mono-winfxcore-5.10.1-lp151.2.59 >  A \é/=„Y_$ cߣ,YPnC/'@mgB+ 0^3\dQ-Kǂv+b(ٸtc>PV.B|``O\fal*i}|lV\av]gX-#YYK_3p'AO0Ogttf~ ;\Pr;pCX/s ] p;oL?o<d # J  ;W]d              8 `   (8797: 7FjsGj Hj Ij XjYj\k( ]kP ^l<bm2cmdn;en@fnClnEunX vnznnnno8Cmono-winfxcore5.10.1lp151.2.59Mono implementation of core WinFX APIsThe Mono Project is an open development initiative that is working to develop an open source, Unix version of the .NET development platform. Its objective is to enable Unix developers to build and deploy cross-platform .NET applications. The project will implement various technologies that have been submitted to the ECMA for standardization. Mono implementation of core WinFX APIs\ 0’ not met * bxc#60545 - Multiple argument generic with contravariant interface as an argument causes MissingMethodException * bxc#60621 - XmlDocument.Load() throws WebException when DTD url is not reachable * bxc#60634 - Assertion failure ‘align > 0’ happening as of d15-5 * bxc#60680 - C# 7 ref returns fail to compile * bxc#60771 - Attempting to JIT compile method ‘System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe:Add (byte&,int)’ while running in aot-only mode * bxc#60865 - * Assertion at mini-codegen.c:2264, condition `sp > 0’ not met * bxc#61202 - Fatal error when adding aspect ratio constraint * gh#mono/mono#6169 - Thread objects are being leaked * gh#mono/mono#6187 - mkbundle Linux - program doesn’t run on system unless mono-core is installed * gh#mono/mono#6192 - System.Reflection.Emit: PropertyBuilder with generic type doesn’t add generic parameter * gh#mono/mono#6320 - [arm] unaligned access in ves_icall_System_ValueType_Equals * gh#mono/mono#6339 - System.TypeLoadException is thrown when run .net standard library with Mono * gh#mono/mono#6383 - System.Diagnostics.ProcessTest.Start1_FileName_NotFound failing * gh#mono/mono#6401 - Invalid array cast is supported * gh#mono/mono#6414 - sbyte comparison broken by optimization * gh#mono/mono#6490 - Reenable weak-fields.exe test * gh#mono/mono#6721 - Negate operation on uint.MaxValue gives wrong result on arm64 * gh#mono/mono#6777 - Memory corruption in Mono * gh#mono/mono#6848 - netstandard facade dlls have different public key tokens * gh#mono/mono#6848 - [XI]WatchOS apps fail to build with error “Undefined symbols for architecture armv7k” using XI with mono-2017-12 support * gh#mono/mono#7086 - Hybrid AOT throws invalid cast exception on dictionaries indexed with enum- Update to version (Service Release) - Switch aarch64 build to use older mcs instead of roslyn-csc to fix build failure - Packaging updated to add .NET 4.7.1 api support - Bugfixes: * gh#mono/mono#6658 - NullReferenceException at op_Increment when using assemblies compiled by csc rather than mcs that use native types such as nuint and that have specially-handled assembly names like Xamarin.Mac.dll. * gh#mono/mono#7472 - Incorrect NullReferenceException when using extension methods on null instances as Action or Func arguments or variables.- Fix armv6 build- Update to version (5.8.0 Stable) - Minor packaging updates - Remove patch: bug-57918.patch - Remove patch: bug-59608.patch - Remove patch: mcs-compatibility-fix.patch - Add fix-64bit-portability-issue.patch: * Fix build error: E: mono-core 64bit-portability-issue threads.c:1866 - New features and changes: * WebAssembly: it should be possible to build both the runtime and class libraries targeting WebAssembly * Profiler: added a new "quiet" mode; added Mono.Profiler.Log.dll, which provides an API to the profiler * Verifier: the runtime verifier now supports C# 7.0 byref returns * Modes for the SGen GC: sgen garbage collector now has support for so called "modes", check out the mode parameter documentation for the MONO_GC_PARAMS environment variable in the man page * Other changes: improved compatibily with alternative languages that depend on implicit widening of locals * Class Libraries: more classes was replaced by CoreFX codebase * MCS changes: mcs now has better support for C# 7 syntax * csi: You are now able to use Roslyn’s csi (C# interactive) REPL tool from the command line * Roslyn: roslyn was updated to the 2.3.2 release * ilasm: ilasm gained support for the AggressiveInlining keyword - Bugfixes: * bxc#4786 - After failed call to SqlConnection.Open (due to invalid password), subsequent invalid password attempts result in wrong exception * bxc#5798 - Thread abort can lead to locks not being released * bxc#5804 - Thread.ResetAbort can prevent appdomain unloading * bxc#6339 - Headers not being populated in SoapExtension * bxc#10074 - Error while updating status of command: MonoDevelop.Ide.Commands.ViewCommands.LayoutList * bxc#11696 - Missing MethodImpl has a duplicate * bxc#12157 - Missing: Init state for this differs depending on path * bxc#17325 - RealProxy returns MarshalByRefObject for an Interface instead of the real interface type * bxc#25755 - HttpClient.Timeout does not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException when setting Timeout property to 0 * bxc#31507 - ObjectDisposedException when canceling postAsync * bxc#36053 - Broken enum values conversion * bxc#36634 - IpcChannelTest.Bug609381 hangs on Linux * bxc#40556 - Output pad no longer displays unicode characters * bxc#41279 - Wrong syntax used for nested types in MethodAccessException (and similar) * bxc#43172 - Failure when alerting threads waiting on a socket that closes * bxc#43563 - Crash when struct Foo contains static field of type Foo[][] * bxc#44255 - Inconsistent results in the serialization of TimeZoneInfo. * bxc#44266 - Unable to change variable values whilst debugging * bxc#46683 - Recurring hang in System.Xaml on CI * bxc#52157 - SocketTest.ConnectedProperty test fails in FullAOT Linux runs * bxc#52621 - Typo in exception message in PKCS12.cs * bxc#55603 - Follow-up to bug 52845: Satellite assemblies not loaded by app when using “Bundle assemblies into native code” even though they are now successfully mkbundled * bxc#55697 - .NET 2.0 style web services fail to build under msbuild in Release but work with xbuild * bxc#56111 - Hitting assertion after enabling AOT+LLVM on x86 devices in tramp-x86.c:124 * bxc#56242 - TypeTest.GetGenericMethodDefinitionOverInflatedMethodOnGTD throws NRE on Android in Release mode * bxc#56452 - Problem Stack too big * bxc#56653 - Zygote crashes * bxc#56684 - (mono-2.0-sgen.dll) in mono.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x04FA3D9A. * bxc#56727 - Runtime crashes when disposing DeflateStream * bxc#56814 - Xamarin.Mac.dll Memory Leak starting with Release * bxc#57002 - New bockbuild package is missing .dSYM directories * bxc#57069 - WaitHandle.SignalAndWait is broke * bxc#57222 - System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException for two fields with same name but different types * bxc#57232 - Compiler error when using ternary operator and no whitespace * bxc#57476 - AOT fails with large StructLayout size on Debug+ARMv7 * bxc#57488 - Debugger crashes when inspecting variable in a unit test * bxc#57496 - [Slovenian CultureInfo + others] .Parse throws exception when parsing negative values * bxc#57505 - Missing error CS0165 in presence of commented line * bxc#57528 - [THIS WEEK] Nested streams using SslStream cause ObjectDisposedException when disposed * bxc#57629 - [io-layer] File.Delete () throws System.UnauthorizedAccessException on non-existing files on a read-only path * bxc#57691 - InternalsVisibleTo doesn’t work with 2048-bit SNK files * bxc#57744 - ReflectionTypeLoadException.LoaderExceptions has null exceptions * bxc#57771 - F#.NET Core 2.0 projects do not compile * bxc#57796 - Compiler Crash instead of CS1621 * bxc#57850 - Mono assertion when ResolveEventHandler returns a reflection-only assembly * bxc#57851 - Assertion if using ResolveEventHandler to find custom attributes * bxc#57887 - Console.Error.WriteLine in System.Net.NetworkInformation * bxc#57918 - System.Net.Sockets.EndSend returns incorrect value * bxc#57930 - Building netstandard 2.0 project throws DllNotFoundException: hostfxr during msbuild * bxc#57936 - Race conditions of mempool.c * bxc#57959 - SIGSEGV in roslyn with corrupted stack * bxc#58100 - mono_w32socket_convert_error: no translation into winsock error for (6) “Device not configured” * bxc#58114 - [llvm] csc (Rolsyn) produce fault clauses that the llvm backend does not support * bxc#58168 - pedump incorrectly reports mscorlib as invalid * bxc#58291 - Mono.CSharp Evaluator does not compile enums and throws an exception * bxc#58317 - Leaking threads: SGen worker and Finalizer * bxc#58344 - SIMD crash using System.Numerics.Vector * bxc#58361 - EnumBuilder can no longer be used to generate IL code * bxc#58379 - Mono jit gives different results that .net for simple il * bxc#58411 - System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Store root doesn’t exist * bxc#58421 - sre-save.c asserts in fixup_method () if TypeBuilder token is used across assemblies * bxc#58423 - Race condition of metadata.c (mono_metadata_get_canonical_generic_inst) * bxc#58454 - Cannot resolve method Subscription`1 Subscribe[TSelection](System.Func`2[TState,TSelection], System.Action`2[TSelection,TState]) because the declaring type of the method handle FSI_0002+Store`1[TState] is generic. Explicitly provide the declaring type to * bxc#58612 - When 2 breakpoints are hit at “same time” 2nd thread frames count==0 * bxc#58621 - CS1703: An assembly `gactestlib’ with the same identity has already been imported. Consider removing one of the references * bxc#58637 - Heap overflow when using GetAssemblyName * bxc#58738 - System.IO.MonoIO.Read - Native Crash when device file is gone * bxc#58770 - * Assertion at ..\mono\utils\mono-threads.c:707, condition `info’ not met * bxc#58782 - Exception stack traces are deleted when reaching the native-to-managed wrapper in a reverse invoke * bxc#58793 - Fix pedump to use normal runtime init sequence * bxc#58809 - Return result of Type.IsAssignableFrom with the generic parameters differs from MS.NET one * bxc#58829 - Application Output Window being flooded with “[Mono] worker parking, [Mono] worker unparking” messages when debugging agasint Android Emulator. * bxc#58877 - MonoTests.