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Avoid running fdupes across hardlink boundaries.- Update to version 3.26.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.25.92: + Fix multiple bugs in thumbnailing. + Disable gvfs in thumbnailer sandboxes. + Updated translations.- Add gnome-desktop-switch-Japanese-default-input-to-mozc.patch: Switch new user's default input engine from "anthy" to "mozc" in gnome-desktop with Japanese language and ibus input frame-work (bnc#1029083, boo#1056289).- Add gnome-desktop-no-usr-merge.patch: Also link /lib and /lib64 into the bubblewrap container, as we do not (yet) have all the libs in /usr. - Add bubblewrap dependency to libgnome-desktop-3-12.- Update to version + Fix multiple bugs in sandboxed thumbnailer handling, including performance, and left-over files in /tmp. + Fix a memory leak in the display handling code. + Fix a compile-time error on x32. - Changes from version + Improve error reporting in thumbnailers. + Fix crashes in thumbnailers (bgo#785963).- Update to version 3.25.90: + Thumbnailers are now sandboxed (bgo#7744970, bgo#785197). + Fix a crash in xkb info handling (bgo#785320). + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(libseccomp) BuildRequires: New dependency.- Update to version 3.25.4: + Fix uninitialized memory in the thumbnailer (bgo#784915). + Add default input source for fr_BE.- Update to version 3.25.3: + gnome-bg: Handle exif orientations (bgo#516177). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.25.2: + thumbnail: Update documentation.- Update to version 3.25.1: + wallclock: - Don't update needlessly (bgo#780861). - am/pm is always available now (bgo#780877). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.24.2: + No changes, stable version bump only.- Update to version 3.24.1: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.24.0: + No changes.- Update to version 3.23.92: + No changes.- Update to version 3.23.91: + No changes.- Update to version 3.23.90: + Always prefer the backend-provided preview in thumbnails (bgo#738503). + Use ibus-libzhuyin as default input method for Simplified Chinese (bgo#772674). + Deprecated gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf (bgo#775991).- Update to version 3.23.3: + Always use external gdk-pixbuf thumbnailer (bgo#768064).- Update to version 3.23.2: + No changes.- Update to version 3.23.1: + No changes.- Update to version 3.22.2: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.22.1: + Updated translations. - Conditionally apply translations-update-upstream BuildRequires and macro for non-openSUSE only. - Stop passing V=1 to make, we do debugging locally.- Update to version 3.22.0: + No changes, pure versionbump.- Update to version 3.21.92: + Fix a crash on non-udev platforms (bgo#770686). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.21.90: + No changes, pure versionbump.- Update to version 3.21.4: + Use udev's hwdb to query PNP IDs (--disable-udev to disable this). + Remove dependencies on xrandr and xext. - Following upstream changes, remove pkgconfig(xext) and pkgconfig(xrandr) and add pkgconfig(libudev) BuildRequires. - Drop gnome-desktop-bnc896687-benq-pnp-id.patch: Not needed anymore since the switch to udev's hwdb.- Update to version 3.21.3: + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-about obsoletes: gnome-about have not been around since before GNOME 3.0, it's about time we drop it.- Update to version 3.21.2: + Add API to know if a GnomeRRMode is interlaced.- Update to GNOME 3.20.2 Fate#318572- Update to version 3.20.2: + No changes.- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572 - Refresh gnome-desktop-bnc896687-benq-pnp-id.patch - Remove upstream patches: + bnc952146-wall-clock-replace-ratio-with-colon-on-non-UTF-8-locales.patch + gnome-desktop-bgo706229-mouse-cursor.patch + gnome-desktop-bgo719428-fix-leak.patch + gnome-desktop-bgo719928-display-name.patch- Update to version 3.20.1: + No changes.- Update to version 3.20.0: + No changes.- Update to version 3.19.93: + Add a way to get the frequency for a mode as a floating number.- Update to version 3.19.92: + Only version update.- Update to version 3.19.91: + Reduce log spam in thumbnailing. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.19.90: + Only version update. - Changes from version 3.19.4: + Capitalize language and territory names. + Add default keyboard layout for Mexico and Guatemala. + Avoid a crash when thumbnailing. + Be more careful when parsing locales. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.19.3: + Fixed compiler warning in gnome-rr.- Update to version 3.19.2: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.19.1: + Fix turning off tiled monitors. + Fix thumbnailing of animations. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.18.2: + Updated translations.