graphite2-1.3.11-2.12 >  A [p9|ER6*k!+8nvgpBJKh*IHVп%iB;p)F$/fQ#biIL3N+^M'E ̥ѕGH3,. x_.,N/)*+8 74PM ǫfMh5ABh*C*V F~M1v?帗i;vi.(mj2zce3fea0fe48c4bc86b3ca29c6da83e21529121bd0e2f3657019579dcb055f42f7dbca7cab1f22cbe378d22ce0a07a8f6a4b5afd8f([p9|є ykX"蟹K\ONB\*ף7[ p%O*bs]=0ڬo 0hL6 >DK{4@jjr ZHCBW8d]_YI-v\"VmISrP;ŝQ߬9[j;{Xk|P@g`Pmg A}.,Z0`Cr= ,G9AAnRX % goPȁ́&өdp4gSDD׌>p>?xd   Z>\ r     4 d  (89D:rFGH$I4X8Y@\X]h^bc}defluvwxyz(,2tCgraphite21.3.112.12Font rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systemsGraphite2 is a project within SIL's Non-Roman Script Initiative and Language Software Development groups to provide rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems. Graphite can be used to create "smart fonts" capable of displaying writing systems with various complex behaviors. With respect to the Text Encoding Model, Graphite handles the "Rendering" aspect of writing system implementation.[s390lpdԼSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1-or-later OR MPL-2.0+큤[[ZûZû1f2672e0cdba59a6ca7d1bbc14359042ec2da6b610e3cdc8e3444b2f89e897644f5c886a12386def2e6e9cc45de3133299d57a1dc9ae61633b0758f6fe092134a9bdde5616ecdd1e980b44f360600ee8783b1f99b8cc83a2beb163a0a390e861rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootgraphite2-1.3.11-2.12.src.rpmgraphite2graphite2(s390-64)@@@@@@@@`@Z&@ZYJ_XX2WPV2V@VwVqR@UpU@UĝU[%TFJR@R@RR@R@R@QzPP6@PP@Ptchvatal@suse.compgajdos@suse.comschwab@suse.detchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.commpluskal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.compgajdos@suse.compgajdos@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.compgajdos@suse.comtchvatal@suse.compgajdos@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtch Use python3 everywhere - Drop fonttools test dep as it pulls TON of py3 packages- Update to 1.3.11: - removed patches (upstreamed or not needed) * gcc8.patch (code commeted out) * graphite-nonvoid-return.patch (code commented out) * graphite2-python3_tests.patch (upstreamed) * graphite2-python3_tests_cornercases.patch (upstreamed - refreshed patch * link-gcc-shared.diff - fixes security issue: CVE-2018-7999 [bsc#1084850] + graphite2-CVE-2018-7999.patch- gcc8.patch: return correct value from stream operator- Do not BR asciidoc as we do not install the generated html page- Make sure we switch to python3 only on SLE15+ and not on SLE12- Add patches to fix tests when using python3: * graphite2-python3_tests.patch * graphite2-python3_tests_cornercases.patch - Refresh all other patches - Use fancy name for downloaded tarball - Run spec-cleaner- Use %ctest macro - Update license string to lgpl2.1+ and mpl2.0+ - Remove patch graphite2-CVE-2017-5436.patch - Update to 1.3.10: * Upstream marks this as contianing various bugfixes without any specific mentions- security update: * CVE-2017-5436 [bsc#1035204] + graphite2-CVE-2017-5436.patch- Version update to 1.3.9: fixes some bugs in the collision avoidance and may give slightly improved results in some cases.- Version update to 1.3.8: * Various bugfixes found by fuzzers- Update to 1.3.6 * This fixes a number of security related bugs. There are no feature improvements or bug fixes in this release.- updated to 1.3.5 bnc#965803 CVE-2016-1521: * Security bug fix * Fix ARM misalignment problem * Track latest cmake- Version update to 1.3.4: * Fix Collision Kerning ignoring some diacritics * Handle pass bits 16-31 to speed up fonts with > 16 passes * Various minor fuzz bug fixes * Make Coverity happy * Add GR_FALLTHROUGH macro for clang c++11 - Upstream moved to github- updated to 1.3.3 * Slight speed up in Collision Avoidance * Remove dead bidi code * Bug fixes . Between pass bidi reorderings and at the end . Decompressor fuzz bugs . Other fuzz bugs- Version bump top 1.3.2: * Remove full bidi. All segments are assumed to be single directioned. * Bug fixes: + Decompressor corner cases + Various fuzz bugs- Version bump to 1.3.1: * Deprecation warning: Full bidi support is about to be deprecated. Make contact if this impacts you. * Change compression block format slightly to conform to LZ4 * Handle mono direction text with diacritics consistently. Fonts now see the direction they expect consistently and bidi now gives expected results. * Fixed lots of fuzz bugs * Coverity cleanups * Build now works for clang and/or asan and/or afl etc.- Version bump to 1.3.0: * Various tweaks for the arabic fonts - Added patches: * graphite-nonvoid-return.patch * graphite2-1.2.0-cmakepath.patch - Removed patches: * no-specific-nunit-version.diff * soname.diff- Remove unnecessary utf-8 characters from the spec file- add link-gcc-shared.diff: link -lgcc_s to fix undefined symbols on various ARM architectures- Remove harfbuzz dep. Breaks another buildcycle. This effectively means we are not running tests. No functional changes otherwise.- Remove texlive dep to remove dep circle.