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskTests.Delay_Simple fails randomly after upgrade to Xcode 8.3 * bxc#58901 - Breaking ABI change on 32 bits with xcode 8.3 or newer * bxc#58911 - performance degradation with linq expressions * bxc#58965 - csi fails with “type Object is defined in an assembly that is not referenced” * bxc#59039 - bug-18026.exe test times out on armel/armhf * bxc#59154 - runtime can’t load secondary-dependent library from newly unpacked temp directory * bxc#59180 - verifier does not handle TYPEDBYREF properties * bxc#59235 - [mono-2017-06] android.runtime.JavaProxyThrowable: System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. * bxc#59239 - [mono2017-06]FileTest.SymLinkLoop failed on tvOS device * bxc#59281 - System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException: The wait completed due to an abandoned mutex. * bxc#59334 - Expression: Can’t catch non-exception objects (mono wraps them with RuntimeWrappedException) * bxc#59364 - Assertion at dynamic-image.c:209, condition `prev == MONO_HANDLE_RAW (obj)’ not met * bxc#59430 - api-diff not outputing out params correctly * bxc#59436 - MT3001 error * bxc#59664 - Type.GetType(“”, true) throws ArgumentException on Mono but TypeLoadException on .NET * bxc#59824 - Casting an array of enums is inconsistent with .NET Framework behavior * bxc#59832 - [iOS]MT3001 error: Could not AOT the assembly error while building iOS/mobile samples * bxc#59909 - WebInvokeAttributeTest.RejectTwoParametersWhenNotWrapped() fails on Android * bxc#59916 - get_current_locale_name fails under the load with String conversion error: Illegal byte sequence encounted in the input * bxc#59953 - [llvm][bitcode] test_0_float_return_spill failed: got 1, expected 0 * bxc#60233 - Assertion in dynamic-image.c after 792b5367cd3a6ffa1a192c4d2d7ace3509cbb646 * bxc#60238 - Mono assertion hit when using csharp repl * bxc#60245 - FieldInfo.GetValue fails on ContextBoundObject * bxc#60317 - Stuck WebRequest * bxc#60340 - Csc msbuild task fails to find csc.exe * bxc#60480 - [mono-2017-10] ZipArchiveTests in System.iO Compression tests fail on device * bxc#60539 - mini-codegen.c:1265, condition `reginfo [sreg].born_in > 0’ not met * bxc#60545 - Multiple argument generic with contravariant interface as an argument causes MissingMethodException. * bxc#60634 - Assertion failure ‘align > 0’ happening as of d15-5 * bxc#60771 - Attempting to JIT compile method ‘System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe:Add (byte&,int)’ while running in aot-only mode * bxc#61002 - Runtime exception: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: ‘MobileAuthenticatedStream’. * gh#mono/mono#6169 - Thread objects are being leaked * gh#mono/mono#6339 - System.TypeLoadException is thrown when run .net standard library with Mono * gh#mono/mono#6383 - System.Diagnostics.ProcessTest.Start1_FileName_NotFound failing- Update to version (Service Release) - Bugfixes: * bxc#59956 - [llvm][bitcode] [FAIL] UniqueIdTest.Ctor_Id (System.Runtime.Serialization tests)- Update to version (Service Release) - Patch bug-59608.patch was updated - Bugfixes: * bxc#59281 - System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException: The wait completed due to an abandoned mutex * bxc#59302 - Task in Mono is throwing exception "Length cannot be less than zero" * bxc#59364 - Assertion at dynamic-image.c:209, condition "prev == MONO_HANDLE_RAW (obj)" not met * bxc#59832 - [iOS]MT3001 error: Could not AOT the assembly error while building iOS/mobile samples * bxc#60233 - Assertion in dynamic-image.c after 792b5367cd3a6ffa1a192c4d2d7ace3509cbb646- Add bug-59608.patch: * Fix bxc#59608 - Attribute MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining causes method to always return NULL- Add bug-57918.patch: * Fix bxc#57918 - System.Net.Sockets.EndSend returns incorrect value- Update to version (5.4.0 Stable) - Minor packaging updates - Remove patch: 0001-btls-Disable-BUILD_SHARED_LIBS-while-building-boring.patch - Remove patch: fix-project-builds-linux.patch - Add patch mcs-compatibility-fix.patch: * When using deprecated MCS compiler to build Mono, convert incompatible C#6\C#7 code to C#5 analog in order to fix build errors. - New features and changes: * JIT Job Control: improve Roslyn performance * Array element store optimization * Load scalability improvements * ValueType write barrier optimization * Make jit method table resizing more scalable * Reflection queries scalability improvements * Intrisificy Marshal.PtrToStruct for blitable types * Revamped unaligned memory access support * Interpreter works in JIT restricted environments * Interpreter supports ARM and ARM64 * Class Libraries: integrated AppContextSwitch code from reference sources which allows all of its compat switches to be used, added reference assemblies for .NET Framework 4.7 to support builds targetting .NET 4.7. * Tools: bundled nuget binary was updated to version 4.3.0, added packaging for roslyn-parts of msbuild. - Bugfixes: * bxc#580 - Type.Load loads strong type despite version mismatch * bxc#17325 - RealProxy returns MarshalByRefObject for an Interface instead of the real interface type * bxc#44907 - Applications crash on Nexus 9 devices only since Xamarin.Android * bxc#46482 - SIGSEGV at random code lines after application start on Nexus 9 with Xamarin Android 7 * bxc#51791 - [XA] HTC Nexus 9 - app closes on launch * bxc#52508 - TLS SignalR Self-host Hang * bxc#53038 - SRE should fail more gracefully when SymbolWriter is missing * bxc#53202 - Number minus Enum gives wrong value * bxc#53244 - mcs generates ParamArrayAttribute when specifying “params” in overridden method where base doesn’t have it * bxc#53792 - CFNetworkHandler reports correct download when internet connection is lost during request * bxc#54159 - Compiler crashes when calling method named Finalize * bxc#54322 - await in catch-block inside a loop causes the same exception to be caught multiple times * bxc#54388 - InternalsVisibleTo is case sensitive * bxc#54448 - Unable to revert to thread-local storage for CurrentThread.CultureInfo * bxc#54485 - Creating an open generic type with recurrent constraint fails * bxc#54658 - [iOS]BCL test failed with Assertion failures error: * Assertion at /Users/builder/data/lanes/4691/6bea7a5b/source/xamarin-macios/external/mono/mono/mini/aot-runtime.c:2924, condition `!async’ not met and condition `unwind_options == MONO_UNWIND_NONE’ not * bxc#54976 - [iOS]fsharp test failing on iOS device with Assertion at /Users/builder/data/lanes/4691/9245c1c0/source/xamarin-macios/external/mono/mono/mini/mini-arm-gsharedvt.c:220, condition `src_slot < 16’ not met * bxc#54991 - Cannot compile get => _text * bxc#55041 - Stripping mscorlib in simple example changes IntPtr (5) behavior? * bxc#55083 - coreclr test fails after 6f33b62f39a273fccb78f71513cb5e0dfb987c70 * bxc#55095 - Breakpoints not hit for ASP.NET MVC Project * bxc#55348 - “using static” results in invalid compiler errors * bxc#55400 - MCS produces incorrect code for generic instantiated with a gtd * bxc#55436 - System.Runtime refuses to load with strict naming * bxc#55577 - SIMD instructions with System.Numerics.Vectors do not work * bxc#55603 - Follow-up to bug 52845: Satellite assemblies not loaded by app when using “Bundle assemblies into native code” even though they are now successfully mkbundled * bxc#55604 - Incorrect struct size when using property setter * bxc#55697 - .NET 2.0 style web services fail to build under msbuild in Release but work with xbuild * bxc#56081 - Returning a valuetype from an async method with an awaited parameter yields a Mono.CSharp.InternalErrorException: Await yields with non-empty stack * bxc#56111 - Hitting assertion after enabling AOT+LLVM on x86 devices in tramp-x86.c:124 * bxc#56202 - [mono-2017-04]Apps fail to launch on 32 bit device with error EXC_ARM_DA_ALIGN at 0x0142ccec * bxc#56240 - Performance Degradation When Using Expressions * bxc#56242 - TypeTest.GetGenericMethodDefinitionOverInflatedMethodOnGTD throws NRE on Android in Release mode * bxc#56247 - Enumerable.OrderByDescending behaves differently on LLVM FullAOT * bxc#56452 - Problem Stack too big * bxc#56462 - Custom operator causes internal compiler error * bxc#56493 - Windows MMAP doesn’t release file * bxc#56499 - DateTime.Now throws exception if /etc/localtime symlink destination missing * bxc#56567 - Passing large struct into exception filter method crashes runtime with SIGSEGV * bxc#56611 - Regression: ArrayTypeMismatchException when running F# script * bxc#56616 - Missing CS1629 for unsafe code in iterators * bxc#56627 - mcs inherits interface implementation, while csc doesn’t * bxc#56684 - (mono-2.0-sgen.dll) in mono.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x04FA3D9A. * bxc#56694 - Assertion: should not be reached at d:\j\workspace\v\repos\mono\mono\sgen\sgen-scan-object.h:91 * bxc#56814 - Xamarin.Mac.dll Memory Leak starting with Release * bxc#56821 - Static ctor of MarshalByRefObject runs in primary AppDomain * bxc#56824 - Runtime crash with VSMEF * bxc#57002 - New bockbuild package is missing .dSYM directories * bxc#57222 - System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException for two fields with same name but different types * bxc#57232 - Compiler error when using ternary operator and no whitespace * bxc#57242 - [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] doesn’t work as expected * bxc#57301 - Running IronPython’s executable under Mono 5.0.x causes a SIGSEGV on exit, this did not happen on 4.8 * bxc#57496 - [Slovenian CultureInfo + others] .Parse throws exception when parsing negative values * bxc#57505 - Missing error CS0165 in presence of commented line * bxc#57629 - [io-layer] File.Delete () throws System.UnauthorizedAccessException on non-existing files on a read-only path * bxc#57691 - InternalsVisibleTo doesn’t work with 2048-bit SNK files * bxc#57744 - ReflectionTypeLoadException.LoaderExceptions has null exceptions * bxc#57771 - F#.NET Core 2.0 projects do not compile * bxc#57796 - Compiler Crash instead of CS1621 * bxc#57850 - Mono assertion when ResolveEventHandler returns a reflection-only assembly * bxc#57851 - Assertion if using ResolveEventHandler to find custom attributes * bxc#57930 - Building netstandard 2.0 project throws DllNotFoundException: hostfxr during msbuild * bxc#57959 - SIGSEGV in roslyn with corrupted stack * bxc#58114 - [llvm] csc (Rolsyn) produce fault clauses that the llvm backend does not support * bxc#58210 - “* Assertion at metadata.c:1048, condition `index < meta->heap_strings.size’ not met” is output on startup - works fine on Windows * bxc#58344 - SIMD crash using System.Numerics.Vector * bxc#58361 - EnumBuilder can no longer be used to generate IL code * bxc#58399 - Delegates as collection key are ~500x slower than previously * bxc#58421 - sre-save.c asserts in fixup_method () if TypeBuilder token is used across assemblies * bxc#58446 - [iOS]EnumerableMoreTest.ConcatArgumentNullTest crash on tvOS device * bxc#58454 - Cannot resolve method Subscription`1 Subscribe[TSelection](System.Func`2[TState,TSelection], System.Action`2[TSelection,TState]) because the declaring type of the method handle FSI_0002+Store`1[TState] is generic. Explicitly provide the declaring type to * bxc#58738 - System.IO.MonoIO.Read - Native Crash when device file is gone * bxc#58782 - Exception stack traces are deleted when reaching the native-to-managed wrapper in a reverse invoke * bxc#58829 - Application Output Window being flooded with “[Mono] worker parking, [Mono] worker unparking” messages when debugging agasint Android Emulator * bxc#59235 - [mono-2017-06] android.runtime.JavaProxyThrowable: System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. * bxc#59274 - [Mac]A crash report is generated on closing mac apps- Update to version (5.2.0 SR4) - Changes: * Mono cecil source updated (more info at - Bugfixes: * bxc#44027 - Chunked HTTP PUT times out * bxc#57919 - dynamic object is not supported * bxc#58829 - Application Output Window being flooded with "[Mono] worker parking, [Mono] worker unparking" messages when debugging agasint Android Emulator.