libleechcraft-util-qml-qt5-0_6_75_2-0.6.70+git.10870.g558588d6ec- >  A Z眲/=„ӷ0Mn kR3vᏗQi)'cYH̎7!;@,W׃9LJpo rO/d$6qu<: =ZMٹ3!K/XG7m)Ne]zZC<Ҳ\-=j^wnpi}rʭ xa#KV{=9f23de426b5fe8a9e5e1d81c51f5959cb5f0388af3cc8c39ab9c7cbd86a4b4d9aa4667d57ffff1c2fe36a865e18425e03bd9fb11",Z眲/=„:IK&?ݶ'h&7y$mN)50Ch^xʫ`.UؾSVLWB ]ֈCUasLtz@7K l xgn0|Mjg+ζGc㣼8*A9LfRoJ"Kut{.)h'4I@14P;,QMymێ]o֛ycM>ݢeK by8fWDGT\PF1-p@v?vd&C M p "@V\dh j l p  &&{&(8E9E:E>s@s"Fs1GsHHsLIsPXsTYs`\s]s^sbsctdtetftltuuvuwuxuyu zv0v@vDvJvClibleechcraft-util-qml-qt5-0_6_75_20.6.70+git.10870.g558588d6eclp150.2.9QML utility library for LeechCraftA library providing some commonly used QML items as well as QML-related classes and functions.Zcloud103popenSUSE Leap 15.0openSUSEBSL-1.0https://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Networking/Otherhttp://leechcraft.orglinuxx86_64pZyf4d5cf6b9e4c3dc66cf845599390243007b439a1e1417a9fa95a726883fda216rootrootleechcraft-0.6.70+git.10870.g558588d6ec-lp150.2.9.src.rpmlibleechcraft-util-qml-qt5-0_6_75_2libleechcraft-util-qml-qt5-0_6_75_2(x86-64) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/[@W-VVZUU'U@Ux&UcU6;T,@TT=@S@SSSwO@S?@SS RʚRR`@RREs@R0[@QQ4QQaQ}@Q @PO@PPLP$OjO@O"O-@OaO3@OON@N@NNܲ@N@NN@NN(N@N e@aloisio@gmx.comdap.darkness@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdap.darkness@gmail.comdap.darkness@gmail.comtchvatal@suse.c Added leechcraft-projectM-qt5.patch- Updated to 0.6.70-10870-g558588d6ec snapshot: * Utils tests became temporarily disabled (wip); * cmake ≥ 3.10 became required to build; * Wt build failure was fixed; * Bug #2048 may be resolved (xoox log failure); * Azoth tab closing segfault may be fixed; * Bug #2045 was resolved (poshuku start-up segfault).- BuildIgnore openssl: the required libraries are pulled in by wt and libqt. openssl (the program suite) is not required here.- Updated to 0.6.70-9561-gaf7a4f70b8 git snapshot: * Bug #2042 was resolved (segfault on Qt 5.6 → 5.9 update). - Monocle plugin requires gcc ≥ 7. - Let's use Qt5 lastfm library. - Enabled back plugins since Qt5Qwt6 became available: * lemon — another network Monitor; * liznoo — power manager.- Harbinger became really obsoleted now. - Added Qt5 runtime requirements. - Updated to 0.6.70-9432-g81ef79f367 git snapshot: * Bugged contacts could be hidden now. * Bug #1348 was resolved (no birthday notifications); * Right main man page file name.- Do not recommend fluendo plugins as now mp3 is enabled by default- Updated to 0.6.70-9312-g4cc613a2df git snapshot: * Bug #2038 was resolved (Segfault: IRC → offline); * %%check section: output on failure; * %%check section: more tests enabled.- Updated to 0.6.70-9233-gffda87bea6 git snapshot: * gcc7 fix; * Qt5; * buildrequires&obsoletes clean-up; * GPTOOLS_MEM; * %%check section; * CXX 17. - Obsoleted plugins: * azoth-astrality (no Qt5 telepathy); * harbinger; * lemon (no Qt5 qwt); * liznoo (no Qt5 qwt); * popishu (Qt5 Scintilla includes failure); * qrosp (no Qt5 qross); * vtyulc (no code maintainer). - New plugins: * lmp-ppl (Portable Player Logging support); * namauth (standard HTTP authentication facilities); * poshuku-foc (Flash-on-Click); * poshuku-webkitview (WebKit-based backend). - Removed patched: * leechcraft-0.6.70-6645-gcd10d7e-boost161.diff * leechcraft-0.6.70-6645-gcd10d7e-hunspell17.diff * leechcraft-0.6.70-6645-gcd10d7e-torrent110.diff- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel- Updated leechcraft-0.6.70-6645-gcd10d7e-hunspell14.diff and renamed into leechcraft-0.6.70-6645-gcd10d7e-hunspell17.diff- Added leechcraft-0.6.70-6645-gcd10d7e-boost161.diff for newest boost support.