connman-plugin-tist-1.39-bp153.1.15 >  A `R!M@eeempK!w$΅̯A}5_I m'л;AXBƦ/}eCų'F\֨L @ j _oWf %PqWbJ O(vO_ JAÍ4]pd@f  +;tK=kX2uY%B%ӵ]5՞. G@ +sN%}gE,Kr쒱ʛ/[}V39e9ae4042310f2687b50b5bea905b2ffb3eaa152d2de214f23a73f134391e7304ee1925cae2fb08e77f9071c58e4599b1bb363f;`R!M@eeeTSRhwoy;" #m f}1Ò;5zNCtgޕS{=Ə|Q1 ;;ZC/HԍƗr*8݆<8" 8X8iD0+sUvTٻHP_8t"(tI&N}E~hh3kB %|@γHEd!r]eBIYX wHcèHBjQL^O[Џ$ )3'Һ5;mp?$O`>p>"(?"d & >   " $ ( i lpuz   (890:FjGHIXY\]^bc d e f l u!v! w!x!y!z!!!!"Cconnman-plugin-tist1.39bp153.1.15TIST plugin for connmanProvides TI Shared Transport support for Connman (Connection Manager).`Rs390zp24NPSUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSEGPL-2.0-onlyhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Daemons`R901382a74a9240f07cbb4a45ee809770f9c56bdf8726efa4e7dee5a0d03c43edrootrootconnman-1.39-bp153.1.15.src.rpmconnman-plugin-tistconnman-plugin-tist(s390-64) @@@@`&m^K\gZ@ZB9Y@Y@YY{Y@YV@UĝTԬPaolo Stivanin Alexei Podvalsky Alexei Podvalsky Update to 1.39 (bsc#1181751): * Fix issue with scanning state synchronization and iwd. * Fix issue with invalid key with 4-way handshake offloading. * Fix issue with DNS proxy length checks to prevent buffer overflow. (CVE-2021-26675) * Fix issue with DHCP leaking stack data via uninitialized variable. (CVE-2021-26676)- Update to 1.38: * Fix issue with online check on IP address update. * Fix issue with OpenVPN and encrypted private keys. * Fix issue with finishing of VPN connections. * Add support for updated stable iwd APIs. * Add support for WireGuard networks. - Spec file cleanup- Update to 1.37: * Fix issue with handling invalid gateway addresses. * Fix issue with handling updates of default gateway. * Fix issue with DHCP servers that require broadcast flag. * Add support for option to use gateways as time servers. * Add support for option to select default technology. * Add support for Address Conflict Detection (ACD). * Add support for IPv6 iptables management. - Change in 1.36: * Fix issue with DNS short response on error handling. * Fix issue with handling incoming DNS requests. * Fix issue with handling empty timeserver list. * Fix issue with incorrect DHCP byte order. * Fix issue with AllowDomainnameUpdates handling. * Fix issue with IPv4 link-local IP conflict error. * Fix issue with handling WISPr over TLS connections. * Fix issue with WiFi background scanning handling. * Fix issue with WiFi disconnect+connect race condition. * Fix issue with WiFi scanning and tethering operation. * Fix issue with WiFi security change handling. * Fix issue with missing signal for WPS changes. * Fix issue with online check retry handling. * Add support for systemd-resolved backend. * Add support for mDNS configuration setup. - Drop connman-1.35-include.patch - Drop connman-1.35-resolvconf.patch- Fix build errors due to unsupported header include order with newer kernels >=4.15 (connman-1.35-include.patch).