- Added bnc952146-wall-clock-replace-ratio-with-colon-on-non-UTF-8-locales.patch (bnc#952146, bgo#722664).- Update to version 3.18.1: + Drop unneeded includes. + gnome-rr: Fix turning off tiled monitors. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.18.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.17.92: + Support g_autoptr() for all libgnome-desktop object types.- Update to version 3.17.91: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.17.90: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.17.4: + Remove unused EDID parsing code. + Support underscanning. + Export dpms information. + Add support for tiled monitors. + Updated translations. - Bump libgnome-desktop soname and rename subpackage (also in baselibs.conf) following upstreams changes.- Update to version 3.17.3: + Fix build of installed-tests. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.17.2: + Add support for overscan compensation in displays (bgo#748560).- Update to version 3.16.2: + No changes.- Added gnome-desktop-bnc896687-benq-pnp-id.patch for bnc#896687 - list BenQ monitors in pnp.ids.- Update to version 3.16.1: + No changes.- Update to version 3.16.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.15.92: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.15.91: + No changes.- Update to version 3.15.90: + Drop libgsystem dependency (bgo#680326). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.15.4: + Modernize gtk-doc use (bgo#742479). + Fix memory handling in GnomeRR and language code (bgo#742111, bgo#742569).- Update to version 3.15.3: + Fix mutex handling in thumbnailing code (bgo#740666).- Update to version + Fix thumbnailing failures due to internal cleanups (bgo#684026).- Update to version 3.15.1: + languages: Use a more broadly compatible locale codeset suffix (bgo#710412). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.14.2: + tests: Remove unused code in gtk-reftest (bgo#737123). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.14.1: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.14.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.13.92: + Fixed the build on systems lacking openat(). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.13.91: + gnome-xkb-info: Fix some layouts not being associated to a locale. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.13.90: + gnome-rr: Add missing introspection annotations. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.13.4: + Bump version for the 3.13.4 release. No other changes.- Update to version 3.13.3: + wall-clock: Add ref-tests for clock output. + wall-clock: Always use the ratio character (bgo#726232). - Changes from version 3.13.2: + gnome-rr: Output the EDID vendor/product info as well. + gnome-rr: Add backlight output in debug. + thumbnailer: Try harder to create a failed thumbnail (bgo#728775).- Update to version 3.13.1: + Fix the build on OpenBSD. + gnome-rr: Improve debug output. - Stop passing obsolete --disable-scrollkeeper to configure.- Update to version 3.12.2: + gnome-rr: Better debug application.- Update to version 3.12.1: + gnome-rr: - Actually define output_get_possible_crtcs (bgo#727034). - Initialize GnomeRROutputInfo:rotation to GNOME_RR_ROTATION_0 (bgo#727023).- Add gnome-desktop-bgo706229-mouse-cursor.patch: fix sometimes invisible mouse cursor. - Add gnome-desktop-bgo719428-fix-leak.patch: Fix a GHashTable leak. - Add gnome-desktop-bgo719928-display-name.patch: Have gnome-rr copy the display name.- Update to version 3.12.0: + Version bump for the GNOME 3.12.0 stable release.- Update to version 3.11.91: + Always set the DPMS mode when requested. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.11.90: + gnome-xkb-info: - Remove xkbfile dependency. API and ABI break (bgo#719942). - Apply main layout locale metadata to variants (bgo#711291). - Rename libgnome-desktop-3-8 to libgnome-desktop-3-10 and make corresponding changes to post/postun calls following upstream soname bump (also in baselibs.conf).- Update to version 3.11.5: + Wall-clock: Replace ratio with colon on non-UTF-8 locales (bgo#722664).- Update to version 3.11.4: + More new gnome-rr api. + Drop using glibc internal headers. + Docs for thumbnailers. + Idle monitor fixes. + Use newer libgsystem internally.- Update to version 3.11.2: + gnome-rr: Improve debug output. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.11.1: + Add gnome_rr_output_get_min_backlight_step() API.- Update to version 3.10.2 (bnc#849913): + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.10.1: + gnome-bg: - Fix memory leaks (bgo#709271). - set error when parsing XML file that's not a slide show (bgo#708877). + languages: Obtain supported locales from "locale -a" output (bgo#698383). + thumbnailer: - Bail if no pixbuf loader could be created (bgo#709819). - Support loading thumbnails from remote locations (bgo#708824). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.10.0: + libsystem: Update from master (bgo#708435). + gnome-rr: refresh when mutter restarts (bgo#708284). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.92: + IdleMonitor: protect watches from being freed while in flight (bgo#707396). + Thumbnailer: - Always print errors from gs_file_read_noatime() (bgo#699252). - Correctly check for errors (bgo#699252). - Check gdk_pixbuf_loader_close()'s retval (bgo#699252). + Correct the transposed bits of the red chromacity in the EDID parser. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.91: + gnome-rr: don't assume 'default' means built-in (bgo#706738). + gnome-rr: Read back new backlight value after changes (bgo#706729). + idle: Use mutter api instead of direct X calls (bgo#706006). + Updated translations. - Rename libgnome-desktop-3-7 subpackage to libgnome-desktop-3-8, following upstreams soname bump (also in baselibs.conf).- Update to version 3.9.90: + gnome-rr: Add api to get physical size. + gnome-rr: Add async constructor. + gnome-rr: Port to mutter dbus api (bgo#705510). + xkb: Prevent a crash (bgo#705885). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.5: + xkb: Ensure strings are UTF-8. + gnome-rr: Fix a crash. + gnome-rr: Be more careful when parsing EDID. + wall-clock: Initialize gettext. + gnome-bg: Objects without a filename are not slideshows. + gnome-xkb-info: Fix memory leaks. + Updated translations.- Update to version + gnome-xkb-info: Don't store duplicated layouts in locale tables. + idle-monitor: Make per-device monitor fallible. + idle-monitor: Allow multiple watches per alarm. + wall-clock: Move ratio from msg id's to translations. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.8.2: + Fix a memory leak (bgo#695116). + Add some more defaults for input sources. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.8.1: + Updated translations.- Update to version + Fix a potential use-after-free corruption and crash (bgo#696719).- Update to version 3.8.0: + idle-monitor: - Allow multiple watches per alarm (bgo#696522). - Make per-device monitor fallible (bgo#696118). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.7.92: + Don't store duplicated layouts in locale tables. + Updated translations.- Update to version + GnomeBg: - remove ability to not draw background (bgo#690378). + GnomeRR: - use 'Built-in Display' instead of 'Laptop' (bgo#679794). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.7.90: + Fix introspection generation for Vala. + Fix introspectability of GnomeBg. + GnomeIdleMonitor: - Break ABI and API to fix reliance of the API on an Xorg bug. - use standard GObject boilerplate. - generate gtk-doc documentation. + GnomeWallClock: - generate gtk-doc documentation. - add timezone property which can be monitored. - Add conventional gnome_wall_clock_new(). + GnomeXkbInfo: - generate gtk-doc documentation. - Use the correct methods to get language/country. - Handle duplicated layouts. - Add API to get layouts for language and country. + gnome-languages: - generate gtk-doc documentation. - Add methods to get language/country from ISO codes. - Add default input sources per locale. + GnomeRR: - Make GnomeRRConfig use the detected display name. - use standard GObject boilerplate. - Improve gtk-doc documentation. + GnomeBg: - Split slide show API to be usable from gnome-shell. - Add asynchronous version of slideshow loading.- Update to version 3.7.5: + languages: - Don't g_warning if there's no locale archive. - Extracted from gnome-control-center. - Fix a memory leak. + xkb-info: - Group layouts by country and language. - Add a get_layout_info_for_locale method. + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(iso-codes) BuildRequires: new dependency.- Update to version 3.7.4: + wallclock: Fix AM/PM detection (bgo#690703) + wallclock: return a proper error when idle-counter unavailable + GnomeRR: make DPMS take effect immediately (bgo#691701) + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.7.3: + rr-labeler has been moved into gnome-control-center. + We use nice Unicode for date formatting now. + idle-monitor: Reset the alarm so it can be triggered again (bgo#688227). + Updated translations. - Rename libgnome-desktop-3-4 subpackage to libgnome-desktop-3-5, following upstram soname bump (also in baselibs.conf).- Update to version 3.7.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#682224, bgo#682224, bgo#688189, bgo#687913. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.7.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#684814, bgo#684803, bgo#682224, bgo#686792. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.6.2: + gnome-rr: Fall back to XFree86_DDC_EDID1_RAWDATA. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.6.1: + wall-clock: - Add test application. - Add debug when timezone or schema changes. + rr-labeler: - Clear surface before drawing frame and background. - Use a shape region if the widget is not composited. - Scale the corner radii when drawing the fill. + Updated translations.- Update to version + gnome-xkb-info: Fix introspection element-type annotations (bgo#684802).- Update to version 3.6.0: + gnome-xkb-info: Fix a memory leak (bgo#684140) + Updated translations.- Remove %IS_DEFAULT_GNOME_DESKTOP conditionals for everything related to the documentation: now that they were ported to yelp-tools, they can't conflict with some old GNOME 2 docs. - Remove libgnome-desktop-3-2 Conflicts in libgnome-desktop-3_0-common: the file conflict is now gone (with the port to yelp-tools), and since we never had this new package in Factory, the Conflicts is useless.- Update to version 3.5.91: + gnome-xkb-info: Honor the 'show-all-sources' gsettings key (bgo#682240) + Make 'Mirrored Displays' string consistent with the control-center (bgo#592412) + Thumbnails: Determine the correct mime type when we still know the filename (bgo#655406) + Remove the temporary file when saving a thumbnail fails and show an error when saving a thumbnail fails (bgo#681942) + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.5.90: + GnomeBG: - Fix crash if default background not found - Don't use C99 declarations + Import libgsystem and use it to read thumbnails with O_NOATIME + gnome-xkb-info: - Parse XKB options - Use glib's slice allocator for small structures + Increase the size of thumbnails to 256 + Bugs fixed: bgo#680326, bgo#680354, bgo#681897, bgo#681929, bgo#682004, bgo#682252. + Updated translations.- Split out a libgnome-3_0-common package containing the data files. Having them in the library package hinders parallel installability of more than one libgnome-desktop package. This package conflicts with libgnome-desktop-3-2 because of common files.- Update to version 3.5.5: + Update to new GMutex API + GnomeWallClock: add ignore-date property + Port to new documentation infrastructure + gnome-bg: load the default background if the configured one is invalid + Updated translations. - Replace gnome-doc-utils-devel BuildRequires with yelp-tools, following upstreams switch to the new documentation infrastructure. - Drop special handling for openSUSE 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3: they are end of life.- Update to version 3.5.4: + Fix many documentation syntax warnings. + Bugs fixed: bgo#672030, bgo#679858.- Update to version 3.5.3: + gnome-bg: - Fix color conversion for solid backgrounds - Force property update when doing new crossfade frame + gnome-rr: - Add gnome_rr_output_get_ids_from_edid() - Document the default DPI setting - Revert "Allow rotation if the virtual size has the correct number of pixels" + pnp-ids: - Add test program - Add loop for speed testing the ID fetching + Move thumbnails into XDG_CACHE_HOME + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.5.2: + Add api to parse and describe XML layouts (bgo#676583) + Make monitor labels translucent and click-through (bgo#675696) + Fix a crash in background slide-shows when the system clock is behind (bgo#673551) + Use "default" as the name for built-in laptop outputs (bgo#949296) + Add a gnome-rr-debug tool to help with debugging GnomeRR issues + Updated translations. - Add libxkbfile-devel Requires in devel subpackage, as headers from there are used.- Update to version 3.4.2: + GnomeBG: Fix crash when system clock is behind start date- Update to version 3.4.1: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.4.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.3.92: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeBG: . Publish the 'representative color'. . Code cleanups. - GnomeRR: . Add definition for next rotation. . Detect Apple DFP outputs as internal. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.3.91: + libgnome-desktop: - Add missing linking with -lrt for clock_gettime() - GnomeRR: Consider Embedded Display Port outputs as the laptop's built-in display + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.3.90: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeBG: Add paranoid check to avoid crash + Updated translations. - Remove xz BuildRequires now that it comes for free in the build system.- Update to version 3.3.5: + Include exported pkg-config name in GIR. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.3.4: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeRR: . Use GDK to get work area . gnome_rr_screen_new() now creates a singleton for the specified GdkScreen- Update to version 3.3.3: + No change, just a version bump. - Add xz BuildRequires because we can't build a package for a xz-compressed tarball without explicitly specifying that... See bnc#697467 for more details. - Remove unneeded text from descriptions.