chromaprint-fpcalc-1.4.3-lp152.3.10 >  A ^"/=„Q(̩#yrc؀ZsᷔOtŲl;3ЈQ`%Uy` { ̘c)NqqY4N cHMo6+-6#l<9Թ %N H]PԠ/h\`W[N7KQ%|솿:\!LmŽy H !Xjm,7_}X2t$YbcW6CE|F#tWa M5ַa766f9cb8f6f6977613d5307687d3af27a23f385a68329d4a866b4adfd720e5b0ffbb9d81574749b59c5a86aa613aa93f6df0cd9FЉ^"/=„0zθ۴y,AeۊSB*,%L7]1̃ڕw׈E~ ^C'޲ۧեpV*_(7" no,}045]bF;0XmrKsO']FWp>?d & Y`dlp      U X\af4Y(89:FGHIXY\]^bcd eflu(v,wxyzDTX^Cchromaprint-fpcalc1.4.3lp152.3.10Chromaprint Audio Fingerprinting Command Line ToolChromaprint is the core component of the Acoustid project. It's a client-side library that implements a custom algorithm for extracting fingerprints from any audio source. This package contains fpcalc, a command-line tool to perform Chromaprint fingerprinting.^lamb52xopenSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSEGPL-2.0+https://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Multimedia/Sound/Utilities^515662157844a5b6c6352a8072f3b276a8a175f6bcacced1842def6fc89d831frootrootchromaprint-1.4.3-lp152.3.10.src.rpmchromaprint-fpcalcchromaprint-fpcalc(x86-64)fpcalc@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Update to 1.4.3: * Allow one packet to have decoding error * Print output even if there is a decoding error, exit with error code 3 instead of 2 in such case * Add new option -ignore-errors to change the error code 3 to 0 * Add new option -algorithm NUM * Periodically flush output when working on a stream - drop chromaprint-ffmpeg-pkgconfig.patch * fixed upstream - Switch to https for URL - Source moved to github - cleanup with spec-cleaner- Fix RPM groups.- Update to 1.4.2: * Fixed invalid memory access when decoding base64-encoded fingerprints. * Removed unnecessary library dependencies libchromaprint to avoid circular dependency problems with FFmpeg. - Rebase chromaprint-ffmpeg-pkgconfig.patch - Drop chromaprint-ffmpeg-API.patch which isn't needed anymore. - Update to 1.4.1: * Restored the -v/-version parameter for fpcalc that got accidentally removed in 1.4. * Fixed processing of some short audio files. They were ignored in 1.4. * The DURATION field in the default output of fpcalc is now printed as an integer again. * Added missing version number to libchromaprint.pc. * Linux fpcalc builds are now fully static. - Update to 1.4.0: * Fully streaming audio processing without any post-processing step for the fingerprint generation. * Many performance optimizations. Especially when processing long streams, operations should be faster and use less memory. * C++11 compiler is now required for building the library. * The public C API now uses standard fixed-size int types from stdint.h (breaks backwards compatibility). * All code written for the library is now distributed under the MIT license. * Kiss FFT is now included with the library and automatically used if no other FFT library is found. * Added support for using the FFTW3F version of FFTW3. * Boost is no longer used. - Update to 1.3.2: * Fixed crash on an invalid audio file that FFmpeg could not decode.- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel- Remove unused Provides libchromaprint-with-ffmpeg- Restore support for libswresample/libavresample (bsc#973555) - Remove usage of deprecated API chromaprint-ffmpeg-API.patch- Update to new upstream release 1.3.1 * Support for ffmpeg 3.x * You can use use "-length 0" in fpcalc to get the full fingerprint * New function chromaprint_get_fingerprint_hash for calculating SimHash from the fingerprint data- Remove needless conditional for the libdir which is in the macro- Use pkg-config to detect ffmpeg in cmake chromaprint-ffmpeg-pkgconfig.patch - Add bcond_without to use ffmpeg unconditional- Remove broken libffmpeg requires in devel pkg- Use pkgconfig for ffmpeg BuildRequires- Update to version 1.2 * Fixed compilation with neither libswresample nor libavresample (#11) * Fixed compilation with static libav (#10) * Functions chromaprint_encode_fingerprint and chromaprint_decode_fingerprint are changed to accept const pointer as input * Added support for using the Kiss FFT library (should make Android port easier) * Removed obsolete dev tools from the package * More compatible DEBUG() macro - Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner - Add missing dependency on boost - Use cmake macro- Update to version 1.1 - Fixed potential DoS attack in fingerprint decompression code. (#6) - Fixed invalid memory read with some fingerprinter configurations. (#5) - Added support for audio format conversion with libav. (#2, Gordon Pettey)- Add baselibs.conflamb52 15909493991.4.3-lp152. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/l, BuildID[sha1]=93aadcf63c29214487f42ee58d70a0da9a832c0d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedRRRRRRRRRRR RRR R RRRRRR RsZ#(&L17utf-8919e9e19a772a93447da06c9ea9e3d8bd08be97d2b5a356d00179575cb60371d? 7zXZ !t/y)] crv9vW'I@3P>l2_PM_-=s!QTK~3]޶K6^ᷓ6.ס&8z Zn3Dcyt̄RLYHCt.YI'2+v(A XbҦlQ^<:ȓG-r鱊TX}Wz@aJ=(Ȱv[H[5(x DI\r=9 ެ|ZN@hfSjS'%vEY65pn"#Jji'&v !ku( +'zdv@-׉"vο *zZSŲ_c&> X":f@?ˮ} K;i Lu `%E,cёBLp8u^geJ}Z w+MZ{T]ﬗ.*| Bf׆g/1"Ơ* - =; yd|Bpz8L(A_#G'rLb1Yb$DY [%כFnZA;dt$0m5@(sVZ./^% iHhpɳ<E*+E ⑼WTEDzyzα!emшC*Evt"5OZ2y_ :BWn]>b{PIxO=,b!j{Wǧ[Vԟ]GWR=״6E,^UޏHhΥiV V |h5à4(,{ BJJ6kŘ@Zpx].oiJsvPB/ e?孺ӽEk fGF֤C'⣵F^Սlpymc,_eJGJ .O;b2XE2Xx434m@tɷ cnan58mB 0F\_Jf \%,'dZf" -}RXo?UnW|pe_XUXKM WI L?W6CgX?MK/Nl渜KU5Ph^Q|yjҋ1bq*ʌyPXtn >>>?;?r4Z*E͹k— RSkmv>Q6 DIaRѧ *#rY%-w*_WY DEDc28h2!XoLME>b%Y퀬٘, (Ux 6^x߀MץhS<+#7k[y-TEm$@I~J17b;CZ҇\I\<";@tK QŗFpPy)\ʑ_UC-WmϠՙCbtFQު;-?