- Update to version (5.2.0 Stable) - New features and changes: * Strong assembly names: mono will now optionally respect public keys and version numbers when loading strongly signed assemblies * Added experimental default interface methods support * System.Numerics.Vectors: the library is now considered ready for general usage * .NET Standard 2.0 support: loading and running a library compiled against the 2.0 standard should work fine now * The reference assemblies were updated to provide the .NET 4.7 API set * The mono command now runs as a 64bit application by default. You can use the --arch=32 option to run Mono as 32bit again * Optimized Array Stores * Class Initialization Improvements * GC: reduced minor collection pause times * Interpreter now passes the majority of the JIT test suite, it can now run non-trivial programs - Added upstream patch provides-facades.patch: * Search provides (for RPM-packaging) not only for GAC dir, but also for "Facades" and "4.5" mono-libdirs - Added upstream patch 0001-btls-Disable-BUILD_SHARED_LIBS-while-building-boring.patch: * Disable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS while building boringssl, so its symbols are not exported from the btls shared lib - Added upstream patch fix-project-builds-linux.patch: * Fix finding nuget packages in lower-case dirs on case-sensitive filesystems - Added patch fix-dbg-headers.patch: * Add missing internal headers to distribution in order to fix build for mono-debugger package - Bugfixes: * bxc#580 - Type.Load loads strong type despite version mismatch * bxc#39444 - Action ReflectedType differs from Delegate ReflectedType for virutal methods * bxc#43805 - Output of DateTime.Now() differs on Mono for ambiguous time period * bxc#43988 - Stack overflow in System.Text.Encoding.Default * bxc#46661 - Runtime exception filters truncate exception stack traces on NSLog * bxc#46929 - Datetime error on * bxc#47221 - Thread.Name can only be set once inside async callback * bxc#47599 - HttpClient Transfer-Encoding:chunked is not added to the header - not able to transfer large files * bxc#49721 - Assembly binder uses wrong strongly named assembly when same assembly with different version exists in local folder * bxc#50529 - crash in thread-native-exit.exe * bxc#51522 - Overload resolution fails for referenced assembly * bxc#51561 - Getting process name of process running under higher privilege user throws exception * bxc#51653 - mono_thread_info_wait_one_handle ignored alertable argument * bxc#52086 - Nullable structs with implicit operators generate invalid IL code when compiling with Mono * bxc#52294 - C# compiler reports an incorrect error in a lambda with generic constraints * bxc#52340 - Compiler crashes with FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION (nullref) * bxc#52345 - Process has exited, so the requested information is not available * bxc#52429 - Shutdown hang then crash in Finalizer thread * bxc#52437 - Random NullReferenceExceptions in StringBuilder.ThreadSafeCopy * bxc#52448 - StreamContent apparently needs to rewind stream before sending it * bxc#52475 - MTOUCH: error MT3001: Could not AOT the assembly * bxc#52511 - configure script doen’t detect bad configuration * bxc#52549 - error: mono_w32socket_convert_error: no translation into winsock error for (41) "Protocol wrong type for socket" * bxc#52590 - Cannot compile for iOS, TypeBuilder exists in two places. * bxc#52599 - await in finally clause prevents disposal of enclosing using statement * bxc#52600 - Full AOT: Strange combination of structs, generics, and enums causes runtime failure * bxc#52743 - denied loading problems * bxc#52845 - [Cycle 9] Satellite assemblies not bundled when using "Bundle assemblies into native code" due to "unknown escape sequence" error from gcc during mkbundle step * bxc#52866 - F# sprintf AOT bug still exists * bxc#52899 - mprof-report missing filenames in coverage xml output when using portable pdbs * bxc#53066 - Can’t Build Project in Debug with "Could not AOT the assembly" * bxc#53131 - Calling MakeArray() on a type with a rank that is too big does not throw an exception. * bxc#53153 - Implement RuntimeHelpers::IsReferenceOrContainsReferences * bxc#53166 - Application crashes when setting a get-only property in constructor * bxc#53196 - List<>.Sort() using insertion sort does not sort all values when equality isn’t checked. * bxc#53202 - Number minus Enum gives wrong value * bxc#53231 - csc doesn’t unify same file passed multiple times when one path is relative * bxc#53278 - Two coreclr SIMD test failures (one regression from 4.8) * bxc#53334 - es-US Culture wrong number formatting * bxc#53684 - Crash when enumerating directory and selecting the first file * bxc#53689 - [Test] Certificate7 disabled due to SecCertificateCreateWithData does different things on 10.11 vs 10.12 with invalid certificates * bxc#53792 - CFNetworkHandler reports correct download when internet connection is lost during request * bxc#53843 - Mono deadlocks on shutdown while waiting for a process which has died * bxc#53890 - Regression: Native crash while running tests with xunit with mono 2017-02 branch, works with * bxc#54212 - Mono allows casts of non-zero bound array to zero bound array * bxc#54322 - await in catch-block inside a loop causes the same exception to be caught multiple times * bxc#54448 - Unable to revert to thread-local storage for CurrentThread.CultureInfo * bxc#54485 - Creating an open generic type with recurrent constraint fails * bxc#54991 - Cannot compile get => _text * bxc#55041 - Stripping mscorlib in simple example changes IntPtr (5) behavior? * bxc#55083 - coreclr test fails after 6f33b62f39a273fccb78f71513cb5e0dfb987c70 * bxc#55436 - System.Runtime refuses to load with strict naming * bxc#55577 - SIMD instructions with System.Numerics.Vectors do not work * bxc#55603 - Follow-up to bug 52845: Satellite assemblies not loaded by app when using "Bundle assemblies into native code" even though they are now successfully mkbundled * bxc#55681 - System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.build_metadata bug when running FAKE’s test suite * bxc#56081 - Returning a valuetype from an async method with an awaited parameter yields a Mono.CSharp.InternalErrorException: Await yields with non-empty stack * bxc#56240 - Performance Degradation When Using Expressions * bxc#56247 - Enumerable.OrderByDescending behaves differently on LLVM FullAOT * bxc#56275 - Unable to copy appname.dll from obj to bin because it is being used by another process * bxc#56493 - Windows MMAP doesn’t release file * bxc#56567 - Passing large struct into exception filter method crashes runtime with SIGSEGV * bxc#56611 - Regression: ArrayTypeMismatchException when running F# script * bxc#56694 - Assertion: should not be reached at d:\j\workspace\v\repos\mono\mono\sgen\sgen-scan-object.h:91 * bxc#56821 - Static ctor of MarshalByRefObject runs in primary AppDomain * bxc#56824 - Runtime crash with VSMEF * bxc#57222 - System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException for two fields with same name but different types * bxc#57744 - ReflectionTypeLoadException.LoaderExceptions has null exceptions- ucontext.patch: use ucontext_t instead of struct ucontext- Update to version (5.0.1 Stable) - Bugfixes: * bxc#56275 - Unable to copy appname.dll from obj to bin because it is being used by another process * bxc#56240 - Performance Degradation When Using Expressions * bxc#56177 - peverify fails on FSharp.Core.dll with mono_os_mutex_lock * bxc#55858 - Microsoft.WebApplication.targets Missing from mono5 * bxc#56322 - Running nunit tests with domain isolation crashes Mono * bxc#55988 - Apps using Roslyn crash when trying to load Roslyn * bxc#56260 - "This stream does not support writing at System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.BeginWrite" message * bxc#55087 - "System.NotSupportedException: Stack walks are not supported on this platform - System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod" message on Android- Disable rosyln on ppc64le- Update to version (5.0 Stable) - New features and changes: * Shipping Roslyn C# compiler to enable C#7 support * Support for msbuild and deprecating xbuild (msbuild currently not included, xbuild deprecated but still maintained) * Enabling concurrent SGen garbage collector to reduce time spent in GC * Continued Progress on .NET Class Library convergence - Packaging changes: * Do not package roslyn csc compiler on platforms that do not support it * Add xbuild-revert-to-mcs.patch: revert xbuild to use old mcs compiler on platforms that do not support roslyn- Enable external BTLS library build only on supported platforms (x86 and x86_64 right now): * Fix build for arm, arm64, ppc64, ppc64le. - Enable pedump binary packaging for arm64 builds.