- Use rpath so the tests work.- Enable the tests. They work on 13.1 but fail on Factory...- Version bump to 1.2.4: * Various bugfixes * Expanded testsuite - Remove graphite2-arm.patch - applied upstream - Add patches from debian: * soname.diff * no-specific-nunit-version.diff - Run^Wdocument tests and generate documentation- Use cmake macros for nice and tidy setup.- Add baselibs.conf and provide libgraphite2-3-32bit, which is at this moment required by harfbuzz.- graphite2-arm.patch :Fix build in arm and possible other platforms, we should notuse -nodefaultlibs as a linker flag and let the system do its job automatically. - freetype-devel should be freetype2-devel- license update: LGPL-2.1+ or GPL-2.0+ or MPL-1.1 See License file (most source code notices concur)- Whitespace trying to figure out why spec file is interpreted as binary.- Fix desc not to mention libexttextcat.- Initial commit version 1.2.0.s390lpd 15273077321.3.11- -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=0fe407b59316d52c481b90d817da4f686827111a, strippeddirectoryASCII textRRRRRRRR/?YT.NOQutf-803aa272f17a1367ff04b2927ecf7c54dfb943d5755a65ffe6236221499ff061a? 7zXZ !t/׋EX] crv9ui^s6X,г ,|lczȇr ߧ;hZB4v5gӌhP R2ȡ+a>݊&-Q⤴?dz,}=p 5/qq`5krdovVO[`iv>cq:JnYeJ! $B"SV,8H9Vix #Isl`aTW% 4=I4r{`PHDA,[r7B4za^#8;1GMk+Sl,$dЄSjS&|)bį0:J s̾J/5l;m{z3e0V^PϏz,2rD /eB)ܮt/L5;/zF}w%&"h^2~tݵ䟒wq1JEا:_!^ ئ&[C7>>ZW3 U%0}E{Ĵ, KPN'җ=>hG= W1jB%;-< B:<xY&cPuAntѕJ)bNY[p]Oڭ2l.o8P5`<Y(R8t| B$K4ʠrun=3ujkQq &t5"l$=Սrݺz Y y f퍝{<䰡N.@ qhtvxl$<_L&$m= c8pʾ#.ʅU26`uũߣUN2s0\D1+o0G  ׆p(VEd,Msu&c7L:D~ 7̪Kp~cEGlL%"S>'M~Z35jR6A.4C=GFQDI@Ցi/qKW}Ն+N/ciNRVc <5Bau T|>n@u"񯓝x~4۵`|~YѳzZ#\"P])hJ靈 пyC|m"(kG.Sq͋._+wb Q?M`7{̋ #'c؏Y+x=8VK zw{[.;Yǡ;$08R.E+ gⓂ;MxK3YLet0N laqN2jp1[vcT lL&՚$[gՠG4S:J<٠Erm(_UAk/:$aFD]nJ a"rh+=BIn*oْO.h'J؟S2eaDޠRQšSr&nf(xnkڥf# Gי . .Lʻ]Ӎqb=fLBgM$Vp{V4$5%>;DV4Ƅ'TKz!n3z l%Q'~7kN`&l!O$DmF?W&/*vf8-0}|6[)hCFsIBxjNefw!<`#ӎR*n`I,^e(@ ]9$'7G UNyA@s&byOğ[tXt?O$k'Ma`+ @Tv|t^mԸXaaiwvե1kƢtqJF h<}Yd 9KQZH%ׯ܁bnvh(JO4iqske7)EѰļ 0o0Y F|L_*ZŒ<Î# ym M&KO,jdoc S}hd=Ճ )Tg:J?Q#]~h 81:ݖbF])ƆxMpnBDduّ#i @$#g"i&I ]|SsUn/"*d&-k%Vo\K0yϟBEN%ӉPaԯ h%#¡0~{At+Q|{(=>ERE>,C hv8:~$'[B 75&讻VOayqsCQ#_87nUU1i CpμԋѯȘSdG$ءb(;fwb>0SGodVtGόsYqgٰV)}* y,8(ԙ646m'W4|9=/XCqmA/6Es[@l KUj/b'Yn}TUACQј)06qB MLM Z'V@U;fb48RL~ԵF!nq0Kߝ; EDuntygwo#jz_nN^g>GIUD+9[a+(.lt=152TN܉+LaAJW#ގ6!3 T}Ac~ UHP`4T<&%:7:`;?E҅Id;)M9-gW!.`zBV`!g Q\)& 34C㠾%z ܎Xv-mvqwo[19ŖT=*'PNq;o1["$^ A ,D.dWKf>ʾ HH޲ x3Zfn5(uwWh.!