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-11-openjdk-``x*`T@` l_i___A@^@^@^{G^E:@^6^]@]@]/ ];];\]@\@\@\?\73\73[Ѱ@[ @[$@[@[#@[@[\[~[{[z@[Y[Q[I[GB[GB[>@[:[,[+@["X[@[{@[{@[[[@ZnZz@ZZ4@Z@Z?Z?Z?ZZ@Z؄ZЛZZa@ZZlZ@ZZ@Zunflushed_size() == 0) failed: invariant + JDK-8233164: C2 fails with assert(phase->C->get_alias_index(t) == phase->C->get_alias_index(t_adr)) failed: correct memory chain + JDK-8233910: java/awt/ColorClass/ is failing intermittently in nightly lnux-x64 system + JDK-8233912: aarch64: minor improvements of atomic operations + JDK-8234508: VM_HeapWalkOperation::iterate_over_object reads non-strong fields with an on-strong load barrier + JDK-8234742: Improve handshake logging + JDK-8234796: Refactor Handshake::execute to take a more complex type than ThreadClosure + JDK-8235324: Dying objects are published from users of CollectedHeap::object_iterate + JDK-8235351: Lookup::unreflect should bind with the original caller independent of Method's accessible flag + JDK-8237369: Shenandoah: failed vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/ /AttachOnDemand/attach021/ test + JDK-8237392: Shenandoah: Remove unreliable assertion + JDK-8237483: AArch64 C1 OopMap inserted twice fatal error + JDK-8237495: Java MIDI fails with a dereferenced memory error when asked to send a raw 0xF7 + JDK-8239355: (dc) Initial value of SO_SNDBUF should allow sending large datagrams (macOS) + JDK-8240353: AArch64: missing support for - XX:+ExtendedDTraceProbes in C1 + JDK-8240704: failed "AssertionError: Handle use increased by more than 10 percent." + JDK-8240751: Shenandoah: fold ShenandoahTracer definition + JDK-8240795: [REDO] 8238384 CTW: C2 compilation fails with "assert(store != load->find_exact_control(load->in(0))) failed: dependence cycle found" + JDK-8241598: Upgrade JLine to 3.14.0 + JDK-8241649: Optimize Character.toString + JDK-8241770: Module xxxAnnotation() methods throw NCDFE if module-info.class found as resource in unnamed module + JDK-8241911: AArch64: Fix a potential register clash issue in reduce_add2I + JDK-8242030: Wrong package declarations in jline classes after JDK-8241598 + JDK-8242565: Policy initialization issues when the denyAfter constraint is enabled + JDK-8243618: compiler/rtm/cli tests can be run w/o WhiteBox + JDK-8243670: Unexpected test result caused by C2 MergeMemNode::Ideal + JDK-8244088: [Regression] Switch of Gnome theme ends up in deadlocked UI + JDK-8244154: Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v3.0 header files + JDK-8244340: Handshake processing thread lacks yielding + JDK-8244573: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown for malformed class file + JDK-8244683: A TSA server used by tests + JDK-8245005: javax/net/ssl/compatibility/ failed with No enum constant + JDK-8245026: PsAdaptiveSizePolicy::_old_gen_policy_is_ready is unused + JDK-8245283: JFR: Can't handle constant dynamic used by Jacoco agent + JDK-8245512: CRC32 optimization using AVX512 instructions + JDK-8245527: LDAP Channel Binding support for Java GSS/Kerberos + JDK-8246707: (sc) throws AsynchronousCloseException on closed channel + JDK-8246709: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ / compilation failed after JDK-8244683 + JDK-8247200: assert((unsigned)fpargs < 32) + JDK-8247766: [aarch64] guarantee(val < (1U << nbits)) failed: Field too big for insn. + JDK-8248336: AArch64: C2: offset overflow in BoxLockNode::emit + JDK-8248865: Document JNDI/LDAP timeout properties + JDK-8248901: Signed immediate support in .../share/assembler.hpp is broken. + JDK-8249543: Force DirectBufferAllocTest to run with - ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent + JDK-8249588: libwindowsaccessbridge issues on 64bit Windows + JDK-8249749: modify a primitive array through a stream and a for cycle causes jre crash + JDK-8249787: Make TestGCLocker more resilient with concurrent GCs + JDK-8249867: xml declaration is not followed by a newline + JDK-8250911: [windows] os::pd_map_memory() error detection broken + JDK-8251255: [linux] Add process-memory information to hs-err and + JDK-8251359: Shenandoah: filter null oops before calling enqueue/SATB barrier + JDK-8251925: C2: RenaissanceStressTest fails with assert(!had_error): bad dominance + JDK-8251944: Add Shenandoah test config to compiler/gcbarriers/ + JDK-8251992: VM crashed running test with -XX:UseAVX=X + JDK-8253220: Epsilon: clean up unused code/declarations + JDK-8253274: The CycleDMImagetest brokes the system + JDK-8253353: Crash in C2: guarantee(n != NULL) failed: No Node + JDK-8253368: TLS connection always receives close_notify exception + JDK-8253404: C2: assert(C->live_nodes() <= C->max_node_limit()) failed: Live Node limit exceeded limit + JDK-8253409: Double-rounding possibility in float fma + JDK-8253476: fails on some Linux kernels w/o swap limit capabilities + JDK-8253524: C2: Refactor code that clones predicates during loop unswitching + JDK-8253644: C2: assert(skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(iff)) failed: unexpected + JDK-8253681: closed java/awt/dnd/MouseEventAfterStartDragTest/ /MouseEventAfterStartDragTest.html test failed + JDK-8253702: BigSur version number reported as 10.16, should be 11.nn + JDK-8253756: C2 CompilerThread0 crash in Node::add_req(Node*) + JDK-8254104: MethodCounters must exist before nmethod is installed + JDK-8254734: "dead loop detected" assert failure with patch from 8223051 + JDK-8254748: Bad Copyright header format after JDK-8212218 + JDK-8254799: runtime/ErrorHandling/ / fails with release VMs + JDK-8255058: C1: assert(is_virtual()) failed: type check + JDK-8255351: Add detection for Graviton 2 CPUs + JDK-8255368: Math.exp() gives wrong result for large values on x86 32-bit platforms + JDK-8255387: Japanese characters were printed upside down on AIX + JDK-8255401: Shenandoah: Allow oldval and newval registers to overlap in cmpxchg_oop() + JDK-8255479: [aarch64] assert(src->section_index_of(target) == CodeBuffer::SECT_NONE) failed: sanity + JDK-8255544: Create a checked cast + JDK-8255559: Leak File Descriptors Because of ResolverLocalFilesystem#engineResolveURI() + JDK-8255681: print callstack in error case in runAWTLoopWithApp + JDK-8255734: VM should ignore SIGXFSZ on ppc64, s390 too + JDK-8255742: PrintInlining as compiler directive doesn't print virtual calls + JDK-8255845: Memory leak in imageFile.cpp + JDK-8255880: UI of Swing components is not redrawn after their internal state changed + JDK-8255908: ExceptionInInitializerError due to UncheckedIOException while initializing cgroupv1 subsystem + JDK-8256025: AArch64: MachCallRuntimeNode::ret_addr_offset() is incorrect for stub calls + JDK-8256056: Deoptimization stub doesn't save vector registers on x86 + JDK-8256061: RegisterSaver::save_live_registers() omits upper halves of ZMM0-15 registers + JDK-8256187: [TEST_BUG] Automate test + JDK-8256220: C1: x86_32 fails with -XX:UseSSE=1 after JDK-8210764 due to mishandled lir_neg + JDK-8256258: some missing NULL checks or asserts after CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe + JDK-8256264: Printed GlyphVector outline with low DPI has bad quality on Windows + JDK-8256290: javac/lambda/ fails with StackOverflowError on x86_32 + JDK-8256359: AArch64: runtime/ReservedStack/ / fails + JDK-8256387: Unexpected result if patching an entire instruction on AArch64 + JDK-8256421: Add 2 HARICA roots to cacerts truststore + JDK-8256488: [aarch64] Use ldpq/stpq instead of ld4/st4 for small copies in StubGenerator::copy_memory + JDK-8256489: Make gtest for long path names on Windows more resilient in the presence of virus scanners + JDK-8256501: libTestMainKeyWindow fails to build with Xcode 12.2 + JDK-8256633: Fix product build on Windows+Arm64 + JDK-8256682: JDK-8202343 is incomplete + JDK-8256751: Incremental rebuild with precompiled header fails when touching a header file + JDK-8256757: Incorrect MachCallRuntimeNode::ret_addr_offset() for CallLeafNoFP on x86_32 + JDK-8256806: Shenandoah: optimize shenandoah/jni/ / test + JDK-8256807: C2: Not marking stores correctly as mismatched in string opts + JDK-8256810: Incremental rebuild broken on Macosx + JDK-8256818: SSLSocket that is never bound or connected leaks socket resources + JDK-8256888: Client manual test problem list update + JDK-8257083: Security infra test failures caused by JDK-8202343 + JDK-8257408: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.11 + JDK-8257423: [PPC64] Support -XX:-UseInlineCaches + JDK-8257436: [aarch64] Regressions in ArrayCopyUnalignedDst .testByte/testChar for 65-78 bytes when UseSIMDForMemoryOps is on + JDK-8257513: C2: assert((constant_addr - _masm.code()->consts()->start()) == con.offset()) + JDK-8257547: Handle multiple prereqs on the same line in deps files + JDK-8257561: Some code is not vectorized after 8251925 and 8250607 + JDK-8257565: epsilonBarrierSet.hpp should not include barrierSetAssembler + JDK-8257575: C2: "failed: only phis" assert failure in loop strip mining verification + JDK-8257594: C2 compiled checkcast of non-null object triggers endless deoptimization/recompilation cycle + JDK-8257633: Missing -mmacosx-version-min=X flag when linking libjvm + JDK-8257670: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ reports leaks + JDK-8257707: Fix incorrect format string in Http1HeaderParser + JDK-8257746: Regression introduced with JDK-8250984 - memory might be null in some machines + JDK-8257798: [PPC64] undefined reference to Klass::vtable_start_offset() + JDK-8257884: Re-enable sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ / as automatic test + JDK-8257910: [JVMCI] Set exception_seen accordingly in the runtime. + JDK-8257997: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ again reports leaks after JDK-8257884 + JDK-8257999: Parallel GC crash in gc/parallel/ / new region is not in covered_region + JDK-8258077: Using -Xcheck:jni can lead to a double-free after JDK-8193234 + JDK-8258247: Couple of issues in fix for JDK-8249906 + JDK-8258373: Update the text handling in the JPasswordField + JDK-8258396: SIGILL in jdk.jfr.internal.PlatformRecorder .rotateDisk() + JDK-8258419: RSA cipher buffer cleanup + JDK-8258471: "search codecache" clhsdb command does not work + JDK-8258534: Epsilon: clean up unused includes + JDK-8258805: Japanese characters not entered by mouse click on Windows 10 + JDK-8258833: Cancel multi-part cipher operations in SunPKCS11 after failures + JDK-8258836: JNI local refs exceed capacity getDiagnosticCommandInfo + JDK-8258884: [TEST_BUG] Convert applet-based test open/test/jdk/javax/swing/JMenuItem/8031573/ to a regular java test + JDK-8259007: This test printed a blank page + JDK-8259048: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020f + JDK-8259049: Uninitialized variable after JDK-8257513 + JDK-8259231: Epsilon: improve performance under contention during virtual space expansion + JDK-8259271: gc/parallel/ still fails "assert(covered_region.contains(new_memregion)) failed: new region is not in covered_region" + JDK-8259312: fails as soneraclass2ca cert will expire in 90 days + JDK-8259319: Illegal package access when SunPKCS11 requires SunJCE's classes + JDK-8259339: AllocateUninitializedArray C2 intrinsic fails with void.class input + JDK-8259428: AlgorithmId.getEncodedParams() should return copy + JDK-8259446: runtime/jni/checked/ / fails with stderr not empty + JDK-8259451: Zero: skip serviceability/sa tests, set vm.hasSA to false + JDK-8259580: Shenandoah: uninitialized label in VerifyThreadGCState + JDK-8259619: C1: 3-arg StubAssembler::call_RT stack-use condition is incorrect + JDK-8259633: compiler/graalunit/ fails with NPE after JDK-8244543 + JDK-8259706: C2 compilation fails with assert(vtable_index == Method::invalid_vtable_index) failed: correct sentinel value + JDK-8259707: LDAP channel binding does not work with StartTLS extension + JDK-8259773: Incorrect encoding of AVX-512 kmovq instruction + JDK-8259849: Shenandoah: Rename store-val to IU-barrier + JDK-8259949: x86 32-bit build fails when -fcf-protection is passed in the compiler flags + JDK-8259954: gc/shenandoah/mxbeans tests fail with -Xcomp + JDK-8260029: aarch64: fix typo in verify_oop_array + JDK-8260308: Update LogCompilation junit to 4.13.1 + JDK-8260338: Some fields in HaltNode is not cloned + JDK-8260349: Cannot programmatically retrieve Metaspace max set via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS + JDK-8260356: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2021a + JDK-8260378: [TESTBUG] reports false positive + JDK-8260497: Shenandoah: Improve SATB flushing + JDK-8260502: [s390] NativeMovRegMem::verify() fails because it's too strict + JDK-8260632: Build failures after JDK-8253353 + JDK-8260704: ParallelGC: oldgen expansion needs release-store for _end + JDK-8261022: Fix incorrect result of Math.abs() with char type + JDK-8261089: [TESTBUG] native library of test fails to compile with gcc 4.x + JDK-8261183: Follow on to Make lists of normal filenames + JDK-8261209: isStandalone property: remove dependency on pretty-print + JDK-8261231: Windows IME was disabled after DnD operation + JDK-8261251: Shenandoah: Use object size for full GC humongous compaction + JDK-8261310: PPC64 Zero build fails with 'VMError::controlled_crash(int)::FunctionDescriptor functionDescriptor' has incomplete type and cannot be defined + JDK-8261334: NMT: tuning statistic shows incorrect hash distribution + JDK-8261413: Shenandoah: Disable class-unloading in I-U mode + JDK-8261522: [PPC64] AES intrinsics write beyond the destination array + JDK-8261534: Test sun/security/pkcs11/KeyAgreement/ / fails on platforms where no nsslib artifacts are defined + JDK-8261585: Restore HandleArea used in Deoptimization::uncommon_trap + JDK-8261753: Test java/lang/System/ still failing on BigSur patch versions after JDK-8253702 + JDK-8261829: Exclude tools/jlink/ in 11u + JDK-8261912: Code IfNode::fold_compares_helper more defensively + JDK-8261920: [AIX] jshell command throws on non English locales + JDK-8262018: Wrong format in SAP copyright header of OsVersionTest + JDK-8263069: Exclude some failing tests from security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator- moved mozilla-nss dependency to java-11-openjdk-headless package This is necessary to be able to do crypto with just java-11-openjdk-headless installed. Fixes boo#1184606- Added patches: * system-crypto-policy.patch + Let OpenJDK use system crypto policies unless explicitely told not to * nss-security-provider.patch + Add the NSS security provider with configuration in generated nss.cfg file * keytool-default-rsa.patch + Make keytool generate RSA keys by default, since only the LEGACY system crypto policy allows DSA- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.10+9 (January 2021 CPU, bsc#1181239) * Security fixes + JDK-8247619: Improve Direct Buffering of Characters * Other changes + JDK-6722928: Support SSPI as a native GSS-API provider + JDK-7185258: [macosx] Deadlock in SunToolKit.realSync() + JDK-8152332: [macosx] JFileChooser cannot be serialized on Mac OS X + JDK-8161684: [testconf] Add VerifyOops' testing into compiler tiers + JDK-8171279: Support X25519 and X448 in TLS + JDK-8173361: various crashes in JvmtiExport::post_compiled_method_load + JDK-8173658: JvmtiExport::post_class_unload() is broken for non-JavaThread initiators + JDK-8191006: hsdis disassembler plugin does not compile with binutils 2.29+ + JDK-8197981: Missing return statement in __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8 + JDK-8198334: java/awt/FileDialog/8003399/ fails in headless mode + JDK-8200151: Add 8 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/ConfigTests/ + JDK-8208279: Add 8 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/EnvTests/ + JDK-8208483: Add 5 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/FactoryTests/ + JDK-8208542: Add 4 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/ListTests/ + JDK-8208665: Amend cross-compilation docs with qemu-debootstrap recipe + JDK-8210088: ProblemList gc/epsilon/ + JDK-8210339: Add 10 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/FedTests/ + JDK-8211450: UndetVar::dup is not copying the kind field to the duplicated instance + JDK-8212160: JVMTI agent crashes with "assert(_value != 0LL) failed: resolving NULL _value" + JDK-8212226: SurfaceManager throws "Invalid Image variant" for MultiResolutionImage (Windows) + JDK-8213400: Support choosing group name in keytool keypair generation + JDK-8213535: Windows HiDPI html lightweight tooltips are truncated + JDK-8213698: Improve devkit creation and add support for linux/ppc64/ppc64le/s390x + JDK-8214025: assert(t->singleton()) failed: must be a constant when ScavengeRootsInCode < 2 + JDK-8214242: compiler/arguments/ fails because of missing UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions + JDK-8214787: Zero builds fail with "undefined JavaThread::thread_state()" + JDK-8215583: Exclude runtime/handshake/ + JDK-8216012: Infinite loop in RSA KeyPairGenerator + JDK-8216324: GetClassMethods is confused by the presence of default methods in super interfaces + JDK-8217429: WebSocket over authenticating proxy fails to send Upgrade headers + JDK-8217976: test/jdk/java/net/httpclient/websocket/ / fails intermittently + JDK-8218021: Have jarsigner preserve posix permission attributes + JDK-8218287: jshell tool: input behavior unstable after 12-ea+24 on Windows + JDK-8218851: JVM crash in custom classloader stress test, JDK 12 & 13 + JDK-8220420: Cleanup c1_LinearScan + JDK-8222072: JVMTI GenerateEvents() sends CompiledMethodLoad events to wrong jvmtiEnv + JDK-8222286: Fix for JDK-8213419 is broken on s390 + JDK-8222527: HttpClient doesn't send HOST header when tunelling HTTP/1.1 through http proxy + JDK-8222533: jtreg test jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/ / fails on SLES12.3 linux ppc64le machine + JDK-8224506: [TESTBUG] fails with exitValue = 137 + JDK-8224555: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/contention/TC02/ /tc02t001/ failed + JDK-8224650: Add tests to support X25519 and X448 in TLS + JDK-8225072: Add LuxTrust certificate that is expiring in March 2021 to list of allowed but expired certs + JDK-8225329: -XX:+PrintBiasedLockingStatistics causes crash during initialization on Windows platforms + JDK-8225687: Newly added sspi.cpp in JDK-6722928 still contains some small errors + JDK-8227006: [linux] Runtime.availableProcessors execution time increased by factor of 100 + JDK-8227275: Within native OOM error handling, assertions may hang the process + JDK-8227647: [Graal] fails due to "RuntimeException: static java.lang.Object compiler.uncommontrap.Test8009761.m3(boolean,boolean) not compiled" + JDK-8229495: SIGILL in C2 generated OSR compilation + JDK-8230910: libsspi_bridge does not build on Windows 32bit + JDK-8232114: JVM crashed at imjpapi.dll in native code + JDK-8234147: Avoid looking up standard charsets in core libraries + JDK-8234393: [macos] printing ignores printer tray + JDK-8234863: Increase default value of MaxInlineLevel + JDK-8235218: Minimal VM is broken after JDK-8173361 + JDK-8235456: Minimal VM is broken after JDK-8212160 + JDK-8235829: graal crashes with test + JDK-8236124: Minimal VM slowdebug build failed after JDK-8212160 + JDK-8236512: PKCS11 Connection closed after Cipher.doFinal and NoPadding + JDK-8236944: The legVecZ operand should be limited to zmm0-zmm15 registers + JDK-8237186: Fix typo in copyright header of java/io/Reader/ + JDK-8237499: JFR: Include stack trace in the ThreadStart event + JDK-8237512: AArch64: aarch64TestHook leaks a BufferBlob + JDK-8237524: AArch64: String.compareTo() may return incorrect result + JDK-8237950: C2 compilation fails with "Live Node limit exceeded limit" during ConvI2L::Ideal optimization + JDK-8238579: HttpsURLConnection drops the timeout and hangs forever in read + JDK-8239105: Add exception for expiring Digicert root certificates to VerifyCACerts test + JDK-8239477: jdk/jfr/jcmd/ fails - XX:+VerifyOops with "verify_oop: rsi: broken oop" + JDK-8239497: SEGV in EdgeUtils::field_name_symbol(Edge const&) + JDK-8239886: Minimal VM build fails after JDK-8237499 + JDK-8240633: Memory leaks in the implementations of FileChooserUI + JDK-8240690: Race condition between EDT and BasicDirectoryModel.FilesLoader.run0() + JDK-8241234: Unify monitor enter/exit runtime entries. + JDK-8241311: Move some charset mapping tests from closed to open + JDK-8241797: Add some tests to the problem list + JDK-8242029: AArch64: skip G1 array copy pre-barrier if marking not active + JDK-8242335: Additional Tests for RSASSA-PSS + JDK-8242480: Negative value may be returned by getFreeSwapSpaceSize() in the docker + JDK-8242614: cleanup duplicated test ldap server in some com/sun/jndi/ldap/ tests + JDK-8242846: Bring back test/jdk/tools/jlink/plugins/ / + JDK-8243114: Implement montgomery{Multiply,Square}intrinsics on Windows + JDK-8243290: Improve diagnostic messages for class verification and redefinition failures + JDK-8243488: Add tests for set/get SendBufferSize and getReceiveBufferSize in DatagramSocket + JDK-8243549: sun/security/ssl/CipherSuite/ / failed with Unsupported signature algorithm: DSA + JDK-8243617: compiler/onSpinWait/ test uses wrong class + JDK-8243619: compiler/codecache/ test misses -version + JDK-8244142: some hotspot/runtime tests don't check exit code of forked JVM + JDK-8244278: Excessive code cache flushes and sweeps + JDK-8244282: test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/ / fails with --illegal-access=deny + JDK-8244621: [macos10.15] Garbled FX printing plus CoreText warnings on Catalina when building with Xcode 11 + JDK-8244819: hsdis does not compile with binutils 2.34+ + JDK-8245051: c1 is broken if it is compiled by gcc without - fno-lifetime-dse + JDK-8245168: jlink should not be treated as a "small" tool + JDK-8245400: Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.11 + JDK-8246381: VM crashes with "Current BasicObjectLock* below than low_mark" + JDK-8246434: Threads::print_on_error assumes that the heap has been set up + JDK-8246648: issue with OperatingSystemImpl getFreeSwapSpaceSize in docker after 8242480 + JDK-8247201: Print potential pointer value of readable stack memory in hs_err file + JDK-8247763: assert(outer->outcnt() == 2) failed: 'only phis' failure in LoopNode::verify_strip_mined() + JDK-8247867: Upgrade to freetype 2.10.2 + JDK-8248190: Enable Power10 system and implement new byte-reverse instructions + JDK-8248226: TestCloneAccessStressGCM fails with - XX:-ReduceBulkZeroing + JDK-8248347: windows build broken by JDK-8243114 + JDK-8248532: Every time I change keyboard language at my MacBook, Java crashes + JDK-8248552: C2 crashes with SIGFPE due to division by zero + JDK-8248596: [TESTBUG] compiler/loopopts/ / times out with Graal enabled + JDK-8248745: Add jarsigner and keytool tests for restricted algorithms + JDK-8248791: sun/util/resources/cldr/ fails with -XX:-ReduceInitialCardMarks -XX:-ReduceBulkZeroing + JDK-8248845: AArch64: stack corruption after spilling vector register + JDK-8249176: Update GlobalSignR6CA test certificates + JDK-8249183: JVM crash in "AwtFrame::WmSize" method + JDK-8249192: MonitorInfo stores raw oops across safepoints + JDK-8249602: C2: assert(cnt == _outcnt) failed: no insertions allowed + JDK-8249603: C1: assert(has_error == false) failed: register allocation invalid + JDK-8249605: C2: assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected + JDK-8249607: C2: assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance + JDK-8249608: Vector register used by C2 compiled method corrupted at safepoint + JDK-8249672: Include microcode revision in features_string on x86 + JDK-8249748: gtest silently ignores bad jvm arguments + JDK-8249821: Separate libharfbuzz from libfontmanager + JDK-8250598: Hyper-V is detected in spite of running on host OS + JDK-8250605: Linux x86_32 builds fail after JDK-8249821 + JDK-8250636: iso8601_time returns incorrect offset part on MacOS + JDK-8250665: Wrong translation for the month name of May in ar_JO,LB,SY + JDK-8250772: Test com/sun/jndi/ldap/ / fails intermittently with javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException + JDK-8250825: C2 crashes with assert(field != __null) failed: missing field + JDK-8250894: Provide a configure option to build and run against the platform libharfbuzz + JDK-8250928: JFR: Improve hash algorithm for stack traces + JDK-8250968: Symlinks attributes not preserved when using jarsigner on zip files + JDK-8250984: Memory Docker tests fail on some Linux kernels w/o cgroupv1 swap limit capabilities + JDK-8251118: BiasedLocking::preserve_marks should not have a HandleMark + JDK-8251189: com/sun/jndi/ldap/ failed due to timeout + JDK-8251257: NMT: jcmd VM.native_memory scale=1 crashes target VM + JDK-8251365: Build failure on AIX after 8250636 + JDK-8251397: NPE on ClassValue.ClassValueMap.cacheArray + JDK-8251456: [TESTBUG] compiler/vectorization/ / failed OutOfMemoryError + JDK-8251458: Parse::do_lookupswitch fails with "assert(_cnt >= 0) failed" + JDK-8251535: Partial peeling at unsigned test adds incorrect loop exit check + JDK-8251949: ZGC: Set explicit heap size for compiler/gcbarriers tests + JDK-8252090: JFR: StreamWriterHost::write_unbuffered() stucks in an infinite loop OpenJDK (build 13.0.1+9) + JDK-8252415: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.10 + JDK-8252470: java/awt/dnd/DisposeFrameOnDragCrash/ / fails on Windows + JDK-8252497: Incorrect numeric currency code for ROL + JDK-8252660: Shenandoah: support manageable SoftMaxHeapSize option + JDK-8252679: Two windows specific FileDIalog tests may fail on some Windows_Server_2016_Standard + JDK-8252696: Loop unswitching may cause out of bound array load to be executed + JDK-8252754: Hash code calculation of JfrStackTrace is inconsistent + JDK-8253219: Epsilon: clean up unnecessary includes + JDK-8253224: Shenandoah: ShenandoahStrDedupQueue destructor calls virtual num_queues() + JDK-8253226: Shenandoah: remove unimplemented ShenandoahStrDedupQueue::verify + JDK-8253269: The CheckCommonColors test should provide more info on failure + JDK-8253284: Zero OrderAccess barrier mappings are incorrect + JDK-8253375: OSX build fails with Xcode 12.0 (12A7209) + JDK-8253778: ShenandoahSafepoint::is_at_shenandoah_safepoint should not access VMThread state from other threads + JDK-8253791: Issue with useAppleColor check in CSystemColors.m + JDK-8254016: Test8237524 fails with -XX:-CompactStrings option + JDK-8254081: java/security/cert/PolicyNode/ / fails due to an expired certificate + JDK-8254144: Non-x86 Zero builds fail with return-type warning in os_linux_zero.cpp + JDK-8254166: Zero: return-type warning in zeroInterpreter_zero.cpp + JDK-8254177: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020b + JDK-8254185: Fix Code cache sweeper heuristics for JDK 11 + JDK-8254190: [s390] interpreter misses exception check after calling monitorenter + JDK-8254790: SIGSEGV in string_indexof_char and stringL_indexof_char intrinsics + JDK-8254854: [cgroups v1] Metric limits not properly detected on some join controller combinations + JDK-8254982: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020c + JDK-8255050: Add pkcs11/KeyStore/ to Problem list + JDK-8255065: Zero: accessor_entry misses the IRIW case + JDK-8255226: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020d + JDK-8255269: Unsigned overflow in g1Policy.cpp + JDK-8255365: Problem list failing client manual tests + JDK-8255457: Shenandoah: cleanup ShenandoahMarkTask + JDK-8255466: C2 crashes at ciObject::get_oop() const+0x0 + JDK-8255550: x86: Assembler::cmpq(Address dst, Register src) encoding is incorrect + JDK-8255603: Memory/Performance regression after JDK-8210985 + JDK-8255760: Shenandoah: match constants style in ShenandoahMarkTask fallback + JDK-8255781: Bump patch update version for OpenJDK: jdk- + JDK-8255937: Better cleanup for test/jdk/javax/imageio/stream/ + JDK-8256427: Test com/sun/jndi/dns/ConfigTests/ / does not work on AIX + JDK-8256452: Integrate missing part of JDK-8232370 to 11u + JDK-8256483: [TESTBUG] serviceability/jvmti/GetClassMethods/ /libOverpassMethods.c fails to compile on gcc 4.4.x + JDK-8256557: libharfbuzz fails to link on gcc 4.4.x due to - Wl,-z,defs + JDK-8256618: Zero: Linux x86_32 build still fails + JDK-8256736: Zero: GTest tests fail with "unsuppported vm variant" + JDK-8256809: Annotation processing causes NPE during flow analysis + JDK-8257181: s390x builds are very noisy with gc-sections messages + JDK-8257242: [macOS] Java app crashes while switching input methods + JDK-8257545: SunJSSE FIPS regression in key exchange after JDK-8171279 11u backport + JDK-8257641: Shenandoah: Query is_at_shenandoah_safepoint() from control thread should return false + JDK-8257701: Shenandoah: objArrayKlass metadata is not marked with chunked arrays + JDK-8258630: Add expiry exception for QuoVadis root certificate - New upstream dependency on libharfbuzz - Regenerated patches: missing-return.patch system-pcsclite.patch- Update to upstream tag jdk- * Fix: + JDK-8250861: Crash in MinINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN*, bool) - Removed patch: * JDK-8250861.patch + Integrated upstream- Enable Sheandoah GC for x86_64 (jsc#ECO-3171)- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.9-11 (October 2020 CPU, bsc#1177943) * New features + JDK-8250784: Shenandoah: A Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector * Security fixes + JDK-8233624: Enhance JNI linkage + JDK-8236196: Improve string pooling + JDK-8236862, CVE-2020-14779: Enhance support of Proxy class + JDK-8237990, CVE-2020-14781: Enhanced LDAP contexts + JDK-8237995, CVE-2020-14782: Enhance certificate processing + JDK-8240124: Better VM Interning + JDK-8241114, CVE-2020-14792: Better range handling + JDK-8242680, CVE-2020-14796: Improved URI Support + JDK-8242685, CVE-2020-14797: Better Path Validation + JDK-8242695, CVE-2020-14798: Enhanced buffer support + JDK-8243302: Advanced class supports + JDK-8244136, CVE-2020-14803: Improved Buffer supports + JDK-8244479: Further constrain certificates + JDK-8244955: Additional Fix for JDK-8240124 + JDK-8245407: Enhance zoning of times + JDK-8245412: Better class definitions + JDK-8245417: Improve certificate chain handling + JDK-8248574: Improve jpeg processing + JDK-8249927: Specify limits of jdk.serialProxyInterfaceLimit + JDK-8253019: Enhanced JPEG decoding * Other changes + JDK-6532025: GIF reader throws misleading exception with truncated images + JDK-6949753: [TEST BUG]: java/awt/print/PageFormat/ / needs update by removing an infinite loop + JDK-8022535: [TEST BUG] javax/swing/text/html/parser/ / fails + JDK-8062947: Fix exception message to correctly represent LDAP connection failure + JDK-8067354: com/sun/jdi/ failed + JDK-8134599: TEST_BUG: java/rmi/transport/closeServerSocket/ / fails intermittently with Address already in use + JDK-8151678: com/sun/jndi/ldap/ failed due to timeout on DeadServerNoTimeoutTest is incorrect + JDK-8160768: Add capability to custom resolve host/domain names within the default JNDI LDAP provider + JDK-8172404: Tools should warn if weak algorithms are used before restricting them + JDK-8193367: Annotated type variable bounds crash javac + JDK-8202117: com/sun/jndi/ldap/ fails intermittently: Connection reset + JDK-8203026: java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table + JDK-8203281: [Windows] JComboBox change in ui when editor.setBorder() is called + JDK-8203382: Rename SystemDictionary::initialize_wk_klass to resolve_wk_klass + JDK-8203393: com/sun/jdi/ and fail due to timeout + JDK-8203928: [Test] Convert non-JDB scaffolding serviceability shell script tests to java + JDK-8204963: javax.swing.border.TitledBorder has a memory leak + JDK-8204994: SA might fail to attach to process with "Windbg Error: WaitForEvent failed" + JDK-8205534: Remove SymbolTable dependency from serviceability agent + JDK-8206309: Tier1 SA tests fail + JDK-8208281: java/nio/channels/ /AsynchronousSocketChannel/ timed out + JDK-8209109: [TEST] rewrite com/sun/jdi shell tests to java version - step1 + JDK-8209332: [TEST] test/jdk/com/sun/jdi/ is incorrect + JDK-8209342: Problemlist SA tests on Solaris due to Error attaching to process: Can't create thread_db agent! + JDK-8209343: Test javax/swing/border/ should be marked as headful + JDK-8209517: com/sun/jdi/ fails with timeout + JDK-8209604: [TEST] rewrite com/sun/jdi shell tests to java version - step2 + JDK-8209605: com/sun/jdi/ fails with ZGC + JDK-8209608: Problem list com/sun/jdi/ + JDK-8210131: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/allocation/AP10/ /ap10t001/ failed with ObjectFree: GetCurrentThreadCpuTimerInfo returned unexpected error code + JDK-8210243: [TEST] rewrite com/sun/jdi shell tests to java version - step3 + JDK-8210527: JShell: NullPointerException in jdk.jshell.Eval.translateExceptionStack + JDK-8210560: [TEST] convert com/sun/jdi redefineClass-related tests + JDK-8210725: com/sun/jdi/ fails with waitForPrompt timed out after 60 seconds + JDK-8210748: [TESTBUG] lib.jdb.Jdb.waitForPrompt() should clarify which output is the pending reply after a timeout + JDK-8210760: [TEST] rewrite com/sun/jdi shell tests to java version - step4 + JDK-8210977: jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/ fails to find ThreadLocalObject + JDK-8211292: [TEST] convert com/sun/jdi/ test + JDK-8211694: JShell: Redeclared variable should be reset + JDK-8212200: assert when shared java.lang.Object is redefined by JVMTI agent + JDK-8212629: [TEST] wrong breakpoint in test/jdk/com/sun/jdi/DeferredStepTest + JDK-8212665: com/sun/jdi/ jj1 (line 57) - unexpected. lastLine=52, minLine=52, maxLine=55 + JDK-8212807: tools/jar/multiRelease/ times out + JDK-8213182: Minimal VM build failure after JDK-8212200 (assert when shared java.lang.Object is redefined by JVMTI agent) + JDK-8213214: Set when running tests + JDK-8213275: fails with jdk.internal.vm.PostVMInitHook not found + JDK-8213574: Deadlock in string table expansion when dumping lots of CDS classes + JDK-8213703: LambdaConversionException: Invalid receiver type not a subtype of implementation type interface + JDK-8214074: Ghash optimization using AVX instructions + JDK-8214491: Upgrade to JLine 3.9.0 + JDK-8214797: timed out + JDK-8215243: JShell tests failing intermitently with "Problem cleaning up the following threads:" + JDK-8215244: jdk/jshell/ testHistoryReference failed + JDK-8215354: x86_32 build failures after JDK-8214074 (Ghash optimization using AVX instructions) + JDK-8215438: jshell tool: Ctrl-D causes EOF + JDK-8216021: RunTest.gmk might set concurrency level to 1 on Windows + JDK-8216974: HttpConnection not returned to the pool after 204 response + JDK-8218948: SimpleDateFormat :: format - Zone Names are not reflected correctly during run time + JDK-8219712: code_size2 (defined in stub_routines_x86.hpp) is too small on new Skylake CPUs + JDK-8220150: macos10.14 Mojave returns anti-aliased glyphs instead of aliased B&W glyphs + JDK-8221658: aarch64: add necessary predicate for ubfx patterns + JDK-8221759: Crash when completing "" + JDK-8221918: runtime/SharedArchiveFile/serviceability/ / fails: Shared archive not found + JDK-8222074: Enhance auto vectorization for x86 + JDK-8222079: Don't use memset to initialize fields decode_env constructor in disassembler.cpp + JDK-8222769: [TESTBUG] TestJFRNetworkEvents should not rely on hostname command + JDK-8223688: JShell: crash on the instantiation of raw anonymous class + JDK-8223777: In posix_spawn mode, failing to exec() jspawnhelper does not result in an error + JDK-8223940: Private key not supported by chosen signature algorithm + JDK-8224184: jshell got IOException at exiting with AIX + JDK-8224234: compiler/codegen/ fails in test_mulc + JDK-8225037: throws NullPointerException + JDK-8225625: AES Electronic Codebook (ECB) encryption and decryption optimization using AVX512 + VAES instructions + JDK-8226536: Catch OOM from deopt that fails rematerializing objects + JDK-8226575: OperatingSystemMXBean should be made container aware + JDK-8226697: Several tests which need the @key headful keyword are missing it. + JDK-8226809: Circular reference in printed stack trace is not correctly indented & ambiguous + JDK-8227059: sun/security/tools/keytool/ / timed out + JDK-8227269: Slow class loading when running with JDWP + JDK-8227595: keytool/fakegen/ fails due to "exitValue = 6" + JDK-8228448: Jconsole can't connect to itself + JDK-8228967: Trust/Key store and SSL context utilities for tests + JDK-8229378: jdwp library loader in linker_md.c quietly truncates on buffer overflow + JDK-8229815: Upgrade Jline to 3.12.1 + JDK-8230000: some httpclients testng tests run zero test + JDK-8230002: javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/transform/ / runs zero test + JDK-8230010: Remove jdk8037819/ + JDK-8230094: CCE in createXMLEventWriter(Result) over an arbitrary XMLStreamWriter + JDK-8230402: Allocation of compile task fails with assert: "Leaking compilation tasks?" + JDK-8230767: FlightRecorderListener returns null recording + JDK-8230870: (zipfs) Add a ZIP FS test that is similar to test/jdk/java/util/zip/ + JDK-8231209: [REDO] ThreadMXBean::getThreadAllocatedBytes() can be quicker for self thread + JDK-8231586: enlarge encoding space for OopMapValue offsets + JDK-8231953: Wrong assumption in assertion in oop::register_oop + JDK-8231968: getCurrentThreadAllocatedBytes default implementation s/b getThreadAllocatedBytes + JDK-8232083: Minimal VM is broken after JDK-8231586 + JDK-8232161: Align some one-way conversion in MS950 charset with Windows + JDK-8232855: jshell missing word in /help help + JDK-8233027: OopMapSet::all_do does twice during iteration + JDK-8233228: Disable weak named curves by default in TLS, CertPath, and Signed JAR + JDK-8233386: Initialize NULL fields for unused decorations + JDK-8233452: java.math.BigDecimal.sqrt() with RoundingMode.FLOOR results in incorrect result + JDK-8233686: XML transformer uses excessive amount of memory + JDK-8233741: AES Countermode (AES-CTR) optimization using AVX512 + VAES instructions + JDK-8233829: javac cannot find non-ASCII module name under non-UTF8 environment + JDK-8233958: Memory retention due to HttpsURLConnection finalizer that serves no purpose + JDK-8234011: (zipfs) Memory leak in ZipFileSystem.releaseDeflater() + JDK-8234058: runtime/CompressedOops/ / fails with 'Narrow klass base: 0x0000000000000000' missing from stdout/stderr + JDK-8234149: Several regression tests do not dispose Frame at end + JDK-8234347: "Turkey" meta time zone does not generate composed localized names + JDK-8234385: [TESTBUG] java/awt/EventQueue/6980209/ / fails in linux nightly + JDK-8234535: Cross compilation fails due to missing CFLAGS for the BUILD_CC + JDK-8234541: C1 emits an empty message when it inlines successfully + JDK-8234687: change javap reporting on unknown attributes + JDK-8236464: SO_LINGER option is ignored by SSLSocket in JDK 11 + JDK-8236548: Localized time zone name inconsistency between English and other locales + JDK-8236617: jtreg test containers/docker/ / fails after 8226575 + JDK-8237182: Update copyright header for shenandoah and epsilon files + JDK-8237888: security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ fails when checking validity interval + JDK-8237977: Further update javax/net/ssl/compatibility/ + JDK-8238270: HTTP/2 client does not decrease stream count when receives 204 response + JDK-8238284: [macos] Zero VM build fails due to an obvious typo + JDK-8238380: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10 + JDK-8238386: (sctp) jdk.sctp/unix/native/libsctp/SctpNet.