python2-Sphinx-latex-1.7.6-lp152.4.1 >  A ^⸋/=„bPFӰ~REy ߟW.G?Xw_|IcyP/zˠ<KCө ^{& -RKGP1UؿheWbg`$Vțq TK)% B!*$ĺB;x+n`wM>x3o&W91OJ^? !^t%/ 'z[]w[+q tLj3@ee783f8037ab402c271f136fc6115c01d181fe62e342f3993d41427941b471611d7ae59622af646ff8d3b287d5733e7584c27ce6fH^⸋/=„uH_?TO1f8kl]$A.JPq-0Lc)wEO /K "a͸ux+C؛R3\&%y92o C0E+*b ['[T1+͐#1e\Y1),BͳNrHWgdP ]^J3̗??)]op=IRHG\C=NB7l{T4ߗ/V;}3SH7#]]U4>p>H?8d ' A $7@M g   P  ,dP|EE 3E( 8 $9 ,$:$B-FAGTHIXYZ[\]H^bcdef l u vXz4Cpython2-Sphinx-latex1.7.6lp152.4.1Sphinx packages for LaTeXSphinx is a tool that facilitates creating documentation for Python projects (or other documents consisting of multiple reStructuredText sources). This package contains the LaTeX components for python2-Sphinx.^lamb10JopenSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSEBSD-2-Clausehttps://bugs.opensuse.orgDevelopment/Languages/Pythonhttp://sphinx-doc.orglinuxnoarch "h   9 (A큤A큤A큤^쎪[LG[LG[LPU[LG[LG[LG[LG[LG[LPU^[LF^[LFe999bc7392d74248530cb280fdf42c07e13ec9649b0628bc3252ab5dcf199a829dbb3e9e1ad1bf8882a05ffa936a16a1b751c7f052d807d0c8ba86715d4c8811dc0e85d13a434ed4f95ea569ccdaa005ac57bac5096f5fb2fc82f0068e168304ed67d5d20dc34ed733fe10c916d34ac0e73a306c554ed0541acd812f4ceeebf2077ed77e05f576c02bf22749ef4a38d5946a5ef2ca7d6fe2602ea323176ed06153b3b7efc1c920adb138a5f15cf9d72be9d0be187d446a4cee560bcc68ffc9b7ca9b1540be1891757dc12f7fbc49839bd8a79997a5782d80868a1e487db9f45f622b17762dd4b24be390041962ed542d78c027816dc2d058d73b635398dbc9ce742198d7bdb31b679a508bdef0a651541e479a1b8f6a1650a2287a192a29bdd63bc0bbd510025ef02e27c3c9916572a7de9c36606d03754bd99abfeb2d79f234b96c9f5d10dd3bda82cdabf91c9d14012cad242653e6205a42e4172e913a410crootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootpython-Sphinx-1.7.6-lp152.4.1.src.rpmpython-Sphinx-latexpython2-Sphinx-latex    python2-Sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)tex(8r.enc)tex(alltt.sty)tex(amsfonts.sty)tex(amsmath.sty)tex(amssymb.sty)tex(amsthm.sty)tex(anyfontsize.sty)tex(array.sty)tex(article.cls)tex(atbegshi.sty)tex(babel.sty)tex(bm.sty)tex(capt-of.sty)tex(cmap.sty)tex(color.sty)tex(colortbl.sty)tex(dvipdfmx.def)tex(english.ldf)tex(eqparbox.sty)tex(fancybox.sty)tex(fancyhdr.sty)tex(fancyvrb.sty)tex(float.sty)tex(fncychap.sty)tex(fontenc.sty)tex(footnote.sty)tex(framed.sty)tex(graphics.sty)tex(graphicx.sty)tex(hypcap.sty)tex(hyperref.sty)tex(ifthen.sty)tex(inputenc.sty)tex(longtable.sty)tex(makeidx.sty)tex(multirow.sty)tex(needspace.sty)tex(newfloat.sty)tex(palatino.sty)tex(parskip.sty)tex(pcrr.tfm)tex(pdftex.def)tex(]@\ `[O+[M@[WZ%ZZH@ZSYYχ@Y@YzY@YYu@YZ1YV=@YTYMY]Y i@X@X@V2V`V@VVhUYUU@U@U3@U+U&iFabian Vogt mcepl@suse.commimi.vx@gmail.comdmueller@suse.commimi.vx@gmail.comaplanas@suse.comdmueller@suse.comaplanas@suse.comarun@gmx.dearun@gmx.dearun@gmx.detoddrme2178@gmail.comjengelh@inai.detoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtbechtold@suse.comtbechtold@suse.comtbechtold@suse.comtbechtold@suse.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comjmatejek@ Add patch to produce output compatible with current Qt (bsc#1157793, boo#1158158): * fix-keyword-escaping.patch- Make this package also own %{python_sitelib}/sphinxcontrib directory, so it is properly owned.- update to 1.7.6 - fix Requires based on results of Shinx testsuite * LaTeX \sphinxupquote{} breaks in Russian * sphinx.testing uses deprecated pytest API; Node.get_marker(name) * crashed when recommonmark.AutoStrictify is enabled * latex: crashed with docutils package provided by Debian/Ubuntu * latex: a label for table is vanished if table does not have a caption * crashed with numbered toctree * C, render empty argument lists for macros. * C++, fix lookup of full template specializations with no template arguments. * C++, fix assertion on missing references in global scope when using intersphinx. * autodoc: crashed by Form Feed Character * autodoc: loses the first staticmethod parameter for old styled classes * quickstart: Typing Ctrl-U clears the whole of line * html: “relations” sidebar is not shown by default * latex: curly braces in index entries are not handled correctly * epub: Wrong internal href fragment links * apidoc: Interface of sphinx.apidoc:main() has changed * PDF builds of French projects have issues with XeTeX * napoleon raises RuntimeError with python 3.7 * sphinx-build: Interface of sphinx:main() has changed * sphinx-build: refers sys.argv instead of given argument * autosummary: warning is emitted when the first line of docstring ends with literal notation * autosummary: warnings of autosummary indicates wrong location (refs: #5146) * autodoc: crashed on inspecting dict like object which does not support sorting * autodoc: Enum argument missing if it shares value with another * py domain: rtype field could not handle “None” as a type * LaTeX: indexing of terms containing @, !, or " fails * html: crashes if copying static files are failed * autodoc: Fix formatting type annotations for tuples with more than two arguments * i18n: crashed