eventstat-0.04.09-bp153.1.15 >  A `B'!M@eee#`F4 oa~[oޮ1NȤlqqDuS-WԞs8_A 0S1j^'t^b$X_Hqe "0f )r=Gl%) ,dG#;F ש7*)ʐsoD+ Vut/Ad~x 6 5hvܱViIYj:66G7Ҧ4fD Nb4n4mG7\a58f156af0fba6bb8baaf981278315f68f0a926068a18e71d99700294ece59782229ce508a3347f980ed1021dafe385ea22f8f9ew`B'!M@eeeh< F[xK*?sTjɒY}-w+%R U{ymZFŽiГR+֗t$25co)׵t=oK%T X*) FSWIp_O WJ&7L6H e_\' d…(HBHC%w[@'T;ȶ|gĬ0S[J׸4$Y'r*As+|Y("b7d?.0\wt l- <0>p>?d   CPT\`}     ,  ,Td(89:FGHIXY\]^?bc8defluvwxy( zXhlrCeventstat0.04.09bp153.1.15Kernel event states monitoring toolEventstat periodically dumps out the current kernel event state.It keeps track of current events and outputs the change in events on each output update. The tool requires sudo to run since it needs to write to /proc/timer_stats to start and stop the event monitoring.`Bs390p22sSUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSEGPL-2.0-or-laterhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Monitoring큤`B`B^U:`B096e4db08161d7cfd981b3e4ed7feff80c9aac2761c784e57c1d8d4a3e1d855d8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643b352ae6be663f0bceaa74b54b64f2818f470004290808579954eeb7a1466e223rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrooteventstat-0.04.09-bp153.1.15.src.rpmeventstateventstat(s390-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@^f/^V]]@]e@](v@\9["XZs@YY(@YWVŲ@VC-Martin Hauke Martin Hauke Martin Hauke Martin Hauke Martin Hauke Drop SLE12 compat ifdef - Supplement against bash-completion, not bash- Update to version 0.04.09 * Add bash completion script- update to version 0.04.08 * Add UNLIKELY hinting on memory allocation failure checks * check for failed allocation of comm field * Add null check on failed allocation of comm field * Add null check on return of ctime * Don't strdup basename return but strdup base string * Fix inverted null check logic on comm field * Add null check on localtime return * check that basename returns a non-null string * fix out of memory allocation failure check * eventstat: fix '\n' check on string (null ptr dereference) * eventstat: use comm field for task name rather than task info field- Update to version 0.04.07 * No functional changes- Update to version 0.04.06 * Reduce scope of variable ticks * Remove unused assignments * Update copyright year- Update to version 0.04.05 * Add in some missing voidifications on function returns * Make task_mangled large enough to avoid truncation * Re-order some fields in timer_info to pack more efficiently- Update to version 0.04.04 * Makefile: bump version * debian/copyright: use secure url https:// etc * debian/control: remove trailing empty line * Fix -b brief mode headings * Ensure we have at least 1 task accounted for * Add CPU load, real time priority and niceness fields * Add fast check if we are inside a container - Fix version number typos in changelog- Update to version 0.04.03 * Makefile: bump version * re-format some overly wide source lines * Don't force wide display unless long mode is used * eventstat: add some more UNLIKELY/LIKELY annotations * Update copyright dates- Update to version 0.04.02 * Makefile: bump version * Iterate over arrays using size of array rather than using sentinels at end of array * Remove empty lines * Voidify returns from various functions * Add some UNLIKELY/LIKELY branch hinting * debian/control: update Standards-Version to 4.1.1 * Prefix all globals with g_ to notify scope * Use sizeof object rather than size of type * Remove whitespace from source- Update to version 0.04.01 * Makefile: bump version * Remove unused variable fields * Fix -c cumulative stats * Make column sizing more intelligent * snapcraft: Makefile: set LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 LANG=C.UTF-8 * Add back ref_count reference counting which was accidentally removed * Compute column width correctly with -i mode being used * Make source more 80 column friendly * Use double_to_timeval instead of time coversion * Minor code clean up, no functional changes * Fix non-root failure message * Break out of trace reading loop on SIGINT * Add -i timer ID information mode * Add libncurses5-dev to snapcraft build dependencies - Update to version 0.04.00 * Makefile: bump version * Debian/control: update Standards-Version to 4.0.0 * Update manual * Fix reversed order sample list, put data on tail instead of head * Add back functioning -S option now that stats look sane * Fake initial previous time event on first event. * Remove whence debug info * Eventstat: use event tracing rather than the older deprecated /proc/timer_stats interface (LP: #1705472) * Make symlink to snapcraft file * Snapcraft: add default type and grade keys to yaml- update to version 0.03.04 * Makefile: bump version * Add GNU C printf attribute to err_abort * Makefile: add snapcraft files to make dist rule * Add variable pid size handling. * Add snapcraft files * Update copyright year * Fix non-ANSI declaration of functions eventstat_winsize and eventstat_refresh - update to version 0.03.03 * Makefile: bump version * Fix FLOAT_CMP macro - need fabs on result * Remove sdl declarations to fix sdl shadowing * constify info1, info2 * Move scope of duration, removes shadowing of this variable * Allow floating point comparisons a little bit of tiny slop * Add stdarg.h header * use gnu printf style attributes for es_printf * Makefile: add PEDANTIC flags- update to version 0.03.02 * Makefile: bump version * debian/control: update Standards-Version to 3.9.8- update to version 0.03.01 * Makefile: bump version * Update manual to reflect -l -s mode on tty output * Show long or short command line info in tty output and not just in CSV * Add smart column resizing based on variable tty width * Add some small ncurses helpers for top only mode * Clean up -h info, make it 80 column friendly * Remove a few empty lines in source * Re-align global vars so there is less wasted padding * Make source 80 column friendly * es_printf: emit curses output if curses_init is true * Reformat overly long function declarations * Minor code improvement in set_timer_stat * check for failed sigaction on SIGWINCH * Improve error handling with some error message and clean up helpers * Call endwin() only in top mode- initial packages390p22 16149959940.04.09-bp153. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=89649cc817b94557d0696f07efc54bca5d5c99d8, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not strippeddirectoryASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) RRRRRRR R RRR RT[vE=>utf-8ed6d8636149a3a6e685433702c908225352644fe9f9b1f9117a38b4fecc7a603? 7zXZ !t//T] crv9wH݊۬1 l3ytHxs!`O]ZW·>ss^%#'-xQM,iDE,%@t̏85|/zvj@4.fikd?@yDovh[m1;%/h 떤4 ȽwyMQ`X w'P.(|68!^ɨvF?2!.)\G3I/(uKIRDk 2W0.8a"&=4\,%Ћ<>5ƱKp*F+$l Ṕyޑ4o=a ;Y ek۸wF}LXIjH|5lcHuPWQ*)ۥϲRD"h7hO) "#ĩrK8F'-)GJ^m(8ҁ‡] *l'Ɖb=)H&r(GjxDߧ;A}u>6ׂDch\|(D!7Ճ(zElC]'OcYN 5cܫ#47:f/tyL(4ҥI=k{mEo5h7{*Shģ.w[XY*o'-?Hcz8ZR8/taN_\&䤕@/аoEa6ׄ(a"o_>Y|'Wwn,Pb*k05TB\�$$ҳB`Ơs;Dʖ$pm~c|T͢E0Df1W⣮׋g >d$ys"ܑLbp{=@wRbخ`<"nWD2t$8Qޘ?>VOLP, g+X`Lfit:@N'}Tk @}QN3FF UVX=)c/GbN[#*`D[y[iC qϯ%@y>0U]S3ͪ*⼺̇58ȥ nr$쇉yZ 8؁\EnJjp}+=,-O y~CVG_p :T ,X?Vn٬ω_ԱWA5^/Fsسaw#NAsS$ƅ`cHCDE51@.׋wӓOĔj1/k;}?&ծz.m&ߠ,rzQ@DE޷s@W'v֞~D@_CDzB=,X^$p* a05=ŜN@_ʶ xr^š54B[='-=VJՑջ^ΖcK#S7}[CSs *ziuzt~UrO!Cֹ G~jC4ʾ+}{adM#J2Fݩf iVJnPfzda7l%1sǺB+L_׾YY/w*B#HKPݕҗ y`w ?v-]<it% i=(<9nt<PQa/Zv+qQ׸H7[Jbϊ3Ox$dC~q n|˚t#Vj' @ե_[ S*2|.XihzJ(O;W} S# 6dbV PSZ OlGԚ?`Y\QYTMK%}?1ɘVl K-NƲmDY%^$IJ[--hS}'Pu>b{n`nFDQ)&,]w6RWgz$c>=[F&XՉK7o:$L:@$d&֬Jw0ӯ-; dr5M l8b&[.\yt<vm {tפE`3\wZUjU㯲f{"oIm0s `߂F3O &_JR\iv]l¼ WNE؞Zb8A8Hㆱuyu)*0۴ n F242K'"v 05 * G >VuתGaEBJE*gsF]N7%< YU+8׷}BHrzx yC=9޲J6 $}y۠wAsOR o$]gOE2ƀQՒNDӫgxc"1nmh+сw5vB\]UR-v s e#.`e*@ctw<6$_ջ82 ޺|4XoFGݔ75#@`dak^ l5'tRW,[OkDKeΩ" P(ojh!\ {rJ$,l]s-IoDRa. 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