޸Eȋvap2nI29ОՁ!Y%JIOf"b;-|y¿u5j5l?iavΕkPagm$h:ث(P}S q/!q=sswgHVRhhtMPs)1l5`.'D>GU,Fi%ƽ;bx( =§p-v#HCURtW|mzRɀ+7[iCesUǛ2 ֓뇰 T=&Q~y&A-Am \ov܇P[dcd&kU(}_^F%nĸ?;yY=t&?Pz{S:k[UC3\x>IMv"F_VQ=$pⰴCi)z`Pec'3Pe Ce!ehy5wY^}v-  )/^9NvI/Xޭ#X4B{¥o{؁ | ZãA!J'3S>tHD7nH)r&h_DKxLG2ߋ\dsac*;dAjfXe3snM*FJP({8ሂyW~o \xX{\T;7`W&y/{M`j֞_}B”S k9^OkԮ+h /LhZ?M*WKfɏs[} ? yڏ\91ˌ؇lWAa) z=~bX/rUK'tٱUknY|>z*]*^gލذtW{H eqJмdzH7@AoGEeCRʊ;}:![ dPcf1ʹxo%$(wAgwĦd3;E+6U_pr}QH^ğ{eJ@O0~5>qrQdld׆UQ:E+Gv(I^?d{.|grww݇QZp!Lh{DZ`"+ix𢗱nI2bvFg+@ :+pR 07fH=~UPCc`.V~ع?NTCJNQo> ӆ;*&cn#_ qV}O=` bjBG;Yu#+03'nH},]Zjb‘:h+`!vek4?q`J,*ܨjTޘt8d+a*(VϘF68r,8nsYct#\j dm}8 Rͨz~BޯQZTa2;iHYs[bV1aa0WfHȌ7`6<)l<;m9>"lQ􅷸JSJF#ЀZqj׬{N/r a|eΗgcXfJj›86[<@  2Zh z9W2_}#)YzUR!{?0@&gqöL CDHaڪ Pe1Oڛ䩐3P(<.'^$VڵȞ;#'~A̮<*}Q=ͤ~T1*Oǚqn8 O/`Qa* yMJBT7[B-*]._ATU۾Q8˂ b\﯌yԘ{z9MۡlK'5^XENdtzoaej'bNv޿pkZ2+\m:)Wק#dqH+D\t(C%`dG@e*B 2H"2!1D,𕈒)]=*o1M,"$R_~GH7 n_(=x; %wJ2=nED8Jy{D :CG}{rVBkiVSu,CKazUj*P'=gbx~J 0DP/jlؠ#O? k9nsMH'K(F-b;>.N|odn4h0\YcXu-A'Ӂ\h&LT,יFO @\>t9E9u`1rD*C;6e] SDKQ7Gb?d0#sFH19^MV٭ `1@vi&{ zS)#}&1\V~Yȗ <"O#.5jZMWy*𴐿&E4L/`,E uNkJ>{Zp+D'F-F=-c~ R.$l\bZ']ZeY9"ʝ^v|'B8_ᰃs3t0=B?q"?eJkD㥃\ΨĦ-Ty 3f ԍ[1D8~b *]mqT嶦ޔC*th!(x."Q"rَ,qp%HrOYW i٩wt8`I-hJ9td<(֐V8P ͫHa[8%3B[ l6?յw.=OVYƾsk…lvC_N)O9\4-܅O xTQET9qvfæߛ@éPIײJCpyi{! #zoɾdki6y[lπDpS ZmQ6%&v儸 bUk n! 9Wާm \x@?aʋR. j"i pRu= ._Whee\QH/!PkqZGyŚY0Xkvsx+U kX0˴Irφz~PS:R.ӌ2'' o@XMO>jP"k4s [^[PĮh/FFA+lV.HE@l.Q!IȔFL Pn7VũU v/.0$onxQf!Ec(挮yFsS}f;(ak1* U"(2xA?'UQQ7;W>̩GdF8ۍrr# 8p ^ ح<-+1pP06o  O; oMo«Q~HSŽ'xF"~XA򫏺\Xui܅ֻؒLfT8މ:K=},3~b' )F&l|i@pǫYs(a ڠ~Νx 2)_O ,>;/=(iިPcg4'- eʯ$ cӣO:Уm[%f{Q17ɀ>:}G=0V 9*As^{ Ǡ16!j!'t8<Xa޾jLkwXY *xjtҤR2dW,B G oF"e5G>w5aK#Iw>3nR%7_ࣴ ?-Envw~jÒtrF?IDSKwE\JRf*%9@'-Vha IԾ\|\npJ՗IuG;NvSmҍvCN'Ȍ_ k31QhYTp4SJ2hSH7:rZܞ(?fy%q'[k=u-Ƭ^' Ø+j9S"zZr[o j:s`H3ԶY7T6!"֌=5}/'.ze (#{kNO`QZ)V9'kESW=v͌G+icSġ P/MޱfŬO{u=؃]wJ)zf}{ f($SoRo/]'+XyK2H ")Ĥʭ/yj?`%[5ִER>6.ұ Ty~ScAG8 -İ- (kJ֞O\ : BdtTMd]ح(R B)qK*Q"A|)8.Ո3&;'=wvlhL>_/A@}d1)描a@`B?S}\}i'f>ZItd/:Ag/ _z."fڅGA;fd5#.u8Q-hUn5Pp^ 2S!^A8Op:{d S驺ՍcFiWzT4IED>k)$4-ZPpI&m<N&9dl\}HU  ZٸĚygCNM`6O^40c ]40'Q 1q)j9 &S|dl~`~Ge8@Ŧ\uA+KԘ q\v*znrɤǷydH͉ @8o18NX\:WXQZ4=4t:]zւWNx6<NkɥGV|U12/69VI)S| ˫/KPtu͜EykW_Qc?I!Zݹ6ʺ:U/fVbΪYny>6uiԱԳ!)ٛ'[̣i7R&N "3HX; %LBI5k^*A_$SK!M8v`ܓiޥNEK~,CS1jx?5,cLb}f@שWh=|FU$$w5 Iˌ~ e6$e L{"u*]Ha XI7a0Dhy;/2/^ zPzbBMuͺLMenXtժ7,FA͠p,֙ /iMaHm# "s+6Sϔ aTIzX7\{I^4uNA51{%&PU8.z k-G^4H:>| Ҝ)@pQ8-SvfeS dg+r_w\q! 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