by auto-symbol footnote references * autosummary: module summary has been broken when it starts with heading- update to 1.7.5: * #4924: html search: Upper characters problem in any other languages * #4932: apidoc: some subpackage is ignored if sibling subpackage contains a module starting with underscore * #4863, #4938, #4939: i18n doesn't handle node.title correctly tat used for contents, topic, admonition, table and section. * #4913: i18n: literal blocks in bullet list are not translated * #4962: C++, raised TypeError on duplicate declaration. * #4825: C++, properly parse expr roles and give better error messages when (escaped) line breaks are present. * C++, properly use ``desc_addname`` nodes for prefixes of names. * C++, parse pack expansions in function calls. * #4915, #4916: links on search page are broken when using dirhtml builder * #4969: autodoc: constructor method should not have return annotation * latex: deeply nested enumerated list which is beginning with non-1 causes LaTeX engine crashed * #4978: latex: shorthandoff is not set up for Brazil locale * #4928: i18n: Ignore dot-directories like .git/ in LC_MESSAGES/ * #4946: py domain: type field could not handle "None" as a type * #4979: latex: Incorrect escaping of curly braces in index entries * #4956: autodoc: Failed to extract document from a subclass of the class on mocked module * #4973: latex: glossary directive adds whitespace to each item * #4980: latex: Explicit labels on code blocks are duplicated * #4919: node.asdom() crashes if toctree has :numbered: option * #4914: autodoc: Parsing error when using dataclasses without default values * #4931: autodoc: crashed when handler for autodoc-skip-member raises an error * #4931: autodoc: crashed when subclass of mocked class are processed by napoleon module * #5007: sphinx-build crashes when error log contains a "%" character- update to 1.7.4 - very long list of changes - please see Allows Recommends and Suggest in Fedora- go back to a working sphinx version for now (1.6.5) * newer versions are not able to build openstack clients- Recommends only on SUSE- specfile: * update copyright year * remove sed for sed command for sphinx/pycode/pgen2/ (not in tar-ball anymore) - update to version 1.7.1: * Deprecated + #4623: "sphinx.build_main()" is deprecated. Use "" instead. + autosummary: The interface of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.get_documenter()" has been changed (Since 1.7.0) + #4664: "sphinx.ext.intersphinx.debug()" is deprecated. Use "sphinx.ext.intersphinx.inspect_main()" instead. * Bugs fixed + #4608: epub: Invalid meta tag is generated + #4260: autodoc: keyword only argument separator is not disappeared if it is appeared at top of the argument list + #4622: epub: :confval:`epub_scheme` does not effect to content.opf + #4627: graphviz: Fit graphviz images to page + #4617: quickstart: PROJECT_DIR argument is required + #4623: sphinx.build_main no longer exists in 1.7.0 + #4615: The argument of "" has been changed in 1.7.0 + autosummary: The interface of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.get_documenter()" has been changed + #4630: Have order on msgids in sphinx.pot deterministic + #4563: autosummary: Incorrect end of line punctuation detection + #4577: Enumerated sublists with explicit start with wrong number + #4641: A external link in TOC cannot contain "?" with ":glob:" option + C++, add missing parsing of explicit casts and typeid in expression parsing. + C++, add missing parsing of "this" in expression parsing. + #4655: Fix incomplete localization strings in Polish + #4653: Fix error reporting for parameterless ImportErrors + #4664: Reading objects.inv fails again + #4662: "any" refs with "term" targets crash when an ambiguity is encountered - changes to version 1.7.0: * long changelog, see - changes from version 1.6.7: * Bugs fixed + #1922: html search: Upper characters problem in French + #4412: Updated jQuery version from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1 + #4438: math: math with labels with whitespace cause html error + #2437: make full reference for classes, aliased with "alias of" + #4434: pure numbers as link targets produce warning + #4477: Build fails after building specific files + #4449: apidoc: include "empty" packages that contain modules + #3917: citation labels are tranformed to ellipsis + #4501: graphviz: epub3 validation error caused if graph is not clickable + #4514: graphviz: workaround for wrong map ID which graphviz generates + #4525: autosectionlabel does not support parallel build + #3953: Do not raise warning when there is a working intersphinx inventory + #4487: math: ValueError is raised on parallel build. Thanks to jschueller. + #2372: autosummary: invalid signatures are shown for type annotated functions + #3942: html: table is not aligned to center even if ":align: center" - changes from version 1.6.6: * Features added + #4181: autodoc: Sort dictionary keys when possible + "VerbatimHighlightColor" is a new :ref:`LaTeX 'sphinxsetup' ` key (refs: #4285) + Easier customizability of LaTeX macros involved in rendering of code-blocks + Show traceback if raises an exception (refs: #4369) + Add :confval:`smartquotes` to disable smart quotes through "" (refs: #3967) + Add :confval:`smartquotes_action` and :confval:`smartquotes_excludes` (refs: #4142, #4357) * Bugs fixed + #4334: sphinx-apidoc: Don't generate references to non-existing files in TOC + #4206: latex: reST label between paragraphs loses paragraph break + #4231: html: Apply fixFirefoxAnchorBug only under Firefox + #4221: napoleon depends on autodoc, but users need to load it manually + #2298: automodule fails to document a class attribute + #4099: C++: properly link class reference to class from inside constructor + #4267: PDF build broken by Unicode U+2116 NUMERO SIGN character + #4249: PDF output: Pygments error highlighting increases line spacing in code blocks + #1238: Support ":emphasize-lines:" in PDF output + #4279: Sphinx crashes with pickling error when run with multiple processes and remote image + #1421: Respect the quiet flag in sphinx-quickstart + #4281: Race conditions when creating output directory + #4315: For PDF 'howto' documents, "latex_toplevel_sectioning='part'" generates "\chapter" commands + #4214: Two todolist directives break sphinx-1.6.5 + Fix links to external option docs with intersphinx (refs: #3769) + #4091: Private members not documented without :undoc-members:- update to version 1.6.5: * Features added + #4107: Make searchtools.js compatible with pre-Sphinx1.5 templates + #4112: Don't override the smart_quotes setting if it was already set + #4125: Display reference texts of original and translated passages on i18n warning message + #4147: Include the exception when logging PO/MO file read/write * Bugs fixed + #4085: Failed PDF build from image in parsed-literal using ":align:" option + #4100: Remove debug print from autodoc extension + #3987: Changing theme from alabaster causes HTML build to fail + #4096: C++, don't crash when using the wrong role type. Thanks to mitya57. + #4070, #4111: crashes when the warning message contains format strings (again) + #4108: Search word highlighting breaks SVG images + #3692: Unable to build HTML if writing .buildinfo failed + #4152: HTML writer crashes if a field list is placed on top of the document + #4063: Sphinx crashes when labeling directive ".. todolist::" + #4134: [doc] :file:`docutils.conf` is not documented explicitly + #4169: Chinese language doesn't trigger Chinese search automatically + #1020: ext.todo todolist not linking to the page in pdflatex + #3965: New quickstart generates wrong SPHINXBUILD in Makefile + #3739: ":module:" option is ignored at content of pyobjects + #4149: Documentation: Help choosing :confval:`latex_engine` + #4090: [doc] :confval:`latex_additional_files` with extra LaTeX macros should not use ".tex" extension + Failed to convert reST parser error to warning (refs: #4132)- update to version 1.6.4: * Features added + #3926: Add "autodoc_warningiserror" to suppress the behavior of "-W" option during importing target modules on autodoc * Bugs fixed + #3924: docname lost after dynamically parsing RST in extension + #3946: Typo in sphinx.sty (this was a bug with no effect in default context) + :pep: and :rfc: does not supports "default-role" directive (refs: #3960) + #3960: default_role = 'guilabel' not functioning + Missing "texinputs_win/Makefile" to be used in latexpdf builder on windows. + #4026: nature: Fix macOS Safari scrollbar color + #3877: Fix for C++ multiline signatures. + #4006: Fix crash on parallel build + #3969: private instance attributes causes AttributeError + #4041: C++, remove extra name linking in function pointers. + #4038: C, add missing documentation of "member" role. + #4044: An empty multicolumn cell causes extra row height in PDF output + #4049: Fix typo in output of sphinx-build -h + #4062: hashlib.sha1() must take bytes, not unicode on Python 3 + Avoid indent after index entries in latex (refs: #4066) + #4070: crashes when the warning message contains format strings + #4067: Return non-zero exit status when make subprocess fails + #4055: graphviz: the :align: option does not work for SVG output + #4055: graphviz: the :align: center option does not work for latex output + #4051: "warn()" function for HTML theme outputs 'None' string- Move sphinxcontrib namespace into seperate package to avoid dependency loop with sphinxcontrib-websupport.- Trim package descriptions for size.- Create a base sphinxcontrib namespace package to guarantee all the "python(2|3)-sphinxcontrib-foo" packages can be imported correctly.