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This package contains the gnu-mvapich2-hpc version of the high-level HDF5 runtime libraries.[ s390lpdelSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC BSD-3-Clause큤[ ó[ õ[ [ ÿ[ [    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ȲZx@Z~Z~Z~Z}@Z}@Z|;ZX@ZOhZC@Z@Y@Y@YY@YW@YZ1YC@W@WίW^@WPWBWVVm@VUŬU@U@U@UUPTTTl@SRI@R@RA~R2@QQbQ@Qg@PP*P@Pb@P`K@PIO@OhO]@O@@NN@NwM{@M۝ Fix HPC library master packages dependency: make it require the correct flavor (bsc#1091237).- Only build one examples package for all flavors, do not include dependencies as these would be flavor specific (bsc#1088547).- Fix some typos, one trivial, two mispelled macros- Trim description for size and drop most of the marketing blurb. Fix RPM groups.- Make module files package arch dependent: it contains arch-dependent paths (boo#1080442).- Prepend PKG_CONFIG_PATH in modules file (boo#1080426).- Add support for openmpi2 for HPC (FATE#325089).- Fix summary in module files (bnc#1080259)- Disable %check stage for mpich builds on s390(x) (bsc#1080022).- Disable the openmpi3 flavor in some products.- Switch from gcc6 to gcc7 as additional compiler flavor for HPC on SLES. - Add support for mpich and openmpi3 for HPC.- temporarily disable make check for PowerPC boo#1058563- Update to 1.10.1: - Fix-warnings-for-missing-returns.patch: replace: hdf5-non_void_return.patch - PPC64LE-Fix-long-double-handling.patch: replace: hdf5-ldouble-ppc64le.patch - Disable-phdf5-tests.patch: replace: hdf5_disable_testphdf5.patch - Disabling validation tests for the MPI variant for now as they seem to cause issues in OBS.- Fix name: baselib.conf -> baselibs.conf- Remove openssl-devel and krb5-devel from the BuildRequires.- Add magic to limit the number of flavors built in the OBS ring to non-HPC and mvapich2 builds. - Fix %libname() for non-HPC builds. - Fix some summaries and a Requires: of devel-static.- Convert package to multibuild. - Add HPC build using environment modules (FATE#321717, FATE#321710).- fix compiler flag substitution- Add libsz2-devel to list of Requires for -devel packages, this is required for compilation against hdf5 when szlib support is enabled. - Minor specfile cleanups using spec-cleaner.- Enabled szlib support through libaec's szlib API- Fix baselibs.conf so numbers. Fixes bnc#1002569- new hdf5_disable_testphdf5.patch to disable only testphdf5 for all arches and not all mpi tests for ppc64le tempo patch as long as boo#997252 not solved- temporarily disable mpi test for ppc64le- update to 1.10.0-patch1 update to 1.8.17, changes documented here: add hdf5-mpi.patch same as fedora commit id 78ddcff82b10fd80eafb7b2dc5e4ce2bb9ecbe3c should avoid transient hung of t_pflush1 test- Split libraries into C, C++, and Fortran versions to comply with openSUSE library packaging policies. Fixes BNC#971602 - Make Fortran builds required. - Manually set so numbers. The autodetected ones weren't matching the real ones.- Remove timestamps from binaries hdf5-buildcompare.patch- update to 1.8.16, changes documented here: - rebase hdf5-ldouble-ppc64le.patch - remove hdf5-cpp-compilation-errors.patch - prepare independent so versions and add TODO- Currently the regular, openmpi, and mpivachi2 versions of the library packages all provide the exact same libraries. So any package built against the -devel package will end up with an "unresolvable" build error because there are multiple versions of the library it can use. To avoid this, I have added generic provides for the library package so packages can depend on the version they really need, avoiding these build issues.- Add hdf5-cpp-compilation-errors.patch: Reverts a change from v1.8.15 to H5api_adpt.h that caused compilation errors for C++ HDF5 applications; patch taken from upstream svn.