bspwm-fish-completion-0.9.5-lp151.2.3 >  A \(m/=„Q~"IhR V"Y]l- @[%pDMF\K)-\tiQWJ)} >iT7qA13 6?b]NA͂5, =>i0-%슟Sc"4Wf=J z*Yz/3H`hR֒O$~p/gb-K,9ϣa[4*df5Ze593cd858dfe9c5f78ef9db39459dce926aab30e2d08313a93bcb57549f1f07cea89e9c5ef38415b1400f441b1c56be65ae8890f8 \(m/=„U ?fZ"ZLd5DuqU A*>1QZkj 7fP8QiMȌQ,#b,AT*_sfQ~GEkϴkӷ1ROxŭ%tPxuܶ#|YZUʋ2{k?t'n0Aa]R4z nS~:Y-/uJ.4oUE߱Qmx'Ie܊[$ ks*F+=fTί>p>0? d ( B\`hl      [ `l{I(k8t9:4FGHIXY\]^bKcdPeUfXlZulvxzCbspwm-fish-completion0.9.5lp151.2.3Fish Completion for bspwmFish completion for bspc\(_lamb61popenSUSE Leap 15.1openSUSEBSD-2-Clausehttps://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/GUI/Other큤\(]\(]ZI6776e45db462af6677ec71e8836b7e4720f4720cc5601b2d1ad6a6b95a93e861rootrootrootrootrootrootbspwm-0.9.5-lp151.2.3.src.rpmbspwm-fish-completion    bspwmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)Ǟ Update to 0.9.5 * Fix resize by mouse behavioral change * Disable 4 default options (IGNORE_EWMH_FOCUS, REMOVE_DISABLED_MONITORS, REMOVE_UNPLUGGED_MONITORS, MERGE_OVERLAPPING_MONITORS)- Update to 0.9.4 - Changes * The following events: node_{manage,unmanage} are now node_{add,remove}. - Additions * New monitor/desktop/node descriptors: any, newest. * New node flag: marked. * New monitor descriptor: pointed. * New wm command: --reorder-monitors. * Receptacles are now described in the manual. * New --follow option added to node -{m,d,n,s} and desktop - {m,s}. * The subscribe command now has the following options: --fifo, - -count. * New settings: ignore_ewmh_fullscreen, mapping_events_count.- split completion scripts into sub-packages - fix lint errors - cleanup with spec-cleaner - compile with %optflags - delete _service file - remove manual desktop database config- Created _service file - Update to 0.9.3 - Changes * *click_to_focus* is now a button name. Specifying a boolean is deprecated but will still work (`true` is equivalent to `button1`). - Additions * `node -r` now accepts a relative fraction argument. * An option was added to `query -{M,D,N}` in order to output names instead of IDs: `--names`. * New rule consequence: `rectangle=WxH+X+Y`. * New settings: `swallow_first_click` and `directional_focus_tightness`.- Update to 0.9.2 - Changes * Monitors, desktops and nodes have unique IDs, `bspc query -{N,D,M}` returns IDs and events reference objects by ID instead of name. * `bspc` fails verbosely and only returns a single non-zero exit code. * The `DIR` descriptor is based on [right-window]( * The `CYCLE_DIR` descriptor isn't limited to the current desktop/monitor anymore. (You can emulate the previous behavior by appending a `.local` modifier to the selector.) * `bspc query -{N,D,M}` accepts an optional reference argument used by certain descriptors/modifiers. * Monitors are ordered visually by default. * The following settings: `border_width`, `window_gap` and `*_padding` behave as expected. * External rules also receives the monitor, desktop and node selectors computed from the built-in rules stage as subsequent arguments. * The `focus_follows_pointer` setting is implemented via enter notify events. - Additions * Nodes can be hidden/shown via the new `hidden` flag. * Node receptacles can be inserted with `node -i`. An example is given in `git show e8aa679`. * Non-tiled nodes can be moved/resized via `node -{v,z}`. * The reference of a selector can be set via the `{NODE,DESKTOP ,MONITOR}_SEL#` prefix, example: `bspc node 0x0080000c#south -c` will close the node at the south of `0x0080000c`. * Node descriptors: ``, `pointed`. * Node modifiers: `hidden`, `descendant_of`, `ancestor_of`, `window`, `active`. Example: `bspc query -N 0x00400006 -n .descendant_of` returns the descendants of `0x00400006`. * Desktop descriptor: ``. * Monitor descriptor: ``. * Settings: `pointer_motion_interval`, `pointer_modifier`, `pointer_action{1,2,3}`, `click_to_focus`, `honor_size_hints`. * Event: `pointer_action`. * ICCCM/EWMH atoms: `WM_STATE`, `_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL`. * `bspc` shell completions for `fish`. - Removals * The `pointer` domain. Pointer actions are handled internally. You need to remove any binding that uses this domain from your `sxhkdrc`. * Settings: `history_aware_focus`, `focus_by_distance`. Both settings are merged into the new `DIR` implementation. * `monitor -r|--remove-desktops`: use `desktop -r|--remove` instead. * `wm -r|--remove-monitor`: use `monitor -r|--remove` instead.- change sxhkd and dmenu to be recommended, not required - move to pkgconfig deps, add desktop-utils handling- Initial packaging of bspwmlamb61 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// text, with very long linesVf Rj/ipackageand(bspwm:zsh)utf-8f74c7720e5cae6bb4f09896aa3598f745e011aba4fc2bb6f2d6eba03b77cdc59? 7zXZ !t/] crt:bLL )"ݑ[N1#v+,s=q}2]$7)H2:f{9[HzԞzLN"Ύ9ysc酷&b9{FÉT@yaA^{kݓҩd*Y<4zIk2 Bvڙ ytB $B3gZ1)6HWKF/: H-Xe_7Ǧ{xoLʂLN2^GO RgZzhL>0m,j-Gu-ȕ[ N&7mt"$H?;!Ir6}5!≅bPb@."X>zml~ -! C~Ut[Scц]*Ja(Tk)2 =c4OtBzNϸJ՝:֜! ߷fzRv֝۾!ӡ}gvQӯY/Ѕk% 3' ]!S2cU$wF ӋN\pI9$<xyc'QTʘb7'+sNdoJKެt$m)\pҿrN_sބjvNQ