calcurse-lang-4.3.0-bp153.1.15 >  A `B !M@eee4'K6g8aU2F2Bb\ԶXgq! Ieq 9F|}j*8| l|#l!@1zx|Nt ^J'@̨GVԷ+c} {;l--U#:Kyrd;!:qOQpqL -%8 6΄:βX Tl;YٻSJ]#Q Vhg uIQ$OO o*cJԤk&@>#3JXL4QR-s2,vTsӵ]DSxmaq8T ЊLÎ2d.CGD#\.aId6j+O^%&p@J6"Р>6x镁j\yD>p>)?)d ! 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The save routine now detects external changes to the data files and no longer blindly overwrites data which was edited externally. In case of external changes, different options are offered, one of them being the execution of the merge tool to merge external changes and changes done from the running calcurse instance. The reload routine also no longer performs a reload if both the external data files and the local data are unchanged. - Several improvements to the CalDAV synchronization script, including OAuth2 support and instructions on how to synchronize calcurse with Google Calendar - Support for passing the password as a command-line argument to the CalDAV synchronization script - A new utility, called calcurse-dateutil, which can be used to create "extended recurrent events" such as events occurring on the third Thursday of each month * Bug Fixes: - Gracefully parse iCal parameters with colons - Fixes to the notification feature affecting recurrent appointments - Do not crash when changing colors - Avoid fatal error when using the help command - Avoid empty warning box when key is already in use - Several fixes to the calcurse-caldav synchronization script to allow for synchronizing with NextCloud servers - Proper support for punctual appointments starting at 00:00 - Proper ISO 8601 week numbering - The delete key no longer acts as backspace - Proper parsing of date-time strings - cleanup with spec-cleaner - remove chmod line, no longer needed- Update to version 4.2.2 * Prevent free-before-init of timstr * Prevent segfault when all todo items are hidden * Fix visible region after loading list box items * calcurse-caldav: Fix scrambled comment - Added keyring and asc file for verification.- Update to version 4.2.0 * In the calendar panel, days with non-recurrent items now have another color as days containing recurrent items only. * Automatically select new appointments/events after creation. * Support for (optional) dates when specifying the start/end time of items. Allows for easily moving items and adding appointments without switching the selected day beforehand. * Encoding fixes in calcurse-caldav * Avoid notification bar artifacts after leaving calcurse. * Fixes to the key binding pagination * Do not change selection unexpectedly after modifying items. - Remove useless dependencies * autoconf * automake * gcc * gettext * make- Update to version 4.1.0 * Hook support: Run scripts before/after loading or saving items. This feature can be used to automatically make Git commits or synchronize with a server when the data files are written. Example hooks can be found in the calcurse source tree. * Experimental CalDAV support: The calcurse distribution tarball now includes an experimental script called calcurse-caldav that can be used to synchronize calcurse with your mobile devices or any other computer. For details, please refer to contrib/caldav/README in the calcurse source tree. * Support for a filter mode -F that is identical to -G but writes the filtered items back to the calcurse data files instead of stdout. Can be used to remove certain items from a script. Use with care! * New long format specifiers "raw" and "hash". * A --daemon command line option to start calcurse in daemon mode. * A --quiet command line