- Update summaries and descriptions: rectify grammar and remove redundant mentions. - Avoid sh invocation for simple ldconfig calls.- Unconditionally build with ffmpeg- Updated leechcraft-0.6.70-6645-gcd10d7e-torrent110.diff & added BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_CHRONO vs. bittorrent initialization failure. - Cmake clean-up. - Man pages clean-up.- Dropped openSUSE 13.1 & SLE because of no valid compiler. - Enabled more packages for openSUSE Leap 42. - Recommended extra engines for lmp. - Added rpmlintrc to silence useless warnings. - Added simple man pages.- Updated to 0.6.70-6645-gcd10d7e git snapshot: (NOTE: the latest one supporting gcc 4.8 i.e. openSUSE 13.1, 13.2 & Leap 42.1) - Azoth Herbicide required boost ≥ 1.58 and was disabled for 13.1, 13.2 & Leap 42.1 so. - Added leechcraft-0.6.70-6645-gcd10d7e-torrent110.diff for newest torrent rasterbar support. - Added leechcraft-0.6.70-6645-gcd10d7e-hunspell14.diff for newest hunspell support.- Updated to 0.6.70-6053-g34d21e8 git snapshot: * Threads utility was split out. * Taglib >= 1.10 became supported. - Musiczombie plugin chromaprint future was enabled for Factory. - C++14 code and xproxy plugin were enabled for Factory. - leechcraft-lmp-append-gstreamer-include-dirs-pkgconfig.patch was removed as already provided via upstream tarball.- Add leechcraft-lmp-append-gstreamer-include-dirs-pkgconfig.patch * Fix compilation in lmp plugin with GStreamer 1.5.1 and above- bypass bug 927268 for PowerPC if clang used in place of gcc for build ppc64le architecture and (suse_version} <= 1320- Fixed openSUSE <= 13.2 builds & pcc x32.- Build with gcc/g++ at least for the time being to avoid compiler error. But use it only if suse_version > 1320.- Updated to 0.6.70-3565-g2d86529 git snapshot. - Utils postfix macros were introduced, devel subpackage requirements were fixed.- Updated to 0.6.70-3466-g864bd1a git snapshot: * clang seems to be better C++ compiler; * Dolozhee plugin got https support and was fixed so. - New plugins were enabled: * snails — e-mail client. - C++14 support (gcc >= 4.9 is required).- Updated to 0.6.70-2742-gfaed6e2 git snapshot to resolve openSUSE Factory build time issue. - More directories macro using to be ready for Qt5 release. - Dropped openSUSE < 13.1, removed useless patches: * leechcraft-azoth-gcc47.patch * leechcraft-monocle-gcc47.patch * leechcraft-gcc47.patch - Removed useless obsoletings. - Let's recommend set of packages. - New plugins were enabled: * azoth-abbrev provides abbreviations via commands like /abbrev for LeechCraft Azoth; * intermutko provides a HTTP Accept-Language header configurator; * lmp-potorchu provides visualization effects for LeechCraft audio player; * zalil allows to upload files to accountless filebin services. - Useless Qt5' files removing. - SLE 12 support.- Disabled plugins: * azoth-zheet; MSN support became obsoleted by MSFT.- Disable azoth-zheet (MSN support) in tumbleweed and later as MSN was discontinued by MSFT.- A new plugin was enabled: * Eleeminator is a a terminal emulator.- 0.6.70 release: * Poshuku browser IDN support was enabled; * utilities library was split into different so files and subpackages. - New plugins were enabled: * Azoth MuCommands provides conference-oriented commands; * LMP FrAdj is a 10-band equalizer; * Poshuku DCAC provides DC/AC for browser; * Poshuku QRd provides QR codes for browser. - leechcraft-azoth-gcc47.patch was updated. - Added leechcraft-gcc47.patch vs. names constructor error.