calligra-extras-dolphin-3.2.1-bp153.1.28 >  A `CW!M@eeeSk39u{Pՠ)Y"SΧ:4%F3ߜۡY݄9_KuW5hkj@`q(!K,q#X#N߮dϳюF-s7| Rr1Q_/uh@6} ֚@Z>=s?(.,g]{$1DLS{o#kU<$l>$%/w*/ʳ90[+86]qiV2!q.R152cf3b3ceec7e0d91b3c28f14127e5651e19bf10c5f0fad947ab0ea3eef94a616d2a9d1f13be8d51670bbb275db6e282157f9d0g`CW!M@eee#,#gfނ2rL+J.{MQۜYr7kVNb 4jy "kb<򣨯j'M=%򢺄]MpB)sڤcFu.mXV OAf7kQDm] Q3\" <3KoIC҇"M`!6%QM I14SK{|`$v:˄_l$q 35~ɬN9z>pAJh?JXd  + G04<@]f   ( @   D\o(829h2: 2FEGFHFIF4XF<YFD\Fh]F^GbGkcHdH{eHfHlHuHvHwIxIyI zIIIJJJ JJTCcalligra-extras-dolphin3.2.1bp153.1.28Diverse plugins for DolphinPlugin for the Dolphin file properties dialog, displaying the metadata of files in the ODF formats and a plugin adding a "Print" action for several formats to the filemanager context menu and calling the related Calligra programs.`Cs390p25v7SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3openSUSEGPL-2.0-only AND GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-laterhttps://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Office/Suite 큤`C\^r^r^r^r^rec669e50a2e3cdfbb93be37d51ca9666bfee99903ee09a5a699a43dffd7419000656760919db9696f0ad68b0be97dc90a332ce37e7a6e982e64fcef17c5814ac03bda0b9cdfaaa2ad6599fb1d4d6e75c824958fa939872fe76eb29d6b59e640027513a29b39c0bbc0bef4c0c2b9c2f91b4bcf8e9ee46dc698660e31acbc8f04f5b44e5ac9f2dfe92e8a3d98468facca951014a6c1b84c12b2ef642ae46ba782f7d5544323572214604834282258fa172669884cb68bec8376b0d45f9ff516cb4rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootcalligra-3.2.1-bp153.1.28.src.rpmcalligra-extras-dolphincalligra-extras-dolphin(s390-64)@@@@@@@@@@@^2^@^^@^(9@]_@]QT\M@[@ZliZfYqYXX@XX*XtX]XIK@X=mXX @WWL+@W;W8dW@VVVVqR@VjVa@V`.V#VCVUYUUd@U(UzUL@U:U ]@UTPT\@T_W@wbauer@tmo.atwbauer@tmo.atwbauer@tmo.atwbauer@tmo.atwbauer@tmo.atwbauer@tmo.atChristophe Giboudeaux wbauer@tmo.atchristophe@krop.frwbauer@tmo.atwbauer@tmo.attchvatal@suse.comfabian@ritter-vogt.dewbauer@tmo.attittiatcoke@gmail.comadam.majer@suse.dewbauer@tmo.attittiatcoke@gmail.comwbauer@tmo.atfabian@ritter-vogt.deolaf@aepfle.dewbauer@tmo.atfabian@ritter-vogt.deschwab@suse.dewbauer@tmo.atdimstar@opensuse.orghrvoje.senjan@gmail.comwbauer@tmo.atwbauer@tmo.attittiatcoke@gmail.comwbauer@tmo.atdvaleev@suse.comwbauer@tmo.attchvatal@suse.comwbauer@tmo.atschwab@suse.dehrvoje.senjan@gmail.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comwbauer@tmo.atnemysis@openSUSE.orgwbauer@tmo.atnemysis@gmx.chadrian@suse.deasterios.dramis@gmail.comasterios.dramis@gmail.comtittiatcoke@gmail.comcgiboudeaux@gmx.comhrvoje.senjan@gmail.comadrian@suse.deLed - Update to 3.2.1: * Fix canvas event handling (kde#421083) * Fix QCommandLineParser warnings with Qt 5.14- Add libgit2-devel BuildRequires to enable git support in Gemini, it's currently completely broken without it (kde#420958) - Add missing runtime dependencies to calligra-gemini package- Update to 3.2.0: * See * General: + Don't allow an unrecognized child element to block loading of a shape plugin + Fix line percentage height + [textlayout] Don't enter infinite loop when table is misfit (kde#381341) + Fix formatting of scientific numbers + Fix undo/redo move of anchored shapes + Check if shape is movable and update cursor and decoration accordingly + Check if shape is resizeable and update cursor and decoration accordingly + Check if shape is shearable and update cursor and decoration accordingly + Check if shape rotation is allowed and update cursor and decoration accordingly + Fix freeze in progressbar handling on startup + Do not allow to set a readonly document to modified + Fix illustrator image handling + Improve KoModeBox display in horizontal Mode + Extend table lifetime (kde#379255) * Words: + Do not popup contextmenu twice + Fix "Distraction free mode" should be called "Full screen mode" (kde#378527) + Fixed