- Update to version (4.8 Service Release 1) - Remove patch mono-config-fix-monoposixhelper-libdir.patch: * Instead, use fix from official spec file - New features (see for more info): * Some API additions for .NET Standard 2.0 * Mono now ships with TLS 1.2, powered by Google’s BoringSSL project * The MKBundle tool has been updated to easily support cross-compilation * Runtime Logging: the new MONO_LOG_DEST environment variable can set to instruct the runtime where to write the tracing messages to * Concurrent SGen mode improved * More code have been adopted from Reference Source - Bugfixes: * bxc#3323: Assertion when deleting global namespace inside method * bxc#3399: [PATCH] pending_exception support is incomplete * bxc#3434: Mono Compiler crashes when using a DelegateType as a method call * bxc#3706: generics aot jit problem * bxc#3735: Attempting to JIT compile method: using Linq’s “Any” fails on the device * bxc#3767: Unit test UI table cell extends beyond cell bounds for failed test * bxc#3811: DataContractJsonSerializer deserialization fails with subclass of List as known type * bxc#3850: ScrollEventArgs in Form_Scroll method has invalid values * bxc#3960: DismissModalViewControllerAnimated() crashes on 5.2.9 * bxc#4006: MonoDevelop fails to start with no warning if Gtk# is not installed on windows * bxc#5644: Mono allows to access not accessible method * bxc#7467: DefaultNonPersistentConnectionLimit is to low * bxc#12571: Usage of XElement with XmlAnyElementAttribute is not supported by XmlSerializer * bxc#19594: WebException.Response is null when https request needs proxy authentication * bxc#29189: Compiling class referencing corefx facade/contract assemblies raises error “Reference to type System.SByte claims it is defined assembly mscorlib,.. but couldn’t be found” * bxc#30686: ZipArchive ctor throws InvalidDataException for WebConnectionStream * bxc#30821: Compilation generates CS1701 warning * bxc#32374: WebRequest::BeginGetRequestStream incorrectly sets IAsyncResult::CompletedSynchronously to always true * bxc#33571: Mono crashes when marshalling fixed arrays * bxc#34802: Debugger crash on break-all, step into sequence. * bxc#35536: Dns.GetHostEntry no longer supports IPv6 * bxc#35662: Type System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens.BinarySecretSecurityToken is missing in assembly System.IdentityModel * bxc#39282: [System.IO.Compression] issues with ZipArchiveEntry streams * bxc#39859: Xamarin.Android apps on the Samsung Galaxy S7 fails to start with the error System.ExecutionEngineException SIGILL * bxc#40603: Mono can’t parse Date in DB wich is in format: “2016-02-04 10:39:11Z” * bxc#40916: [System.IO.Compression] ZipArchive can create an ZipArchiveEntry that has a modified time of DateTime.MinValue * bxc#41035: DataViewTest2.DataView_ListChangedEventTest occasionally fails with llvm+sgen * bxc#41349: System.TimeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime (DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset) Not Implemented Exception * bxc#41393: [WatchOS 2] Incorrect calling convention for P/Invokes taking structures * bxc#41431: [aot] Build fails due to ‘Sgen STW requires a working mono-context’ error * bxc#41466: mono_class_is_subclass_of return incorrect value by assuming mono_class_init has been called on parameters * bxc#41477: SafeSocketHandle ObjectDisposedException ‘handle’ exception with linked CancellationTokenSource * bxc#41492: DateTimeOffset.ToLocalTime() throwing erroneous error * bxc#41509: DLR crashes when trying to convert a object to null. * bxc#41530: [iOS]TimerTest failing randomly on devices, * bxc#41552: HttpResponseMessage does not support multiple Links header entries * bxc#41575: A Method That Accepts a FormattableString Object Is Not Called * bxc#3323: Assertion when deleting global namespace inside method * bxc#3399: [PATCH] pending_exception support is incomplete * bxc#3434: Mono Compiler crashes when using a DelegateType as a method call * bxc#3706: generics aot jit problem * bxc#3735: Attempting to JIT compile method: using Linq’s “Any” fails on the device * bxc#3767: Unit test UI table cell extends beyond cell bounds for failed test * bxc#3811: DataContractJsonSerializer deserialization fails with subclass of List as known type * bxc#3850: ScrollEventArgs in Form_Scroll method has invalid values * bxc#3960: DismissModalViewControllerAnimated() crashes on 5.2.9 * bxc#4006: MonoDevelop fails to start with no warning if Gtk# is not installed on windows * bxc#5644: Mono allows to access not accessible method * bxc#7467: DefaultNonPersistentConnectionLimit is to low * bxc#12571: Usage of XElement with XmlAnyElementAttribute is not supported by XmlSerializer * bxc#19594: WebException.Response is null when https request needs proxy authentication * bxc#29189: Compiling class referencing corefx facade/contract assemblies raises error “Reference to type ‘System.SByte’ claims it is defined assembly ‘mscorlib,..’ but couldn’t be found” * bxc#30686: ZipArchive ctor throws InvalidDataException for WebConnectionStream * bxc#30821: Compilation generates CS1701 warning * bxc#32374: WebRequest::BeginGetRequestStream incorrectly sets IAsyncResult::CompletedSynchronously to always true * bxc#33571: Mono crashes when marshalling fixed arrays * bxc#34802: Debugger crash on break-all, step into sequence. * bxc#35536: Dns.GetHostEntry no longer supports IPv6 * bxc#35662: Type System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens.BinarySecretSecurityToken is missing in assembly System.IdentityModel * bxc#39282: [System.IO.Compression] issues with ZipArchiveEntry streams * bxc#39859: Xamarin.Android apps on the Samsung Galaxy S7 fails to start with the error System.ExecutionEngineException SIGILL * bxc#40603: Mono can’t parse Date in DB wich is in format: “2016-02-04 10:39:11Z” * bxc#40916: [System.IO.Compression] ZipArchive can create an ZipArchiveEntry that has a modified time of DateTime.MinValue * bxc#41035: DataViewTest2.DataView_ListChangedEventTest occasionally fails with llvm+sgen * bxc#41349: System.TimeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime (DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset) Not Implemented Exception * bxc#41393: [WatchOS 2] Incorrect calling convention for P/Invokes taking structures * bxc#41431: [aot] Build fails due to ‘Sgen STW requires a working mono-context’ error * bxc#41466: mono_class_is_subclass_of return incorrect value by assuming mono_class_init has been called on parameters * bxc#41477: SafeSocketHandle ObjectDisposedException ‘handle’ exception with linked CancellationTokenSource * bxc#41492: DateTimeOffset.ToLocalTime() throwing erroneous error * bxc#41509: DLR crashes when trying to convert a object to null. * bxc#41530: [iOS]TimerTest failing randomly on devices, * bxc#41552: HttpResponseMessage does not support multiple Links header entries * bxc#41575: A Method That Accepts a FormattableString Object Is Not Called * bxc#41602: Compiler fails to recognize Indexer * bxc#41616: Mono 4.4.0 crashes when using Socket.ConnectAsync to a unix domain socket if the path doesn’t exist * bxc#41667: new DateTime().ToLocalTime() results in an exception * bxc#41705: MonoTests.System.Threading.MonitorTest.Enter_Null crashes test runtime with assertion * bxc#41775: Zip version needed to extract not correct in System.IO.Compression * bxc#41782: [Cycle 7] “System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure” when attempting web requests with certain raw IP addresses * bxc#41874: Reflection throws AmbiguousMatchException when calling GetProperty on a class that inherits from a generic base class. * bxc#41897: NotSupportedException thrown from IPInterfaceProperties.UnicastAddresses * bxc#41937: invoke.exe test asserts on bitcode * bxc#41955: Bitcode “missing image did not probe corlib” exception thrown * bxc#41979: CodeDom cannot call mcs because of invalid encoding configuration * bxc#42057: error CS0121: The call is ambiguous * bxc#42169: (managed_alloc) Fatal: Managed allocator missing for (mkbundle) in Mono 4.4.X * bxc#42191: sdb deadlocks all the time while XS debugs XS * bxc#42198: error CS0529: Inherited interface causes a cycle in the interface hierarchy. * bxc#42219: [System.IO.Compression] Cannot create ZipArchive with duplicate entries with same name * bxc#42224: Compiler crashed with code: 1, “Await yields with non-empty stack” from AssertEmptyStack () * bxc#42226: WCF client Expecting FaultException raising NotImplemented Exception instead When element is provided. * bxc#42271: COOP: gc unsafe mode when printing native backtrace causes crash if GC is triggered * bxc#42274: System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive vs System.Xml.XmlReader * bxc#42395: Build runs indefinitely and never finishes * bxc#42408: WebClient.DownloadString returns 401 Unauthorized when using Basic authentication * bxc#42410: String Interpolation available even when langversion < 6 * bxc#42413: Volatile fields don’t enforce acquire - release semantics like Volatile.Read() and Volatile.Write() * bxc#42584: InternalError / Crash when using System.Net.Http and PCL library * bxc#42585: Switch fall-through not rejected * bxc#42611: wrong compiler error when using IEnumerable.Sum * bxc#42625: coop: crash with watchos system tests * bxc#42688: Can’t wait for more than 429496 ms (429s) * bxc#42702: Unnecessary dependency checks * bxc#42750: Deploying an iOS app to iPhone 6S crashes when a breakpoint is set * bxc#42843: XmlSerializer does not deserialize UTC Time values on Xamarin.Android but works well on windows. * bxc#42864: [Cycle 7] “System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure” on second web request to certain raw IP addresses with HttpClient * bxc#42887: Encoding iso-8859-1 throws IndexOutOfRangeException for Unicode surrogate pairs * bxc#43022: ZipArchive.Entries is not updated when ZipArchiveEntry is deleted * bxc#43032: System.Uri cannot parse url with underscore at start * bxc#43099: [watchOS] Cannot enter GC safe region if the thread is not attached * bxc#43193: Keep CurrentCulture in async/await * bxc#43265: Inconsistency in Compilation of Async Code Compared to MSFT Compilers * bxc#43291: Runtime crash at reflection.c:mono_custom_attrs_construct_by_type while calling GetCustomAttributes for a proxy class * bxc#43320: Thread aborts in the middle of .cctor and hell break loose * bxc#43357: WCSessionReplyHandler crashes WatchKit app * bxc#43400: “using static” dependent on compile order * bxc#43471: pragma warning disable still shows warnings in “Errors” pad * bxc#43512: TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId ArgumentException * bxc#43636: [Cycle 