liblouis-tools-3.11.0-1.42 >  A ^p9|cz+PD0nƦgLTes e9x=TtNuW N{wӷ&-<]@A8iW(tLt;JE"BGqckqbAdxCaWR > VsJp)& ǺXV`);* 3xU$)mϦԤ1мVnQzު>F'LxشV ^اj@StPt-SBUf8cd90d46124773bed75041039f930c2ed1529636ff79d85263b8a31f2740ce00085a0a3aad8208a284871f4e0bc9e4431d54a1bL^p9|iI5WB0nSt~ uh/)UYx+D 1=X6Q]uMlH\Bui`ؓn mZ܁^,[XeFhW*೾YF7*).u!G&K Ϳ6iq¯%&o63u)uU }2Q:.D5~3oli^,$d6+3ecu!0fn(Wa4bR{:J>p>lP?l@d  P ,0Ij{ ( X     p   h   ( 8 9 X: F^G^H_I_|X_Y_\_]`^avbacb|dbebfblbubvcTwjpxjyk0,zkkkkl<Cliblouis-tools3.11.01.42Tools from the liblouis braille translator packageliblouis is a translator from and to braille. It features support for computer and literary braille, supports contracted and uncontracted translation for many languages and has support for hyphenation.^s390zp35GPL-3.0-or-later f{ _$j9Y IKAA큤^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^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-3.11.0-1.42.src.rpmliblouis-toolsliblouis-tools(s390-64)@@@@@@@@    /usr/bin/env/usr/bin/]@\\o@\?\1[@[^[[[[ZY{Y*@Y@X@WUeW@V%@V@V'~@mgorse@suse.commgorse@suse.commliska@suse.czmliska@suse.czbjorn.lie@gmail.commgorse@sus Update to version 3.11.0: + A tremendous amount of work by Dave Mielke and Bert Frees has gone into this release. They have improved liblouis for use on note taker devices, for backwards translation and a number of languages. Many other contributors (listed below) have also helped in fixing bugs and improving braille tables, such as Dutch, Mongolian, Polish, Ancient Greek, Danish, Irish, Chinese, and American Braille Computer Code. + New features: - Enable ~always~ rules with a single character and a single braille cell for back-translation. - Implement ~noUndefined~ mode for forward translation. - Use fallback braille representations (NABCC) for rendering undefined characters in hexadecimal notation. - Always render undefined characters, also ASCII characters, in hexadecimal notation. - Add a new metadata field ~index-name~ for selecting a table from a list fast and efficiently. It has the most important information first and no redundant information. It should look nice when sorted. This in contrast to the existing ~display-name~ field which is for describing a table accurately and should sound good. + Bug fixes: - Don't let a caps passage end on a word with no letters. - Handle word resets in the last word of an caps or emphasis passage if the end indicator was placed before the word. - Never convert to lowercase if ~capsletter~ is not defined. - Fix position mapping for back-translation when ~noUndefined~ mode is active. - Fix bug where a translation would hang on words that match both a ~nocont~ and a ~repeated~ rule. - Fix bug where the effect of ~capsnocont~ would leak to the next word if that word starts with a capital. + Braille table improvements. + Other changes: - The python wrapper now encodes and decodes strings to/from UTF-16 and UTF-32 using the surrogatepass error handler. This ensures that single UTF-16 surrogate characters are processed correctly by the wrapper and don't raise an encoding/decoding error. - Metadata keys and values are now case insensitive. - Remove ~unicodedefs.cti~. It was obsolete and never meant to be included by any tables. Instead use the online references as mentioned in the documentation now. - ~lou_checkyaml~ test reporting has been improved. - Hyphenation tables have been removed from tables except those needed for ~nocross~ rules. - ~lou_hyphenate~ can now handle more than just words (sequences of letters), e.g compound words. + Deprecation notice: - The ~noUndefinedDots~ mode has been renamed to ~noUndefined~. For backwards compatibility ~noUndefinedDots~ is still available in the header file and in the Python bindings, as an alias for ~noUndefined~. + Backwards incompatible changes: None. + Changes in version 3.10.0: + This release comes across as quiet, containing just the usual assortment of braille table improvements, cleanups, bug fixes and the classic buffer overflow patches. But beware, a lot has happened behind the scenes. Bert and Davy have been adding a new opcode to handle special emphasis situations. A number of annoying restrictions with regards to names, such as class names have been removed thank to Bert. And lastly also thanks to Bert it is now possible to define inline display tables in your YAML tests. + New features: - Add a new opcode ~emphmodechars~. + Bug fixes - Remove memoization in ~checkAttr~. It wasn't implemented correctly, caused some weird bugs and probably didn't do much for