calligra crashing when opening remote document (kde#358581) + Fix crash after loading of template file fails + Save anchor info also for page-anchored shapes + Fix interoperability problem with LibreOffice * Karbon: + Karbon: Enable multi page capability + Karbon image filter: Add multipage support + PDF Import: Add multipage support + Use Krita toolbar in Karbon * Sheets: + Disable build of sheets tableshape, obsoleted by the implementation of text tables + Made descriptions for DEC2BIN/OCT2BIN/HEX2DEC/HEX2BIN mention input number system (kde#399569) + [Style] Default sheets to white background * Stage: + Add automatic slide transition + Fix animation of sequential and parallel animations + Add show/hide page margins * Flow: + Retire flow, not needed since karbon can do it all * Gemini: + Kirigamify the welcome pages + Pull out DocumentTile as a proper component and add various fixes + Fix some issues with similarly named documents in RecentFileManager + Remove crash in cloud support by postponing some of the loading process + Clarify touch <-> desktop view switch + Fix loading of templates and files creation + Migrate away from deprecated interfaces in Gemini DropBox support + Handle non-availability of the web view + Make the touch view accept touch events on recent Qt versions * QtQuick2 Components: + Speed up document loading when viewing only by not loading editor controls + Correct anchor detection in QML components, removing potential infinite looping * Filters: + CSV: - CSV characters should not be translated + RTF: - Use RTF default color as default Qt format - Mark \shp and \shpinst as supported control words on rtf reader - Display figure brackets in plain text - Add support for strikeout text in RTF documents + PPT: - Relax TextPFRun validation to allow LibreOffice PPT import + Visio: - Visio filter: make it work with some file versions + Excel: - Read xlsx drawing dimensions from the xdr:ext element if available - Don't drop number styling information from xlsx cell formats which start with a currency symbol - Don't double format spreadsheet currency values with custom format strings - Fix incorrect conditional styling of spreadsheet cells - Extract images from excel files which omit the FtCF entry - Assign correct column width when importing XLS file * Stencils: + Activate stencils docker in all apps + StencilBoxDocker: Do not show by default + StencilsBoxDocker: Load stencils in separate thread, to not impact app startup time + ConnectionTool: Fix creation of connections and handle undo + KoConnectionShape: Do not create a path when all handles point to the same point + Stencils: Fix invalid odf in database.odg * Callouts: + Callout: Improve ui (resize/rotate) + Proper fix for LOs inverted rotate/skew angle and wrong default unit + Callout: "Fix" rotation of callouts * Annotation: + AnnotationShape: Disable all not allowed interactions + Annotation: Block adding comment to an annotation shape * Shapes: + Try to avoid segfaults on shape factory not found + EnhancedPathShape: Keep correct aspect ratio of shapes in odf files (kde#334608) + SvgShapes: Fix loading of shapes created with SvgShapeFactory + TextShape: Handle stroke (not only border) in root area provider + PictureShape: Fix crash when atempting to load unknown binary data * Chart: + Common: - Only x axes can be attached to multiple diagrams - Only bar charts can be vertical - Fix marker symbols - Remove 'Show Symbol' from ui for charttypes without symbols - Enable chart tool also when any of the chartshape children is selected - Paint decoration when chart tool is active to make it clear which shape the tool is connected to - Fix "Layout does not handle axis titles on the same side of the plotarea" (kde#420328) - Fix "Axis