8] “Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection” in System.Collections.Generic.List1[T].set_Item() when attempting to compile certain C# code involving tasks, async/await, and try/catch/finally * bxc#43695: Nuget resolves .netstandard <= 1.3 when Xamarin.IOS does not support it * bxc#43696: Delegate caching can invoke unrelated implementation leading to strange results * bxc#43718: mcs crashes when unable to resolve type inside lambda using the ‘as’ operator * bxc#43786: peverify is broken again * bxc#43921: System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context tries to allocate, crashes * bxc#44025: FTP download issue with IPv6 * bxc#44109: NetworkCredential does not convert SecureString * bxc#44164: gosharp-regexp benchmark triggers unwinding crash when profiling * bxc#44168: Can use non-accessible member with nameof * bxc#44381: Debugger crash with domain unloading and VSTU * bxc#44402: Array doesn’t implement non-generic IEnumerable * bxc#44406: Xamarin.Mac.Socket exception:An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used * bxc#44413: HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation behaves differently from .NET * bxc#44440: Attempting to JIT error in function with pointer arithmetic * bxc#44549: Ide Shuts down: System.ArgumentException: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: ‘XamlG’ Key being added: ‘XamlG’ * bxc#44624: Connecting to SQL Server using IPv4 exception. * bxc#44707: RemotingConfiguration.Configure() Throws RemotingException Because it Cannot Load ‘machine.config’ * bxc#44729: Type.GetType(“blah”,true,false) throws TypeLoadException without message * bxc#44751: Incorrect code flow analysis with goto and out parameter causes CS0177 * bxc#44843: SqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync throws NotImplementedException * bxc#44937: System.Diagnostics.StartProcess does not detect dotnetcore compiled assemblies as managed * bxc#44978: HttpClientHandler.SendAsync should throw HttpRequestException for proxy auth failure * bxc#44994: DeflateStream decompression is incomplete if reading byte-by-byte * bxc#45129: Uri.IsWellFormedUriString returns incorrect result for relative uris beginning with slash * bxc#45137: Seeing new AAPT0000 errors when building certain projects against master * bxc#45270: Cannot add System.Reactive to watchOS Extension project * bxc#45286: C# string interpolation line does not compile on OSX but does on MSBuild * bxc#45774: Wrong scopes in .mdb in case of foreach loop * bxc#45788: Marshaling a native NULL pointer to a managed array creates a new zero sized array * bxc#46175: If the RSA will be used by multiple threads, it has a variety of exceptions. * bxc#46190: Overload resolution fails in a case where methods use a named parameter in different positions * bxc#46250: Type.GetType with throwOnError true doesn’t throw for a generic instance type with too few generic arguments * bxc#47205: Uri.TryCreate throws exception * bxc#42414: Run path_helper in OSX postinstall script to make Mono commands available in same shell session * bxc#42365: Mono 4.4.1 OSX package doesn’t clean up old symlinks from /usr/local/bin- Update to version 4.6.2 (service release) * bxc#44708 - TrustFailure when attempting to access HTTPS servers on ports other than 443 * bxc#39832 - SIGSEGV when running roslyn- add boehm define in specfile to exclude boehm parts on aarch64 - enable buildrequires for valgrind on aarch64- Update to re-release from (no public changelog)- Update to version 4.6.1 (Bugfix release) * bxc#44402 - Array doesn’t implement non-generic IEnumerable - Drop upstream applied bxc-44402.patch- Update source tarball from to v4.6.0.245 * fixes in mcs/class/Microsoft.NuGet.Build.Tasks/Makefile - added bxc-44402.patch: bxc#44402 - Array doesn’t implement non-generic IEnumerable. See for more details- Update to version 4.6.0 * bxc#4242 - JavaScriptSerializer should use invariant culture * bxc#5644 - Mono allows to access not accessible method * bxc#6057 - UdpClient IPv6 Receive throws ArgumentException * bxc#8554 - System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping - SendPingAsync operation fails * bxc#10108 - mono_jit_cleanup asserts/aborts on shutdown if soft debugging * bxc#11699 - FileStream writing incorrectly (some internal position is wrong) * bxc#12205 - MethodInfo.ReflectedType returns declaring type for generic base classes * bxc#13538 - Extraneous lines in Application Output for Debug.WriteLine * bxc#13957 - Xamarin.Android Apps are crashing on dual core x86 Devices * bxc#18361 - FileInfo.MoveTo does not work with absolute paths * bxc#20186 - Another AOT bug * bxc#23206 - MS allows threadpool threads to be renamed multiple times * bxc#24974 - Exception occurs in __ComObject finalizer when shutting down process * bxc#27303 - NullReferenceException with ARMv7 * bxc#29585 - Type.GetMethods returns generic method that cannot be specialized * bxc#29916 - System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.GetCustomAttributes always throws NullReference exception. * bxc#30686 - ZipArchive ctor throws InvalidDataException for WebConnectionStream * bxc#30821 - Compilation generates CS1701 warning * bxc#32020 - Don’t default to –with-tls=pthread on Solaris/x86 * bxc#32315 - Inspecting a variable gives information from the incorrect symbol * bxc#32374 - WebRequest::BeginGetRequestStream incorrectly sets IAsyncResult::CompletedSynchronously to always true * bxc#32561 - Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Build.Utilities * bxc#32768 - New bcl-tests crashing due to System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object * bxc#33551 - System.Net.SmtpClient uses an invalid HELO name * bxc#33553 - System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive produces bad archive files * bxc#33809 - Exception with SignalR 2.2 and Mono 4.2.0 * bxc#34133 - [iOS]System test failures on iOS devices with cycle6 build * bxc#34314 - without API suffix is referenced by System.Imaging * bxc#34413 - SOAP header within the SOAP envelope is not being serialized correctly * bxc#34498 - AOT task fails if project path has a space in it * bxc#34883 - bcl-test failure in PingTest.PingSuccess on Samsung Galaxy S3 * bxc#34916 - GZipStream fails on iOS * bxc#35004 - Filename returned by LocalEndpoint of UnixListener has null characters appended to the end which causes the socket file to not be deleted when the UnixListener is disposed * bxc#35872 - Cultureinfo -> numinfo internal field is NonSerialized on Mono, but not on Windows * bxc#35876 - Incorrect return of DateTime.ToUniversalTime method for DateTime.MaxValue. * bxc#36080 - [Mono 4.2] “‘System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress10’ does not have a static method ‘GetSchema’ that takes a parameter of type ‘System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet’” when using the Xamarin Mobile profile with some WCF client apps * bxc#36116 - Mono 4.2 generates incorrect “”, causing “Could not find file ‘/TempConvert.wsdl’” when adding or updating a Web Reference in Xamarin Studio * bxc#36183 - Since upgrading to Xamarin Android 6 get error error MSB3733: Input file “obj\Android\Debug\android\AndroidManifest.xml” cannot be opened * bxc#36192 - Error binding Socket to Loopback * bxc#36388 - Application settings produce extra XML headers during saving * bxc#36401 - [XM 2.4] “System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Failed to load configuration section for dataContractSerializer” when using ChannelFactory with the “Xamarin.Mac .NET 4.5 Framework” * bxc#36723 - [iOS][llvm/thumb] Linksdk “Linker_RuntimeWrappedException” test crash on iOS device with master build * Assertion at ../../../../../mono/mono/mini/aot-runtime.c:4733, condition `plt_entry’ not met * bxc#36786 - Dictionary constructed with StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase malfunctions if culture is changed after adding values * bxc#36829 - XmlSerializer does not support subclasses when serializing sequences of items * bxc#36852 - Update to latest Xamarin.Android ( causes random application crashes with no information * bxc#36988 - stderr is not redirected correctly * bxc#37116 - [iOS] Application.Current.Properties does not persist on iOS with Forms * bxc#37246 - [tvOS]System test failure on device * bxc#37414 - Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem returns false on OS X * bxc#37582 - Latest master crashes when trying to set breakpoint on async anonymous method * bxc#37583 - MAJOR performance decrease between and 4.2.1 * bxc#37681 - Fails to parse negative integers with Hebrew region set * bxc#37695 - Delegate references an overridden method in derived class misbehaves when marshalled as a parameter to native C function. * bxc#37732 - [iOS] HttpWebRequestTest.NtlmAuthentication failed on iOS device with mono 4.3.2 * bxc#37801 - C * bxc# 6: Compiler crashed with code: 1 - FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION * bxc#37834 - GetFileAttributes does not return FileAttributes.ReadOnly for locked file on OSX * bxc#37848 - CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(0) should throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException instead of CultureNotFoundException * bxc#37886 - mcs 4.2.2 generates bad IL when string-interpolating a dynamic object * bxc#37891 - System.Net.Configuration/SmtpSection.cs missing ‘deliveryFormat’ * bxc#38012 - Using Task’s under memory pressure leads to unexpected crashes inside the TPL on iOS * bxc#38025 - The debugger now steps and breaks correctly when stepping into, over or out of a function which recursively calls itself. * bxc#38145 - [XI]watchOS unit test fails to build with MT5210: Native linking failed * bxc#38161 - instability/crash when using DateTime under cpu load * bxc#38222 - Mono crashes if accessing attribute from missing reference .dll * bxc#38223 - missing package in arm64 build * bxc#38250 - Stack Corruption in mono involving tailcalls (where code is fine on Windows) * bxc#38322 - HttpListenerRequest.IsLocal isn’t good enough * bxc#38331 - No longer able to run unit test project from command line via ‘mono nunit-console.exe’ * bxc#38379 - Byte enums fail to compare correctly on 64 bit iOS devices when using the LLVM compiler * bxc#38382 - New bcltest failure in AsyncTaskMethodBuilderTest.CallContextFlow * bxc#38392 - Seeing new consistent test-bcl crash on new Marshmallow devices after switching to mono 4.3.2 * bxc#38408 - Error