 1.18.4: * Fix GTK+ theme image bg support on vertical panel. * Make panel image background in GTK+ theme work again. * Fix applet crashes on transparent user-set panel bg. * system tray: Fix hidden icons on image/transparent bg colour. * clock: Change size_reguest. * clock: Set a default width for calendarWindow. * clock: Set a margin_start for home icon. * clock: Set width_chars for time label. * GTK+ 3.18+ fix transparent default panel bg.- Update to version 1.18.3 (changes since 1.18.1): * status-notifier: Fix a crash on unknown signal name. * Fix build with gcc 4.9 (looks like it's in c89 mode by default). * Run dialogue: Add an option to reverse history view. * Run dialogue: Fix wrong history len with max size 1. * Run dialogue: Allow changing history size. * Run dialogue: Fix wrong history order. * status-notifier: Do not hide passive items. * Properly fit expanded panel to smaller screen size. * system-tray: Properly propagate orientation changes. * notification-area: Fix item orientation. * Fix moving applets between panels. * Fix l10n in panel launchers. * Status notifier: Follow the same menu theme as the rest of the panel. * clock: Properly handle visibility of the edit button. * clock: Move GtkButton in another horizontal GtkBox parent. * Fix launching Mozo from menubar/menu-button when menulibre isn't installed. * menu: Fix a crash when some .desktop file has an empty Icon field. * menu: Restore focus after closing popup menu of a menuitem. * menu: Restore focus after drag-n-dropping menuitem outside. * Some misc fixes and cleanups. * Update translations.- Update to version 1.18.1: * Reenable workspace switcher wrapping. * status-notifier: Fix handling of icon-padding style property. * Simplify panel description shown when switching panels with the window manager. * status-notifier: Plug a memory leak. * Remove the deprecated sys/timeb.h header, as nothing uses it. * status-notifier-watcher: Allow re-registration of registered items. * Fix setup a custom icon. * Revert "Suppress the shutdown option in the panel if LTSP_CLIENT is set". * notification area: Fix memory leak sorting items. * Update translations.- Update to version 1.18.0: * NEWS: Use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier. * Build: Require libmate-menu >= 1.10 and dconf >= 0.13.4. * Build: Require libmateweather and libmate-desktop >= 1.17. * Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop the GTK+2 code and - -with-gtk build option. * Launchers: Add desktop actions support for additional launch options. * Menu applets: Add support for Menulibre menu editor, and prefer it over Mozo if both are installed. * Notification area: Add StatusNotifier support. * Fix lots of GTK+ deprecations and runtime warnings. * Don't spam accessible name changes when it is translated. * Some code cleanups. * Update translations.- Update to version 1.16.1: * Clock applet: Mark a current day in the calendar. * Clock applet: Update a tooltip only when new text is different (fixes some OpenGL issues in fullscreen applications). * GTK+3: Stop the calendar window from jumping when expanding/folding locations. * GTK+3: Fix showing an icon at the mouse cursor on a launcher drag-n-drop. * GTK+3: Fix a heap of runtime warnings.- Update to version 1.16.0: * Use GtkAboutDialog instead of MateAboutDialog. * GTK+3: Use GtkColorButton/GtkColorChooser in properties dialogue. * GTK+3: fix a lot of deprecations. * Some more fixes and cleanups. * Update translations.- Update to version 1.14.2: * Some fixes for opensuse.layout. * Some more fixes and cleanups. * Make distcheck use currently selected GTK+ version. * Update translations. - Rebase mate-panel-layouts-suse.patch.- Update to version 1.14.1: * Fix missing focus for panel widgets. * panel-widget: Add missing function declaration for GTK+ >= 3.18. * Add missing variable initialisation. * Restore correct applet finalising code. * Revert "Cancel background settings upon MatePanelAppletFrameDBus destruction. * na-try-child: Add missing include for GTK_Version_Check. * configure: Remove unused python-related directive. * Update translations.- Update to version 1.14.0: * Make max number of bookmarks in menu (before submenu is created) configurable via GSettings key * Some more fixes and cleanups. * Update translations. * Add Changelog generation.