option to disable system dialogs. * Support for todo items with an undefined priority. * Support for durations when specifying recurrence end dates. * Support for decimal values when specifying durations. * Support for UTC times when importing iCal events. * Support for sending notifications for all appointments (both flagged and unflagged items). * The "Add Item" key binding now works from the calendar panel. * Week numbers in the monthly view (requested by Hakan Jerning). * Fixes to the slice computation (reported by Hakan Jerning). * Various fixes to the iCal import and export functionality.- Update to version 4.0.0 * Support for reloading appointments via a key binding and via SIGUSR1 * The compact mode and default panel options are no longer hidden. * A powerful set of new command line options. The new main operations in non-interactive mode are --grep and --query. There are filter switches to restrict the set of items that are read from the appointments file. All old command line options are still supported for backwards compatibility. * Support for shorthands such as "tomorrow" or "monday" as date specifiers. * Support for dates beyond 2038 on platforms with 64-bit time_t. * Several fixes to the user interface. * Handle CRLF line endings in iCal files * Gracefully handle all day events in iCal imports * Retain comments in descriptions and configuration values * Support all types of iCal durations - Remove suse macros as calcurse doesn't build for other distributions anyway- Update to version 3.2.1 + Load todo items on startup + Do not highlight items on inactive windows. - TODO file doesn't exist anymore; remove it from %doc list - Add COPYING file to %doc list- update to calcurse-3.1.4 - Do not prompt for a todo after adding an appointment. - Close key binding window when reassigning the same key (thanks to Michael Smith for submitting a patch). - Update copyright ranges. - Do not ignore "--datarootdir" in the i18n Makefile. - Complete the test-suite even if libfaketime is not present. - Add a workaround for broken libfaketime-based tests on 32-bit systems (fixes Debian bug #697013). - Do not update start time/duration with bogus values if the prompt is canceled in edit mode. - Fix another corner case of the screen corruption bug (BUG#6). - Fix core dump when trying to edit a non-existent item. - Display correct welcome messages on startup.- update to 3.1.1: * fix screen corruption bug- update to 3.1.0: * Vim-like copy/paste (FR#15). Use the delete key to cut items. * Support for entering times in 24 hour format ("2130" instead of "21:30") * Compact panel mode (FR#7). This can be enabled using the currently undocumented "appearance.compactpanels" configuration setting. * Configurable default view (FR#19). The default view can be changed using the currently undocumented "appearance.defaultpanel" configuration setting. * "-D" and "-c" can now be used simultaneously, whereby "-c" has precedence over "-D". * Cache monthly view to speed up browsing. * Sort `calcurse -d` output by time * Fix a critical data corruption bug * Fix screen corruption * No longer show the calcurse screen in the editor/pager when the window is resized * Calculate busy slices correctly if (recurrent) appointments with a duration of more than 24 hours are used. * Fix a core dump that occurred if the main window was too small. * Several translation updates.