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10 + JDK-8238388: libj2gss/NativeFunc.o "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10 + JDK-8238448: RSASSA-PSS signature verification fail when using certain odd key sizes + JDK-8238710: LingeredApp doesn't log stdout/stderr if exits with non-zero code + JDK-8239083: C1 assert(known_holder == NULL || (known_holder->is_instance_klass() && (!known_holder->is_interface() || ((ciInstanceKlass*)known_holder)->has_nonstatic_concrete_methods())), "should be non-static concrete method"); + JDK-8239385: KerberosTicket client name refers wrongly to sAMAccountName in AD + JDK-8240169: javadoc fails to link to non-modular api docs + JDK-8240295: hs_err elapsed time in seconds is not accurate enough + JDK-8240360: NativeLibraryEvent has wrong library name on Linux + JDK-8240676: Meet not symmetric failure when running lucene on jdk8 + JDK-8241007: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahCriticalControlThreadPriority support + JDK-8241065: Shenandoah: remove leftover code after JDK-8231086 + JDK-8241086: Test runtime/NMT/ is failing on 32bit Windows + JDK-8241130: com.sun.jndi.ldap.EventSupport.removeDeadNotifier: java.lang.NullPointerException + JDK-8241138: http.nonProxyHosts=* causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in DefaultProxySelector + JDK-8241319: WB_GetCodeBlob doesn't have ResourceMark + JDK-8241478: vmTestbase/gc/gctests/Steal/steal001/ fails with OOME + JDK-8241574: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahAssertToSpaceClosure + JDK-8241750: x86_32 build failure after JDK-8227269 + JDK-8242184: CRL generation error with RSASSA-PSS + JDK-8242283: Can't start JVM when java home path includes non-ASCII character + JDK-8242556: Cannot load RSASSA-PSS public key with non-null params from byte array + JDK-8243029: Rewrite javax/net/ssl/compatibility/ / with a flexible interop test framework + JDK-8243138: Enhance BaseLdapServer to support starttls extended request + JDK-8243320: Add SSL root certificates to Oracle Root CA program + JDK-8243321: Add Entrust root CA - G4 to Oracle Root CA program + JDK-8243389: enhance os::pd_print_cpu_info on linux + JDK-8243453: java --describe-module failed with non-ASCII module name under non-UTF8 environment + JDK-8243470: [macos] bring back O2 opt level for unsafe.cpp + JDK-8243489: Thread CPU Load event may contain wrong data for CPU time under certain conditions + JDK-8243925: Toolkit#getScreenInsets() returns wrong value on HiDPI screens (Windows) + JDK-8244087: 2020-04-24 public suffix list update + JDK-8244151: Update MUSCLE PC/SC-Lite headers to the latest release 1.8.26 + JDK-8244164: AArch64: jaotc generates incorrect code for compressed OOPs with non-zero heap base + JDK-8244196: adjust output in os_linux + JDK-8244225: stringop-overflow warning on strncpy call from compile_the_world_in + JDK-8244287: JFR: Methods samples have line number 0 + JDK-8244703: "platform encoding not initialized" exceptions with debugger, JNI + JDK-8244719: CTW: C2 compilation fails with "assert(!VerifyHashTableKeys || _hash_lock == 0) failed: remove node from hash table before modifying it" + JDK-8244729: Shenandoah: remove resolve paths from SBSA::generate_shenandoah_lrb + JDK-8244763: Update --release 8 symbol information after JSR 337 MR3 + JDK-8244818: Java2D Queue Flusher crash while moving application window to external monitor + JDK-8245151: jarsigner should not raise duplicate warnings on verification + JDK-8245616: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.9 + JDK-8245714: "Bad graph detected in build_loop_late" when loads are pinned on loop limit check uncommon branch + JDK-8245801: StressRecompilation triggers assert "redundunt OSR recompilation detected. memory leak in CodeCache!" + JDK-8245832: JDK build make-static-libs should build all JDK libraries + JDK-8245880: Shenandoah: check class unloading flag early in concurrent code root scan + JDK-8245981: Upgrade to jQuery 3.5.1 + JDK-8246027: Minimal fastdebug build broken after JDK-8245801 + JDK-8246094: [macos] Sound Recording and playback is not working + JDK-8246153: TestEliminateArrayCopy fails with - XX:+StressReflectiveCode + JDK-8246193: Possible NPE in ENC-PA-REP search in AS-REQ + JDK-8246196: javax/management/MBeanServer/OldMBeanServerTest fails with AssertionError + JDK-8246203: Segmentation fault in verification due to stack overflow with -XX:+VerifyIterativeGVN + JDK-8246330: Add TLS Tests for Legacy ECDSA curves + JDK-8246453: TestClone crashes with "all collected exceptions must come from the same place" + JDK-8247246: Add explicit and expose presence of default methods + JDK-8247350: [aarch64] assert(false) failed: wrong size of mach node + JDK-8247502: PhaseStringOpts crashes while optimising effectively dead code + JDK-8247615: Initialize the bytes left for the heap sampler + JDK-8247824: CTW: C2 (Shenandoah) compilation fails with SEGV in SBC2Support::pin_and_expand + JDK-8247874: Replacement in not working when --with-vendor-bug-url contains '&' + JDK-8247979: aarch64: missing side effect of killing flags for clearArray_reg_reg + JDK-8248214: Add paddings for TaskQueueSuper to reduce false-sharing cache contention + JDK-8248219: aarch64: missing memory barrier in fast_storefield and fast_accessfield + JDK-8248348: Regression caused by the update to BCEL 6.0 + JDK-8248385: [testbug][11u] Adapt TestInitiExceptions to jtreg 5.1 + JDK-8248495: [macos] zerovm is broken due to libffi headers location + JDK-8248851: CMS: Missing memory fences between free chunk check and klass read + JDK-8248987: AOT's seems to eagerly fail-fast on Windows + JDK-8249159: Downport test rework for SSLSocketTemplate from 8224650 + JDK-8249215: JFrame::setVisible crashed with - Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 on Japanese Windows. + JDK-8249251: [dark_mode ubuntu 20.04] The selected menu is not highlighted in GTKLookAndFeel + JDK-8249255: Build fails if source code in cygwin home dir + JDK-8249277: is failing with timeout in OpenJDK 11 + JDK-8249278: Revert JDK-8226253 which breaks the spec of AccessibleState.SHOWING for JList + JDK-8249560: Shenandoah: Fix racy GC request handling + JDK-8249801: Shenandoah: Clear soft-refs on requested GC cycle + JDK-8249953: Shenandoah: gc/shenandoah/mxbeans tests should account for corner cases + JDK-8250582: Revert Principal Name type to NT-UNKNOWN when requesting TGS Kerberos tickets + JDK-8250609: C2 crash in IfNode::fold_compares + JDK-8250627: Use -XX:+/-UseContainerSupport for enabling/disabling Java container metrics + JDK-8250755: Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/plugins/shared/ + JDK-8250787: Provider.put no longer registering aliases in FIPS env + JDK-8250826: jhsdb does not work with coredump which comes from Substrate VM + JDK-8250827: Shenandoah: needs to reset/finish StringTable's dead count before/after parallel walk + JDK-8250844: Make sure {type,obj}ArrayOopDesc accessors check the bounds + JDK-8251117: Cannot check P11Key size in P11Cipher and P11AEADCipher + JDK-8251354: Shenandoah: Fix jdk/jfr/tool/ test failure + JDK-8251451: Shenandoah: Remark ObjectSynchronizer roots with I-U + JDK-8251469: Better cleanup for test/jdk/javax/imageio/ + JDK-8251487: Shenandoah: missing detail timing tracking for final mark cleaning phase + JDK-8252120: compiler/oracle/ misspells "occured" + JDK-8252157: JDK-8231209 11u backport breaks jmm binary compatibility + JDK-8252258: [11u] JDK-8242154 changes the default vendor + JDK-8252804: [test] Fix '' test after downport of 8234011 + JDK-8253134: JMM_VERSION should remain at 0x20020000 (JDK 10) in JDK 11 + JDK-8253283: [11u] Test build/translations/ / failing after JDK-8252258 + JDK-8253813: Backout JDK-8244287 from 11u: it causes several crashes - Removed patch: * gcc-fno-common-fix.patch + not needed any more with this version - Added patch: * JDK-8250861.patch + Fix regression "8250861: Crash in MinINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN*, bool)" introduced in jdk 11.0.9- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.8+10 (July 2020 CPU, bsc#1174157) * Security fixes: + JDK-8230613: Better ASCII conversions + JDK-8231800: Better listing of arrays + JDK-8232014: Expand DTD support + JDK-8233234: Better Zip Naming + JDK-8233239, CVE-2020-14562: Enhance TIFF support + JDK-8233255: Better Swing Buttons + JDK-8234032: Improve basic calendar services + JDK-8234042: Better factory production of certificates + JDK-8234418: Better parsing with CertificateFactory + JDK-8234836: Improve serialization handling + JDK-8236191: Enhance OID processing + JDK-8236867, CVE-2020-14573: Enhance Graal interface handling + JDK-8237117, CVE-2020-14556: Better ForkJoinPool behavior + JDK-8237592, CVE-2020-14577: Enhance certificate verification + JDK-8238002, CVE-2020-14581: Better matrix operations + JDK-8238013: Enhance String writing + JDK-8238804: Enhance key handling process + JDK-8238842: AIOOBE in GIFImageReader.initializeStringTable + JDK-8238843: Enhanced font handing + JDK-8238920, CVE-2020-14583: Better Buffer support + JDK-8238925: Enhance WAV file playback + JDK-8240119, CVE-2020-14593: Less Affine Transformations + JDK-8240482: Improved WAV file playback + JDK-8241379: Update JCEKS support + JDK-8241522: Manifest improved jar headers redux + JDK-8242136, CVE-2020-14621: Better XML namespace handling * Other changes: + JDK-6933331: (d3d/ogl) java.lang.IllegalStateException: Buffers have not been created + JDK-7124307: JSpinner and changing value by mouse + JDK-8022574: remove HaltNode code after uncommon trap calls + JDK-8039082: [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/dnd/BadSerializationTest/ fails + JDK-8040630: Popup menus and tooltips flicker with previous popup contents when first shown + JDK-8044365: (dc) failing with ENOMEM when joining group (OS X 10.9) + JDK-8048215: [TESTBUG] java/lang/management/ManagementFactory/ Expected non-null LockInfo + JDK-8051349: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/sampling/SP06/sp06t003 fails in nightly + JDK-8080353: JShell: Better error message on attempting to add default method + JDK-8139876: Exclude hanging nsk/stress/stack from execution with deoptimization enabled + JDK-8146090: java/lang/ref/ fails with -XX:+DeoptimizeALot + JDK-8153430: jdk regression test MletParserLocaleTest, ParserInfiniteLoopTest reduce default timeout + JDK-8156207: Resource allocated BitMaps are often cleared unnecessarily + JDK-8159740: JShell: corralled declarations do not have correct source to wrapper mapping + JDK-8175984: ICC_Profile has un-needed, not-empty finalize method + JDK-8176359: Frame#setMaximizedbounds not working properly in multi screen environments + JDK-8183369: RFC unconformity of HttpURLConnection with proxy + JDK-8187078: -XX:+VerifyOops finds numerous problems when running JPRT + JDK-8189861: Refactor CacheFind + JDK-8191169: java/net/Authenticator/ failed intermittently + JDK-8191930: [Graal] emits unparseable XML into compile log + JDK-8193879: Java debugger hangs on method invocation + JDK-8196019: java/awt/Window/Grab/ fails on Windows + JDK-8196181: sun/java2d/GdiRendering/ fails + JDK-8198000: java/awt/List/EmptyListEventTest/ debug assert on Windows + JDK-8198001: java/awt/Menu/WrongParentAfterRemoveMenu/ / debug assert on Windows + JDK-8198339: Test javax/swing/border/ is unstable + JDK-8200701: jdk/jshell/ fails on Windows, after JDK-8198801 + JDK-8203264: JNI exception pending in PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c:740 + JDK-8203672: JNI exception pending in PlainSocketImpl.c + JDK-8203673: JNI exception pending in DualStackPlainDatagramSocketImpl.c:398 + JDK-8204834: Fix confusing "allocate" naming in OopStorage + JDK-8205399: Set node color on pinned HashMap.TreeNode deletion + JDK-8205653: test/jdk/sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ / and fail with handshake_failure + JDK-8206179: com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean/ / fails with Committed virtual memory size illegal value + JDK-8207334: VM times out in VM_HandshakeAllThreads::doit() with RunThese30M + JDK-8208277: Code cache heap (-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize) doesn't work with 1GB LargePages + JDK-8209113: Use WeakReference for lastFontStrike for created Fonts + JDK-8209333: Socket reset issue for TLS 1.3 socket close + JDK-8209439: C2 library_call can potentially ignore Math.pow intrinsic or use null pointer + JDK-8209534: [TESTBUG]runtime/appcds/cacheObject/ / fails with EnableJVMCI. + JDK-8210147: adjust some WSAGetLastError usages in windows network coding + JDK-8210284: "assert((av & 0x00000001) == 0) failed: unsupported V8" on Solaris 11.4 + JDK-8210303: VM_HandshakeAllThreads fails assert with "failed: blocked and not walkable" + JDK-8210459: Add support for generating compile_commands.json + JDK-8210515: [TESTBUG] needs to check if EnableJVMCI is set. + JDK-8210788: Javadoc for Thread.join(long, int) should specify that it waits forever when both arguments are zero + JDK-8211301: [macos] support full window content options + JDK-8211332: Space for stub routines (code_size2) is too small on new Skylake CPUs + JDK-8211339: NPE during SSL handshake caused by HostnameChecker + JDK-8211392: compiler/profiling/ /spectrapredefineclass_classloaders/ times out in JDK12 CI + JDK-8211743: [AOT] crash in ScopeDesc::decode_body() when JVMTI walks AOT frames + JDK-8212154: [TESTBUG] CheckArchivedModuleApp fails with NPE when JVMCI is absent + JDK-8212167: JShell : Stack trace of exception has wrong line number + JDK-8212933: Thread-SMR: requesting a VM operation whilst holding a ThreadsListHandle can cause deadlocks + JDK-8212986: Make Visual Studio compiler check less strict + JDK-8213250: CDS archive creation aborts due to metaspace object allocation failure + JDK-8213516: jck test api/javax_accessibility/AccessibleState/ /fields.html fails intermittent + JDK-8213947: ARM32: failed check_simd should set UsePopCountInstruction to false + JDK-8214418: half-closed SSLEngine status may cause application dead loop + JDK-8214440: ldap over a TLS connection negotiate failed with " hostname of the server does not match the hostname in the server's certificate" + JDK-8214444: Wrong strncat limits in dfa.cpp + JDK-8214481: freetype path does not disable TrueType hinting with AA+FM hints + JDK-8214571: -Xdoclint of array serialField gives "error: array type not allowed here" + JDK-8214856: Errors with JSZip in web console after upgrade to 3.1.5 + JDK-8214862: assert(proj != __null) at compile.cpp:3251 + JDK-8215369: Jcstress pollute /var/tmp with temporary files. + JDK-8215551: Missing case label in nmethod::reloc_string_for() + JDK-8215555: TieredCompilation C2 threads can excessively block handshakes + JDK-8215711: Missing key_share extension for (EC)DHE key exchange should alert missing_extension + JDK-8216151: [Graal] Module has not been granted + JDK-8216154: C4819 warnings at HotSpot sources on Windows + JDK-8216541: CompiledICHolders of VM locked unloaded nmethods are released too late + JDK-8217230: assert(t == t_no_spec) failure in NodeHash::check_no_speculative_types() + JDK-8217404: --with-jvm-features doesn't work when multiple features are explicitly disabled + JDK-8217447: Develop flag TraceICs is broken + JDK-8217606: LdapContext#reconnect always opens a new connection + JDK-8218807: Compilation database (compile_commands.json) may contain obsolete items + JDK-8219214: Infinite Loop in CodeSection::dump() + JDK-8219904: ClassCastException when calling FlightRecorderMXBean#getRecordings() + JDK-8219991: New fix of the deadlock in + JDK-8221121: applications/microbenchmarks are encountering crashes in tier5 + JDK-8221445: FastSysexMessage constructor crashes MIDI receiption thread + JDK-8221482: Initialize VMRegImpl::regName[] earlier to prevent assert during PrintStubCode + JDK-8221741: ClassCastException can happen when is used + JDK-8221823: Requested JDialog width is ignored + JDK-8223108: Test java/awt/EventQueue/ / is unstable + JDK-8223678: Add Visual Studio Code workspace generation support (for native code) + JDK-8223935: PIT: java/awt/font/ fails on windows10 + JDK-8224109: Text spaced incorrectly by drawString under rotation with fractional metric + JDK-8224632: testbug: java/awt/dnd/RemoveDropTargetCrashTest/ / fails on MacOS + JDK-8224793: os::die() does not honor CreateCoredumpOnCrash option + JDK-8224847: gc/stress/ fails with reserved greater than expected + JDK-8224931: disable JAOTC invokedynamic support until 8223533 is fixed + JDK-8224997: ChaCha20-Poly1305 TLS cipher suite decryption throws ShortBufferException + JDK-8225068: Remove DocuSign root certificate that is expiring in May 2020 + JDK-8225069: Remove Comodo root certificate that is expiring in May 2020 + JDK-8225126: Test SetBoundsPaintTest.html faild on Windows when desktop is scaled + JDK-8225325: Add tests for redefining a class' private method during resolution of the bootstrap specifier + JDK-8225622: [AOT] runtime/SharedArchiveFile/ / crashed with AOTed java.base + JDK-8225653: Provide more information when hitting SIGILL from HaltNode + JDK-8225783: Incorrect use of binary operators on booleans in type.cpp + JDK-8225789: Empty method parameter type should generate ClassFormatError + JDK-8226198: use of & instead of && in LibraryCallKit::arraycopy_restore_alloc_state + JDK-8226253: JAWS reports wrong number of radio buttons when buttons are hidden. + JDK-8226653: [accessibility] Can edit text cell correctly, but Accessibility Tool reads nothing about editor + JDK-8226806: [macOS 10.14] Methods of Java Robot should be called from appropriate thread + JDK-8226879: Memory leak in Type::hashcons + JDK-8227632: Incorrect PrintCompilation message: made not compilable on levels 0 1 2 3 4 + JDK-8228407: JVM crashes with shared archive file mismatch + JDK-8228482: fix xlc16/xlclang comparison of distinct pointer types and string literal conversion warnings + JDK-8228757: Fail fast if the handshake type is unknown + JDK-8229158: make UseSwitchProfiling non-experimental or false by-default + JDK-8229421: The logic of java/net/ipv6tests/ is flawed + JDK-8229855: C2 fails with assert(false) failed: bad AD file + JDK-8230591: AArch64: Missing intrinsics for Math.ceil, floor, rint + JDK-8231118: ARM32: Math tests failures + JDK-8231213: Migrate SimpleDateFormatConstTest to JDK Repo + JDK-8231243: [TESTBUG] cannot find font file + JDK-8231438: [macOS] Dark mode for the desktop is not supported + JDK-8231550: C2: ShouldNotReachHere() in verify_strip_mined_scheduling + JDK-8231564: setMaximizedBounds is broken with large display scale and multiple monitors + JDK-8231572: Use -lobjc instead of -fobjc-link-runtime in libosxsecurity + JDK-8231631: sun/net/ftp/ fails intermittently with NPE + JDK-8231671: Fix copyright headers in hotspot (missing comma after year) + JDK-8231720: Some perf regressions after 8225653 + JDK-8231779: crash HeapWord*ParallelScavengeHeap::failed_mem_allocate + JDK-8231863: Crash if classpath is read from @argument file and the main gets option argument + JDK-8232080: jlink plugins for vendor information and run-time options + JDK-8232106: [x86] C2: SIGILL due to usage of SSSE3 instructions on processors which don't support it + JDK-8232134: Change to Visual Studio 2017 15.9.16 for building on Windows at Oracle + JDK-8232226: [macos 10.15] test/jdk/java/awt/color/ /EqualityTest/ may fail + JDK-8232357: Compare version info of Santuario to legal notice + JDK-8232572: Add hooks for custom output dir in Bundles.gmk + JDK-8232634: Problem List + JDK-8232748: Build static versions of certain JDK libraries + JDK-8232846: ProcessHandle.Info command with non-English shows question marks + JDK-8232880: Update test documentation with additional settings for client UI tooltip tests + JDK-8233033: C2 produces wrong result while unswitching a loop due to lost control dependencies + JDK-8233137: runtime/ErrorHandling/ fails after 8232080 + JDK-8233197: Invert JvmtiExport::post_vm_initialized() and Jfr:on_vm_start() start-up order for correct option parsing + JDK-8233291: [TESTBUG] tools/jlink/plugins/ / fails with debug or non-server VMs + JDK-8233364: Fix undefined behavior in Canonicalizer::do_ShiftOp + JDK-8233494: Avoid calling MallocTracker::record_malloc and record_free when NMT is off + JDK-8233573: Toolkit.getScreenInsets(GraphicsConfiguration) may throw ClassCastException + JDK-8233608: Minimal build broken after JDK-8233494 + JDK-8233621: Mismatch in jsse.enableMFLNExtension property name + JDK-8233696: [TESTBUG]Some jtreg tests fail when CAPS_LOCK is ON + JDK-8233707: systemScale.cpp could not compile with VS2019 + JDK-8233801: test fails on Solaris 11.4 + JDK-8233880: Support compilers with multi-digit major version numbers + JDK-8233920: MethodHandles::tryFinally generates illegal bytecode for long/double return type + JDK-8234137: The "" test may run external applications + JDK-8234146: compiler/jsr292/ / times out on SPARC + JDK-8234184: [TESTBUG] java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ / fails in Windows + JDK-8234270: [REDO] JDK-8204128 NMT might report incorrect numbers for Compiler area + JDK-8234332: [TESTBUG] java/awt/Focus/DisposedWindow/ /DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest/ / fails on linux-x64 nightly + JDK-8234398: Replace ID2D1Factory::GetDesktopDpi with GetDeviceCaps + JDK-8234522: [macos] Crash with use of native file dialog + JDK-8234691: Potential double-free in ParallelSPCleanupTask constructor + JDK-8234696: tools/jlink/plugins/ times out + JDK-8234727: sun/security/ssl/X509TrustManagerImpl tests support TLSv1.3 + JDK-8234728: Some security tests should support TLSv1.3 + JDK-8234779: Provide idiom for declaring classes noncopyable + JDK-8234824: java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/ fails on Windows 10 + JDK-8234968: check calloc rv in libinstrument InvocationAdapter + JDK-8235153: [TESTBUG] [macos 10.15] java/awt/Graphics/ /DrawImageBG/ fails + JDK-8235183: Remove the "HACK CODE" in comment + JDK-8235263: Revert TLS 1.3 change that wrapped IOExceptions + JDK-8235311: Tag mismatch may alert bad_record_mac + JDK-8235332: fails with - XX:+StressGCM + JDK-8235452: Strip mined loop verification fails with assert(is_OuterStripMinedLoop()) failed: invalid node class + JDK-8235584: UseProfiledLoopPredicate fails with assert(_phase->get_loop(c) == loop) failed: have to be in the same loop + JDK-8235620: Broken merge between JDK-8006406 and JDK-8003559 + JDK-8235638: NPE in LWWindowPeer.getOnscreenGraphics() + JDK-8235686: Add more custom hooks in Bundles.gmk + JDK-8235739: Rare NPE at WComponentPeer.getGraphics() + JDK-8235762: JVM crash in SWPointer during C2 compilation + JDK-8235834: IBM-943 charset encoder needs updating + JDK-8235874: The ordering of Cipher Suites is not maintained provided through jdk.tls.client.cipherSuites and jdk.tls.server.cipherSuites system property. + JDK-8235908: omit ThreadPriorityPolicy warning when value is set from image + JDK-8235984: C2: assert(out->in(PhiNode::Region) == head || out->in(PhiNode::Region) == slow_head) failed: phi must be either part of the slow or the fast loop + JDK-8236211: [Graal] compiler/graalunit/ is skipped in all testing + JDK-8236470: Deal with ECDSA using ecdsa-with-SHA2 plus hash algorithm as AlgorithmId + JDK-8236545: Compilation error in mach5 java/awt/FileDialog/ + JDK-8236700: Upgrading JSZip from v3.1.5 to v3.2.2 + JDK-8236759: ShouldNotReachHere in PhaseIdealLoop::verify_strip_mined_scheduling + JDK-8236897: Fix the copyright header for pkcs11gcm2.h + JDK-8236921: Add build target to produce a JDK image suitable for a Graal/SVM build + JDK-8236953: [macos] JavaFX SwingNode is not rendered on macOS + JDK-8236996: Incorrect Roboto font rendering on Windows with subpixel antialiasing + JDK-8237045: JVM uses excessive memory with -XX:+EnableJVMCI - XX:JVMCICounterSize=2147483648 + JDK-8237055: [TESTBUG] compiler/c2/ fails with release VMs + JDK-8237086: assert(is_MachReturn()) running CTW with fix for JDK-8231291 + JDK-8237192: Generate stripped/public pdbs on Windows for jdk images + JDK-8237396: JvmtiTagMap::weak_oops_do() should not trigger barriers + JDK-8237474: Default SSLEngine should create in server role + JDK-8237859: C2: Crash when loads float above range check + JDK-8237879: make 4.3 breaks build + JDK-8237951: CTW: C2 compilation fails with "malformed control flow" + JDK-8237962: give better error output for invalid OCSP response intervals in CertPathValidator checks + JDK-8238190: [JVMCI] Fix single implementor speculation for diamond shapes. + JDK-8238356: CodeHeap::blob_count() overestimates the number of blobs + JDK-8238452: Keytool generates wrong expiration date if validity is set to 2050/01/01 + JDK-8238555: Allow Initialization of SunPKCS11 with NSS when there are external FIPS modules in the NSSDB + JDK-8238575: DragSourceEvent.getLocation() returns wrong value on HiDPI screens (Windows) + JDK-8238676: jni crashes on accessing it from process exit hook + JDK-8238721: Add failing client jtreg tests to the Problem List + JDK-8238738: AudioSystem.getMixerInfo() takes about 30 sec to report a gone audio device + JDK-8238756: C2: assert(((n) == __null || !VerifyIterativeGVN || !((n)->is_dead()))) failed: can not use dead node + JDK-8238765: PhaseCFG::schedule_pinned_nodes cannot handle precedence edges from unmatched CFG nodes correctly + JDK-8238898: Missing hash characters for header on license file + JDK-8238942: Rendering artifacts with LCD text and fractional metrics + JDK-8238985: [TESTBUG] The arrow image is blue instead of green + JDK-8239000: handle ContendedPaddingWidth in vm_version_ppc + JDK-8239055: Wrong implementation of VMState.hasListener + JDK-8239091: Reversed arguments in call to strstr in freetype "debug" code. + JDK-8239142: C2's UseUniqueSubclasses optimization is broken for array accesses + JDK-8239224: libproc_impl.c previous_thr may be used uninitialized warning + JDK-8239351: Give more meaningful InternalError messages in Deflater.c + JDK-8239365: ProcessBuilder test modifications for AIX execution + JDK-8239456: vtable stub generation: assert failure (code size estimate) + JDK-8239457: call ReleaseStringUTFChars before early returns in Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_connect + JDK-8239462: jdk.hotspot.agent misses some ReleaseStringUTFChars calls in case of early returns + JDK-8239557: [TESTBUG] validating "END." marker at lastline is not always true + JDK-8239787: AArch64: String.indexOf may incorrectly handle empty strings + JDK-8239792: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.8 + JDK-8239798: SSLSocket closes socket both socket endpoints on a SocketTimeoutException + JDK-8239819: XToolkit: Misread of screen information memory + JDK-8239852: java/util/concurrent tests fail with - XX:+VerifyGraphEdges: assert(!VerifyGraphEdges) failed: verification should have failed + JDK-8239893: Windows handle Leak when starting processes using ProcessBuilder + JDK-8239915: Zero VM crashes when handling dynamic constant + JDK-8239931: [win][x86] vtable stub generation: assert failure (code size estimate) follow-up + JDK-8239965: XMLEncoder/ fails due to "Error: Cp943 - can't read properly" + JDK-8239976: Put JDK-8239965 on the ProblemList.txt + JDK-8240073: Fix 'test-make' build target in 11u + JDK-8240197: Cannot start JVM when $JAVA_HOME includes CJK characters + JDK-8240202: A few client tests leave mouse buttons pressed + JDK-8240220: IdealLoopTree::dump_head predicate printing is broken + JDK-8240223: Use consistent predicate order in and with PhaseIdealLoop::find_predicate + JDK-8240227: Loop predicates should be copied to unswitched loops + JDK-8240286: [TESTBUG] Test command error in hotspot/jtreg/ /compiler/loopopts/superword/ + JDK-8240518: Incorrect JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars in Windows Print + JDK-8240529: CheckUnhandledOops breaks NULL check in Modules::define_module + JDK-8240576: JVM crashes after transformation in C2 IdealLoopTree::merge_many_backedges + JDK-8240603: Windows 32bit compile error after 8238676 + JDK-8240629: argfiles parsing broken for argfiles with comment cross 4096 bytes chunk + JDK-8240711: failed due to "ExportException: Port already in use:" + JDK-8240786: [TESTBUG] The test java/awt/Window/ /GetScreenLocation/ fails on HiDPI screen + JDK-8240824: enhance print_full_memory_info on Linux by THP related information + JDK-8240827: Downport from "8221882: Use fiber-friendly java.util.concurrent.locks in JSSE" + JDK-8240905: assert(mem == (Node*)1 || mem == mem2) failed: multiple Memories being matched at once? + JDK-8240972: macOS codesign fail on macOS 10.13.5 or older + JDK-8241445: Fix copyright in test/jdk/tools/launcher/ + JDK-8241458: [JVMCI] add mark value to expose CodeOffsets::Frame_Complete + JDK-8241464: [11u] Backport: make rehashing be a needed guaranteed safepoint cleanup action + JDK-8241556: Memory leak if -XX:CompileCommand is set + JDK-8241568: (fs) UserPrincipalLookupService.lookupXXX failure with IOE "Operation not permitted" + JDK-8241586: compiler/cpuflags/ / fails on aarch64 + JDK-8241638: launcher time metrics always report 1 on Linux when _JAVA_LAUNCHER_DEBUG set + JDK-8241660: Add virtualization information output to hs_err file on macOS + JDK-8241808: [TESTBUG] The JDK-8039467 bug appeared on macOS + JDK-8241888: Mirror system property with a security one + JDK-8241900: Loop unswitching may cause dependence on null check to be lost + JDK-8241948: enhance list of environment variables printed in hs_err file + JDK-8241996: on linux set full relro in the linker flags + JDK-8242108: Performance regression after fix for JDK-8229496 + JDK-8242141: New System Properties to configure the TLS signature schemes + JDK-8242154: Backport parts of JDK-4947890 to OpenJDK 11u + JDK-8242174: [macos] The NestedModelessDialogTest test make the macOS unstable + JDK-8242239: [Graal] javax/management/generified/ / fails: FAILED: queryMBeans sets same + JDK-8242294: JSSE Client does not throw SSLException when an alert occurs during handshaking + JDK-8242379: [TESTBUG] compiler/loopopts/ / fails with release VMs + JDK-8242470: Update Xerces to Version 2.12.1 + JDK-8242498: Invalid "sun.awt.TimedWindowEvent" object leads to JVM crash + JDK-8242541: Small charset issues (ISO8859-16, x-eucJP-Open, x-IBM834 and x-IBM949C) + JDK-8242626: enhance posix print_rlimit_info + JDK-8243059: Build fails when --with-vendor-name contains a comma + JDK-8243539: Copyright info (Year) should be updated for fix of 8241638 + JDK-8243541: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020a + JDK-8244407: JVM crashes after transformation in C2 IdealLoopTree::split_fall_in + JDK-8244520: problemlist java/awt/font/Rotate/ on linux + JDK-8244777: ClassLoaderStats VM Op uses constant hash value + JDK-8244853: The static build of libextnet is missing the JNI_OnLoad_extnet function + JDK-8244951: Missing entitlements for hardened runtime + JDK-8245047: [PPC64] C2: ReverseBytes + Load always match to unordered Load (acquire semantics missing) + JDK-8245649: Revert 8245397 backport of 8230591 + JDK-8246031: SSLSocket.getSession() doesn't close connection for timeout/ interrupts + JDK-8246613: Choose the default SecureRandom algo based on registration ordering + JDK-8248505: Unexpected NoSuchAlgorithmException when using secure random impl from BCFIPS provider - Removed patch: * JDK-8228407.patch + integrated upstream- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.7+10 (April 2020 CPU, bsc#1169511) * Security fixes: + S8223898, CVE-2020-2754: Forward references to Nashorn + S8223904, CVE-2020-2755: Improve Nashorn matching + S8224541, CVE-2020-2756: Better mapping of serial ENUMs + S8224549, CVE-2020-2757: Less Blocking Array Queues + S8225603: Enhancement for big integers + S8226346: Build better binary builders + S8227467: Better class method invocations + S8227542: Manifest improved jar headers + S8229733: TLS message handling improvements + S8231415, CVE-2020-2773: Better signatures in XML + S8231785: Improved socket permissions + S8232424, CVE-2020-2778: More constrained algorithms + S8232581, CVE-2020-2767: Improve TLS verification + S8233250: Better X11 rendering + S8233410: Better Build Scripting + S8234027: Better JCEKS key support + S8234408, CVE-2020-2781: Improve TLS session handling + S8234825, CVE-2020-2800: Better Headings for HTTP Servers + S8234841, CVE-2020-2803: Enhance buffering of byte buffers + S8235274, CVE-2020-2805: Enhance typing of methods + S8235691, CVE-2020-2816: Enhance TLS connectivity + S8236201, CVE-2020-2830: Better Scanner conversions + S8238960: linux-i586 builds are inconsistent as the newly built jdk is not able to reserve enough space for object heap * Other changes: + S4919790: Errors in alert ssl message does not reflect the actual certificate status + S4949105: Access Bridge lacks html tags parsing + S7092821: is synchronized and became scalability bottleneck + S7143743: Potential memory leak with zip provider + S8005819: Support cross-realm MSSFU + S8042383: [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicMenuUI/ /4983388/ fails with shortcuts on menus do not work + S8068184: Fix for JDK-8032832 caused a deadlock + S8145845: [AOT] NullPointerException in compiler/whitebox/ + S8152988: [AOT] Update test batch definitions to include aot-ed java.base module mode into hs-comp testing + S8160926: FLAGS_COMPILER_CHECK_ARGUMENTS doesn't handle cross-compilation + S8163083: SocketListeningConnector does not allow invocations with port 0 + S8163251: Hard coded loop limit prevents reading of smart card data greater than 8k + S8167276: jvmci/compilerToVM/ fails with -XX:-EliminateAllocations + S8169718: nsk/jdb/locals/locals002: ERROR: Cannot find boolVar with expected value: false + S8176556: java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ fails for JFIF + S8178798: Two compiler/aot/verification/vmflags tests fail by timeout with UseAVX=3 + S8183107: PKCS11 regression regarding checkKeySize + S8185005: Improve performance of ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long ids[], int maxDepth) + S8189633: Missing -Xcheck:jni checking for DeleteWeakGlobalRef + S8189861: Refactor CacheFind + S8193042: NativeLookup::lookup_critical_entry() should only load shared library once + S8193596: java/net/DatagramPacket/ failed due to timeout + S8194944: Regression automated test 'open/test/jdk/javax/ /swing/JInternalFrame/8145896/' fails + S8196467: javax/swing/JInternalFrame/ fails + S8196969: JTreg Failure: serviceability/sa/ causes NPE + S8198321: javax/swing/JEditorPane/5076514/ fails + S8198398: Test javax/swing/JColorChooser/ fails in mach5 + S8199072: Test javax/swing/GroupLayout/6613904/ / is unstable + S8200432: javadoc fails with ClassCastException on {@link byte[]} + S8201349: build broken when configured with - -with-zlib=bundled on gcc 7.3 + S8201355: Avoid native memory allocation in + S8201513: nsk/jvmti/IterateThroughHeap/filter-* are broken + S8203364: Some serviceability/sa/ tests intermittently fail with LingeredApp terminated with non-zero exit code 3 + S8203687: javax/net/ssl/compatibility/ supports TLS 1.3 + S8203904: javax/swing/JSplitPane/4816114/ The divider location is wrong + S8203911: Test runtime/modules/getModuleJNI/GetModule fails with -Xcheck:jni + S8204525: [TESTBUG] runtime/NMT/ ran out of java heap + S8204529: gc/ fail with Agent 7 timed out + S8204551: Event descriptions are truncated in logs + S8206963: [AOT] bug with multiple class loaders + S8207367: 10 vmTestbase/nsk/jdi tests timed out when running with jtreg + S8207832: serviceability/sa/ failed with "Couldn't find core file location" + S8207938: At step6,Click Add button,case failed automatically. + S8208157: requires.VMProps throws NPE for missing properties in "release" file + S8208379: compiler/jvmci/events/ / failed with "Got unexpected event count after 2nd install attempt: expected 9 to equal 2" + S8208658: Make CDS archived heap regions usable even if compressed oop encoding has changed + S8208715: Conversion of milliseconds to nanoseconds in UNIXProcess contains bug + S8209361: [AOT] Unexpected number of references for JVMTI_HEAP_REFERENCE_CONSTANT_POOL [111-->111]: 0 (expected at least 1) + S8209385: CDS runtime classpath checking is too strict when only classes from the system modules are archived + S8209389: SIGSEGV in WalkOopAndArchiveClosure::do_oop_work. + S8209418: Synchronize test/jdk/sanity/client/lib/jemmy with code-tools/jemmy/v2 + S8209494: Create a test for SwingSet InternalFrameDemo + S8209499: Create test for SwingSet EditorPaneDemo + S8209574: [AOT] breakpoint events are generated in different threads does not meet expected count + S8209686: cleanup arguments to PhaseIdealLoop() constructor + S8209789: Synchronize test/jdk/sanity/client/lib/jemmy with code-tools/jemmy/v2 + S8209802: Garbage collectors should register JFR types themselves to avoid build errors. + S8209807: improve handling exception in requires.VMProps + S8209817: stack is executable when building with Clang on Linux + S8209824: Improve the code coverage for ThreadLocal + S8209826: Undefined reference to os::write after JDK-8209657 (filemap.hpp cleanup) + S8209850: Allow NamedThreads to use GlobalCounter critical sections + S8209976: Improve iteration over non-JavaThreads + S8209993: Create a test for SwingSet3 ToolTipDemo + S8210024: JFR calls virtual is_Java_thread from ~Thread() + S8210052: Enable testing for all the available look and feels in SwingSet3 demo tests + S8210055: Enable different look and feel tests in SwingSet3 demo tests + S8210057: Enable different look and feels in SwingSet3 demo test InternalFrameDemoTest + S8210058: Algorithmic Italic font leans opposite angle in Printing + S8210220: [AOT] jdwp test cases are failing with error # ERROR: TEST FAILED: Cought IOException while receiving event packet + S8210289: ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord is incomplete + S8210459: Add support for generating compile_commands.json + S8210476: sun/security/mscapi/ fails with Still too slow + S8210512: [Testbug] vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/ObjectReference/ /referringObjects/referringObjects002/ fails with unexpected size of ClassLoaderReference.referringObjects + S8210523: runtime/appcds/cacheObject/ crash + S8210632: Add key exchange algorithm to javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/ + S8210699: Problem list tests which times out in Xcomp mode + S8210793: [JVMCI] failed to find DiagnosticCommand.class + S8210910: Create test for FileChooserDemo + S8210994: Create test for SwingSet3 FrameDemo + S8211139: Increase timeout value in all tests under jdk/sanity/client/SwingSet/src + S8211160: Handle different look and feels in JInternalFrameOperator + S8211211: vmTestbase/metaspace/stressDictionary/ / timeout + S8211322: Reduce the timeout of tooltip in SwingSet2DemoTest + S8211443: Enable different look and feels in SwingSet3 demo test SplitPaneDemoTest + S8211703: JInternalFrame : java.lang.AssertionError: cannot find the internal frame + S8211781: re-building fails after changing Graal sources + S8212897: Some improvements in the EditorPaneDemotest + S8212903: [TestBug] Tests test/jdk/javax/swing/LookAndFeel/ /8145547/ and fail on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS + S8213009: Refactoring existing SunMSCAPI classes + S8213010: Supporting keys created with certmgr.exe + S8213168: Enable different look and feel tests in SwingSet3 demo test FileChooserDemoTest + S8213348: service providers missing in module descriptor + S8213906: Update arm devkits with libXrandr headers + S8213908: AssertionError in DeferredAttr at setOverloadKind + S8214124: [TESTBUG] Bugs in runtime/NMT/ + S8214344: C2: assert(con.basic_type() != T_ILLEGAL) failed: elembt=byte; loadbt=void; unsigned=0 + S8214345: infinite recursion while checking super class + S8214471: Enable different look and feel tests in SwingSet3 demo test ToolTipDemoTest + S8214534: Setting of THIS_FILE in the build is broken + S8214557: Filter out VM flags which don't affect AOT code generation + S8214578: [macos] Problem with backslashes on macOS/JIS keyboard: Java ignores system settings + S8214840: runtime/NMT/ timed out + S8214850: Rename vm_operations.?pp files to vmOperations.?pp files + S8214904: failed due to "Too few ThreadDeath hits; expected at least 6 but saw only 5" + S8215322: add @file support to jaotc + S8215355: Object monitor deadlock with no threads holding the monitor (using jemalloc 5.1) + S8215396: JTabbedPane preferred size calculation is wrong for SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT + S8216180: [AOT] compiler/intrinsics/bigInteger/ crashed with AOT enabled + S8216353: Use utility APIs introduced in org/netbeans/jemmy/ /util/LookAndFeel class in client sanity test cases + S8216354: Syntax error in toolchain_windows.m4 + S8216472: (se) Stack overflow during selection operation leads to crash (win) + S8216535: tools/jimage/ timed out + S8217235: Create automated test for SwingSet ColorChooserDemoTest + S8217297: Add support for multiple look and feel for SwingSet SliderDemoTest + S8217338: [Containers] Improve systemd slice memory limit support + S8217613: [AOT] TEST_OPTS_AOT_MODULES doesn't work on mac + S8217634: RunTest documentation and usability update + S8217717: ZGC: Broken oop map in C1 load barrier stub + S8217728: Speed up incremental rerun of "make hotspot" + S8218268: Javac treats Manifest Class-Path entries as Paths instead of URLs + S8218662: Allow 204 responses with Content-Length:0 + S8218882: NET_Writev is declared, NET_WriteV is defined + S8218889: Improperly use of the Optional API + S8219205: JFR file without license header + S8219597: (bf) Heap buffer state changes could provoke unexpected exceptions + S8219723: javax/net/ssl/compatibility/ failed on some SNI cases + S8220348: [ntintel] asserts about copying unaligned array + S8220451: jdi/EventQueue/remove/remove004 failed due to "ERROR: thread2 is not alive" + S8220456: jdi/EventQueue/remove_l/remove_l004 failed due to "TIMEOUT while waiting for event" + S8220479: java/nio/channels/Selector/ failed at testTwoChannels() + S8220613: java/util/Arrays/ times out with fastdebug build + S8220688: [TESTBUG] runtime/NMT/ timed out + S8220786: Create new switch to redirect error reporting output to stdout or stderr + S8221270: Duplicated synchronized keywords in SSLSocketImpl + S8221312: test/jdk/sanity/client/SwingSet/src/ / failed + S8221851: Use of THIS_FILE in hotspot invalidates precompiled header on Linux/GCC + S8221885: Add intermittent test in the JavaSound to the ProblemList + S8222264: Windows incremental build is broken with JDK-8217728 + S8222391: javax/net/ssl/compatibility/ should be more flexible + S8222448: java/lang/reflect/PublicMethods/ / times out + S8222519: ButtonDemoScreenshotTest fails randomly with "still state to be reached" + S8222741: jdi/EventQueue/remove/remove004 fails due to VMDisconnectedException + S8223003: SunMSCAPI keys are not cleaned up + S8223063: Support CNG RSA keys + S8223158: Docked MacBook cannot start any Java Swing applications + S8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory + S8223464: Improve version string for Oracle CI builds + S8223558: Java does not render Myanmar script correctly + S8223627: jdk-13+20 bundle name contains null instead of ea + S8223638: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 6 + S8223678: Add Visual Studio Code workspace generation support (for native code) + S8223727: com/sun/jndi/ldap/privconn/ failed due to hang in LdapRequest.getReplyBer + S8223769: Assert triggers with -XX:+StressReflectiveCode + S8224187: Refactor arraycopy_prologue to allow ZGC read barriers on arraycopy + S8224475: JTextPane does not show images in HTML rendering + S8224673: Adjust permission for delayed starting of debugging + S8224705: Tests that need to be problem-listed or have printer resources + S8224778: test/jdk/demo/jfc/J2Ddemo/ cannot find J2Ddemo.jar + S8224821: java/awt/Focus/NoAutotransferToDisabledCompTest/ / fails linux-x64 + S8224830: test/jdk/java/awt/Focus/ /ModalExcludedWindowClickTest/ / fails on linux-x64 + S8224851: AArch64: fix warnings and errors with Clang and GCC 8.3 + S8224905: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ failed with stream closed + S8225007: java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ / may hang + S8225105: java/awt/Focus/ShowFrameCheckForegroundTest/ / fails in Windows 10 + S8225117: java/math/BigInteger/ fails with ParseException + S8225128: Add exception for expiring DocuSign root to VerifyCACerts test + S8225130: Add exception for expiring Comodo roots to VerifyCACerts test + S8225144: [macos] In Aqua L&F backspace key does not delete when Shift is pressed + S8225180: SignedObject with invalid Key not throwing the InvalidKeyException in Windows + S8225182: JNI exception pending in DestroyXIMCallback of awt_InputMethod.c:1327 + S8225199: [Graal] compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ / fails with - XX:CompileThresholdScaling=0.1 + S8225305: ProblemList java/lang/invoke/VarHandles tests + S8225350: compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ timed out + S8225430: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 14 + S8225435: Upgrade IANA Language Subtag Registry to the latest for JDK14 + S8225487: giflib legal file is missing attribution for openbsd-reallocarray.c + S8225567: Wrong file headers with 8202414 fix changeset + S8225684: [AOT] vmTestbase/vm/oom/production/ /AlwaysOOMProduction tests fail with AOTed java.base + S8225766: Curve in certificate should not affect signature scheme when using TLSv1.3 + S8225797: OldObjectSample event creates unexpected amount of checkpoint data + S8226381: ProblemList java/lang/reflect/PublicMethods/ / + S8226406: JVM fails to detect mismatched or corrupt CDS archive + S8226608: Hide the onjcmd option from the help output + S8226892: ActionListeners on JRadioButtons don't get notified when selection is changed with arrow keys + S8227112: exclude compiler/intrinsics/sha/sanity tests from AOT runs + S8227324: Upgrade to freetype 2.10.1 + S8227528: failed due to "RuntimeException: 'Safepoint sync time longer than' missing from stdout/stderr" + S8227645: Some tests in serviceability/sa run with fixed -Xmx values and risk running out of memory + S8227646: [TESTBUG] appcds/SharedArchiveConsistency timed out + S8227662: freetype seeks to index at the end of the font data + S8228479: Correct the format of ColorChooserDemoTest + S8228613: order is no longer deterministic + S8228969: 2019-09-28 public suffix list update + S8229236: CriticalJNINatives: dll handling should be done in native thread state + S8229345: Memory leak due to vtable stubs not being shared on SPARC + S8229888: (zipfs) Updating an existing zip file does not preserve original permissions + S8229994: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in get_early_ctrl_for_expensive + S8230004: jdk/internal/jimage/ runs no test + S8230235: Rendering HTML with empty img attribute and documentBaseKey cause Exception + S8230390: Problemlist SA tests with AOT + S8230400: Missing constant pool entry for a method in stacktrace + S8230459: Test failed to resume JVMCI CompilerThread + S8230480: check malloc/calloc results in java.desktop + S8230597: Update GIFlib library to the 5.2.1 + S8230611: infinite loop in LogOutputList::wait_until_no_readers() + S8230624: [TESTBUG] Problemlist JFR compiler/ + S8230677: Should disable Escape Analysis if JVMTI capability can_get_owned_monitor_info was taken + S8230926: [macosx] Two apostrophes are entered instead of one with "U.S. International - PC" layout + S8231025: Incorrect method tag offset for big endian platform + S8231081: TestMetadataRetention fails due to missing symbol id + S8231387: returns random result due to race condition with mutating methods in the same class + S8231430: C2: Memory stomp in max_array_length() for T_ILLEGAL type + S8231445: check ZALLOC return values in awt coding + S8231507: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.1.4 + S8231584: Deadlock with ClassLoader.findLibrary and System.loadLibrary call + S8231753: use more Posix functionality in aix os::print_os_info + S8231810: javax/net/ssl/templates/ / fails intermittently with "java.lang.Exception: Unexpected EOF" + S8232003: (fs) Files.write can leak file descriptor in the exception case + S8232056: fails with ZGC: Heap too small + S8232060: add some initializations using sigemptyset in os_aix.cpp + S8232154: Update Mesa 3-D Headers to version 19.2.1 + S8232167: Visual Studio install found through - -with-tools-dir value is discarded + S8232170: FSInfo#getJarClassPath throws an exception not declared in its throws clause + S8232200: [macos 10.15] Windows in fullscreen tests jumps around the screen + S8232207: Linux os::available_memory re-reads cgroup configuration on every invocation + S8232224: [TESTBUG] problemlist JFR + S8232370: Refactor some com.sun.jdi tests to enable IDE integration + S8232433: [macos 10.15] java/awt/Window/ /LocationAtScreenCorner/ may fail + S8232571: Add missing SIGINFO signal + S8232692: [TESTBUG] compiler/aot/fingerprint/ / fails when cds is disabled + S8232713: Update BCEL version to 6.3.1 in license file + S8232806: Introduce a system property to disable eager lambda initialization + S8232834: RunTest sometimes fails to produce valid exitcode.txt + S8232880: Update test documentation with additional settings for client UI tooltip tests + S8232950: SUNPKCS11 Provider incorrectly check key length for PSS Signatures. + S8233018: Add a new test to verify that DatagramSocket is not interruptible + S8233019: java.lang.Class.isPrimitive() (C1) returns wrong result if Klass* is aligned to 32bit + S8233032: assert(in_bb(n)) failed: must be + S8233078: fix minimal VM build on Linux ppc64(le) + S8233328: fix minimal VM build on Linux s390x + S8233383: Various minor fixes + S8233466: aarch64: remove unnecessary load of mdo when profiling return and parameters type + S8233491: Crash in AdapterHandlerLibrary::get_adapter with CDS due to code cache exhaustion + S8233529: loopTransform.cpp:2984: Error: assert(p_f->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse) failed + S8233548: Update CUP to v0.11b + S8233649: Update ProblemList.txt to exclude failing headful tests on macos + S8233656: assert(d->is_CFG() && n->is_CFG()) failed: must have CFG nodes + S8233657: Intermittent NPE in Component.validate() + S8234288: Turkey Time Zone returns incorrect time zone name + S8234323: NULL-check return value of SurfaceData_InitOps on macosx + S8234339: replace JLI_StrTok in java_md_solinux.c + S8234340: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.7 + S8234350: assert(mode == ControlAroundStripMined && (use == sfpt || !use->is_reachable_from_root())) failed: missed a node + S8234386: [macos] NPE was thrown at expanding Choice from maximized frame + S8234397: add OS uptime information to os::print_os_info output + S8234423: Modifying ArrayList.subList().subList() resets modCount of subList + S8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent() + S8234501: remove obsolete NET_ReadV + S8234525: enable link-time section-gc for linux s390x to remove unused code + S8234610: MaxVectorSize set wrongly when UseAVX=3 is specified after JDK-8221092 + S8234617: C1: Incorrect result of field load due to missing narrowing conversion + S8234723: javax/net/ssl/TLS tests support TLSv1.3 + S8234724: javax/net/ssl/templates/ / supports TLSv1.3 + S8234741: enhance os::get_core_path on macOS + S8234769: Duplicate attribution in + S8234786: Fix for JDK-8214578 breaks OS X 10.12 compatibility + S8234809: set relro in linker flags when building with gcc + S8234824: java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/ fails on Windows 10 + S8235243: handle VS2017 15.9 and VS2019 in abstract_vm_version + S8235288: AVX 512 instructions inadvertently used on Xeon for small vector width operations + S8235325: build failure on Linux after 8235243 + S8235383: C1 compilation fails with - XX:+PrintIRDuringConstruction -XX:+Verbose + S8235489: handle return values of sscanf calls in hotspot + S8235509: Backport for JDK-8209657 Refactor filemap.hpp to simplify integration with Serviceability Agent. + S8235510: performance drop after 8200067 + S8235563: [TESTBUG] appcds/ does not handle archive mapping failure + S8235637: jhsdb jmap from OpenJDK 11.0.5 doesn't work if prelink is enabled + S8235671: enhance print_rlimit_info in os_posix + S8235744: PIT: test/jdk/javax/swing/text/html/ / times out in linux-x64 + S8235904: Infinite loop when rendering huge lines + S8235998: [c2] Memory leaks during tracing after '8224193: stringStream should not use Resource Area'. + S8236039: JSSE Client does not accept status_request extension in CertificateRequest messages for TLS 1.3 + S8236140: assert(!VerifyHashTableKeys || _hash_lock == 0) failed: remove node from hash table before modifying it + S8236179: C1 register allocation error with T_ADDRESS + S8236488: Support for configure option - -with-native-debug-symbols=internal is impossible on Windows + S8236500: Windows ucrt.dll should be looked up in versioned WINSDK subdirectory + S8236709: struct SwitchRange in HS violates C++ One Definition Rule + S8236848: [JDK 11u] make run-test-tier1 fails after backport of JDK-8232834 + S8236873: Worker has a deadlock bug + S8237217: Incorrect G1StringDedupEntry type used in StringDedupTable destructor + S8237368: Problem with NullPointerException in RMI + S8237375: SimpleThresholdPolicy misses CounterDecay timestamp initialization + S8237508: Simplify JarFile.isInitializing + S8237540: Missing files in backport of JDK-8210910 + S8237541: Missing files in backport of JDK-8236528 + S8237600: Test SunJSSEFIPSInit fails on Ubuntu + S8237819: s390x - remove unused pd_zero_to_words_large + S8237869: exclude jtreg test security/infra/java/security/ /cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ because of instabilities + S8237879: make 4.3 breaks build + S8237945: CTW: C2 compilation fails with assert(just_allocated_object(alloc_ctl) == ptr) failed: most recent allo... + S8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary + S8238247: CTW runner should sweep nmethods more aggressively + S8238366: CTW runner closes standard output on exit + S8238438: SuperWord::co_locate_pack picks memory state of first instead of last load + S8238502: sunmscapi.dll causing EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION + S8238534: Deep sign macOS bundles before bundle archive is being created + S8238591: CTW: Split applications/ctw/modules/ + S8238596: AVX enabled by default for Skylake even when unsupported + S8238811: C2: assert(i >= req() || i == 0 || is_Region() || is_Phi()) with -XX:+VerifyGraphEdges + S8239005: [TESTBUG] test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/ /StackGuardPages/ exeinvoke.c: must initialize static state before calling do_overflow() + S8239466: Loss of precision in counter decay calculation in 11u backport of JDK-8237375 + S8239856: [ntintel] asserts about copying unaligned array element + S8240724: [test] jdk11 downport of 8224475 misses binary file test/jdk/javax/swing/JTextPane/arrow.png + S8241296: Segfault in JNIHandleBlock::oops_do() - Removed patch: * DependOnVariableHelper.patch + fixed upstream - Added patch: * JDK-8228407.patch + fix crashes due to shared archive file mismatch- The pack200 and unpack200 alternatives should be slaves of java and not of javac, since they are part of JRE.- Add gcc-fno-common-fix.patch in order to fix boo#1167462.- DependOnVariableHelper.patch: Fix DependOnVariableHelper for make 4.3- Install java icons not only versioned, but also postfixed by the "openjdk", in order to prevent install conflicts with other jdk 11 flavours.- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.6+10 (January 2020 CPU, bsc#1160968) * Security fixes + S8224909, CVE-2020-2583: Unlink Set of LinkedHashSets + S8225261: Better method resolutions + S8225279: Better XRender interpolation + S8226352, CVE-2020-2590: Improve Kerberos interop capabilities + S8227758: More valid PKIX processing + S8227816: More Colorful ICC profiles + S8228548, CVE-2020-2593: Normalize normalization for all + S8229728: Implement negotiation parameters + S8229951, CVE-2020-2601: Better Ticket Granting Services + S8230279: Improve Pack200 file reading + S8230318: Better trust store usage + S8230967: Improve Registry support of clients + S8231139: Improved keystore support + S8231422, CVE-2020-2604: Better serial filter handling + S8231780, CVE-2020-2655: Better TLS messaging support + S8231790: Provide better FileSystemProviders + S8232419: Improve Registry registration + S8234037, CVE-2020-2654: Improve Object Identifier Processing * Other changes + S8016914: CoreDocumentImpl.setXmlVersion NPE + S8048556: Unnecessary GCLocker-initiated young GCs + S8080462: Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support + S8134672: [TEST_BUG] Some tests should check isDisplayChangeSupported + S8144125: [macOS] java/awt/event/ComponentEvent/ /MovedResizedTwiceTest/ failed automatically + S8146238: [macosx] Java2D Queue Flusher crash on OSX after switching between user accounts + S8176837: SunPKCS11 provider needs to check more details on PKCS11 Mechanism + S8185898: setRequestProperty(key, null) results in HTTP header without colon in request + S8190737: use unicode version of the canonicalize() function to handle long path on windows + S8191521: handle long relative path specified in - Xbootclasspath/a on windows + S8193255: Root Certificates should be stored in text format and assembled at build time + S8193325: StackFrameInfo::getByteCodeIndex returns wrong value if bci > 32767 + S8198882: Add 10 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/AttributeTests + S8200381: Typos in javadoc - missing verb "be" and alike + S8202359: [GRAAL] compiler/uncommontrap/ failed with OutOfMemoryError + S8205516: JFR tool + S8206115: Use shared macros for JavaClasses::compute_offsets and MetaspaceShared::serialize_well_known_classes + S8207263: Store the Configuration for system modules into CDS archive. + S8207922: ctw of failed with "Unexpected zero exit codebefore finishing all compilations" + S8208179: Devanagari not shown with logical fonts on Windows after removal of Lucida Sans from JDK + S8208236: [TESTBUG] vmTestbase/nsk/stress/stack tests fail by timeout + S8208364: java/lang/reflect/callerCache/ / missing module dependencies declaration + S8208582: Introduce native oop barriers in C1 for OopHandle + S8208601: Introduce native oop barriers in C2 for OopHandle + S8209003: Consolidate use of empty collections in java.lang.module + S8209120: Archive the Integer.IntegerCache + S8209178: Proxied HttpsURLConnection doesn't send BODY when retrying POST request + S8209545: Simplify HeapShared::archive_module_graph_objects + S8209647: constantPoolHandle::constantPoolHandle(ConstantPool*) when precompiled header is disabled + S8209691: Allow MemBar on single memory slice + S8209771: jdk.test.lib.Utils::runAndCheckException error + S8209790: SA tools not providing option to connect to debug server + S8209833: C2 compilation fails with "assert(ex_map->jvms()->same_calls_as(_exceptions->jvms())) failed: all collected exceptions must come from the same place" + S8209835: Aarch64: elide barriers on all volatile operations + S8209972: [GRAAL] Don't run RTM tests with Graal + S8210158: Accessorize JFR getEventWriter() intrinsics + S8210384: SunLayoutEngine.isAAT() font is expensive on MacOS + S8210387: C2 compilation fails with "assert(node->_last_del == _last) failed: must have deleted the edge just produced" + S8210403: Refactor java.util.Locale:i18n shell tests to plain java tests + S8210559: ClassLoaderData Symbols can leak + S8210776: Upgrade X Window System 6.8.2 to the latest XWD 1.0.7 + S8210789: langtools/tools/javac/ missing @modules + S8211037: Load jib jars dynamically from JibArtifactManager + S8211147: Incorrect comparator com.sun.beans.introspect.MethodInfo.MethodOrder + S8211385: (zipfs) ZipDirectoryStream yields a stream of absolute paths when directory is relative + S8211740: [AOT] -XX:AOTLibrary doesn't accept windows path + S8211866: TLS 1.3 CertificateRequest message sometimes offers disallowed signature algorithms + S8211919: ZipDirectoryStream should provide a stream of paths that are relative to the directory + S8211992: GraphicsConfiguration.getDevice().getDisplayMode() causes JVM crash on Mac + S8212028: Use run-test makefile framework for testing in Oracle's Mach5 + S8212071: Need to set the FreeType LCD Filter to reduce fringing. + S8212627: [TESTBUG] runtime/CreateMirror/ / timed out + S8212673: jtreg/applications/runthese/ fails in C2 with "assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance" + S8212738: Incorrectly named signature scheme ecdsa_secp512r1_sha512 + S8212752: Typo in SSL log message related to inactive/disabled signature scheme + S8213005: Missing symbols in hs_err files on Windows after JDK-8212028 + S8213008: Cipher with UNWRAP_MODE should support the generation of an AES key type + S8213014: Crash in CompileBroker::make_thread due to OOM + S8213119: [macos] java/awt/GraphicsDevice/ / fails + S8213381: Hook to allow GC to inject Node::Ideal() calls + S8213448: [TESTBUG] enhance jfr/jvm/TestDumpOnCrash + S8213568: Typo in java/awt/GraphicsEnvironment/LoadLock/ / + S8213604: Fix missing includes after JDK-8212673 + S8214046: [macosx] Undecorated Frame does not Iconify when set to + S8214052: [testbug] vmTestbase/vm/compiler/ /CodeCacheInfoOnCompilation - wrong shell used + S8214098: constructor check backwards. + S8214311: dtrace gensrc has missing dependencies + S8214315: G1: fatal error: acquiring lock SATB_Q_FL_lock/1 out of order with lock tty_lock/0 + S8214321: Misleading code in SSLCipher + S8214542: JFR: Old Object Sample event slow on a deep heap in debug builds + S8214750: Unnecessary

tags in jfr classes + S8214773: Replace use of thread unsafe strtok + S8214896: JFR Tool left files behind + S8214925: JFR tool fails to execute + S8214975: No hs-err file if fatal error is raised during dynamic initialization + S8215032: Support Kerberos cross-realm referrals (RFC 6806) + S8215105: java/awt/Robot/HiDPIScreenCapture/ / Wrong Pixel Color + S8215200: IllegalArgumentException in sun.lwawt.macosx.CPlatformWindow + S8215411: some GetByteArrayElements calls miss corresponding Release + S8215449: Several tests failing when jtreg run with - vmoption:--illegal-access=deny + S8215524: Finished message validation failure should be decrypt_error alert + S8215699: -Xlog::file cannot be used with named pipe + S8215708: ZGC: Add missing LoadBarrierNode::size_of() + S8215755: ZGC: split_barrier_thru_phi: check number of inputs of phi + S8215771: The jfr tool should pretty print reference chains + S8215913: [Test_bug]java/util/Locale/ failed on de_DE and ja_JP locale. + S8216064: -XX:StartFlightRecording:settings= doesn't work properly + S8216135: C2 assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance + S8216283: Allow shorter method sampling interval than 10 ms + S8216363: NullPointerException in java.util.logging.Handler#isLoggable + S8216426: Usage of array placement new may lead to memory corruption + S8216561: HttpClient: The logic of retry on connect exception is inverted + S8216977: ShowHiddenFrames use in java_lang_StackTraceElement::fill_in appears broken + S8217362: Emergency dump does not work when disk=false is set + S8217610: TLSv1.3 fail with ClassException when EC keys are stored in PKCS11 + S8217731: Font rendering and glyph spacing changed from jdk-8 to jdk-11 + S8218468: Load barrier slow path node should be MachTypeNode + S8218580: endpoint identification algorithm should be case-insensitive + S8218935: Make jfr strncpy uses GCC 8.x friendly + S8219504: Test for JDK-8211435 can be run on all platforms + S8219914: Change the environment variable for Java Access Bridge logging to have a directory. + S8220175: serviceability/dcmd/framework/ fails with a timeout + S8220231: Cache HarfBuzz face object for same font's text layout calls + S8220352: Crash with assert(external_guard || result != __null) failed: Invalid JNI handle + S8220394: bufferedStream does not honor size limit + S8220474: Incorrect GPL header in src/java.instrument/share/ /classes/java/lang/instrument/ + S8220476: Incorrect GPL header in src/jdk.internal.jvmstat/ /share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/protocol/local/ / + S8220528: [AIX] Fix basic Xinerama and Xrender functionality + S8220555: JFR tool shows potentially misleading message when it cannot access a file + S8220598: Malformed copyright year range in a few files in java.base + S8221092: UseAVX=3 has performance degredation on Skylake (X7) processors + S8221172: SunEC specific test is not limited to SunEC + S8221246: NullPointerException within Win32ShellFolder2 + S8221395: HttpClient leaving connections in CLOSE_WAIT state until Java process ends + S8221406: Windows 32bit build error in NetworkInterface_winXP.c + S8221456: nmethod::make_unloaded() clears _method member too early + S8221532: Incorrect copyright header in FileSystemSupport_md.c + S8221539: [metaspace] Improve MetaspaceObj::is_metaspace_obj() and friends + S8221569: JFR tool produces incorrect output when both - -categories and --events are specified + S8221711: [TESTBUG] create more tests for JFR in container environment + S8221913: Add GC.selected() jtreg-ext function + S8222015: Small VM.metaspace improvements + S8222440: (zipfs) JarFileSystem does not correctly handle versioned entries if no root entry is present + S8222529: sun.jdwp.listenerAddress agent property uses wrong encoding + S8222807: Address iteration with invalid ZIP header entries + S8222888: [TESTBUG] docker/ fails due to "RuntimeException: JAVA_MAIN_CLASS_ is not defined" + S8223438: add VirtualizationInformation JFR event + S8223490: Optimize search algorithm for determining default time zone + S8223697: jfr tool can't format duration values greater than minute + S8223869: Problem list java/awt/FontMetrics/ / on more platforms + S8224152: [macOS] ProblemList tests that leave rubbish on the screen + S8224157: BCEL: update to version 6.3.1 + S8224172: assert(jfr_is_event_enabled(id)) failed: invariant + S8224193: stringStream should not use Resouce Area + S8224217: RecordingInfo should use textual representation of path + S8224502: [TESTBUG] JDK docker test fails with access issues and OOM + S8224505: TestQuotedLogOutput failure after ProcessBuilder changes + S8224538: LoadBarrierNode::common_barrier must check address + S8224958: add os::dll_load calls to event log + S8225101: Crash at sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper.XkbGetUpdatedMap when change keybord map + S8225225: stringStream internal buffer should always be zero terminated + S8225392: Comparison builds are failing due to cacerts file + S8225505: ctrl-F1 does not show the tooltip of a menu item (JMenuItems) + S8225694: Destination option missing in FlightRecorderMXBeanImpl + S8225695: 32-bitbuild failures after JDK-8080462 (Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support) + S8225745: NoSuchAlgorithmException exception for SHA256withECDSA with RSASSA-PSS support + S8226513: JEditorPane is shown with incorrect size + S8226651: Setting the mgfHash in CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS has no effect + S8226719: Kerberos login to Windows 2000 failed with "Inappropriate type of checksum in message" + S8226779: [TESTBUG] Test JFR API from Java agent + S8226869: Testjava/util/Locale/ should enable assertions + S8226899: Problemlist compiler/rtm tests + S8227031: Print NMT statistics on fatal errors + S8227032: MetaspaceUtils::print_report crashes when called before initialization + S8227035: JVM::printFlags fails in native OOM situations + S8227061: test behaves incorrectly when AS-REQ contains a PAData not PA-ENC-TS-ENC + S8227086: Use AS_NO_KEEPALIVE loads in HeapDumper + S8227127: Era designator not displayed correctly using the COMPAT provider + S8227338: templateInterpreter.cpp: copy_table() needs to be safer + S8227368: EnumSet.class serialization broken in JDK 9+ + S8227381: GSS login fails with PREAUTH_FAILED + S8227391: Update double-conversion to version 3.1.5 + S8227397: Add --with-extra-asflags configure option + S8227411: failed "assert(!lease()) failed: invariant" + S8227435: Perf::attach() should not throw a java.lang.Exception + S8227437: S4U2proxy cannot continue because server's TGT cannot be found + S8227439: Turn off AOT by default + S8227605: Kitchensink fails "assert((((klass)->trace_id() & (JfrTraceIdEpoch::leakp_in_use_this_epoch_bit())) != 0)) failed: invariant" + S8227642: [TESTBUG] Make docker tests podman compatible + S8228368: avoid incompatible pointer to integer conversion initializing gint in gtk2_interface + S8228434: jdk/net/Sockets/ fails after JDK-8227642 + S8228465: HOST locale provider holds wrong era name for GregorianCalendar in US locale + S8228625: [TESTBUG] sun/tools/jhsdb/ fails with RuntimeException 'JShellToolProvider' missing from stdout/stderr + S8228645: Don't run sun/security/pkcs11/Cipher/ / on buggy NSS solaris versions + S8228687: [TESTBUG] exclude Container tests from hotspot_misc group + S8228772: C2 compilation fails due to unschedulable graph if DominatorSearchLimit is reached + S8228834: Regression caused by JDK-8214542 not installing complete checkpoint data to candidates + S8228835: Memory leak in PKCS11 provider when using AES GCM + S8228888: C2 compilation fails with assert "m has strange control" + S8228902: add os::dll_load to the unified logging os category + S8229016: C2 scalarization crashes with assert(node->Opcode() == Op_CastP2X) failed: ConvP2XNode required + S8229020: Failure on CPUs allowing loads reordering: assert(_tasks[t] == 1) failed: What else? + S8229022: BufferedReader performance can be improved by using StringBuilder + S8229156: ProblemList gc/stress/gclocker/ / + S8229169: False failure of GenericTaskQueue::pop_local on architectures with weak memory model + S8229182: runtime/containers/docker/ test fails on SLES12 + S8229243: SunPKCS11-Solaris provider tests failing on Solaris 11.4 + S8229284: jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/ fails for - memory:getMemoryUsage + S8229408: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.6 + S8229420: [Redo] jstat reports incorrect values for OU for CMS GC + S8229437: assert(is_aligned(ref, HeapWordSize)) failed: invariant + S8229450: C2 compilation fails with assert(found_sfpt) failed + S8229483: Sinking load out of loop may trigger: assert(found_sfpt) failed: no node in loop that's not input to safepoint + S8229496: SIGFPE (division by zero) in C2 OSR compiled method + S8229515: [macos] access to window property of NSView on wrong thread + S8229701: aarch64: C2 OSR compilation fails with "shouldn't process one node several times" in final graph reshaping + S8229800: WindowsServerCore 1809 does not provide d2d1.dll library required by awt.dll + S8229810: [macos] NullPointerException getting bounds of GraphicsConfiguration + S8229872: (fs) Increase buffer size used with getmntent + S8229899: Make less racy + S8230061: # assert(mode == ControlAroundStripMined && use == sfpt) failed: missed a node + S8230062: assert(i == p->size()-1) failed: must be last element of the pack + S8230110: TestLinkageErrorInGenerateOopMap times out + S8230115: Problemlist JFR TestNetworkUtilization test + S8230238: Add another regression test for JDK-8134739 + S8230303: JDB hangs when running monitor command + S8230363:C2: Let ConnectionGraph::not_global_escape(Node* n) return false if n is not in the CG + S8230376: [TESTBUG] runtime/StackTrace/ fails with release VM + S8230388: Problemlist additional compiler/rtm tests + S8230466: check malloc/calloc results in jdk.hotspot.agent + S8230646: Epsilon does not extend TLABs to max size + S8230669: [s390] C1: assert(is_bound() || is_unused()) failed: Label was never bound to a location, but it was used as a jmp target + S8230671: x86_32 build failures after JDK-8229496 + S8230711: ConnectionGraph::unique_java_object(Node* N) return NULL if n is not in the CG + S8230728: Thin stroked shapes are not rendered if affine transform has flip bit + S8230769: BufImg_SetupICM add ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical call in early return + S8230782: Robot.createScreenCapture() fails if "awt.robot.gtk" is set to false + S8230813: Add JDK-8010500 to compiler/loopopts/superword/ / bug list + S8230856: Java_java_net_NetworkInterface_getByName0 on unix misses ReleaseStringUTFChars in early return + S8230861: missing ReleaseStringUTFChars in Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_connect + S8230873: [AIX] GUI app does not work with UTF-8 locale on minimum software requirements + S8230881: serviceability/sa/TestJmapCore tests fail with java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find dump file + S8230900: missing ReleaseStringUTFChars in java.desktop native code + S8230901: missing ReleaseStringUTFChars in serviceability native code + S8230923: SunJSSE is not properly initialized in FIPS mode from a configuration file + S8230943: False deadlock detection with - XX:+CIPrintCompileQueue after JDK-8163511 + S8231055: C2: arraycopy with same non escaping src and dest but different positions causes wrong execution + S8231084: Large performance regression in SwingMark TextArea in 14-b13 + S8231085: C2/GC: Better GC-interface for expanding clone + S8231098: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2019c + S8231124: Missing closedir call with JDK-8223490 + S8231201: hs_err should print coalesced safepoint operations in Events section + S8231222: fix pkcs11 P11_DEBUG guarded native traces + S8231223: C2's conditional move optimization fails with assert(bol->Opcode() == Op_Bool) failed + S8231247: (zipfs) Test failure in jdk/nio/zipfs/ / after backport of JDK-8222807 + S8231254: (fs) Add test for macOS Catalina changes to protect system software + S8231294: ZGC: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/ /resexhausted002 fails + S8231296: ZGC: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/Allocate/alloc001/ fails + S8231318: Several compiler/aot tests fail for JDK11 on Windows when only MSVC 2017 is installed + S8231336: Corrupted option dialog in JTHarness with JDK14b13 + S8231403: [ppc]: Align ReservedCodeCacheSize default value with other platforms + S8231457: Asserts on AIX because os::elapsed_counter() is not monotonic + S8231503: [TESTBUG] compiler/{jvmci,aot} tests should not run with GCs that do not support JVMCI/AOT + S8231620: assert(bol->is_Bool()) crash during split if due to FastLockNode + S8231665: 8231055 broke escapeAnalysis/ + S8231693: Backout "8230728: Thin stroked shapes are not rendered if affine transform has flip bit" from jdk11u + S8231751: on aix handle Power 9 in os::get_summary_cpu_info + S8231770: Test java/util/zip/ fails with - Xcheck:jni + S8231885: Fix/remove malformed assert in os_windows.cpp + S8231887: fails because certificate was revoked + S8231930: Windows build fails after JDK-8191521 + S8231949: [PPC64, s390]: Make async profiling more reliable + S8231988: Unexpected test result caused by C2 IdealLoopTree::do_remove_empty_loop + S8231991: Mouse wheel change focus on awt/swing windows + S8232005: [s390, PPC64] More exception checks missing in interpreter + S8232019: Add LuxTrust certificate updates to the existing root program + S8232051: Epsilon should warn about Xms/Xmx/AlwaysPreTouch configuration + S8232052: use string literal for format string when handling PauseAtStartupFile + S8232178: MacVolumesTest failed after upgrade to MacOS Catalina + S8232381: add result NULL-checking to freetypeScaler.c + S8232539: SIGSEGV in C2 Node::unique_ctrl_out + S8232592: is shown in jstack mixed mode + S8232874: Add missing test for 8230062 + S8232879: Writing out data with the Zip File System leads to a CRC failure + S8232984: Upgrading Joni License version to 2.1.16 + S8233075: JFR - nmetods - misspelled in several places + S8233081: C1: PatchingStub for field access copies too much + S8233097: Fontmetrics for large Fonts has zero width + S8233202: exclude javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicGraphicsUtils/ /8132119/ + S8233203: fix non-product build on AIX when compiling with xlc16/legacy-xlc + S8233223: Add Amazon Root CA certificates + S8233404: System property to set the number of PBE iterations in JCEKS keystores + S8233820: Test crashed with assert(phi->operand_count() != 1 || phi->subst() != phi) failed: missed trivial simplification + S8233839: aarch64: missing memory barrier in NewObjectArrayStub and NewTypeArrayStub + S8233886: TEST_BUG jdk/java/net/CookieHandler/ hit hardcoded expiration date + S8233944: Make KerberosPrincipal.KRB_NT_ENTERPRISE field package private + S8233954: UnsatisfiedLinkError or NoSuchAlgorithmException after removing sunec.dll + S8234080: jdk/nio/zipfs/ fails + S8234107: Several AWT modal dialog tests failing on Linux after JDK-8231991 + S8234245: sun/security/lib/cacerts/ fails due to wrong checksum + S8234321: Call cache flush after generating trampoline. + S8234591: [11u] Build with old C compiler broken by 8223490 + S8234625: hs test serviceability/sa/ fails on macOS 10.15 + S8234645: ARM32: C1: PatchingStub for field access: not enough bytes + S8234906: [TESTBUG] TestDivZeroCheckControl fails for client VMs due to Unrecognized VM option LoopUnrollLimit + S8235142: JDK-8193255 backport broke bootstrap with JDK 10 + S8235403: Further cleanup to test serviceability/sa/ + S8235585: Enable macOS codesigning for all libraries and executables + S8235687: Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib cannot be a symlink- Switch back armv6 from zero platform to client JVM- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.5-10 (October 2019 CPU, bsc#1154212) * Security fixes: + S8209901: Canonical file handling + S8213429, CVE-2019-2933: Windows file handling redux + S8218573, CVE-2019-2945: Better socket support + S8218877: Help transform transformers + S8219914: Change the environment variable for Java Access Bridge logging to have a directory. + S8220186: Improve use of font temporary files + S8220302, CVE-2019-2949: Better Kerberos ccache handling + S8221497: Optional Panes in Swing + S8221858, CVE-2019-2958: Build Better Processes + S8222684, CVE-2019-2964: Better support for patterns + S8222690, CVE-2019-2962: Better Glyph Images + S8223163: Better pattern recognition + S8223505, CVE-2019-2973: Better pattern compilation + S8223518, CVE-2019-2975: Unexpected exception in jjs + S8223886: Add in font table referene + S8223892, CVE-2019-2978: Improved handling of jar files + S8224025: Fix for JDK-8220302 is not complete + S8224062, CVE-2019-2977: Improve String index handling + S8224532, CVE-2019-2981: Better Path supports + S8224915, CVE-2019-2983: Better serial attributes + S8225286, CVE-2019-2987: Better rendering of native glyphs + S8225292, CVE-2019-2988: Better Graphics2D drawing + S8225298, CVE-2019-2989: Improve TLS connection support + S8225597, CVE-2019-2992: Enhance font glyph mapping + S8226765, CVE-2019-2999: Commentary on Javadoc comments + S8227601: Better collection of references + S8228825, CVE-2019-2894, bsc#1152856: Enhance ECDSA operations * Other fixes: + S6996807: FieldReflectorKey hash code computation can be improved + S8076988: reevaluate trivial method policy + S8087128: C2: Disallow definition split on MachCopySpill nodes + S8133489: Better messaging for PKIX path validation matching + S8139965: Hang seen when using + S8147502: Digest is incorrectly truncated for ECDSA signatures when the bit length of n is less than the field size + S8148188: Enhance the security libraries to record events of interest + S8163363: AArch64: Stack size in tools/launcher/ needs to be adjusted + S8163511: Allocation of compile task fails with assert: "Leaking compilation tasks?" + S8170639: [Linux] jsig is limited to a maximum of 64 signals + S8177899: Tests fail due to code cache exhaustion on machines with many cores + S8180901: Transformer.reset() resets the state only once + S8193234: When using -Xcheck:jni an internally allocated buffer can leak + S8194231: java/net/DatagramSocket/ failed with Address already in use: Cannot bind + S8196681: Java Access Bridge logging and debug flags dynamically controlled + S8198411: [TEST_BUG] Two java2d tests are unstable in mach5 + S8200365: of '-XX:TLABWasteTargetPercent=100' fails intermittently + S8200400: Restrict Sasl mechanisms + S8202035: Archive the set of ModuleDescriptor and ModuleReference objects for observable system modules with unnamed initial module. + S8202252: (aio) Closed AsynchronousSocketChannel keeps completion handler alive + S8202952: C2: Unexpected dead nodes after matching + S8203629: Produce events in the JDK without a dependency on jdk.jfr + S8204203: Many pkcs11 tests failed in Provider initialization, after compiler on Windows changed + S8204521: compiler/jsr292/ / fails trying to delete temp file + S8205421: AARCH64: StubCodeMark should be placed after alignment + S8205654: serviceability/dcmd/framework/ timed out + S8206074: nsk/jdi/EventRequestManager/createStepRequest/ /crstepreq001/ is timing out + S8206879: Currency decimal marker incorrect for Peru + S8207965: C2-only debug build fails + S8208269: Javadoc does not support module-info in a multi-release jar + S8208499: NMT: Missing memory tag for Safepoint polling page + S8208655: use JTreg skipped status in hotspot tests + S8208701: Fix for JDK-8208655 causes test failures in CI tier1 + S8208706: compiler/tiered/ fails to compile + S8208780: (se) test SelectWithConsumer.testReadableAndWriteable(): failure + S8209186: Rename SimpleThresholdPolicy to TieredThresholdPolicy + S8209413: AArch64: NPE in clhsdb jstack command + S8209420: Track membars for volatile accesses so they can be properly optimized + S8209684: Intrinsics that assume some input non null should use GraphKit::must_be_not_null() + S8209939: [testbug][ppc] Test SafepointPollingPages fails after 8208499 with UseSIGTRAP on. + S8210063: ZGC: Enable load barriers for IN_NATIVE runtime barriers + S8210130: java/net/httpclient/ failed + S8210314: [aix] NMT does not show "Safepoint" memory type + S8210389: C2: assert(n->outcnt() != 0 || C->top() == n || n->is_Proj()) failed: No dead instructions after post-alloc + S8210390: C2 still crashes with "assert(mode == ControlAroundStripMined && use == sfpt) failed: missed a node" + S8210408: Refactor java.util.ResourceBundle:i18n shell tests to plain java tests + S8210729: Clean up macosx static library handling + S8210919: Remove statically linked libjli on Windows + S8210926: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/allocation/AP11/ /ap11t001/ failed with JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_CLASS in CDS mode + S8210985: Update the default SSL session cache size to 20480 + S8211097: aix: fix build after JDK-8210919 + S8211232: GraphKit::make_runtime_call() sometimes attaches wrong memory state to call + S8211233: MemBarNode::trailing_membar() and MemBarNode::leading_membar() need to handle dying subgraphs better + S8211727: Adjust default concurrency settings for running tests on Sparc + S8212528: Wrong cgroup subsystem being used for some CPU Container Metrics + S8212970: TZ database in "vanguard" format support + S8212992: Change mirror accessor in Klass::verify_on() to use AS_NO_KEEPALIVE + S8213017: jspawnhelper: need to handle pipe write failure when sending return code + S8213117: adoptNode corrupts attribute values + S8213134: AArch64: vector shift failed with MaxVectorSize=8 + S8213172: CDS and JFR tests fail with assert(JdkJfrEvent::is(klass)) failed: invariant + S8213325: (props) Properties.loadFromXML does not fully comply with the spec + S8213406: (fs) More than one instance of built-in FileSystem observed in heap + S8213561: ZipFile/ timed out in tier1 + S8213734: SAXParser.parse(File, ..) does not close resources when Exception occurs. + S8214003: Limit default test jobs based on memory size + S8214096: passes null parameter, so JCE validation fails + S8214161: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class jdk.internal.event.X509CertificateEvent (in module java.base) cannot access class jdk.jfr.internal.handlers.EventHandler (in module jdk.jfr) because module java.base does not read module jdk.jfr + S8214287: SpecJbb2005StressModule got uncaught exception + S8214579: JFrame does not paint content in XVFB / X11vnc environment + S8214687: Optimize Collections.nCopies().hashCode() and equals() + S8214702: Wrong text position for whitespaced string in printing Swing text + S8214770: java/time/test/java/time/format/ / failed in non-english locales. + S8214777: Avoid some GCC 8.X strncpy() errors in HotSpot + S8214857: "bad trailing membar" assert failure at memnode.cpp:3220 + S8215044: C2 crash in loopTransform.cpp with assert(cl->trip_count() > 0) failed: peeling a fully unrolled loop + S8215130: Fix errors in LittleCMS 2.9 reported by GCC 8 + S8215265: C2: range check elimination may allow illegal out of bound access + S8215281: Use String.isEmpty() when applicable in java.base + S8215380: Backout accidental change to String::length + S8215451: JNI IsSameObject should not keep objects alive + S8215483: Off heap memory accesses should be vectorized + S8215505: Cleanup jvm.cpp obsolete code after JDK-8210094: Better loading of classloader classes + S8215534: [testbug] some jfr test don't check @requires vm.hasJFR + S8215694: keytool cannot generate RSASSA-PSS certificates + S8215756: Memory leaks in the AWT on macOS + S8215792: AArch64: String.indexOf generates incorrect result + S8215879: AArch64: ReservedStackAccess may leave stack guard in inconsistent state + S8215901: [TESTBUG] fails intermittently + S8215961: jdk/jfr/event/os/ fails on AArch64 + S8215982: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018i + S8216039: TLS with BC and RSASSA-PSS breaks ECDHServerKeyExchange + S8216046: test/jdk/java/beans/PropertyEditor/ failing + S8216155: C4819 warning at libfreetype sources on Windows + S8216199: Local variable arg defined but never used in BCEscapeAnalyzer::compute_escape_for_intrinsic() + S8216205: Java API documentation formatting error in System.getEnv + S8216261: Javap ignores default modifier on interfaces + S8216326: SSLSocket stream close() does not close the associated socket + S8216375: Revert JDK-8145579 after JDK-8076988 is resolved + S8216401: Allow "file:" URLs in Class-Path of local JARs + S8216427: ciMethodData::load_extra_data() does not always unpack the last entry + S8216528: test/jdk/java/rmi/transport/ /runtimeThreadInheritanceLeak/ / failing with Xcomp + S8216549: Mismatched unsafe access to non escaping object fails + S8216562: UnknownBodyLength sometimes fails due to "Connection reset by peer" + S8216987: ciMethodData::load_data() unpacks MDOs with non-atomic copy + S8216989: CardTableBarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier() does not check for