- Update to version 1.13.2: * GTK+3.18: Apply panelplug rework. * GTK+3.18/3.20: Move background handling toplevel. * GTK+3.18: Revert a hack not needed with moved bg code. * GTK+3.20: adjust CSS classes for WnckPager. * Use GTK+3.20 custom bg fixes only for > gtk+-3.18 and > glib-2.42. * GTK+3.20: Prevent transparent panel on BG change. * GTK+3.20: Fix custom BG change on applets. * Make MAX_ITEMS_OR_SUBMENU configurable. * GTK+3.20: Preserve default background. * GTK+3.20: Force custom BG drawing on applets. * GTK+3.20: Make custom background work on main panel.- Update to version 1.13.1: * Make icon size of menu items configurable via GSettings key. * Change default menubar icon size to 22px. * GTK+-3.20: A bunch of new css names and style classes are added. * GTK+-3.0 workspace-switcher: Remove switching workspace on scroll events, this is now done by WnckPager itself. * GTK+3: A lot of deprecations removal and fixes. * Fix some build warnings. * Icon chooser: Use a proper icon name for missing icons. * GTK+3: Fix ButtonWidget appearing as a thin line on creation. * Drop "Ubuntu hacks" (--enable-ubuntu build option) as Ubuntu dropped that stuff long ago.- Update to version 1.13.0: * Gtk3: More panel BG rendering bugfixes. * Add separate "Delete" button in reload applet dialog, and make "Don't Reload" button do what it says (it won't delete applet permanently now). * Gtk3 workspace-switcher: Add fallback colour. * GTK+3: Fix rendering of custom backgrounds with 3.18 and newer. * Gtk3: Don't use deprecated gtk_misc_set_alignment. * Drop MateConf migration script.- Update to 1.12.2: * Drawer applet: Fix occasional stretching of drawer's panel over the entire screen. * Drawer applet: Fix occasional crash on applet removing. * GTK+3: Fix infinite loop with some themes. * Some more fixes.- Add missing XInput dependency.- Update to 1.12.1: * Gtk3: fix background in some themes. * Some more fixes.- Update to 1.12.0. - Add baselibs.conf. - Add "Show Desktop" Software Updater applets to openSUSE layout.- Update to 1.11.1 (changes since 1.10.1): * Fix moving applets to another panel. * Run dialog: Make app description label unfocusable. * Fix positions of locked applets if screen resolution changed. * Gtk3: Add a style class for applets to follow panel-menu-bar. * Require XRandR 1.3. * Retrieve strings directly from gschema (requires intltool 0.50.1). * Switch to org.gnome.SessionManager (used by action buttons). * Multiple GTK+3 fixes. * Some more fixes and cleanups. - Remove mate-panel-no-locked-applet-position-change.patch: fixed upstream. - Do not require nm-applet.- Add mate-panel-no-locked-applet-position-change.patch.- Add missing gschema compile in mate-panel package.- Update to version 1.10.1: * Fish and clock applets: help fixes. * Drawer applet: fix opening after adding applets to it. * Force Quit applet: fix desktop freezing with GTK+3. * Some more GTK+3 fixes. * Some code cleanup. * Translations updates.- Add mate-panel-layouts-suse.patch: correct missing elements. - Spec cleanup.- Update to version 1.10.0 * No changes since version 1.9.90- Update to version 1.9.90 (unstable) * Bugfixes release- Make lib subpackage own /usr/share/mate, as it's a standard directory for applet stuff- Update to version 1.9.4 (unstable) + Gtk3, Fix deprecated use of gdk pointer api + Gtk3, Port all GtkStyle to GtkStyleContext + Gtk3, Port gtk_rc_parse_string to GtkCssProvider + Gtk3, Several small fixes + Several more fixes from monsta + GDK_KEY_* is also in Gtk+2.24 + showdesktop: Fix the size of the icon + clock: Check allocated size before creating the shadow pixbuf + applet: Disconnect show and deactivate menu signals before destroying the applet menu + Add a gtkimage with the current pixbuf to button-widget + Fix implicit declaration of function of gdk_x11_set_sm_client_id + panel-addto: Remove the vbox as it is redundant. + na: Fix handling of SYSTEM_TRAY_CANCEL_MESSAGE- Update to version 1.9.3 (unstable) + Use gtk icon cache instead of custom one + Several small- Update to version 1.9.2 (unstable) + No changelog available- Update to version 1.9.1 (unstable) + No changelog available - Fix version requirements/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigs390p23 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=82522491298997265344582c2f26acfa0ba9b5da, not strippeddirectory PRRR RRRR R R RRI\-77utf-8e8daa453c2cbaa343c19ff1b7793b325666a405a24684ff4f3e8096c7bc0ea47?7zXZ !t/Tz] cr$x#Ddތ٣<;V3yhőj$8Q`]%@YmC״)bĩ ^,qw)~2˭7r\ߖhGs>T/r=+4GQiSٕptR"4A!IrCK>p `0w hТOY"R"bt—֛wY9fͦōI]9ҹ.3#jphs)6,E`Ƙ/|Mˠn'ECȞ>0Z-=Nve\nх5]bydd ok9@oxŴTKOJ7d`fL\e ņR -I4Y5틽P+j1YqtoBbR@D#Ϯd'3rXk$~2L_XA7 sWaݡ&)Ԁxz,W˭aib9A} ArXH+>H xdyV!+vI ѾsSEI(ՊA͋+\ YYDQ+"ZWz+I6zc2XJ#f`"ZKkRc6\Ay9 @(Г2 jhjvk fZ 0A57&bV G,waΐ[ÂT>V8^EN|5@7">%P:30YpB:IұO* 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