knewstuff-devel-5.76.0-bp153.1.15 >  A `CQ˜!M@eeeiȿ_@SڱpOGohq}ӷC^zZtqJoIIL>0sCܥYn6Nv:LwL iC;wk6nZizmQ|pYv9WPKr~.(R9Y`#"FxO,E]4PZ|'OȬ @zS\%.U4;jG@- >Cή_%;hq1565739dee63d4a6c6b48f11c201529574e58dde81ee0531fc07f532b1e0aaab4434b8979df9499a4ac6199b827b042d2a8f906d( `CQ˜!M@eeeP a $JdX J NYGwXܧ%gE{i1p}X ZKXp0ghn5A^^)#8gP&tZGRl)r`ql p5zi4暎k*XAGx!=y銸%_T)(8,;1g 㜢+Aa.3\t>[(` ~ zXe$;;nTwp>8?(d $ f$(EN` z*\* * * *  *  * |*N* D*( T 9 (|8O9O:OFzGz*H{x*I| *X|LY|X\|*]},*^ bGcdXe]f`lbut*vwt*x*yz$Cknewstuff-devel5.76.0bp153.1.15Framework for downloading and sharing additional application dataThe KNewStuff library implements collaborative data sharing for applications. It uses libattica to support the Open Collaboration Services specification. Development files.`CRs390zp24f=SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSELGPL-2.1-or-laterhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgDevelopment/Libraries/KDEhttps://www.kde.orglinuxs390x!"!($^HimBCgD`e7e2AA큤A큤A큤A큤A큤`CR`CR`CR\`CR\`CR\`CR\`CR\`CR\`CR\`CR\`CR\`CR_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#`CR\_#_#`CR\`CR`CR\`CR\`CR\`CR\`CR`CR\`CR_#`CR_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#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     cmake(KF5Service)cmake(KF5XmlGui)cmake(Qt5Widgets)extra-cmake-modulesknewstuff-core-devellibKF5NewStuff5libKF5NewStuffCore5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)5.765.765.{ _T@_&_^^@^@^d@^6^6^]]@]@]s]J@]1]+@\\@\ \@\f\`@\Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Christophe Giboudeaux Wolfgang Bauer lbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgalarrosa@suse.comlbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgLuca Beltrame lbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgchristophe@krop.frlbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgchristophe@krop.frwbauer@tmo.atlbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgfabian@ritter-vogt.delbeltrame@kde.orglbeltrame@kde.orgtoddrme2178@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gm Update to 5.76.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.75.0: * Fix erroneous logic introduced in e1917b6a * If include is define in .h remove it if it's defined in .cpp too (scripted) * Fix double-delete crash in kpackagejob (kde#427910) * Deprecate Button::setButtonText() and fix API docs, nothing is prepended * Postpone all on-disk cache writes until we've had a quiet second * Fix crash when list of installed files is empty * Remove entry from cache before inserting new entry (kde#424919)- Update to 5.75.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Too many changes since 5.74.0, only listing bugfixes: * Update versions for "fake" kpackage updates (kde#427201) * Fix crash when installing kpackages (kde#426732) * Fix updating of entry if version number is empty (kde#417510)- Update to 5.74.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Too many changes since 5.73.0, only listing bugfixes: * Fix cache sync issues with QtQuick dialog (kde#417985) * Remove entries if they do not match filter anymore (kde#425135) * Make the internal kpackage job task less fragile (kde#425811) * Handle /* notation for RemoveDeadEntries (kde#425704) * Remove slashes from entry name when interpreting it as path (kde#417216) * Fix a sometimes-crash with the KPackageJob task (kde#425245) * Use same spinner for loading and initializing (kde#418031) * Remove details button (kde#418034) * Hide load more spinner while updating/installing (kde#422047) * Do not focus first element in icon view mode (kde#424894)- Update to 5.73.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Too many changes since 5.72.0, only listing bugfixes: * [QtQuick dialog] use update icon that exists (kde#424892) * Allow to delete updatable entries (kde#260836) * Do not focus first element automatically (kde#417843) * Fix display of Details and Uninstall button in Tiles view mode (kde#418034) * Fix moving buttons when seach text is inserted (kde#406993) * Fix details install dropdown in QWidgets dialog (kde#369561) * Set entry to uninstalled if installation fails (kde#422864)- Update to 5.72.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.71.0: * Fix minor typos * Move explanatory text from sheet header to list header * Fix typo * Fix paths for install script and uncompression * Hide the ShadowRectangle for non-loaded previews (kde#422048) * Don't allow content to overflow in the grid delegates (kde#422476)- Update to 5.71.