- 0.6.65-380-gffa0f72.tar.xz git snapshot: * monocle-postrus became installable out of box (doesn't require libspectre now and so isn't affected by bnc#828751). - New plugins were enabled: * LMP BrainSlugz is a audio collection checker; * LMP HttStream is a music streamer over http; * Poshuku SpeedDial is a speed dial for browser. - Disabled plugins: * azoth-p100q became obsoleted; * azoth-otroid can't be built for oS 12.2-; * bittorrent requires libtorrent-rasterbar >= 0.16 (oS 13.1+).- udev → libudev, the latest is really needed and Factory's udev doesn't require it any more.- New plugin was enabled for Factory: * Aggregator WebAccess is a news reader web interface module.- 0.6.65 release: * LMP audio player ReplayGain support; * Azoth, the IM client, server history support (XEP-0313); * XMPP Message Carbons support (XEP-0280); * Monocle, the document reader, now supports annotated documents; * PDF seamless scrolling without freezing the UI; * The LHTR visual hypertext editor now gained support for the image sources plugins (Blasq); * HTML editor now supports syntax highlighting; * Aggregator now supports renaming feeds; * LackMan now supports vim-style navigation and using Space key to toggle packages; * MusicZombie now fetches all information about a single artist in one request; * New Life now supports importing history from Opera; * Popishu text editor now supports the recoverable tabs concept; * SB2 now supports hiding quarks by default; * /etc/os-release is now properly parsed. - New plugins were enabled: * CertMgr is the new SSL manager; * CPU load is a monitoring quark; * Ooronee handles images and text dropped onto it; * Rosenthal is a core spell checker. - Deleted leechcraft-0.6.60-monocle-arm.patch as merged. - Added leechcraft-monocle-gcc47.patch to prevent names constructor error. - Shellopen plugin amd mediacalls became obsoleted.- Removed velvetbird bcond because of purple already built for all OBS archs. - Added leechcraft-0.6.60-monocle-arm.patch to prevent arm6-7 build failures, upstream url: - Added gstreamer-1_0 define against oS >= 13.2 and versioned gst "BuildConflicts" to build lmp with the same gst as QtWebKit was built to prevent runtime freeze.- New plugins were enabled: * Azoth Astrality: telepathy framework (Factory); * Qrosp: scripting support; * Textogroose: scripted lyrics finder.- New mupdf version broke building again and upstream decided not to fix it.- add velvetbird buildconditional to consolidate and correct arch dependencies (fixes build)- 0.6.60 release: * Desktop mode provides a full-featured desktop environment; * LMP social collection-oriented audio player improvements; * See more at - New plugins were enabled: * Azoth Murm: (VKontakte) api messaging support; * Azoth WoodPecker: Twitter support; * Blasq is a new plugin for cloud image photo albums; * Devmon for managing non-mass storage USB devices; * Fenet is responsible for autostarting a window manager; * Harbinger provides a collections manager plugin; * Htthare provides content from local filesystem over LANs; * Imgaste for uploading images to imagebins; * Krigstask provides a taskbar and a pager quark for SB2; * Laughty is a system-wide desktop notifications daemon; * LMP MTPSync, LMP subplugin for uploading music via