performance. - Fix multiple buffer overflows in ~compilePassOpcode~. - Fix a build problem when building without libyaml. + Braille table improvements. + Other changes: - Remove various restrictions on which characters and braille cells can be used in translation rules. - Remove some code duplication in ~pattern.c~. - It is now also possible to define inline tables when a display table has been defined. + Deprecation notice: None. + Backwards incompatible changes: None. + Changes in version 3.9.0: + This release has seen a tremendous amount of work by Bert Frees. He was instrumental in pushing the improvements for Latvian, Norwegian and Slovenian. But most prominently he pushed the big change for space and control character handling through the door. These characters are now no longer hard coded in liblouis. This should solve a few long standing issues. Other than that there is the usual assortment of code improvements and cleanups. + New features: None. + Bug fixes: - Fix a problem in the callback registration in the Python bindings. - Fixed memory leaks created by block scope compound literals. - The hard coded rules dealing with white space have been replaced with a normal table that is included in all tables. This fixes a number of bugs to do with space and control characters. This (big) change has been brewing for a couple of releases and has finally landed. + Braille table improvements. + Other changes: - Don't search for tables in ~/usr/local/share/liblouis/tables~ (or the Windows equivalent) if ~LOUIS_TABLEPATH~ is set. - The log levels in ~liblouis.h~ are no longer exposed as ~LOG_FOO~ but instead are now prefixed. So ~LOG_WARN~ becomes ~LOU_LOG_WARN~ for example to issue a warning from a C program using liblouis. The actual values remain the same, so the ABI remains stable. * * Deprecation notice - The ~locale~ opcode was never implemented and was just silently ignored. It is now removed from the tables and a warning will be issued if it is found in a table. - Drop gcc9-fixed-memory-leaks-created-by-block-scope-compound-l.patch fixed upstream. - Sover is now 19.- Require libyaml-devel so that yaml tests are run (bsc#1130813).- Add gcc9-fixed-memory-leaks-created-by-block-scope-compound-l.patch (boo#1122169).- Use %make_build in order to build the package in parallel way. Add make check.- Update to version 3.8.0: + Noteworthy changes in this release: The major focus of this release is on braille table updates. There are major updates to German, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, Dutch, Czech, Latvian, Spanish and Ethiopic. Some of these new tables have only been possible because Bert Frees fixed some nasty long standing bugs behind the scene. Also there is the usual assortment of code improvements and cleanups. + New features: None. + Bug fixes: - Fix support more than 4 classes. - Fix capitalization of words that match nocont rules. + Braille table improvements. + Other changes: Updated the lou_allround and lou_trace test tools to include all the mode flags described in the documentation of the lou_translateString() function. + Backwards incompatible changes: The pass1Only flag has been deprecated for a while and is now removed from the code. - Bump sover define to 17, following upstreams soname bump.- Update to version 3.7.0 (boo#1109319) + New features - Added a new opcode ~midendnumericmodechars~. Characters defined with this opcode can appear in the middle or at the end of a number without canceling numeric mode. + Bug fixes - Fix another stack-based buffer overflow in input parsing reported by Henri Salo thanks to Christian Egli. - Fix input/output positions for back-translation. - Major improvements in the back-translation of capitalized words - Fixed a problem in the back-translation of numbers in conjunction with punctuation and letters. - Fix a buffer overflow in ~matchCurrentInput~. + Braille table improvements + Other changes - Added documentation of opcodes which were previously introduced as part of the UEB work. - Removal of the code for the /scripting language/ for multipass opcodes. This code was originally introduced in 2012 but never documented. Consequently it was never used. Meanwhile the original code for multipass opcodes was much improved. So there is no more need for this (duplicate) code and we are removing it. + New tables: zhcn-g1.ctb, zhcn-g2.ctb - Drop CVE-2018-12085.patch: fixed upstream.- Make data subpackage noarch. - Rename %soname to %sover to better reflect its use.