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.70.0: * Don't duplicate error messages in a passive notification (kde#421425) * Port from runUrl to OpenUrlJob * Fix incorrect colours in the KNS Quick messagebox (kde#421270) * Do not mark entry as uninstalled if uninstallation script failed (kde#420312) * KNS: Deprecate isRemote method and handle parse error properly * KNS: Do not mark entry as installed if install script failed * Fix showing updates when the option is selected (kde#416762) * Fix update auto selection (kde#419959) * Add KPackage support to KNewStuffCore (kde#418466)- Update to 5.70.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.69.0: * KNewStuff: Fix file path and process call (kde#420312) * KNewStuff: port from KRun::runApplication to KIO::ApplicationLauncherJob * [KNewStuff] Port QRegExp to QRegularExpression * Replace Vokoscreen with VokoscreenNG (kde#416460) * Fix minor typo (stray word from the wrong bit of the sentence) * Fix minor typo * Introduce more user-visible error reporting for installations- Update to 5.69.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.68.0: * Show filename too * Fix layout in DownloadItemsSheet (kde#419535) * [QtQuick dialog] Port to UrlBUtton and hide when there's no URL * Switch to using Kirigami's ShadowedRectangle * Fix update scenarios with no explicit downloadlink selected (kde#417510)- Update to 5.68.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.67.0: * Fix clicking thumb-only delegate (kde#418368) * Make it compile against qt5.15. SkipEmptyParts is part of Qt::. + they reverted error() -> networkError() * Fix scrolling on the EntryDetails page (kde#418191) * Don't double delete CommentsModel (kde#417802) * Make it compile against last qt5.15 without deprecated method. QProcess::execute(QString) is deprecated * Cover also the qtquick plugin in the installed categories file * Use ecm_qt_install_logging_categories over manual categories file * Use the right translation catalog to show translations * Fix the KNSQuick Dialog's close title and basic layout (kde#415606)- Replace %make_jobs with %cmake_build.- Update to 5.67.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.66.0: * Unbreak the KNSQuick::Engine::changedEntries functionality * Make it compile against last qt5.15 without deprecated methods * Add ellipsis at the end, as per HIG * API dox: add since for KDE_INSTALL_KNSRCDIR, note backward-compatible variant * Fix the KNSQuick Dialog's close title and basic layout- Update to 5.66.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.65.0: * Remove endl. qCritical/qDebug already adds a endl. * QHash::insertMulti is deprecated * Update the obsolete URL * Ensure the dialog title is correct with an uninitialised engine * Don't show the info icon on the big preview delegate (kde#413436) * Support archive installs with adoption commands (kde#407687) * Send along the config name with requests- Update to 5.65.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Too many changes since 5.64.0, only listing bugfixes: * Fix i18n syntax to avoid runtime errors (kde#414498) * Correctly set i18n arguments in one pass (kde#414060) * Add OBS to screenrecorders (kde#412320) * Give some more pretty feedback in NewStuff::Page while the Engine is loading (kde#413439) * Add an overlay component for item activity feedback (kde#413441) * Only show DownloadItemsSheet if there's more than one download item (kde#413437) * Use the pointing hand cursor for the single-clickable delegates (kde#413435) * Fix the header layouts for EntryDetails and Page components (kde#413433)- Update to 5.64.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.63.0: * Ensure that the changedEntries property is correctly propagated * Fix KNSCore::Cache fetching when initialising Engine (kde#408716) * Use ECMGenerateExportHeader to manage deprecated API better- Update to 5.63.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.62.0: * Bring KNewStuffQuick to feature parity with KNewStuff(Widgets) * Remove dead icon loading code- Update to 5.62.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.61.0: * Remove unused includes * use local variable so it does not need ECM installed - Replace foo-devel with cmake(KF5Foo) in build requirements- Update to 5.61.