cmus-plugin-flac-2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c-bp153.1.27 >  A `!M@eeei =@(>~,ET ] '&VxƁ^zjj1ٗFM4C5U "E@bMyO,`9b߉UbJk:G"֧(*3|p~.,ͣ&>RϥRrńʹMhYkrin$0C%Ƕo)R1b^شcc1b19cc2391f99cbc68e73e9f414f97d5c9ca16336c2e3ad5278f70b6603ce6bd54f9e8e93b0e3ce00b224c53db02e54b5fdc95(l`!M@eeeuB*]+1O:aڌ=3FLu]pٰFc`k頋O%rfr|{].gM>کæ;n@z[ W`l$DŜ:M/SrGׯRs~XD PzHN2V8Z8 #C<偂F! *.Y/\My^a;2"sxG(K\ [Op Cv`ߞ% FD`T 3OvTյJP>p>d?Td+ 6 ` +CIPT V X \   8  (e8l 9 :_ F G H I X Y \ ] ^ b c d(e-f0l2uDvHwxyzPCcmus-plugin-flac2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8cbp153.1.27FLAC input plugin for the C* Music PlayerThis package provides FLAC input support for the C* Music Player.`s390zp24IHSUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSEGPL-2.0-onlyhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players`8d105bb6e8a175ace18342ab4805e547e557bd2d2068d5da2f8d52b253837049rootrootcmus-2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c-bp153.1.27.src.rpmcmus-plugin-flaccmus-plugin-flac(s390-64)@@@@ Update to version 2.8.0~20180422.gb595b8c: * Fix ffmpeg plugin build (#793) * Correct parsing for cue files with byte order mark (#774) * Add dracula theme * Add albumartist to status_display_program. * options: add color_win_cur_attr * Add command to raise VTE window + implement MPRIS Raise method * Don't call mpris_seeked from within the player * Make player_set_op accept an owned string * Add the delegate series of functions * Make most player functions delegated- Adjust usage of gccN for Leap42 and SLE12- Update to version 2.8.0~20171019.g3a4ce9c: * Add version command (#733) * handle "REM COMPILATION TRUE" in cue generated by XLD * Make ^U/^D default for half-page up/down motions * Remove double-inclusion of stdatomic header- Use the detected gccN - Add bcond for sndio- Update to version 2.8.0~20170702.g61d4b2b: * Fixed `status_display_program` being called only once when "repeat current" is set- Adjust usage of gccN for Leap42 and SLE12- Update to version 2.8.0~20170505.g0da3472: * Fixed Linux kernel style link * Enable tilde expansion for :player-play * Make flac do sample rate accurrate seek * fix cue rounding to make it sample rate accurate * Expose stream info via MPRIS * added D-Bus (MPRIS) section to man page * Add some trailing commas * made album color in trackwin configurable * Fix MPRIS CanGoPrevious property typo- Remove mp4 plugin- Update to version 2.7.1- Convert to BuildRequires pkgconfig, enable libcue,opus,roar support- add cdio plugin- update to version 2.6.0: Major new features: * show all tracks when artist is selected in the tree view * JACK output plugin * Opus input plugin Other notable new things: * «Night» and «Solarized» color schemes * reverse sort order support * ReplayGain closer to the spec * vim-style / scrolling * follow option * show_playback_position option * XDG directories support * better support for newer versions of FFmpeg * support for .oga and .ogx file extensions * stream metadata in cmus-remote -Qs390zp24 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4bbfdd8dd0d2b52fc99974eb078ff228f0f0fa40, not strippedRRRRC1#?z3butf-89953f6b01cf442d70ba139a05bae4d4c71350d762898ddd1f4f6bb3829e76792? 7zXZ !t/JO] crv9xnz0r0 T{iS$k`a(Z5(JwWʰg9Aqի: N9mf;q 5c N U_0j,a$ի:Һ I֘/7Jp-ltˡvIU,̘^TaLU[\v&NWk~-Ď".ڌ %c[Yr|+"7%qV8L@`'T}4g'䉮bbakV &p 3, %)F<=`fgܞ{ L^ܭW>cCˉP6!:UII u&1gD`E<\#g?1W}7Hvi鏘ӉV[_RBp}@5Br(m1ۘw/*D҉Vb0*Iނ ĉ|g&ckcq΂0Fɟf2waiD5xR)y$79+}g^|}ڙ.,&:Z3k9Sw,cS6$4x0Ze<\*x (9S * o"=)P@}МAS̥ e^]r[Njpz㶮Odן+E{ڷ60"OsiF=k!k9k0[+u@b[槬X)Wу،u/քڈ&kEo:YJEj:_?LVeL*KN |g6x~;fN)Un ]abu|NJgXg!V$)S"` %Wհv!s$gAgn޲!wW Pγ/Mh1FgwBqUBVf F5RЦh$ #,*1(/Ӊ$rFW`:Xi?V4c(֑vEA}4HR{R%;L[ ?z:r)跽gaGUkx BY K:Wj#.?U*6 p{j63^`rݠi1VީBa?UA>Nr`q5"&Lp_D}W* oZunʹ▎<<ޝ !GsدѰM~!}"jEW>Zp⎓u=p}n,اXA,niC!W%`ӷ8~E&D=rXD5Ԙa+;TKv:FJ؅@PbhQ 7k|l/x`M>Y! ;TIwK@ 466tPғ[+*웃dXVWN@-f*ZNI3#c .4;} f`PF5|S/Іs&edFBh* SupWs .IW2zv-x , ɝ:GIr k#hBY3!*ըK-'^zLи['CAH5D :%qVū"hj) ЫKmX' h] n&[B+sY_I oN61Q]/JS>R;CdnA}cŽm ,HcJ]:a58jZ(@-}nrg/B.(ۥ^阔+P&$6Ī!EF~'o)Pfk 0 VrR\]3#%)UD `t,#Jf,M"\t2Z6n6el{7f2zL.@Byꤶ]t [7_(5ci^ Q0 | ƕ !1%nW$ K4]ET6T󒣠AGPB%i6Fj'<0G.ˏ{ n&G(܍.Y`¶~ dUœ Δ)y@"H{-aSx<= )n=qx'aH߁^)o+E"04<@ =\,Vz,v\c:|婉]);hGxE^'4A}Uͅ~n|K AtKq;>t>^\@n0""XJnώvV¦]diD7a,iքYXgC[ 25n?u{-]N+l| +C/5, c~92#8ܿ?pC`ܠ8SXo~eR)D;V飂RN&M^$ 'P}`w'hcJv\XQ>b6f0xpQnfftۂab^z(4T\wRfxajÿ1O=x߲>oSS0h;zxc7I0;KMEo(lOig}).RpQX$v_XB )s"&,] s=9ObkE^^Sn7Rmr4NFZ0T4 >7z;A,D(-h`܋R[K#S76(C|ɰ|: " ՉUGdP\ H{/'B_A=Cjob*ؓ^v> av0À؎`iA r`L%d#$t=3$g'B3^6 w~,XYQ\IM3;P1IC`D_OuG;Έud ؀S|GXZ.4jcY3䊊f ow>!uϋ*W o%Rfт=<6{QSh<ݿP