gtkwave-examples-3.3.79-lp151.2.3 >  A \ /=„7VC2t ʃP>о#-PiAjۥ3hەU˘rxDp4Q I pcL:D}kQ ďzNqnt3XطqFBO[@ʌ(]pFq"ߗ5$LvLs|LPYɰJ 9|-Jv8b5}s5-f$gH"Y58D:Z䃪g0¢}7bdffa3e77ed51a2846eaee2e7b2cb70fabcbf9334e896e8d287f47bb053b5f207eac79dcc5201906d0991c0935c3a340a1be81dI<\ /=„oq M5^AD>V;W o+zj&1T:4};*#-ބI v@1BϨ/O`6; [o{m{\:5յOgӂJ,ZI}IJ~{5k\_61^'i!k{I_:;5éeF#R# 8S q|n=+>{*FMM4wOX Nwa k%NiYO NC҃2_>p;!?!d $ 9 +4= Wk      &H\p(8!9!:g!FGH I X(Y,\@]T^bc d e f l u!v!z!C!T!X!^!Cgtkwave-examples3.3.79lp151.2.3Examples for GTKWaveGTKWave is a waveform viewer that can view VCD files produced by most Verilog simulation tools, as well as LXT files produced by certain Verilog simulation tools. This package contains examples for GTKWave\ lamb26\FopenSUSE Leap 15.1openSUSEGPL-2.0+https://bugs.opensuse.orgDocumentation/Other*# ``A큤\ \ \ \ \ bf9a4434b73aa2658345bbb61a901179308471a81b9debfebcc5d0ab0f0184733d7714d8c4113d2622ec99c903b108371ce70b966179a2ffbfcbb9b97fe36631f803970e58c27dbd75b5cdd226fe50a600e0e97fe3c0a1ee246ffbb746dd684532c658b6fd925dad03ca28ccfe118ecc7ce85ee826d5eba3003270a416868b6crootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootgtkwave-3.3.79-lp151.2.3.src.rpmgtkwave-examples    gtkwaverpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.3.793.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.1Xr)X2@W@Wt@W]NWV͛@VO @V U@U.RTuT^TSǺSDS_@S,)RVR@R)Q@Q~`QLGQ/FQ@PPPj@PfNǚ@KCIdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.orgdmitry_r@opensuse.or Update to version 3.3.79 * Bugfixes and minor changes, see included ChangeLog file- Update to version 3.3.78 * Bugfixes and minor changes, see included ChangeLog file- Uptdate to version 3.3.76 * Bugfixes and minor changes, see included ChangeLog file- Update to version 3.3.75 * bugfix release, see included ChangeLog file for details- Update to version 3.3.73 * bugfix release, see included ChangeLog file for details- Update to version 3.3.72 * bugfix release, see included ChangeLog file for details- Update to version 3.3.70 * bugfix release, see included ChangeLog file for details- Update to version 3.3.68 * bugfix release, see included ChangeLog file for details- Update to version 3.3.67 * bugfix release, see included ChangeLog file for details- Update to version 3.3.66 * minor changes and bugfixes, see included ChangeLog file for details- Update to version 3.3.65 * minor changes, see included ChangeLog file for details- Update to version 3.3.64 * bugfix release, see included ChangeLog file for details- Update to version 3.3.63 * bugfix release, see included ChangeLog file for details- Update to version 3.3.62 * bugfix release, see included ChangeLog file for details - Move documentation and examples to separate packages - Delete gtkwave-rpmlintrc- Update to version 3.3.61 * Parameterized number of named markers * Updated LZ4 for version r118.- Update to version 3.3.60 * Harden fsdb reader against xtags that move backward in time.- Update to version 3.3.59 * Use Duff's Device for 8 byte -> 1 byte binary value compression algorithm in FST writer. * Updated man page for gtkwave.1 indicating that XID is in hex. * Allow decimal conversions on popcnt filtered vectors that are greater than 64 bits (they will never overflow).