- Update subpackage groups - Make subpackage summaries and descriptions more consistent - Provide rpm macros for version identification - Spec file cleanups- Use explicit library requirements to avoid ambiguities. Without this, packages that depend on hdf5 won't know which library to use.- Fix baselibs.conf- update to 1.8.15 * New Features + Library - Added Memory Allocation Functions that Use the Library's Allocator - H5Pset_istore_k and H5Pset_sym_k added validation of "ik" to not exceed the max v1 btree entries (2 bytes) to these two routines. - Added Functions to Control the Value of H5PL_no_plugin_g without Using an Environment Variable + Parallel Library - Attached an attribute destroy callback to MPI_COMM_SELF that shuts down the HDF5 library when MPI_COMM_SELF is destroyed, in other words, on MPI_Finalize. This should fix several issues that users see when they forget to close HDF5 objects before + Fortran API - Added Global Variables. These new global variables are equivalent to the C definitions without the '_F': o H5G_UDLINK_F o H5G_SAME_LOC_F o H5O_TYPE_UNKNOWN_F o H5O_TYPE_GROUP_F o H5O_TYPE_DATASET_F o H5O_NAMED_DATATYPE_F o H5O_TYPE_NTYPES_F + C++ API - New Wrappers for C Functions H5P[s/g]et_libver_bounds - New Wrappers to Get the Object Header's Version - New DataType Constructor + Support for New Platforms, Languages, and Compilers - Support for Linux 3.10.0-123.20.1.el7 added (LK - 2015/04/01) * Bug Fixes since HDF5-1.8.14 + Library - Addition of Error Tracing Functionality to Several C API Calls - H5Rdereference Now Checks for HADDR_UNDEF or Uninitialized References - Fixed Bugs in H5Sextent_copy + Parallel Library - Fixed a Potential Memory Error - Parallel Test Problem Fixed - MPE Support + Tools - h5repack crashed on enumerated 8-bit type. - h52gif crashed non-8bit images. - perform/benchpar.c retired. - Source perform/ directory moved to tools/perform. + Fortran API - Fortran Fails with --enable-fortran2003 and Intel 15.x Compilers - h5tenum_insert_f Does Not Work with Default 8 Byte Integers (xlf compiler) - Some Fortran APIs Never Returned the Error State - Fixed h5pget_class_f + C++ API - Combined Two H5File::getObjCount Overloaded Methods The following two methods o ssize_t getObjCount(unsigned types) const; o ssize_t getObjCount() const; were combined into one: o ssize_t getObjCount(unsigned types = H5F_OBJ_ALL) const; - Many Warnings Were Removed - Functionality Deprecation The following two constructors of classes AbstractDs, IdComponent, H5Location, and H5Object are no longer appropriate after the data member "id" had been moved from IdComponent to the sub-classes in previous releases. o (const hid_t h5_id); o (const & original); The copy constructors were no-op and removed in 1.8.15. The other constructors will be removed from 1.10 release, and then from 1.8.17 if their removal does not cause any problems. + High-Level APIs: - Suppress Warnings from Flex/Bison-generated Code - Changed hdf5_hl.h to Include the HDF5 Main Library "hdf5.h" - H5PTcreate_fl Does Not Convert to Memory Datatype - Fix for H5LT Attribute Functions + Fortran High-Level APIs: - Internal Library Fix for Missing Argument Declaration - Build in thread-safe mode to allow parallel reads * These are only unsupported to avoid confusing casual users. The fotran and C++ libraries don't support thread-safe mode, while the C library does. So you have to explicitly allow building the thread-safe C library and the non-thread-safe C++ and fortran libraries in order to make sure only people who have done their research do so. Since users are going to be accessing this through other programs, this doesn't matter. - Build fortran 2003 libraries - Rebase hdf5-non_void_return.patch - Remove irrelevant hdf5-configure-long-double.patch- update hdf5-non_void_return.patch for GCC 5.x- Tag baselibs.conf as source.