glpk-5.0-bp153.1.1 >  A `nK!M@eeeupu:Hl!Ұ|0AbUiLܪ!b-zv1sZfLuy8O!;Fуݨ L,RmdPRW%u)xƔ#`?@EѧV * ~9JQFI<^qK:-}/Q30Pg a{rO@)O9>C_oL&->aqȳ'1Q&}mz%!W0z58M\Z>PV_e7c2f492f9f6d3303d547eedc82f377bb3276354568563091f072e070d683def79b949b471257c2eedaff60cbec2d1cb0b81e69bR`nK!M@eeeK-A5<'F{8ne+^1#7@ ѣd=r^j:0/tg RJ\QS @X+7"lzgB֛kQt=3#z{';p(VS:(09Ť :8Z!]E)d{QQ7vdDbߋfb@i?qf`?xZ ,~KvV'f]\-HEu6TuH\"Ie6 o]2d5DӰt>p>!T?!Dd   0  =FS m     "@DX   (89:CFtGHIXY\]^bcsdefluvw x y z    !@Cglpk5.0bp153.1.1GNU Linear Programming KitThe GLPK package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming, mixed integer programming, and other related problems. It is a set of routines written in ANSI C and organized in the form of a callable library.`ns390zp29xSUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSEGPL-3.0-onlyhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Scientific/Math`n485f28ab00b238fb4a3fd8e96637e0e8e4d4b8b4faf23d9e8be0e0a7efea9051rootrootglpk-5.0-bp153.1.1.src.rpmglpkglpk(s390-64)@@@@@@@` l^8 @]@\[3|@Z.s@YX@VbVV@VV?9@VqTcKLuigi Baldoni Martin Pluskal Stefan Brüns Martin Pluskal Update to version 5.0 * The copyright was transferred to the Free Software Foundation. * To fix some licensing problems the routines in the following files were disabled by replacing with dummy ones that print an error message: + src/api/gridgen.c + src/api/netgen.c + src/api/rmfgen.c + src/misc/qmd.c + src/misc/relax4.c + Note that this change does not affect the main functionality of the package. * Some minor bugs were fixed. - Added pkgconfig file- Enable PGO during build- Fix glpk-no_random_return.patch to return a value for a non-void function.- Small packaging change for doc subpackage - Enable additional functionality- Update to version 4.65: * The following new API routines for LP/MIP preprocessing were added: + glp_npp_alloc_wksp allocate the preprocessor workspace + glp_npp_load_prob load original problem instance + glp_npp_preprocess1 perform basic LP/MIP preprocessing + glp_npp_build_prob build resultant problem instance + glp_npp_postprocess postprocess solution to resultant problem + glp_npp_obtain_sol obtain solution to original problem + glp_npp_free_wksp free the preprocessor workspace * A new, more robust implementation of locally valid simple cover cuts was included in the MIP solver. * The API routine glp_init_iocp was changed to enable long-step option of the dual simplex by default. - Add glpk-no_random_return.patch- update to 4.64: * The dual simplex solver routine was changed to perform more aggressive perturbation to prevent dual degeneracy and avoid stalling even if the current dual basic solution is strongly feasible (mainly if the objective is zero) * The exact simplex solver routine was changed to perform terminal output according to the verbosity level (specified by the control parameter smcp.msg_lev) * A minor bug (related to MS Windows version) was fixed * An example model (Graceful Tree Labeling Problem) in MathProg was added * Three example models (Power plant LP scheduler, Neumann CA grid emulator generator) in MathProg and one in Cplex LP format were added- Update to version 4.63: * A "smart" LP perturbation was implemented in the primal and dual simplex solvers. * The long-step technique was implemented for phase I of the primal simplex solver. * An internal objective scaling was included in both primal and ual simplex solvers. * The Posix version of glp_time (glpk/src/env/time.c) was changed to resolve time_t issue on msys2. * Three new example models in MathProg were added. * Changes for version 4.62: * The bound perturbation technique was included in the primal simplex solver to improve numerical stability and avoid cycling. * A range bug was fixed in the MPS reading routine. * Changes were made to provide 64-bit portability of the Minisat solver. * Calls to non-thread-safe functions gmtime, strerror, and strtok were replaced by calls to corresponding thread-safe equivalents- Update to version 4.61: * An option was added to build a re-entrant version of the package suitable for running in a multi-threaded environment. * A re-entrant version of the package allows running multiple independent