gambas3-gb-term-form-3.14.3-bp153.1.25 >  A `C!M@eeeH|s EbMGXnUN2)ߺ,uyr}^:?ulȪՕ9hWT9@ե,﫡S ʃ42vbBFO?ۭD0;[#Qj
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This patch fixes the build problems with newer poppler version. poppler 0.85: poppler 0.86: BuildRequires postgresql-server-devel on Leap >= 15.2- Replace pkgconfig(gmime-2.6) with pkgconfig(gmime-3.0) BuildRequires.- Update to version 3.14.3: * Fix compilation with poppler >= 0.83. - Changes from version 3.14.2: * This release mainly includes a fix of the Message class that disturbs a lot of people. * INTERPRETER: Fix Find() method on Float, Single, and Long arrays. * GB.DB.POSTGRESQL: Compile with PostgreSQL 12. * GB.GUI.BASE: Message: The ENTER key now selects the button having the focus, not the default one, so that message boxes behave the same with GTK+ and Qt.- Drop pkgconfig(ORBit-2.0) BuildRequires: No longer needed, nor used.- Update to 3.14.1: * Fix exponent sign printed twice in float to string conversion. * Some fixes in Drag & drop frame management. * Prevent possible flickering of drag & drop frame. * Form editor: Draw the control frame as soon as the Drag event is raised, to try to workaround a dnd bug. * Fix drag & drop frame management. * Update project configuration files. * Redraw the 'menu' and 'new-dir' icon. * Fix mouse wheel zoom and paper size refresh. * DocumentView: Some little design changes. * Paint.TextHeight is a new property that returns the height of one line of text, and Paint.FontScale is now "transparent". * Fix highlighting of long lines and comments. * Remove a useless global variable. * Message boxes now correctly handle multi-line text in buttons. * Apply Paint.FontScale only when Paint.Font is assigned. Not when one of the Paint.Font properties changes. * Merge branch 'master' into 'master' * [GB.QT5] BUG: Workaround "Setting a QCompleter on non-editable QComboBox is not allowed" message * Do not imbricate focus events. * Do JIT compilation after class loading. Otherwise the JIT compiler may want to load the class that triggers the compilation again. * Windows whose Utility property is set now use '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG' instead of '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG'. * Correctly generate metadata file for events so that there is no spurious ByRef arguments anymore. * Forgot to commit common header files. * System.Trace is a new property that toggles the dump of the position of each executed line. * Project property dialog: Fix deletion in argument list when pressing Backspace. * Disable qt4 webkit component. * Floating-point number to string conversion is now 1.7 times faster. * Add a '-t' option that dumps to the standard error the position of each executed line of code. * Update Gambas 16 px size font. Make it less round and fix many characters. * Fix support of read-only arrays.- Update to 3.14.0: * Add dark theme versions of component chooser icons (checked, partially checked, locked). * Fix XmlExplorer constructor declaration. * Handle the new error hook. * Don't leak control reference when raising an error from a click event handler. * Uncatched errors raised from an event handler can be ignored now. * Update Gambas 16 fonts. * Always specify the direction of input method arguments in introspection, otherwise the 'qdbusviewer' tool does not work. * Add a bookmark on the current project in all directory and file choosers. * Bookmarks is a new static class that allows to define global bookmarks for all