- fix typos in ChangeLog- updated to 1.8.14: * bugfix release, see RELEASE.txt- updated to 1.8.13: - Added an H5free_memory API call. This should be used to free memory that has been allocated by HDF5 API calls. H5Tget_member_name and H5Pget_class_name are two examples. The main motivation for this call is Windows, where it is common for application code and the HDF5 Library to be using different C run-time libraries (CRT). Using the new call ensures that the same CRT handles both the allocation and free. This new function can also be useful in any case where the library uses a different memory manager than the application, such as when a debug memory manager is in use or when the HDF5 Library is wrapped for use in a managed language like Python or Java. Fixes HDFFV-7710, 8519, and 8851. (DER - 2014/04/11) - The Core VFD (aka Memory VFD) can now be configured to track dirty regions in the file and only write out the changed regions on flush/close. Additionally, a "page aggregation" size can be set that will aggregate small writes into larger writes. For example, setting a 1 MiB page aggregation size will logically partition the the in-memory file into 1 MiB pages that will be written out in their entirety if even a single byte is dirtied. The feature is controlled via the new H5Pset/get_core_write_tracking() API call. A new "core_paged" target has been added to the check-vfd target in test/ that exercises the feature over all HDF5 VFD-aware tests. (DER - 2014/04/12) - see for more - modified patches: * hdf5-LD_LIBRARY_PATH.patch- Detect IBM long double specialness on ppc64le and don't segfault int the testsuite when checking that type. Added patches: * hdf5-ldouble-ppc64le.patch- update to 1.8.12: - Added a configuration option to change the default plugin path. The configure option is --with-default-plugindir=location. The cmake option is -DH5_DEFAULT_PLUGINDIR:PATH=location. HDFFV-8513. (ADB 2013/09/04) - Renamed FFLAGS to FCFLAGS in configure. (ADB 2013/08/13) - CMake can now package a compressed examples file, the default for Windows binaries from HDF Group. (ADB - 2013/07/22) - h5repack: Added the ability to use plugin filters to read and write files. The option uses the filter number. HDFFV-8345 (ADB - 2013/09/04). - h5dump: Added the option -N --any_path, which searches the file for paths that match the search path. HDFFV-7989 (ADB - 2013/08/12). - h5dump: Added the optional arg 0 to -A, which excludes attributes from display. HDFFV-8134 (ADB - 2013/08/01). - Added tutorial examples to C++/examples. They can be installed by "make install-examples" and, in the installed directory, they can be executed by running the script file (BMR - 2013/09/28) - A new class, H5::H5Location, is added to represent the location concept in the C library. It is a base class to H5::H5File and H5::H5Ojbect, whose member functions are moved into H5::H5Location. H5::H5File can now inherent those functions. As a result, an H5::H5File object can have an attribute. (BMR - 2013/09/27) - Added wrappers for H5Rget_obj_type2 to retrieve the type of the object that an object reference points to. (BMR - 2013/09/27) H5O_type_t H5Location::getRefObjType(void *ref, H5R_type_t ref_type) - Added wrappers for H5Aexist to check whether an attribute exists given a name. (BMR - 2013/09/27) bool H5::H5Location::attrExists(const char* name) bool H5::H5Location::attrExists(const H5std_string& name) - Added a number of overloaded functions for convenience. (BMR - 2013/09/27) - bugfixes - see for more- hdf5-configure-long-double.patch: fix configure check for unsigned long long to long double conversion to not fail spuriously for 128bit long double - Increase testsuite timeout for qemu user space build- build with -O0 also for gcc 4.8- increase hdf5_libver to 8- use host config "linux-gnu" for arm (linux-gnueabi) to get useful H5_CFLAGS too - add hdf5-1.8.11-abort_unknown_host_config.patch, to get noticed if hdf5 doesn' t know our host - minimize hdf5-non_void_return.patch, false positives doesn't make problems anymore since now we have always -Wmissing-noreturn - make verbose - gcc 4.6.x needs -O0 on some systems- Update to 1.8.11, changes documented here: - remove hdf5-fix_printf.patch, fixed by upstream - use default CFLAGS (-O2) again if possible- Update to 1.8.10-patch1: * official important bug fixes for 1.8.10 * see RELEASE.txt "Bug Fixes since HDF5-1.8.10"- Update to 1.8.10, changes documented here: - remove hdf5-ph5diff.patch (fixed by upstream) - add hdf5-fix_printf.patch- cosmetics, enable parallel build for suse only - fix build for old findutils- fixing baselibs.conf- make sure to install the examples from non-parallel build- don't use deprecated macro makeinstall - enable test suite for parallel builds - always build out of tree instead of copying sources- parallel versions for openmpi and mvapich2 - add baselibs.conf- minor rpm portability build fixes - remove unused source file h5comp - enable all tests on ppc again (remove hdf5-1.8.8-tstlite.patch) - build fixes for arm * avoid some false positives "no-return-in-nonvoid-function" * disable some tests on arm only (hdf5-1.8.9-tests-arm.patch)- Update to 1.8.9 * Changes documented here: install libhdf5.settings (bnc#751747) - move executables h5cc and h5c++ to the devel package- Removed "Fixup headers and scripts for multiarch".- Remove redundant/unwanted tags/section (cf. specfile guidelines) - Use %_smp_mflags for parallel building - Accurate rpmgroup selection for shared library packages- un-commented --with-pthread and --with-ssl.- Update to 1.8.8 * Add patch to avoid setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH * Add patch hdf5-non_void_return.patch * Fixed non_void_return (thanks to Boris Manojlovic). * Drop tstlite patch * drop ppc64 longdouble patch, not required anymore * Catch up with some Fedora modifications - Add rpm macro %%{_hdf5_version} for convenience * No Fortran modules for opensuse < 11.4 (Do not pass make check) New Features ============ Configuration - ------------ - Added the --enable-fortran2003 flag to enable Fortran2003 support in the HDF5 Fortran library. The flag should be used along with the - -enable-fortran flag and takes affect only when the Fortran compiler is Fortran2003 compliant. (EIP - 2011/11/14) - Added checks for clock_gettime and mach/mach_time.h to both configure and CMake. This will support the move from gettimeofday to clock_gettime's monotonic timer in the profiling code in a future release. (DER - 2011/10/12) Library - ------ - The Windows VFD code has been removed with the exception of the functions which set it (H5Pset_fapl_windows, for example). Setting the Windows VFD now really sets the SEC2 VFD. The WINDOWS_MAX_BUF and WINDOWS_USE_STDIO configuration options and #defines have also been removed. NOTE: Since the Windows VFD was a clone of the SEC2 VFD, this change should be transparent to users. (DER - 2011/10/12 - HDFFV-7740, HDFFV-7744) - H5Tcreate now supports the string type (fixed-length and variable- length). (SLU - 2011/05/20) Parallel Library - --------------- - Added new H5Pget_mpio_actual_chunk_opt_mode and H5Pget_mpio_actual_io_mode API routines for querying whether/how a collective I/O operation completed. (QAK - 2011/10/12) Tools - ---- - None