zero length on AARCH64 + S8217093: Support extended-length paths in parse_manifest.c on windows + S8217344: Make comparison overflow-aware in ECDHKeyAgreement.engineGenerateSecret() + S8217359: C2 compiler triggers SIGSEGV after transformation in ConvI2LNode::Ideal + S8217364: Custom URLStreamHandler for jrt or file protocol can override default handler + S8217366: ZoneStrings are not populated for all the Locales + S8217368: AArch64: C2 recursive stack locking optimisation not triggered + S8217371: Incorrect LP64 guard in after JDK-8210764 (Update avx512 implementation) + S8217576: C1 atomic access handlers use incorrect decorators + S8217676: Upgrade libpng to 1.6.37 + S8217760: C2: Missing symbolic info on a call from intrinsics when invoked through MethodHandle + S8217766: Container Support doesn't work for some Join Controllers combinations + S8217785: Padding ParallelTaskTerminator::_offered_termination variable + S8217896: Make better use of LCPUs when building on AIX + S8217990: C2 UseOptoBiasInlining: load of markword optimized to 0 if running with -XX:-EliminateLocks + S8218163: C2: Continuous deoptimization w/ Reason_speculate_class_check and Action_none + S8218185: aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::putfield_or_static + S8218201: Failures when vmIntrinsics::_getClass is not inlined + S8218280: LineNumberReader throws "Mark invalid" exception if CRLF straddles buffer. + S8218553: Enhance keystore load debug output + S8218558: NMT stack traces in output should show mt component for virtual memory allocations + S8218566: NMT: missing memory tag for assert poison page + S8218581: Incorrect exception message generation + S8218682: [TEST_BUG] DashOffset fails in mach5 + S8218705: Test sun/tools/jcmd/ fails on Linux + S8218715: [TESTBUG] TestUseOptoBiasInliningWithoutEliminateLocks needs to unlock WhiteBoxAPI + S8218721: C1's CEE optimization produces safepoint poll with invalid debug information + S8218723: Use SunJCE Mac in SecretKeyFactory PBKDF2 implementation + S8218780: Update MUSCLE PCSC-Lite header files + S8218879: Keep track of memory accesses originated from Unsafe + S8218966: AArch64: String.compareTo() can read memory after string + S8219013: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.1.3 + S8219241: Provide basic virtualization related info in the hs_error file on linux/windows x86_64 + S8219244: NMT: Change ThreadSafepointState's allocation type from mtInternal to mtThread + S8219370: NMT: Move synchronization primitives from mtInternal to mtSynchronizer + S8219513: compiler/codegen/aes/ / timeout on Solaris-sparc + S8219517: assert(false) failed: infinite loop in PhaseIterGVN::optimize + S8219562: Line of code in osContainer_linux.cpp L102 appears unreachable + S8219583: Windows build failure after JDK-8214777 (Avoid some GCC 8.X strncpy() errors in HotSpot) + S8219635: aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::fast_storefield + S8219807: C2 crash in IfNode::up_one_dom(Node*, bool) + S8219919: RuntimeStub name lost with PrintFrameConverterAssembly + S8219993: AArch64: Compiled CI stubs are unsafely modified + S8219997: [TESTBUG] Create test for JFR events in Docker container: CPU, Memory and Process Info + S8220037: Inconsistencies of generated timezone files between Windows and Linux + S8220072: GCC 8.3 reports errors in java.base + S8220173: assert(_handle_mark_nesting > 1) failed: memory leak: allocating handle outside HandleMark + S8220227: Host Locale Provider getDisplayCountry returns error message under non-English Win10 + S8220313: [TESTBUG] Update base image for Docker testing to OL 7.6 + S8220341: Class redefinition fails with assert(!is_unloaded()) failed: unloaded method on the stack + S8220355: Improve assertion texts and exception messages in eventHandlerVMInit + S8220570: Additonal trace when native thread creation fails + S8220579: [Containers] out of sync with osContainer_linux.cpp + S8220657: JFR.dump does not work when filename is set + S8220672: [TESTBUG] TestCPUSets should check that cpuset does not exceed available cores + S8220674: [TESTBUG] MetricsMemoryTester failcount test in docker container only works with debug JVMs + S8220682: Heap dumping and inspection fails with JDK-8214712 + S8220690: ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED requires GNU extensions enabled + S8221120: CopyOnWriteArrayList.set should always have volatile write semantics + S8221220: AArch64: Add StoreStore membar explicitly for Volatile Writes in TemplateTable + S8221253: TLSv1.3 may generate TLSInnerPlainText longer than 2^14+1 bytes + S8221325: Add information about swap space to print_memory_info() on MacOS + S8221340: [TESTBUG] fails after fix for JDK-8219562 + S8221342: [TESTBUG] Generate Dockerfile for docker testing + S8221407: Windows 32bit build error in libsunmscapi/security.cpp + S8221408: Windows 32bit build build errors/warnings in hotspot + S8221411: NullPointerException in RasterPrinterJob without PrinterResolution + S8221434: Fix typo in lib-x11 autoconf error message about missing headers + S8221480: jcmd VM.metaspace shall print limits in basic mode + S8221497: Optional Panes in Swing + S8221527: [TESTBUG] contains hard-coded reference to JDK 10 + S8221529: [TESTBUG] Docker tests use old/deprecated image on AArch64 + S8221710: [TESTBUG] more configurable parameters for docker testing + S8221725: AArch64 build failures after JDK-8221408 (Windows 32bit build build errors/warnings in hotspot) + S8221730: jcmd process name matching broken + S8221801: Update src/java.base/share/legal/ + S8221892: ThreadPoolExecutor: Thread.isAlive() is not equivalent to not being startable + S8221894: Add comments for docker tests in the test doc + S8222108: Reduce minRefreshTime for updating remote printer list on Windows + S8222154: upgrade gtest to 1.8.1 + S8222280: Provide virtualization related info in the hs_error file on AIX + S8222299: [TESTBUG] move hotspot container tests to hotspot/containers + S8222362: Upgrade to Freetype 2.10.0 + S8222387: Out-of-bounds access to CPU _family_id_xxx array + S8222415: Xerces 2.12.0: Parsing Configuration + S8222670: pathological case of JIT recompilation and code cache bloat + S8222720: Provide extended VMWare/vSphere virtualization related info in the hs_error file on linux/windows x86_64 + S8222743: Xerces 2.12.0: DOM Implementation + S8222914: Partial backport of JDK-8218266 + S8222968: ByteArrayPublisher is not thread-safe resulting in broken re-use of HttpRequests + S8222980: Upgrade IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2019-04-03 + S8222987: sun/security/tools/keytool/ times out on Solaris-SPARC + S8222991: Xerces 2.12.0: Validation + S8223177: Data race on JvmtiEnvBase::_tag_map in double-checked locking + S8223227: Rename acquire_tag_map() to tag_map_acquire() in jvmtiEnvBase + S8223244: Fix usage of ARRAYCOPY_DISJOINT decorator + S8223336: Assert in VirtualMemoryTracker::remove_released_region when running the test with - XX:NativeMemoryTracking=detail + S8223482: Unsupported ciphersuites may be offered by a TLS client + S8223518: Unexpected exception in jjs + S8223537: testlibrary_tests/ctw/ fails with Agent timeout frequently + S8223553: Fix code constructs that do not compile with the Eclipse Java Compiler + S8223572: ~ThreadInVMForHandshake() should call handle_special_runtime_exit_condition() + S8223574: add more thread-related system settings info to hs_error file on AIX + S8223660: jtreg: Decouple Unsafe from RTM tests + S8223814: SA: jhsdb common help needs to be more detailed + S8223886: Add in font table referene + S8224033: os::snprintf should be used in virtualizationSupport.cpp + S8224034: [TESTBUG] runtime/ErrorHandlerTest/ErrorHandler fails intermittently for case 13 on Windows + S8224090: [PPC64] Fix SLP patterns for filling an array with double float literals + S8224165: [TESTBUG] Docker tests produce excessive output + S8224181: On child process spawn, child may write to random file descriptor instead of the fail pipe + S8224202: Speed up Properties.load + S8224221: add memprotect calls to event log + S8224230: [PPC64, s390] Support AsyncGetCallTrace + S8224252: [TESTBUG] hotspot/test/serviceability/sa/sadebugd/ is timing out again after fix for JDK-8163805 + S8224487: outputStream should not be copyable + S8224531: SEGV while collecting Klass statistics + S8224558: Fix replicateB encoding + S8224560: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2019a + S8224580: Matcher can cause oop field/array element to be reloaded + S8224589: Improve startup behavior of SecurityProperties + S8224658: Unsafe access C2 compile fails with assert(flat != TypePtr::BOTTOM) failed: cannot alias-analyze an untyped ptr: adr_type = NULL + S8224698: does not compile with the Eclipse Java Compiler + S8224825: java/awt/Color/ fails in linux-x64 system + S8224838: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.5 + S8224991: Problemlist javax/net/ssl/ServerName/ + S8225005: Xerces 2.12.0: License file + S8225141: Better handling of classes in error state in fast class initialization checks + S8225178: [Solaris] os::signal() should call sigaction() with SA_SIGINFO + S8225189: Multiple JNI calls within critical region in ZIP Library + S8225257: sun/security/tools/keytool/ timed out + S8225286: Better rendering of native glyphs + S8225298: Improve TLS connection support + S8225347: [s390] Unexpected exit from stack overflow test + S8225386: test for JDK-8216261 fails in Windows + S8225388: Running jcmd Compiler.CodeHeap_Analytics all 0 cause crash. + S8225390: ProblemList sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ / due to JDK-8161536 + S8225423: GTK L&F: JSplitPane: There is no divider shown + S8225425: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: net.dll: Can't find dependent libraries + S8225543: Jcmd fails to attach to the Java process on Linux using the main class name if whitespace options were used to launch the process + S8225580: tzdata2018i integration causes test failures on jdk-13 + S8225636: SA can't handle prelinked libraries + S8225644: C1 dumps incorrect class name in ClassCastException message + S8225663: [testbug] Missing JNIEXPORT in XAbortProvoker native function + S8225715: jhsdb jmap fails to write binary heap dump of a jshell process + S8226409: Enable argument profiling for sun.misc.Unsafe.put*/get* + S8226468: [aix] loadquery failed error message displayed + S8226530: ZipFile reads wrong entry size from ZIP64 entries + S8226543: Reduce GC pressure during message digest calculations in password-based encryption + S8226607: Inconsistent info between and MUSCLE headers + S8226798: JVM crash in klassItable::initialize_itable_for_interface(int, InstanceKlass*, bool, Thread*) + S8226964: [Yaru] GTK L&F: There is no difference between menu selected and de-selected + S8227011: Starting a JFR recording in response to JVMTI VMInit and / or Java agent premain corrupts memory + S8227041: runtime/memory/ has a memory leak + S8227117: normal interpreter table is not restored after single stepping with TLH + S8227247: tools/sjavac/ fails with AssertionError: Error too big on windows + S8227277: HeapInspection::find_instances_at_safepoint walks dead objects + S8227392: Colors with alpha are painted incorrectly on Linux, after JDK-8214579 + S8227594: sadebugd/ fails due to "java.rmi.NotBoundException: SARemoteDebugger" + S8227630: adjust format specifiers in loadlib_aix.cpp + S8227834: build.log output from failing commands : include the hs_error file path in case of crashes in build + S8227869: fix wrong format specifiers in os_aix.cpp + S8227919: 8213232 causes crashes on solaris sparc64 + S8228337: problemList failing/ignored manual tests in security-libs + S8228400: Remove built-in AArch64 simulator + S8228469: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2019b + S8228485: JVM crashes when bootstrap method for condy triggers loading of class whose static initializer throws ve thread creation fails + S8220579: [Containers] SubSystem.ja exception + S8228501: java_props_macosx.c - provide missing CFRelease for CFLocaleCopyCurrent + S8228578: fix CFData object leak in macosx KeystoreImpl.m + S8228585: jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/ - NumberFormatException because of large long values (memory limit_in_bytes) + S8228596: Class redefinition fails when condy instructions are removed + S8228601: AArch64: Fix interpreter code at JVMCI deoptimization entry + S8228618: s390: c1/c2 fail to add a metadata relocation in the static call stub. + S8228649: [PPC64] SA reads wrong slots from interpreter frames + S8228658: test fails on fast Linux machines with Total safepoint time 0 ms + S8228711: Path rendered incorrectly when it goes outside the clipping region + S8228725: AArch64: Purge method call format support + S8228764: New library dependencies due to JDK-8222720 + S8229118: [TESTBUG] serviceability/sa/ClhsdbFindPC fails on AArch64 + S8229352: Use of an uninitialized register in 32-bit ARM template interpreter + S8229406: ZGC: Fix incorrect statistics + S8229767: Typo in Sasl.createClient and Sasl.createServer + S8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily + S8229887: (zipfs) zip file corruption when replacing an existing STORED entry + S8229925: [s390, PPC64] Exception check missing in interpreter + S8230085: (fs) FileStore::isReadOnly is always true on macOS Catalina + S8230099: Prepare for backport of JDK-8217368 + S8230728: Thin stroked shapes are not rendered if affine transform has flip bit + S8230850: Test sun/tools/jcmd/ fails intermittently + S8231693: Backout "8230728: Thin stroked shapes are not rendered if affine transform has flip bit" from jdk11u - Modified patch: * system-pcsclite.patch + adapt to changed context- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.4+11 (July 2019 CPU) * Security fixes + S8208698, CVE-2019-2745, bsc#1141784: Improved ECC Implementation + S8212328, CVE-2019-2762, bsc#1141782: Exceptional throw cases + S8213431, CVE-2019-2766, bsc#1141789: Improve file protocol handling + S8213432, CVE-2019-2769, bsc#1141783: Better copies of CopiesList + S8216381, CVE-2019-2786, bsc#1141787: More limited privilege usage + S8217563: Improve realm maintenance + S8218863: Better endpoint checks + S8218873: Improve JSSE endpoint checking + S8218876, CVE-2019-7317, bsc#1141780: Improve PNG support options + S8219775: Certificate validation improvements + S8220517: Enhanced GIF support + S8221345, CVE-2019-2818, bsc#1141788: Better Poly1305 support + S8221518, CVE-2019-2816, bsc#1141785: Normalize normalization + S8222678, CVE-2019-2821, bsc#1141781: Improve TLS negotiation * Other fixes + S6913047: Long term memory leak when using PKCS11 and JCE exceeds 32 bit process address space + S8139178: Wrong fontMetrics when printing in Landscape (OpenJDK) + S8163805: hotspot/test/serviceability/sa/sadebugd/ / failed with timed out + S8170494: JNI exception pending in PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c + S8174691: [TESTBUG] A number of native hotspot unit tests fail when executed in stand-alone mode + S8179098: Crypto AES/ECB encryption/decryption performance regression (introduced in jdk9b73) + S8181143: Introduce diagnostic flag to abort VM on too long VM operations + S8188133: C2: Static field accesses in clinit can trigger deoptimizations + S8190361: Incorrect version info in jaccessinspector.exe and jaccesswalker.exe + S8195793: Remove GTE CyberTrust Global Root + S8200286: (testbug) MOptionTest test fails with java.lang.AssertionError: Classfiles too old! + S8200613: SA: jstack throws UnmappedAddressException with a CDS core file + S8201317: X25519/X448 code improvements + S8201633: Problems with AES-GCM native acceleration + S8202353: os::readdir should use readdir instead of readdir_r + S8202414: Unsafe write after primitive array creation may result in array length change + S8202651: Test fails + S8202794: Native Unix code should use readdir rather than readdir_r + S8202884: SA: Attach/detach might fail on Linux if debugee application create/destroy threads during attaching + S8203627: Swing applications with JRadioButton and JCheckbox fail to render correctly when using GTK3 and the GTK L&F + S8204308: SA: serviceability/sa/TestInstanceKlassSize*.java fails when running in CDS mode + S8205574: Loop predication "assert(f <= 1 && f >= 0) failed Incorrect frequency" + S8205611: Improve the wording of LinkageErrors to include module and class loader information + S8206955: MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance does not support default methods + S8207340: (fs) UnixNativeDispatcher close and readdir usages should be fixed + S8207748: Fix for 8202794 breaks tier1 builds + S8207760: SAXException: Invalid UTF-16 surrogate detected: d83c ? + S8208634: Add x-IBM-1129 charset + S8208648: ECC Field Arithmetic Enhancements + S8208702: javax/swing/reliability/ / may hang on macos + S8208996: X11 icon window color handing bug + S8209055: c.s.t.javac.code.DeferredCompletionFailureHandler seems to use WeakHashMap incorrectly + S8209414: AArch64: method handle invocation does not respect JVMTI interp_only mode + S8209415: Fix JVMTI test failure HS202 + S8209573: [TESTBUG] gc/epsilon/TestMemoryMXBeans should retry on failure + S8209914: javadoc search sometimes generates bad URIs + S8209951: Problematic sparc intrinsic: com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherBlockChaining + S8210008: custom extension for make/SourceRevision.gmk + S8210197: javac can't tell during speculative attribution if a diamond expression is creating an anonymous inner class or not + S8210283: Support git as an SCM alternative in the build + S8210320: PPC64: Fix uninitialized variable in C1 LIR assembler code + S8210457: JVM crash in ResolvedMethodTable::add_method(Handle) + S8210483: AssertionError in DeferredAttr at setOverloadKind caused by JDK-8203679 + S8210519: build/releaseFile/ failed additional sources found + S8210739: Calling JSpinner's setFont with null throws NullPointerException + S8210782: Upgrade HarfBuzz to the latest 2.3.1 + S8210803: Compilation failure in codeBlob.cpp for Windows 32-bit + S8210837: Add libXrandr-devel to the Linux devkits + S8210863: Remove Xrandr include files from JDK sources + S8210880: Remove HPKeysym.h from JDK sources + S8210886: Remove references in to non-existent files. + S8210899: (zipfs) ZipFileSystem.EntryOutputStreamCRC32 mistakenly set the crc32 value into size field + S8211266: [TESTBUG] failed intermittently in ZipFSTester.checkRead(): bound must be positive + S8211350: Remove jprt support + S8211393: Memory leak issue on awt_InputMethod.c + S8211435: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-1" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null source + S8211698: Crash in C2 compiled code during execution of double array heavy processing code + S8211810: X11 Time stamp data should be unsigned + S8211826: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException happens via GetStringUTFRegion() + S8211841: [testbug] sun/nio/cs/OLD/ does not compile (aix) + S8211969: test/jdk/lib/security/ searching for wrong paths + S8211971: Move security/cacerts/ and security/ + S8212202: [Windows] Exception if no printers are installed. + S8212205: VM asserts after CDS archive has been unmapped + S8212562: To remove lib/security from test/jdk/TEST.groups + S8212676: AWT SystemColor setting on CDE + S8212677: X11 default visual support for IM status window on VNC + S8212678: Windows IME related patch + S8212794: IBM-964 is required for AIX default charset + S8212828: (process) Provide a way for Runtime.exec to use posix_spawn on linux + S8213015: Inconsistent settings between JFR.configure and - XX:FlightRecorderOptions + S8213213: Remove src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/ /X11/keysym2ucs.h + S8213232: Unix/X11 setCompositionEnableNative issue + S8213292: Input freezes after MacOS key-selector (press&hold) usage on macOS Mojave + S8213294: Upgrade IANA LSR data + S8213515: Improve freetype detection on linux/ppc64/ppc64le/ /s390x + S8213614: DnD operation change feature does not work with 64bit big endian CPU + S8213617: JFR should record the PID of the recorded process + S8213618: IBM970 charset has missing entry and remove unexpected entries + S8213825: assert(false) failed: Non-balanced monitor enter/exit! Likely JNI locking + S8213944: Fix AIX build after the removal of Xrandr.h and add a configure check for it + S8214002: Cannot use italic font style if the font has embedded bitmap + S8214109: XToolkit is not correctly displayed color on 16-bit high color setting + S8214111: There is no icon in all JOptionPane target image + S8214112: The whole text in target JPasswordField image are not selected + S8214252: Expanded & Collapsed nodes of a JTree look the same on GTK3 + S8214253: Tooltip is transparent rather than having a black background + S8214468: jQuery UI upgrade from 1.11.4 to 1.12.1 + S8214533: IBM-29626C is required for AIX default charset + S8214765: All TrayIcon MessageType icons does not show up with gtk3 option set + S8214935: Upgrade IANA LSR data + S8215026: Incorrect amount of memory unmapped with ImageFileReader::close() + S8215123: Crash in runtime image built with jlink --compress=2 + S8215284: Reduce noise induced by periodic task getFileSize() + S8215296: do not disable c99 on Solaris + S8215342: [Zero] Build fails after JDK-8200613 + S8215364: JavaFX crashes on Ubuntu 18.04 with Wayland while using Swing-FX interop + S8215374: 32-bit build failures after JDK-8181143 (Introduce diagnostic flag to abort VM on too long VM operations) + S8215398: -Xlog option usage => Invalid decorator '\temp\app_cds.log'. + S8215443: The use of TransportContext.fatal() leads to bad coding style + S8215472: (zipfs) Cleanups in implementation classes of jdk.zipfs and tests + S8215707: [macosx] fix pthread_getschedparam and pthread_setschedparam calls + S8215757: C2: PhaseIdealLoop::create_new_if_for_predicate() computes wrong IDOM + S8215790: Delegated task created by SSLEngine throws java.nio.BufferUnderflowException + S8216045: The size of key_exchange may be wrong on FFDHE + S8216355: missing NULL checks in libnet in interface iteration and potential resource leak in getMacAddress + S8216556: Unnecessary liveness computation with JVMTI + S8216577: Add GlobalSign's R6 Root certificate + S8216597: SIGBUS in Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_getNativeKeyInfo after JDK-6913047 + S8216970: condy causes JVM crash + S8217088: Disable JDK-6913047 fix (SunPKCS11 memory leak) after JDK-8216597 (SIGBUS error in getNativeKeyInfo) + S8217094: HttpClient SSL race if a socket IOException is raised before ALPN is available + S8217263: Automate DashOffset test + S8217311: Improve Exception thrown when MulticastSocket.setInterface fails on AIX(Unix) + S8217564: idempotent protection missing in crc32c.h + S8217647: JFR: recordings on 32-bit systems unreadable + S8217690: Update public suffix version + S8217707: JNICALL declaration breaks Splash screen functions + S8217765: Internal Error (javaCalls.cpp:61) guarantee(thread->can_call_java()) failed + S8217786: Provide virtualization related info in the hs_error file on linux s390x + S8217878: ENVELOPING XML signature no longer works in JDK 11 + S8217879: hs_err should print more instructions in hex dump + S8217880: AIX build issue after JDK-8214533 + S8218020: Fix version number in 3rd party legal file + S8218060: JDK-8217786 breaks build due to remaining unused function + S8218063: JDK-8218060 breaks build for S390 + S8218152: [javac] fails and exits with no error if a bad annotation processor provided + S8218469: JSlider display issue with slider for GTKLookAndFeel + S8218470: JScrollBar display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218472: JProgressBar display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218473: JOptionPane display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218479: JTextPane display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218618: Program fails when using JDK addressed by UNC path and using Security Manager + S8218629: XML Digital Signature throws NAMESPACE_ERR exception on OpenJDK 11, works 8/9/10 + S8218674: HTML Tooltip with "img=src" on component doesn't show + S8218733: SA: CollectedHeap provides broken implementation for used() and capacity() + S8218781: Localized names for Japanese era Reiwa in COMPAT provider + S8218811: replace open by os::open in hotspot coding + S8218854: FontMetrics.getMaxAdvance may be less than the maximum FontMetrics.charWidth + S8218960: CONFIG level logging statements printed in even when default log Level is INFO + S8218991: s390: Add intrinsic for GHASH algorithm + S8219006: AArch64: Register corruption in slow subtype check + S8219011: Implement MacroAssembler::warn method on AArch64 + S8219112: name_and_sig_as_C_string usages in frame_s390 miss ResourceMark + S8219335: "failed: unexpected type" assert failure in ConnectionGraph::split_unique_types() with unsafe accesses + S8219389: Delegated task created by SSLEngine throws BufferUnderflowException + S8219414: SA: jhsdb jsnap throws UnmappedAddressException with core generated by gcore + S8219448: split-if update_uses accesses stale idom data + S8219460: ppc: adjust NativeGeneralJump::insert_unconditional to stack allocated MacroAssembler + S8219566: JFR did not collect call stacks when MaxJavaStackTraceDepth is set to zero + S8219574: Minimal VM build failure after JDK-8219414 + S8219582: PPC: Crash after C1 checkcast patched and GC + S8219584: Try to dump error file by thread which causes safepoint timeout + S8219698: aarch64: SIGILL triggered when specifying unsupported hardware features + S8219710: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk11.0.4 + S8219746: Provide virtualization related info in the hs_error file on linux ppc64 / ppc64le + S8219915: [TESTBUG] Fix test langtools/tools/javac/processing/ /model/completionfailure/ in Standalone mode + S8219918: ProblemList hotspot tests failing in SAP testing. + S8220165: Encryption using GCM results in RuntimeException- input length out of bound + S8220166: Performance regression in deserialization (4-6% in SPECjbb) + S8220198: Lots of com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher tests fail on x86_32 due to missing SHA512 stubs + S8220281: IBM-858 alias name is missing on IBM00858 charset + S8220293: Deadlock in JFR string pool + S8220349: The fix done for JDK-8214253 have caused issues in JTree behaviour + S8220353: [TESTBUG] TestRegisterRestoring uses SafepointALot without UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions + S8220374: C2: LoopStripMining doesn't strip as expected + S8220441: [PPC64] Clobber memory effect missing for memory barriers in atomics + S8220495: Update GIFlib library to the 5.1.8 + S8220513: Wrapper Key may get deleted when closing sessions in SunPKCS11 crypto provider + S8220625: tools/javac/classreader/8171132/ / failed with "did not see expected error" + S8220707: [TESTBUG] serviceability/sa/ / fails with jtreg - vmoption:-Xmx < 8g + S8220714: C2 Compilation failure when accessing off-heap memory using Unsafe + S8220718: Missing ResourceMark in nmethod::metadata_do + S8220781: linux-s390 : os::get_summary_cpu_info gives bad output + S8220794: PPC64: Fix signal handler for SIGSEGV on branch to illegal address + S8221083: [ppc64] Wrong oop compare in C1-generated code + S8221175: Fix bad function case for controlled JVM crash on PPC64 big-endian + S8221244: Unexpected behavior of PropertyDescription.getReadMethod for boolean properties + S8221263: [TEST_BUG] RemotePrinterStatusRefresh test is hard to use + S8221304: Problem list java/awt/FontMetrics/ / + S8221400: java/lang/String/ test requests too much heap + S8221401: java/math/BigInteger/ test should be disabled on 32-bit platforms + S8221412: lookupPrintServices() does not always update the list of Windows remote printers + S8221437: assert(java_lang_invoke_ResolvedMethodName::vmtarget(resolved_method()) == m()) failed: Should not change after link resolution + S8221470: Print methods in exception messages in java-like Syntax. + S8221479: Fix JFR profiling on s390 + S8221483: fails due to "Multiple garbage collectors selected" + S8221535: add steal tick related information to hs_error file [linux] + S8221610: Resurrect (legacy) JRE bundle target + S8221639: [i386] expand_exec_shield_cs_limit workaround is undefined code after JDK-8199717 + S8221833: Readability check in Symbol::is_valid not performed for some addresses + S8221870: use driver to run CtwRunner in applications/ctw tests + S8221880: Better customization for Windows RC properties FileDescription and ProductName + S8221915: cleanup ticks related coding in os_perf_aix.cpp [aix] + S8221917: serviceability/sa/ fails on 32-bit platforms + S8221924: get(null) on single-entry unmodifiable Map returns null instead of throwing NPE + S8222027: java/util/logging/LogManager/ generates intermittent ClassCastException + S8222032: x86_32 fails with "wrong size of mach node" on AVX-512 machine + S8222089: [TESTBUG] sun/security/lib/cacerts/ / fails due to cert within 90-day expiry window + S8222133: Add temporary exceptions for root certs that are due to expire soon + S8222136: Remove two Comodo root CA certificates that are expiring + S8222137: Remove T-Systems root CA certificate + S8222397: x86_32 tests with UseSHA1Intrinsics SEGV due to garbled registers + S8222410: java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/ /UnixSocketFile hangs when "nc" does not accept "-U" + S8222522: Add configure options for Mac Bundle creation + S8222532: (zipfs) Performance regression when writing ZipFileSystem entries in parallel + S8222913: Add Jib support for VERSION_EXTRA* + S8222930: ConcurrentSkipListMap.clone() shares size variable between original and clone + S8223266: PPC64: Check for branch to illegal address before checking for mem serialization + S8223395: PPC64: Improve comments in the JVM signal handler to match ISA text + S8223499: Remove two DocuSign root certificates that are expiring + S8223555: Cleanups in cacerts tests + S8223597: jdk/nio/zipfs/ RuntimeException: CHECK_FAILED! (getAttribute.crc failed 6af4413c vs 0 ...) + S8223665: SA: debugd options should follow jhsdb style + S8224474: harfbuzz 2.3.1 code fails to compile with gcc 4.4.7 + S8224671: AArch64: mauve System.arraycopy test failure + S8224727: Problem list test security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ + S8224828: aarch64: rflags is not correct after safepoint poll + S8224880: AArch64: java/javac error with AllocatePrefetchDistance + S8225402: events logging in deoptimization.cpp should go to deopt-log + S8225716: G1 GC: Undefined behaviour in G1BlockOffsetTablePart::block_at_or_preceding + S8226876: Assertion in sun/util/locale/provider/ /CalendarDataUtility on Windows after JDK-8218960 + S8226880: Backport of JDK-8208698 (Improved ECC Implementation) should not bring parts of JDK-8205476 (KeyAgreement#generateSecret is not reset for ECDH based algorithm)- Do not fail installation when the manpages are not present (bsc#1115375)- Added patch: * JDK-8208602.patch + Backport upstream fix for JDK-8208602: Cannot read PEM X.509 cert if there is whitespace after the header or footer (bsc#1140461)- Provide and Obsolete the corresponding java-10-openjdk- packages to assure smooth upgrade (fate#326347, bsc#1137264)- Require update-ca-certificates by the headless subpackage (bsc#1131378) - Removed patch: * java11-improved-fonts.patch + broken with the recent changes in font rendering- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.3+7 (April 2019 CPU) * Security fixes + S8211936, CVE-2019-2602, bsc#1132728: Better String parsing + S8214809: CDS storage improvements + S8218453, CVE-2019-2684, bsc#1132732: More dynamic RMI interactions * Other changes + S8034802: (zipfs) newFileSystem throws UOE when the zip file is located in a custom file system + S8165675: Trace event for thread park has incorrect unit for timeout + S8172695: (scanner) java/util/Scanner/ fails + S8187364: Unable to enter zero width non-joiner (ZWNJ) symbol in Swing text component + S8197398: (zipfs) Files.walkFileTree walk indefinitelly while processing JAR file with "/" as a directory inside. + S8200109: NMT: diff_malloc_site assert(early->flags() == current->flags(), "Must be the same memory type") + S8201818: [macosx] Printing attributes break page size set via "java.awt.print.Book" object + S8204142: AWT hang occurs when sequenced events arrive out of sequence in multiple AppContexts + S8205432: Replace the placeholder Japanese era name + S8206120: Add test cases for lenient Japanese era parsing + S8207070: Webstart app popup on wrong screen in a one-screen setup changing to multi-monitor + S8207258: Distrust TLS server certificates anchored by Symantec Root CAs + S8207760: SAXException: Invalid UTF-16 surrogate detected: d83c ? + S8207829: FlightRecorderMXBeanImpl is leaking the first classloader which calls it + S8207849: Allow the addition of more number to the Java version string + S8208275: C2 crash in Node::add_req(Node*) + S8208656: Move java/util/Calendar/CalendarTestScripts tests into OpenJDK + S8209615: ParseError in XMLEventReader on a valid input + S8209758: 2 classes with same name G1PrintCollectionSetClosure cause crash when logging is enabled + S8209960: -Xlog:jfr* doesn't work with the JFR + S8210192: Hsperf counter ParNew::CMS should be ParNew:CMS + S8210394: (zipfs) jdk/nio/zipfs/ The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process + S8210633: Cannot parse JapaneseDate string with DateTimeFormatterBuilder Mapped-values + S8210874: Test for JDK-8209615 + S8210974: No extensions debug log for ClientHello + S8210989: RSASSA-PSS certificate cannot be selected for client auth on TLSv1.2 + S8211049: Second parameter of "initialize" method is not used + S8211064: [AArch64] Interpreter and c1 don't correctly handle jboolean results in native calls + S8211100: hotspot C1 issue with comparing long numbers on x86 32-bit + S8211163: UNIX version of Java_java_io_Console_echo does not return a clean boolean + S8211267: StackOverflowError happened by TextField.setFont(...) + S8211295: DriverManager.getConnection fails when called from com.sun.rowset.JdbcRowSetImpl + S8211320: Aarch64: unsafe.compareAndSetByte() and unsafe.compareAndSetShort() c2 intrinsics broken with negative expected value + S8211382: ISO2022JP and GB18030 NIO converter issues + S8211398: Square character support for the Japanese new era + S8211698: Crash in C2 compiled code during execution of double array heavy processing code + S8211765: JarFile constructor throws undocumented exception + S8211787: javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/ throws Read timed out + S8211821: PrintStringTableStatistics crashes JVM + S8212173: Thread._stack_base/_stack_size initialized too late for new threads + S8212232: Wrong metadata for the configuration of the cutoff for old object sample events + S8212233: javadoc fails on jdk12 with "The code being documented uses modules but the packages defined in $URL are in the unnamed module." + S8212885: TLS 1.3 resumed session does not retain peer certificate chain + S8212941: Support new Japanese era in java.time.chrono.JapaneseEra + S8213183: InputMethod cannot be used after its restarting + S8213202: Possible race condition in TLS 1.3 session resumption + S8213419: C2 may hang in MulLNode::Ideal()/MulINode::Ideal() with gcc 8.2.1 + S8213421: Line number information for execution samples always 0 + S8213583: Error while opening the JFileChooser when desktop contains shortcuts pointing to deleted files + S8213754: PPC64: Add Intrinsics for isDigit/isLowerCase/isUpperCase/isWhitespace + S8213782: NullPointerException in + S8213829: Remove circular dependency between g1CollectedHeap and g1ConcurrentMark + S8213952: Relax DNSName restriction as per RFC 1123 + S8213966: The ZGC JFR events should be marked as experimental + S8213983: [macosx] Keyboard shortcut ?cmd +`? stops working properly if popup window is displayed + S8214063: OpenJDK will not build on AIX while using the xlc 13.1 compiler + S8214100: use of keystore probing results in unnecessary exception thrown + S8214118: HeapRegions marked as archive even if CDS mapping fails + S8214122: JDWP is broken on 32 bit Windows: transport library missing onLoad entry + S8214129: SSL session resumption/SNI with TLS1.2 causes StackOverflowError + S8214189: test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/mathexact/ / fails on Windows x64 when run with - XX:-TieredCompilation + S8214206: Fix for JDK-8213419 is broken on 32-bit + S8214339: SSLSocketImpl erroneously wraps SocketException + S8214352: C1: Unnecessary "compilation bailout: block join failed" with JVMTI + S8214451: PPC64/s390: Clean up unused CRC32 prototype and function + S8214513: A PKCS12 keystore from Java 8 using custom PBE parameters cannot be read in Java 11 + S8214688: TLS 1.3 session resumption with hello retry request failed with "illegal_parameter" + S8214827: Incorrect call ClassLoaders.toFileURL("jrt:/java.compiler") + S8215100: AArch64: fix compareTo intrinsic with four-character Latin/Unicode + S8215175: Inconsistencies in JFR event metadata + S8215202: AArch64: jtreg test test/jdk/sun/nio/cs/ fails + S8215317: [GRAAL] unit test CheckGraalIntrinsics failed after 8213754 + S8215330: javax.xml.catalog.CatalogResolverImpl: GroupEntry.matchURI fails to match + S8215362: JFR GTest JfrTestNetworkUtilization fails + S8215397: jsig.c missing classpath exception + S8215727: Restore JFR thread sampler loop to old / previous behavior + S8215947: JVM crash with -XX:+DumpSharedSpaces + S8215951: AArch64: jtreg test vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/PopFrame/popframe005 segfaults + S8215962: Support ThreadPriorityPolicy mode 1 for non-root users on linux/bsd + S8216049: stringTable::intern creates redundant String when looking up existing one + S8216060: [PPC64] Vector CRC implementation should be used by interpreter and be faster for short arrays + S8216280: Allow later Symantec Policy distrust date for two Apple SubCAs + S8216302: StackTraceElement::fill_in can use cached + S8216308: StackTraceElement::fill_in can use injected Class source-file + S8216350: AArch64: monitor unlock fast path not called + S8216546: Support new Japanese era in java.lang.Character for Java SE 11 + S8216578: Remove unused/obsolete method in JFR code + S8216965: crash in freetypeScaler.c CopyBW2Grey8 + S8217014: Epsilon should not ignore Metadata GC causes + S8217315: Proper units should print more significant digits + S8217321: [TESTBUG] utilities/test_globalDefinitions.cpp should use _LP64, not LP64 + S8217342: Build failed with excluding JFR + S8217378: UseCriticalCMSThreadPriority is broken + S8217427: (dc) nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ fails without IPv6 + S8217432: MetaspaceGC::_capacity_until_GC exceeds MaxMetaspaceSize + S8217459: [PPC64] Cleanup non-vector version of CRC32 + S8217471: [TESTBUG] gc/epsilon/ fails on some platforms - OOME Metaspace + S8217520: Remove vm.opt.MaxGCPauseMillis == "null" from + S8217579: TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV is disabled after 8211883 + S8217597: [TESTBUG] old version docker does not support --cpus + S8217609: New era placeholder not recognized by java.text.SimpleDateFormat + S8217628: Verbose ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException message also in JNI calls. + S8217657: Move the test for default value of jdk.includeInExceptions into own test + S8217994: os::print_hex_dump should be more resilient against unreadable memory + S8218156: "jcmd VM.metaspace basic" misreports free chunk space + S8218192: Remove copy constructor for MemRegion + S8218915: Change isJavaIdentifierStart and isJavaIdentifierPart to handle new code points + S8219251: Langtools tests default memory size needs to be 768m + S8219260: Default number of test jobs needs to be consistently calculated + S8219461: Bump update version for OpenJDK jdk11.0.3 + S8219650: [Testbug] Fix potential crashes in new test hotspot gtest "test_print_hex_dump" + S8219651: compiler/ciReplay/ is failing on windows + S8219714: [testbug] com/sun/jdi/RedefineNestmateAttr/ / must pass classpath to subprocess + S8219789: [TESTBUG] produces hs_err_pidXXXXX.log file for VMThreadStackSize=9007199254740991 + S8219890: Calendar.getDisplayName() returns empty string for new Japanese Era on some locales + S8220283: ZGC fails to build on GCC 4.4.7: ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED compatibility issue + S8220294: ZGC fails to build on GCC 4.4.7: Type parameter issue + S8221769: Revert JDK-8221767 mistakenly pushed to jdk11u 11.0.3 - Modified patch: * java11-improved-fonts.patch + Adapted to changed context- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.2+7 (Oracle January 2019 CPU) * Security fixes: + S8206290, CVE-2019-2422, bsc#1122293: Better FileChannel transfer performance + S8209094, CVE-2019-2426: Improve web server connections + S8210866, CVE-2018-11212, bsc#1122299: Improve JPEG processing * Security-In-Depth fixes: + S8199156: Better route routing + S8199161: Better interface enumeration + S8199166: Better interface lists + S8199552: Update to build scripts + S8200659: Improve BigDecimal support + S8203955: Improve robot support + S8204895: Better icon support + S8205356: Choose printer defaults + S8205709: Proper allocation handling + S8205714: Initial class initialization + S8206295: More reliable p11 transactions + S8206301: Improve NIO stability + S8210094: Better loading of classloader classes + S8210598: Strengthen Windows Access Bridge Support + S8210606: Improved data set handling + S8210610: Improved LSA authentication + S8210870: Libsunmscapi improved interactions * Fixes + S8021335: Missing synchronization when reading counters for live threads and peak thread count + S8027434: "-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError" uses fork instead of vfork + S8029661: Support TLS v1.2 algorithm in SunPKCS11 provider + S8170937: Swing apps are slow if displaying from a remote source to many local displays + S8196902: Better HTTP Redirection + S8203688: [testbug] Nashorn test