disposing of Filestream when leaving using statement * bxc#38525 - kill -QUIT produces a very broken stacktrace * bxc#38553 - FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion is not populated from AssemblyVersion * bxc#38599 - Regression: SynchronizationContext.Current returns wrong value in delegate run by SynchronizationContext.Send. * bxc#38600 - mkbundle Doesn’t support assemblies with spaces in their names * bxc#38614 - Form creation fails when System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIWin32 was initialized from thread which is already finished * bxc#38638 - Getting build error “Error initializing task XmlPeek: Not registered task XmlPeek” * bxc#38666 - Review (and fix) uses of mono_msec_ticks * bxc#38703 - Linq.Expression when assigned from a lambda exression aren’t constructed correctly * bxc#38712 - Mono 4.3 Cryptography.ProtectedData fails to decrypt data from Mono 4.2 * bxc#38796 - FileInfo.ToString misbehaving after MoveTo * bxc#38818 - linked apps with Java.Interop.dll crash on device * bxc#38825 - mono_image_open() does not check header anymore * bxc#38933 - CryptographicException from ProtectedData in multi-threaded execution * bxc#38992 - error CS1009: Unrecognized escape sequence ‘_’ in $@ String * bxc#39042 - appdomain-unload.exe sometimes hangs in CI * bxc#39077 - AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException prevents exceptions in ThreadPool from crashing the application * bxc#39153 - return wrong value if async/await used in finally block * bxc#39200 - Console app crashes with 4.4.0, assertion * bxc#39266 - C * bxc#6 null conditional operator does not appear to work with async when using mono/xbuild * bxc#39279 - Thread pool sizes are incorrect on linux when processor affinity is set, which complicates running mono applications in docker containers * bxc#39282 - [System.IO.Compression] issues with ZipArchiveEntry streams * bxc#39305 - [iOS]Signal Current failure in mscorlib tests * bxc#39347 - Assertion when passing delegate of icall method to p/invoke * bxc#39420 - [iOS]mini test failures when Armv7s+LLVM is enabled in release config * bxc#39455 - Nameof operator doesn’t handle sub-expressions * bxc#39459 - Corrupted async result when returning new struct directly * bxc#39528 - [iOS] [Private] Assertion: should not be reached at tramp-arm64-gsharedvt.c:78 * bxc#39568 - Unmanaged crash: icall.c:5484: Could not resolve type with token 01000008 assembly:System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 type:System.IdentityModel.Tokens.IssuerTokenResolver member: * bxc#39569 - Validation of ETag by HttpHeaders.Add is too strict * bxc#39574 - Compilattion Error CS0842 thrown on Expression Body getter property with explicit StructLayout * bxc#39631 - PPDB support fails to load any pdb when verifier is involved * bxc#39644 - * Assertion at image.c:512, condition `image->heap_guid.size >= 16’ not met * bxc#39669 - When using XML configuration files, a broader set of configuration section types is now available, including System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler. * bxc#39715 - ppdb support causes crash at shutdown * bxc#39746 - Assertion at method-to-ir.c:11652 when using mono master/ca7b692f4 and nuget * bxc#39824 - Exceptions can now be serialized using SerializeObjectState. * bxc#39866 - Await + finally produces exe that causes InvalidProgramException on Windows * bxc#39911 - System.Reflection.Emit.DerivedType isn’t an IReflectableType so GetTypeInfo throws * bxc#40040 - * Assertion: should not be reached at mini.c:4403 * bxc#40060 - System.TypeSpec.Parse cannot parse generics + anonymous type name * bxc#40088 - Call in lamda of static method with dynamic parameter fails in constructor argument * bxc#40108 - ConditionalWeakTable collects values when the key is kept alive as toggle-ref * bxc#40144 - checking for __sync_bool_compare_and_swap… no * bxc#40175 - Runtime crashes on ‘-v –version’ * bxc#40187 - System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory on Linux does not handle /.. in the path * bxc#40239 - SIGSEGV 27408 repro * bxc#40368 - Setting FileInfo.LastWriteTime has different results with mono32 and mono64 * bxc#40462 - [ios] FileStreamTest.OpenCharDeviceRepeatedly(mscorlib) failure in ios device * bxc#40493 - Invalid IL when using ?. operator on a Func parameter in a generic function when T is unconstrained * bxc#40536 - Compiler crash when attaching an event of a templated delegate with wrong template type * bxc#40568 - Runtime crashing on System.Enum.GetValues on char enums with F * bxc# * bxc#40570 - [tvos]Crypto test failures (linksdk) due to secure channel fialure on AppleTV * bxc#40574 - [iOS tvOS]SystemRuntimeSerialization test failure with master build * bxc#40603 - Mono can’t parse Date in DB wich is in format: “2016-02-04 10:39:11Z” * bxc#40624 - mscorlib tests fails on master * bxc#40643 - Process leaking handles leads to “too many open files” * bxc#40646 - Oid and FriendlyName for sha384 * bxc#40697 - Some NumberFormat have wrong GroupSeparator * bxc#40758 - [Regression] Remoting instance is not proxied * bxc#40860 - MT2001 Could not link assemblies Value does not fall within the expected range * bxc#40886 - pdb is always prefered over mdb * bxc#40899 - InvalidCastException using AppleTLS * bxc#40916 - [System.IO.Compression] ZipArchive can create an ZipArchiveEntry that has a modified time of DateTime.MinValue * bxc#40945 - NREX when modifying project/solution properties * bxc#40953 - Bad performance using TypeBuilder * bxc#41035 - DataViewTest2.DataView_ListChangedEventTest occasionally fails with llvm+sgen * bxc#41052 - fsharp build from source fails * bxc#41128 - System.Text.Encoding.Default behaviour change * bxc#41171 - System.Drawing.Imaging.PngCodecTest.Bitmap2bit* tests fail on Linux ARM64 * bxc#41224 - HttpClientHandler.UseProxy = false setting is ignored. * bxc#41264 - [iOS]System “Socket” tests fails on devices with System.ObjectDisposedException * bxc#41280 - System.MethodAccessException is thrown from wrong frame * bxc#41290 - Behavior change of ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback’s SslPolicyErrors result for untrusted CA certificates * bxc#41393 - [WatchOS 2] Incorrect calling convention for P/Invokes taking structures * bxc#41431 - [aot] Build fails due to ‘Sgen STW requires a working mono-context’ error * bxc#41492 - DateTimeOffset.ToLocalTime() throwing erroneous error * bxc#41509 - DLR crashes when trying to convert a object to null. * bxc#41530 - [iOS]TimerTest failing randomly on devices * bxc#41552 - HttpResponseMessage does not support multiple Links header entries * bxc#41564 - XmlSerializer duplicate key bug * bxc#41575 - A Method That Accepts a FormattableString Object Is Not Called * bxc#41602 - Compiler fails to recognize Indexer * bxc#41616 - Mono 4.4.0 crashes when using Socket.ConnectAsync to a unix domain socket if the path doesn’t exist * bxc#41644 - Shutdown deadlock for mono 4.5.1/master with Xamarin Studio * bxc#41667 - new DateTime().ToLocalTime() results in an exception * bxc#41671 - [iOS]HttpListenerRequestTest.HttpRequestIsLocal fails on deivce * bxc#41724 - [iOS]monotouch-test unified fails to build with error ambiguous call error * bxc#41747 - [iOS] System.Core test-watchOS crash on device * bxc#41775 - Zip version needed to extract not correct in System.IO.Compression * bxc#41782 - [Cycle 7] “System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure” when attempting web requests with certain raw IP addresses * bxc#41786 - Mono is broken when building with the macOS 10.12 SDK * bxc#41833 - [SGEN?] XS crashed. error: * Assertion at gc.c:867, condition `finalizer_thread_exited’ not met * bxc#41874 - Reflection throws AmbiguousMatchException when calling GetProperty on a class that inherits from a generic base class. * bxc#41897 - NotSupportedException thrown from IPInterfaceProperties.UnicastAddresses * bxc#41947 - [iOS]Could not AOT assembly error on building System.Numerics with Release config * bxc#41956 - [watchOS] [LLVM] Incorrect codegen/optimizations * bxc#41961 - [watchOS] [LLVM] Exceptions in Delegate.BeginInvoke callbacks are not handled on the threadpool thread, causing process to exit due to unhandled exception * bxc#41979 - CodeDom cannot call mcs because of invalid encoding configuration * bxc#42057 - error CS0121: The call is ambiguous * bxc#42169 - (managed_alloc) Fatal: Managed allocator missing for (mkbundle) in Mono 4.4.X * bxc#42191 - sdb deadlocks all the time while XS debugs XS * bxc#42198 - error CS0529: Inherited interface causes a cycle in the interface hierarchy. * bxc#42219 - [System.IO.Compression] Cannot create ZipArchive with duplicate entries with same name * bxc#42224 - Compiler crashed with code: 1, “Await yields with non-empty stack” from AssertEmptyStack () * bxc#42274 - System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive vs System.Xml.XmlReader * bxc#42408 - WebClient.DownloadString returns 401 Unauthorized when using Basic authentication * bxc#42410 - String Interpolation available even when langversion < 6 * bxc#42413 - Volatile fields don’t enforce acquire - release semantics like Volatile.Read() and Volatile.Write() * bxc#42584 - InternalError / Crash when using System.Net.Http and PCL library * bxc#42585 - Switch fall-through not rejected * bxc#42606 - [Regression] Compact seq point enabled by default causes 100% CPU usage * bxc#42611 - wrong compiler error when using IEnumerable.Sum * bxc#42625 - coop: crash with watchos system tests * bxc#42688 - Can’t wait for more than 429496 ms (429s) * bxc#42702 - Unnecessary dependency checks * bxc#42750 - Deploying an iOS app to iPhone 6S crashes when a breakpoint is set * bxc#42864 - [Cycle 7] “System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure” on second web request to certain raw IP addresses with HttpClient * bxc#42887 - Encoding iso-8859-1 throws IndexOutOfRangeException for Unicode surrogate pairs * bxc#42938 - Can’t build netstandard PCL library with xbuild * bxc#43032 - System.Uri cannot parse url with underscore at start * bxc#43099 - [watchOS] Cannot enter GC safe region if the thread is not attached * bxc#43265 - Inconsistency in Compilation of Async Code Compared to MSFT Compilers * bxc#43291 - Runtime crash at reflection.c:mono_custom_attrs_construct_by_type while calling GetCustomAttributes for a proxy class * bxc#43357 - WCSessionReplyHandler crashes WatchKit app * bxc#43400 - “using static” dependent