titles not rotated when plot area rotated" (kde#420328) - Fix "Setting dataset chart type is not undoable" (kde#420290) - Fix "No axes lines when creating new chart" (kde#240520) - Fix "Legend does not respect dpi settings" (kde#420151) - Fix "Legend is not printed properly" (kde#420145) - Layout title, subtitle, footer shapes center aligned by default + Bar: - Handle gaps as properties of Y-axes only as specified in odf 1.2 - Only save gaps in styles used by y-axis - Set axis positions correct also for vertical charts - Show Axis Labels ui added - Enable bar chart orientation + Stock: - Implement stock chart sub types + Scatter: - Improve label handling - Fix tooltips + Pie and Ring: - Save/load pie/ring attributes - LO needs ring chart datasets class to be circle + Radar: - Add radar chart config widget - Drop patches merged upstream: * Fix-build-with-Qt-511.patch * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.69.patch * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.64.patch * Mark-the-functions-as-override.patch * gBool-to-bool.patch * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.64-take-2.patch * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.71.patch * Fix-GooString-not-having-getCString-anymore.patch * Fix-build-with-Qt-5_13.patch * Guchar-to-unsigned-char.patch * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.82.patch * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.83.patch - Add 0001-Revert-Chart-Depend-on-KChart-2.7.0.patch to allow building the chartshape with kdiagram 2.6.x on Leap 15.1 - Update/cleanup build requirements - Move okular*.desktop files from words/stage to calligra-extras-okular, they need the other files in that package- Split out "Create New" ODF file templates to a new package calligra-extra-filemanagertemplates, they are useful without calligra installed and should not require the full suite (boo#983878)- Add patches to fix build with the latest poppler versions: * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.82.patch * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.83.patch- Add Guchar-to-unsigned-char.patch to fix build with poppler 0.73 and higher- Add Fix-build-with-Qt-5_13.patch.- Add upstream patches to fix build with the latest poppler (and not break it with older versions): * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.69.patch * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.64.patch * Mark-the-functions-as-override.patch * gBool-to-bool.patch * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.64-take-2.patch * Fix-build-with-poppler-0.71.patch * Fix-GooString-not-having-getCString-anymore.patch - Remove unused libexiv2-devel build requirement- Add Fix-build-with-Qt-511.patch - Run spec-cleaner- Update to 3.1.0: * Gemini, the KDE Office suite for 2-in-1 devices, is back * Braindump has been dropped * General + Picture shape tool: Paint crop rectangle and its handles with 1px wide outline (kde#388930) Due to the painter scaling the pen width (1 by default) was scaled too, which caused the outlines to cover the whole image + Textlayout: Do not enter infinite loop when line rect is not valid + Add RTF support to Okular (kde#339835) * Sheets: + LaTeX export: Fix typo in UI string (kde#380030) * Gemini: + Port to KDE Frameworks 5 + Port the welcome screen to Kirigami + Port to using the Qt Quick 2 based Calligra components (based on work done for Jolla Documents) + Port to using libgit2 directly for git support (as the Qt support library has become unmaintained) + Fix template support - Drop fix-build-with-newer-kcalcore.patch, merged upstream - Drop braindump and plan subpackages, those applications are no longer included (Plan is released separately now) - Add back gemini subpackage, it has