test/nashorn/script/nosecurity/treeapi/diagnostic.js fails + S8203850: HTTP client should allow specifying Origin and Referer headers + S8205330: InitialDirContext ctor sometimes throws NPE if the server has sent a disconnection + S8205507: jdk/javax/xml/crypto/dsig/ timed out + S8205633: of '-XX:TLABSize=2147483648' fails intermittently + S8206075: On x86, assert on unbound assembler Labels used as branch targets + S8206107: [x86_32] jck tests for ldc2_w bytecode fail + S8207059: Update test certificates in test + S8207150: Clip.isRunning() may return true after Clip.stop() was called + S8207343: Automate vtable/itable stub size calculation + S8207395: jar has issues with UNC-path arguments for the jar - C parameter [windows] + S8207810: Remove jdk-11.0.1+2 tag from source repository + S8207924: serviceability/sa/ intermittently fails with assert(get_instanceKlass()->is_loaded()) failed: must be at least loaded + S8208209: Improve TLS connection stability again + S8208350: Disable all DES cipher suites + S8208480: Test failure: assert(is_bound() || is_unused()) after JDK-8206075 in C1 + S8208638: Instead of circle rendered in appl window, but ellipse is produced JEditor Pane + S8208647: switch jtreg to 4.2b13 + S8208661: JDK 11.0.1 l10n resource file update + S8208754: The fix for JDK-8194534 needs updates + S8209357: [PPC64] Fix build which was broken by 8208672 (Enable -Wreorder) + S8209433: [s390] Fix build, broken by 8208672 (Enable - Wreorder) + S8209511: C2 asserts with UseSSE < 4 and AVX enabled: "Label was never bound to a location, but it was used as a jmp target' + S8209544: AES encrypt performance regression in jdk11b11 + S8209576: java.nio.file.Files.writeString writes garbled UTF-16 instead of UTF-8 + S8209588: SIGSEGV in MethodArityHistogram() with - XX:+CountCompiledCalls + S8209916: NPE in SupportedGroupsExtension + S8209950: SIGBUS in CodeHeapState::print_names() + S8209965: The "supported_groups" extension in ServerHellos + S8210040: is very slow + S8210043: Invalid assert(HeapBaseMinAddress > 0) in ReservedHeapSpace::initialize_compressed_heap + S8210319: [s390]: Use of shift operators not covered by cpp standard + S8210334: TLS 1.3 server fails if ClientHello doesn't have pre_shared_key and psk_key_exchange_modes + S8210345: The Japanese message of FileNotFoundException garbled + S8210355: Minimal and Zero non-PCH builds fail after JDK-8207343 (Automate vtable/itable stub size calculation) + S8210357: Zero builds fail after JDK-8207343 (Automate vtable/itable stub size calculation) + S8210416: [linux] Poor StrictMath performance due to non-optimized compilation + S8210425: [x86] sharedRuntimeTrig/sharedRuntimeTrans compiled without optimization + S8210432: Add additional TeliaSonera root certificate + S8210490: TimeZone.getDisplayName given Locale.US doesn't always honor the Locale. + S8210695: Create test to cover JDK-8205330 InitialDirContext ctor sometimes throws NPE if the server has sent a disconnection + S8210754: print_location is not reliable enough (printing register info) + S8210764: Update avx512 implementation + S8210846: TLSv.1.3 interop problems with OpenSSL 1.1.1 when used on the client side with mutual auth + S8210912: Build error in src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/native/ /libj2pkcs11/p11_convert.c after JDK-8029661 + S8210918: Add test to exercise server-side client hello processing + S8210964: add more ld preloading related info to hs_error file on Linux + S8211061: Tests fail with assert(VM_Version::supports_sse4_1()) on ThreadRipper CPU + S8211106: [windows] Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2019 + S8211107: LDAPS communication failure with jdk 1.8.0_181 + S8211124: HotSpot update for vm_version.cpp to recognise updated VS2017 + S8211231: BarrierSetC1::generate_referent_check() confuses register allocator + S8211251: Default mask register for avx512 instructions + S8211268: Disable unsupported GCs for Zero + S8211272: x86_32 build failures after JDK-8210764 (Update avx512 implementation) + S8211375: Minimal VM build failures after JDK-8211251 (Default mask register for avx512 instructions) + S8211420: returns Content-length header for 204 response code + S8211437: 8211437 hangs on 204 reply without Content-length 0 + S8211451: ~2.5% regression on compression benchmark starting with 12-b11 + S8211714: Need to update vm_version.cpp to recognise VS2017 minor versions + S8211731: Reconsider default option for ClassPathURLCheck change done in JDK-8195874 + S8211806: TLS 1.3 handshake server name indication is missing on a session resume + S8211844: [aix] ProcessBuilder: Piping between created processes does not work. + S8211852: inspect stack during error reporting + S8211883: Disable anon and NULL cipher suites + S8211909: JDWP Transport Listener: dt_socket thread crash + S8211926: Catastrophic size_t underflow in BitMap::*_large methods + S8211931: [ppc][testbug] runtime/jni/terminatedThread/ / fails as threads don't terminate immediately + S8212005: Epsilon elastic TLAB sizing may cause misalignment + S8212070: Introduce diagnostic flag to abort VM on failed JIT compilation + S8212100: AppCDS crashes for some uses with JRuby + S8212116: IIOException "tEXt chunk length is not proper" on opening png file + S8212177: Epsilon alignment adjustments can overflow max TLAB size + S8212178: Soft reference reclamation race in + S8212197: OpenDataException thrown when constructing CompositeData for StackTraceElement + S8212481: PPC64: Enable POWER9 CPU detection + S8212613: Bump update version for jdk11.0.2 cpu forest + S8212645: Need change jdk 11.0.2 milestone to ea + S8212754: Build failure: undefined JvmtiSampledObjectAllocEventCollector::object_alloc_is_safe_to_sample + S8212795: ThreadInfoCompositeData.toCompositeData fails to map ThreadInfo to CompositeData + S8212926: HttpClient does not retrieve files with large sizes over HTTP/1.1 + S8212937: Parent class loader may not have a referred ClassLoaderData instance when obtained in Klass::class_in_module_of_loader + S8213085: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018g + S8213086: Compiler thread creation should be bounded by available space in memory and Code Cache + S8213151: [AIX] Some class library files are missing the Classpath exception + S8213154: Update copyright headers of files in src tree that are missing Classpath exception + S8213367: JDK 11.0.2 l10n resource file update + S8213410: UseCompressedOops requirement check fails fails on 32-bit system + S8213527: [testbug] Fix PrintMetaspaceDcmd test using UseCompressedOops for 32-bit. + S8213763: Need change jdk 11.0.2 milestone to fcs + S8213834: JVMTI ResourceExhausted should not be posted in CompilerThread + S8213942: URLStreamHandler initialization race + S8213992: Rename and make DieOnSafepointTimeout the diagnostic option + S8214059: Undefined behaviour in ADLC + S8214061: Buffer written into itself + S8214105: [TESTBUG] Bit test is always false in serviceability/jvmti/StartPhase/AllowedFunctions + S8214108: [TESTBUG] Incorrect Function parameter lists in vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/extension/EX03/ex03t001 + S8214295: Populate handlers while holding streamHandlerLock + S8214476: ZGC: Build ZGC by default + S8214892: Delayed starting of debugging via jcmd + S8215128: Test library OSInfo.getSolarisVersion cannot determine Solaris version + S8215637: client VM variant build error: zgc (enabled) depends on opto (disabled) + S8215975: [testbug] Adapt nsk tests to the PPC, S390 and AIX platforms. + S8216290: Register to register spill may use AVX 512 move instruction on unsupported platform.- Added patch: * loadAssistiveTechnologies.patch + Do not crash the whole JVM if assistive technologies crash- Do not resolve by default the added JavaEE modules (fixes bsc#1120431)- Remove hardcoded Java version in jconsole desktop file.- Merge into the JDK following modules from * com.sum.xml.fastinfoset * org.jvnet.staxex * com.sun.istack.runtime * com.sun.xml.txw2 * com.sun.xml.bind + This provides a default implementation of JAXB-API that existed in JDK before Java 11 and that some applications depend on.- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.1+13 (Oracle October 2018 CPU) * Security fixes: + S8202936, CVE-2018-3183, bsc#1112148: Improve script engine support + S8199226, CVE-2018-3169, bsc#1112146: Improve field accesses + S8199177, CVE-2018-3149, bsc#1112144: Enhance JNDI lookups + S8202613, CVE-2018-3180, bsc#1112147: Improve TLS connections stability + S8208209, CVE-2018-3180, bsc#1112147: Improve TLS connection stability again + S8199172, CVE-2018-3150, bsc#1112145: Improve jar attribute checks + S8200648, CVE-2018-3157, bsc#1112149: Make midi code more sound + S8194534, CVE-2018-3136, bsc#1112142: Manifest better support + S8208754, CVE-2018-3136, bsc#1112142: The fix for JDK-8194534 needs updates + S8196902, CVE-2018-3139, bsc#1112143: Better HTTP Redirection * Security-In-Depth fixes: + S8194546: Choosier FileManagers + S8195874: Improve jar specification adherence + S8196897: Improve PRNG support + S8197881: Better StringBuilder support + S8201756: Improve cipher inputs + S8203654: Improve cypher state updates + S8204497: Better formatting of decimals + S8200666: Improve LDAP support + S8199110: Address Internet Addresses * Fixes + S7017058: Malayalam glyph substitution is failing for Malayalam with Windows Kartika font. + S8130655: OS X: keyboard input in textfield is not possible if the window contained textfield is owned by EmbeddedFrame + S8160104: CORBA communication improvements + S8163237: Restrict the use of EXPORT cipher suites + S8172525: Improve key keying case + S8174756: Extra validation for public keys + S8174962: Better interface invocations + S8175075: Add 3DES to the default disabled algorithm security property + S8175932: Improve host instance supports + S8176450: Revise default document styling + S8178449: Improve LDAP logins + S8178458: Better use of certificates in LDAP + S8178466: Better RSA parameters + S8179533: Cleaner print job handling + S8179990: Cleaner palette entry handling + S8180011: Cleaner native graphics device handling + S8180015: Cleaner AWT robot handling + S8180020: Improve SymbolHashMap entry handling + S8180869: Cleaner image file reading handling + S8180877: More deeply colored ICC spaces + S8181664: Improve JVM UTF String handling + S8181670: Improve implementation of keystores + S8182125: Improve reliability of DNS lookups + S8182362: Update CipherOutputStream Usage + S8182387: Improve PKCS usage + S8182601: Improve usage messages + S8183032: Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.9 + S8185292: Stricter key generation + S8185325: Improve GTK initialization + S8186032: Disable XML Signatures signed with EC keys less than 224 bits + S8186080: Transform XML interfaces + S8186212: Improve GSS handling + S8186600: Improve property negotiations + S8186606: Improve LDAP lookup robustness + S8186998: Improve JMX supportive features + S8187496: Possible memory leak in + S8189123: More consistent classloading + S8189284: More refactoring for deserialization cases + S8189969: Manifest better manifest entries + S8189977: Improve permission portability + S8189981: Improve queuing portability + S8189985: Improve tabular data portability + S8189989: Improve container portability + S8189993: Improve document portability + S8189997: Enhance keystore mechanisms + S8190227: Forward port 8188880 to JDK10CPU + S8190289: More refactoring for client deserialization cases + S8190478: Improved interface method selection + S8190789: sun/security/provider/certpath/LDAPCertStore/ / fails after JDK-8186606 + S8190877: Better handling of abstract classes + S8191130: Sinhala text rendering problem with C+VIRAMA+ZWJ+RA/YA+V + S8191142: More refactoring for naming deserialization cases + S8191178: [macos] Problem with input of yen symbol + S8191239: Improve desktop file usage + S8191358: Restore TSA certificate expiration check + S8191696: Better mouse positioning + S8191907: PPC64 and s390 parts of JDK-8174962: Better interface invocations + S8192025: Less referential references + S8192030: Better MTSchema support + S8192757: Improve stub classes implementation + S8192789: Avoid using AtomicReference in + S8193409: Improve AES supporting classes + S8193414: Improvements in MethodType lookups + S8193419: Better Internet address support + S8194233: Improve support for array handles + S8194238: Trying exceptions in MethodHandles + S8194259: keytool error: Invalid secret key format + S8195662: Add to problem list before JDK-8195589 is resolved + S8195836: opentype:Bengali: "Khanda Ta" shaping issue with U+09A4 TA, U+09CD virama, U+200D ZWJ + S8196224: Even better Internet address support + S8196289: Update src/java.desktop/share/legal/ for LCMS 2.9 + S8197443: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in UcryptoException.getError + S8197925: Better stack walking + S8199547: Exception to Pattern Syntax + S8200332: Improve GCM counting + S8204667: Resources not freed on exception + S8205479: OS X: requestFocus() does not work properly for embedded frame + S8205491: adjust reflective access checks + S8206389: JarEntry.setCreation/LastAccessTime without setLastModifiedTime causes Invalid CEN header + S8206392: [macosx] Cycling through windows (JFrames) does not work with keyboard shortcut + S8206473: Revert changes of JDK-8202613 in jdk-cpu and jdk11u-cpu + S8206884: Bump update version for jdk11.0.1 cpu forest + S8207057: No debug info for assembler files + S8207153: Some intrinsic tests take long time to run + S8207745: serviceability/sa/ times out parsing a 4GB hprof file + S8207775: Better management of CipherCore buffers + S8207941: javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicGraphicsUtils/8132119/ / fails on machines without Arial font [testbug] + S8207948: JDK 11 L10n resource file update msg drop 10 + S8208091: SA: jhsdb jstack --mixed throws UnmappedAddressException on i686 + S8208268: 11.0.1 b03 bundles - Release Date is wrong + S8208350: Disable all DES cipher suites + S8208583: Better management of internal KeyStore buffers + S8208595: [parfait] Better X11 font support + S8208654: Please change jdk 11.0.1 milestone to FCS + S8208661: JDK 11.0.1 l10n resource file update + S8208746: ISO 4217 Amendment #168 update + S8209129: Further improvements to cipher buffer management + S8209639: assert failure in coalesce.cpp: attempted to spill a non-spillable item + S8209775: ISO 4217 Amendment #169 update + S8209786: JDK12 fails to build on s390x with gcc 7.3 + S8209862: CipherCore performance improvement + S8209889: RedefineStress tests crash + S8209916: NPE in SupportedGroupsExtension + S8209942: [epsilon] range function for EpsilonTLABElasticity causes compiler warning + S8209996: [PPC64] Fix JFR profiling + S8210153: localized currency symbol of VES + S8210259: [testbug] fails if VM configured without ZGC + S8210335: Clipping problems with complex affine transforms: negative scaling factors or small scaling factors + S8210345: The Japanese message of FileNotFoundException garbled + S8210432: Add additional TeliaSonera root certificate + S8210497: [PPC64] Vector registers not saved across safepoint + S8210502: jdeps does not handle properly on analyzing a mixture of MR JARs and non-MR JARs + S8210647: libsaproc is being compiled without optimization. + S8210703: vmStructs.cpp compiled with -O0 + S8210736: jdk/javax/xml/crypto/dsig/ slow on linux + S8210761: libjsig is being compiled without optimization + S8210775: JVM TI Spec missing copyright + S8210810: Escaped character at specific position in argument file is not handled properly + S8210836: Build fails with warn_unused_result in openjdk/src/jdk.hotspot.agent/linux/native/libsaproc/ps_core.c + S8210846: TLSv.1.3 interop problems with OpenSSL 1.1.1 when used on the client side with mutual auth + S8211065: Private method check in linkResolver is incorrect + S8211105: AArch64: Disable cos/sin and log intrinsics in jdk11u pending fix + S8211107: LDAPS communication failure with jdk 1.8.0_181 + S8211165: License header is absent in a few J2Ddemo source code files + S8211208: make AllocateHeapAt an unsupported option on AIX + S8211387: [Zero] atomic_copy64: Use ldrexd for atomic reads on ARMv7 + S8211731: Reconsider default option for ClassPathURLCheck change done in JDK-8195874 + S8211768: [s390] Implement JFR profiling + S8211856: [ppc, s390] ProblemList some failing tests. + S8211916: Javadoc -link makes broken links if module name matches package name + S8212110: Build of saproc.dll broken on Windows 32 bit after JDK-8210647 + S8212204: [TESTBUG] test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/ /base64/ fails - Removed patches: * RHBZ-1628612-JDK-8210461-workaround-disable-aarch64-intrinsic.patch * RHBZ-1630996-JDK-8210858-workaround-disable-aarch64-intrinsic-log.patch + Integrated upstream- Add patches to workaround aarch64 critical bugs: * RHBZ-1628612-JDK-8210461-workaround-disable-aarch64-intrinsic.patch * RHBZ-1630996-JDK-8210858-workaround-disable-aarch64-intrinsic-log.patch- Official OpenJDK 11 release (fate#324453, fate#323970, bsc#1111162) * Pull the sources from the jdk-updates/jdk11u repository from now on. * Remove the buildver from the rpm version string- Update jax-ws-spec and jaxb-spec tarball to the latest versions - Modified patch: * annotation-module.patch + module name change from to java.annotation- Update configuration flags to enable ZGC on x86_64 platforms- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+28 (OpenJDK 11 rc1) * Fixes: + S8207317: SSLEngine negotiation fail exception behavior changed from fail-fast to fail-lazy + S8207838: AArch64: Float registers incorrectly restored in JNI call + S8209637: [s390x] Interpreter doesn't call result handler after native calls + S8209670: CompilerThread releasing code buffer in destructor is unsafe + S8209735: Disable avx512 by default + S8209806: API docs should be updated to refer to javase11 - Report version without the "-internal" postfix- Added patch: * jaw-nogtk.patch + Don't build against gdk making the accessibility depend on a particular version of gtk.- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+27 * Fixes: + S8031761: [TESTBUG] Add a regression test for JDK-8026328 + S8151259: [TESTBUG] nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/redefclass030 fails with "unexpected values of outer fields of the class" when running with -Xcomp + S8164639: Configure PKCS11 tests to use user-supplied NSS libraries + S8189667: Desktop#moveToTrash expects incorrect "<>" FilePermission + S8194949: [Graal] gc/ fail with OOM in - Xcomp + S8195156: [Graal] serviceability/jvmti/GetModulesInfo/ / fails with Graal in Xcomp mode + S8199081: [Testbug] compiler/linkage/ fails if run twice + S8201394: Update module summary to reflect removal of module + S8204931: Colors with alpha are painted incorrectly on Linux + S8204966: [TESTBUG] hotspot/test/compiler/whitebox/ / test fails with - XX:CompileThreshold=1 + S8205608: Fix 'frames()' in ThreadReferenceImpl.c to prevent quadratic runtime behavior + S8205687: TimeoutHandler generates huge core files + S8206176: Remove the temporary tls13VN field + S8206258: [Test Error] sun/security/pkcs11 tests fail if NSS libs not found + S8206965: java/util/TimeZone/ failed on de_DE and ja_JP locale. + S8207009: TLS 1.3 half-close and synchronization issues + S8207046: arm32 vm crash: C1 arm32 platform functions parameters type mismatch + S8207139: NMT is not enabled on Windows 2016/10 + S8207237: SSLSocket#setEnabledCipherSuites is accepting empty string + S8207355: C1 compilation hangs in ComputeLinearScanOrder::compute_dominator + S8207746: C2: Lucene crashes on AVX512 instruction + S8207765: intermittent failure + S8207944: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Extra bytes at the end of class file test" possibly violation of JVMS 4.7.1 + S8207948: JDK 11 L10n resource file update msg drop 10 + S8207966: HttpClient response without content-length does not return body + S8208125: Cannot input text into JOptionPane Text Input Dialog + S8208164: (str) improve specification of String::lines + S8208166: Still unable to use custom SSLEngine with default TrustManagerFactory after JDK-8207029 + S8208189: ProblemList compiler/graalunit/ + S8208205: ProblemList tests that fail due to 'Error attaching to process: Can't create thread_db agent!' + S8208226: ProblemList com/sun/jdi/ + S8208251: serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/ / fails intermittently on Linux-X64 + S8208305: ProblemList compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ + S8208347: ProblemList compiler/cpuflags/ + S8208353: Upgrade JDK 11 to libpng 1.6.35 + S8208358: update bug ids mentioned in tests + S8208370: fix typo in ReservedStack tests' @requires + S8208391: Differentiate response and connect timeouts in HTTP Client API + S8208466: Fix potential memory leak in harfbuzz shaping. + S8208496: New Test to verify concurrent behavior of TLS. + S8208521: ProblemList more tests that fail due to 'Error attaching to process: Can't create thread_db agent!' + S8208640: [a11y] [macos] Unable to navigate between Radiobuttons in Radio group using keyboard. + S8208663: JDK 11 L10n resource file update msg drop 20 + S8208676: Missing NULL check and resource leak in NetworkPerformanceInterface::NetworkPerformance::network_utilization + S8208691: Tighten up jdk.includeInExceptions security property + S8209011: [TESTBUG] AArch64: sun/security/pkcs11/Secmod/ / fails in aarch64 platforms + S8209029: ProblemList tests that fail due to 'Error attaching to process: Can't create thread_db agent!' in jdk-11+25 testing + S8209149: [TESTBUG] runtime/RedefineTests/ / needs a longer timeout + S8209451: Please change jdk 11 milestone to FCS + S8209452: failed with "At least one cacert test failed" + S8209506: Add Google Trust Services GlobalSign root certificates + S8209537: Two security tests failed after JDK-8164639 due to dependency was missed- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+24 (Oracle July 2018 CPU) * Security fixes: + S8197925: Better stack walking (CVE-2018-2940, bsc#1101645) + S8199547: Exception to Pattern Syntax (CVE-2018-2952, bsc#1101651) + S8200332: Improve GCM counting (CVE-2018-2972, bsc#1101655) + S8200666: Improve LDAP support (CVE-2018-2973, bsc#1101656) * Security-In-Depth fixes: + S8191239: Improve desktop file usage + S8193419: Better Internet address support * Fixes: + S8189922: UseNUMA memory interleaving vs membind + S8196224: Even better Internet address support + S8202837: PBES2 AlgorithmId encoding error in PKCS12 KeyStore + S8203230: update VerifyCACerts test + S8203504: [Graal] org.graalvm.compiler.debug.test.DebugContextTest fails with java.util.ServiceConfigurationError + S8203820: [TESTBUG] vmTestbase/metaspace/staticReferences/ timed out + S8204196: integer cleanup + S8205390: jtreg: Fix failing TestRTMSpinLoopCount on PPC64 + S8205491: adjust reflective access checks + S8205578: jtreg: Fix failing TestRTMAbortRatio on PPC64 + S8205580: PPC64: RTM: Don't retry lock on abort if abort was intentional + S8205581: PPC64: RTM: Fix abort on native calls + S8205582: PPC64: RTM: Fix counter for aborts on nested transactions + S8206171: Signature#getParameters for RSASSA-PSS throws ProviderException when not initialized + S8206241: compiler/graalunit/ fails with java.lang.Error: TESTBUG: no tests found for prefix org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.test + S8206445: failed in Windows + S8206456: [TESTBUG] docker jtreg tests fail on systems without cpuset.effective_cpus / cpuset.effective_mem + S8206865: RMI activation tests fail with InvalidClassException + S8206886: Java does not set the default format locale correctly on mac10.13 + S8206931: Misleading "COMPILE SKIPPED: invalid non-klass dependency" compile log + S8207056: Epsilon GC to support object pinning + S8207069: [AOT] we should check that VM uses the same GC as one used for AOT library generation. + S8207223: SSL Handshake failures are reported with more generic SSLException + S8207243: Fix translation filtering to also support zh_HK and zh_TW + S8207244: java/nio/channels/Selector/ testInterruptDuringSelect() fails intermittently + S8207250: setUseClientMode post handshake with the same value as before does not throw IAE + S8207252: C1 still does eden allocations when TLAB is enabled + S8207365: Make man pages optional + S8207380: compiler/graalunit/ timeout + S8207383: [Graal] fails with "guarantee(disp == (intptr_t)(jint)disp) failed: must be 32-bit offset" + S8207392: [PPC64] Implement JFR profiling. + S8207584: ARM32: ShouldNotReachHere assertion on Test8168712 jtreg test + S8207761: Split compiler/graalunit/ + S8207765: fails with ZGC + S8207766: [testbug] Adapt tests for Aix. + S8207818: Problem list several rmi tests + S8207819: Problem list serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/ /MyPackage/ + S8207830: [aix] disable jfr in build and tests + S8207833: java/nio/channels/Selector/ testCancel() fails intermittently + S8207846: Generalize the security property + S8207915: [AOT] jaotc w/ '--ignore-errors' should ignore illegal class files + S8207952: Problem-list 3 sctp tests + S8207959: The initial value of SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS should have no limit + S8207960: Non-negative WINDOW_UPDATE increments may leave the stream window size negative + S8208075: Quarantine vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/ /StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption/ + S8208092: ProblemList serviceability/sa/ + S8208096: Update build documentation to reflect compiler upgrades at Oracle + S8208111: Problem list java/nio/channels/Selector/ Update to upstream tag jdk-11+23 * Fixes + S8181855: [Graal] runtime/ReservedStack/ triggers: assert(thread->deopt_mark() == __null) failed: no stack overflow from deopt blob/uncommon trap + S8189747: JDK9 javax.lang.model.util.Elements#getTypeElement regressed 1000x in performance. + S8191948: db error: InvalidTypeException: Can't assign double[][][] to double[][][] + S8199779: Add T-Systems, GlobalSign and Starfield services root certificates + S8200282: Serializing non-zero byte as zero to ByteBuffer + S8202481: fails with java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.nio.channels.ClosedSelectorException + S8204860: The frame could be resized by dragging a corner of the frame with the mouse + S8205541: serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/ / fails with Should not have any events stored yet. + S8205576: forkjoin/ fails "AssertionError: failed to satisfy condition" + S8205643: HeapMonitorGCCMSTest fails with Graal + S8205652: serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/ / fails + S8205725: Update the JVMTI Spec for Heap Sampling + S8205967: Remove sun/security/krb5/auto/ from ProblemList.txt + S8206189: sun/security/pkcs12/ fails with Sequence tag error + S8206238: Aspect ratio is not maintained when Image is scaled in JEditorPane + S8206265: aarch64 jtreg: assert in TestOptionsWithRanges.jtr + S8206271: CodeHeap State Analytics must digest new method state + S8206448: (fs) Extended attributes assumed to be enabled on ext3 (lnx) + S8206471: Race with ConcurrentHashTable deleting items on insert with cleanup thread + S8206873: 2 Null pointer dereference defect groups in LIRGenerator + S8206903: Unable to build Client VM with JVMCI + S8206915: XDH TCK issues + S8206929: Check session context for TLS 1.3 session resumption + S8206953: compiler/profiling/ fails when JVMCI build disabled + S8206960: HeapMonitor tests fail with Graal + S8206975: AArch64: Fix CompareAndSwapOp when useLSE is enabled in Graal + S8206977: Minor improvements of runtime code. + S8206980: ZonedDateTime could not parse timezone name with zh_CN locale correctly. + S8206998: [test] runtime/ElfDecoder/ requires longer timeout on ppc64 + S8207001: *.obj.log files get truncated causing unreliable incremental builds on Windows + S8207006: serviceability/sa/ crashes with EpsilonGC and AOT + S8207023: Add trace info to java/nio/channels/Selector/ + S8207027: Lookup.accessClass fails for an array type in the same package when assertions are enabled + S8207029: Unable to use custom SSLEngine with default TrustManagerFactory after updating to JDK 11 b21 + S8207032: Compilation succeeds without checking readability when --add-exports used + S8207044: minimal vm build fail: missing #include + S8207047: Multiple VM variants build fail + S8207049: Minor improvements of compiler code. + S8207065: Cleanup compiler tests for Client VM + S8207067: [test] prevent timeouts in serviceability/tmtools/jstat/{GcTest02,GcCauseTest02}.java + S8207068: Add Entrust root certificates + S8207152: Placeholder for Japanese new era should be two characters + S8207190: JDK 11 javadoc generates bad code example + S8207210: Problem list javax/sound/sampled/Clip/ + S8207213: The help-doc.html generated by the doclet is incomplete + S8207217: Problem list java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ + S8207233: Minor improvements of jdk C-coding + S8207235: ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBeans(BufferPoolMXBean.class) throws NPE + S8207240: AARCH64: C2-only VM does not build + S8207261: [Graal] JDI and JDWP tests that consume all memory should be filtered out to not run with Graal + S8207265: Bad HTML in {@link} in HttpResponse.BodySubscribers.ofPublisher + S8207318: KeyStore#getInstance(File, LoadStoreParameter) does not load the keystore + S8207342: error occurred during error reporting (printing register info) + S8207345: AArch64: Trampoline generation code reads from unitialized memory + S8207763: serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/ / failed with Error. Parse Exception: Can't find source file: Merge standalone modules java.activation, java.xml.bind, java.xml.soap, and into the OpenJDK - Added patches: * activation-module.patch + add file for java.activation module * annotation-module.patch + add file for Update to upstream tag jdk-11+22 * Fixes + S8185740: The help-doc.html generated by the doclet is outdated + S8187069: The case auto failed with the java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: IPv6NameserverPlatformParsingTest exception + S8189604: possible hang in$KnownFolderDefinition:: + S8193126: Incorrect setting of MetaspaceSize and NewSizeThreadIncrease when using JVMCI compiler + S8194740: UseSubwordForMaxVector causes performance regression + S8198346: assert(!_cld->claimed()) failed in + S8198352: java.util.MissingResourceException: when trying to use + S8198405: & failed in Windows. + S8198819: tools/jimage/, fails intermittently at testExtract (macos) + S8199645: javax/net/ssl/SSLSession/ failed with Connection reset + S8201611: Broken links in java.desktop javadoc + S8202123: C2 Crash in Node::in(unsigned int) const+0x14 + S8202264: Race condition in AudioClip.loop() + S8202329: [AIX] Fix codepage mappings for IBM-943 and Big5 + S8202561: clean up TEST.groups file + S8202769: jck test fails with C2: vm/jvmti/FollowReferences/fref001/fref00113/fref00113.html + S8203007: Address missing block coverage for ChaCha20 and Poly1305 algorithms + S8203943: eventThreadGroup was null in + S8204603: Short week days, NaN value and timezone name are inconsistent between CLDR and Java in zh_CN, zh_TW locales. + S8204630: Generating an anonymous class with Filer#createClassFile causes an NPE in JavacProcessingEnvironment + S8204691: HeapRegion.apply_to_marked_objects_other_vm_test fails with assert(!hr->is_free() || hr->is_empty()) failed: Free region 0 is not empty for set Free list # + S8205426: Humongous continues remembered set does not match humongous start region one after Remark + S8205454: & is displayed in some Swing docs + S8205472: Deadlock in Kitchensink when trying to print compile queues causing timeout + S8205588: Deprecate for removal com.sun.awt.SecurityWarning + S8205646: Broken link in jdk.jsobject + S8205878: pthread_getcpuclockid is expected to return 0 code + S8205924: ZGC: Premature OOME due to failure to expand backing file + S8205928: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/platform/docker/TestDockerMemoryMetrics + S8205966: [testbug] New Nestmates JDI test times out with Xcomp on sparc + S8205973: Client jtreg ProblemList cleanup + S8205999: C2 compilation fails with "assert(store->find_edge(load) != -1) failed: missing precedence edge" + S8206001: Enable TLS1.3 by default in Http Client + S8206106: [solaris sparc] jck tests api/javax_print/PrintService failing + S8206135: Building jvm with AOT but without JVMCI should fail at configure time + S8206145: dbgsysSocketClose - do not restart close if errno is EINTR [linux] + S8206163: AArch64: incorrect code generation for StoreCM + S8206173: MallocSiteTable::initialize() doesn't take function descriptors into account + S8206184: docs-reference build fails due to extlink.spec.version property not set + S8206243: java -XshowSettings fails if memory.limit_in_bytes overflows LONG.max + S8206254: Unable to complete emergency dump during safepoint + S8206255: fix compiler/intrinsics/sha/cli/ / jtreg test on linux s390x + S8206287: fix legal notice in hotspot tests + S8206316: ZGC: Preferred tmpfs mount point not found on Debian + S8206322: ZGC: Incorrect license header in gtests + S8206323: Missing some legal notices in docs bundle + S8206324: compiler/whitebox/ to ProblemList-graal.txt + S8206355: SSLSessionImpl.getLocalPrincipal() throws NPE + S8206375: ProblemList update of bug ID for SwingFontMetricsTest + S8206378: Backout JDK-8202561 + S8206394: missing ResourceMark in AOTCompiledMethod::metadata_do, AOTCompiledMethod::clear_inline_caches, CompiledMethod::clear_ic_stubs, CompiledMethod::cleanup_inline_caches_impl + S8206408: Add missing CPU/system info to vm_version_ext on PPC64 + S8206428: Upgrade JDK11 to harfbuzz 1.8.2 + S8206429: [REDO] 8202561 clean up TEST.groups + S8206433: Several jib profiles missing autoconf dependency + S8206436: sun/nio/cs/ no longer compiles + S8206450: Add to ProblemList.txt + S8206459: [s390] Prevent restoring incorrect bcp and locals in interpreter and avoid incorrect size of partialSubtypeCheckNode in C2 + S8206476: Wrong assert in phase_enum_2_phase_string() in referenceProcessorPhaseTimes.cpp + S8206919: s390: add missing info to vm_version_ext_s390 + S8206951: [Graal] org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.test.GraalOSRTest to ProblemList-graal.txt + S8206952: java/lang/Class/ fails with Graal + S8206954: Test runtime/Thread/ crashes with SEGV in pthread_getcpuclockid + S8207007: Add missing license header to zHash.inline.hpp- Switch armv6 to zero JVM variant (without JIT) since client and server JVM do not build for armv6 ATM- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+21 * Fixes: + S8201552: Ellipsis in "Classical" label in SwingSet2 demo with Windows L&F at Hidpi + S8203848: Missing remembered set entry in j.l.ref.references after JDK-8203028 + S8204355: [Graal] org.graalvm.compiler.debug.test.CSVUtilTest fails on Windows due to improper line separator used + S8204517: [Graal] org.graalvm.compiler.debug.test.VersionsTest fails with InvalidPathException on windows + S8205515: assert(opcode == Op_RangeCheck) failed: no other if variant here + S8205563: modules/ failed testGenerateSingleModule + S8205720: KeyFactory#getKeySpec and translateKey throws NullPointerException with Invalid key + S8205965: SIGSEGV on write to NativeCallStack::EMPTY_STACK + S8205984: javax/net/ssl/compatibility/ failed to access port log file + S8206003: SafepointSynchronize with TLH: StoreStore barriers should be moved out of the loop + S8206093: compiler/graalunit/ fails in CheckGraalIntrinsics + S8206117: failed to get JDK properties for JVM w/o JVMCI- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+20 (rampdown phase 1) * Fixes: + S4475138: getBestCursorSize and XFree86 4.1.0 + S7007966: Add Brainpool ECC support (RFC 5639) + S8003209: JFR events for network utilization + S8010319: Implementation of JEP 181: Nest-Based Access Control + S8060192: Add default method A[] Collection.toArray(IntFunction generator) + S8066709: Make some JDK system properties read only + S8137164: Include PID in the JFR jcmd hint + S8144992: Remove OopIterateClosure::idempotent + S8149729: [jittester] Replace all 'path1 +"/" + path2' with Paths::get + S8153732: Windows remote printer changes do not reflect in lookupPrintServices() + S8155192: [TESTBUG] SHA tests assumes that x86 does not have SHA intrinsics + S8160673: Jittester: investigate bytecode generation hangs during bytecode tests generation + S8169559: Add class loader names to relevant VM messages + S8172854: [TESTBUG] Exclude runtime/ReservedStack/ from being run with DeoptimizeALot option + S8185927: create regression test for 8062950 + S8187100: Support Unicode Variation Selectors + S8187218: GSSCredential.getRemainingLifetime() returns negative value for TTL > 24 days. + S8187288: bad (no) wrapping for modifier and type column + S8189103: AARCH64: optimize String indexOf intrinsic + S8189105: AARCH64: create intrinsic for sin and cos + S8189112: AARCH64: optimize StringUTF16 compress intrinsic + S8189113: AARCH64: StringLatin1 inflate intrinsic doesn't use prefetch instruction + S8189429: SA: MacOSX: Replace the deprecated PT_ATTACH with PT_ATTACHEXC + S8190876: javadoc search on "" shows "" the last one among other modules + S8192953: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/*.sh tests fail with error : revokeall.exe: Permission denied + S8194152: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ failed on de-DE locale + S8194873: right ALT key hotkeys no longer work in Swing components + S8194937: Inconsistent behavior of --validate-modules when combined with -m and other options + S8195077: [Testbug] tools/javac/processing/model/ /completionfailure/ - AccessDeniedException + S8195607: sun/security/pkcs11/Secmod/ failed with "NSS initialization failed" on NSS 3.34.1 + S8195630: [Graal] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/AttachOnDemand/ /attach024/ fails with Graal + S8195650: Method references to VarHandle accessors + S8195986: Incorrect javac -h output with annotation processing and missing classes + S8196213: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/warnings/ / test fails on ar_SA locale. + S8196402: AARCH64: create intrinsic for Math.log + S8196425: tools/javac/modules/ failed + S8196584: TLS 1.3 Implementation + S8197425: Liveset information for Old Object sample event + S8197532: Re-examine policy for the default set of modules when compiling or running code on the class path + S8198372: API to create a SelectableChannel to a FileDescriptor + S8198909: [Graal] compiler/codecache/stress/ / crashed with SIGSEGV + S8199124: (fs) Reduce allocation for file system methods that are invoked with no open options + S8199265: java/util/Arrays/ fails with OOM + S8199580: [TESTBUG] Un-quarantine vm/mlvm/indy/func/jdi/ /breakpointOtherStratum and breakpoint + S8199940: Print more information about class loaders in IllegalAccessErrors. + S8200243: System error message is decoded as invalid encoding in Windows. + S8200720: Print additional information in thread dump (times, allocated bytes etc.) + S8201610: Broken link on the page api/java.rmi/java/rmi/server/UnicastRemoteObject.html + S8201815: Use Mozilla Public Suffix List + S8202292: java/io/FileOutputStream/ fails with "raw fd count wrong" + S8202299: Java Keystore fails to load PKCS12/PFX certificates created in WindowsServer2016 + S8202326: AARCH64: optimize string compare intrinsic + S8202331: Obsolete support for commercial features + S8202422: value of 'sizeCtl' in ConcurrentHashMap varies with the constructor called + S8202554: Remove hotspot tests for javafx.