- Add new latex dependencies needed in openSUSE:Factory- Split documentation into subpackage to avoid dependency loops. - Only require python3-typing for python3 < 3.5- update to 1.6.3: * #3821: Failed to import sphinx.util.compat with docutils-0.14rc1 * #3829: sphinx-quickstart template is incomplete regarding use of alabaster * #3772: 'str object' has no attribute 'filename' * Emit wrong warnings if citation label includes hyphens (refs: #3565) * #3858: Some warnings are not colored when using --color option * #3775: Remove unwanted whitespace in default template * #3835: sphinx.ext.imgmath fails to convert SVG images if project directory name contains spaces * #3850: Fix color handling in make mode's help command * #3865: use of self.env.warn in sphinx extension fails * #3824: production lists apply smart quotes transform since Sphinx 1.6.1 * latex: fix ``\sphinxbfcode`` swallows initial space of argument * #3878: Quotes in auto-documented class attributes should be straight quotes in PDF output * #3881: LaTeX figure floated to next page sometimes leaves extra vertical whitespace * #3885: duplicated footnotes raises IndexError * #3873: Failure of deprecation warning mechanism of ``sphinx.util.compat.Directive`` * #3874: Bogus warnings for "citation not referenced" for cross-file citations * #3860: Don't download images when builders not supported images * #3860: Remote image URIs without filename break builders not supported remote images * #3833: command line messages are translated unintentionally with ``language`` setting. * #3840: make checking ``epub_uid`` strict * #3851, #3706: Fix about box drawing characters for PDF output * #3900: autosummary could not find methods * #3902: Emit error if ``latex_documents`` contains non-unicode string in py2- python-sphinxcontrib-websupport is a Requires- Adjust Requires- update to 1.6.2: * See - Adjust Requires and BuildRequires - Add disable-test.patch to disable test which needs remote access.- Fix update-alternatives.- Fix old obsoletes/provides.- update for singlespec - run tests for all python versions - include python-enum34 for test compatibility- update to 1.5.2: * See - Adjust Requires and BuildRequires- Removed obsolete fix_some_testcase_error_with_pygments-2.1.1.patch - update to version 1.3.6: * #1873, #1876, #2278: Add ``page_source_suffix`` html context variable. This should be introduced with :confval:`source_parsers` feature. Thanks for Eric Holscher. * #2265: Fix babel is used in spite of disabling it on ``latex_elements`` * #2295: Avoid mutating dictionary errors while enumerating members in autodoc with Python 3 * #2291: Fix pdflatex "Counter too large" error from footnotes inside tables of contents * #2292: Fix some footnotes disappear from LaTeX output * #2287: ``sphinx.transforms.Locale`` always uses rst parser. Sphinx i18n feature should support parsers that specified source_parsers. * #2290: Fix ``sphinx.ext.mathbase`` use of amsfonts may break user choice of math fonts * #2324: Print a hint how to increase the recursion limit when it is hit. * #1565, #2229: Revert new warning; the new warning will be triggered from version 1.4 on. * #2329: Refresh environment forcely if source directory has changed. * #2019: Fix the domain objects in search result are not escaped- Add fix_some_testcase_error_with_pygments-2.1.1.patch Fixes tests with python-Pygments 2.1.1. Should be in next release. See - Add additional latex requirements.- requires python-pygments => 2.1 - update to version 1.3.5: * Fix line numbers was not shown on warnings in LaTeX and texinfo builders * Fix filenames were not shown on warnings of citations * Fix line numbers was not shown on warnings in LaTeX and texinfo builders * Fix line numbers was not shown on warnings of indecies * #2026: Fix LaTeX builder rais error if parsed-literal includes links * #2243: Ignore strange docstring types for classes, do not crash * #2247: Fix #2205 breaks make html for definition list with classifiers that contains regular-expression like string * #1565: Show warning if Pygments throws an ErrorToken * #2211: Fix paragraphs in table cell doesn't work in Latex output * #2253: ":pyobject:" option of "literalinclude" directive can't detect indented body block when the block starts with blank or comment lines. * Fix TOC is not shown when no ":maxdepth:" for toctrees (ref: #771) * Fix warning message for ":numref:" if target is in orphaned doc (ref: #2244)- Update to 1.3.4 Release 1.3.4 (released Jan 12, 2016)[51] * #2134: Fix figure caption with reference causes latex build error * #2094: Fix rubric with reference not working in Latex * #2147: Fix litralinclude code in latex does not break in pages * #1833: Fix email addresses is showed again if latex_show_urls is not None * #2176: sphinx.ext.graphviz: use instead of to embed svg * #967: Fix SVG inheritance diagram is not hyperlinked (clickable) * #1237: Fix footnotes not working in definition list in LaTeX * #2168: Fix raw directive does not work for text writer * #2171: Fix cannot linkcheck url with unicode * #2182: LaTeX: support image file names with more than 1 dots * #2189: Fix previous sibling link for first file in subdirectory uses last file, not intended previous from root toctree * #2003: Fix decode error under python2 (only) when make linkcheck is run * #2186: Fix LaTeX output of mathbb in math * #1480, #2188: LaTeX: Support math in section titles * #2071: Fix same footnote in more than two section titles => LaTeX/PDF Bug * #2040: Fix UnicodeDecodeError in sphinx-apidoc when author contains non-ascii characters * #2193: Fix shutil.SameFileError if source directory and destination directory are same * #2178: Fix unparseable C++ cross-reference when referencing a function with :cpp:any: * #2206: Fix Sphinx latex doc build failed due to a footnotes * #2201: Fix wrong table caption for tables with over 30 rows * #2213: Set