- Split typelib file into typelib-1_0-GnomeDesktop-3_0 subpackage. - Add typelib-1_0-GnomeDesktop-3_0 Requires to devel subpackage.- Update to version 3.3.2: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeRR: Don't refresh the GnomeRRScreen when applying a matched configuration from a file.- Update to version 3.3.1: + GnomePnpIds: Add object to get the vendor name from PNP IDs + GnomeRR: - Fix crash in update_brightness_limits - Don't print an error for no backlight - Remove deprecated functions - When setting the DPMS mode manually, clear the timeouts - Ignore DPMSSetTimeouts() and DPMSForceLevel() return value - Other DPMS-related fixes + GnomeWallClock: - Remove the date/time source on dispose - Fix non-Linux fallback code - Really drop gnome-desktop-gnome-wall-clock-crash.patch.- Update to version 3.2.1: + libgnome-desktop - GnomeRR: . When setting the DPMS mode manually, clear the timeouts . Ignore DPMSSetTimeouts() and DPMSForceLevel() return value - GnomeWallClock: Fix non-Linux fallback code + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.2.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.1.92: + libgnome-desktop - GnomeRR: . Fix crash in update_brightness_limits . Don't print an error for no backlight - GnomeWallClock: Remove the date/time source on dispose + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-desktop-gnome-wall-clock-crash.patch: fixed upstream.- Add gnome-desktop-gnome-wall-clock-crash.patch: fix an issue leading to a gnome-screensaver crash.- Update to version 3.1.91: + libgnome-desktop: - Add GnomeWallClock- Update to version + Misc - Link against libm- Update to version 3.1.90: + libgnome-desktop: - Remove GnomeTzMonitor- Update to version 3.1.5: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeRR: Fix settings the DPMS mode.- Update to version 3.1.4: + libgnome-desktop + GnomeRR: Add the capability to get and set the DPMS mode of the screen + Misc + Fix Cflags path in uninstalled.pc file + Remove stale startup-notification dependency + Require xext in configure + Updated translations. - Remove now unneeded pkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0) BuildRequires. - Add pkgconfig(xext) BuildRequires, for new dependency.- Update to version 3.1.3: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeRR: Add methods to control the backlight on each output + Misc: - Modernize build system a bit + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.1.2: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeDesktopThumbnail: Use GOnce for thread safety - GnomeRR: Add a size return value to gnome_rr_output_get_edid_data() - GnomeRR: Emit ::output-connected and ::output-disconnected when screen outputs come and go + Updated translations. - Rename libgnome-desktop-3-0 to libgnome-desktop-3-2, following library soversion change (also in baselibs.conf).- Update to version 3.1.1: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeRR: Fix crash whden randr is not available - GnomeRR: Add ability to show and hide the monitor labels + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.0.1: + Updated translations.- Move gnome-about Obsoletes to gnome-version subpackage as this is really the one providing the same kind of data.- Set IS_DEFAULT_GNOME_DESKTOP to 1 and add gnome-about Obsoletes to libgnome-desktop-3-0.- Update to version 3.0.0: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeRR: Fix build when randr is not available - GnomeRR: Avoid a crash with spice client + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.91.93: + libgnome-desktop: - Revert "Force property update when doing new crossfade frame"- Update to version 2.91.92: + libgnome-desktop: - Force property update when doing new crossfade frame - Use picture-uri GSettings key + Misc: - Don't build some RANDR code if RANDR is not available + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.91.91: + libgnome-desktop: - Introspection build improvement + Bump GTK+ 3 requirement to 3.0 + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.91.90: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeRR: Fix refcount issues in GnomeRRLabeler - GnomeBG: Fix background cache - GnomeBG: Better support for one-slide slideshows, for image with multiple sizes - GnomeRR: Properly position GnomeRRLabeler labels + Build fix + Updated translations.- Update to version + Do not require gconf to build introspection data. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-desktop-gir-no-gconf.patch: fixed upstream. - Remove unneeded update-desktop-files BuildRequires as there are no desktop files anymore. - Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage. - Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the english documentation is not there anymore.