* modules + S8202608: CommonSeeder test needs a white-box testing mechanism to replace the default entropy source + S8202615: Remove NativeMonitorSpinLimit, NativeMonitorFlags and NativeMonitorTimeout experimental flags + S8202696: Remove exclusion range for phonetic chars in windows + S8202698: Update Graal for JEP 181 - Nest-based access control + S8202788: Explicitly reclaim cached thread-local direct buffers at thread exit + S8202922: Method reference identity is broken by serialization + S8203003: Several FileDialog Modality Tests fail on Linux due to X errors + S8203184: List.copyOf() fails to copy sublists + S8203188: Add JEP-181 support to the Zero interpreter + S8203228: Branch-free output conversion for X25519 and X448 + S8203299: StringPoolBuffer access covered by exclusive access invariant, remove (problematic) cas operations + S8203481: Incorrect constraint for unextended_sp in frame:safe_for_sender + S8203664: JFR start failure after AppCDS archive created with JFR StartFlightRecording + S8203670: unmodifiable List iterator() implementations should not be ListIterators + S8203681: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2018-06 + S8203814: javac --release=8 "cannot find symbol" for NashornException.getEcmaError() + S8203864: Execution error in Java's Timsort + S8203929: Limit amount of data for JFR.dump + S8204082: Make names of Young GCs more uniform in logs + S8204157: Compiler.sunflow hangs after JDK-8192992 + S8204209: [Graal] Compilation fails during nmethod printing with "assert(bci == 0 || 0 <= bci && bci < code_size()) failed: illegal bci" + S8204233: Add configurable option for enhanced socket IOException messages + S8204289: AARCH64: enable math intrinsics usage in interpreter and C1 + S8204331: AArch64: fix CAS not embedded in normal graph error + S8204492: Add deprecation annotation to Nashorn APIs and warning to nashorn, jjs + S8204524: Unnecessary memory barriers in G1ParScanThreadState::copy_to_survivor_space + S8204540: Automatic oop closure devirtualization + S8204661: Show error 'Port already in use' in + S8204930: Reader:nullReader() spec does not match the behavior + S8204946: Clean-up problem list for JDK-8202933 and JDK-8202934 + S8204967: Resolve disabled warnings for libunpack + S8205004: AArch64: fix failures in jtreg ArraysEqCmpTest + S8205053: Decouple type registration from framework lifecycle + S8205058: (fs) Files read/writeString should throw CharacterCodingException instead of IOException with an IllegalArgumentException as cause + S8205107: assert(c->Opcode() == Op_SafePoint) failed: broken outer loop + S8205111: Develop new Test to verify different key types for supported TLS protocols. + S8205113: Update JVMTI doc references to object allocation tracking + S8205119: SwingApplet demo should be removed + S8205136: Move StylePad demo to the open repository + S8205144: JSpinner may change the font after became visible + S8205153: Delete "standard instructions" machinery in the open automated tests + S8205158: Update the .md files for 3rd party software Unicode 10.0, ICU 60.2, and CLDR v33. + S8205160: jQuery UI, jQuery-migrate, and jQuery license file to be updated to the revision present. + S8205175: Deprecate UnlinkSymbolsALot debugging option. + S8205184: Delegating Iterator implementations that don't delegate forEachRemaining() + S8205194: Improve the Array Comparison when there is mismatch at first element. + S8205195: NestedThreadsListHandleInErrorHandlingTest fails because hs_err doesn't contain _nested_thread_list_max + S8205197: Never default to using libc++ on Linux + S8205199: more Linux clang compile failures + S8205207: Port Graal unit tests under jtreg + S8205324: Part of java.awt.Desktop.browse(URI) spec is outdated after support of applets was removed + S8205342: windows : potential memleaks in getAdapter(s) in NetworkInterface_winXP.c + S8205397: InetAddress has wrong declaration for readObjectNoData + S8205398: AES-CBC decryption algorithm using AVX512 instructions + S8205400: [Graal] compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ fails with can't be enqueued for compilation on level 4 + S8205405: ZGC: Decouple JFR type registration + S8205416: windows: fix checking of CloseHandle return code in Java_java_io_FileCleanable_cleanupClose0 + S8205419: [testbug] TestJmapCore failing without SA: introduce @requires vm.hasSAandCanAttach + S8205422: assert(false) failed: Bad verification_type_info + S8205424: Change to Xcode 9.4 for building on Macosx at Oracle + S8205438: Re-enable shebang tests in test/jdk/tools/launchers/ + S8205441: Upgrade to harfbuzz 1.8.1 + S8205442: Avoid hard-coding --source value in + S8205445: Add RSASSA-PSS Signature support to SunMSCAPI + S8205455: jdeprscan issues annotation processor warning regarding RELEASE_10 + S8205456: Unification of iterations over arrays + S8205459: Rename Access API flag decorators + S8205474: AARCH64: wrong zr encoding for ccmp instruction + S8205475: AARCH64: optimize FPU loads and stores in C1_Runtime1_aarch64.cpp + S8205490: update ProblemList-graal + S8205494: Convert or remove all AWT applet demos + S8205498: Typo in fix for 8205119 breaks Solaris demo build + S8205499: C1 temporary code buffers are not removed with - XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfCompilerThreads + S8205508: hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/exclude/exclude001/ / fails with Prompt is not received during 300200 milliseconds. + S8205509: assert(_name_and_id != 0LL) failed: encountered a class loader null name and id + S8205528: Base64 encoding algorithm using AVX512 instructions + S8205531: jcmd VM.classloaders should fold similar loaders + S8205533: Class.getPackage() fails with InternalError if class is defined to the bootstrap class loader but module is not in the boot layer + S8205540: test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/trace/ /trace001/ fails with Debuggee did not exit after 15 commands + S8205547: FileChannel/ fails due to expected FD count + S8205559: Remove IN_CONCURRENT_ROOT Access decorator + S8205570: fix a number of typos in the JVMTI spec + S8205577: parallel/ fails assertion + S8205583: Crash in ConcurrentHashTable do_bulk_delete_locked_for + S8205605: [testbug][aix] Various test adaption to aix pecularities. + S8205607: Use oop_iterate instead of oop_iterate_no_header + S8205609: [PPC64] Fix PPC64 part of 8010319 and TLH without UseSIGTRAP on AIX + S8205612: (fc) Files.readAllBytes fails with ClosedByInterruptException when interrupt status set + S8205614: NestMates tests failing in CI jdk11-jdk.931 + S8205616: Build fails with system headers after 8204572 + S8205623: Replace use of Class::getPackage with Class::getPackageName + S8205625: linux-aarch64-cmp-baseline fails builds-tier5 + S8205627: Replace hardcoded spec version value in taglet + S8205632: Include stack.inline.hpp in markSweep.inline.hpp + S8205641: Make java/nio/channels/Selector/ noisier and flush after prints + S8205648: fix for 8205195 breaks secondary error handling + S8205649: Make clang stack flags independent of OS + S8205663: ZGC: Log metaspace used/capacity/committed/reserved + S8205664: Move detailed metaspace logging from debug to trace + S8205671: Remove HTTP Client tests erroneously problem listed by the TLS 1.3 integration + S8205673: Problem list and + S8205676: ZGC: Remove TLAB allocations in relocation path + S8205678: ZGC: Remove unused ZAllocationFlags::java_thread() + S8205679: Remove unused ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::undo_allocate() + S8205681: [TEST_BUG] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/Allocate/alloc001/ / fails with exit code 98 + S8205683: Refactor heap allocation to separate concerns + S8205694: AArch64: Add test to validate volatile load, store and CAS code generation + S8205696: Undo + S8205699: assert(_owner_offset != 0) failed in javaClasses.cpp + S8205701: Problem list serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/ /MyPackage/ + S8205702: assert(UseCompressedClassPointers) failed in universe.hpp + S8205703: [JVMCI] Expose all GC selection flags + S8205719: Windows Java_sun_tools_attach_VirtualMachineImpl_enqueue() method should include exitCode in exception message + S8205721: Problem list serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/ /MyPackage/ + S8205723: Problem list serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/ /MyPackage/ + S8205824: Update Graal + S8205906: jdk.jfr.jcmd.TestJcmdDumpLimited fails due to erronous processing of -XX:FlightRecorderOptions + S8205913: Inconsistent source code model + S8205916: [test] Fix jdk/tools/launcher/RunpathTest to handle both, RPATH and RUNPATH + S8205923: ZGC: Verification applies load barrier before verification + S8205923: ZGC: Verification applies load barriers before verification + S8205925: Print correct and more information about secondary errors + S8205926: Support invokeSpecialIFC in GenerateJLIClassesPlugin + S8205927: Update src/java.base/share/legal/ to match the actual file version + S8205940: LoadNode::find_previous_arraycopy fails with "broken allocation" assert + S8205942: Build failure on macosx after JDK-8189429 + S8205945: Revert unintended changes to make/gensrc/Gensrc-jdk.hotspot.agent.gmk + S8205954: clean up hotspot ProblemList + S8205956: Fix usage of "OpenJDK" in build and test instructions + S8205959: Do not restart close if errno is EINTR + S8205985: Remove tools/javac/options/release/ / from problem list + S8205993: ZGC: Fix typos and incorrect indentations + S8205996: JDK-8205906 broke the build on Mac + S8206004: [BACKOUT] errant changeset for JDK-8137164 + S8206006: Build failed on Windows + S8206088: 8205207 broke builds - Removed patch: * generated-headers.patch + Integrated upstream - Modified patch: * alternative-tzdb_dat.patch + Modify to upstream changes in the context- Added patch: * missing-return.patch + fix no-return-in-nonvoid-function- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+19 * Fixes: + S6545967: sp05t003 failed ResumeThread() due to THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED + S6608234: SwingWorker.get throws CancellationException + S7183985: (ann) Class.getAnnotation() throws an ArrayStoreException when the annotation class not present + S8029250: [macosx] There is no tray icon shown in the system tray area when case starts + S8042131: DateTimeFormatterBuilder Mapped-values do not work for JapaneseDate + S8043575: Dynamically parallelize reference processing work + S8149565: -locale option issues + S8153107: enabling ObjectSynchronizer::quick_enter() on ARM64 causes hangs + S8170159: Improve the performance of BitSet traversal + S8177334: Update xmldsig implementation to Apache Santuario 2.1.1 + S8178150: Regression in logic for handling inference stuck constraints + S8184349: There should be some verification that EnableJVMCI is disabled if a GC not supporting JVMCI is selected + S8191512: T2K font rasterizer code removal + S8193302: Javac AssertionError: typeSig ERROR on usage of @Generated + S8194308: jdeprscan will need updates to deal with the removal of the Java EE modules + S8195115: G1 Old Gen MemoryPool CollectionUsage.used values don't reflect mixed GC results + S8195293: Issue more comprehensive warnings for use of \"var\" in earlier source versions + S8196618: Create API to list supported values for javac - -release option + S8196988: Resolve disabled warnings for libjimage + S8198669: Refactor annotation array value parsing to reduce duplication + S8198719: MethodHandleHelper.linkToStatic should drop MH arg + S8199433: (se) select(Consumer action) as alternative to selected-key set + S8199435: Unsafe publication of + S8199441: Wrong caret position in multiline text components on Windows with a screen resolution higher than 100% + S8199871: Deprecate pack200 and unpack200 tools + S8200115: System property java.vm.vendor value includes quotation marks + S8200121: Remove unused qualified exports in java.base + S8200353: Shift or Capslock not working in Textfield after accented keystrokes + S8200605: Create test for GridBagLayoutDemo + S8200867: Remove references to "jdk 9" in build system + S8201276: (fs) Add methods to Files for reading/writing a string from/to a file + S8202199: Provide public, unsupported JDK API for JavaFX/Swing interop + S8202216: Add Buffer mismatch methods + S8202537: CLDR33 + S8202559: Tests which start VM using JNI start failing after compile upgrade to VC 2017 + S8202605: Standardize on ClassLoaderData::loader_name() throughout the VM to obtain a class loader's name + S8202624: javadoc generates references to enum constructors, which are not documented + S8202740: runtime/8176717/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: could not match: VM RESULT => RETAINS FD + S8202768: [macos] Appkit thread slows when any Window Manager active + S8202845: Refactor reference processing for improved parallelism + S8202948: C2: assert(init_offset >= 0) failed: positive offset from object start + S8203030: Zero s390 31 bit size_t type conflicts in shared code + S8203157: Object equals abstraction for BarrierSetAssembler + S8203197: C2: consider all paths in loop body for loop predication + S8203301: Linux-sparc fails to build after JDK-8199712 (Flight Recorder) + S8203338: Unboxing in return from lambda miscompiled to throw ClassCastException + S8203343: VM.{metaspace|classloaders|classhierarchy...} jcmd should show invocation targets for Generated{Method|Constructor}AccessorImpl classes + S8203344: Make C1 leal patchable on SPARC + S8203357: Container Metrics + S8203394: Implementation of JEP 331: Low-Overhead Heap Profiling + S8203479: JFR enabled ARM32 build assertion failure + S8203491: [TESTBUG] Port heapdump tests into java + S8203641: Refactor String Deduplication into shared + S8203667: Platform specific include files in jdk image in wrong sub directory + S8203680: os::stat() on Posix platform does not need to copy input path + S8203691: Test /runtime/containers/cgroup/ fails + S8203809: [Graal] JDI tests fail with: JDITestRuntimeException : ** event IS NOT a breakpoint ** + S8203813: javac accepts an illegal name as a receiver parameter name + S8203838: javac performance regression in 11+11 + S8203915: Induction variable of over-unrolled loop conflicts with range checks + S8204152: SignedObject throws NullPointerException for null keys with an initialized Signature object + S8204166: TLH: Semaphore may not be destroy until signal have returned. + S8204169: Humongous continues region remembered set states do not match the one from the corresponding humongous start region + S8204172: Predicate::not should explicitly mention "NullPointerException - if target is null" + S8204231: Update Graal + S8204236: JFR unit test of thread CPU load should be enabled + S8204240: Extend MDO to allow more reasons to be recorded per bci + S8204268: Improve some IncompatibleClassChangeError messages. + S8204330: Javadoc IllegalArgumentException: HTML special chars in constant value + S8204342: methods in java.time s TCKZoneRules OpenJDK test miss Test annotation + S8204353: AARCH64: optimize FPU load and stores in macroAssembler + S8204454: Remove of sun.applet.AppletAudioClip + S8204473: AARCH64: register post-index addressing mode is not supported directly + S8204509: Fix compilation error in harfbuzz 1.7.6 for Solaris Developer Studio 12.6 + S8204531: Remove unused chars following '\0' + S8204538: Split ScanClosure and ScanClosureWithParBarrier + S8204571: Add support for launching multiple startup recordings + S8204613: StringTable: Calculates wrong number of uncleaned items. + S8204620: ModuleEntry::is_non_jdk_module() determination for what is a jdk module is incorrect + S8204654: [testbug] Fix pattern matching in jstat tests. + S8204663: clean up remaining native parts after JDK-8187631 + S8204664: PrepareFailureLogs should be done after sequential make targets + S8204666: javadoc should be updated to use jQuery 3.3.1 + S8204668: Cleanup management of the System property + S8204679: HTTP Client refresh + S8204685: Abstraction for TLAB dummy object + S8204701: [TESTBUG] runtime/SharedArchiveFile/ / should handle mapping failure + S8204857: ConcurrentHashTable: Fix parallel processing + S8204859: [macosx] Remove javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8057791/ / from the ProblemList.txt + S8204915: (fs) Add some print diagnostics to java/nio/file/Files/ + S8204922: Create bootcycle jib profiles + S8204923: Restore Symantec root verisignclass2g2ca + S8204927: ZGC: assert(phase->idom(head) == head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl)) failed + S8204929: Fonts with embedded bitmaps are not always rotated + S8204935: [aix] TOC overflow in (release build) + S8204939: Change Access nomenclature: root to native + S8204941: Refactor TemplateTable::_new to use MacroAssembler helpers for tlab and eden + S8204943: Improve message of ArrayStoreException. + S8204944: Remove java/util/Map/ from ProblemList + S8204957: Remove TestBiasedLockRevocationEvents from ProblemList.txt + S8204958: Minor cleanups for the diagnostic framework + S8204961: JVMTI jtreg tests build warnings on 32-bit platforms + S8204965: Fix '--disable-cds' and disable CDS on AIX by default + S8204973: Add build support for filtering translations + S8204978: [Graal] Disable Epsilon GC tests from running with Graal + S8205003: Replace selected link tags with linkplain in java.lang.Class + S8205006: Assertion failure when rehashing stringtable + S8205020: ZGC: Apply workaround for buggy sem_post() in glibc < 2.21 + S8205022: ZGC: SoftReferences not always cleared before throwing OOME + S8205024: ZGC: Worker threads boost mode not always enabled when is should be + S8205025: [AOT] make jdk.aot module upgradeable + S8205028: ZGC: Remove incorrect comment in ZHeap::object_iterate() + S8205033: [REDO] Induction variable of over-unrolled loop conflicts with range checks + S8205034: [BACKOUT] Induction variable of over-unrolled loop conflicts with range checks + S8205043: Make parallel reference processing default for G1 + S8205050: ZGC: Incorrect use of RootAccess in ZHeapIterator + S8205052: No compilation error thrown when no valid parameterization exists for functional interface type + S8205054: Could not find "lsof" on test machine + S8205055: Fix compilation optimization errors with new Solaris toolchain + S8205062: (fs) Improve some print diagnostics in java/nio/file/Files/ + S8205064: Fail immediately if an unavailable GC is selected + S8205074: [Graal] Add rest of compiler/stable tests into ProblemList-graal.txt + S8205091: AIX: build errors in hotspot after 8203641: Refactor String Deduplication into shared + S8205096: Add missing files for 8203394 + S8205108: [testbug] Fix pattern matching in jstatd tests. + S8205110: Fix xchip warnings with new Solaris toolchain + S8205112: Remove non-existent modules from test/jdk/jdk/modules/etc/ + S8205116: jdeps --system $java.home fails with IAE + S8205141: runtime/exceptionMsgs/ArrayStoreException/ / failed with "assert(k->is_objArray_klass()) failed: cast to ObjArrayKlass + S8205148: Turn off logging in jQuery-migrate + S8205149: hs201t002 should be put on the problem list + S8205163: ZGC: Keeps finalizable marked PhantomReference referents strongly alive + S8205172: 32 bit build broken + S8205181: ProblemList applications/ctw/modules/ + S8205183: Warning about using VS2017 should be removed + S8205338: ZGC: LeakProfiler not yet supported + S8205339: ZGC: VerifyBeforeIteration not yet supported + S8205341: AARCH64: Clean up duplicate uzp1 & uzp2 instruction definition + S8205344: TraceMemoryManagerStats changes in JDK-8195115 broke ZGC + S8205407: [windows, vs<2017] C4800 after 8203197 - Modified patches: * generated-headers.patch + Better version resulting from discussion with upstream * java11-improved-fonts.patch + Rediff to changed context- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+18 * Fixes: + S6350055: (se) SelectionKey.interestOps variants to atomically update interest ops + S8174734: Safepoint sync time did not increase + S8178374: Problematic ByteBuffer handling in CipherSpi.bufferCrypt method + S8190326: Robot.mouseMove uses scaling factor of main display on unscaled second display + S8194073: Invalid SunNativeProvider.INSTANCE initialization + S8195097: Make it possible to process StringTable outside safepoint + S8196030: AWT Robot mouseMove fails on Windows 10 1709 with HiDPI + S8196141: Add GoDaddy root certificates + S8196990: Resolve disabled warnings for libjli + S8196993: Resolve disabled warnings for libunpack + S8197930: JNI exception pending in initializeEncoding of jni_util.c + S8200132: Remove jre images and bundles + S8200387: [Graal] fromTonga/nsk/jdi tests hang with Graal as JIT + S8201193: Use XMM/YMM for objects initialization + S8201274: Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs + S8201407: Files.move throws DirectoryNonEmptyException when moving directory across file system + S8201528: Add new test to check for package versioning information in OpenJDK + S8201608: fix broken links in javax/sql/rowset/package.html and javax/sql/rowset/spi/package.html + S8202049: G1: ReferenceProcessor doesn't handle mark stack overflow + S8202088: Japanese new era implementation + S8202611: [GRAAL] Exclude CMS GC testing from runs with Graal + S8202705: ARM32 build crashes on long JavaThread offsets + S8202747: C2: assert(mode == ControlAroundStripMined && use == sfpt) failed: missed a node + S8202772: NMT thread stack tracking causes crashes on AIX + S8202864: [TESTBUG] Need to replace the image used in two Swing tests + S8203033: [Testbug] vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/TypeComponent/ /isSynthetic/issynthetic002/ fails with nestmates + S8203172: Primitive heap access for interpreter BarrierSetAssembler/aarch64 + S8203224: java.awt.desktop.*Event classes could not be instantiated if Desktop feature is not supported + S8203308: Remove the appletviewer classes + S8203329: JDWP/JDI VM information string is incorrect + S8203353: Fixup inferred decorators in the interpreter + S8203367: Upgrade to freetype 2.9.1 + S8203425: assert(is_Loop()) failed: invalid node class + S8203480: IncompatibleClassChangeError thrown at sites linked to default interface methods + S8203499: Uninitialised memory in WinAccessBridge.cpp + S8203679: AssertionError in DeferredAttr with parenthesized method reference + S8203682: Add jcmd "VM.classloaders" command to print out class loader hierarchy, details + S8203796: Define API to support specifying ownership of print dialogs + S8203822: AIX version of jsig.c was not removed in JDK-8200298 + S8203839: API clarification: versioned jar entry verification in multi-release jar file + S8204081: Mismatch in rebuild policy and collection set chooser causes remembered sets to be kept errorneously + S8204084: Remove the G1RSBarrierRegionFilter develop flag + S8204097: Simplify OopStorage::AllocateList block entry access + S8204110: serviceability/sa/ and failed when running in CDS mode + S8204113: Upgrade linker used in AOT tests to be same version as build toolchain + S8204118: [macos] Nonsensical self == [super init] in CFileDialog.m + S8204126: failed again + S8204127: Change bundle format on Windows to zip + S8204180: Implementation: JEP 318: Epsilon, A No-Op Garbage Collector + S8204187: Remove proprietary JPEG code from javax.imageio + S8204210: Implementation: JEP 333: ZGC: A Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector (Experimental) + S8204211: windows : handle potential C++ exception in GDIRenderer + S8204229: Formatter and String.format ignore the width with the percent modifier (%5%) + S8204243: remove Thread.destroy() and Thread.stop(Throwable) + S8204287: Phase timings not updated correctly after JDK-6672778 + S8204288: Matching the end of a string followed by an empty greedy regex and a word boundary fails + S8204290: Add check to limit number of capture groups + S8204303: Add redirect for overview-summary.html + S8204335: [ppc] Assembler::add_const_optimized incorrect for some inputs + S8204375: Add TimeUnit#convert(Duration) + S8204377: Rename Object#wait parameter name from "timeout" to "timeoutMillis" + S8204444: java.time cleanup + S8204474: Have instanceRefKlass use HeapAccess when loading the referent + S8204476: Add additional statistics to CodeCache::print_summary + S8204477: Count linkage errors and print in Exceptions::print_exception_counts_on_error + S8204479: Bitwise AND on byte value sometimes produces wrong result + S8204494: Fix for 8200530 triggered regression, closed/test/jdk/security/infra/java/security/KeyStore/ / failed + S8204496: backout fix for 8203796 which was pushed under another ID + S8204504: Fix for 8198285 breaks slowdebug builds + S8204539: improve error messages in matchJavaTZ [windows] + S8204549: [aix][testbug] signal tests fail because vm can not start in primordial thread. + S8204554: JFR TLAB tracing broken after 8202776 + S8204557: NMT: Linux os::committed_in_range() does not break out outer loop when contiguous region is found + S8204561: JVM_GetClassSigners: wrap signers oop in an objArrayHandle for subsequent safepoint + S8204563: UseAppCDS obsolete message confusing + S8204565: (spec) Document java.{vm.}?specification.version system properties' relation to $FEATURE + S8204572: SetupJdkLibrary should setup SRC and -I flags automatically + S8204576: (fs) java/nio/file/Files/ does not set isUnix = true on macOS + S8204577: jittester generator doesn't kill processes on timeout + S8204584: jdeps generates illegal dot file containing ranksep=0,600000 + S8204585: Remove IN_ARCHIVE_ROOT from Access API + S8204588: Test failures after "Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs" + S8204589: ProblemList failing launcher tests + S8204598: add more thread-related system settings info to hs_error file on Linux + S8204602: Add devkit for linux-arm32 + S8204606: [Aarch64] SIGSEGVs caused by C1 because of improper register usage + S8204610: Compiler confused by parenthesized "this" in final fields assignments + S8204617: ParallelGC parallel reference processing does not set MT degree in reference processor + S8204618: The parallel GC reference processing task executor enqueues a wrong number of tasks into the queue + S8204628: [AArch64] Assertion failure in BarrierSetAssembler::load_at + S8204648: test/jdk/tools/launchers/ fails with long shebang line + S8204652: [aix] fix thread stack allocation, too big stack sizes not recognized + S8204674: Inconsistent lambda parameter span + S8204680: Disassembly does not display code strings in stubs + S8204682: Parsing for LOG=report=none is broken when combined with other keywords + S8204684: [AIX] Build of libjli_static broken after change 8204572 (SetupJdkLibrary) + S8204694: Add failed compiler/stable tests into ProblemList-graal.txt + S8204850: BarrierSet::make_* should be static + S8204861: fix for 8196993 has broken the build on linux - Modified patch: * system-pcsclite.patch + rediff to changed context - Added patch: * generated-headers.patch + fix a regression after JDK-8204572- Update tu upstream tag jdk-11+17 * Fixes: + S5109146: PNGMetadata Background color initialization from standard metadata is incomplete + S8050818: Predicate::not - provide an easier way to negate a predicate + S8072996: Deprecate stream-based GSSContext methods + S8150156: Update references to + S8153029: ChaCha20 Cipher Implementation + S8154736: enhancement of cmpxchg and copy_to_survivor for ppc64 + S8177276: MethodHandles.insertArguments doesn't specify IllegalArgumentException on index mismatch + S8187289: NotifyFramePop request is not cleared if JVMTI_EVENT_FRAME_POP is disabled + S8189335: javac exception when referencing private inner class with same name as normal class with dollar_1 + S8189949: Remove Baltimore Cybertrust Code Signing CA + S8190417: javadoc updates to java.util.regex.Matcher + S8190875: modules not listed in overview/index page + S8191031: Remove several Symantec Root CAs + S8191522: Remove Bigelow&Holmes Lucida fonts from JDK sources + S8193552: ISO 4217 amendment 165 + S8194327: [macos] AWT windows have incorrect main/key window behaviors + S8195624: Desktop API cannot be used without permission to read "os.version" + S8196373: Introspector does not see overridden generic setter method + S8197387: jcmd started by "root" must be allowed to access all VM processes + S8197989: java/util/zip/ZipFile/ failed with "cleaner failed to clean zipfile + S8198285: More consistent Access API for arraycopy + S8198378: javac crash when checking imports and a broken class is present + S8199150: Accessibility issues in java.desktop + S8199268: docs/api/jdk.javadoc/com/sun/javadoc/package-summary.html contain low contrast text + S8199371: [TESTBUG] Open source vm testbase JDWP tests + S8199380: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase AOD tests + S8199388: Test development for ChaCha20 and Poly1305 algorithms + S8199530: Upgrade to harfbuzz 1.7.6 + S8199723: Test java/awt/TextComponent/ /DeselectionDuringDoSelectionNonVisibleTest/ / fails + S8199882: compiler/uncommontrap/ failed w/ fatal error: ExceptionMark constructor expects no pending exceptions + S8199893: the javadoc tool generates pages with a low constrast + S8200052: libjavajpeg: Fix compile warning in jchuff.c + S8200166: Repeating annotations refering to to-be-generated classes don't work. + S8200288: [SPARC] "assert(!(is_cti(prev) && is_cti(insn))) failed: CTI-CTI not allowed" + S8200530: '\r' is not supported as "newline" in java.util.jar.Manifest + S8200623: Primitive heap access for interpreter BarrierSetAssembler/x86 + S8201279: javax.sound tests should not set java.home system property + S8201364: [macosx] Component.getLocation() gives inconsistent coordinate for a component at (0,0) + S8201429: Support AIX Input Method Editor (IME) for AWT Input Method Framework (IMF) + S8202026: ISO 4217 amendment 166 + S8202051: Address compilation warnings in libawt with VS2017 + S8202094: jdk/jfr/api/recording/event/ intermittently times out + S8202095: JFR TestBiasedLockRevocationEvents should cope with multiple events during a single safepoint + S8202360: [TESTBUG] runtime/LoadClass/ needs to print output when it fails + S8202547: Move G1 runtime calls used by generated code to G1BarrierSetRuntime + S8202627: javadoc generates broken links to deprecated items when -nodeprecated is used + S8202670: Update Graal + S8202758: SIGSEGV calling Class.forName(String,Boolean,ClassLoader) with mocked loader + S8202776: Modularize GC allocations in runtime + S8202812: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase compiler tests + S8202913: loader constraint message for fields specifies incorrect referring class + S8203027: Open source tests for "java.awt.geom" + S8203031: segfaults from jvmti_AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch + S8203182: Release session if initialization of SunPKCS11 Signature fails + S8203219: VM.metaspace jcmd should optionally show loaded classes for loaders + S8203237: JFR TestBiasedLockRevocationEvents should ignore events unrelated to the test + S8203319: JDK-8201487 disabled too much queue balancing + S8203321: assert(current_query_index < process_query_set->size) failed: invariant + S8203324: Use out of scope in getMacOSXLocale of java_props_macosx.c:120 + S8203380: Missing platform and bug information for MouseModifiersInKeyEvent test + S8203435: Circular nested dynamic constant test needed to confirm JVMS resolution behavior + S8203445: [TESTBUG] Remove appcds/jigsaw/limitmods/ + S8203474: Update description of "Cyrillic Supplementary" block name in Character.UnicodeBlock class. + S8203485: [freetype] text rotated on 180 degrees is too narrow + S8203498: The specification for java.applet package should be updated + S8203669: PPC64: Fix jtreg RTM tests after "8203305: Improve TM detection for enabling RTM on Linux / POWER9" + S8203765: java/nio/channels/Selector/SelectAndClose: add some prints and @intermittent tag + S8203780: javadoc should be updated to use jquery 1.12.4, jquery-ui 1.12.1 and jszip v3.1.5 + S8203787: Hotspot build broken on linux-sparc after 8202377 + S8203802: Jvmti test fails to build with VS2017 + S8203827: Upgrade JLine to 2.14.6 + S8203837: Split nmethod unloading from inline cache cleaning + S8203872: Upgrading JDK with latest available LSR data from IANA. + S8203891: Upgrade JOpt Simple to 5.0.4 + S8203919: Remove "-add-modules" hint from error message + S8203921: JFR thread sampling is missing fixes from JDK-8194552 + S8203923: Add @requires feature to check flag values for the running JVM + S8203924: Zero: bootcycle-images build fails on x86_64 + S8203937: Not possible to read data from socket after write detects connection reset + S8203939: JVMFlag::printError missing ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF + S8203945: Cleanup nashorn build + S8203946: Move UnpackSecurity.gmk to closed + S8203948: Expand JVMTI callback notion of "internal threads" + S8203960: [TESTBUG] runtime/logging/ failed when running in CDS mode + S8204055: SIGSEGV in java -XX: + S8204085: avoid printing uninitialized pointer in java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/java2d/windows/ /GDIWindowSurfaceData.cpp + S8204087: C++ Interpreter code left over in MethodData + S8204091: Configure broken on MIPS when uname returns mipsel or mips64el + S8204094: assert(worker_i < _length) failed: Worker 15 is greater than max: 11 at ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes + S8204095: [TESTBUG] fails if multiple concurrent mark happens + S8204103: Mark test serviceability/dcmd/compiler/ as intermittent and exclude it from tier1 + S8204109: JDK-8203945 broke nashorn + S8204122: Update + S8204134: jtreg: Fix RTM abort provoker for various tests after "8149159: Clean up Unsafe" + S8204136: jtreg: Fix failing RTM test RTMSpinLoopCount + S8204160: BiasedLockingTest needs -XX:+UseBiasedLocking + S8204162: TestG1HeapRegion needs @requires vm.gc.G1 + S8204163: Also detect concurrent GCs in + S8204164: OOM-only logging in Metaspace + S8204165: Filter out tests requiring class unloading when ClassUnloading is disabled + S8204167: Filter out tests requiring compressed oops when CompressedOops is disabled + S8204168: Increase small heap sizes in tests to accommodate ZGC + S8204173: Lower the minimum number of heap memory pools in + S8204179: [BACKOUT] OopStorage should use GlobalCounter + S8204194: Lazily create MethodHandleImpl$AsVarargsCollector.asCollectorCache + S8204195: Clean up macroAssembler.inline.hpp and other inline.hpp files included in .hpp files + S8204199: Test fails after 8202670 Graal update + S8204237: Clean up incorrectly included .inline.hpp files from jvmciJavaClasses.hpp + S8204250: Problem list pkcs11 tests on windows + S8204269: ISO 4217 amendment 167 + S8204277: [testbug] fix DisassembleCodeBlobTest. + S8204292: PPC64: Fix missing includes after 8204195 + S8204295: [BACKOUT] - JVMFlag::printError missing ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF + S8204301: Make OrderAccess functions available to hpp rather than inline.hpp files + S8204321: javadoc tests fail after JDK-8203780 + S8204322: "+=" applied to String operands can provoke side effects + S8204341: AArch64: AOT runtime does not need a workaround for far calls + S8204345: [s390]: no precompiled headers build broken + S8204348: AArch64: Remove C2 address reshaping code- Change the alternatives priority from 0 to 2105, since OpenJDK 11 should now be in a shape to be able to be used.- Change build requirement to Java 10 or 11, since Java 9 cannot build OpenJDK 11 any more.- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+16 * Fixes: + S8133564: Runtime - 2nd followup to Validate JVM Command-Line Flag Arguments + S8184030: TestUseRTMLockingOptionOnUnsupportedVM - RTM locking optimization not supported is missing + S8188248: NullPointerException on generic methods + S8189766: whitebox failure with -Xcheck:jni + S8191844: Remove SECOM root (secomevrootca1) + S8193717: Import resolution performance regression in JDK 9 + S8194298: Add support for per Socket configuration of TCP keepalive + S8194630: Uninitialized initiator_address in native GSS + S8196202: Javadoc should not generate frames by default + S8196913: javadoc does not (over)write stylesheet.css + S8198323: not updated for repository layout change + S8199255: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase default methods tests + S8199307: NPE in jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.Utils.getLineNumber + S8199383: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase JVMTI tests + S8200172: String.split non-positive term incorrect use + S8200266: [Graal] Update ProblemList-graal.txt files + S8201518: add test for randomized iteration order of unmodifiable Set and Map + S8202178: type.getKind() for var is None instead of Error + S8202290: AtomicAppend tests fail on macOS 10.13 ("High Sierra") + S8202813: Move vm_weak processing from SystemDictionary to WeakProcessor + S8202832: cycle detection depends on ordering of requires directives + S8202842: G1 footprint regressions in jdk11+10 + S8202945: OopStorage should use GlobalCounter + S8202947: Fix minor issues with taglets + S8202949: C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late + S8202950: C2: assert(found_sfpt) failed: no node in loop that's not input to safepoint + S8203014: jcmd should output command list if no command is given + S8203028: Simplify reference processing in light of JDK-8175797 + S8203041: AArch64: fix overflow in immediate cmp/cmn instruction + S8203183: vmTestbase/vm/mlvm/anonloader/stress/oome/heap/ times out + S8203221: Makefile fixes after Flight Recorder + S8203225: Fix of redefining a method that removes 1 or more lambda expressions failed to commit test cases + S8203233: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018e + S8203262: Incorrect cmpxchg usage in MetaspaceGC::inc_capacity_until_GC + S8203297: java/net/URL/ fails intermittently + S8203327: Small cleanups in java.lang.ref + S8203328: Rename EFS in internals to something meaningful + S8203354: assert in ClassLoader::update_module_path_entry_list() could have incorrect message + S8203366: Tag added wrongly in Docs.gmk + S8203368: ObjectInputStream filterCheck method throws NullPointerException + S8203369: Check for both EAGAIN and EWOULDBLOCK error codes + S8203370: [JVMCI] UseJVMCICompiler should imply EnableJVMCI + S8203455: jcmd: VM.metaspace: print loader name for anonymous CLDs + S8203488: Remove error generation from TransTypes + S8203497: Bump Jib format version to 1.2 + S8203628: Optimize (masked) byte memory comparisons on x86 + S8203686: Add JDK 11 major version to javax/net/ssl/compatibility/ + S8203689: Add failure code to threaddb exception messages` + S8203699: java/lang/invoke/SpecialInterfaceCall fails with SIGILL on aarch64 + S8203766: Add some instrumentation to jdk/java/nio/channels/Selector/ + S8203769: ProblemList test/jdk/java/util/Map/ + S8203774: jdk/jfr/api/recorder/ failed due to compilation failed + S8203793: cacerts/ fails with java.lang.Exception: At least one cacert test failed + S8203795: Change default compiler on Windows to VS2017 + S8203815: add tests failed because of 8203809 to the ProblemList-graal + S8203816: add tests failed because of 8203174 to the ProblemList-graal + S8203817: Monitor::try_lock() should not call check_prelock_state() + S8203843: BasicParState::default_estimated_thread_count(false) can return 0 in gtest + S8203865: Metaspace cleanup: Remove unused MemRegion in VirtualSpaceNode + S8203881: Print erroneous size in NegativeArraySizeException + S8203885: ConcurrentLocksDump::dump_at_safepoint() should not allocate array in resource area + S8203886: Invoke LambdaMetafactory::altMetafactory exactly from the BootstrapMethodInvoker + S8203892: Target interface added as marker interface in calls to altMetafactory + S8203926: Problem list test/langtools/tools/javac/importscope/ + S8203932: Windows devkit has wrong dlls in 32 bit tools dir + S8203938: Fix build failures from JDK-8133564- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+15 * Fixes: + S8027760: JFC schema condition should not have defaults + S8134537: Much nearly duplicated code for sun.misc.Signal support + S8146293: Add support for RSASSA-PSS Signature algorithm + S8148354: Errors targeting functional interface intersection types + S8176808: Split up metaspace.cpp + S8185803: fails in JDK10-hs nightly due to "Name unknown: java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE " + S8192992: failed: attempted to spill a non-spillable item + S8193332: MetaspaceShared::check_shared_class_loader_type is not used during archive creation + S8195098: Low latency hashtable for read-mostly scenarios + S8195817: JFR.stop should require name of recording + S8195818: JFR.start should increase autogenerated name by one + S8195819: Remove recording=x from jcmd JFR.check output + S8196048: thrown type variables should be roots in the minimum inference graph + S8196201: Generate pages to list all classes and all packages in javadoc output + S8196619: [TESTBUG] restore current version check in runtime/appcds/ + S8196987: Resolve disabled warnings for libzip + S8198315: Incomplete classpath causes NPE in TransTypes + S8198337: -XX:StartFlightRecording=dumponexit=true,disk=false doesn't work + S8198548: Initialization race in on Token.categories + S8199064: Test applications/jcstress/other/ fails on Sparc + S8199257: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase metaspace tests + S8199271: [TESTBUG] open source VM testbase stress tests + S8199370: [TESTBUG] Open source vm testbase GC tests + S8199379: [TESTBUG] Open source vm testbase JDB tests + S8199384: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase MLVM tests + S8199807: AppCDS performs overly restrictive path matching check. + S8200380: String::lines + S8200436: String::isBlank + S8201331: Better test cleanup for jdk/jfr/api/consumer/ + S8201386: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2018-05 + S8201627: Kerberos sequence number issues + S8201867: Kerberos keytabs with holes in certain places are parsed incorrectly + S8202014: Possible to receive signal before signal semaphore created + S8202076: test/jdk/java/io/File/ on windows with VS2017 + S8202305: [Graal] org.graalvm.compiler.core.test.GraphResetDebugTest fails with java.util.ServiceConfigurationError + S8202377: Modularize C2 GC barriers + S8202427: Enhance os::print_memory_info on Windows + S8202466: Test serviceability/tmtools/jstat/ fails: Number of concurrent GC events is 1, but CGCT is 0 + S8202479: Add missing try_resolve_jobject_in_native calls + S8202669: Intermittent crash in ClassLoadingService::compute_class_size() + S8202685: Optimize ArrayList subList replaceAll + S8202710: AARCH64: sporadic jtreg test fail + S8202713: Create a MacroAssembler::access_load/store_at wrapper for S390 and PPC + S8202771: Migrate Unicode character tests to JDK Repo + S8202848: -XX:+ExecuteInternalVMTests asserts with "assert(cd.valid() == true) failed: failed on a valid DirectivesParser string" + S8202853: NotifyCount is not initialized + S8202863: Rename OopStorage inner collection classes + S8202978: Incorrect tmp register passed to MacroAssembler::load_mirror() + S8202989: Add missing decorators in calls to to arraycopy_prologue/epilogue + S8203196: C1 emits incorrect code due to integer overflow in _tableswitch keys + S8203215: IdealLoopTree::split_outer_loop leaves phi-nodes with only one input + S8203227: Introduce os::processor_id() for Linux and Solaris + S8203279: Faster rounding up to nearest power of two + S8203287: Zero fails to build after JDK-8199712 (Flight Recorder) + S8203288: PPC64 and s390 fail to build after JDK-8199712 (Flight Recorder) + S8203292: Print complete set of flags in the hs_err file + S8203305: PPC64: Improve TM detection for enabling RTM on Linux / POWER9 + S8203318: compiler/stable/ is broken + S8203339: Add oopDesc::field_offset() + S8203341: Add a safepoint-aware Semaphore + S8203346: JFR: Inconsistent signature of jfr_add_string_constant + S8203352: Improve java implementation of Integer/Long.numberOfLeadingZeros + S8203355: MITSHM define guarding missing + S8203377: Cleanup the usage of os::file_name_strcmp() in SharedPathsMiscInfo::check(). + S8203381: Replace InstanceKlass::allocate_instance_handle with JavaCalls::construct_new_instance + S8203391: Update com/sun/jdi/ to pass valid URL[] + S8203398: Test test/langtools/tools/javac/options/release/ / writes into the source directory + S8203400: Fix issue with "8199852: Print more information about class loaders in LinkageErrors." + S8203410: Zero: Disable jfr feature by default + S8203431: throws