been ported- Add fix-build-with-newer-kcalcore.patch to make it build with KDE Applications 17.12- Build only against lcms2 and drop dependency over lcms1- Fixup filelist for Leap 42.3: enable -extras-okular subpackage- Update to 3.0.1: * General - Fix crash in move command when using arrow keys - Respect container boundaries when moving shapes by arrow keys - Remove shape manipulation handles when the tool is deactivated - Always display shapes in the same order in the 'Add shape' docker * Sheets - Improve formatting of scientific numbers - Fix save/load of cell borders * Plan - Bad month calendar in Work & Vacation (kde#376469) Day numbers were not initialized correctly. Manually entered dates were not parsed correctly. - Use default currency symbol if the currency symbol is not explicitly set * Chart - Fix crash when chart type is changed - Fix crash when a chart component is deleted - Fix crash when x- or y-axis is removed - Fix ui when editing axis label - Limit moving chart components to chart boundaries - Fix edit font dialog: Keep the axis font's QFont size in sync with KChart's fontSize - Fix save/load of axis label font size and font family - Save/load legend alignment flags - Do not save axis label if it is not visible - Always do legend alignment when legend becomes visible. - Make axis dimensions translatable - Add undo command for hide/show titles - Add undo command for add/remove axis - Respect margins/spacing - Handle resizing in a reasonable way - Don't explicitly require version 3.0.0 of kdb/kreport/kproperty, calligra can be built with higher (3.0.x) versions now too - Adjust Source URL- Drop unnecessary buildrequires (librcps)- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel- Add back Vc-devel-static build requirement, calligra does support 1.3.0 meanwhile that is in Factory- Update to version * Frameworks based version of Calligra * Tarball also includes translationes - No further Changelog available - Drop patches no longer required: * adapt-to-libwps-0.4.patch * narrowing-warning.patch- Fix build in Factory by dropping calligra-extras-okular, okular is KF5 based now so the plugin cannot be built any more- Revert kde4_runtime_requires change- Expand macro kde4_runtime_requires only when its available to fix quilt setup- Disable Vc-devel-static build requirement again, it currently makes calligra crash on runtime, and Vc 1.3.0 is entering TW soon anyway which will break calligra's build- Enable PACKAGERS_BUILD=ON to detect cpu capabilities during runtime- narrowing-warning.patch: Fix compilation of PsCommentLexer.cpp on platforms where char is unsigned- Re-enable building against Vc-devel-static, it builds fine again - Remove some unnecessary part from the specfile- Move words.appdata.xml from -words-common to -words, where also the respective .desktop file is packaged.- Use share-mime-info macros (boo#979301)- Disable Vc-devel-static build requirement for now, it breaks the build on Factory/Tumbleweed currently - Build against libwps-0.4 on 13.2 as well to fix the build, it has been released as official update- Update to 2.9.11 * Bugfix release, for more details please see Don't build with kdepimlibs4 on Tumbleweed. We have switched to using Frameworks based PIM, which is no longer compatible- Don't build with libkdcraw on Leap and Tumbleweed. It's KF5 based and breaks the build. (boo#963570)- Add disk constraints- Update to 2.9.10 * Bugfix release, for more details please see Cleanup with spec-cleaner - Remove 12.3 conditionals - Remove koffice mentions as 12.1 is out of migration scope support - Only suggest calligra-doc, not needed unless you really want it- Update to 2.9.9 * Bugfix release, for more details please see Require Vc only on x86- Build against libwps-0.4 