ޓL΂ri ۺ}q:2dgq0<,n6.!S`#zX $,xGo߉;kj/ࢣ)nYDSRu=x sS^ou)W:IDƚ2Hw/Bj-G*!QK?aF\ (FB<(6 kϥkJhal|N;B^c%Ʋ0TI7TDܗ˜ḇEnHĺD]0${&U;/0ozHb8wSK0\Qa:Gg sGn4!(,<(PߌFdTW3ɧ7Ro=%qPDT>;ϙ2|UJƤ9ǁ?,wk7|В~]*<R@wEز>A[`el =S`-݁!ZIWONJQ10ox]u,X\Ӣ$[E α9ADKrd]p{kz( qGB޹8\Ͼ|YoJ@=H Ub|*ź 'ہTDd7F3 ,>jeR0S+ST-/u&+U/-O=`BKd)6⺎DɊbe]yF#J >2dAЩ dy :P_ny׸|@/Dv'apv,}v+qx(i\\;öϿ \pĪ|1KuhX0U좖W6zt6"΍L3w%T2N)o!]G )9VG,}45.'_auYaDd7dz~Q69"55KR_Z*b1OZu>؞IxGrʗ:e)Ta柷U??Rq:tS4ο9}H .!aC|UY4 25YlNVZQnD‰WB~*s_d,&bL=FOH 4%b=Lp *0@FRи/<eE%E q'w OfޏnH\Q%G(DcM=%}$_/'#O$:,V8VB͕B 䨢l4B墺M*?>Ⱦ {% sVW[zsigV)v5VUD=i3)ow]FKx(O>Զ:cj^)bs*z}oV^8Ij~9qý3tiUO77/'dMPPn)D}^ۧ?v3|dymTѨ d_;&_ u4-mzyiH XJrpԇsͷf^+d`'50br =|yL,b)u jOnzV'wB+>(7\10jO=Y6.&MVC\b<āoFN+J< hwB@|N4^)h_kCxC#4T{Yz 1R-ҫЦZU֋l|]4gvrװ\8!7LX'@"/ \yD4 drZ&39*DqaxG/L$PT"FS\7tXpVyM \2f׺)Ty|sVO@z~NZ wW6 ^8ӿKDɓے7k ۙ3dV[$mք&{\pIP @rsNqOX01bٸ,fZQ Ca=AV&:hÍ9Gr(ǻgwݳLǖIA {Q6?X2AƎ$Z %8\U/n@ j-9~s qݰM 4"R>] sDd|jIQhdU{Z_vsN6Mbm*+]w?F(7qW $- ܣD10T#[9~}?Zl 9O6I+4LB6K;|EZ1k4VMJR5׳J4?hdGm&xzԞ Aa63w5nO*$e `ςۏ,zrXJP{ SׂJ  NjAk5(K/QO+ζ 8b \kZro7q;$4AH=IƧ̓DU4Z7vIW-0Nx>yuv&c^L\t?R\Usf8EI^$%qrC|UE*h͏ԁMAzn>Ƴ0m֏A6u6DnKښ<*3rwȱQ5&p H߂Y>n*&b0ѭQ|Bin/_a-!gj%vmT9 hVw%j\Ò%0;ѕj6bGR͚<@Y"xގ'%8q)hΤS$iCR6ߐofx)Q$ɷv:b{D9q'ْ_A'%,jst,xXoN5h#tmr:yf߶M0"OFJ#Sga,)ⲮًNx hK~ gs3ѨZG(~8tz\9#jQ0X(NILw6=UcxvlBr5XxI=H G3; d#}ُl_wE&Yղ,-2sxtYeGE܊ 3ۢqTه3pic{{D/r2PCϯ;D%xc@Hn Y+&p˲Vt:2e'Gɢ)&[p]4Ql}k.xߦc d6&qH,ySc967qpmkknGR$JOb¯uPH$%wX @W %h?}}6,cM~z_2Y+?1DfR=T僈IZobeMOd ÏHK ~ P;DM̬FH٭w=qrnyj+Q(UFF ś/ 5Va{{NX:LqQ@kyNc Z"`hbzXEKAa\FjGd|Jn &SGQ9!$~/빝@󷘫gL ̓79 +ҥuYdpC,vN;rM~m8Cpt]RߚbEuW@Ak,'S,ִ{+ݷbol?Vn*p}| CJ>s{'/'{nps.[/_15l;z fk-[zD #Hֲ:Dv3}(E)Jx#uZ .;n! ɘi|}SD =تoTLuz`U1tW>|8oV8j㓢B yiEo{lBld;D2cwWğ@=ɡiG7+n=p;CV8_vGޭu4$i >8^uؗD!RxJDP- E Bi%#_h*]V gNפ7/ y #jaAc(Vs{!,HF/ `PyT2 A\@ψ>CO[G[@ Vݞ*N kdo4&ZB~ +|/h33OV255V(D#C7m].@ZUr{;)XPϘLiFm|i,[c ɣƘ#?^<^`/׍g֘/A*n~ZrB`MJ»s/* s\382e@lgߙaIb_ m\ݕΰZ_hШj,2vÂe3 EU|W#"│-RY}1`LGRSo3їL"v?Jry֣2wP]/;UV\'MeMPCtt\u}NB3d.ulջ4?FVt)-ѕuD> 7cш bGx(It}cAn7ex|&ف|$Zc:v>M_4gz9E)p 8P -W״Ef:9?Bֹ%+qhyb`EV}ƢyceV׾%Y.?̌)<.[Si|Cr: x7*Ub*T( Tp~REBDު?  8,A;^xZZnԔHN%w&vRD~` NZ``Y¤BU+ή+JрQ)Gܔ`okͦf_(f1iX74<]&3p@ZoAU6z;'pT'dV (-V;C+H˃?D\nejuƒYCrb_p0MnQ܌vC(|Ac+XB-y0hJB| z4]Xyl Qa=u?yv Duuu: SCɽ\c9c VD0Vc茚Լ*Gɸ8*zF `jxlLD?5b~JJw]̴{fOU5h>`A`;?'[DYC/RtfR]n |~C mhWXR4B )"F w3.nds?=dMKۧV9`uks 傄guY $ ,;G/<'7svo\svD)\$I{+¾2,"R aT җ˼wܝ_L-ӵnB‚{!wa2<9AެGc4\'2Rr'eF^ՆXpe3@M8&/3 * jr;_{To1V̽ C6AàX8]FfCD& .E"d&Xs6h.̀: x?iW/.Sza>X{Cq:1(;U7;&-oVzj4}DYb X#b*"j/88"w^7k.* zwbF~Ols*5\ˆg,Y8;\~&[} E;hy,GUj魫h|ΣZFgf*%F5Ň]e4'od+.K i3j8Jo:J CZ0A;pD؉'U4&1v#bZ<|$c%kQ&onRF Gn[|91 /4'6m5TeE) iAZąFyE̊$@LbV 7;!:Y3;A; ZRobXsv-F5c.$Kl*N@Sev˘_Z6nuj] +:Xȶ^.;ؚ3)e<^a-r[9pz?b3_4\o=l]NEKSݜ 2whj m5`uQh1G KGĎ "mMBcl bO4 Y:8EZ+JD-a3]|"U||&ŀVvzx48" k-)z3E,#L`UAsHdʪtdk՞]+95ɴPvSېEDXu6K^a$ p=OGUX@eA_Mv w tMxv>Elm'-jshJ?8sTZWM?Ծtʪn>0 nu >xoV>-?!^}yp^%Yt]ΌU×U7QOIS-d@z)ÌkBڨvfTϮ}UT[H YZ