java.lang.LinkageError: loader attempted duplicate class definition for java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLL + S8203436: javac should fail early when emitting illegal signature attributes + S8203437: 8199370 broke build on linux-ppc64le (w/ GCC 4.8.5.) + S8203454: Minimal, Zero builds fail after JDK-8202377 (Modularize C2 barriers) + S8203457: Add back missing full buffer notification + S8203486: skip type inference for non functional interface components of intersection types + S8203487: Typo in s/Magin/Magic/ + S8203490: StringTable::dump lacks a load barrier + S8203500: Fix broken links to Specification in "specs" directory + S8203626: ProblemList compiler/runtime/ + S8203635: JFR sampler thread does not record stack info + S8203694: Add a safepoint-aware Semaphore - part 2 - Removed patch: * fix-s390x-and-ppc64-builds.patch + integrated upstream- Added patch: * fix-s390x-and-ppc64-builds.patch + upstream fix for broken s390x and ppc64/ppc64le builds- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+14 * Fixes: + S8132287: obsolete the "InlineNotify" flag option + S8174995: SA: clhsdb 'where -a' throws Assertion Failure with illegal code 236 when CDS is used + S8176510: java/awt/font/GlyphVector/ fails with OpenJDK + S8183910: gc/arguments/ fails intermittently + S8185505: AArch64: Port AOT to AArch64 + S8189140: SystemDictionaryShared::initialize() should be renamed to be more meaningful + S8189271: Metaspace::_capacity_until_GC should be size_t + S8191533: jar --describe-module prints service provider class names in lower case + S8193935: Illegal countedLoops transformation + S8194998: broken error message for subclass of interface with private method + S8195613: [SA] HotSpotTypeDataBase.readVMLongConstants truncates values to int + S8196340: (coll) Examine overriding inherited methods in ArrayList and ArrayList.SubList + S8196360: java/awt/Dialog/SiblingChildOrder/ / fails + S8196616: java/awt/GraphicsDevice/DisplayModes/ / fails + S8197948: Create test for SwingSet2 main window + S8198412: may fail on Solaris + S8198991: Move Java2D demo to the open repository + S8199252: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase system dictionary tests + S8199712: Flight Recorder + S8200377: String::strip, String::stripLeading, String::stripTrailing + S8201447: C1 does backedge profiling incorrectly + S8201491: G1 support for java.lang.ref.Reference precleaning + S8201532: Update idom to get correct dom depth calculation + S8201593: Print array length in ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. + S8201604: ARM64 - Build failure after JDK-8193260 + S8202016: Use obj+offset in interpreter array access + S8202064: Jemmy JInternalFrameOperator: Add wait for close(), activate(), resize() and move() operations + S8202113: Reflection API is causing caller classes to leak + S8202289: Non-empty directory in module path is not handled properly at CDS/AppCDS dump time + S8202322: AIX: symbol visibility flags not support on xlc 12.1 + S8202392: [TESTBUG] open source vm testbase heapdump tests + S8202395: AARCH64: wrong encoding for SIMD instructions zip, trn, uzp + S8202426: NPE thrown by Transformer when XMLStreamReader reports no xml attribute type + S8202476: ImageLib is broken in 32 bit Windows + S8202519: Crash during large AppCDS dump + S8202544: Hide unused exports in libzip + S8202553: Update FXLauncherTest as part of removing JavaFX from JDK + S8202557: OpenJDK fails to start in Windows 7 and 8.1 after upgrading compiler to VC 2017 + S8202580: Dashed BasicStroke randomly painted incorrectly, may freeze application + S8202614: Add ability to validate links in JavadocTester + S8202679: Updates on windows failures in the problem list + S8202683: Minimal VM should build cleanly on 64-bit platforms + S8202708: Add a check of opening stream for not-existing UNC url + S8202714: Create a MacroAssembler::access_load/store_at wrapper for AArch64 + S8202718: Jemmy JInternalFrameOperator: Dependency with orders of Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons + S8202738: vm_version Abstract_VM_Version::internal_vm_info_string() returns same string for different incremental builds + S8202745: Remove hyphens from "out-of-bounds". + S8202748: jtreg :hotspot_misc group shouldn't include vmTestbase tests + S8202756: move to openJDK + S8202763: failure_handler: list open files for macOS + S8202764: api/java_text/SimpleDateFormat/index.html#Format testcases started to fail with JDK11 b12 + S8202767: java/awt/font/GlyphVector/ is missing null check + S8202773: Unhandled oop in JavaThread::collect_counters + S8202811: Problem List some tests that leave windows open on the desktop + S8202822: Add .git to .hgignore + S8202824: Cleanup discrepancies in ProblemList for java_awt jtreg tests + S8202829: Implement CollectedHeap::get_safepoint_workers() for G1 + S8202843: langtools ant build fails + S8202878: com/apple/laf/ScreenMenu/ fails + S8202889: Remove trailing LF from perf log + S8202914: Let custom makefile override jmod intput dir locations + S8202915: [JAXP] Performance enhancements and cleanups in + S8202919: JDK-8202683 broke macosx build + S8202920: jvm.cfg generation incorrect + S8202974: Backout JDK-8202683 + S8202976: Add C1 lea patching support for x86 + S8202993: Add support for x86 testptr/testq with register and address + S8202994: Add support for undoing last TLAB allocation + S8202997: Split test/jdk/:tier1 to enable better parallel execution + S8203032: PrintMetaspaceDcmd fails: Non-Class: missing from stdout/stderr + S8203059: (so) Closing a socket channel registered with Selector and with SO_LINGER set to 0 does not reset connection + S8203176: javadoc handles non-ASCII characters incorrectly. + S8203220: Introduce ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED macro + S8203223: Signed integer overflow in ImageStrings::hash_code ( + S8203250: runtime/LoadClass/test-classes/ has wrong legal notice + S8203251: Non-PCH build failed after JDK-8199712 (Flight Recorder) + S8203274: 32-bit build failures after JDK-8199712 (Flight Recorder) + S8203278: AArch64/PPC64 build failures after JDK-8199712 (Flight Recorder) + S8203285: Minimal VM fails to build after JDK-8199712 (Flight Recorder)- s390x: avoid packaging files that are not present on this architecture- Update to ustream tag jdk-11+13 * Fixes: + S4842658: DefaultListModel and DefaultComboBoxModel should support addAll (Collection c) + S6574555: PNGImageWriter incorrectly sets bKGD chunk + S6788458: PNGImageReader ignores tRNS chunk while reading non-indexed RGB/Gray images + S8153532: Add @throws NPE javadoc to UIManager.setLookAndFeel(String) method description + S8154463: New failure of closed/java/awt/font/Outline/ + S8171277: Elliptic Curves for Security in Crypto + S8176717: GC log file handle leaked to child processes + S8181594: Efficient and constant-time modular arithmetic + S8181910: [macos] Support dark title bars on macOS + S8185034: Cleanup and consolidate Metaspace coding + S8187123: (reflect) Class#getCanonicalName and Class#getSimpleName is a part of performance issue + S8187392: Deprecated methods in the peers can be removed + S8189687: Swing: Invalid position of candidate pop-up of InputMethod in Hi-DPI on Windows + S8189916: Dynamic Constant support for Sparc + S8191410: Unicode 10 + S8194968: problem list actions for tools/javac/jvm/VerboseOutTest + S8195002: Fix test/hotspot/jtreg/gtest/ on Alpine/Musl + S8195717: test java/lang/invoke/MethodHandlesTest timed out running testAsCollector1 + S8196113: Remove the Compact Profile builds + S8196572: Tests and fail + S8197388: Added not existing bug id in jdk/ProblemList.txt + S8197447: LogCompilation throws "couldn't find bytecode" + S8197954: Remove unnecessary intermediary APIs from AppCDS implementation + S8198342: Test is unstable + S8199067: [REDO] NMT: Enhance thread stack tracking + S8199196: Add javadoc support for preview features + S8199382: [TESTBUG] Open source VM testbase JDI tests + S8199748: Touch keyboard is not shown, if text component gets focus from other text component + S8199852: Print more information about class loaders in LinkageErrors. + S8199912: jshell tool: /open from URI + S8199932: Missing copyright header in AWT source code + S8200083: Bump bootjdk requirement for JDK 11 to JDK 10 + S8200094: Turkish locale reports NPE No enum constant com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind.SİNCE + S8200146: Remove the appletviewer launcher + S8200313: java/awt/Gtk/GtkVersionTest/ fails + S8200372: String::trim JavaDoc should clarify meaning of space + S8200557: OopStorage parallel iteration scales poorly + S8200716: Object propertyIsEnumerable buggy behavior on short integer-string key + S8200729: Conditional compilation of GCs + S8201138: Defect in XMLEventReader.getElementText() may cause data to be skipped, duplicated or otherwise result in a ClassCastException + S8201433: Fix potential crash in BufImg_SetupICM + S8201492: Properly implement non-contiguous generations for Reference discovery + S8201524: [AIX] Don't link libfontmanager against libawt_headless + S8201572: Improve Metaspace Statistics + S8201598: Fix for 8181910: Support dark title bars on macOS broke the MacOS build + S8201602: ARM32 - Minimal Dynamic Constant support + S8201626: Typo in MakeWindowAlwaysOnTop test + S8201640: Use _ref_processor_* member variables directly in G1CollectedHeap + S8201793: (ref) Reference object should not support cloning + S8202017: Merge Reference Enqueuing phase with phase 3 of Reference processing + S8202018: Move card table clear before enqueuing pending references + S8202021: Improve variable naming in ReferenceProcesso + S8202050: Add javax/sound/midi/Sequencer/ to the problemList + S8202080: Introduce ordering semantics for Atomic::add and other RMW atomics + S8202083: Remove explicit CMS checks in CardTableBarrierSet + S8202143: Parts of 8193435 added in merge change set. + S8202181: Correctly specify size of hostname buffer in Unix Inet*AddressImpl_getLocalHostName implementations + S8202291: java/rmi/Naming/ failed with Connection refused + S8202301: Add tests related to JDK-8196572 to the ProblemList + S8202303: LogStream should autoflush on destruction + S8202319: Fix compilation warnings in Solaris debug builds for DevStudio 12.6 + S8202387: javac --release 11 not supported + S8202424: Metaspace: on chunk retirement, use correct lower limit on chunksize when adding blocks to free blocks list + S8202435: [aix] print program break as part of memory info into hs-err file + S8202447: Fix unloading_occurred to mean unloading_occurred + S8202465: [C1] casts should not be eliminated for interface types + S8202548: Use reservation Object when creating SpeciesData + S8202552: [AOT][JVMCI] Incorrect usage of INCLUDE_JVMCI and INCLUDE_AOT + S8202563: BigInteger/BigDecimal not immune to overflow, contrary to spec + S8202564: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails + S8202565: C1 compilation crashes with "assert(is_double_stack() && !is_virtual()) failed: type check" + S8202575: Remove java/lang/String/nativeEncoding/ / from ProblemList + S8202581: failure_handler: gather more environment information on macOS + S8202582: DateTimeFormatterBuilder.parseOffsetBased unnecessarily calls toString() + S8202583: Remove experimental ClassForNamePlugin + S8202584: de-problem list tools/javac/jvm/VerboseOutTest + S8202591: Remove usage of CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways in defNewGeneration.cpp + S8202592: Remove unused EvacuateFollowersClosure + S8202597: javac is not inducing a notional interface if Object appears in an intersection type + S8202599: Mark intermittently failing jshell tests + S8202606: Deprecate AllowNonVirtualCalls option + S8202631: JVM_Clone to throw CloneNotSupportException for Reference object + S8202634: Metaspace: simplify SpaceManager lists + S8202639: Use concrete Generation classes in SerialHeap and CMSHeap + S8202640: Small C1 cleanups for BarrierSetC1 + S8202641: Replace OOP_SINCE_SAVE_MARKS with templates + S8202642: Replace PAR_OOP_ITERATE with templates + S8202647: Add deduplicate_string function to CollectedHeap + S8202649: Move the Parallel GC specific task creation functions out of Threads + S8202650: Enforce group for attach listener file + S8202662: JFR tests fails: Could not find leak with class + S8202672: Build failed in metaspace.cpp with VS2017 + S8202676: AArch64: Missing enter/leave around barrier leads to infinite loop + S8202684: Minimal VM build is broken after JDK-8199067, JDK-8202638 + S8202686: Missing test case for 8200167 - final Object methods + S8202690: jdk/jshell/ failed in testOpenFileOverHttp() and testOpenLocalFileUrl() + S8202709: Move oopDesc::is_archive_object to MetaspaceShared::is_archive_object + S8202711: Merge tiered compilation policies + S8202719: Use Collections.emptyEnumeration where possible + S8202722: Move marksweep_init into GC code + S8202744: Expired flag removal for JDK 11 + S8202780: Remove EnqueueTask related code from ReferenceProcessor after JDK-8202017 + S8202781: Fix typo in DiscoveredListIterator::complete_enqeue + S8202810: Remove class-for-name test + S8202816: Update JarSigning.keystore - Removed patch: * aarch64-infinite-loop.patch - Integrated upstream - Modified patch: * java11-improved-fonts.patch - Rediff to changed context- Fix s390x build, since INCLUDE_SA is false by default on this architecture- Added patch: * aarch64-infinite-loop.patch + Fix inifinite loop in aarch64 build- Update fix_armv6_build.patch- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+12 * Fixes: + S6672778: G1 should trim task queues more aggressively during evacuation pauses + S8154204: [TESTBUG] Update DefaultUseWithClient test to handle client-less builds + S8174994: SA: clhsdb printmdo throws WrongTypeException when attached to a process with CDS + S8179071: Month value is inconsistent between CLDR and Java in some locales + S8179887: Build failure with glibc >= 2.24: error: 'int readdir_r(DIR*, dirent*, dirent**)' is deprecated + S8181157: CLDR Timezone name fallback implementation + S8182731: Odd handling of -XX:-UseAppCDS and - XX:SharedArchiveFile. + S8191471: Elastic TLABs for G1 + S8191798: redo nested ThreadsListHandle to drop Threads_lock + S8193213: Make the UseAppCDS option obsolete. + S8197959: [TESTBUG] Some (App)CDS tests require modification due to the removal of the Java EE and CORBA modules + S8197960: [TESTBUG] remove/modify runtime tests which use java ee or corba modules + S8199375: [TESTBUG] Open source vm testbase monitoring tests + S8199643: [TESTBUG] Open source common VM testbase code + S8200167: Validate more special case invocations + S8200235: Generalize jniFastGetField jobject/jweak resolve + S8200466: Revisit the setting of _transitive_interfaces in InstanceKlass + S8200478: For boxing conversion javac uses Long.valueOf which does not guarantee caching according to its javadoc + S8201367: assert(current != first_mem) failed: corrupted memory graph in superword code + S8201509: Zero: S390 31bit atomic_copy64 inline assembler is wrong + S8201542: Remove unused _gc_timer field in GCMemoryManager + S8201543: Modularize C1 GC barriers + S8201545: InetAddress.getByName/getAllByName should clarify empty String behavior + S8201622: Reduce unnecessary Package.complete() calls in javadoc + S8201634: Random seedUniquifier uses incorrect LCG + S8201650: Move iteration order randomization of unmodifiable Set and Map to iterators + S8201786: Modularize interpreter GC barriers: leftovers for ARM32 + S8201817: Taglet.init should be called with the "primary" doclet + S8202082: Remove explicit CMS checks in CardTableBarrierSetAssembler + S8202105: Console echo is disabled when exiting jshell + S8202130: [TESTBUG] Some appcds regression test cases fail with "Error: VM option 'PrintSystemDictionaryAtExit' is notproduct and is available only in debug version of VM" + S8202140: TLAB logging is not correct for G1 + S8202150: [REDO] Split globals.hpp to factor out the Flag class + S8202179: Compilation fails with assert(n->is_expensive()) failed: expensive nodes with non-null control here only + S8202186: AArch64: Debug build VM crashes with PrintC1Statistics option + S8202200: set INCLUDE_SA to false on s390x by default + S8202204: Rename hotspot runtime jtreg constantPool ConstantPool directories + S8202230: Provide accessors for JNIHandles storage objects + S8202261: (fc) and RandomAccessFile.setLength should not preallocate space + S8202273: [AOT] Graal does not support the CMS collector + S8202284: FileChannel and FileOutpuStream variants of AtomicAppend should fail silently on macOS >= 10.13 + S8202324: Avoid loading FileInput-/OutputStream$AltFinalizer + S8202325: [aix] disable warnings-as-errors by default + S8202330: Add Unreferenced{FOS,FIS,RAF}ClosesFd to problem list + S8202334: Update javax.lang.model.util visitors for 11 + S8202364: Add GCConfig::hs_err_name() to avoid GC-specific code in error reporting + S8202366: Add macro for common loop in GCConfig + S8202367: AIX build broken after JDK-8201543 + S8202372: Diagnostic with incorrect line info generated when compiling lambda expression + S8202373: Forcing eager initialization of CHM$ReservationNode avoids deoptimization + S8202379: ARM32 is broken after JDK-8201543 (Modularize C1 GC barriers) + S8202381: (Solaris) SIGBUS in # V [] jni_GetIntField+0x224 + S8202382: Filter docs modules + S8202383: Custom extensions for jvmti doc + S8202397: Typo in X-Buffer javadoc + S8202398: Optimize Arrays.deepHashCode + S8202399: [C1] LIRGenerator::do_CheckCast needs to exclude is_invokespecial_receiver_check() when using PatchAlot + S8202417: [TESTBUG] Broken hard-coded dependency in serviceability/sa/ + S8202418: Remove explicit CMS checks in CardTableBarrierSetAssembler: ARM32 leftovers + S8202419: Avoid creating Permission constants early + S8202423: Small HTTP Client refresh + S8202425: [s390] C2: Wrong unsigned comparison with 0 + S8202452: Delete test files missed from commit for 8193213 & 8182731. + S8202484: Unused field in TimeZone + S8202505: ctw2 tasks are timing out in hs-tier3 + S8202507: Remove IO and NIO AtomicAppend tests from problem list + S8202520: JShell tests: move intermittently failing tests to tier2- Remove armv6 and armv7 overwrite conditions in _constraints to avoid OOM errors- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+11 * Fixes: + S6341887: Add ByteBuffer methods to Inflater/Deflater + S6805750: Improve handling of Attributes.Name + S8025091: possible performance improvements + S8081519: Split globals.hpp to factor out the Flag class + S8144806: sun/security/tools/keytool/ fails intermittently at deleting x.jks + S8154528: Reclaim regions emptied by marking in Remark pause + S8157543: java/nio/channels/Selector/ fails intermittently + S8161991: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/ failed due to RuntimeException: WritePendingException expected + S8171404: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/ failed with "AsynchronousCloseException expected" + S8178105: Switch mark bitmaps during Remark + S8178825: unused variable threadObj in jvmci_counters_include + S8184693: add Pattern.isEmpty + S8187490: HotSpotGraalMBean should be moved to Graal management module + S8187496: Possible memory leak in + S8188105: Make -Xshare:auto the default for server VM + S8190227: Forward port 8188880 to JDK10CPU + S8192789: Avoid using AtomicReference in + S8193524: Redefining a method that removes use of 1 or more lambda expressions causes the JVM to hang + S8196071: Change G1 Full GC heap and thread sizing ergonomics + S8196325: GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo has same information for before and after + S8196433: use the new error diagnostic approach at javac.Main + S8196540: [Testbug] java/security/AccessController/ / doesn't handle unrelated warnings + S8198756: Lazy allocation of compiler threads + S8198793: Add launcher support for preview features + S8198816: AbstractScriptEngine.getScriptContext creation of SimpleScriptContext is inefficient + S8198890: The standard doclet incorrectly produces wrong method signatures in certain cases. + S8199193: jshell tool: Add support for preview features + S8199519: Several GC tests fails with: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Unparseable number: "-" + S8199755: Update Graal + S8200101: sun/security/krb5/auto/ fails intermittently + S8200196: [Graal] implement Object.notify/notifyAll intrinsics + S8200303: C2 should leverage profiling for lookupswitch/tableswitch + S8200426: Make G1 code use _g1h members + S8200450: Root cause analysis for JDK-8200366 + S8200477: Integer dot product no longer autovectorised + S8200555: OopHandle should use Access API + S8200556: AArch64: assertion failure in slowdebug builds + S8200723: Suppress rs_length and predicted_cards sampling during mixed gcs + S8200730: Fix debug=gc+phases time tracking in Remark and Cleanup + S8201172: Parallelize Remset Tracking Update Before Rebuild phase + S8201226: missing JNIEXPORT / JNICALL at some places in function declarations/implementations + S8201259: Fix warning with VS2017 in jdk.pack + S8201281: Truncated error message with Incompatible : null + S8201315: (se) Allow SelectableChannel.register to be invoked while selection operation is in progress + S8201368: IfNode::fold_compares() may lead to incorrect execution + S8201369: Inet4AddressImpl_getLocalHostName reverse lookup on Solaris only + S8201466: Nashorn: defineProperty setters/getters on prototype object ignored with numeric property names + S8201487: Do not rebalance reference processing queues if not doing parallel reference processing + S8201490: Improve concurrent mark keep alive closure performance + S8201505: Use WeakHandle for ProtectionDomainCacheTable and ResolvedMethodTable + S8201510: Merge TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl into DualStackPlainSocketImpl [win] + S8201520: AsynchronousSocketChannel/ timeout intermitently + S8201527: Bump default value of G1RefProcDrainInterval + S8201536: configure fails compiler check due to bad -m32 flag + S8201537: Remove is_alive closure from Klass::is_loader_alive() + S8201540: [AIX] Extend the set of supported charsets in java.base + S8201556: Disallow reading oops in ClassLoaderData if unloading + S8201596: java.lang.ref.Reference processing total time logging broken + S8201597: AArch64: Update relocs for CompiledDirectStaticCall + S8201616: Hotspot crashes on linux-sparc after 8189941 + S8201646: Introduce ReferenceDiscoverer interface + S8201647: Make initial clearing of CHeapBitMap optional + S8201649: Remove dubious call_jio_print in ostream.cpp + S8201766: Mark as intermittently failing + S8201785: Make ModRefBarrierSetAssembler abstract on all platforms + S8201788: Number of make jobs wrong for bootcycle-images target + S8201794: [Graal] fix regressions from JDK-8187490 + S8201799: Build failures after JDK-8195099 (Concurrent safe-memory-reclamation mechanism) + S8201800: Add support for adjusting heap addresses in a TLAB + S8201826: G1: Don't invoke WeakProcessor if mark stack has overflowed + S8201850: [AOT] vm crash when run test compiler/aot/fingerprint/ + S8202000: AIX build broken after JDK-8195099 + S8202037: Split slow ctw_1 tests + S8202052: Disable warnings when building libawt with VS2017 + S8202060: Add javax/net/ssl/DTLS/ to ProblemList + S8202062: Put FileChannel and FileOutpuStream variants of AtomicAppend on problem list + S8202070: Cleanup code after JDK-8200450, JDK-8200366 + S8202073: MetaspaceAllocationTest gtest shall lock during space creation + S8202074: Metaspace: If humongous chunk is added to SpaceManager, previous current chunk may not get retired correctly. + S8202075: Crash when running compiler/codecache/ + S8202079: [s390]: Build failure w/o precompiled headers + S8202081: Introduce CollectedHeap::is_oop() + S8202091: Rename DualStackPlainSocketImpl to PlainSocketImpl [win] + S8202134: Non-PCH build for arm32 fails + S8202141: Unique symbols for .class + S8202151: [BACKOUT] Split globals.hpp to factor out the Flag class + S8202152: test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/whitebox/ fails + S8202154: Remove unused code in java.base/windows/native/libnet + S8202155: quarantine test com/sun/jdi/ on all platforms + S8202157: remove the use of string keys at InapplicableMethodException + S8202164: Remove some unneeded BoolObjectClosure* is_alive parameters + S8202169: Reduce ctw_2 duration by parallelizing CtwRunner invocations + S8202184: Reduce time blocking the ClassSpecializer cache creating SpeciesData + S8202210: jlink uses little-endian for big-endian cross-compilation targets + S8202276: Update test/hotspot/jtreg/ProblemList-graal.txt - Removed patch: * bootcycle_jobs.patch + Integrated upsteam- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+10 (April 2018 CPU) * Security fixes: + S8194238: Trying exceptions in MethodHandles (CVE-2018-2826, bsc#1090197) + S8194233: Improve support for array handles (CVE-2018-2825, bsc#1090196) + S8192025: Less referential references (CVE-2018-2814, bsc#1090032) + S8189997: Enhance keystore mechanisms (CVE-2018-2794, bsc#1090024) + S8189977: Improve permission portability (CVE-2018-2795, bsc#1090025) + S8189993: Improve document portability (CVE-2018-2799, bsc#1090029) + S8189989: Improve container portability (CVE-2018-2798, bsc#1090028) + S8189985: Improve tabular data portability (CVE-2018-2797, bsc#1090027) + S8189981: Improve queuing portability (CVE-2018-2796, bsc#1090026) + S8189969: Manifest better manifest entries (CVE-2018-2790, bsc#1090023) * Security-In-Depth fixes: + S8182362: Update CipherOutputStream Usage + S8183032: Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.9 + S8189123: More consistent classloading + S8190478: Improved interface method selection + S8190877: Better handling of abstract classes + S8191696: Better mouse positioning + S8192030: Better MTSchema support + S8193409: Improve AES supporting classes + S8193414: Improvements in MethodType lookups * Fixes: + S8009632: (fs) FileStore.supportsFileAttributeView does not detect user_xattr enabled on ext4 + S8049695: nsk/jdb/options/connect/connect003 fails with "Launched jdb could not attach to debuggee during 300000 milliseconds" + S8057732: sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ / Invalid PerfMemory size + S8078221: java/rmi/Naming/ fails intermittently + S8151171: Bring g1ConcurrentMark files up to current coding conventions + S8152821: Merge jdk.internal.misc.JavaSecurityAccess and jdk.internal.misc.JavaSecurityProtectionDomainAccess shared secrets + S8175075: Add 3DES to the default disabled algorithm security property + S8180415: Rebuild remembered sets during the concurrent cycle + S8183238: Obsolete CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs and remove checks for lib/endorsed and lib/ext + S8184692: add Pattern.asMatchPredicate + S8186032: Disable XML Signatures signed with EC keys less than 224 bits + S8187472: AARCH64: array_equals intrinsic doesn't use prefetch for large arrays + S8189101: AARCH32 - 'minimal' build fails because CMS bits are referred unconditionally + S8189765: Improve error reporting for compiling against package not visible due to modules + S8191101: Show register content in hs-err file on assert + S8191358: Restore TSA certificate expiration check + S8193067: gc/g1/ still unstable + S8194259: keytool error: Invalid secret key format + S8194260: Point-to-point interface should be excluded from java/net/ipv6tests/* + S8194734: Handle to jimage file inherited into child processes (win) + S8194750: Console.readPassword does not save/restore tty settings + S8194812: Extend class-data sharing to support the module path + S8195099: Concurrent safe-memory-reclamation mechanism + S8195662: Add to problem list before JDK-8195589 is resolved + S8195972: Refactor oops in JNI to use the Access API + S8196289: Update src/java.desktop/share/legal/ for LCMS 2.9 + S8196485: FromCardCache default card index can cause crashes + S8196516: libfontmanager must be built with LDFLAGS allowing unresolved symbols + S8196865: G1 log for active workers is wrong + S8197441: Signature#initSign/initVerify for an invalid private/public key fails with ClassCastException for SunPKCS11 provider + S8197443: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in UcryptoException.getError + S8197564: HTTP Client implementation + S8197569: Refactor eager reclaim for concurrent remembered set rebuilding + S8197570: Make rules for choosing collection set candidates more explicit + S8197573: Remove concurrent cleanup and secondary free list handling + S8197850: Calculate liveness in regions during marking + S8197928: Only enqueue deferred cards with references into regions that have a tracked remembered set during GC + S8197931: Null pointer dereference in Unique_Node_List::push of node.hpp:1510 + S8197932: Better split work in rebuild remembered sets phase + S8197972: Always verify non-system classes during CDS dump time + S8198240: Allow cacerts test to pass when GTECyberTrust root expires + S8198313: Wrap holder object for ClassLoaderData in a WeakHandle + S8198335: java/awt/FullScreen/UninitializedDisplayModeChangeTest/ / fails in headless mode + S8198393: Instrumentation.retransformClasses() throws NullPointerException when handling a zero-length array + S8198655: test/lib/jdk/test/lib/apps/LingeredApp shouldn't inherit cout/cerr + S8198691: CodeHeap State Analytics + S8198760: Move global lock SpaceManager::_expand_lock to MutexLocker.cpp + S8198908: Add JVM support for preview features + S8198915: [Graal] 3rd testcase of compiler/types/ / takes more than 10 mins + S8198950: AArch64: org.openjdk.jcstress.tests.varhandles.DekkerTest fails + S8199007: ClassLoaderDataGraph::unload_list_contains() is wrong + S8199194: Add javac support for preview features + S8199326: Remove G1 gc time stamp logic + S8199360: Rework the support for the 'ignored' module options in CDS + S8199406: Performance drop with Java JDK 1.8.0_162-b32 + S8199417: Modularize interpreter GC barriers + S8199619: Building HotSpot on Windows should define NOMINMAX + S8199627: Use "Per-Monitor V2" High DPI awareness for Windows 10 v1703 + S8199717: Avoid calculating primordial thread stack bounds on VM startup + S8199735: Mark word updates need to use Access API + S8199736: Define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN before including windows.h + S8199742: Clean up state flags in G1CollectorState + S8199780: SetMemory0 and CopyMemory0 in unsafe.cpp need to resolve their operands + S8199781: Don't use naked == for comparing oops + S8199782: Fix compilation warnings detected by Solaris Developer Studio 12.6 + S8199793: [Graal] runtime/CommandLine/ / crashes with assertion "reference count underflow for symbol" + S8199813: SIGSEGV in ThreadsList::includes() + S8199850: Move parsing of VerifyGCType to G1 + S8199918: Shorten names of CollectedHeap::Name members + S8199925: Break out GC selection logic from GCArguments to GCConfig + S8199927: Make WhiteBox more GC agnostic + S8199946: Move load/store and encode/decode out of oopDesc + S8200067: Add support for vpclmulqdq for crc32 + S8200074: Remove G1ConcurrentMark::_concurrent_marking_in_progress + S8200078: [Graal] runtime/appcds/ crashes in visit_all_interfaces + S8200091: [TESTBUG] Update jittester for jdk11 + S8200105: Remove cyclic dependency between oop.inline.hpp and collectedHeap.inline.hpp + S8200106: Move NoSafepointVerifier out from gcLocker.hpp + S8200111: MallocArrayAllocator::free should not take a length parameter + S8200113: Make Access load proxys smarter + S8200126: [TESTBUG] Open source VM runtime signal tests + S8200149: The "com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities" class can be dropped + S8200168: Remove DONT_USE_REGISTER_DEFINES on Sparc + S8200169: Flatten G1Allocator class hierarchy + S8200187: Exclude 3 long-running tests from tier1 + S8200195: serviceability/jvmti/FieldAccessWatch/ / crashes with "assert(thread->thread_state() == _thread_in_native) failed: coming from wrong thread state" + S8200197: Zero fails to build after 8200105 + S8200202: Remove unused _boot_modules_array and _platform_modules_array from classLoader.*. + S8200203: Missing platform definitions for ia64 + S8200227: [Graal] Test times out with Graal due to low compile threshold + S8200228: Change default value of HeapSizePerGCThread + S8200230: [Graal] Compilations should not be enqueued before Graal is initialized + S8200232: Build failures after JDK-8200106 (Move NoSafepointVerifier out from gcLocker.hpp) + S8200233: Simple G1 evacuation path performance enhancements + S8200234: Cleanup Remark and Cleanup pause code + S8200238: Reduce number of exceptions created when calling MemberName$Factory::resolveOrNull + S8200245: Zero fails to build on linux-ia64 due to ia64-specific cruft + S8200246: AIX build fails after adjustments of src/hotspot/share/trace/traceEventClasses.xsl + S8200251: AArch64::CPUFeature out of sync with VM_Version::Feature_Flag + S8200255: Remove G1CMTask::_concurrent + S8200261: Regression with JVM anonymous class + S8200276: Cleanup allocation.hpp includes + S8200290: Scratch buffer creation fails with "assert(!current_thread_in_native()) failed: must not be in native" on SPARC + S8200292: Move PushAndMarkVerifyClosure::do_oop_work to concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.cpp + S8200297: Build failures after JDK-8198691 (CodeHeap State Analytics) + S8200299: Non-PCH build for aarch64 fails + S8200302: ppc, s390 (non-pch) build errors + S8200305: Update gc,liveness output with remset state after rebuild remset concurrently changes + S8200343: Minor JViewport documentation typo + S8200360: MeetIncompatibleInterfaceArrays fails with " must be compiled at tier 0 !" + S8200362: G1Mux2Closure should disable implicit oop verification + S8200366: SIGSEGV in CodeHeapState::print_names() + S8200371: In g1, rename ConcurrentMarkThread to G1ConcurrentMarkThread + S8200374: Add ThreadsSMRSupport::verify_hazard_pointer_scanned() to verify threads_do(). + S8200383: Can't build on SPARC Hotspot with code which use math functions + S8200384: jcmd help output should be sorted + S8200385: Eagerly reclaimed humongous objects leave mark in prev bitmap + S8200391: clean up test/hotspot/jtreg/ProblemList.txt (compiler related) + S8200423: Non-PCH build for x86_32 fails + S8200424: Windows build fails due to implicit jboolean to bool conversion + S8200429: Adjust object pinning interface on CollectedHeap + S8200438: Non-PCH x86_32 build failure: err_msg is not defined + S8200461: MeetIncompatibleInterfaceArrays test fails with - Xcomp + S8200468: Port the native GSS-API bridge to Windows + S8200524: AArch64: CPUFeature and Flag enums are not passed through JVMCI + S8200525: test java/awt/event/SequencedEvent/ fails to compile + S8200526: Test sun/java2d/marlin/ times out + S8200550: Xcode 9.3 produce warning -Wexpansion-to-defined + S8200607: Add missing include dependency in bitMap.hpp + S8200608: Build failures after JDK-8191101 (Show register content in hs-err file on assert) + S8200626: Restore history for g1ConcurrentMarkThread.* + S8200627: aarch32 - Broken build after JDK-8198949 + S8200628: aarch32 - Broken build after JDK-8199809 + S8200630: Globally suppress Visual Studio warning C4351 + S8200697: Add utility for spin wait with fallback to yield/sleep + S8200719: Cannot connect to IPv6 host when exists any active network interface without IPv6 address + S8200735: Move CMS specific code from binaryTreeDictionary and freeList to CMS files + S8200736: Move CMSGCStats to the cms directory + S8200737: Move GC code out of Arguments::check_vm_args_consistency into GCArguments + S8200759: Move GC entries in vmStructs.cpp to GC specific files + S8201136: Move GC flags from globals.hpp to GC specific files + S8201167: Remove MacroAssembler::cmp_heap_oop on x86 + S8201168: Move GC command line constraint functions to GC specific files + S8201171: Cleanup in g1CollectedHeap, change CamelCase to snake_case + S8201175: Move FilteringClosure::do_oop to genOopClosures + S8201185: AARCH64: bfm instruction encoding hits assert on zero register + S8201209: Separate out CMS specific functions into CMSCardTable + S8201212: Remove INCLUDE_ALL_GCS from OopStorage files + S8201213: Remove INCLUDE_ALL_GCS from memset_with_concurrent_readers + S8201217: Split specialized_oop_closures.hpp into GC specific files + S8201218: PPC64: Avoid use of yield instruction on spinlock + S8201227: Add ALL_GCS_ONLY + S8201240: Improve releasing native resources of BufImgSurfaceData.ICMColorData + S8201242: Include source file/line number when reporting native call stack on supported platforms + S8201244: Clean out unnecessary includes of heap headers + S8201247: Various cleanups in the attach framework + S8201265: Native memory leak in ClassLoader::add_to_exploded_build_list + S8201316: Move G1-related static members from JavaThread to G1BarrierSet + S8201318: Introduce GCThreadLocalData to abstract GC-specific data belonging to a thread + S8201321: NMT: Unnecessary re-recording thread stack and size when attaching listener to JavaThread + S8201330: Add java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ / to the ProblemList + S8201334: Move runtime/NMT/ to hotspot_tier3_runtime + S8201359: Incorrect header guards after JDK-8198949 (Modularize arraycopy stub routine GC barriers) + S8201362: Remove CollectedHeap::barrier_set() + S8201365: Remove G1Policy::should_process_references() + S8201370: GC specific data is referred from common precompiled headers and defNewGeneration.cpp + S8201427: Fix Minimal VM builds on Linux x64 + S8201430: [TESTBUG] Remove script from runtime/6626217 + S8201442: objArrayOopDesc::atomic_compare_exchange_oop() must use obj+offset in HeapAccess call + S8201443: NoSuchMethodException when jar file is used in classpath + S8201450: Provide access to LogHandle tagset + S8201474: (so) Socket adaptor connect(InetAddress, timeout) succeeds when connection fails + S8201475: 8199417 breaks AIX and non-pch on s390 (and presumably aarch64) + S8201480: ISA/CPU feature detection code crashes on linux-sparc + S8201483: Make it possible to disable JVM features + S8201494: Avoid early initialization of java.nio.Bits + S8201495: [Zero] Reduce limits of max heap size for boot JDK on s390 + S8201498: test/langtools/tools/javac/diags/ 6 errors occurred + S8201507: Generate alias entries in j.t.f.ZoneName from tzdb at build time + S8201508: Macosx builds fail in GenerateLinkOptData.gmk + S8201554: Disable failing tier1 test for JDK-8201498 + S8201584: Fix configure on SLES 11 after 8201483 + S8201591: JVM features with "-" in name is not correctly handled + S8201609: Split test/jdk/:tier2 to enable better parallel execution - Removed patch * fix-arm-build.patch + Integrated upstream - Modified patch: * memory-limits.patch + Rediff with changes in the right files- Fix armv6 build with fix_armv6_build.patch- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+9 * Fixes + S8071367: JMX: Remove SNMP support + S8164781: Pattern.asPredicate specification is incomplete + S8178867: tools/jlink/multireleasejar/ / failed to clean up files + S8180570: Refactor sun/security/mscapi shell tests to plain java tests + S8188897: java/rmi/registry/reexport/ failed with Port already in use + S8189784: Parsing with Java 9 AKST timezone returns the SystemV variant of the timezone + S8190333: sun/security/ssl/X509KeyManager/ failed with "Failed to get the preferable key aliases" + S8196200: Implement a navigation builder in javadoc + S8196724: Change macosx deployment target to 10.9 + S8196750: [Testbug] tools/launcher tests need to tolerate unrelated warnings + S8196775: java/net/Socket/asyncClose/ failed intermittently on Windows with ConnectException: Connection refused + S8197418: Move java/util/RandomAccess/ tests into OpenJDK + S8197531: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2018-04 + S8199539: Provide a standard way for the build to filter un-needed legal .md files + S8199608: Clean up LDFLAGS for libfontmanager + S8199744: Incorrect compiler message for ReceiverParameter in inner class constructor + S8199875: Require first parameter type of a condy bootstrap to be Lookup + S8200125: Fix some classloader/module typos + S8200127: Replace with collection.forEach() + S8200128: Fix some "annoations" typos + S8200131: Improve lazy init of InetAddress.canonicalHostName and NativeObject.pageSize + S8200134: Improve ModuleHashesBuilder + S8200152: KerberosString should use UTF-8 by default + S8200258: Improve CopyOnWriteArrayList subList code + S8200298: Unify all unix versions of libjsig/jsig.c + S8200358: Remove mapfiles for JDK executables + S8200359: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018d + S8200458: (se) Readiness information previously recorded in the ready set not preserved + S8200520: forkjoin tasks interrupted after shutdown + S8200583: (se) Selector clean-up, part 4 + S8200664: fix broken links in java.base docs + S8200706: Better cleanup for open/test/jdk/java/lang/ /ProcessBuilder/ + S8200727: linux-aarch64 profile should use bundled freetype + S8200728: Docs (Comparison of Stack and Deque methods) for Deque is not correct + S8200788: Optimal initial capacity of java.lang.VarHandle.AccessMode.methodNameToAccessMode + S8200792: PKCS12Attribute#hashCode is always constant -1 + S8200888: typo in name of exception in @throws + S8201178: Remove sun.nio.cs.FastCharsetProvider + S8201179: Regression due loading java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets during bootstrap + S8201194: Handle local variable declarations in lambda deduplication + S8201221: JDK-8199608 introduced a build race on macosx + S8201222: JDK-8199539 broke the OpenJDK build + S8201236: Straighten out dtrace build logic + S8201246: Export native function to set platform encoding + S8201251: The tests for JDK-8187247 should be under test/langtools + S8201263: Trailing backslash in VS120COMNTOOLS leads to ugly error message when running tests + S8201267: Disable warnings for VS2017 to enable building + S8201320: Allow PrintFailureReports to be turned off + S8201327: Make Sensor deeply immutably thread safe + S8201328: SynthParser