- Add symlink to network.service (connman-1.35-service.patch)- Change the mode of download_files (sr#521762) - Remove connman-rpmlintrc (bnc#1057697) - Add client as a recommended dependency- Remove unrecognized options: disable-gtk-doc, enable-threads, disable-iwmx, enable-session-policy- Add configuration file (/etc/connman/main.conf) - Add ghost lines: main.conf connman connman-vpn- Add connman-1.35-resolvconf.patch - Activate connman.service if the network services disabled - Add info in /var/adm/update-messages- Remove obsolete macros - Add polkit-agent-1 dependency - Use the %tmpfiles_create macro - Removal of ldconfig scriptlets from all packages - Add connman-wait-online.service in post{un} - Spec file cleanup- bump to 1.35 besides other things contains fix for CVE-2017-12865- bumpt to 1.30 Fix issue with pending DNS request during server change. Fix issue with empty strings in nameservers configuration. Fix issue with time servers during IP configuration change. Fix issue with 4-way handshake during roaming. Fix issue with open WiFi networks security. Fix issue with support for WiFi AnonymousIdentity. Fix issue with memory leak and DHCPv6 DUID handling. Fix issue with DHCP client and P2P interaction. Fix issue with handling provision file updates. Fix issue with VPN state updates. Disable 6to4 support by default. - add keyring file - clean with spec-cleaner - fix builds for all possible distributions and architectures- bump to 1.29 Fix issue with IPv6 autoconfiguration when disabled. Fix issue with IPv6 temporary route handling. Fix issue with IPv6 timers for nameservers. Fix issue with DHPCv6 and route configuration. Fix issue with DHCPv6 source port and buggy servers. Fix issue with DHCPv6 rapid commit option length. Fix issue with DHCPv6 rapid commit error handling. Fix issue with handling invalid WiFi passphrases. Fix issue with connecting Ethernet devices. Add support for Ethernet and VLAN usage.- bump to 1.28 ver 1.28: Fix issue with DHCPv6 re-transmission timer. Fix issue with DHCP service ID option byte order. Fix issue with IPv6 connections and SLAAC/DHCPv6. Fix issue with telephony and IPv6 autoconfiguration. Fix issue with Bluetooth technology setting changes. Fix issue with WiFi autoscan interval calculation. Fix issue with WiFi and missing BSS signal strength. Add support for IPv4 information for WiFi Display. ver 1.27: Fix issue with memory leak in IP configuration. Fix issue with providing random numbers for DHCP. Fix issue with handling IN_MOVED_TO inotify events. Fix issue with channel selection for WiFi scanning. Add support for handling Bluetooth GN and PANU roles. ver 1.26: Fix issue with missing WiFi security provisioning support. Fix issue with immutable setting and provisioned services. Fix issue with scheduling DNS cache cleanup procedure. Fix issue with IPv6 Privacy setting on service removal. Fix issue with DHCPv6 CONFIRM message sending procedure. Fix issue with DHCPv6 lease expiration handling support. Fix issue with DHCPv4 networks and broadcast flag handling. Fix issue with DHCPv4 networks without gateway configuration. Fix issue with P2P Peer authorization handling. Fix issue with P2P Peer service registration. Add support for WiFi Display information elements. Add support for systemd-hostnamed integration. ver 