FileChooser and DirChooser controls. * Fix again the management of the new new PROPERTY... * Take column in compiler warning messages into account. * Fix again some crash when using the new PROPERTY * Fix crash when using the new PROPERTY ... * Error.Clear() now clears the error flag returned by the ERROR function. * Remove a debugging message. * Take newlines, tabs, and backticks into account when analyzing a table schema. * Fix the declaration of static properties using USE. * Automatic completion: Don't crash when displaying the signature of '_new'. * Fix menu proxy management that could crash combo-box popups. * Add a bold version of the 16 pt Gambas font. * Fix some memory leaks in font management. * [GB.DB] NEW: Add a driver API that handles debugging messages. NEW: Print the current date/time before any debugging message. * Add a 16 point size version of the medium Gambas font. * Menu editor: Double-clicking on a menu entry now automatically closes the menu editor to open the Click event handler of that menu. * Update component version. * Component version is now taken from the VERSION file. * Some minus signs reformatting. * Project tree: 'Open in folder' menu entry is now visible on file items, not just directories. * ...- Update to 3.13.0: * [GP.MAP] BUG: Small bug fixes. * Fix Url$() escaping characters. * Code editor: The method popup font is sized according to the number of methods to display. * Some unary operator syntax rewrite in source code. * Fix the JIT compiler: '_init' method, Lock instruction, Object datatype, and DO / REPEAT loops at the beginning of a function now work correctly. * Update es.po * Compile with GStreamer < 1.16. * Speed is a new property that allows to define the media playing speed. A negative speed moves backward. * Support for playing speed rate and step-by-step forward. * Update readme files. * Option dialog: Fix spacing of some options in 'Project' tab. * Changes in testing code. * TerminalView: the minimal screen height is now 2 lines. * NEW: Run Gambas tests last. * Fix case typo in source code. * Correctly normalize SQLite session file names. * Fix typo in a source file that is not yet used. * Cosmetic changes in debugger code. * Fix Array.Shuffle() on String, Long and Object arrays. * Array.Shuffle() is a new method that randomly shuffles an array using Fisher–Yates algorithm. * ASSERT ... PRINT or ERROR allows to use PRINT or ERROR to print a message when the assertion fails.- Add the missing dependencies for Tumbleweed.- Version 3.12 has a hard buildrequirement for pkgconfig(ncurses) This requirement is only available in 13.2 and later. Disable the ncurses subpkg and swallow pkgs from previous versions - Switch to autosetup, do not touch sources in prep - Package metainfo directory to fix build- Trim future goals.- Update to 3.12.2: * Fix UdpSocket class declaration. * UdpSocket: Host is a new property that allows to define the IP address the UDP socket will be bounded to. * Make the "./" path equivalent to "." as before, and not a prefix for a component with a null name. * Take care of components that modifiy the 'environ' variable. Using 'gb.httpd' does not crash anymore. * Fix Debug instruction and support for the new Assert instruction. * Really fix the loop optimization. * Fix loop optimization that didn't work on loops calling themselves recursively. * Fix badly committed files. * Font[] now assumes a default size of 10 points, so that you don't have to specify the font size when creating the Font object. * TerminalView: Implement "ESC b" sequence. * Support for 'tcc' compiler. * Do not propagate mouse wheel events of ComboBox, TextArea, Slider and ScrollBar, as in Qt components. * Project property dialog: Use custom icons for component tab check boxes, because some style cannot draw them correctly. * Introduce RssDate for date+timezone handling * RssGuid: do not set IsPermaLink by default when parsing * Depend on gb.util for RFC822 date conversions * Switch version to 3.12.1. * Merge branch 'stable' of into stable * Merge branch 'master' into stable * Update some test forms and version numbers. - Update gambas3-3.10.0-llvm.patch > gambas3-3.12.2-llvm.patch- update to 3.11.4: This release includes the backports of fixes made in the development version since 3.11.3. The main fixes are: * The thousand separators management has been fixed. * The CHMOD instruction has been fixed. * The sqlite session management has been fixed in the gb.web component. * gb.mime is now compatible with the 3.0 version of the libgmime library. See the ChangeLog for the other ones. - removed gambas3-3.11.3-pkgconfig-sdl2.patch- Fix packaging with qt4- Switch to gitlab- Update tp 3.11.3: * The compilation of gb.pdf with different versions of the randomly changing poppler library. * Some bugs in the gb.xml and gb.xml.html components. * A few other bugs. - Change in 3.11.2: * This release disables link time optimization by default, and allows Gambas to compile with older versions of Qt and GTK+ - Change in 3.11.1: * This release fixes the compilation with older version of gcc that do not support link time optimization - Change in 3.11.0: * Besides tons of bug fixes, here is the main enhancements since the last version * More info: - Add gambas3-3.11.3-pkgconfig-sdl2.patch - Drop gambas3-adapt-to-poppler-058.patch (fixed) - Drop gambas3-3.10.0-disable-qt4.patch (fixed) - Add the control directory to runtime- Drop sqlite2 support as it is being obsoleted- use %license macro - use spdx 3.0 license string- Fix build on Factory (add pkgconfig({ice,sm}))- Rebase bconds - Add gb-openal package - [Fixed] E: summary-not-capitalized - Update description for: gb-args, gb-option, gb-xml-rpc - Spec file cleanup- Build with the --disable-qt4 option on Factory - Add gambas3-3.10.0-disable-qt4.patch (bnc#1072031) - Drop gambas3-gb-chart (only qt4 version) - Add pkgconfig(poppler-qt{4,5})- Escape the usage of %{VERSION} when calling out to rpm. RPM 4.14 has %{VERSION} defined as 'the main packages version'.- Add gambas3-adapt-to-poppler-058.patch: Adapt to poppler 0.58 api changes. - Drop obsolete and unused pkgconfig(webkit-1.0) BuildRequires.- Pull in tarball from upstream again to please Factory source checker bots, as a new tarball with same version was uploaded- Update to 3.10.0: * see: - Add component gambas3-gb-term - Drop gambas3-3.9.2-gcc7.patch - Rename and rebase gambas3-3.9.2-llvm.patch to gambas3-3.10.0-llvm.patch - Spec file cleanup- Build with gcc7 (gambas3-3.9.2-gcc7.patch)- Fix conflict with shared-mime-info- Add gambas3-rpmlintrc in spec file- Update descriptions - Fix a wrong {with qt4} to be {with qt5}- Update to 3.9.2: * Release includes various bugfixes * See more info: - Update patch: * gambas3-3.8.3-llvm.patch -> gambas3-3.9.2-llvm.patch- Update to 3.9.1: * Release includes various bugfixes * See more info: - Change in 3.9.0: * A new component gb.web.form and gb.form.terminal * A new IDE output console based on the previous component * A new and better project argument list interface * Project