- Word wrapped changes file- Update to 3.6.0: + New features: - Add metadata fields name and display-name to tables + Bug fixes: - Fix a bunch of buffer overflow errors in table parsing (CVE-2018-11410 bsc#1094685, CVE-2018-11440 bsc#1095189) - Fix input-output mapping of context rules - Fix back tracking with all caps words - Fix context rules with lookback - Fix a memory leak in default table resolver - Fix an array out of bounds error which caused a crash on i386 - Fix numerous stack-based buffer overflow in table parsing (CVE-2018-11683 bsc#1095827, CVE-2018-11684 bsc#1095826, CVE-2018-11685 bsc#1095825). + Braille table improvements. - Applied spec-cleaner. - Removed CVE-2018-11410.patch: Included upstream. - Added CVE-2018-12085.patch: Fixed a stack-based buffer overflow in the function parseChars() in compileTranslationTable.c (CVE-2018-12085 bsc#1097103).- Added CVE-2018-11410.patch: Fix a buffer overflow in table parsing (bsc#1094685 CVE-2018-11410).- Updated to version 3.5.0: + New features - The same name can now be used in more than one ~class~ rule. The effect is that both set of characters become part of that one class. + Bug fixes - Fix a regression in inputPositions thanks to Bert Frees - Treat characters within the range ~compbrlStart~ and ~compbrlEnd~ as a special case. This fixes many if not most of the problems with cursor position and the ~compbrlAtCursor~ mode. Thanks to Dave Mielke. - Fix ~swapdd~ opcode thanks to Bert Frees - Fix negation of attribute matcher in multipass expressions thanks to Bert Frees + Braille table improvements + Backwards incompatible changes - The translation mode ~comp8Dots~ has been removed as it was never really implemented anyway - Support for the ~pass1Only~ flag has now been removed. Thanks to Bue Vester-Andersen. - The old UEB tables ~UEBC-g1.ctb~ and ~UEBC-g2.ctb~ have been removed as the have been superseded by ~en-ueb-g1.ctb~ and ~en-ueb-g2.ctb~. - The french tables ~fr-2007.ctb~, ~fr-fr-g1.utb~, ~fr-fr-g2.ctb~, ~fr-ca-g1.utb~ and ~fr-ca-g2.ctb~ have been removed. Use ~fr-bfu-comp6.utb~ for 6 dots literary, ~fr-bfu-comp8.utb~ for 8 dots computer and ~fr-bfu-g2.ctb~ for contracted braille instead. - Updated to version 3.4.0: + New features - Add support for ~inputPos~ and ~outputPos~ checking in ~lou_checkyaml~ thanks to Bue Vester-Andersen. See the manual for details and examples. + Bug fixes - output positions (~outputPos~) are now calculated based on input positions (~inputPos~) thanks to Bert Frees. This avoids a whole class of bugs that previously plagued the output positions. This fix also obviates the need for the ~pass1Only~ flag. See below for the deprecation notice. + Braille table improvements- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Redo package summaries, and compact/trim descriptions for size.- drop separate spec files for python-louis and python3-louis - completely drop python2 bindings - build python3-louis as a subpackage of liblouis- Update to version 3.3.0: + New features - A new tool ~lou_maketable~ enables the creation of tables based on a corpus of known good Braille translations. This has huge potential to simplify table maintenance for tables that have so far been dominated by large exception lists. - A new API and a corresponding command line tool to query table meta data + UEB Grade 2: - Fix back-translation of whole word contractions followed by other contractions + Fix back-translation for contractions followed by punctuation + Security - Fix a number of CVEs (illegal address access, buffer overflow and use-after-free: boo#1056105 (CVE-2017-13738), boo#1056101 (CVE-2017-13739), boo#1056097 (CVE-2017-13740), boo#1056095 (CVE-2017-13741), boo#1056093 (CVE-2017-13742), boo#1056090 (CVE-2017-13743), and boo#1056088 (CVE-2017-13744) + Braille table improvements - Changes from version 3.2.0: + Bug fixes - Fix capsnocont opcode. Also mark capital letters with capsletter symbol when capsnocont is defined but no begcapsword indicator is defined. - Fix the syllable opcode. It had been broken under some circumstances since 3.0. + Other changes + Fix building of Python bindings when cross-compiling. - lou_checkyaml is now only installed if libyaml is available. - Enhance documentation on usage of display tables in particular in conjunction with Unicode dot patterns. + Braille table improvements - Changes from version 3.1.0: + New features: - Most of the translation tables now contain meta data. This makes them discoverable. Programs can use the lou_findTable function to