- Remove pkgconfig(gconf-2.0) BuildRequires: it's all ported to GSettings now. - Add gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires to build introspection data. - Add gnome-desktop-gir-no-gconf.patch to fix build of introspection data. Taken from git. - Add back --disable-date-in-gnome-version and - -with-gnome-distributor="SUSE" to configure: gnome-version.xml is back. - Do not build the gnome-version subpackage if IS_DEFAULT_GNOME_DESKTOP is 0, unless BUILD_FROM_VCS is defined.- Update to version 2.91.6: + libgnome-desktop: - Prevent gnome-settings-daemon from crashing at startup + Misc: - Add back gnome-version.xml. - Changes from version 2.91.5: + libgnome-desktop: - gnome-desktop-utils has been ported to GSettings (bgo#638169) - GnomeRRScreen, GnomeRRConfig and GnomeOutputInfo have been turned into a GObjects (bgo#630913). - The GnomeRR api is introspectable now - Switch thumbnailers from GConf to key files (bgo#638172) + Updated translations. - Add support for source service checkout, with %BUILD_FROM_VCS: + Add call to ./ (if present) + Enforce gtk-doc html generation by passing --enable-gtk-doc to configure. + Add gnome-common, gtk-doc BuildRequires. - Create a gnome-version subpackage to contain the xml file with the GNOME version.- Update to version 2.91.4: + Remove gnome-about: a System Information panel in gnome-control-center replaces it. + libgnome-desktop: - Adapt to GTK+ 3 changes. + Misc - Don't export private symbols in the shared library. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-desktop-gdk_functions.patch: fixed upstream. - Drop gnome-desktop-desktop.patch: gnome-about got removed. - Remove gnome-about packaging (that was disabled via IS_DEFAULT_GNOME_DESKTOP): gnome-about got removed. - Do not pass --disable-date-in-gnome-version and - -with-gnome-distributor="SUSE" to configure: the options don't exist anymore.- Stop removing kg locale on 11.4 and later: bnc#659001 has been fixed.- Add gnome-desktop-gdk_functions.patch to fix build with latest gtk3. Patch from upstream git, commit 260f6d, 24863a & ff299b.- Remove some locales until bnc#659001 is fixed, to fix a build failure.- Add gsettings-desktop-schemas Requires to libgnome-desktop-3-0, since applications using the library don't have to know that gsettings-desktop-schemas is required.- Update to version 2.91.3: + Add API to ensure primary display is set in config + Add cache for resized wallpapers (to help CPU usage on startup) + Remove gconf-2.0 from pkg-config files - Changes frm version 2.91.2: + Build System fixes + Fix possible double-free when destroying private windows + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.91.1: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeRR: Make the RR labels honor workarea so they don't appear over/under panels - bgo#629168: Don't read past the end of a string - GnomeBG: Port to GSettings + Misc: - Require gconf in pc file + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas) BuildRequires.- Update baselibs.conf to not reference non-existing gnome-desktop.- Update to version 2.91.0: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeRR: Force a refresh of timestamps so other clients won't think this is a server-generated event - Thumbnail: Look up mimetypes properly - GnomeBG: Update for GTK+ 3 changes - GnomeBG: Don't try to use a null format + Misc: - Rename --enable-deprecations configure flag to - -enable-deprecation-flags + Updated translations.- Always make libgnome-desktop-3-0 provide gnome-desktop = %{version} to make lang package installable. However, the Obsoletes is only there if %IS_DEFAULT_GNOME_DESKTOP is set: we don't want to obsolete it if it's not the default.- Update gnome-desktop to the GNOME 3 version. The GNOME 2 version will be kept as the gnome-desktop2 source package. - There is a IS_DEFAULT_GNOME_DESKTOP default to make it easy to choose which gnome-desktop version will be the default. This is important since some files like gnome-about and the documentation are conflicting between the two versions. - Update to version 2.90.5. Changes from version 2.31.90: + libgnome-desktop: - Port to GTK+ 3.0 and make it parallel installable with GTK+ 2.0 version - Drop GnomeDesktopItem API + Add --disable-desktop-docs configure flag + Remove old icons installed in /usr/share/pixmaps + Update gnome-about man page + Updated translations - Change old-style BuildRequires to pkgconfig() style BuildRequires: + old-style: gconf2-devel, gtk2-devel, startup-notification-devel. + new-style: gconf-2.0, gdk-pixbuf-2.0, glib-2.0, gtk+-3.0, libstartup-notification-1.0, x11, xrandr. - Drop gnome-desktop-fate300461-desktop-gettext.patch, gnome-desktop-recently-used-apps.patch, X-KDE-SubstituteUID.dif: they were needed for the GnomeDesktopItem API, but it got removed. - Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends. - Remove gnome-core Obsoletes: it's gone for a long time now. - Create a gnome-about subpackage instead of the main gnome-desktop package, since it only contains gnome-about. - Rename libgnome-desktop-2-17 subpackage to libgnome-desktop-3-0, following the library name change upstream. - Rename devel subpackage to libgnome-desktop-3-devel, and make it Provides/Obsoletes gnome-desktop-devel if %IS_DEFAULT_GNOME_DESKTOP is set. - Make libgnome-desktop-3-0 Provides/Obsoletes gnome-desktop if %IS_DEFAULT_GNOME_DESKTOP is set. - If %IS_DEFAULT_GNOME_DESKTOP is not set, pass - -disable-gnome-about and --disable-desktop-docs to configure, do not look for the help files, and do not create a main package, since it would be empty. - Update description of packages.