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.60.0: * Use identical internet-services icon. * Port from KRun::runService to runApplication, so runService can be deprecated- Don't lower minimum Qt version anymore, it requires 5.11 now- Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.59.0: * [kmoretools] Add icons to download and install actions * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0- Update to 5.59.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.58.0: * Fix build error in uploaddialog.ui- Update to 5.58.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.57.0: * Remove pixelated border (kde#391108) * Minor documentation clearup (missing support variable)- Update to 5.57.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.56.0: * Switch URLs to https * Update link to fsearch project * Set category on Attica entries * Handle unsupported OCS commands, and don't over-vote (kde#391111) * Remove some erroneously left-in debug, and leave one warning * New location for KNSRC files * [knewstuff] make it compile without foreach * [knewstuff] Remove qt5.13 deprecated method- Update to 5.56.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.55.0: * Port deprecated methods * Filter out invalid content in lists * Fix mem leak found by asan- Downgrade the Qt version requirement to build with 5.9- Update to 5.55.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.54.0: * Delete copy constructor and assignment operator * delete copy constructor and assignment operator of some internal classes * Fix semantics for ghns_exclude (kde#402888)- Update to 5.54.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.53.0: * Remove old kde4 feature * Fix compile with strict compile flags * Use QStringLiteral + port to for(...:...) * Change default sort order in the download dialog to "Most downloads" (kde#399163) * Notify about the provider not being loaded * Forgot to include file * Export enum into qobject for easier debugging- Update to 5.53.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.52.0: * Remove unused include * Use new syntax * Mark new public bits as since 5.53 * Add programmaticaly useful error signalling * It compiles without deprecated method- Update to 5.52.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.51.0: * Remove unused variable * Adapt autotest to new menu structure * More useful error messages * Use new connect syntax- Run spec-cleaner- Update to 5.51.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.50.0: * Use debug categories * Add support for Attica tags support * [KMoreTools] give the "Configure..." menu item an appropriate icon BUG: 398390 FIXED-IN: 5.51 (kde#398390) * [KMoreTools] Reduce menu hierarchy * Fix 'Impossible to use knsrc file for uploads from non standard location' (kde#397958) * Fix minor EBN issues * Remove an unneeded include (and fix a warning while we're at it) * Make test tools link on Windows * Unbreak build with Qt 5.9- Update to 5.50.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.49.0: * Cache providerId- Update to 5.49.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.48.0: * Remove long-time deprecated Encoding=UTF-8 from desktop format files * Change default sort order in the download dialog to Rating * Fix DownloadDialog window margins to meet general theme margins * Restore accidentally removed qCDebug * Use the right QSharedPointer API * Handle empty preview lists- Update to 5.48.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.47.0: * [KMoreTools] Enable installing tools via appstream url * Remove KNS::Engine d-pointer hack- Update to 5.47.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.46.0: * None- Update to 5.46.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.45.0: * Use override * Fix double margins around DownloadDialog * Fix hints in UI files about subclasses of custom widgets * Warning-- * Don't offer qml plugin as a link target- Update to 5.45.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.44.0: * Make it public * Remove not necessary QtCore and co * Actually vote when clicking stars in the list view (kde#391112)- Update to 5.44.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.43.0: * Add explicit includes to fix build with Qt 5.11 * Add vokoscreen to KMoreTools and add it to the "screenrecorder" grouping- Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.42.0: * None- Update to 5.42.