find a table based on a query. - Add a noUndefinedDots mode to disable the output of dot numbers when back-translating undefined patterns. - When back translating input from a braille keyboard cell by cell, it is desirable to output characters as soon as they are produced. Similarly, when back translating contracted braille, it is desirable to provide a "guess" to the user of the characters they typed. To achieve this, liblouis needs to have the ability to produce no text when indicators (which don't produce a character by themselves) are not followed by another cell. This works already for indicators liblouis knows about such as capital sign, number sign, etc., but it does not work for indicators which are not (and cannot be) specifically defined as indicators. For example, in UEB, dots 4 5 6 alone produces the text "\456/". Setting the noUndefinedDots mode suppresses this dot number output. - Add a partialTrans mode to specify that back-translation input should be treated as an incomplete word. If this mode is set, rules that apply only for complete words or at the end of a word will not take effect. This is intended to be used when translating input typed on a braille keyboard to provide a rough idea to the user of the characters they are typing before the word is complete. + Bug fixes - - Fixes implicit declaration of 'pattern_check' - Fix a stackoverflow crash on applications with smaller stack size. - Fix the \v escape sequence. - The Python bindings now give a helpful error if liblouis has been compiled with a different character size than Python. - Massive bug fixes in multipass rules. Dave Mielke has done a tremendous job improving the multipass machinery also in the context of back-translation. Where needed nofor/noback has been added to the multipass rules. + Other changes - Improvements to the Emacs mode for editing liblouis tables - Documenting lou_charSize + Braille table improvements + License changes - DocArch has agreed to re-license their tables, so we have 8 more tables under the LGPLv2.1+. - Changes from version 3.0.0: + New features - Numerous features to support UEB properly. - support the many emphasis classes needed for UEB. - support translation of numbers according to the rules of UEB. - Capitalization is now handled just like emphasis. - support for numeric mode - UTF-8 support for all tools - Add ~lou_checkTable~ and ~lou_getTypeformForEmphClass~ to the C API and to the Python bindings + Bug fixes - Stop buffer overrun in ~lou_getProgramPath~, and also free memory after usage. + Other changes - The license of the library and most of the tables has been changed to LGPLv2.1+. + Braille table improvements * Changes from version 2.6.5: + New features - lou_trace supports backtranslation now. + Bug fixes - Fix a bug in the findtable code. - Fixes to the logging code + Other changes - Clean up dead code i.e. remove support for (undocumented) nobreak opcode. + Braille table improvements - Use %{version} in Source - Pass --enable-ucs4 to configure, for compatibility with python - Build with make -j1; otherwise make is unable to resolve some dependencies.- Define python_sitelib: newer versions of python-rpm-macros overwrite it to be python2 specific (python3 macros is called python3_sitelib). - To be on the safe side, define __python to python2 when not building for python3.- Move %install_info_delete from postun to preun. - Drop makeinfo BuildRequires: it's quite a big dependency and the .info file is present in the tarball. - Install doc directly (make_install -C doc).- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572- Use %{?_smp_mflags} for parallel build, newer %make_install for installation, and remove redundant %clean section.- Move data from library package to separate subpackage, to ensure library package can be safely upgraded.- Update to version 2.6.4: + New features: YAML based harness tests. Harness tests can now be written in simple YAML notation and they are integrated with the normal `make check' command. They can be used for both ucs2 and ucs4 and no Python is required. + Bug fixes: - Use a separate gnulib instance for the library and the tools. Use the strndup module to avoid build problems on windows. - Fix a problem with the nocross opcode when used in combination with the opcodes nocont and compbrl. - Fix a problem with the decoding of the harness test files. - Fix numerous problems in the way braille indicators are handled. There is now a safe version of the checkAttr function which makes sure that