- update to 3.0.0: * full UTF-8 support * format strings for printing items in non-interactive mode have been introduced * support for vim-style count prefixes for displacement keys * duration strings are now much more powerful * extended duration strings, such as "+3:10" or "+1d20h5m", can be used * new feature allows piping items to external commands * there are keybindings to jump to the previous/next month/year * lots of internal changes have been made * note that you will need to run "calcurse-upgrade" after upgrading, since the configuration file format has changedlamb21 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 7zXZ !t/yC] crv(vX0`IjY2+R4)}N Wr)q*4v1kXXH=ՈW]Vb[Ε'ADxO(#.jbЛOv03_F(QKu/Jx58"ƒwYrxR[Ax*h>m`u*A\ޒ#hMvLS 3?$c'hoN4j0HM3-,B;="s=Y7`ڈPJ˓{T#yZytƎ|[(<3@r]@N//@n,Dfe8{ CQ[1&AB^tEKBxqgwRlXt)2p7jWyg-#D5$.6dJxbd [zM|h6ʚ l8_Rն^36ei*F\_$ =tq2 UGW@dhs :F~\Qk)A?K.7z ^&(פF;m,vJPhgs q^֊/HtfUt.߶ $d{E:`"8;6[#[85(HmҠBd!tS(U2Cq>2՛{ YݩN G{ gƗ% XI!Ac/IթO0%Rn`7Q' q]L{Wt 5Wv϶L|~.%vo/'U>oH?oscKW6zd[" ,GV Qw1Ej%v蟐=YLj.q :ڈui-h"ֽtnv "NKȩTA{f 8{,itҿ]͕ ͣ^]ކJN1Cvm Y3v`^Y"$vg͠ys!5xxv $omg |<yC ފpG5-i1yV7Pjx +;R%ۃ|#,֞-S<Ͱq㏗ĥJ&2"~1Ȅrut\_o5sݮq]ߖ>$>(;:qb`XШbxlVHTddq#Y{_dtA֎z/a٫# UX>P:t4c x\x'DPeW V8)]?cЏ^0Mt[@oN6ī?k' ;*IwE< Nl"ƁbTrtm F"jb =2 |zsO!g]̗E)Rf% dn˙=L1 1>戞+>=Cf@zq;*JI9Wc1fקa]UK\ͲiD'Nl'?NQ_qp{=Mv0иV^?XizFOsbY5H݂\DR(x+ _1#1,-#[dvA(v-YnDP^%((]­n8B,/7Q+W޹$`rQz"s.sL"(ik;~O41sBjQkMVSζ1:?܃%XV}RW/+Eᛯ?JOP}H/zNn <䃖 T sUީcF %=46&eX vxfanK&\3Sn΁fw l: c.CZƾ4DxP` 1gxxSI]?2qO^^Stz/a gCy{k''XH359 i$A]E'_.'LOU >ݧo ~zXo!笇:lBBCyFQ{̬?΃쇀5l[/ 4J^g;pUQ%p$ Y( (f.Z"X.|Q%Fj(F[5Y =/soSF(.}~ cL:ףርI2BqZHYngw[ g]-tknGMOd4alg)]wKJa$fbClnl,b2#~W(J鱒* 6-V8*NTB¨0鲗#Cf/ UQM,&0F3(۾ J}C' 3yKOe(,QTNy;_; bKyL?Jݱ|r*VJyڕ*6"jyݲm"`SᢝjAEy 8ՅɎn,`O {D0AMSCAW NDž 7i?G:sꍞ|/ OߧOӾwŋt>|&Z6N\Tn8UuhW\D=͕WyJ$;eNj?$U)NpcP_8EЕ>JJDh#̾^^GtbI 0d wWTԱ\8>ɨ 2Ü+?Mb8w4W@q%b+ǤEa=C3K9exT}2:.L!TG)s $prmu0ڥb>*TK&B,=?ꇡRݚx{B{(n2)6H+kT% -H zs-$RAg֓OG4R+cܻJ~Ne)LM79$`@J7C$NoifJg涶}erzMT:0XT3# ~ss eըKyn44M~(n(8O p! /~#y$|BON gm5*P9ѫy3}[ÐU6S&a\qRTzmLXg0j?2^ rxQטݴ5d* O$v3Ĕ2]'Uw yJSAwttYhB.ں0^eb 顙dhl R:ťq'UtjJFT`6 ?NŁʈ9d\T-FEЋ+o&%Le=靂7%'r es%3[м c>.fo$T+'?Ҹ'gN `g$w%9AwcIOGڑ-F8?xu7˄dn-aRiW5ƒca$cĉȏ,YgP^gr4kL*i-NQNC#IojgV$󍠗&A2'Kd̲4}̖w/lB,,*mr8!X=Wsz][Ysz}&GPM7y&F적t#n>rvZE|`aVV@<1ҏ@ fon6^Ml ;3:,42jBioZxs;Quc[LgX1Gh=~z@Trq;SxX 2`s_FGN<=ǰLل^Z:it?nu(X_h_光\ƽXS$D޶ l6+iJxO-Nf;l:@7jNFқcg%-R;PGFɫgFݿ~yjuO=D&2|k!i:˾3ϧ7Q>)H\^5;tE:W7lYN~Rs@ =* p C|Vº%&tuyv8i }!*$90])-A_4GWˈ:RYL(p;Ohr*0m/ PNrLp7_5`(1mXb P?/ R ͻſB@VJ H𽒘 ]HU=LP]BpJ^(}Yqt&i>M',gyi #.Ɔ^p@CZU- Wv-M%&0&vC0c(ҷ)nY`EQ J\zej8>U53 t<3g^ dybhY P\)uڻ1ʘ(g 9/>l-:!{dRH{Y2o=uRr G=xC|dK)1i*IkX|dH_Yߝ?7(;TJb}ʺr.QpmD*p1`Xt u8X' ~k:Lm1] 7ߣ <-\x(1z\,h 띖_HKHѨ`]-tLGSfvoV$i`5Ɗ{1|00qR&[خF =<.NDbp0R(@01ap&Q)/ {9fsob/> l` [avkNFlݧ{ js5x}=z0/dJzJė0V|v}I%fJ|ZN4eSsjH?v,jIJYĺ$spJ'.؈U#ff< _)Q)-O^kio[8vlgy1m@ *͂qd4^VF!Pjsh,(-)îH.l MIW(p!GƿMj("S̋6JY_v2aۖb7KPGDO ՝"{â~&Rn8 -`v;zΘmjIJy0RǑ1Hą;$_29}.lv$8SUπ)+ּ6XMKpĿGݚO?ŔC@Zis $z<<5N]ZXBk.GOw5Ah7@kI}N5IW+5:q6 $wQ,h J}A6RPygt$ ^JK9 =u'쩆M)ǼtviUn1ΝhXn&F:?ueYq)4ge;Dko@O!ADx^SQ3Ek_n"ۼCG Jc ?˚{UsF2>)6,}9r|:h{sMaxYoTS(MJkq,_Z=>2Mo$:[wk(lb y!̟+Fg]gc]dzrT[/Zjl֭ʎ2 G:k5|K>UV_3o;db;׌JU} yH TU:~ 2L3UTR>ʮhy,y1O5KDx2y`(]0]u&n"1-Em% zlaGܯRDN`/zf4:|U9Ѻ"T[*AxZkc !Q%7 AenCʱ{ݥgC y=Z.K]s4=A(PӀHWGs7O5H)3Z şM8:фOdE惿ڕ =_ak@ 1`_62ElԮeE%V2h  [D*oWwҥri 1z޲BU{ ;O#pu]*`F¾- sX..ä 4jX-`>i K:YQJc썹?SWBvMmFf cVNM/g0nD~VyzNRϪ0Fr&j7t, +MT9j^?&E_K\OUوEuwtv׎U ߸Z}13r`##JņB/uS"r!TYGi;2iB9[-*m_y.O02ۓt) Ty|(`A\`qŋrf9Wڪ~=Bپs,0UlxZH}of=FZӽ.) >uŚ֍T``dRэ1vOs/xK^:ݘEӖT䳯udq4 #2daSAmnLF6M'Ry.VMާ' ˳T~'B_i驽IдХ9i')ćڷHȸ9KwAxh(Ȇ rn/83sxDkZݮFV{8/K%+RxdjW--?)`R_H6Pqf=!R`4yà8LJx/:DxWb8YƬ m1wb$%H3 Kz<'`7,-rL X՘XBNM4fVMv\f=5sZK*)#bqq& eBա)"3wût탮?vSUH*̀'"p3UW瀐afb po JʹM)u"e /Q$sZ>sMtg)Q[pQͺ C3 jUi8!zWZrB˂gj7]hS? 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