cmus-plugin-pulse-2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c-bp153.1.27 >  A `!M@eeebtܣoˈ$l ͂SZ":$wWsY=]3ss).rVbU|kkBdĶ YeP_#s+:șB4a-~7fkg)aHzEK+ֈ/3*bʵhsG˟q}t׭,D/{(9<R=]̸Z0>qeLZa X+PXj6Eֵ#^:O"j48c4fd5ea33e0261e187a072d5dad44e70217c94e6f6ce4a608cb00dd4bdc61a837482b08c2a320f6ed11b96ac97147ec82f4a77c-H`!M@eeep\4$ˁ#j#)Qr.MibBpǸfPߨh+N lb8l RN7APJẐF#)0d.B'ɔ^:Vރ ϴ~|#Ūae7a$%׽@.^eAk+ceV[qfga>Ps4=.SrLp>?d, 7 h ;SY`d f h l  $ T q (8 9 : F G H I X Y \ X] \^ eb ycdefluvw8x<y@zXhlrCcmus-plugin-pulse2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8cbp153.1.27Pulseaudio output plugin for the C* Music PlayerThis package provides PulseAudio output support for the C* Music Player.`s390zp24cSUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSEGPL-2.0-onlyhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players`2bbd75b52221f93d42d5afae9cefd6fed1898d43cf424a04947f343979139d42rootrootcmus-2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c-bp153.1.27.src.rpmcmus-plugin-pulsecmus-plugin-pulse(s390-64)@@@@@@ Update to version 2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c: * Fix ffmpeg plugin build (#793) * Correct parsing for cue files with byte order mark (#774) * Add dracula theme * Add albumartist to status_display_program. * options: add color_win_cur_attr * Add command to raise VTE window + implement MPRIS Raise method * Don't call mpris_seeked from within the player * Make player_set_op accept an owned string * Add the delegate series of functions * Make most player functions delegated- Adjust usage of gccN for Leap42 and SLE12- Update to version 2.8.0~20171019.g3a4ce9c: * Add version command (#733) * handle "REM COMPILATION TRUE" in cue generated by XLD * Make ^U/^D default for half-page up/down motions * Remove double-inclusion of stdatomic header- Use the detected gccN - Add bcond for sndio- Update to version 2.8.0~20170702.g61d4b2b: * Fixed `status_display_program` being called only once when "repeat current" is set- Adjust usage of gccN for Leap42 and SLE12- Update to version 2.8.0~20170505.g0da3472: * Fixed Linux kernel style link * Enable tilde expansion for :player-play * Make flac do sample rate accurrate seek * fix cue rounding to make it sample rate accurate * Expose stream info via MPRIS * added D-Bus (MPRIS) section to man page * Add some trailing commas * made album color in trackwin configurable * Fix MPRIS CanGoPrevious property typo- Remove mp4 plugin- Update to version 2.7.1- Convert to BuildRequires pkgconfig, enable libcue,opus,roar support- add cdio plugin- update to version 2.6.0: Major new features: * show all tracks when artist is selected in the tree view * JACK output plugin * Opus input plugin Other notable new things: * «Night» and «Solarized» color schemes * reverse sort order support * ReplayGain closer to the spec * vim-style / scrolling * follow option * show_playback_position option * XDG directories support * better support for newer versions of FFmpeg * support for .oga and .ogx file extensions * stream metadata in cmus-remote -Qs390zp24 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=09c3faac6c1bf853af22fb36e180f8859e61a206, not strippedRRRRRRC1#?z3butf-8118e22d04e2f3938b78db657daa2f6f1ea659af34131aa9f04fdc497d83714e7? 7zXZ !t/d5] crv9xnz0r04Wc'?Y $OݨTTdXsǍ2>6 o/zetۙ ב. 8-GE~5*)TfĎ8#\-Ix-O7a Wd.-:1 o> ǘ9CN {?#$9 c~rPװ<wLd>mc\^cr_ ƻJd U]\hD簤p˼)džY`5YcXYȐWuN3V̤у?8-k=#su7.7aɃ EE۝m&qKI3fX9hHrt!FIl(}U U?xgr6I-%[2% Y׃noDzx)>]]bve'/PXo"@3ho}x % - qBK]dpۗʮ2hWy &mHL=ph!@V cƾe_ݹ V~TV0MP73+5np I by~De+bfEwe@dZ^E8|/KDI!5a[ H˹)[(FкL )@~LRSׯP-p^?a7>f%]2srh)/R]>br!aY{\zN vH\o3H4EEQwH艫& K`IǛ8tw;_g^¶ީew0?.Zf qڱʾ>4~ncj]E+̓pUxPerS>9`iUޣh緙sCs 4u`mӓeGT5.͔k=zPUN9%@kJѦ.Y6Q%yaiPxI*[PHI5ǹ,Ȗ8A#{d;rǛ \ryA Fd9Pgѧ2w'PA<NX.qJ >Cd40\ t-:l\/ԾUj 1_e hް02%dzf`tP=|o:MQ7Y"zIJj? 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