in the classic theme to fit with

* #1815: Fix linkcheck does not raise an exception if warniserror set to true and link is broken * #2197: Fix slightly cryptic error message for missing index.rst file * #1894: Unlisted phony targets in quickstart Makefile * #2125: Fix unifies behavior of collapsed fields (GroupedField and TypedField) * #1408: Check latex_logo validity before copying * #771: Fix latex output doesn’t set tocdepth * #1820: On Windows, console coloring is broken with colorama version 0.3.3. Now sphinx use colorama>=0.3.5 to avoid this problem. * #2072: Fix footnotes in chapter-titles do not appear in PDF output * #1580: Fix paragraphs in longtable don’t work in Latex output * #1366: Fix centered image not centered in latex * #1860: Fix man page using :samp: with braces - font doesn’t reset * #1610: Sphinx crashes in japanese indexing in some systems * Fix Sphinx crashes if mecab initialization failed * #2160: Fix broken TOC of PDFs if section includes an image * #2172: Fix dysfunctional admonition [53]py@lightbox in sphinx.sty. Thanks to jfbu. * #2198,#2205: make gettext generate broken msgid for definition lists. * #2062: Escape characters in doctests are treated incorrectly with Python 2. * #2225: Fix if the option does not begin with dash, linking is not performed * #2226: Fix math is not HTML-encoded when :nowrap: is given (jsmath, mathjax) * #1601, #2220: ‘any’ role breaks extended domains behavior. Affected extensions doesn’t support resolve_any_xref and resolve_xref returns problematic node instead of None. sphinxcontrib-httpdomain is one of them. * #2229: Fix no warning is given for unknown options- Update to 1.3.3 - Updated project url in .spec file - Aligned version in BuildRequires: python-Pygments >= 2.0 with Requires line Release 1.3.3 (released Dec 2, 2015) Bugs fixed ---------- * #2012: Fix exception occurred if ``numfig_format`` is invalid * #2142: Provide non-minified JS code in ``sphinx/search/non-minified-js/*.js`` for source distribution on PyPI. * #2148: Error while building devhelp target with non-ASCII document. Release 1.3.2 (released Nov 29, 2015) Features added * #1935: Make "numfig_format" overridable in latex_elements. Bugs fixed ---------- * #1976: Avoid "2.0" version of Babel because it doesn't work with Windows environment. * Add a "default.css" stylesheet (which imports "classic.css") for compatibility. * #1788: graphviz extension raises exception when caption option is present. * #1789: ``:pyobject:`` option of ``literalinclude`` directive includes following lines after class definitions * #1790: ``literalinclude`` strips empty lines at the head and tail * #1802: load plugin themes automatically when theme.conf use it as 'inherit'. Thanks to Takayuki Hirai. * #1794: custom theme extended from alabaster or sphinx_rtd_theme can't find base theme. * #1834: compatibility for docutils-0.13: handle_io_errors keyword argument for cause TypeError. * #1823: '.' as for sphinx-apidoc cause an unfriendly error. Now '.' is converted to absolute path automatically. * Fix a crash when setting up extensions which do not support metadata. * #1784: Provide non-minified JS code in ``sphinx/search/non-minified-js/*.js`` * #1822, #1892: Fix regression for #1061. autosummary can't generate doc for imported members since sphinx-1.3b3. Thanks to Eric Larson. * #1793, #1819: "see also" misses a linebreak in text output. Thanks to Takayuki Hirai. * #1780, #1866: "make text" shows "class" keyword twice. Thanks to Takayuki Hirai. * #1871: Fix for LaTeX output of tables with one column and multirows. * Work around the lack of the HTMLParserError exception in Python 3.5. * #1949: Use ``safe_getattr`` in the coverage builder to avoid aborting with descriptors that have custom behavior. * #1915: Do not generate smart quotes in doc field type annotations. * #1796: On py3, automated .mo building caused UnicodeDecodeError. * #1923: Use babel features only if the babel latex element is nonempty. * #1942: Fix a KeyError in websupport. * #1903: Fix strange id generation for glossary terms. * #1796, On py3, automated .mo building cause UnicodeDecodeError * Fix: ``make text`` will crush if a definition list item has more than 1 classifiers as: * #1796: On py3, automated .mo building cause UnicodeDecodeError * ``make text`` will crush if a definition