- Update to version 3.3.58 * Added /Data Format/Popcnt function for ones counting. * Warnings fixes from new Clang 3.4 scan-build. * Updated VCD ID generation in various helpers to use a faster, equivalent algorithm. * Change [1] at end of struct to C99 [] notation with appropriate allocation size modification.- Update to version 3.3.57 * Fix for Electric Fence crash in vlist_freeze(). * Updated LZ4 for version r113.- Update to version 3.3.56 * Fix to regex search to remove duplicate signal names because of faulty dumpers. * Valgrind fix on deallocated context: old GLOBALS pointer could be examined in set_GLOBALS_x(). * Minor cleanup in treesearch_gtk2.c: removed redundant show widget invocation. * Added missing compressBound() for compress2() dest mallocs.- Update to version 3.3.48 * Fixed infinite loop hang on various helpers executables when extra arguments are specified. * Delete changed marker name if it exists when marker is removed. * Added "Open Hierarchy" option that will expand the SST and select the hierarchy for a given signal selected in the Signals window. * Added preliminary support for FsdbReader. * FSDB fix for generate created hierarchies. * FSDB fix for new debug info output style to be parsed. * Added generate as scope type to VCD/FST/FSDB. * Preliminary add for module port direction for FSDB and FST. * Display signal direction column in SST if not all signals are declared as FST_VD_IMPLICIT. * Fixed GTK warning when hide_sst is enabled and SST is opened then closed. * Added extraction of in/out/inout from FSDB into FST with vcd2fst helper executable. (It also converts FSDB to FST.) * Added support for SV structures, unions, classes, packages, programs, and interfaces. * Updated signal parsing in FST/FSDB to handle NC declarations for arrays in VCD. (i.e., bitranges are missing) Use vcd2fst or the -o option to read NC VCD files with arrays properly. * Preliminary support for SV datatypes of bit, logic, int, shortint, longint, byte, enum, and shortreal in VCD and FST. * Added sparse array datatype to FST (currently unused by gtkwave). * Added support for attribute begin/end in FST. (Currently unused by gtkwave.) This allows embedding of various data inside the structure tree. * Added autoraise on entry window on keystrokes or periodically when it exists. * Added ability to store $comment in FST files via the attribute mechanism (FST_AT_MISC/FST_MT_COMMENT). * removed obsolete gtkwave-3.3.47-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch- Update to version 3.3.47 * Fix for crash in 64-bit mode with array accesses in deprecated loader. * Partial VCD loader fix for small files. * Added preliminary do-nothing generate support in vermin. * Fixed minmax_valid for partial VCD loader: affects scaling on floating-point traces. - Fix gcc warning no-return-in-nonvoid-function * gtkwave-3.3.47-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch- Update to version 3.3.46 * Fixed as of yet undetected hdr_incomplete bug when running off end of FST file. * Fixed problem with is_gtkw_save_file getting wiped out on reload.