on compile order * bxc#43471 - pragma warning disable still shows warnings in “Errors” pad * bxc#43512 - TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId ArgumentException * bxc#43636 - [Cycle 8] “Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection” in System.Collections.Generic.List1[T].set_Item()` when attempting to compile certain C * bxc# code involving tasks, async/await, and try/catch/finally * bxc#43645 - Items and properties not emitted for up to date targets * bxc#43718 - mcs crashes when unable to resolve type inside lambda using the ‘as’ operator - drop libgdiplus0-un-devel.patch (included upstream)- Update to mono, service release 4.4 SR1. Bugfixes since v4.4.1.0: * bxc#30686 - ZipArchive ctor throws InvalidDataException for WebConnectionStream * bxc#34498 - AOT task fails if project path has a space in it * bxc#39100 - ‘library not loaded’ error when using embedded mono * bxc#39282 - [System.IO.Compression] issues with ZipArchiveEntry streams * bxc#40916 - [System.IO.Compression] ZipArchive can create an ZipArchiveEntry that has a modified time of DateTime.MinValue * bxc#41264 - System “Socket” tests fails on devices with System.ObjectDisposedException * bxc#41290 - Behavior change of ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback’s SslPolicyErrors result for untrusted CA certificates * bxc#41530 - [iOS]TimerTest failing randomly on devices * bxc#41979 - CodeDom cannot call mcs because of invalid encoding configuration * bxc#42219 - [System.IO.Compression] Cannot create ZipArchive with duplicate entries with same name * bxc#42274 - System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive vs System.Xml.XmlReader * bxc#42688 - Can’t wait for more than 429496 ms (429s)- Update to mono, service release 4.4 SR0. Bugfixes since v4.4.0.182: * bxc#41775 - Zip version needed to extract not correct in System.IO.Compression * bxc#41782 - [Cycle 7] "System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure" when attempting web requests with certain raw IP addresses * bxc#41874 - Reflection throws AmbiguousMatchException when calling GetProperty on a class that inherits from a generic base class.- Added mono-config-fix-monoposixhelper-libdir.patch to fix incorrect substitution of $mono_libdir (only for in mono config file: * Fix incorrect replacement of $mono_libdir in config file for libMonoPosixHelper native library, when system libdir (/usr/lib64 on x86_64 builds) differs from mono install dir (/usr/lib)- Update to mono, new major release v4.4. Short changelog since v4.2: * Class Libraries now tracking .NET 4.6.1 APIs, folder structure is updated. Support for older APIs via reference assemblies * WCF: WebHttpBinding must use http scheme in case when SecurityMode == WebHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly * Embedding API: mini_parse_debug_option allows embedders to set debug options programatically, without going through the MONO_DEBUG environment variable. * Unmanaged Thin Locks: improved performance for locks and thin locks in some cases, decrease in performance for the case of repetitive nesting of a lock * libmono now defaults to SGen * FullAOT: Generic Value Type Sharing improvements * Cooperative Mode for SGen GC by using MONO_ENABLE_COOP environment variable * Thread Priority Setting: Implement a SetPriority/GetPriority facility for real-time threads * Other improvements to garbage collector: concurrent capabilities, lock-free GC handles, performance and memory optimizations * Profiler: annotate GC roots, so the profiler can get better visibility into the nature of objects that keep objects alive * Threadpool: no longer using the sparse array for the threadpool, as for many thread it would slow down some operations * Debugger: the soft debugger now allows nested invocations to take place * PowerPC: the PowerPC backend has been updated to support big endian systems * C# Compiler: null operator (?.) has been implemented for dynamic expressions * Named events and semaphores: the support for sharing named events/semaphores etc. between processes (MONO_ENABLE_SHM) has been removed. Use Mono.Posix instead * Reflection: major upgrade to Reflection APIs for Roslyn support * Tools updated: csharp, mdoc, mkbundle, xbuild More information at: - Packaging changes: * spec file updated according to upstream srcrpm * removed upstreamed patches: mono-nunit-default-runtime-4.5.patch, strncat-process-c.patch, mono-un-revoke-fix-in-BNC-144655.patch * removed PPC patches: ppc_instruction_length_of_atomic_add_i4_is_28.patch, fix_atomic_add_i4_support_for_32bit_ppc.patch, basic_changes_powerpc_be.patch, ppc_add_monocontext_and_async_callback.patch, fix_passing_struct_parms_per_elf_abiv2.patch, update_elf_abiv2_testcases.patch, partial_sharing_false_4_powerpc.patch, fix_exception_when_reading_from_timezone_file.patch * fix incorrect requires for libmono-2_0-devel package: it should require libmonosgen-2_0-devel when building with %{sgen} flag enabled, fix broken symlinks to libmonosgen lib- added find-deps-fix.patch: remove libmono library check from mono-find-requires and mono-find-provides scrits to fix custom dependencies generator in other mono packages (that invoke this scripts directly) - added missing provide-dependencies from /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Facades dir (that was removed at Nov 17 2015 changes) - added System.Transactions and System.Configuration.Install provide-dependencies to mono-devel- update to (service release), bugfixes: * bxc#36116 - [System.Web.Services] Unix paths fix * bxc#37079 - [jit] Fix the support for gshared types in mini_emit_initobj () * bxc#37273 - [llvm] Disable support for nested clauses. * bxc#38012 - [sgen] Fix register scanning on ARM * bxc#37846 - [jit] Fix the reference type detection for Volatile:Read/Write () - remove outdated authors.patch as it was removed on purpose update to (maintenance release) bug fixes: C# Compiler * bxc#33341 - Set null operator barrier between invocation instance and its arguments Class Libraries * bxc#35857 - [System.Data] Implement CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess support for GetValues method * bxc#28693 - [System] Remove arbitrary debugging limit from FileSystemWatcher on OSX * bxc#36003 - [corlib] Invalid DateTime format for Finnish and DateTime parser not supporting same separator for date and time (edit) * bxc#37171 - [System.Runtime.Serialization] XmlObjectSerializer: fix ISerializable * [System.Runtime.Serialization] Static serializer calls directly into internal APIs to fix 4.2.1 * [corlib] Fix multicast delegate remove behavior * [corlib] Fix multicast Method property * [System.XML] Fix endless recursion in XmlCompiledTransform on mobile Runtime * bxc#35828 - [runtime] Fix Thread.CurrentThread in non-root appdomains by setting the tls slot in start_wrapper, otherwise Thread.CurrentThread would create a new Thread object so there would be two * bxc#20186 - [runtime] Make sure ptr-to-structure and structure-and-ptr wrappers are unique, this is needed by full aot * bxc#36292 - [jit] Avoid a verification error in gsharedvt code with ldarga + gshared types * bxc#36256 - [aot] Cache inflated methods loaded from aot images to avoid repeating an expensive search * bxc#35545 - [runtime] Implement native-to-managed marshalling of byref delegate arguments * bxc#36383 - [gsharedvt] Fix support for constrained calls on interfaces. * bxc#36566 - [jit] Increase the buffer size used by the dyncall data structures to 512. * threadpool] Fix get min and available threads icalls. * [verifier] Fix the verifiers to handle Roslyn style fixed blocks. Garbage Collector * Multiple fixes for rare crashes in sgen: * Fix marking of cards on 64bit * Don’t hardcode the nursery size in aot write barriers * Fix race between block allocation and concurrent sweep * Make sure we scan aligned memory regions Profiler * Avoid a crash at shutdown by installing the assembly unload hook for the ‘start_unload’ event instead of the ‘end_un- update to * Bugfixes- add libgdiplus0-un-devel.patch to fix boo#944754- retrieve from upstream all ppc patches not yet in 4.2.1 tarball ppc_instruction_length_of_atomic_add_i4_is_28.patch fix_atomic_add_i4_support_for_32bit_ppc.patch basic_changes_powerpc_be.patch (already done yesterday) ppc_add_monocontext_and_async_callback.patch fix_passing_struct_parms_per_elf_abiv2.patch update_elf_abiv2_testcases.patch partial_sharing_false_4_powerpc.patch fix_exception_when_reading_from_timezone_file.patch- new basic_changes_powerpc_be.patch to build ppc64 archi and disable ppc build that still segfault.- Update to version * More adoption of Microsoft's open source code * Support for PPDB debugging format * New threadpool implementation * Runtime optimizations * Extensive bug fixing (see for complete list) - Temporary fixes for old incorrect dependencies. See this link for more details: - Added authors.patch to fix missing authors file - Added strncat-process-c.patch - fix insecure use of strncat at process.c:383 to fix OBS build - Added mono-un-revoke-fix-in-BNC-144655.patch - fix BNC#144655 - Various packaging fixes- Update to version, Bugfixes: #34345, #33585, #34470- Update to version, Bugfixes: #31582, #30868, #28777, #30043, #31060, #30276, #30869 - Dropped mono-bug-28777.patch- Update to version, Bugfixes: * bxc#28600: Some LLVM artifacts are being written to the base project dir rather than obj/$Config/ * bxc#26205: System.IO.Package.LoadRelationships throws null reference for some NuGet packages with PCLs generated on Windows * bxc#30868: ObjectDisposedException in mono, but not mono 3.12.1 * bxc#31582: iOS -O=float32 fails for some operations on ARM7 * bxc#30043: Disposing a FileSystemWatcher object causes ArgumentOutOfRangeException * bxc#31060: F# sprintf AOT bug happens still now - Dropped unnecessary mono-3.x-keyboards.resources-cp_r.patch- Update to version Update to version Update to version * fixed bug: 30171 - Removed mono-bug-30171.patch (fix included in release)- Update to version * fixed bugs: 29459, 29898, 29667, 28557, 29177, 28847, 28209, 26998, 29039 and more * fixes in mono profiler - Add mono-bug-30171.patch to fix BinaryReader bug with Unicode encoding - Removed amd64-tramp-size.patch (fix included in release)- Add mono-bug-28777.patch to fix a DeflateStream bug, should fix KeePass problems- Update to version 4.0.1 * Adoption of Microsoft’s open source code * C# 6.0 * Floating point optimizations * Dropped support for the 2.0, 3.5 and 4.0 assemblies * Updated IKVM * Lighter Debugger overhead * Basic PowerPC64 LE support - Drop patches included by upstream: * X509Certificate-workaround.patch * gc-64bit-portability-warning.patch * 0001-ppc64le-fixes.patch - Drop mono-data-postgresql now maintained at - Add amd64-tramp-size.patch - Add gmcs redirect to still build legacy packages- Don't run parallel build. It is too fragile- Cleanup patch numbers - Rebase ppc64 patches based on upstream (commits are 173eaf1dfaf, 7e056cd346c, PR#1479) - 0001-ppc64le-fixes.patch bsc#923558 - drop mono-core-ppc64le-callreg.diff - drop mono-core-ppc64le-swr11r12.diff - mono-core-ppc64le.diff- add CVE IDs for 3.12.1 bsc#921312 release- Add timezone requires: Ensure that DateTime functionality is given when installing mono-core (e.g. System.DateTime.get_Now() needs access to this information).