should use Boolean.parseBoolean + S8201348: ProblemList update for bugid associated with + S8201357: ALSA_CFLAGS is needed; was dropped in JDK-8071469 + S8201396: fix broken links generated by javadoc doclet + S8201439: Enable linux-arm-vfp-hflt profile to be configured with jib again + S8201440: javac should create unique DynamicMethodSymbols at LambdaToMethod - Modified patches: * java11-improved-fonts.patch + Rediff to changed context * fix-arm-build.patch + Use upstream fixes- Modified patch: * fix-arm-build.patch + fix more duplicate commas in headers- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+8 * Fixes + S4954348: JPGWriter.getNumThumbnailsSupported does not return - 1 when passing null values + S8074286: Add getSelectedIndices() to ListSelectionModel + S8178370: [TEST_BUG] java/security/Signature/ fails + S8191957: JFileChooser shows empty name for external drives shown under Desktop + S8193032: Remove terminally deprecated SecurityManager APIs + S8195649: reorganize tests for java.util.Optional + S8198314: javac hidden options violate standard syntax for options + S8198801: JShell: user exception chained cause not retained + S8198885: upgrade Marlin (java2d) to 0.9.1 + S8198990: Move SwingSet2 from closed to OpenJDK + S8199176: Accessibility issues in java.base docs + S8199800: Optimize Boolean.parseBoolean(String) + S8199947: Rename HTML element id in ClassLoader javadoc to avoid name conflict with private elements + S8200200: test java/awt/image/ColorModel/ fails with open profiles + S8200257: (se) More Selector cleanup + S8200267: a.out created at top dir by Solaris build + S8200364: Remove unnecessary boxing via primitive wrapper valueOf(String) methods + S8200375: Change to GCC 7.3.0 for building Linux at Oracle + S8200469: Update link to license in Docs.gmk + S8200538: cl : Command line warning D9014 : invalid value '2220' for '/wd' + S8200586: Update JDK11 release date to 2018-09-25 + S8200658: Fix incremental builds of hotspot on solaris + S8200696: Optimal initial capacity of java.lang.Class.enumConstantDirectory + S8200703: Problem list jdk/jshell/ fails on windows- Added patch: * fix-arm-build.patch + fix a duplicate comma in a header- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+7 * Fixes: + S4912693: Behavior of null arguments not specified in Java Sound + S6686236: GIF native IIOMetadata assumes characterCellWidth/Height as 2bytes + S7031957: DIB header of type BITMAPV2INFOHEADER & BITMAPV3INFOHEADER is not supported in BMPImageReader + S7108280: JList.getSelectedValuesList fails if JList.setSelectionInterval larger than list + S7158623: Should an unfocusable maximized Frame be resizable + S8071282: remove misc dead code + S8071469: Cleanup include and exclude of sound native libraries + S8140359: get_locked_message_ext() should return Flag::MsgType + S8144300: http.nonProxyHosts value having wildcard * both at end and start are not honored + S8146201: [AOT] Class static initializers that are not pure should not be executed during static compilation + S8152974: AWT hang occurrs when sequenced events arrive out of sequence + S8153333: [REDO] STW phases at Concurrent GC should count in PerfCounte + S8159850: Remove unneeded parsing of optional-size when parsing array types + S8166642: serviceability/dcmd/framework/* timeout + S8170541: serviceability/jdwp/ fails intermittently on Windows and Solaris + S8173070: Remove ValueObj class for allocation subclassing for runtime code + S8173100: AArch64: -XX:-UseOnStackReplacement does not work together with -XX:+TieredCompilation + S8175312: SA: clhsdb: Provide an improved heap summary for 'universe' for G1GC + S8180410: ByteArrayOutputStream should not throw IOExceptions + S8180451: ByteArrayInputStream should override readAllBytes, readNBytes, and transferTo + S8191102: Incorrect include file use in classLoader.hpp + S8191418: List.of().indexOf(null) doesn't throw NullPointerException + S8191585: VM anonymous classes created during CDS dump time cause crash + S8191924: Adjust DelegatingClassLoader's metadata space sizing algorithm + S8191954: AArch64: disable UseCISCSpill in C2 + S8193128: Reduce number of implementation classes returned by List/Set/Map.of() + S8193130: Bad graph when unrolled loop bounds conflicts with range checks + S8193266: AArch64: SIGSEGV + S8193369: post_field_access does not work for some functions, possibly related to fast_getfield + S8193429: "assert(false) failed: GetModuleFileName failed (126)" in symbolengine.cpp + S8193434: [GRAAL] Graal classes are not loaded with - Xshare:dump + S8194054: [TESTBUG] Test runtime/CommandLine/ /OptionsValidation/ failed with - 1073740940 (FFFFFFFFC0000374) + S8194490: [JVMCI] Move `iterateFrames` to C++ + S8194746: (fs) Add equivalents of Paths.get to Path interface + S8194759: Support caching class mirror objects. + S8194978: Javac produces dead code for try-with-resource + S8195095: Images are not scaled correctly in JEditorPane + S8195109: ServiceUtil::visible_oop is not needed anymore + S8195148: Collapse G1SATBCardTableModRefBS and G1SATBCardTableLoggingModRefBS into a single G1BarrierSet + S8196028: JMX: Not enough JDP packets received before timeout + S8196121: runtime/appcds/ fails silently + S8196294: LoopStripMiningIterShortLoop is set to zero by default + S8196337: Add commit methods that take all event properties as argument + S8196399: Formatting a decimal using locale-specific grouping separators causes ArithmeticException (division by zero). + S8196519: Incomplete classpath causes infinite recursion in Resolve.isAccessible + S8196590: Enable docker container related tests for linux AARCH64 + S8196626: [Graal] runtime/appcds/ crashes with "VM thread using lock Heap_lock (not allowed to block on)" + S8196668: revisit test SunPackageAccess and GrantedSunPackageAccess + S8196876: OopStorage::assert_at_safepoint clashes with assert_at_safepoint macros in g1CollectedHeap.hpp + S8197235: src/hotspot/share/jvmci/jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp takes 4 minutes to compile on windows + S8197405: Improve messages of AbstractMethodErrors and IncompatibleClassChangeErrors. + S8197429: Increased stack guard causes segfaults on x86-32 + S8197554: Create test for SwingSet TableDemo + S8197595: Serialization javadoc should link to security best practices + S8197842: Remove unused macros VM_STRUCTS_EXT and VM_TYPES_EXT + S8197843: Remove unused method G1EvacuationRootClosures::create_root_closures_ext + S8197844: JVMTI GetLoadedClasses should use the Access API + S8197845: Remove unnecessary method G1CollectedHeap::create_g1_policy + S8197847: Remove unused file g1ParScanThreadState_ext.cpp + S8197852: Move G1DefaultPolicy into G1Policy + S8197944: Condy tests fails on Windows + S8198243: Add build time check for global operator new/delete in object files + S8198358: Align organization of TwoStacksPlainSocketImp with DualStackPlainSocketImpl [win] + S8198423: Improve metaspace chunk allocation + S8198424: Remove G1AllocationContext + S8198430: Remove G1Allocator extension point + S8198431: Remove G1FullCollector extension point + S8198432: Remove Thread extension point + S8198433: Remove WhiteBox extension point + S8198445: Access API for primitive/native arraycopy + S8198447: Remove ClassLoaderExt::check(). + S8198510: Enable UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads by default + S8198546: [Redo] JDK-8196883 G1RemSet::refine_card_concurrently doesn't need to check for cards in collection set + S8198552: Multiple javac plugins do not work at the same time. + S8198571: [JVMCI] must not install wide vector code unless runtime supports it + S8198591: compiler/aot/fingerprint tests should be moved to open + S8198608: Improvements to command-line flags printing + S8198649: Switch AWT/Swing's default GTK version to 3 + S8198652: Stop linking with -base:0x8000000 on Windows + S8198753: (dc) DatagramChannel throws unspecified exceptions + S8198789: [TESTBUG] CTW of java.base and java.desktop takes long time + S8198794: Hotspot crash on Cassandra 3.11.1 startup with libnuma 2.0.3 + S8198796: Create test case for CDS + condy + S8198826: -XX:+VerifyStack fails with fatal error: ExceptionMark constructor expects no pending exceptions + S8198833: TestMemoryAwareness Docker container fails with too small maximum heap + S8198845: Missing resource mark results disassembling generated code failure in hs error report + S8198894: [PPC64] More generic vector CRC implementation + S8198895: Compilation errors in java.desktop with VS 2017 + S8198896: Remove dead code: cardTableModRefBSForCTRS.hpp + S8198897: Compilation errors in jdk.accessibility with VS 2017 + S8198906: JDK-8196882 breaks VS2013 Win32 builds + S8198924: [Graal] java/lang/StackWalker/ timeouts with Graal + S8198926: Move ClassLoaderData::_dependencies to ClassLoaderData::_handles + S8198948: Remove unused parameter evacuation_info from G1CollectedHeap::evacuate_collection_set + S8198949: Modularize arraycopy stub routine GC barriers + S8198950: AArch64: org.openjdk.jcstress.tests.varhandles.DekkerTest fails + S8198957: Remove unused function ArgumentsExt::set_gc_specific_flags + S8198969: Update Graal + S8198987: [Graal] compiler/intrinsics/sha/sanity tests fail on macos with Graal as JIT + S8198997: Cache normalized/resolved user.dir property + S8199010: attachListener.hpp: Fix potential null termination issue found by coverity scans + S8199012: SEGV in jni_DetachCurrentThread during VM shutdown + S8199024: Remove unneccessary protected and virtual modifiers from G1CollectedHeap + S8199027: Make protected members private in G1Policy + S8199050: reenable concurrent execution of compiler tests + S8199066: [JVMCI] EagerJVMCI option should also initialize the JVMCI compiler + S8199133: [BACKOUT] NMT: Enhance thread stack tracking + S8199137: StringInternSync test crashes in exit verification + S8199212: [TESTBUG] don't run compiler/aot tests with -Xcomp + S8199219: Build failures after JDK-8195148 (Collapse G1SATBCardTableModRefBS and G1SATBCardTableLoggingModRefBS into a single G1BarrierSet) + S8199220: Zero build broken after 8195103, 8191102 and 8189871 + S8199243: aarch32: ARM 32 build broken after 8165929 + S8199263: Split interfaceSupport.hpp to not require including .inline.hpp files + S8199264: Remove universe.inline.hpp to simplify include dependencies + S8199272: Broken assertion in ClassLoaderData::remove_handle + S8199275: Fix inclusions of allocation.inline.hpp + S8199278: Javadoc search results does not link to anchors on a page + S8199282: Remove ValueObj class for allocation subclassing for gc code + S8199283: Remove ValueObj class for allocation subclassing for compiler code + S8199319: Remove handles.inline.hpp include from reflectionUtils.hpp + S8199323: hsdis could not be loaded which are located on long path + S8199328: Fix unsafe field accesses in heap dumper + S8199342: The constant pool forgets it has a Dynamic entry if there are overpass methods + S8199356: Fix hotspot to allow stdlib to use libc++ and to allow changing the deployment target to 10.9 + S8199421: Add support for vector popcount + S8199422: Hotspot build is broken after push of 8197235 + S8199425: JTReg failure: runtime/stringtable/ + S8199430: Rename MetaspaceAux to something more meaningful + S8199431: Split up class Metaspace into a static and a non-static part + S8199432: metaspace: fix wrong comment and condition in SpaceManager::verify() + S8199465: {@docRoot} references need to be updated to reflect new module/package structure + S8199467: Compilation Errors in libinstrument Reentrancy.c with VS2017 + S8199472: Fix non-PCH build after JDK-8199319 + S8199489: [TESTBUG] don't run CTW tests with -Xcomp + S8199511: Do not generate g1_{pre|post}_barrier_slow_id without CardTable-enabled barrier set + S8199516: Remove dead code overlooked during Full GC work + S8199518: test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/SelectionResolution tests take a lot longer to run with fastdebug after JDK-8198423 + S8199532: [TESTBUG] test failed with -Xcomp + S8199533: ProblemList tests failing after JDK-8153333 + S8199557: Assert in fromTonga/vm/runtime/defmeth/scenarios/ /Stress_noredefine/ + S8199559: objArrayKlass::oop_iterate() and friends must use base_raw() instead of base() + S8199561: Fix two typos in the JVMTI documentation + S8199603: Build failures after JDK-8199421 "Add support for vector popcount" + S8199604: Rename CardTableModRefBS to CardTableBarrierSet + S8199620: Support for JNI object pinning + S8199624: [Graal] Blocking jvmci compilations time out + S8199656: Make slow metaspace verifications switchable in debug builds + S8199667: Unify metaspace list index handling and reinstantiate ChunkManager listindex gtest + S8199672: ClassCastException is thrown by java.util.Formatter when an NumberFormatProvider SPI is used. + S8199674: Improve G1 Full GC array marking + S8199685: Access arraycopy build failure with GCC 7.3.1 + S8199696: Remove Runtime1::arraycopy + S8199698: Change 8199275 breaks template instantiation for xlC (and potentially other compliers) + S8199705: Docs.gmk needs to be updated to remove the -html5 option + S8199716: Unused AdjustKlassClosure in psParallelCompact.hpp + S8199728: Remove oopDesc::is_scavengable + S8199739: Use HeapAccess when loading oops from static fields in javaClasses.cpp + S8199741: NMT: Tag safepoint polling pages + S8199752: NMT: Memory allocated by Unsafe.allocateMemory should be tagged as mtOther + S8199756: Simplify language, country, script, and variant property initialization + S8199762: JShell API: Failed to detect override when snippet to be overridden has been changed before + S8199773: (bf) XXXBuffer:compareTo method is not working as expected + S8199777: Deprecate -XX:+AggressiveOpts + S8199784: PhaseIdealLoop::place_near_use() might return wrong control with loop strip mining + S8199789: Emit a warning message when t2k is selected via system property + S8199791: (se) More Selector cleanup + S8199809: Don't include frame.inline.hpp and other.inline.hpp from .hpp files + S8199843: Optimize Integer/Long.highestOneBit() + S8199870: needs to remove mention of KCMS + S8199880: runtime/appcds/condy/ missing at requires vm.cds + S8199886: gc/cslocker/ crashes + S8199896: [Graal] build Graal on all x86 platforms + S8199902: {@docRoot} references need to be updated to reflect new module/package structure + S8199910: Compiler crashes with -g option and variables of intersection type inferred by `var` + S8199924: Solaris: Correctly enqueue null arguments of attach operations + S8200071: Fix test/hotspot/jtreg/ProblemList-graal.txt + S8200072: Remove un-needed qualified export from java.base to java.desktop + S8200116: ConstructInflaterOutput, ConstructDeflaterInput still spamming test logs + S8200118: [TESTBUG] String concat tests should test toString() application order + S8200122: Remove unused field Thread.threadQ + S8200123: Replace Thread.init with telescoping constructor + S8200124: Various cleanups in jar/zip + S8200129: Remove D3D Performance Counter. + S8200135: test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ / is failing after JDK-8194978 + S8200136: Problem list test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/jvmci/ /compilerToVM/ + S8200174: improvements + S8200178: Remove mapfiles for JDK native libraries + S8200179: (se) More Selector cleanup + S8200180: fix a typo in run-test framework documentation + S8200181: Remove superflous non-IPv4 code from Java_java_net_TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl_socketListen + S8200198: javah man pages were not removed by JDK-8191054 + S8200199: javac suggests to use var even when var is used + S8200213: Configure broken on MIPS + S8200215: 17th loop of "let foo = ''"; throws ReferenceError + S8200229: Simplify building of libjsig + S8200241: [TESTBUG] java/lang/String/concat/ tests should not force source/target = 9 anymore + S8200256: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/ fails intermittently + S8200289: Reduce number of exceptions created when calling Lookup::canBeCached + S8200301: deduplicate lambda methods + S8200304: TwoStacksPlainDatagramSocketImpl and socket cleaner + S8200310: Avoid charset lookup machinery in java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets + S8200355: local variable inference regression test generates classfile in test folder + S8200357: Inline SoundLibraries.gmk into Lib-java.desktop.gmk + S8200409: jdk11 nightly solaris sparc build failure + S8200449: ReadAllReadNTransferTo fails occasionally - Modified patch: * system-pcsclite.patch + Rediff to changed context- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+6 * Fixes: + S8186228: sun/security/krb5/auto/ fails with "java.lang.Exception: Does not match. Output is c30000c30000c30000" + S8193033: remove terminally deprecated sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass + S8196298: Add null Reader and Writer + S8199437: Improve diagnostic system assertion message in impl + S8199682: Clean up building the saproc library + S8199749: Debug symbols are not copied to exploded image on Mac + S8199768: jdk/test/lib/compiler/ needs to provide more control over compilation + S8199792: Wrong license header in + S8199858: solaris-x86_64 : unpack200 fails linking with SS12u4 + S8199862: Examine ProxyBuilder::referencedTypes startup cost + S8199865: Avoid initializing ShortCache in ProxyGenerator + S8199869: Missing copyright headers in nashorn source code + S8199884: JDK-8199749 broke build with make 3.81- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+5 * Fixes: + S8160767: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Frame/MaximizedToIconified/ + S8182684: Further clarify InputStream#available() + S8183554: Add constructors with Charset parameter for FileReader and FileWriter + S8187635: On Windows Swing changes keyboard layout on a window activation + S8188240: Reflection Proxy should skip static methods + S8189230: JDK method: java.lang.Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(int) can be optimized + S8190347: [TESTBUG] Test javax/swing/JWindow/ /ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/ fails + S8190767: if JFrame is maximized on OS X, all new JFrames will be maximized by default + S8193017: Import freetype sources into OpenJDK source tree + S8193584: (testbug) TestSocketFactory fails intermittently with ConcurrentModificationException + S8194767: Regression automated Test 'javax/swing/JEditorPane/6917744/' fails + S8194943: Regression automated test 'open/test/jdk/javax/ /swing/JInternalFrame/8020708/' fails + S8195738: scroll poistion in ScrollPane is reset after calling validate() + S8196435: Regression automated Test 'java/awt/Mouse/ /GetMousePositionTest/' fails + S8196748: tools/jar tests need to tolerate unrelated warnings + S8197785: javax.accessibility.AccessibleBundle will reload the ResourceBundle for every call to toDisplayString + S8198406: Test TestAATMorxFont is unstable + S8198605: Touch keyboard is shown for a non-focusable text component + S8198606: Touch keyboard does not hide, when a text component looses focus + S8198613: Test cases result in failure or timeout when run with OpenGL backend + S8198777: JList.getPreferredScrollableViewportSize(): fix mistake in doc for height calc + S8198889: Clarify the throwing of exceptions from ConstantBootstraps.invoke + S8198922: Provide instrumentation for sanity/client/SwingSet/src/ + S8198989: Provide more diagnostic IAE messages + S8199009: test/jdk/java/util/Locale/ fails with OutOfMemoryError + S8199022: New failures should be added to ProblemList + S8199215: Re-examine getFreePort method in test infrastructure library + S8199258: BigInteger.bitLength() should explicitly specify behavior when the value is zero + S8199329: Remove code that attempts to read bytes after connection reset reported + S8199420: Update javadoc tags in java.lang.System and related + S8199423: Create builds-infra Mach5 job + S8199428: install-file macro fails on filenames with space on Solaris + S8199443: Nashorn multithread bottleneck with "use strict" + S8199451: Create linux-aarch64 cross-compilation devkit, and fix cross-compilation + S8199453: Enable link-time generation of constructor forms + S8199462: Use Reference.reachabilityFence in direct ByteBuffer methods + S8199464: Remove remaining vestiges of Java_sun_reflect_Reflection_getCallerClass + S8199469: Disable generate-jli-classes when building interim-image + S8199470: Remove unused property file.encoding.pkg + S8199471: Enable generation of callSiteForms at link time + S8199473: Support Visual Studio BuildTools with VS2017 + S8199483: Clean up some non-standard LDFLAGS usage + S8199606: Set -lc as global LIBS on solstudio + S8199611: (se) Minor selector implementation clean-up + S8199616: Fix @module declarations in tier1 tests + S8199636: Unify naming for jaas_unix and jaas_nt + S8199639: Introduce SetupJdkLibrary and SetupJdkExecutable + S8199640: Split up BUILD_LIBKRB5 into the two, unrelated compilations it consists of + S8199647: java/util/Locale/ fails with OutOfMemoryError again + S8199668: make/lib cleanup + S8199681: Remove boilerplate code from creating native jtreg tests + S8199745: JDK-8199668 introduced a build race on macosx - Modified patches: * system-pcsclite.patch * java10-improved-fonts.patch -> java11-improved-fonts.patch + Rediff to changed context- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+4 * Fixes: + S4993841: (str) java.lang.Character should have a toString(int) method + S5076761: JList.setSelectedValue(null, ...) doesn't do anything + S6372077: JarFile.getManifest() should handle manifest attribute name 70 bytes + S8041626: Shutdown tracing event + S8129569: [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/Frame/ /MaximizedToUnmaximized/ fails + S8137326: Methods for comparing CharSequence, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer + S8148871: Possible wrong expression stack depth at deopt point + S8153945: Track if log configuration has changed during runtime + S8168722: Unified Logging configuration output needs simplifying + S8169358: httpserver does not close connections when RejectedExecutionException occurs + S8170976: [TESTBUG] LogTestFixture does not restore previous logging state + S8171000: Robot.createScreenCapture() crashes in wayland mode + S8182765: HTML5 must be the default javadoc codegen mode in the near future + S8186513: [TESTBUG] javax/swing/JInternalFrame/8160248/ / + S8187066: -Xlog:help "=debug" example is not quite accurate + S8187653: Lock in CoderResult.Cache becomes performance bottleneck + S8187950: javax.lang.model APIs throws CompletionFailure or a subtype of CompletionFailure. + S8190346: improve unified JVM logging help message and warnings + S8190679: java/util/Arrays/ fails with "Initial heap size set to a larger value than the maximum heap size" + S8191139: Remove deprecated API + S8191369: NMT: Enhance thread stack tracking + S8191421: Deprecate PrintSafepointStatistics, PrintSafepointStatisticsTimeout and PrintSafepointStatisticsCount options + S8193262: JNI array not released in libsunmscapi convertToLittleEndian + S8193660: Check SOURCE line in "release" file for closedjdk + S8194085: Obsolete the deprecated SafepointSynchronize flags and remove related code + S8194296: Check copyright of files in make/langtools/tools + S8194870: Some regression tests throw NPE exception on a specific Solaris 11.2 sun4v sparc machine + S8195065: runtime/appcds/ intermittent failure + S8195131: Dead code removal for changes present in JDK-8176795 + S8195142: Refactor out card table from CardTableModRefBS to flatten the BarrierSet hierarchy + S8195632: [Graal] Introduce EagerJVMCI flag to force eager JVMCI initialization + S8196064: AArch64: Merging ld/st into ldp/stp in macro-assembler + S8196133: JShell crashes when attempting to use bad source file in class path + S8196196: Headful tests should not be run in headless mode + S8196322: [macosx] When the screen menu bar is used, clearing the default menu bar should permit AWT shutdown + S8196338: [TEST_BUG] sanity/client/SwingSet/src/ / Failed with timeout + S8196868: AARCH64: ld/st instructions hit guarantee assert while using sp + S8196882: VS2017 Hotspot Defined vsnprintf Function Causes C2084 Already Defined Compilation Error + S8197408: Bad pointer comparison and small cleanup in os_linux.cpp + S8197453: Add support of extra problem list + S8197482: Make Jemmy ComponentChooser lambda friendly + S8197499: RepaintManager does not increase double buffer after attaching a device with higher resolution + S8197533: Move javax.transaction.xa to its own module + S8197538: Remove mention of hotjava paths in + S8197546: Fix for 8171000 breaks Solaris + Linux builds + S8197549: Implement a new method similar to waitState() on Operator which run the check on event queue + S8197594: String#repeat + S8197808: Test java/awt/Dialog/MakeWindowAlwaysOnTop/ / fails on Windows + S8197841: Remove unused function Universe::create_heap_ext + S8197864: VS2017 (C4334) Result of 32-bit Shift Implicitly Converted to 64 bits + S8197926: java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ doesnt close the windows in HiDPI setting + S8198004: javax/swing/JFileChooser/6868611/ throws error + S8198005: javax/swing/JFileChooser/7199708/ throws error + S8198252: Null pointer dereference in fold_compares_helper + S8198253: ThreadInfo.from(CompositeData) incorrectly accepts CompositeData with missing JDK 6 attributes + S8198293: AARCH64 - Add CPU detection code for Cavium Thunder X2 + S8198302: VS2017 (C4477) java.base/windows/native/libnet/ /NetworkInterface_winXP.c incorrect printf format strings + S8198304: VS2017 (C4838, C4312) Various conversion issues with gtest tests + S8198312: VS2017: Upgrade HOTSPOT_BUILD_COMPILER in vm_version.cpp + S8198333: ProblemList should be updated for headless mode + S8198474: Move JNIHandles::resolve into jniHandles.inline.hpp + S8198554: Add fuzzy matching for log levels and tags when parsing -Xlog + S8198628: further simplifications to lambda classification at JavacParser + S8198640: VS2017 (LNK4281) Link Warning Against Missed ASLR Optimization + S8198693: Update ProblemsList for mac + S8198697: Simplify initialization of platform encoding + S8198703: Missing #include "gc/shared/cardTableModRefBS.hpp" in graphKit.hpp + S8198724: Refactor FLAGS handling in configure + S8198750: [s390+x86_32+aarch64] Fix build after jdk-8195142 + S8198810: URLClassLoader does not specify behavior when URL array contains null + S8198821: fix test methods access for test java/text/Normalizer/ + S8198825: Resolve missing review feedback for JDK-8170976 + S8198833: TestMemoryAwareness Docker container fails with too small maximum heap + S8198834: (ch) Enable java/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider/ /inheritedChannel/ on linux-x64 + S8198841: Thread.interrupt should set interrupt status while holding blockerLock + S8198844: Clean up GensrcX11Wrappers + S8198859: Use elfedit to silence linker warnings on solaris + S8198862: Stop doing funky compilation stuff for dtrace + S8198887: JDK-8168722 broke the build on macosx + S8198888: Reduce string allocation churn in InvokerBytecodeGenerator + S8198898: Compilation errors in jdk.crypto.mscapi with VS 2017 + S8198899: Compilation errors in java.prefs with VS 2017 + S8198928: (so) SocketChannel connect may deadlock if closed at around same time that connect fails + S8198931: remove java.xml.bind module dependency for com/sun/jndi tests + S8198933: Update JDI tests to pass valid URL[] + S8198955: String#repeat loop optimization + S8198966: To make CoderResult.Cache.cache final and allocate it eagerly + S8198970: jnu_util.c compilation error on Solaris + S8199015: (se) SocketChannelImpl.translateXXXOps access channel state without synchronization + S8199018: Test crypto provider not registering + S8199052: Configure broken on aarch64 + S8199103: Can't use COMPARE_BUILD with PATCH from custom root + S8199118: Filtering of filename for microsoft CL broken on newer Cygwin + S8199120: (so) SocketChannelImpl read/write don't need stateLock when channel is configured non-blocking + S8199125: --disable-warnings-as-errors does not work for native jtreg test code + S8199152: Configure broken on arm32 + S8199154: Accessibility issues in + S8199197: Set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH when running tests on windows + S8199198: Remove unused functions in jdk.crypto.mscapi native code + S8199224: Refactor add_native_source in SetupNativeCompilation + S8199236: Nashorn uses deprecated HTML tags in Javadoc + S8199266: Update boot and build jdk requirements in configure + S8199327: nuke var type name after a lambda has been accepted + S8199331: Don't limit debug information for fastdebug JDK native libraries + S8199338: Use -g0 on solstudio also for compiling C programs + S8199339: JDK-8198859 broke solaris x64 + S8199347: Always use -Z7 for debug symbols when compiling on Windows + S8199352: The Jib artifact resolver in test lib needs to print better error messages + S8199403: Require binutils 2.18 or newer + S8199405: Bump lowest supported gcc to 4.8 + S8199416: Remove debug output left over since JDK-8198844 - Removed patches: * sorted-diff.patch + context changed completely * jdk10-gcc6.patch + not needed * boot_jdk_version.patch + correct boot versions handled upsteam - Changed patch: * java10-improved-fonts.patch + rediffed to changed context- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+3 * Fixes: + S4916621: Update those still using JDIScaffold to use TestScaffold instead. + S7127700: G1: Replace G1PLAB with PLAB + S8038043: Xerces Update: XInclude update + S8060094: java/util/Formatter/ failed in tr locale + S8068593: Remove or repurpose unused PerfCounters from objectMonitor + S8165929: Constify arguments of Copy methods + S8166232: jshell tool: cannot access previous history + S8175384: SA: clhsdb 'printall' throws ClassCastException while printing out the bytecodes + S8176298: Log tags in -Xlog:help not sorted + S8179249: Improve process output analysis in CDS tests + S8182847: Copy class should use assert macros + S8184289: Obsolete -XX:+UnsyncloadClass and - XX:+MustCallLoadClassInternal options + S8186211: Negative tests for CONSTANT_Dynamic + S8186688: javax.lang.model.util.Elements.hides does not work correctly with interfaces + S8189330: Cleanup FileDescriptor implementation + S8190428: Minimal Dynamic Constant support for AArch64 + S8191375: Add high-level jtreg VMProps to filter out CDS tests + S8193056: Title from build failure with Xcode 9.1 + S8193150: Create a jtreg version of the test from JDK-8187143. + S8193373: Cleanup ElfFile and family + S8193846: Obsolete the VM option UseUTCFileTimestamp + S8193892: Impact of noncloneable MessageDigest implementation + S8193909: Obsolete(remove) Co-operative Memory Management (CMM) + S8194084: Obsolete FastTLABRefill and remove the related code + S8194691: Cleanup unnecessary casts in Atomic/OrderAccess uses + S8194994: Remove redundant string streams used for logging + S8195103: Refactor out card table from CardTableModRefBS to flatten the BarrierSet hierarchy + S8195112: x86 (32 bit): implementation for Thread-local handshakes + S8196308: Update tests AllLineLocations and ClassesByName to use TestScaffold instead of JDIScaffold. + S8196324: Update tests FilterMatch and FilterNoMatch to use TestScaffold. + S8196405: [REDO] NMT: add_committed_regions doesn't merge succeeding regions + S8196602: Change HeapRegionClosure to comply to naming conventions + S8196759: Move two java/text/Normalizer tests into OpenJDK + S8196783: Refactor LogTagLevelExpression into separate classes + S8196786: [PPC64+s390] ConstantDynamic support + S8196830: publicLookup().findVirtual should not return method handle to AccessibleObject.setAccessible + S8196880: VS2017 Addition of Global Delete Operator with Size Parameter Conflicts with Arena's Chunk Provided One + S8196884: VS2017 Multiple Type Cast Conversion Compilation Errors + S8196889: VS2017 Unable to Instantiate OrderAccess::release_store with an Incomplete Class Within an Inlined Method + S8196909: gcc 7.2.1 compiler warning in libdt_socket + S8196920: and fail: assert(receiver_klass->is_subtype_of(static_receiver_klass)) failed: actual receiver must be subclass of static receiver klass + S8196930: [Testbug] serviceability/sa/ fails to find expected output + S8196992: Resolve disabled warnings for libdt_socket + S8196997: VS2017 The non-Standard std::tr1 namespace and TR1-only machinery are deprecated and will be removed + S8197412: Enable docker container related tests for linux s390x + S8197454: Need Access decorator for storing oop into uninitialized location + S8197518: Kerberos krb5 authentication: AuthList's put method leads to performance issue + S8197563: assert(is_Loop()) crash in PhaseIdealLoop::try_move_store_before_loop() + S8197572: s390 build broken after 8165929 + S8197589: Update CPU count algorithm when both cpu shares and quotas are used + S8197608: MacroAssembler::unimplemented calls global operator new[] + S8197772: metaspace uses global operator new/delete for gtest testing + S8197780: Null pointer dereference in Klass::is_instance_klass of klass.hpp:532 + S8197789: os::SuspendedThreadTask causes references to global operator delete + S8197827: [windows] Small cleanups after JDK-8185712 + S8197828: Null pointer dereference in MultiNode::proj_out_or_null + S8197857: fieldDescriptor prints incorrect 32-bit representation of compressed oops + S8197859: VS2017 Complains about UINTPTR_MAX definition in globalDefinitions_VisCPP.hpp + S8197868: VS2017 (C2065) 'timezone': Undeclared Identifier in share/runtime/os.cpp + S8197901: Crash during GC when logging level is debug + S8197906: Enable CDS mode execution of jtreg tests via make + S8197945: Qurarantine failing condy tests + S8197956: VS2017 (C4838) Narrowing conversion required from __int64 to julong + S8197968: [Backout] JDK-8196883 G1RemSet::refine_card_concurrently doesn't need to check for cards in collection set + S8197992: Move the OopStorage::ParState type out of inline.hpp + S8197993: Remove last use of JavaThread::flush_barrier_queues() + S8197994: Move JavaThread::initialize_queues() logic to G1SATBCardTableLoggingModRefBS + S8197999: Accessors in typeArrayOopDesc should use new Access API + S8198225: os::attempt_reserve_memory_at records memory as committed + S8198249: Remove deprecated Runtime::runFinalizersOnExit and System::runFinalizersOnExit + S8198251: [Graal] compiler/intrinsics/bmi/verifycode tests fail with Graal on macos + S8198265: Make CollectorPolicy::satisfy_failed_metadata_allocation() virtual + S8198267: Allow GCId::current_raw() calls from non-NamedThreads + S8198268: Add time argument to ConcurrentGCTimer::register_gc_pause_start/_end + S8198269: Allow GCCauseSetter to be used outside of safepoints + S8198270: Remove dangerous assert in HandleArea::oops_do() + S8198271: Make CollectedHeap::create_heap_space_summary() virtual + S8198275: AIX build broken after latest whitebox.cpp changes + S8198286: Direct memory accessors in typeArrayOop.hpp should use Access API + S8198287: Cleanup ElfFile usage in whitebox.cpp + S8198311: Avoid uses of global malloc and free + S8198341: Build failures after 8194084 (Obsolete FastTLABRefill and remove the related code) + S8198369: Clean up GCId and GCIdMark + S8198373: Remove CollectorPolicy::is/as functions + S8198375: Passing 'null' value to lookup param of ConstantBootstraps.invoke does not throw NullPointerException + S8198420: Remove unused extension point AllocationContextStats + S8198439: Fix aarch64 code for handling generate_code_for after FastTLABFill obsolete code + S8198480: Improve ClassLoaders static init block + S8198481: Coding style cleanups for src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/loader + S8198482: The URLClassPath field "urls" should be renamed to "unopenedUrls" + S8198484: URLClassPath should use an ArrayDeque instead of a Stack + S8198485: Simplify a URLClassPath constructor + S8198490: java/util/logging/ timed out. + S8198492: Bootstrapping java.lang.invoke can cause deadlock after JDK-8198418 + S8198507: Remove CollectorPolicy::create_rem_set + S8198509: Move satisfy_failed_metadata_allocation out from CollectorPolicy + S8198511: Move allocation functions from GenCollectorPolicy to GenCollectedHeap + S8198515: Extract SoftReferencePolicy code out of CollectorPolicy + S8198522: Javadoc search broken after output files organization for modules + S8198525: Move _size_policy out of GenCollectorPolicy into GenCollectedHeap + S8198528: Move GenerationSpecs from GenCollectorPolicy to GenCollectedHeap + S8198530: Move _gc_policy_counters from GenCollectorPolicy to GenCollectedHeap + S8198533: Remove obsolete JDIScaffold class from repo. + S8198539: Cleanup of unused imports in java/util/jar/ (java.base) and ( + S8198551: Rename hotspot_tier1 test group to tier1 + S8198553: jcmd: separate Metaspace statistics from NMT + S8198558: Windows does not build without precompiled headers + S8198560: Remove implicit casts from oop to JavaThread* and jlong* + S8198562: (ch) Separate blocking and non-blocking code paths (part 1) + S8198564: Multiple crashes on SPARC + S8198568: clean up test/hotspot/jtreg/ProblemList.txt + S8198569: SetupTextFileProcessing should use sed with 'g' + S8198573: JShell: class replace loses instances + S8198585: add asserts to verify that ServiceUtil::visible_oop is not needed + S8198627: JDK-8198318 broke readlink testing + S8198635: Remove unused safepoint message functions and ShowSafepointMsgs + S8198645: Use System.lineSeparator() instead of getProperty("line.separator") + S8198653: ClassLoader::getSystemClassLoader throws InternalError when called after shutdown + S8198656: Update copyright to 2018 + S8198658: Docs still point to JDK 9 docs + S8198670: [testbug] Test jdk/internal/jline/extra/ is broken after 8166232 + S8198726: Quarantine again + S8198751: Refactor SetupNativeCompilation to take NAME and TYPE + S8198754: (ch) Separate blocking and non-blocking code paths (part 2) + S8198755: Reduce cost of InvokerBytecodeGenerator::isStaticallyInvocable/-Nameable + S8198808: jdi tests failing after JDK-8198484 + S8198820: Problem list tools/jimage/ + S8198831: Lazy initialization of ValueConversions MethodHandles - Modified patch: * system-pcsclite.patch + Fix merge error in the patch- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+2 * Fixes: + S8058965: Remove IPv6 support from TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl [win] + S8153294: Solaris devkit uses linker from system instead of in devkit + S8170120: jimage throws IOException when the given file is not a jimage file + S8176474: test/jdk/jshell/ fails with + S8190904: Incorrect currency instance returned by java.util.Currency.getInstance() + S8194154: System property user.dir should not be changed + S8194892: add compiler support for local-variable syntax for lambda parameters + S8194922: jlink --exclude-resources should never exclude module-info.class + S8196959: NullPointerException in + S8197439: Crash with -XDfind=lambda for anonymous class in anonymous class. + S8197812: (ref) Data race in Finalizer + S8198227: Fix COMPARE_BUILD after forest consolidation + S8198228: Spec clarification: j.u.Locale.getDisplayName() + S8198301: jdk11+1 was built as 'fcs' instead of 'ea' + S8198303: jdk11+1 was build with incorrect GA date as 2018-03-20 + S8198306: Add post custom extension hooks to two launchers + S8198318: Make build comparisons clean again + S8198328: Create devkit for Solaris with developer studio 12.6 and Solaris11.3 + S8198379: tools/jimage/ failing + S8198380: tools/jimage/ failing + S8198385: Remove property sun.locale.formatasdefault + S8198417: Exclude tools/jimage/ and tools/jimage/ on Windows + S8198418: Invoke LambdaMetafactory::metafactory exactly from the BootstrapMethodInvoker + S8198425: make/Main.gmk Add extra extension/override points to the make file + S8198441: Replace native Runtime::runFinalization0 method with shared secrets + S8198450: Make jdk.internal.vm.compiler/ reproducable + S8198479: JDK build is broken by 8194892 + S8198502: Exception at runtime due to lambda analyzer reattributes live AST + S8198512: compiler support for local-variable syntax for lambda parameters + S8198523: Refactor BootstrapMethodInvoker to further avoid runtime type checks + S8198563: Test langtools/tools/javac/analyzer/ failing after JDK-8198502- Update to upstream tag jdk-11+1 - Removed patches: * JDK-8194739-zero.patch * aarch64-form_address.patch + Integrated upstream - Modified patch: * system-pcsclite.patch + Rediff to changed context- Added patch: * aarch64-form_address.patch - Fix crash due to mistake in committed patch for JDK-8195859- Upgrade to the tip of jdk repository of January 26th, 2018 - Modified patches: * disable-doclint-by-default.patch * jdk10-gcc6.patch + Rediffed to a changed context - Removed patches: * java-10-openjdk-linuxfilestore.patch * remove_javah_for_real.patch + Integrated upstream - Added patch: * JDK-8194739-zero.patch + S8194739: Zero port of 8174962: Better interface invocations- Recommend tzdata-java8 instead of depending on it. This fixes build cycles.- Initial package of jdk-11+0 * java-11-openjdk technology previewjava-10-openjdks390lp5 1619077192 1111.0.11.0- -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=17b97afa37be9e8bea3198482070dfaccc9b7da8, not strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a37402935c9f1964ec90b230052eb2bd49d3ca7a, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8392faec5a2b90d8a16d6fb1e2eb09dfa95a65ab, not strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b6f8b5431c61e3c9a5bee6b827c2548749d5c077, not strippedPNG image data, 16 x 16, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 24 x 23, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 32 x 32, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPRRRR R RRRRRR RRRRR PR R RRR PR R R PRRR R RRRRRR RRRR R(ƞHutf-8a1e6305536c07640534b8bf437c98741725154080ff691dd53316a874134f077?7zXZ !t/] crt:bLL J8'MFAP% 2Ȩ);.I,DO _\xi#I2 5I37^gFv_,G1*i/c7I<"Y,#WeROx-q<7n&ևF$/"p'gg{sUf n8xfb%xk(C&oo'K)!pX.ģyKbnfç! 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