- Update to version 3.3.45 * Fix for VCDNAM_ESCAPE character in treesearch window- Update to version 3.3.44 * bugfix release, see included CHANGELOG.TXT for details- Update to version 3.3.43 * bugfix release, see included CHANGELOG.TXT for details- Update to version 3.3.42 * bugfix release, see included CHANGELOG.TXT for details- Update to version 3.3.41 * Fix for gtkwave::addSignalsFromList when encountering signals of form a.b.MyBus[7:0] and a.b.MyBus[15:8] such that brackets aren't stripped. * Added experimental highlight_wavewindow rc variable which allows signals also to be highlighted in the wave window using the value for color_grid. * Added use_standard_trace_select rc variable and related menu option.- Remove non OSI compliant files [bnc#783166]- Update to version 3.3.40- new version 3.3.28- new version 3.3.3 - removed build patch - enabled xz compression for versions greater than 11.1- new version 3.1.10lamb26 15450791843.3.79-lp151.2.3examplesgtkwaverctransaction.ctransaction.fsttransaction.gtkw/usr/share/doc/packages/gtkwave//usr/share/doc/packages/gtkwave/examples/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// textC source, ASCII textytICO qҭutf-8d09e7e69efc3dba287bc57ba0b76841ea91747f5bf6b2ced9de0710603783de4?P7zXZ !t/_#o] crt:bLL q )'I|)׍(^$H=~YH /&ӝ5'𕪳q>1\y"֢7EjH/KZrHΪ!n*25*Bnq!M=Vr.ĬpJ`LeGlt.gLqbt 25ju7u `VH$uo r03Sy<|J|/`xpEYcvKܣӴ^r~X:0GH rBV5,qA;p\vbnS.IU+ 녳4IO0fc ;LC̳r5tw:YU!>\60UL7TSj4{) m =n?`r)X >>#ZF rU\ U͵+sH[c .z0elDw@,TsۤkZw.J%=yH]|uD<ص#֯07\ WX(Hv CQd]LR"Zѹr..TL40$JJ,M*iGGjw\ ]QęY&ȴ0x-ކvEkg2KW{"q#gM?R"y1Sc-^1Jv~e]*ErY_H:L1ؿkY$E1/%a`|#sVXGR`EfnSEU?aP;CEݶV]nI9ퟥVM8ެ/-C ُ\a [# E,8K)TbD ElWra}=Ta396&XZ c}%zMfYߒ y UTN}i]c ΥڌQX݋ALt&Y\Ƿ`co5)"+)“єCpQ0> ME(c,d##$I?`Re)Pk154j!>/`0/-QRSU|X 5Fܙq,EswDBd0<#9z]kar٬mՈ׈79 v;[rLBJwcpw_"mw\Ɠ?Oƃgh# V`ꉛ/ˣۍRrōO-<5)VL#UXQ0a-Rv9#>*CO3h [];--u` <͉/+#vFdYd̿ #m o?Fߛ.I:ʃ4XjcGNqWu[Gd.-,gc9֛Z+H4.TYwnS¢MdÏf}/#ӵ9^afcƪxW,] R!= zon:_nh!,>[E3K;8\?l=H87WM!)p6,LK7ukRc`v_-RRg0ktsbP d\ ,= I6#]0RUGWot w|21$(nP"mTx[YQSnS^o!# e4hVco89rX?&:ȥ1h׫*D[5jVsڧˈl7sjfj8W hkZ\{쩸F_'QلZ2PCמ2iI=u2ov'Ǻ5U;a{Z} <XFڊM_J-ER&f?21XҮW몮b@UkA,WHS{M j{Ts mTT+HUA4L[ThֈED7ĕ_HqWH -^WG'zN?p2$Yfѷ*0}!PƻkO:Jgq`^M #/Yk h2uHF%bEl"}آd`07L3(2t> R:G>n`BJ%*gPp`zӣ:Hȿ7S䆅ׇ-׍9oe )y 2rqH&EמWsvT#x Q@oGLrTX .4gs8pNP F83f,cͼ&e)nHFc8z(m\0Stk57=?cx s.7DJ|嘰MD2n(X?/Y C"^! %)/AV(/-MՖNIgDYƊ( :8ޘ;tD__5#]ї=Dž)L4'Q'ȱǥz{T3/Ml OqZq9aµ.cf,l>--=I+BGQ߀!텚Q,>< >KF2 u[Ղ.PW3 t vAO~_ְ9@-S4Y &"G- X{dg+XJh#Do*8.z =Axh ^!E\oҼ@^~x8FFawhP J /J;+U`@p#TDEA侳k{?e i"LRc&5=![f)yE=( xd{9۠]B1;xֺ`>ªMr$sw RX4kQi 6n&3؂T!<ߩ*ɑ&@tA=J{H,܈ח{gJ0п#u?_ZV*5`6:0OǦCԚZ܆THJ}EKEcٿsoBտh1ԛ(fJSɍ o;Ax96sx`uEGU*mzFKd7--@l :_pza]ݐу+2ْ@Zd,>|!5PZeJ5!?-Vr˕{{W\=%3qsq"y 귪%Rb&2g@1ǹ>U0D@zCqPaĠA%e.9uV_R}Z</@ИPf%ڸ:me]:uIhe W9ťWmC2dT\C`b<ϟS?04R85PRNm'em=H_\dž3AOAW>.cMfwp}G_T89 4 Ofyn"a )δZں)Ý{u]iR5 ,mf&^u57])9`:Y }#v[?c֯gON+O06HnN>Y!EUPn/` ϛPo {k;]i?nlvK4:r+V[P㓗Jl(l|D6?b5joebIS- ?m|XQG@ ̉ eiw6Bk0rY]+1x{8(WzUAʀgmAy5W/HjRv>otp s⑳hŕ *n}$rkLdzƂndwTwY 'lŏ޵ 1CGtVY tLճ{ړ9^{'+aR.x[|TΣ-t ϰe Jsߊos=`Y{ 8hn,~(n`*ɓSMJng0,w[U?{lSY<I\Ifv& t$=BY(fV* &_׶/_!/ҠU"'K'H9qۡPVHof* Yc.yc΢t4AN{y7Br(E+>X98T{;QbPD˯ܠ7ϜTM)N_qǤj}EBgEH.|MEi=oB7YO"W mq$Vs[eqVX2Pqř(y\WHfv IC$fcE#zo.4Lz?%/yst|eGRE#XJ/l &1Eԙ.q ӽ h_!4`ȤVOq+7O5j`_;1,dq(4hLd#:._zKGui#[Xcb";c5`7盳}Ȓ<[2JZu ߗ2?5)24!;vm)6Qs/PxJ^&@"n JƏo"LͥUGP͙}A$ ;bID-GU  BÒ`_NDuC@*D( Eg,./mS͒ä[_@9 7 WK|xck*NRõ|= rVۮ ŠԨb3Y 'q6>BDm ;[0 mnI4n8Ydz׍%ډ5hadJZVnZu! - MK֧ ԣym 󅎈xWvZ N/ ّkϘu}͐v : cEV4\Jhl=* Rjji4ycx \G YZ