- update to 3.12.1 - security hotfix bsc#921312 * CVE-2015-2318 CVE-2015-2319 CVE-2015-2320- add X509Certificate-workaround.patch which fixes bxc#21298- update 3.12.0 * Major performance and memory consumption improvements on SGen. * Improve the heuristic of the ThreadPool to maximize efficiency and minimize the number of Threads. * New cert-sync tool automatically syncs Mono’s certificate store against the OS certificate store on Linux * X86 code now generate pushless code. This is faster on modern CPUs. * Multiple fixes in the profiler to make statistical sampling reliable and functional without kernel assisted sampling. * Mono users no longer need to run mozroots to get SSL working. * Switched to adaptative hill climbing for sizing the pool. * The supervisor thread now goes into deep sleep when no new jobs are submitted for a while. This should save power on targets running on batteries. * Reorganized how major heap blocks are manipulated for increased efficiency of the major collection. * Reduced memory consumption by better sizing of allocation buckets. * Switched to a simpler heuristics for major heap sizing that is more stable and avoid unexpected spikes. * Removed the parallel collector, it was an experimental feature that did not provide an effective speedup. It will be brought back in the future with a functioning design. * Removed the fixed heap configuration, it was an experimental feature that did not deliver enough of a performance improvement. * Avoid asserts on shutdown when the appdomain unload callbacks are called on the debugger thread during shutdown. Fixes bxc#24342. * Fix the calculation of the epilog size for EH info. Fixes bxc#24577. * Fix a class initialization race which happens if a class initializer initializes a got slot before it finishes running. Fixes bxc#23242. * Fix OP_LOCALLOC on arm so it correctly adjusts sp with the param area size even if the size is large. Fixes bxc#24221. * Disable the extension of i8/i16 arguments to i32 on arm64, since the ios calling convention passes them differently than i32. Fixes bxc#22800. * Use NULLIFY_INS () to nullify instructions and use MONO_INST_NEW to create phi node instructions to avoid asserts in the spill pass. Fixes bxc#24006. * Rewrite the way direct calls are made between llvm methods. Previously all calls were made to plt entries and the plt entry symbols were aliased to point to the corresponding method if the method was directly callable using the .set assembler directive. This doesn’t seem to work with newer LLVM/CLANG versions, so do this completely on the LLVM side using Value::replaceAllUsesWith (). Fixes bxc#23976. * Make process handles non-shared. Fixes bxc#23423. * Fix the return of vtypes containing a single fp member from pinvoke methods on OS X/x86. Fixes bxc#23813. * Fix an SRE assert. Fixes bxc#19039. * Implement 5dbf97e66057f8626c53fcea30f1988d6627e5a2 for calls made from NEWOBJ too. Fixes bxc#23557. * Make each CASTCLASS_CACHE patch unique by generating a unique identifier from the method index and an per-method counter. Fixes bxc#23478. * Disallow generic classes with explicit layout. Fixes bxc#23438. * Add an option to make debugger invokes virtual. Part of the fix for #23385. * Allow renaming of threadpool threads. Fixes bxc#23206. * Fix the unregistration of our exception handler on Windows. Fixes bxc#23221. * Make calls from gshared to gsharedvt sharable methods indirect since otherwise at runtime we might find an instantiation and we cannot patch the call, leading to performance problems. Fixes bxc#23021. * Allow the SIZEOF opcode in gsharedvt code if it doesn’t reference a gsharedvt type. Fixes bxc#22711. * Fix mono_marshal_free_ccw (). Fixes bxc#22414. * Fixes DbEnumerator current property to clone read data. Fixes bxc#24452 * Allow sending of text data longer than 4000 characters by using a different column type. Fixes bxc#21172. * Implement MonoGenericClass:GetCustomAttributes () for created types. Fixes bxc#23769. * Improved BlockingCollection.AddAny. Fixes bxc#22775. * Implement KnownTypes for DataContractJsonSerializer. Fixes bxc#23058 * HttpQSCollection.ToString now url encodes values. Fixes bxc#22557. * Call SetupRequestAsync only after ContentType changes. Fixes bxc19529. * Notify parent task when child task uses NotOnFaulted. Fixes bxc#23594 * Use TZ transitions when AdjustementRules are ignored. Fixes bxc#23170. * Timespan ticks formatting rewrite. Fixes bxc#23376 * Improved Json deserialization of floating-point numbers. When DataContractJsonSerializer was created from type object, deserialization of floating.point numbers was not possible. Fixes 21583. * Test Json deserialization of a floating-point number as object. Covers bxc#21583. * Rss20ItemFormatter.ReadFrom now sets Id when guid is PermaLink. Fixes bxc#23262. * fix bxc#23318 - XComment.ToString() accepts “invalid” values. * Uri made from UNIX path and RelativeOrAbsolute is now relative. Fixes bxc#22954. * UriParseComponents no longer decodes ‘@’ in UserInfo. Fixes bxc#23246. * Update en-NZ designators. Fixes bxc#22212 * Update to my last fix for bxc#22129. * Copy out/ref parameters on async call; bxc#22129. * If not specified assume that array items are nullable. Fixes bxc#19012. * Added optional serialization based on ShouldSerialize{V}. SerializationCodeGenerator and XmlSerializationWriterInterpreter will no longer serialize an attribute named {V} if its object has a method named ShouldSerialize{V}() that returns false. {V}Specified now is also checked to be true before serializating the attribute even if it is a property that is not settable. Fixes bxc#1852. * GMT DateTimeOffset is now properly parsed. Fixes bxc#22851. GMT date formats set useutc to true, so now useutc is checked to init DateTimeOffset with a zero offset. * Improved CalendricalCalculations fixed_from_dmy methods. Fixes bxc#21930. In some cases fixed_from_dmy is used with the month parameter greater than the number of months of that year. Year is now incremented until month parameter is valid. * Enumerate all subdirectories including the first one. Fixes bxc#22857 * Encode ContentDisposition name. Fixes bxc#18422 * When needed serialized objects are now implicitly converted. Fixes bxc#20403. * Fix ClientWebSocket.ReceiveAsync() with small buffer; bxc#22704. * Tokenize dash only in range values. Fixes bxc#22764 * Added time format with only offset. Fixes bxc#22558. * fix bxc#6512 (by Mikkel Kruse Johnsen) - don’t deserialize GET parameters. * Added support for UriComponents.SerializationInfoString. Fixes bxc#21571. * Unify handling of default ctor and zero. Fixes bxc#22591 * Make SendAsync state free to handle recursive calls. Fixes bxc#22724 * Actually fix #22179 to allow concurrent requests. * DateTime.Parse now handles unlimited number of fractional digits. This change was made because .NET can parse ISO8601 format with an unlimited number of fractional digits. Fixes bxc#22417. * Added test ISO8601FractionalDigits. Covers #22417. * Delay reflection hit to actual execution point. Workarounds #22522 * Update RequestMessage.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri after redirect. Fixes bxc#22383 * Catch exceptions thrown by SerialPortStream.Dispose () when called from the finalizer. Fixes bxc#15514 * KeyPairPersistence now tries to fix folder permissions. An exception is no longer thrown if the folder permissions can be fixed. Fixes bug bxc#19274. * A pointer-type may be used as the type of a volatile field. Fixes bxc#23770 * Correctly identify constant switch section when value match is not section start. Fixes bxc#23475 * Check for true/false user operators on unwrapped nullable type. Fixes bxc#23199 * More tweaks to conditional tokenizer. Fixes bxc#23319 * Populate inherited constraints member cache from types not only base types. Fixes bxc#23017 * Fix removing incomplete generic types from eval cache. Fixes bxc#22393 * Parsing of ternary expressions whose then condition is a lambda. Fixes bxc#22523 - add gc-64bit-portability-warning.patch- libmono-2_0-1 has a hard dependency on libmonoboehm-2_0-1, require it bnc#904460- fix build for factory x86_64 * add mono-3.x-keyboards.resources-cp_r.patch * resources/keyboards.resources exists on x86_64, so cp won't work should add -r argument - drop mono-core-target-4.0.patch * runtime 4.0 is no more, now mono-nunit should use 4.5 - add patch mono-nunit-default-runtime-4.5.patch * use runtime 4.5 for mono-nunit by defaultlamb09 1556922940 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, Mono/.Net assembly, for MS WindowsugS©nutf-877c9ea5545f9f2e2cd58eefc7e1e280a52aa384eb9be595fc92eb158f1fb9a57?P7zXZ !t/h"] cr$x#ΗYpps<|lFe2]b !T-\"G1.dc1 RRXk5Y|$P$f}@ pxǔkrqzhLv/C|k9Ի4 ҃o 0WNL0#} |l-c8$aqꄴ0+}wEJ)zm}s Q-dbLO#i4P& MEܫ8'i;-MY9=ʙZS=^mQ ,v5IB w߀{{,f!kZ_R_ly&?vÁ0xqfkEZ;SL!ˑ^у%;r*#Ro]7& ތ'w<z*l':b"m]hG[alRk!O*%qU:*6^UN nKj :?ឧ8F^U:wI1sp%Iu\uLt~|m>.B SW:F fQ&k1\\YcN 5µ,e[LB9Nu}󃐥gvMȖFЩu6F,& z=BNBnh)M>,t[K][A 1 gʁ p"`4ya#fD1}Zp}J9fcBkӹ 7jfKЂff$⮘ /1jW)1}\3] C+!?Wh$8"lGf9*.d! o:@V"o8Dϰ ,9?oǓB([5yMv=%<~%IvltH9jo#R^v+m垿x@؅+Jj:xײ}}|pPmGC' (pbF@lJ9CMc`*KebGpYnǝN(oSdefgfc9R56Gtyݽ[Zн5J&4c^ aR%'@ T@|O+^BqE8ICm J: -Za6Z>:@]1nAjqm?|Q79+OK˵pV8ȡ|%  dQUK=wiJbHre#⓻A Yh#Tnٸ:8걨 _P7o5ۢ|JAb+kG01! 9m 3W ,^ ؃0{Cp ,b^ĕ *Hԡ>#A2wr'M#wE_ܕ7h0όY_jV F.(/=x! )0ă{<qC7~hb6y -4c|x :40%wņVR'fY៸1.e|y[:>Ar`P3Òxd޴*t&QEREO6ܼb$pTɾ8| L ?+u 3#:׬Solԭd|KU  ;@r2g*1!R6&BPח٢,sXzWXD;MڒwPGcZC'6VH([jAqct1 a6<عo1h0ڛefa]sKgaP(SA,1ܒi%3n2ZQT2RhĹđ)n|gt$?kr쎦BLFkR~ybuGaNqj:4Rq2=|Dwaٝ{T yIU3xuR;n`/Nh5oTSh¯qP!! aSJ^0) g3YHm!;QLkddn5S{a|&4ѯ,(5fFB"]N W/8*nR! 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