High-Level APIs - -------------- - Added the following Fortran wrappers for the Dimension Scale APIs: h5dsset_scale_f h5dsattach_scale_f h5dsdetach_scale_f h5dsis_attached_f h5dsis_scale_f h5dsset_label_f h5dsget_label_f h5dsget_scale_name_f h5dsget_num_scales_f (EIP for SB - 2011/10/13 - HDFFV-3797) Fortran API - ---------- - The HDF5 Fortran library was enhanced to support the Fortran 2003 standard. The following features are available when the HDF5 library is configured using the --enable-fortran and --enable-fortran2003 configure flags AND if the Fortran compiler is Fortran 2003 compliant: - Subroutines overloaded with the C_PTR derived type: h5pget_f h5pget_fill_value_f h5pinsert_f h5pregister_f h5pset_f h5pset_fill_value_f h5rcreate_f h5rderefrence_f h5rget_name_f h5rget_obj_type_f - Subroutines overloaded with the C_PTR derived type and simplified signatures: h5aread_f h5awrite_f h5dread_f h5dwrite_f - New subroutines h5dvlen_reclaim_f h5literate_by_name_f h5literate_f h5ovisit_f h5tconvert_f h5pset_nbit_f h5pset_scaleoffset_f - Subroutines with additional optional parameters: h5pcreate_class_f (EIP - 2011/10/14) C++ API - ------ - None- uncomment make check- updated to 1.8.7- undrop package. - Do type-punning using unions to be able to compile without - fno-strict-aliasing. - Don't use macros in patch names. - Use _cv_ in variables to be cached by configure.- fixed build with new gcc, see [bnc#501751]- save 9MB removing static libraries/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfiglibhdf5_hl_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpcs390lpd -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=81c7a8e50e1bbff59f2703d57bbf4b78a1850cf7, strippedUTF-8 Unicode text RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRĖ`3nutf-8a704b07f8cb02f514a6336a8972481d300be33577a876fd60317b03548daf94a?7zXZ !t/js] crt:bLL %h'8As@oe] (b_"ЭHmT5JŚdZxhSqvBU@]i8`yqUWtޯ i UcicX$O47Kvfi16l%xnUq%X +%HP,8:9AFR;S{6]!Y)b>Ł :|8jJn]VgY#erDqn_}z޺87#- W_ZUl Nh׫̣x>3'N w+/uϠw z؀Kpoo !u祼6P`8W@1 2 hh=% tJ;O٧وS Hjha=+;ituLa@ܻ!EHԲd (հ %9LCE-!A5u,AO ᱆m 0!U[}) pڞ(JRQn:Ai<"Pc]+d'x+  9P~7kK33jM|2v., 1'xdm6ghUA>ms `z&)E8dϿ t4 c,3#z-ԉRI6W3J?STN䚖lKuzQ/J-OS1VqI!zC?\ tԇc̤w_/utmXAG9rM(3+cro>7ϫˌZcGu1eTG09*'F`>F.49EgYB[ T14$0d˼h/UcZ-4-_qG^w죰N݀ he&#m^\b7ľ'~3zEo+š&d=DjɄ(B錠u+Y]䣏 IX1*)Z8ST' Eu%l'"K]k /^zRL ,pZr ^%w}JޣO\U4|k}"^GM-j5.f؁Z?P6wEO=gx h\6H!XAdOc}cer)jU%/O}zrn!|tlDѵ QdK]#֪C@_}JQQ,q|eLXr[I&n[H@|LY - nJ'sڴ3I{wGcXI\!h:k:A7=!lY5f<$FJW>H\٨ܬ(f밆1Gg}]\_Hy OʳxuMSGU1[=54#i8|D|%J<*,96svkO.7H}l C2 K ZmuvBښHluȲmHx?AM\ ޡ`SV>=n js=c7Gj(ˋ$^:bݫaa%שʓ CqV3Pڴ7IEs{-R1[T$Q]of*k.aȤ N* ?epIY^2PvZK8#I>;{{uĞLHK>k9 oc=N(Dk;P|T].'ӝI%uH{2>(7%3W䶍p[րSLQtZpUs?ڱ:فy?61>gGk`s5kJPrۯS]m9>R|w\׻Skl+EX#* ꔙfRt.]cl_Xgi1NNoޓ iغ.@;o!BM9U\媓|;8} ɬZtmq\ r\ gpܚkMU764P9j2qeWM}ln-cڙGݎL Cb2_ ]t&̧<8R}]'̚ȢS ƬMR#G_Js*$:lf6ytʅGU k`oډcN krGwe̓'\\i)r@~ž#5o2ѠiI] D"lT% *?T,h.j x%nKĉ@KH~+8 |L :,CŌ9)EӈӝC#]\@Ֆi";_ .'𜧋ޝoT:ZTtY`TI]iˉj*ZQ*p Ő"82gv[\X4P 6uP7#Xɍ|pMS:,!Ŝn˼ݔC%y3h C{zƏ LlhFa7q'Xi2L ufPC4r0'&>JytuR@9y/">pVXQĆDGW1⤰aRwgH\q 6a`02s褈fǿe%6a-Fn5C* +/C ul?672KysO\re .)3s Ɣ}t@\ʦ+CBӱA4dcF=kB#2"̺}n=Ӏtcݟ 鏷OC#gy~ESK,yk8lWF>c)zA΋$t"s1Z\ѺF%5}QCv~Ȭ| iyqVŇqS]tφDTd}}`ƆG9 đ{b2ď_3Ap Uf,= dr `*k1?HAJuX]NRimadh[|{Km&d){G} dOj`6CakujpmW畜Kמּ W>wŢ4+*WKS(,cg#]By«IKe*L{.hJ- AGswhY]&Kl;kQjUUTzX~}ˌi̸xVY7mN7 *i>ĨaQ)v+<I{rKAUW  j_LAb^| Jp@DylvcfX9PDPwA MZ5=zb"ɬs>3`I=!7=p!O~ղ^F=aZyssYYjS(\3ٖ%tb;E|9DhE54JjcQYK6o'@bB='͑sޖ J {GIi al2y~]oz)jm+jQvlBm{U%NM)wh٦Bſ,r@6V#`\@Osy1g͌G'vV.1tF:yI1fw:Ʉ؇nLۆWȮw<@R1; }Dݸ=vos8kG+^]@ JJJ͟B-d ň;@m۹Ĺ&dj&䓪^}8:fiQ4 %.PAc 9h%gr१nmL"%RIkZ'' N̤dX_ G s &u?rdd߂F}\ɦZy0^b,N3Ƴq4(`޲5[D{xr~_)$? 8_sTw, ^`W2QH3 /Q-Ēkp۲*`~@1|YZԳ;?=X*6ۗJ'[&&L] $ĂY 4C6ojr0~߄`U8 rKs3]7Ȋ$zocװ/EUEY2ǠEpC%Bf }U#tC}K)f]D?. 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