creation is now based on project templates * The Expression class is now inheritable and allows to customize the interpreter evaluator. * FileView and DirView controls automatically refresh themselves if your project uses the gb.inotify component * TextEditor now can display thin vertical lines to emphasize indentation * Menu can have a proxy, i.e. pop up the children of another menu * Paint.StretchImage() is a new method that scales an image to fit a rectangle, keeping the image proportions * component support PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentication * See more info: - Use default Qt5 on openSUSE > 13.2- Recheck the required dependencies- Fixed Tumbleweed build- Add Requires: gb-{markdown,util}- Fix: Installation of Gambas [bnc#969744]- Update to 3.8.4: * Release includes various bugfixes * No crash anymore when running the IDE through a terminal server. * Support for time-only values on recent PostgreSQL databases. * Support for PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentications in * See more info: Update to 3.8.3: * Source files can now be dragged & dropped in the IDE project tree. * Project directories are now movable. * Support for line cap style, line join style and fill rule in the IDE image editor. * Array accessors are faster. * See more info: - Build with llvm on openSUSE <= 13.2 (gambas3-3.8.3-llvm.patch) - Clean up functions for configuration gambas3 - Add a new package for openSUSE <= 13.2: gb-jit - Remove files: gambas3-Fedora_16.spec, gambas3.png- Add a new package: gb-libxml - Don't use fdupes: symbolic links can be empty- Update to 3.8.2: * Support for dark themes. * New logo, project, mime types and control icons based on the breeze theme look. * Project creation is now based on customizable project templates. * Logical set operations on selections in the image editor. * Relative paths now can refer to files located in the main project, in the current component, or in components crossed by stacked function calls. * The ODBC component is usable now. * Includes all bugs fixes since the release of 3.8.1 * See more info: - Change in 3.8.1: * This release includes all bugs fixes and little changes made since the release of Gambas 3.8.0. * See more info: - Change in 3.8.0: * The text editor has been entirely rewritten in Gambas. It is located in a new component named gb.form.editor. * Support for QT5. The new gb.qt5, gb.qt5.opengl and gb.qt5.webkit components have the same interface as the QT4 components. * Automatic support for KDE & Unity tray icon DBus protocols. * Important fixed in UTF-8 string handling. * Searching inside native arrays is faster. * The SQLite3 driver has been rewritten and is faster now. * And of course tons of bug fixes... * See more info: - Use pkgconfig(foo) style - Use %{version} macro: its use is highly recommended - Update Requires in gb-image-imlib and gb-sdl - Fix build with v4l support - Do not compile in DATE and TIME - Build with Qt5 on openSUSE > 13.2 - Del old functions for configuration gambas3 - Add a svg icon instead of png: use %icon_theme_cache_post(un) - Use %mime_database_post(un) and %desktop_database_post(un) - Add a new packages: gb-gmp, gb-form-editor, gb-media - Spec file cleanup- update to 3.7.1: [General] * A new software repository made with Gambas for Gambas. It allows to publish and install Gambas softwares. All Gambas examples will be stored there now. [Development environment] * Projects can be published to a "farm server", and installed from there. * The