instances of glpk in different threads of a multi-threaded application. - Use savannah as source for gpg keyring- Update to 4.60 * src/glpk.h Declarations of all non-documented API routines were hidden by #ifdef GLP_UNDOC / #endif. * src/simplex/spydual.c An experimental feature (objective coefficient perturbation) to improve numerical stabilty and avoid cycling was included in the dual simplex solver. - Enable gmp support- Update to 4.59 * Some bugs were fixed and some improvements were made in the MIP solver. * The data file format used by API routines glp_read_graph and glp_write_graph was changed. For more details please see the document "GLPK: Graph and Network Routines" included in the distribution. * Translation of the document "Modeling Language GNU MathProg" to Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) was included (in LaTeX and pdf formats).- Update to 4.58 * The solution file format used by API routines glp_read_sol, glp_write_sol, glp_read_ipt, glp_write_ipt, glp_read_mip, and glp_write_mip was changed. For more details please see the GLPK reference manual included in the distribution. * The tan function (trigonometric tangent) was added to GNU MathProg modeling language. * A new version of the document "Modeling Language GNU MathProg" in Spanish was included (in LaTeX and pdf formats). * A check to determine if libtool needs '-no-undefined' flag to build shared libraries on some platforms was added. * A script to regenerate the configure script and the Makefiles was added.- Update to 4.57 * A new, more efficient implementation of the dual simplex method was included in the package. This new implementation replaces the old one, which was removed. * Option sr_heur was added to struct glp_iocp to enable/disable the simple rounding heuristic used by the MIP solver. Thanks to Chris Matrakidis for suggestion. * New API routine glp_at_error was added and documented. Thanks to Jeroen Demeyer for suggestion. * Some minor typos were corrected in the GLPK documentation. Thanks to Anton Voropaev for typo report. * An example application program TSPSOL was added. It uses the GLPK MIP optimizer to solve the Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem and illustrates "lazy" constraints generation. For more details please see glpk/examples/tsp/README.- Update to 4.56 * A new, more efficient and more robust implementation of the primal simplex method was included in the package. This new implementation replaces the old one, which was removed. * A bug was fixed in a basis factorization routine. (The bug appeared if the basis matrix was structurally singular having duplicate row and/or column singletons.) Thanks to Martin Jacob * Scripts to build GLPK with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 were added. Thanks to Xypron for contribution and testing. - Cleanup spec file with spec-clener- Update to version 4.55 * Bugfixes, documentation update. See NEWS file for details.s390zp29 16178744495.0-bp153.1.15.0-bp153.1.1glpsol/usr/bin/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=dc8a0197e6f62f90292edf2f8aad405813e88689, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not strippedRRRRRRRjKzUxutf-8558e1a59861147b7b57827a9c17c13cd9d722b353a226ff56fffb67f5dfad309? 7zXZ !t/s-Y] crv9wuwL96`aG ) J1-\MY;z Y;tan%Lbќku" !ߧoˣm}nyuEY<܈\`o<=i&A7nUEeg乌˺Odqؐ,.?_>w)1hLێpTÒeFͽ@ay3b3|%vTY$8& CNȺTgPӳ6dVz\I&yBE3gx^>CB^/')+.YhD }? +y1ݫShIxuL +F#Q<a~<(qc6Ds8&eGZ^!6VG ΜP%LAY}=J{uKީRڣٸD-Y\d9لUrOM^ЫVDe ǃaO\*Mddc߲kLi0|`&Y?}i Rjz8ffsrv=TE%%,e&AKE'mwNs#GCb`y2=uJ}Æ -f.Ѩ_iy{(sVϣtߎdrI[nbcWaSX*4r6;Y܂TI[7qvykV4iZ:k}4k]s:Lm~\ڮ:O0;[eKbppȴ7vN M;k5Z!taq4}-My/ЛA*VF_&q-~N^Ԡ!tR5c=,J.  ,9I 1I&1uLR0s.d҅XZj#n ðL!QR!5VMKCw:#u)jmC95ͣώ@>O=pYO9j0*Z+&8I8 _Z2yT)RNkS#]-x8q#*J%o:DԴiE>p{R3dA%p HѬIFxw7:`uLt=_A^}T8xc97~ NY[>G9{ ȿ@3tx7'plCLEX6ɨ'oZK }O/7آ1fWOI?!\ٍ ջhHfB7)AjU%^Eut)@\~/UOWLILPXpJ8xY+j6/7m 2Kp ôyl%v1b8'.Ҧ3< OEٯ\v2׆acM6VBIl0CQg,b= \i 6{W^$ĔjIz8D᧬?SWHqH:C$r`!ig8o05'k&b?o/Ą0n|S0ƾcB+m8a|ro>_t`GȂj:p-* #ʦZ0"75P@ l5 KRj_4LHMAu0[:pmHݏh@xaO2jh?q)jĘB?iߊhikeT;Sr_jMUe.o|ueuwy(GH*a-dwu^+2W]L,(o(-)zg,SM/\VgP HVL4jWrT w@  Of$w|d)Awa9߃>=zn[[P%j Aۛ%`Ič6jm|. 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