list item has more than 1 classifiers as: * Fixed #1855: make gettext generates broken po file for definition lists with classifier. ``term : classifier1 : classifier2``. * #1855: make gettext generates broken po file for definition lists with classifier. * #1869: Fix problems when dealing with files containing non-ASCII characters. Thanks to Marvin Schmidt. * #1798: Fix building LaTeX with references in titles. * #1725: On py2 environment, doctest with using non-ASCII characters causes ``'ascii' codec can't decode byte`` exception. * #1540: Fix RuntimeError with circular referenced toctree * #1983: i18n translation feature breaks references which uses section name. * #1990: Use caption of toctree to title of \tableofcontents in LaTeX * #1987: Fix ampersand is ignored in ``:menuselection:`` and ``:guilabel:`` on LaTeX builder * #1994: More supporting non-standard parser (like recommonmark parser) for Translation and WebSupport feature. Now node.rawsource is fall backed to node.astext() during docutils transforming. * On Py2 environment, that is generated by sphinx-quickstart should have u prefixed config value for 'version' and 'release'. * #2102: On Windows + Py3, using ``|today|`` and non-ASCII date format will raise UnicodeEncodeError. * #1974: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'domain' referenced before assignment when using `any` role and `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` in same time. * #2121: multiple words search doesn't find pages when words across on the page title and the page content. * #1884, #1885: plug-in html themes cannot inherit another plug-in theme. Thanks to Suzumizaki. * #1818: `sphinx.ext.todo` directive generates broken html class attribute as 'admonition-' when :confval:`language` is specified with non-ASCII linguistic area like 'ru' or 'ja'. To fix this, now ``todo`` directive can use ```:class:`` option. * #2140: Fix footnotes in table has broken in LaTeX * #2127: MecabBinder for html searching feature doesn't work with Python 3. Thanks to Tomoko Uchida.- Don't buildrequires latex-related stuff.- Split latex-related stuff into its own subpackage so we can depend on the necessary latex components.- Be explicit about six version requirements- fix build on CentOS/RHEL by conditionalizing Recommends: tag - add #!BuildIgnore: texinfo to work around CentOS-7 project config- Fix directory for man update-alternatives - Suggests are poorly-supported in openSUSE so use Recommends- Added python-six as a requirement, not only as build requirement- Update to 1.3.1 + Bugs fixed * see for complete list of fixed bugs - additional dependencies required by 1.3.1 + python-Babel + python-alabaster + python-snowballstemmer + python-sphinx_rtdtheme + python-mock + python-six - Update to 1.3 + Incompatible changes * Roles ref, term and menusel now don’t generate emphasis nodes anymore. If you want to keep italic style, adapt your stylesheet. * Role numref uses %s as special character to indicate position of figure numbers instead # symbol. * Dependency requirement updates: docutils 0.11, Pygments 2.0 * The gettext_enables config value has been renamed to gettext_additional_targets. * #1735: Use instead of http protocol. It was used for sphinx.ext.intersphinx and some documentation. * update bundled for setuptools-7.0 that requires Python 2.6 or later. * Dropped support for Python 2.5, 3.1 and 3.2. * Dropped support for docutils versions up to 0.9. * Removed the sphinx.ext.oldcmarkup extension. * The deprecated config values exclude_trees, exclude_dirnames and unused_docs have been removed. * A new node, sphinx.addnodes.literal_strong, has been added, for text that should appear literally (i.e. no smart quotes) in strong font. Custom writers will have to be adapted to handle this node. * PR#269, #1476: replace tag by . User customized stylesheets should be updated If the css contain some styles for tt> tag. Thanks to Takeshi Komiya. * #1543: templates_path is automatically added to exclude_patterns to avoid reading autosummary rst templates in the templates directory. * Custom domains should implement the new Domain.resolve_any_xref method to make the any role work properly. * gettext builder: gettext doesn’t emit uuid information to generated pot files by default. Please set True to gettext_uuid to emit uuid information. Additionally, if the python-levenshtein 3rd-party package is installed, it will improve the calculation time. * gettext builder: disable extracting/apply ‘index’ node by default. Please set ‘index’ to gettext_enables to enable extracting index entries. * PR#307: Add frame to code-block in LaTeX. Thanks to Takeshi Komiya. + Features added * Add convenience directives and roles to the C++ domain: directive cpp:var as alias for cpp:member, role :cpp:var as alias for :cpp:member, and role any for cross-reference to any C++ declaraction. #1577, #1744 * The source_suffix config value can now be a list of multiple suffixes. * Add the