cmus-plugin-opus-2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c-bp153.1.27 >  A `!M@eee TCt+P+ƉA!C\f~(wU'|=21bθaEx~^iEcSjxaKTSҍn u*Ux/M,pLY5[UKe W)H:"65.A#}H fڥ|c{渏|nۆVSM'Os.=SqZ 6O*V8AZ(v[O4vt2fe94d018abe611c96eb1223eef52b9a44f5532dc68955ca2f63af9465a146299a2239bc2827156bb73e5d622928355a7d7cd470#4`!M@eee78eR՛,oG}c|5[(!yrhI+ZS6a& [2~҂j4[]1ŗx1˯YsQ`&[KNTG@ D"pWkątGm=slV8fqxaa:FWU 籮4G%0#}mͮjGU sS 2^cswփ*9 g2gE,c)0` H:Puova^2Gp>p>h?Xd+ 6 ` +CIPT V X \   8  (i8p 9 :c F G H I X Y \ ] ^ b c d,e1f4l6uHvLwxyz TCcmus-plugin-opus2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8cbp153.1.27Opus input plugin for the C* Music PlayerThis package provides Opus input support for the C* Music Player.`s390zp24FhSUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSEGPL-2.0-onlyhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players`c3a85658cb813381d86c0236e592d1597f3a8ee257c2da632249103bc75dc283rootrootcmus-2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c-bp153.1.27.src.rpmcmus-plugin-opuscmus-plugin-opus(s390-64)@@@@ Update to version 2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c: * Fix ffmpeg plugin build (#793) * Correct parsing for cue files with byte order mark (#774) * Add dracula theme * Add albumartist to status_display_program. * options: add color_win_cur_attr * Add command to raise VTE window + implement MPRIS Raise method * Don't call mpris_seeked from within the player * Make player_set_op accept an owned string * Add the delegate series of functions * Make most player functions delegated- Adjust usage of gccN for Leap42 and SLE12- Update to version 2.8.0~20171019.g3a4ce9c: * Add version command (#733) * handle "REM COMPILATION TRUE" in cue generated by XLD * Make ^U/^D default for half-page up/down motions * Remove double-inclusion of stdatomic header- Use the detected gccN - Add bcond for sndio- Update to version 2.8.0~20170702.g61d4b2b: * Fixed `status_display_program` being called only once when "repeat current" is set- Adjust usage of gccN for Leap42 and SLE12- Update to version 2.8.0~20170505.g0da3472: * Fixed Linux kernel style link * Enable tilde expansion for :player-play * Make flac do sample rate accurrate seek * fix cue rounding to make it sample rate accurate * Expose stream info via MPRIS * added D-Bus (MPRIS) section to man page * Add some trailing commas * made album color in trackwin configurable * Fix MPRIS CanGoPrevious property typo- Remove mp4 plugin- Update to version 2.7.1- Convert to BuildRequires pkgconfig, enable libcue,opus,roar support- add cdio plugin- update to version 2.6.0: Major new features: * show all tracks when artist is selected in the tree view * JACK output plugin * Opus input plugin Other notable new things: * «Night» and «Solarized» color schemes * reverse sort order support * ReplayGain closer to the spec * vim-style / scrolling * follow option * show_playback_position option * XDG directories support * better support for newer versions of FFmpeg * support for .oga and .ogx file extensions * stream metadata in cmus-remote -Qs390zp24 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=61bdfa60897c1f59d2f29e308fd18a589d8647f3, not strippedRRRRC1#?z3butf-89bc88579ff610350344e5281f170d27696699a15955d5b2ee33df642d1f48d4f? 7zXZ !t/Go] crv9xnz0r0}JbM. UP視utYY!̮{chxp:P1W80 5dIoIɬkTYAAP#v'/X&MSxJ B>zΙb: ev gg$p^<>*v"ֵlZ-V\"4u~! #b JpfKN*N4`Q?@`c.qJTX+k<-/y!du/'?%V1*Z,JޚۋRAcqf@M).\B?3yH`wͻCQ>{D! cVgD<.V7 _M%} txL#chc< |3F&3Uotu_7,Yԁ GI{a:Ad"R([؍b9 l39X%@==M }<,b8#9M#rjfXmc󘺀>Ԧ]Sh3m|3AӝU#"`Z$ D-q*)Y,=0%w6 4j){p{6AϕTuL(@2șhC9պU819s_V ~Q@WDs D'ktZp)CMϔOnPrNO,ϱE{|L,x2^L}vOm'K(Pz[K%+lr_!MnGe}"~zK"מ{ T¿]dnm“#@[Q?9E׍w \WYnnaTܕV݋3M r: MͳNLC v'usӓҍY(>Z@'VsRon0{S_66fѿh:OUcah6MF(}휜9"8yۓ3L  \@ԧ%AQ2 b9c`ᕙ P`VD[+Zcꃂ'ɨ@t= =L)"&Hg VjiL诘R,2RV5I.Tcsҥ[BZ8$yjh?kn6K-l`Ӧ;\bC!z{Կidp|'sD Hiռ!M7jYP{n͏QEa"|5ijnUE,cD<'^MʄBc~[u"v]\|}jM.=2{JӰL%zvq/.M 5$QM&IAX+ 4I\žAkט~X- M'Cf"4֘c:_<=՘Fu}1i@ 2#]wZBznpaIٞ^Oi|Lnכ;w؇n%I&.0kQ4YL]0UE sB?pmv‡UՉ ]i4 ;ڇY94Ns"TĻcQ|dd_?O 2愔 k%7e!/WH'JxA[4H9"rp}v)"F?R]%|Z[^kAW8dv?eOP䈸?{jB`/]"+iC :Z /VbeJFMGc%hY \WN ,\37wоҀؒzU.w̜1OJeXR9I8\.mۤ<5C&L4<ѳI,?Ff5qԩD#we;Mx"jѕlb"~,*{ϊP;ݱIP?DOdl kICI(HQKryS]bX(}5Gtּ#K; ԍČb.|%B_PκZj%-v 5qzk b3Qv ҇h'y-L1*E& WAl.)w՝A;spI/BtyChm{9deϴ4fVG hi%F4"4ύ $?=L :n׵OI?(2s 3sqNj`l2F._Lk~!`R^.kyɕq{e (5`<NIDskG=7K6Vy$ bǶ{] bЍ̴ܑ}IV*V$D[Nr/Ҝ.<fEpc U5 YZ