1.25: Fix issue with handling rebind timer for DHCPv6. Fix issue with handling DHCP renew transaction. Fix issue with user supplied proxy settings and DHCP. Fix issue with extra status codes from captive portals. Fix issue with service idle state reset on failure. Fix issue with DNS label compression handling. Add support for experimental P2P Peer service. ver 1.24: Fix issue with handling slave interfaces. Fix issue with handling DHCPv4 broadcast flag. Fix issue with handling DHCPv4 lease expiration. Fix issue with handling WiFi auto-scanning timeout. Fix issue with handling domain and DNS server changes. Fix issue with double free and agent messages. ver 1.23: Fix issue with memory leak in technology handling. Fix issue with not removing host route of OpenVPN. Fix issue with double free in DHCP cleanup handling. Fix issue with handling DHCP method from oFono. Fix issue with IPv6-PD when disabling tethering. Fix issue with DNS proxy when disabling tethering. Fix issue with Bluetooth start and stop interaction. Fix issue with Bluetooth PAN networks on adapter change. ver 1.22: Fix issue with WPS state synchronization. Fix issue with DNS servers and default service. Fix issue with DHCP client and rebooting state. Add support for NTP exponential backoff handling. Add support for NTP kiss-of-death packet handling. Add support for Ethernet gadget networking.s390zp24 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a26791ef48dc72e07be863fe6230f4721b66189f, not strippedRRRRjeEgv$utf-81dcd8742e7bd953a663d826196d1791c28809e93e33a47e0093372ad388dcf55? 7zXZ !t/O_] crv9w5o:7K|0i ҬH/u.#^Yp;9hKe_&6aEl{qۊ܎v$ 0[2ha'gZ鲖nY,*-%td`7d=BO:('R49&~= cSa@QO%тR^FZlYy8[aw+s"OKD0o ܫQ>r_JfV$5Xρ h2cU a9x"NL38"64%6;#* :OxikA+7j*nG5M^)#bxc?ֵcƀ(Gj70 @r *zܡ%RL`EUE5C "j#H∶}+{~N1\xծ\joDp mKN[0^n3hS~p"7q,- rb{{gRp#'nFi227o %& ,1WpORm~XzcT5ל&BEv)%]l)ARߢWTTWbBȡ"<(qd'q~A;v201?ų$ .q :<@NЏ ?"!$jOh$H%i`)BO-5y6ha{n?|-$'{cDkߔIz#t(E/F `>PEþ8^[^ L_a5FiD"8e7@"Z(=+({%{ĒEݒ9͸?k4Pf]|q8ɮ =X^o5].vI%mtZqBL70;>nJCEF$2}@jq^dہlFZO8,#W濤$nCs1#[bvվFq0M$'+̃!7Z+L+ Ճ'IjT(I0DPv^aע7U)&6`B"aN`Pl>3lZ{qytC\+q|Ͻ tjV|_hSGn8Ӝ Bv@f)O~oXp@Y5WJN԰ \$;mQ+@X$\ֱkm_X I3S"i[|$V qی.H&4nyoBU J?]Qc7:˔(|2#xH4{;`}ܚ k$s>(d(2)Z;+ 5~|?jai3c'e=ٿw~ғ0C` FBfԕ}c:⸎q ?*% ;W Ƥ oʃ1B "T yĤ`'')b+GД*ھ]9nqFK\]^/!pL|L[*1v Fm=vK`z\ʁ>2A/lkErhF6_M+t`9 K# ]lt}kwЯ>E*kI_ujh_mz=L%ΉECƯ˿\f 0rH#~!O@e>wYArGƸm- m^X$}YܸEң| pjY)n:οyRˬ3H<~ Ks^]'!&O5 55V!F^py2YFa2jO9Io#RPBcV2]&=zZGiӘ4[6|H^Ert-$-3ͼFCSo<_x[Fr{ex )rsG SN4̈́ SصXf v zOJHQ' LR; @qIT*ً|| 6 f]b.- =(}Ng «4 JݜQBJ6 ih]$0\+ \m-' LHzNElG Ȩۅl6ۚD  'h.PYLP/֠by9xD٪bUYK}ު:uݪY5M^Z{stAv)ο2+e3اg{`4@HuKCrX &NPWh K<v.x]"uɁ0f h_д94dX\G8g~\Oon݊'[;&w78" { 'IUHujlܢ[ 𪐤P$Ճ]G}|l GPUY&F'[<q,!Cd6 J|z1b*2\O3~"4yG }q?Y,q(*:dc=h^<ඨ֦JAg&J7oc\@It[i @pvZa?TۙYVI4>=@t.<lB,zxqP@+8+o!V[u[ T,d>03kGHCұyCп?ʺiO?< T!vg0uΒN@¦Mk Tkp'-gjSG_}n4 -fQ9Nt-@ FB"KYNO_c{G!?a,iQML+a)ؿ˃3iz1^L-8 ?WuԶKkuz[dOPɡNsL>%XeF0RC; ~~ ƈze 5A;U#]5oUIvhr(C{&6L"h÷+~)f+Ky;vҧD ~OĈI<`}asxՠX;h]s MR6LiyC>W'D,()]Cm#P;rJ#*[`oaﰁfת݈ B;W5֢qr=r-͋Cl ge0$ P Ob}  )cd ϧ#h&^OjƖpaV!UH8 \x62gHo6敐DBz@eqv]&ef1of@ٿ|dpQ7NPi"F َusiulF1S M 9bx5?HH}ࡕ4 S Bw|3TDQ.RF0¨Yɬ'0 k%*9Pgz :|;HY