database editor now automatically store the description of the database into a template file that can be used at runtime to initialize a new database. * The text editor now can handle Unix, Windows and Mac end-of-lines characters. [Interpreter & compiler] * Array accessors are now faster. * Two new functions for encoding URLs: Url$ and FromUrl$. * The child process interface has been fixed and optimized. * The USE instruction of Gambas scripts is now part of the language. [Components] * gb.db got new methods to create databases from templates generated by the IDE. * gb.db.mysql is now faster, as metadata requests are now cached. * gb.db.sqlite3 now supports common table expressions introduced in SQLite 3.8.3. * ListEditor is a new control that allows to edit and reorder the contents of a ListBox. * Completion is a new class that helps implementing automatic completion. * FileCompletion is a new class that implements file automatic completion. * DocumentView is a new control that allows to implement a viewer of any document. * ColorPalette is a new control that allows to select a color among a predefined list of colors. * MessageView is a new control that implements an embedded notification panel that is automatically hidden and shown if there is a message to display. * Keyboard management and input method nightmare have been fixed in gb.gtk and gb.gtk3. * The Border class is now creatable and allows to paint complex css-like border where you want. * HttpForm is a new class to help submit forms to HTTP servers. * /wiki/comp/gb.report2 is a new and better implementation of the reporting component. * gb.scanner is a new component based on SANE to help dealing with scanners. * The same Settings can now be shared by several running applications. * gb.util is a new component written in Gambas that provides utility functions to the interpreter. * gb.util.web is a new component written in Gambas that provides utility functions to web applications. - spec file cleanup - removed example sub-package- update to 3.6.2: [DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT] * BUG: Control properties containing a database table name can be modified again. [GB.DATA] * BUG: Don't use forward typedefs as some compilers don't seem to understand them. * BUG: Silence false positive compiler warnings. [GB.DB.MYSQL] * BUG: Try to reconnect to a lost database server when listing existing databases and the fields of a table. [GB.FORM] * NEW: The SliderBox is now in the same change group as Slider. [GB.GTK] * BUG: Fix an uninitialized variable. * BUG: Fix warning with Slider or SpinBox when setting a minimum value equal to the maximum value, or the contrary. [GB.GTK3] * BUG: Fix an uninitialized variable. * BUG: Fix warning with Slider or SpinBox when setting a minimum value equal to the maximum value, or the contrary. * BUG: Paint.Reset() now works as expected on non-cached DrawingArea. [GB.GUI.AREA] * BUG: TreeView renaming works now if the renamed item is not visible. [GB.MEDIA.FORM] * BUG: MediaView: The Control property has been renamed as ShowControl. [GB.QT4] * BUG: The Menu.Checked property now returns the correct value for non-radio menu items. * BUG: TextBox: Workaround a Qt4 weird behaviour that sometimes lose the selection. Same workaround for editable ComboBox. * BUG: Fix a compilation warning.