ability to specify source parsers by source suffix with the source_parsers config value. * #1675: A new builder, AppleHelpBuilder, has been added that builds Apple Help Books. * #1346: Add new default theme; Add ‘alabaster’ theme. Add ‘sphinx_rtd_theme’ theme. The ‘default’ html theme has been renamed to ‘classic’. ‘default’ is still available, however it will emit notice a recommendation that using new ‘alabaster’ theme. * Added highlight_options configuration value. * The language config value is now available in the HTML templates. * The env-updated event can now return a value, which is interpreted as an iterable of additional docnames that need to be rewritten. * #772: Support for scoped and unscoped enums in C++. Enumerators in unscoped enums are injected into the parent scope in addition to the enum scope. * Add todo_include_todos config option to quickstart conf file, handled as described in documentation. * HTML breadcrumb items tag has class “nav-item” and “nav-item-N” (like nav-item-0, 1, 2...). * New option sphinx-quickstart --use-make-mode for generating Makefile that use sphinx-build make-mode. * #1235: i18n: several node can be translated if it is set to gettext_additional_targets in Supported nodes are: ‘literal-block’ ‘doctest-block’ ‘raw’ ‘image’ * #1227: Add html_scaled_image_link config option to, to control scaled image link. * #1597: Added possibility to return a new template name from html-page-context. * PR#314, #1150: Configuration values are now checked for their type. A warning is raised if the configured and the default value do not have the same type and do not share a common non-trivial base class. * Add support for Python 3.4. * Add support for docutils 0.12 * Added sphinx.ext.napoleon extension for NumPy and Google style docstring support. * Added support for parallel reading (parsing) of source files with the sphinx-build -j option. Third-party extensions will need to be checked for compatibility and may need to be adapted if they store information in the build environment object. See env-merge-info. * Added the any role that can be used to find a cross-reference of any type in any domain. Custom domains should implement the new Domain.resolve_any_xref method to make this work properly. * Exception logs now contain the last 10 messages emitted by Sphinx. * Added support for extension versions (a string returned by setup(), these can be shown in the traceback log files). Version requirements for extensions can be specified in projects using the new needs_extensions config value. * Changing the default role within a document with the default-role directive is now supported. * PR#214: Added stemming support for 14 languages, so that the built-in document search can now handle these. Thanks to Shibukawa Yoshiki. * PR#296, PR#303, #76: numfig feature: Assign numbers to figures, tables and code-blocks. This feature is configured with numfig, numfig_secnum_depth and numfig_format. Also numref role is available. Thanks to Takeshi Komiya. * PR#202: Allow ”.” and “~” prefixed references in :param: doc fields for Python. * PR#184: Add autodoc_mock_imports, allowing to mock imports of external modules that need not be present when autodocumenting. * #925: Allow list-typed config values to be provided on the command line, like -D key=val1,val2. * #668: Allow line numbering of code-block and literalinclude directives to start at an arbitrary line number, with a new lineno-start option. * PR#172, PR#266: The code-block and literalinclude directives now can have a caption option that shows a filename before the code in the output. Thanks to Nasimul Haque, Takeshi Komiya. * Prompt for the document language in sphinx-quickstart. * PR#217: Added config values to suppress UUID and location information in generated gettext catalogs. * PR#236, #1456: apidoc: Add a -M option to put module documentation before submodule documentation. Thanks to Wes Turner and Luc Saffre. * #1434: Provide non-minified JS files for jquery.js and underscore.js to clarify the source of the minified files. * PR#252, #1291: Windows color console support. Thanks to meu31. * PR#255: When generating latex references, also insert latex target/anchor for the ids defined on the node. Thanks to Olivier Heurtier. * PR#229: Allow registration of other translators. Thanks to Russell Sim. * Add app.set_translator() API to register or override a Docutils translator class like html_translator_class. * PR#267, #1134: add ‘diff’ parameter to literalinclude. Thanks to Richard Wall and WAKAYAMA shirou. * PR#272: Added ‘bizstyle’ theme. Thanks to Shoji KUMAGAI. * Automatically compile *.mo files from *.po files when gettext_auto_build is True (default) and *.po is newer than *.mo file. * #623: sphinx.ext.viewcode supports imported function/class aliases. * PR#275: sphinx.ext.intersphinx supports multiple target for the inventory. Thanks to Brigitta Sipocz. * PR#261: Added the env-before-read-docs event that can be connected