- Update to version 2.31.90: + GnomeBG: Be sure to unreference the file_monitor object during dispose + Add --disable-gnome-about configure flag + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.31.6: + Don't use deprecated Gdk drawing APIs + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.31.2: + GnomeRR: Improve errors from the CRTC assignment process + GnomeBG: Fix a case of width-for-height confusion that could lead to huge memory consumption on multi-monitor systems + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.30.0: + GnomeRR: - Fix build failure with GTK 2.19+ - Fix build with -DGSEAL_ENABLE - Ignore errors when setting the monitor size fails + GnomeBG: - Fix crash in gradient handling code + Misc - Really fix build without randr + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.92: + libgnome-desktop: - GnomeRR: Add new API gnome_rr_output_get_connector_type() and gnome_rr_output_is_laptop() - GnomeRR: fix leak - GnomeRR: build fix - GnomeBG: Drop pixbuf cache before switching slides + Misc: - Make xrandr an optional dependency - Add main category to gnome-about desktop file + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.91: + GnomeBG: - Fix a memory leak - Add a picture option to make the background span monitors + GnomeDesktopItem: - Improve error string + Add translator comments + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.90: + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.6: + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.5: + Bump library soname since ABI was broken in 2.29.4 - Rename libgnome-desktop-2-11 subpackage to libgnome-desktop-2-17, following soname change. - Update the way we remove the ig locale on old versions of openSUSE. - Package baselibs.conf- Update to version 2.29.4: + GnomeBG: - Per-monitor background support - Memory leak fixes + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.3: + Build improvement - Changes from version 2.29.2: + GnomeRR: - Allow rotation if the virtual size has the correct number of pixels - Add gamma API + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.28.1: + Updated translations. - Respin gnome-desktop-fate300461-desktop-gettext.patch and gnome-desktop-recently-used-apps.patch to apply without fuzz.- Update to version 2.28.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.27.92: + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.27.91: + GnomeRR: - add support for primary monitor - in clone mode, don't label each output + GnomeBG: - add gnome_bg_changes_with_time() API - gnome_bg_create_frame_thumbnail() API + Build fixes. + gnome-about - Remove deprecated Encoding key from desktop file + Updated translations. - Respin gnome-desktop-desktop.patch. - Use spec-cleaner to reorder lines in preamble and split BuildRequires/Requires line on separate lines.- Change Requires from gnome-desktop to libgnome-desktop-2-11 in devel package.- Update to version 2.27.5: + Thumbnail: - Fix thumbnailer thread-safety + GnomeRR: - Get monitor vendor name from pnp.ids + gnome-about: - Remove libgnome usage + Updated translations. - Do not package omf files twice. - Ship COPYING.LIB in libgnome-desktop-2-11. - Remove Requires on libgnome-desktop-2-11 in the main package: it's not true. - Remove Requires on the main package in libgnome-desktop-2-11: it's not true either.- Update to version 2.27.4: + GnomeRR: - Adapt to RANDR 1.3's name for the EDID property + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.27.3: + GnomeRR: - Only select for RRScreenChangeNotifyMask, not for the more detailed RANDR 1.2 events - Don't ask for RANDR events if the caller doesn't specify a callback - Add _with_time() versions to the GnomeRR and GnomeRRConfig functions that change the RANDR configuration - Add gnome_rr_screen_get_timestamps() to query the XRR timestamps - Don't force a reprobe of the RANDR outputs on every RANDR event - First update screen resources, then update the screen size range - Add debug dialog to show the RANDR timestamps + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.26.2: + libgnome-desktop - Thumbnail: Preload /gnome/desktop/thumbnails in thumbnail factory for performance - GnomeRR: Fill out ScreenInfo