galculator-2.1.4-bp153.1.18 >  A `B !M@eee` _֥4|{DÕ9+;"eU^fiLE -M7U_J zzFy)mO3oo"XW800207f6afac056e989f51a58d48b079ee9df1ef7f8928ad03547ed34c135d516e7ee4dd9586bf00e40fc40581fddab83c794523ԉ`B !M@eeeSBS76E|vߴ,1>Su,pt'5̭FM12? lAR(Qtf6,N4tC+51ܫO ͗Ᶎuk]{5/ b4tԏo6<2Zdu{:&¹09kRW]N(rpL{yeʲҕdϣHÁ'wi\m VHD}=O[fqyU?'$>pF)?)d   7X\dh $|$ $  $ $  $  $ t$ ($ $dE(q8x 9 :Y >L@TB\FfG|$H $I$XYZ [ \ $] $^" b$c$d%e%f%"l%$u%8$v% w'$x(d$y(z)<)L)P)`)d)h)n)Cgalculator2.1.4bp153.1.18A GTK 3 based calculatorgalculator is a GTK 3 based calculator with ordinary notation/reverse polish notation (RPN), a formula entry mode, different number bases (DEC, HEX, OCT, BIN) and different units of angular measure (DEG, RAD, GRAD). It supports quad-precision floating point and 112-bit binary arithmetic.`Bs390p23SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSEGPL-2.0+https://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/GUI/GNOME>`t"FHiYXM t$w;wzjL