to modify the order of documents before they are read by the environment. * #1284: Program options documented with option can now start with +. * PR#291: The caption of code-block is recognised as a title of ref target. Thanks to Takeshi Komiya. * PR#298: Add new API: add_latex_package(). Thanks to Takeshi Komiya. * #1344: add gettext_enables to enable extracting ‘index’ to gettext catalog output / applying translation catalog to generated documentation. * PR#301, #1583: Allow the line numbering of the directive literalinclude to match that of the included file, using a new lineno-match option. Thanks to Jeppe Pihl. * PR#299: add various options to sphinx-quickstart. Quiet mode option - -quiet will skips wizard mode. Thanks to WAKAYAMA shirou. * #1623: Return types specified with :rtype: are now turned into links if possible. + Bugs fixed * see for complete list of fixed bugspython-Sphinx-latexlamb10 1592561360 1.7.6-lp152. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// script, ASCII textLaTeX document, ASCII textASCII textLaTeX auxiliary file, ASCII textUTF-8 Unicode textHױMuKOXnv`,utf-879e6e4675609866f0ffbc3b726bafd0e1603dad419731093f7ad8d632584715a? 7zXZ !t/3{] crt:bLL AA'a@j&qib6h<̗]SnL <Ѡ}-"u^#uC0F[B/*`q>rQo;{ajDJK/vҒ]):inI! :NZ`fA!Ib6yl)zUbi%ɡDFh;t]J߸Ύ"o 4 ѮdBSY gKE,dTſئ4i~Dj]3epO&]3o* x9gT9-g3H$pKQ)$uK =k2 ,NP38Ix QFzj?-bY ,sz>j .' & 1zӥ)U'gD،Cͼt$~ZCtu]-U+O{n29{k僠ÏucUwj/ ):DPE'Ȩ%=쐴ӅevW!;C_HSb^3F5Z -7^/c}% \'"U/rŚGO%2@zA w6e7SPaf Ȫ|G|nRk#|=PmtAG>.U{kB`4M}kFcИo'+jAK\>a*q5x]Sի^>fmL/h:z>Q"O ,Mɒf[Zo;~5~<&nw-8p suhڗ_cy_a6(BrV,oᑃȉtKM@!j{gD4`֝I+"DyZʏk7#&نRG}lagRIZqݸ;H+0nNH⑸;uRW@KF+WZVpK/.Yn6v.5g8`\g{NixA Q2=i;rFa4c_ᒷ<+z_6#&п]e@YJ=m6`4k_;֘VChw]e'[D<~ʫde!y|N = [9Hth0a"c `؆ n`kM+*1f,8ޏ?DhK3yRӉ_,wȷt<@&ӆ0]:5*R4>{&EQ(=6‡B(ؼo- 7p!O+LX5 Ovh?vm*մBuF%z,8loUHJd`AI<ln7ZHh1; A|!: wȼE8"o؇B./)Dn^#,CѷM,/=F;g  ,lȢe}T(g&\gn&bk30M4e.P4uI ѳE>kFUyts n0Lƺ-HfJi9 U4[vw|H 9/5Z{nI [%yTs:MuԐs-' 4p֬{w@*ij<6ssYE̥( Og7St$4)u%%v7=)w 1c jHB,j;;nc1a@U\L(SQ;"[Jx2x-UYg Bc w}~*ep sMTܦˣgXw%;uUc,B낾 Hr]ƿ (kD_+[l׿4I], }`;͊yqڡDFah!n\f- ]Ʈ6S[Vؠ$c'ޚmtG>8=a0\Ȭ<r u&b"G|_x!X)kf#B%DѮ X, ~aHJHɲgm> 6`۪ҎcD5SNLZV?ޚQt``q2ζ: ; ~lBb gWcZB'ּ W=di"8!ix!ۯ&Gpl ]6u^7=#(јMCG__fV MgQ?TlO{oF-fzkCh2ФofÀ^OWN?hx) 4۾MuGF#u(;ro> czgp,*EVȏͅ.dlxMb&]'.ob׬1&lIBAP+O-8"{蔾`GHXW`GrEQr$Q)\Jxx,l?udgCIܗky|EWm{+-z ALAyM!ʩ!4lɿ|~K)iߊ-;>5yj@ۘ?6}Fq#UeU@w/d_bPFwWb!Dw̜3:e:}'(Ȼd=gdJu^J̋`#S*m!NzJX%ᥞoPn9A 90[ DPDG}tL !v]'!^Ԩ聊c.Ixj6l?(FcQNeq,'J~غ0W\+fGb_fBA.G[Dc2&<*8Dfs'ԫ& %`?ڭy 'zQSP׫ [zRf E `PPy'ɑME jJ'кqw*> lTUc6cŧNNex)٤_Gq/F8V5>/l0 4luQ2ȴ'.֊Zeo^ eⰸ]&qvE ~4².'+Ax(K(Iӻ'tx6`joޑ@EdoaX;EJ]njҒDihh frk▝0.^Ob"V[Y\ObC~C69q=84u*? !xǹ3hJ-poTYxRwlHm"49xS1y%to|c'vuB/.Qm9+/>Ww0"u;Rk)KۃGb2/z1})"4bm$"rha9c7QL+isbQGZ7:;{ٍJO p!ptÊd/EG;9cLp~N+/sV&cFq);"y7jfir*eւD jkP=쿂`g1`!z<@#V>60s;MI]G:@,͛BqښU&*p{ٙ>e|TרjQ2A,:fms{Gȑy =ewl,zwW 'ul7 H~,`TVmpd2v̟Ys ,hR,1reCΰ*R| ÁR|toU2֚Xo<]^{ |3`SVwhxjRtGE; Anzz.$H!Ux/O.!2@ZZL@v>Yɖ-up0E= <4 ߍg@ĉcRї_D3ׇ_h t^{NʣIf/_z 11N;|fH~N0ж<:8{$6+2ɩ1|ǿ#şXDi3?ﳖ蒮;̨)֊,KH!\sN'&m9~@V|wQj'Au9ȪMK_ hFRS+Iq\c4,:Q8~'OSkZCV L|YW~YAXKN}jOOo#[fk.Œx+S zwKy6Á_Z"-AXC^,>SMPHyļj͗$.̘~q1pxOF `> gU‡OL}O"9+9j*Rp,KzEPaN2ESPt}ς&A}i¸A/t?S']b0|Y9+N:QWG[4Ӫp2ٖ`o(`o *T9%Y[(Й%3|UX L8sc$2gJ@3UH\&(Yk- WD~_*Gy$  Ȇ2O qmUõ'j9WxB@Wbp'eﶮeZckSڷmn Mv~nIZ~LX~bqT]q3kT"{";ǒ\D:*oʨ;A* ! p4GiEa]w#{>[^Ю%7UDItDuV6IxHw9Vz`9\+KdnA-J|45DD.TU^)D5\)Xxt7m!*Ct&aB7ppU'Ug^jRa22.eŐD62NAHm^ #9w2[iՠ_I#\J cQ"sYZ}Hn&DCk) Q J/F>1,' c1>\eli<hr땆aTaaM #3 p0e<˶7?MԻfڳXrMYdFkG爣{ ’,R YG͔eo&J);)(`ΙH9S<ی'մj#ds;HNgCρU4O@s?|&2bk&%T O)tWu9¯9Tih7;L1 vU`O~GqG?X(T)؜- \W_}"g"Nb_☍$DU},fE` jA*hDuL|$׽Άb;Ip&IMV1PWU/ $|T>i\+^@RL8nw*7ET_;cSk41ٳ)R *e]9vIs8Wp9v%,aAeZʘJw;4f;ړ9U;.Qͨ!kCNOF;iS%~o&{30w(y; $XnsC2" ()jnɋgOmAn.dKmSǵ}FhuAt̨wOԎq5d˶ b 9_5ZI2%C"s8Glaq)NJ1_)8KXU mk;BIm_{_R?Owz'?~4iְj虱v!SaQk->-1#pi>+(\ڍ=%=3 >k.ȥn'Ec$ o"m C_~.Iz[T Ɵn_AI|v9{g!aC4/tynɨS{C dRFE(\R;o6aC^C~P̂9սFWNB V\l¹$ Tt~bVA n-5k%Al2-&UwYAAdY[nI6ə&b=rQӛ2&C(CsG\M>\?c<a~ﳮ0wo%&^$O߀~{w0X|idh55d:v a?l&zq!.SQf!Wl't 5 ' ͖@5*ld݉D2.`[π|)Ottpr RaF0xؑ{}yZ3p}.4Nr@[ڧI~1AǕU ^o ELI+fV»6TPB W"nw9 sAΚE:2_DCQ@ayeowifC *SLvV隦.mQWToM y y B?yP6@h#7!y/8?[ T<8?cb9m5XD6@7-CgVWL+fEw/Hh;"^ y:njl`\} v60'gKL uG/| siH.2+Kou\d {^f8v~ 5a74ĮKJJ,r9.S>!Ug s:3lō-t}eoWI׋Գ5@GiݓLMcH4Kv-O+W؜{Ws_-'J*fT'Ü]L}  r], cI'u{ÇΪiR 65ЋRT O3{ODgE"ibs- wj ̜^u*˥%w3Q$ϴxСӰncC1'^O(~B98&oA!K00E,_fI~,vlȐЙgߘslk0Zs`6OVmBM}п`{vĖaojYG ɤ :B >%HjmpK3\Л/â]ߕ :P2E=.M+>F&yPd1j;3P‡iMH.Ua%m&sSȅإ2!yY͔4&י:nd9At+L,ZZQGc0Xd YDUB(0[c T#S+58L#1k$:rૡ2䖨 !./UiTUPZĐ9}{Au΋&f>j`|޼.z9%,I^0[pkq`pKJŪ2OJ¤]{|tGi9:w:ytF M"J?"qHVIꤝ^S>|M[b _KzkZiw %d>n|Rr8 M\0`'ߎS$Kngʔ" t^q`H5XhCexE~:$|́K~y^Q! -@ň1YaT/\ߐ8ǵY$ rWKV>br#oNBd0K*i"k+K!.A,$fbu9pAyب QIE:ty9@^b*kyz6@4F{"`KvI9zݯR']-^  $K*y;Ѳ'pd7?vh1޴םU~,tPe$n4@NZD."_-r1 ),)cwC/޶4--ε7i )~/l= ZtwR9 ^ ~6#"PpD0 vV]!il ARHӲF5YRݐ"\F  Χ9K 瘆x5V8^M,{ n{NA cB@[M5M2x^H"cL Vso*+1Zvfڍ A?Μz*|2aoBtf`cD8&UTR%,z"`Գ|xie.cǧs}J"J2 pPA'rUNTҫM 7|wx vL]/)Q|}CxΩEFW3NH洢[P^=<00!{Ჷ:,*țG'7V}_ fkp,揯@ƒ~/o֘0Ҝtpݤ2|}ш[}!)`=/q#v]4-mjZaU9FF/Y\URL/%C9М? s!ƏG%  v)"в=YVpꅆ9Y'~$NlhJ}Jv_ &@ JnyTn>n5w; #4*\.} CjnZߺ= 2. 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