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.41.0: * Remove obsolete reviewboardrc file * Limit request cache size * Require the same internal version as you're building * const'ify. Remove virtual when override is defined. Minor optimization * Prevent global variables from been using after freeing- Update to 5.41.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.40.0: * Fix some clazy warning * Revert "Detach before setting the d pointer" (kde#386156) * do not install development tool to aggregate desktop files * [knewstuff] Do not leak ImageLoader on error- Update to 5.40.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.39.0: * Remove PreferCache from network requests * Don't detach shared pointers to private data when setting previews. * Initialize pouinter * Check pointer before to use it * KMoreTools: Update and fix desktopfiles (kde#369646)- Update to 5.39.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.38.0: * Require Kirigami 2.1 instead of 1.0 for KNewStuffQuick * Properly create KPixmapSequence * Don't complain the knsregistry file is not present before it's useful * Detach before setting the d pointer- Update to 5.38.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.37.0: * kmoretoolstest2 doesn't seem interactive, make it run as autotest * Adapt KMoreTools unittests so they can run without "make install".- Update to 5.37.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.36.0 : * Give a parent to KMoreToolsMenuFactory menus * When requesting from the cache, report all entries at bulk * install categories file * Revert some part of eb2e65a882f0b95efeefe0115d9a942861768ba8 * Allow to pass SearchRequest to QDebug * Add qCDebug * install categories file * Revert some part of eb2e65a882f0b95efeefe0115d9a942861768ba8 * Document engine calls- Move unversioned files to a new knewstuff package to be more compliant with the SLPP- Update to 5.36.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.35.0: * install categories file * Revert some part of eb2e65a882f0b95efeefe0115d9a942861768ba8 * Expand KNewStuff documentation * Fix incorrect error detection for missing knsrc files * Extend unittests to test stable sort. * Expose and use Engine's page size variable * Fix warnings * cmake: use ecm_add_test more * Use the right scope for the installpath variable * add .arcconfig file * Make it possible to use QXmlStreamReader to read a KNS registry file * [FEATURE] Option to build & install QCH files with the public API dox- Update to 5.35.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.34.0: * Use a single QNAM (and a disk cache) for HTTP jobs * Internal cache for provider data on initialisation * Improve some error messages- Update to 5.34.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.33.0: * Allow multiple categories with the same name * Improvements * Fix i18n puzzle again. * KNewStuff: Show file's size information in grid delegate. * i18n: fix string puzzle * If an entry's size is known, show it in the list view. * Register and declare KNSCore::EntryInternal::List as a metatype * Don't fall through the switch. Double entries? No please. * always close the downloaded file after downloading- Update to 5.33.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.32.0: * Upgrade ECM and KF5 version requirements for 5.33.0 release. * Upgrade KF5 version to 5.33.0.- Update to 5.32.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.31.0: * Commit translations from l10n-kf5 * Fix compilation with Qt 5.6 * Upgrade ECM and KF5 version requirements for 5.32.0 release. * Upgrade KF5 version to 5.32.0.- Add libKF5NewStuffCore5 to baselibs.conf libKF5NewStuff5-32bit cannot be installed without it.- Update to 5.31.0 * For more details please see: Update to 5.30.0 * For more details please see: Update to 5.29.0 * Add new archive management option (subdir) to knsrc * Consume the new error signals (set job errors) * Handle oddity regarding files disappearing when just created * Actually install the core headers, with CamelCases * For more details please see: Update to 5.28.0 * Separate sort roles and filters * Make it possible to query installed entries * For more details please see: Update to 5.27.0 * Add KAuthorized checks to allow disabling of ghns in kdeglobals (kde#368240) * For more details please see: Update to 5.26.0 * Uncompress archives in subfolders * No longer allow installing to generic data folder because of potential security hole * For more details please see: Update to 5.25.0 * Qt >= 5.5 is now required * For more details please see: Update to 5.24.0 * Make sure we have a size to offer (kde#364896) * Fix "Download dialog fails when all categories missing" * For more details please see: Update to 5.23.0 * Don't initialize KNS3::DownloadManager with the wrong categories * Extend KNS3::Entry public API * For more details please see: Update to 5.22.0 (boo#980066) * For more details please see: Update to 5.21.0 (boo#974793) * Do not crash if .desktop files are missing or broken * Upgrade Qt version requirement to 5.4.0 * For more details please see: Update to 5.20.0 (boo#970856) * Show a warning if there's an error in the Engine * For more details please see: Update to 5.19.0 (boo#967668) * For more details please see: Update to 5.18.0 * For more details please see: Update to 5.17.0 * registerServicesByGroupingNames can define default more items * Make KMoreToolsMenuFactory::createMenuFromGroupingNames lazy * For more details please see: Update to 5.16.0 (boo#955067) * Fix 'KDE Partition Manager' desktop file and homepage URL * For more details please see: Update to 5.15.0 * For more details please see: Update to 5.14.0 * For more details please see: Update to 5.13.0 * The Qt version requirement has been bumped from 5.2 to 5.3 * Debug output has been ported to categorized output, for less noise by default * Docbook documentation has been reviewed and updated * For more details please see: Update to 5.12.0 * For more details please see: Update to 5.11.0 * Add new method fillMenuFromGroupingNames * KMoreTools: add many new groupings * KMoreToolsMenuFactory: handling for "git-clients-and-actions" * createMenuFromGroupingNames: make url parameter optional * For more details please see: Update to 5.10.0 * New set of classes, called KMoreTools and related. KMoreTools helps to add hints about external tools which are potentially not yet installed. Furthermore, it makes long menus shorter by providing a main and more section which is also user-configurable. * For more details please see: - Added kservice-devel (Build)Requires- Update to 5.9.0 * For more details please see: - Drop no longer needed Requires of the devel subpackage: karchive-devel and kio-devel- Update to 5.8.0 * For more details please see: Update to 5.7.0 * Always reload xml data from remote urls * For more details please see: Update to 5.6.0 * For more details please see: Update to 5.5.0 * Also allow absolute filepaths for configfile parameter. * Fix compilation on Windows * For more details please see: Update to 5.4.0 * Many small fixes and cleanups * For more details please see: 1615024788  !"#$%&'()* KNewStuff3KNS3ButtonDownloadDialogDownloadManagerDownloadWidgetEntryKMoreToolsKMoreToolsMenuFactoryKMoreToolsPresetsUploadDialogkns3button.hdownloaddialog.hdownloadmanager.hdownloadwidget.hentry.hkmoretools.hkmoretoolsmenufactory.hkmoretoolspresets.hknewstuff_export.hknewstuffaction.huploaddialog.hknewstuff_version.hKF5NewStuffKF5NewStuffConfig.cmakeKF5NewStuffConfigVersion.cmakeKF5NewStuffTargets-none.cmakeKF5NewStuffTargets.cmakelibKF5NewStuff.soqt_KNewStuff.priknewstuff-develREADME.mdknewstuff-develGPL-2.0-only.txtGPL-3.0-only.txtLGPL-2.0-or-later.txtLGPL-2.1-only.txtLGPL-2.1-or-later.txtLGPL-3.0-only.txtLicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL.txtLicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL.txt/usr/include/KF5//usr/include/KF5/KNewStuff3//usr/include/KF5/KNewStuff3/KNS3//usr/include/KF5/KNewStuff3/kns3//usr/lib64/cmake//usr/lib64/cmake/KF5NewStuff//usr/lib64//usr/lib64/qt5/mkspecs/modules//usr/share/doc/packages//usr/share/doc/packages/knewstuff-devel//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/knewstuff-devel/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// source, ASCII textC++ source, ASCII textASCII textUTF-8 Unicode textPӰH"SwSϮutf-80a3d9ae6e764de9a493c275c0e6a8c80437b75bd92030f1da86a050dac00db28? 7zXZ !t/W] crt:bLL.Z\Wo*A"Cx$5\LD!q;r=){hI跭;㑝s~.T Urrd}ӫ>UOZ_}hl3-ORNǫ3EX^u_AI :@{Ȯy/ci%1^gWM@̴iqs rwq)iۄ.tj̇ތ5Eyʢ&#ɒLZxAIky7wC8ηPk~])~ϩ< Fr=8I)o]RglP fxpW8.@wydS2&Ԯ52#Nᜐ6iT*QB UWË'HLl,)5 Vci̡kS ]ŶՁv CYpI.<]"~=zXR#t>y2:Iؐ9:navnLWP{r9DvoIVh|qp?0cACxh(=dKqE!i 2>9)W6=1?0{^Vr(Z71[<坸y$y.U. 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