cmus-plugin-mpc-2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c-bp153.1.27 >  A `!M@eeeC:]*|`1)|FeԥG;?#.P?|N9h>bMF1ǩG{ }QScs('*rM83j8Gt"#DN֫Z u;1W_ĶjfJ^zyo3V F[_=>6J dW7j gKAϫ{2 1l' M _wK(E9dcbbc4d8e62530b699ed1b8ba27d730dd35da9d5430b9f90f0ff9a29cdd4e8e6ed6953f0838d1e73ec256ef127c357eafe2f324%`!M@eee9^ɕ6lY;T8" H\4ߦ9 O"=mocEbhyRko9VfSFdth_$\]Vй |?qF>p>|?ld* 5 i ?W]dh j l p  $ L / ({8 9 :w F G H I X Y \ ] ^ b 3c d?eDfGlIu\v`wxyz  &hCcmus-plugin-mpc2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8cbp153.1.27MPC (Musepack) input plugin for the C* Music PlayerThis package provides MPC (Musepack) input support for the C* Music Player.`s390zp24ESUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSEGPL-2.0-onlyhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players`6a0002c17d54ca0b7b5dc6834e913f73ab505aa28c306701ed49bbc875164aadrootrootcmus-2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c-bp153.1.27.src.rpmcmus-plugin-mpccmus-plugin-mpc(s390-64)@@@@ Update to version 2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c: * Fix ffmpeg plugin build (#793) * Correct parsing for cue files with byte order mark (#774) * Add dracula theme * Add albumartist to status_display_program. * options: add color_win_cur_attr * Add command to raise VTE window + implement MPRIS Raise method * Don't call mpris_seeked from within the player * Make player_set_op accept an owned string * Add the delegate series of functions * Make most player functions delegated- Adjust usage of gccN for Leap42 and SLE12- Update to version 2.8.0~20171019.g3a4ce9c: * Add version command (#733) * handle "REM COMPILATION TRUE" in cue generated by XLD * Make ^U/^D default for half-page up/down motions * Remove double-inclusion of stdatomic header- Use the detected gccN - Add bcond for sndio- Update to version 2.8.0~20170702.g61d4b2b: * Fixed `status_display_program` being called only once when "repeat current" is set- Adjust usage of gccN for Leap42 and SLE12- Update to version 2.8.0~20170505.g0da3472: * Fixed Linux kernel style link * Enable tilde expansion for :player-play * Make flac do sample rate accurrate seek * fix cue rounding to make it sample rate accurate * Expose stream info via MPRIS * added D-Bus (MPRIS) section to man page * Add some trailing commas * made album color in trackwin configurable * Fix MPRIS CanGoPrevious property typo- Remove mp4 plugin- Update to version 2.7.1- Convert to BuildRequires pkgconfig, enable libcue,opus,roar support- add cdio plugin- update to version 2.6.0: Major new features: * show all tracks when artist is selected in the tree view * JACK output plugin * Opus input plugin Other notable new things: * «Night» and «Solarized» color schemes * reverse sort order support * ReplayGain closer to the spec * vim-style / scrolling * follow option * show_playback_position option * XDG directories support * better support for newer versions of FFmpeg * support for .oga and .ogx file extensions * stream metadata in cmus-remote -Qs390zp24 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c387330889328ec94f4b8e162ebdfb2a1683a087, not strippedRRRRC1#?z3butf-8d36027ae6cb05ee338dcbc481966009393bc37e37c84bee14d40fe8a9511c4f1? 7zXZ !t/F] crv9xnz0r0V.'-7.'0͕:ɷrӚKc}ʀ8+]ChwV7 ]b>իv+H LN OtSQ~=Kzv̷=뼀g.NʦMy:"{ҞGsoLբBH <-ކ5j=[S]$mq%(ȶN:p,BsaS`gl֞"A2{ۗB|{Eγnr@ں ckvk435#y`yzR<(S(ul$qVT{GIh&a&,P.dž-xۈ%F<4~,ɞW&N|e wcЄlKzHW_ ~*c~\$ޱ VhF"S:bן JUjM&'@=iÀ֓Y/$ʏ@mW71,_eMJEUOYvg̺g#ܨ+"B*^;,ng`RRY 4ߠB9L $;[v%UP- '!Rf3XRXxCMxrbF & kA Qyhbf@?iSJSCz4R?8+2!z~zănMu#R-SD 0i>(#;M] EBMu ]|`B"!Ҫyn^bP;䏗m N +X;{ LT#p zj#ŝˇVW#!w$ewN>R4HN/(P^5豂Y&io6e("r|֜OPgZ/n^8_tR&ueCHκ^PyKGhSGDvNYȞ}QF7pj<;MqВCFiFZh/ @cq̹^LRm;Yo€y&^ӱsc]BinvjGDuTr*at`>.d;i\WF< 3 ;KQlAD$ 5s,[er.~[ELG7)}:[ cv,4e-AcIz1#KID@V9γ/`8٩ΕkCNpˠ.JSw8}|%cQB[ e+āMwaLast,W0Zmj`"?*U;|fgt~`pawjüxvWKߠ" ׷ D_'6_g0#:;dԫͣ9 v6 Kar(QWȵ"jK5D5ՍY"qn2VnEv z7Y! O #y"s*U@B< ; *J Z$Y &j_ƬMlʷj!rQ=#kܶG9M/+Sh[P6*6x|s[dIK!r,Р#a]\媡̥ͩyjE6U vX߶m[֤ȕQ !cLo*gAt(HYG)H2ǨG${:^בDv̱0r(THD`Y/ClJgKvfbg;/PLXuDZXA;@nV{DMb+*W1#\.ȏs>_J gJ}+pNTs5jC];]Vs$}Ðrf`B=Y:l PbZ,o}^ tt^|m!&$_|. bPChɭ+#T덕ܒ %`/Yl$29[v@W K ]Iu5u<X^xQdn8X *~(o4Hy-l3xpC]}5e@wA(" ޯ@ 37O9$akݠBlY>0"*&=`LҶ, 5yhav2FܷHQMFp\[_F^!-'M!Ԋ{-٘UM% CG!EY#3LZ[J$CȎddVWRT2 yOQɱȌ2LgY+Ҋ+G y*Ґ(l6IV _u1K)ƽT e |[ƛ04Q :gFWwL&ѱG *҄MLB%(Z`2nIdGq'T #@cS@N^᯵욯*?=7KJ d7mlFh58=q!T1Z.eNt]>r8S ɿ, RI:HZ>ϊȠZ,+'>6 .~W d7̱*ej:-{+0p$z||vj#lyqI(O-+3*Pf-5Z h3vt$fU=i#sea&N_z)t!Whz%hq5Әj]%X,BgPr4ǵauX, BJJ_RF$B]`Po1vR(Nmwks>D,2T h950!4*QYOV0kr5V l? Z`q'W^NL!@o=nr!Y@^M' KtxP4eV}Rt"Bqy>l)ĵ{a{孩t5̈S!il{ r;M,ZH. pŽLekYh'nW5qȁ0 k?1;~ _UPTТɋ#j4 YZ