structs sufficiently without reprobing - GnomeRR: Fix display name heuristics to result less in 'Unknown' - Thumbnail: Code improvements - GnomeRR: Don't append a newline to monitor vendor names - GnomeRR: Make GnomeRRLabeler's labels explicitly black + Misc build system changes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.26.1: + libgnome-desktop - GnomeBG: handle X errors when the root properties point to something wrong when getting the root pixmap - GnomeRR: use XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent() from RANDR 1.3 when possible, when we only need to fetch the current RANDR status + gnome-about - Make parsing of gnome-version.xml more tolerant against missing fields + Misc - Add a --disable-date-in-gnome-version configure option to remove the build date from gnome-version.xml - Remove unused --with-kde-datadir configure option - Drop gnome-desktop-no-date-in-version.patch: fixed upstream. Also disable autoreconf and remove gnome-common BuildRequires (that were added for this patch).- Add gnome-desktop-no-date-in-version.patch to be more build-compare-friendly, and use new - -disable-date-in-gnome-version configure option. - Enable autoreconf for the patch, and add gnome-common BuildRequires. - Remove -fno-strict-aliasing from CFLAGS.- Update to version 2.26.0: + GnomeRR: grab the X server while tweaking the RANDR configuration. + Remove scrollkeeper check, since it belongs to gnome-doc-utils + Updated translations. - Remove scrollkeeper BuildRequires again.- Add scrollkeeper BuildRequires to fix build.- Update to version 2.25.92: + GnomeBG: Allow apps to ignore a pending change so they can avoid updating their background twice + GnomeBG: Blow all expensive caches if we're not gonna update the background again in one minute + GnomeBG: Do slightly less steps in slide transitions to avoid using to much resources on things that are not visible + GnomeBG: Remove outstanding transitions on finalize + GnomeRR: Use g_new0() instead of calloc() for consistency + GnomeRR: Fix leak + GnomeRR: Code cleanup + GnomeRR: Revert the change to use XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(), it's not needed anymore and it broke the "Detect Monitors" button + General: Make sure that the translation system is initiliazed so that translations can be used + Updated translations./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfiggnome-desktops390lp5 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6f3934294e5d8aec8d6f23057e8c3c5c9560fe71, strippeddirectoryASCII textUTF-8 Unicode textPRRRRRRRRRRR R R R RR RRRRSȼ _gnome-desktop-langutf-8da603bd678de057b1d5876381cb6acf8eb6f510a7e2361128c2203dc8814074e?7zXZ !t/w] cr$x#0TAp6Ca Oy-"VuGȐn9E{2S,/TVN\@Ϛȷ7xkx~oc5KOyV!=yy4=ARPCڳUf0'(h![ŒP-GĠ>)]zmVBTn|p{a/ 9[ FfEՄ3g IA{} 33:BPђIYm$+﯉b`ĠnA˜H.8@ʲ.*y}4QUF%e%&'o(c5wW}VzEҊMF}$w,IfRWgh&Чb!H@[z&8/ z} F,Q'Mel}`RV1sq0)e{AAsʅ:Z2_^~Ã&Ω{ :-ܞˠ3EFZ %cӣmMT_-@H=nS?R r 2:|Sgs^add7cIO"w7fn?^yIfMVP$NYGĬ uk}\zLSXcj9"@SoXފBy:i)=T-MDC1y/.+ tj(]5l-s_>1Ҳ$'sj]$.eȺ?lɈrOy˞w|4Tu ѭ ^)‰L\tZԘ~_9P\GRQ;PT ˛QeKZK`iDxh-CW:յy]Nf-& ]?YµQQvV WmTo= 'XCT"Hʒ^{xPϡ_C孫q-wH,LGyHIFp*~MZ:l00:}kq\|FwLke(G}l6Ժ PwQ@K)FQgbs!X0 7.CIC+Prt'+?z j0hx8p9LwR~d +]RNIA%| mwMrIYXpcَiU^#Ӹ+ޕNp&גDU CѳVBbظkj))?>cF2,앹NzG![;m KA#75u d&rN !$ [8Lx` ?ZēhN ھkX!/ E~Cu'QRjY3[ᓢha}xBW 1p΂K`6IE-8 xyshN<[($:2x3vCqaDX.Dwfgfud)Dnգ!*$a*ߵ]ykrOSsW0•^{;(U%fl쉦#/n9o5p8,ZV@AmtA/ '- ۠ƊG'Nz vFT*RXZRIʈAڿr@pn[Md1 )cq!^%FeP F84!{~ƈa wߦ(@ J4>U:U5MtG*ka:L3s=HE#VCC) t}~3H WY-mtBs/z_)X#HlN(i.VtS4yZMՓaN͌zT)1rqmT0LXri={"5z!wGgGAUF9M87gC]h:qp~mT䋅jI~"ސ3?IC˅eX2#,~0H~4 Eu=,:- Ɯ _AlOuͳ0Bݺ}WM /=UOj(dn"\ ԑ~.o_plD5M/lz1t_1WE'XQ:kvC-..59cfknƘwroGǒGPh.{c?E(Bjp2/|G`f2W7xwhУ $Ms_2j)j"D8nh.D PhBϤέ (-i2~R!7lӷ5yWDE;R^ C@ZiiX>VŊѼEb<R5 r(%[i,ǵB#!k!c,k>Jg >d a9@&2]PK.%yI!h6eptJtQn0?#O&?B-Us߯W~ خmRTz}~ כfl_S3峟t4&`'W"U 00ʷ{pvCL0Ƕ{a Ub{0OW1']\H<|L0pKm+o!$۴d΂U#◛h[ET-M<>jD,ci1qUjpP1tV"'dw| @ g̴8 >LXs tm)s;||}֌ Nݿүԟ.#y &@~F(]u|{NGOTn(@r<VEL6K:XyßO:: 5HT_mR .ٔHIX1VMNN bOe$뱤Wf|.q[~|gչĦX!;lZNN@n܊7n\6s-J$՛ȶ7M&^C kS/W/}>\(P'( ADC7erqD-|Z!1 {؈;$vhW ? ?&9ΫXk}aeZR˄FTh5P<(V)Q|Q[~"W{K<6$.@Kq>n'dGrP5ᒼu@SoE9U!l"08> j&)[x)J\1 mj;/N!4+pXمܧ󹀙 h7PP#Vy_f~ZBCGo,&Y;Wdt]Hk) שjvx:J)S* CR FxJ"=(Ƿ]fbt>At"Gem02þЉmZ'ξ4Ѱ,?INcC >e(KFoUI3VQ3)n5n3c&se`vYi ="?o1FcBۆiGgs!*k{W/SZHu؎`om 0o |_8h1%1N3,UiU1lZC|Ue /ՙL Ǜ8XDwDA5xxncL{m9J67wv'^7gw^CgM:=+!,jbFw]a m qWeێc;2sBtCB_g]گ2F0e;hz],\рeMa~@5!K5us190!Eִf1X"TbZRp ֚ fyvS5099zZq V,3ʡ]ݬ9*^c5:x=cpZM$o| W,s/3py$C b,30$, *<Ä*kUKH[p,KtT\=gOӁύ}h2}"~U p{R6Z#8F :lHĦțZ)̉)J_儽Ck/a 2员ս}A ހ*)R ~yY}¦k@ve"p>IWpK!'֡}b\W< ~,j{+soI !YAOěJ+zkudž@"JAƖm9fzw0C,3M0&1DǀkHnrRpW5̠Q1#MMZ,@f=3@%s뱧~^{UQӝpQa,> R<-צuz9ADoZ0B)Q[=vu>L,d:MX+-XC^wűOkނg{c)̎9ߟdD}sa !E@{)ObJ@i ]8\{, ZMb O!JěǍVfF>w>šn Fr3ُe"G'Etgr%_E^~%:_r20U]fRv"!t7iCLV]k D`Xۡ~b6f&9>o1 %{ Z GT~g*0{9>&=Si8OXbF^JLL* 5N AhXJƼ[3" ן" i:'h ;Mm'\>}Bwl=Rј$"Ћ&:,7#P܈H3'Bij '~g:FWRX? 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