no attributes are checked beyond the boundaries of the currentInput. This fixes the random behavior with tests where the emphasis extends to the end of the input string. + Other changes: - If found use texi2any to build the documentation. - Fix permissions of Korean tables. - Update the windows build instructions. + Braille table improvements: - Changes from version 2.6.3: + New features: - [beta] The new function lou_findTable can be used for table discovery based on meta data in table headers. - The Python API now has a new function to check tables aptly named ~checkTable~. + Bug fixes: Fixed a problem in resolveTable when using a Java resolver. + Other changes: The build dependency on makeinfo is now optional. If it is not installed we simply do not build the documentation. + Braille table improvements. + Corrections and improvements made to UEB tables. - Changes from version 2.6.2: + New features: Harness tests now can test for typeform differences. + Bug fixes: Fix for emphasis bug. + Braille table improvements. - Changes from version 2.6.1: + New features: New Braille tables. + Braille table improvements. + Bug fixes: Fix a compiler warning in the logging code. + Documentation updates: The documentation has been restructured to be more beginner friendly and a short introduction to translation table writing has been added. + Other changes: - When compiling with mingw or cygwin resulting dll is liblouis.dll. - add new output format, compact output mode suitable for grepping. + Backwards incompatible changes: - Deleted ga.ctb now superseded by ga-g1.utb and ga.g2.ctb. - Nl-Nl-g1.utb has been removed. It is superseded by nl-NL-g1.ctb. - nl-be-g1.utb has been removed. It is superseded by nl-BE-g1.ctb. - Changes from version 2.6.0: + New features: - New Braille tables. - Logging callback. There is now a callback system in place to get error messages and warnings. + Bug fixes: - Fix back translation problems when word gets split in unusual places causing back translation of whole words. - Fixed bug to prevent removal of \xffff between largesign rules. - Fixed a bug in back translation, when a letsign was encountered, the letsign was being applied beyond the element it applied to. - Fix memory leaks in the default table resolver introduced in the previous release. - Fixes to the build system. + Braille table improvements. - Bump soname following upstream changes, leading to rename of package liblouis2 to liblouis9. - Update url and sourceurl to new working ones. - Add exlicit makeinfo BuildRequires, we want to build documentation.s390zp35 1591406585 3.11.0-1.423.11.0-1.42lou_allroundlou_checkhyphenslou_checktablelou_checkyamllou_comparelou_debuglou_maketablelou_maketable.dexport_chunked_words.pygenerate_alphabet.pylou_maketable.mkmake_suggestions.pysubmit_rows.pysubmit_rows.shsubmit_rules.pysubmit_rules.shsubstrings.plutils.pywrap_patgen.shlou_tableinfolou_tracelou_translateliblouis-toolsCOPYING/usr/bin//usr/bin/lou_maketable.d//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/liblouis-tools/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://     ELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld6, BuildID[sha1]=1767dd24912fe0e01afbfe0d4bd333a3db80e8d4, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld6, BuildID[sha1]=c8fa8cf4da57ef27ee891bdde7f27b6cbe30ac93, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld6, BuildID[sha1]=5076597eb4476c1b626b2380dd830ad3ee348064, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld6, BuildID[sha1]=2ff690c5e2cd886521f50060dd9eb96514ee7d05, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld6, BuildID[sha1]=f1af430b92aa1db3398c5740bfbe5661d110615e, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld6, BuildID[sha1]=dd5f932ae8365f54db882bddb51afcbcc9213cbd, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executabledirectoryPython script, ASCII text executableASCII textPerl script text executableELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld6, BuildID[sha1]=70b233ce6d5c3e3595c68df74e54d1fb344430cd, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld6, BuildID[sha1]=0c2a6e061c444b56a5e73de41703690ce9e3ffda, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld6, BuildID[sha1]=1fc9a4c2aa88500b44e4dd723a3fc0ffaca71105, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped #(RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRwC2PP/oQ^jutf-80201d46baddc154dbbea66e02229089b183f2eae3efa24cd566335406a365c1b? 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