- update to 3.6.1: This new release fixes more than 459 bugs, adds 465 new features and 22 optimizations. Some of the main changes are: * A new open project dialog in the IDE. * Support for session management. * Offline help automatically downloaded from the wiki. * Single-file mode for the IDE. * Support for transparent windows. * Shadowed text drawing routines. * New controls: Spinner, SwitchButton, DirBox, FontBox. * gb.gtk3 is a new GUI component based on GTK+ 3. * gb.inotify is a new component to monitor filesystem events with Linux inotify interface. * gb.markdown is a new component that implements the Gambas Markdown syntax. * The component has been entirely rewritten in Gambas and fixed. - added sub-packages: + gb-inotify + gb-gtk3 + gb-markdown - adapted file list for latest changes and fixess390zp24 1615042896 3.14.3-bp153. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// texta /usr/bin/env gbr3 script executable (binary data)directoryPNG image data, 32 x 32, 8-bit colormap, non-interlacedPNG image data, 32 x 32, 4-bit colormap, non-interlacedPNG image data, 32 x 32, 2-bit colormap, non-interlacedPNG image data, 32 x 32, 1-bit colormap, non-interlacedRt)n"r喜|Vutf-8703fb9e07c7a45173978ff3d103b9a75b5f3dd9986d1c75b4be7fc5e566225fe? 7zXZ !t/&K6] crv(vX0a-<:ҩÞ(sDjLlQx :#R%h;D3qpi./F?9\@gl "0L6!M5.ywKag7|c"7ryZ(~C_v@k2m~zg%*[=-׏ E::ωO=x<_$kI7>ѦF؟` LU9֯jxvVkd@:q$&JwGt0>GD摕B[ovWϒo\#zٙ;~JIF=$_ݻ bP\a[8D>gx^W|}t 8>]^q}Q̿b)/s(.H'&D+E$V&VmF9϶P6a # 'e&,$$Î|AzwWC^8RpSCMa/Efw{C>-9KdSEZJzDkȋĴJzבťx" 44~BHۉƝI;7^|/: b]Z?a8QԜT +}zdq<;Aի/бa F#(7.qUލz L01>1ө鈓,^R4A=53Pt<'1;ˈhA ^7bNU32&2M."F/썎Z$^JA,]z0~ɭ)R7Fd]Q\ .̶ C44kݴ2yk}mRC]oc$λ/'Sc9TBF^SnߎMqS8cd ql桡$ 9!.qgzP2 NCg_%1.Sךi~CoU =T>0i#NWj+ ,{/Š^F>焷4j$$jWBr.a\(7bQn( :ݿ+}2TIob]3]qlI&+vwZ`"|81djy4q{ON"47%!PsXkյd”FSu~B٢h˵(ڪ(dy=!V^`/o=|#(N`JؒH -i&s.n/,hZo!fGZ oIJ51 >뭪yiI^ဗ.M$LLڈeYr16TA]2s+؈{Ub.]p]_1y̧^pm%3?XLPTQ$]&q .<*Ajl36v*M3Q2{5 rb՝=Zw jzܿ,N>U:{9LZq3z5˫ww QV+_ܞ+y=ʛ0<ø9%OTvF&ӠiT W&eSk -Ψ|P!Td82q_Qhg{om-k6<5I'al`?5(}Js[ qJC6E@Th͘X}U3j` fqeD{HפfNbXQd>._ns q)RuRǎ''o8 w{ͬ_$FKHZ[H!۩ #!.cJm5޷"idԾQa $ IݸJ86}x;CfZ{fWKZq% D5B I ;[]çj= oݽXnUX$ Q]D Br^wGK \WW"'Oj49l j #{XO3>r^x2FqtYȡrƏdn]YE"5eB-WtE(CY YG?ţx{(26BgD +`~n)@W9bvMbJE0lA\?lLcl ]_,6Ä俯XJnw97W㠳 4/J_|Rr\c-(5Rƈˉo<3y'ٝjj f!5ڬM 19C̟\x -l$4`Jؚ )qm{9{z m|*ݛWRk* PΆ{O+;vE QyI;Yk2= z#oK4^οWg-7CChW85Zqf q8yDz]>:$34ӧN>{56ȞE 䘝{IR-i[C$RgMIHP0'!O"b5ZXW?,02LS+G8*nY myĵjx[24R5l5`Θ$lDN]x)v}P81Cv18tC($T\C $#GDž0t4>o[ q0DZ.ZÉ>!W_R|plH$1 >k3pR7sp*%eu\GNigc{\3CH?¿GԣaB1vfZiB8v!VS'!}O$ 2Bp(p#_~f&Yru"IT 3=GdEo, $k6."%_x\- S>~ҝ"0Aٟ~:4|18"{aVOkr[Y bj|W1ai/=)V<+݀ re[ܷ\KBy R xEUPP`OD+Ӿ,]g*Xx k}(% lxv؅GX*jaL6xUӗ+nIjC[˗ #ta Cha5 %5^1C%gf+p8!l2)F<|M9keE6Fli(ָaOJzrHW$`;2*_t]f[s*A'J|лė6JAwSz뎍HkC–j&3vZvtvJI)%xD Ph _r:˃Ih6W5+E'F 0ҖG{BRca{RC J/ MiqDtġfPL'Xuhє Tprp; !=Oɥ{)isb+8(ƕAަpԫwЖm@IK94"PQMnƖ6vEBNAS_9q\OBԫ˺eP]?,w<( GN=NPDOMOgtIw4Ų g^ ¤9[1D둄D*F}e4Tr@]R@t7:ENg% 4GD]xEG '7~V"A$ ^P1!$~𴍏8y#֓ CCT(9gREgr_%;d$)i Y;9v㹈T_'U}o"&2~sM!rVÈZs)~. &Ƴ%/# X72}̯XAg2o?G *i `X=Ov*M|/^|^Sr>7T#-ta;9Z"C1`1jFD ch i_.cVtb3 Jx- iؼSL %Jſ=UgKG<.kԀ1>3!} [3S{BE}q^ڝ4AB;emqۂJXtĊ'ǣ`Nywt:}8 Xb)S(_aŠia&.7&^OnSf@^5+pw¼9nUR#}$Q.mi`Y<gGO *nؓQS Eۇ5ntȕBy'ӵU}YxX_9^)8շSJ-c)a?I~ vhbir D3Ojn>q* Ba럳?toQV6's7B'LO$Td"_kS-1 XE} {(B5@N <KpTcD1V#x['!-8>f,B%/ ;`twi2>jw[lQ$՝SJf}| oI;ۑ54kA;kL7z!.T7i~ *8=&4Ŧ9 7hW^ʱ]İk0QRe(NzM{Valږ#ifG~'A{@pEYGlr_rêEZH9$ছȍ1DD{{Q|d#S`AQT4+;O Ghl[In1i,'1J~4Ò\_זE/cX.o1I8}zDkg|QmDy7{#&hit;;(ԤMT(iO:OekJwdkf !;޴FȈ/ Jl [I;:k5KS3 nW 'l\`oڀXܘسu>l {^-pcI9e&T;Cr`fzĮV & js.i6bFkicZ1ͰnI ƹ wvy[m[W dG+kIрHm[fr_W+,i#He$W<-*uhS|wY7.Ń~rc/ AۀMƒtSڶqq6p<ug>p(1p\|Aj2/װi{@N&yjsaGaȗiʠf$Dtwl ]{!>{]pNJ2f;{j̟%ж|}Ex:-iN7pc "ڶU },oN Hȸ/]mm7>0MB1>Pqd>|E3\$ 0@LQU^ؒ=kT|up.ȶ A W #zr)ip bh>. 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