on Leap too- Update to 2.9.8 * Bugfix release, for more details please see move Author and Words .desktop files to the corresponding subpackages to prevent broken application launcher entries - move doc, docx, and wpd okular plugins from calligra-words-common to calligra-extras-okular and change the package description accordingly- Update to 2.9.7, announce message is here: Add adapt-to-libwps-0.4.patch from Fedora to fix the build for Tumbleweed (boo#942107)- Update to 2.9.6, announce message is here: - Use BuildRequires pkgconfig() instead of devel packages- Update to 2.9.5 Bugfixes in first place, but also various new features for krita Details: Update to 2.9.4: See for details.- Added new build requirement Vc-devel-static (for krita).- Remove soprano as a buildrequires.- Update to 2.9.1 See for details - Drop upstream patch let-calligra-okular-plugins-be-less-aggressively-go-for-being-file-handler.patch - Drop upstream restore-old-installation-location-of-app-desktop-files.patch- Added patches from upstream: restore-old-installation-location-of-app-desktop-files.patch and let-calligra-okular-plugins-be-less-aggressively-go-for-being-file-handler.patch- Update to 2.9.0: See for details - Drop upstream patch calligra-2.8.5-librevenge.patch- fix bashisms in post/postun scriptss390p25 16150455033.2.1-bp153. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e135983908956ae6aab9b2b8a5b5465d74c4211a, not strippedUTF-8 Unicode textUTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines R R RRRRRRRRRD)ȜK(calligra and dolphin)utf-86292c75ed085a5d1d8f4150de1ae876a7ac5140e20b99036f60707d0b6a87f12?7zXZ !t/z] crv9wJLX6#\Mney?>;X ߭ZP\%K#JLlveks3R@C톊Z:'EE'n%"rQ%Aj-7%(=J_cgra |DԍхMʹ+{p=3FĊڏabXOٌmRY8ihLTdjXqE5C-L'bfjT%MЩ q`9)~Nbc+NziC 퇺"J \z: o:t:q?,+01Gyz+6 #1XR'.;B;rI2X'= zw%gar[l z4F(m씎"7?f;۩/G׃۫_CJ?;ZJ@bt U[\0P9׽l9We_ffβovFYrSP?/ aW`%~wDWl@ D@5 ;0[76ߌ {o{,tO/(+jNZ,zRFiPEpk{ϭ&Ed.ĠC]{CYBlPxtêC8G| W7qz|@uЛ)Qrݳ ?J o澍3nB iD<}Xȗ XADۉSlAr};iUl$ -4dn*40)ܧ3ɱMFӀ~LhWh->1&^YRkn:JxapwR2 #/ [?aEa.'ӄ;4XY,K| ^Vzm6$bDnXIr|$AYTW#h=.NVF5WXF,-oG4sö1׉{2⑵3ʽJSzMd<'j&+8is+ܿMS)jq' )=Tՙ"$i'*7X%Jid躸A>&ګ:$`[y͏4+㫖^5EX;4{xl(=BIŕNʆK=?#5ffwԉEHWTw =kz@(}@+{`M TT;u5}S)ѥʖ9>``U]8SƭTWB|A+YzнT-6J%= Wke>E3EXVna^Asَ"Sۀ+xˆ ¡SGu(Ũ>gud_ԬnWc L.䑉4Ɠ;FV ʹmf1gU;gl)=%"uvZX7 CڡﺦCtT N]T55xxU7BU>YuQN'‘z?A^-;8|L0eo.GAB6GL gi}Y5zXIAbFXR g@`6-Bȕl+䠎+9z7X0s .cǫ-o2|)[P;)J8r%KuݛDBkHuB_[#?3ʊ8z㳾™Dvrj$ |7 ia{o݌ YUvlt^?4L,(oa7(e{SǹkϏZؐ7wL،a.(ߍ,؃is?<NGJyS͕Ԛh[%[;t}}>g;#e\"[jWU>5lӳY9#1釕@ApʏVr`wZ}AY~;g^'?T](=*po0TZ%MLOm#%ݘ$h~¦Lh՟r#mj ֯udu Qťfzp6SZ|N E3?`{&Yf$ ص,$vq`RWr=nCSFwLB7`N`${hK_:4jZ@/ZiT1c^lr`E Lލ!al.@ 1F{g9eYUP?ÿx=/K[xάmh/_aa冇ͯM8'ɂ{h&Q^퇐b&p]j{}‰jhFqi֎˸\L5[L"E'A O?' 3 ~ =G3Zm43Ztn|xӄa UKAxҖ$nl&~$Y& :+SS&wH펤x, )829-x@ЮwzvmEv N?wΘu)` x_~s :BIZU w FQιP#?w[JU fƝִoY@l^ga=keД3hv/FUM֡~CL-Ͱ,>iA[I&z>< (&V'wët a[_Zy|-9W5X8ru'.vobQk%<Qur5櫵A۶z3+鍗KLϻŜPYTdH P `I;F[Y GKSatÕ}iluN{oCeC~ /?Gm9 cx㆛\Q܃dQ<ꇗ} k,gex.s%rb GޠCF87C:P=*BIGId(%FjS_~`O3W<%†A^j&F u 㓙o&b8{jb(`Y£TB z3XJB@_T2uN^a(á7O+ X, jD͍ߑ2԰Q0T~$ ;PHn fJ7\SŪg9Z gt7:9E̶'uzf%N74ݛ!,ƽQ~ٓ߸+fɡ?s8)HlOOpljL^he!70F`^ :WU_\ٱf<駭]C-G3:9y&Z0Åk(ǞaGdCٌI,Mxb)JEǷPMa K5NH+ۋV䖠ͻ%Ju=wͼ苿X̵0A(KQDW*l"Zu&Umy0Ȑo3,)} "↖QÙZ4 EG:;s&kYؐ*fXM]1ԠC !#Aiwr.踰Іo.{:Er'V:IUϜ>=|"qR͘QcSKw{k՞&$O"9ĸ^^ۄv&' ]"S(B|5:EmK_~O5ۣ#Kjd2OA>_/;JX[FTJ߱4.=+7uKLnfz9[JIUy:?WMn H>|)lb*z.`$ QďXRۂ˂-D7rثۼZrM2&y4t9lCp8Kҵ)֮U% ;6 gDtjB)g9bT cnE7F*vHĪ5:0@I?dtAjS8ͣD5V&fnM]^jKL;G|NK#"N50`+D{jOh7wە"녽7)|$O3AG-Bo2h@]B8z#eP%ӌP>QʑVudǤf_6mf'qPk{rĮvK_fzԁqAgf[% (vn!dukg)udkJ_G(®ߝ Wl7P,s}[O3jl#Tc^m:ԥo@K% V+^>E|X~jDZ(M-A]НƑLm{6 0fiZi&n0){w p^!B2J{,5oae!oc cnLLyňAO|,FA͸b]KSѶI1jWVN|՞`/t<dZ$T݀Hrݗ}FS$fV~kdvڰKxr Q<|Z"jƄ:t\U*L9e4Msf*U9CT'vY=;y3Nv贋 UJW* LA ƶew_Ͽ5VklmdjIFD[3VJ  Ϗ'LW,؝Am)Mpqk*flAU3q!^jΛyB , d\ 9% 6Q O u0,7$^p1 %b~V}+tqY{Fy1jT5У&0hԲsZՈyϥ{6CCDPլXkvX,Zd~^-Mw<*iX#uʋ _=N^af8HJ}t JbT;?eQSxwk267 YZ