MTP; * Mellonetray provides a system tray area quark for SB2; * Monocle Dil contains a MOBI subplugin for documents viewer; * Scroblibre, a Submissions API 1.2-compliant scrobbler; * Sysnotify, a notification backend using the libnotify D-Bus; * VtyuLC, experimental VLC-based video player; * Xtazy for fetching currently playing tune from players. - Maintainership: * Removed leechcraft-otlozhu-0.6.0-cpp.patch; * Added leechcraft-azoth-gcc47.patch vs. oS 12.2' gcc issue; * %%make_jobs was switched back because it requires kde; * Build requirements were replaced by pkgconfig(); * cmake section was refactored again.- Added leechcraft-otlozhu-0.6.0-cpp.patch to prevent strange build issue: "error: no type named 'type' in 'struct", - make_jobs, ix86 and arm macros became used. - choroid, hotsensors, shaitan and syncer plugins became obsoleted because of ustream request.- _constraints was added to prevent out-of-memory build issue.- 0.6.0 release fixes lots of bugs in * Core, Util & XSD, * AdvancedNotifications, * Aggregator, * Azoth, Azoth AdiumStyles, Azoth Autoidler, Azoth p100q, Azoth Vader & Azoth Xoox, * Dolozhee (set proper stretch on widgets), * LastFMScrobble (fixed leaking), * Launchy (use own settings instead of messing with LMP), * Liznoo (try autostarting UPower if it's unavailable), * LMP & LMP Graffiti, * Poshuku & Poshuku CleanWeb, * Summary (fixed leaking context menu actions). - Spec fixing up: * Obsoletes nacheku because of ustream request. * DSTRICT_LICENSING=True to suggest IM clients icons. * DENABLE_MEDIACALLS=True to enable Jingle support. * DENABLE_BITTORRENT_GEOIP=True to enable countries flags.- 0.5.99 bugfix release: * AN: fixed a typo in user string. * AN: updated English and Russian translations. * Azoth: auto-request logs for MUC participants as well. * Azoth: fixed font zooming in fixed-font MUCs. * Azoth CH: don't test the entry type, leave that to core. * LMP: fixed a segfault on removable device removal in sync widget. * Lemon: added Qwt 6.1 compatibility. * Liznoo: added Qwt 6.1 compatibility. * Monocle Mu: depend on openjpeg and jbig2dec, required by mupdf. * Poshuku CleanWeb: fixed a rare segfault. - openSUSE 12.1 became EOL and unsupported by upstream: * leechcraft-acetamide-qt47.patch was deleted; * if-sections were deleted; * gcc version required to build was incremented. - Forgotten doc dependencies were deleted (doxygen, graphviz). - Additional mupdf linking dependencies were added (jbig2dec, openjpeg). - Conflict with Lcms 2.5+ was added as a workaround for bnc#828751.- 0.5.98 bugfix release: * Core: first show unassociated dock widgets. * Core: fixed some segfaults on tab closes. * Core: fixed notifications about current tab changes. * Core: fixed reusing IDs for jobs. * AN: fixed overlay text drawing on notification icons. * Aggregator: always save provider for delegated jobs. * Aggregator: download the rest of the feeds after killing a stall. * Azoth: fixed several rare segfaults. * Azoth: don't try sending contact ID to another on DnD. * Azoth: change tab name after entry renaming. * Azoth MetaContacts: don't suggest unifying with MUC entries. * Azoth Xoox: properly handle server errors on form fetching. * Kinotify: fixed leaking state machine on each notification. * LMP: fixed broken synchronization symbol fixing. * LMP: temporary files are always removed after sync. * LMP: metadata is now mapped properly from the source. * Monocle: only render those pages that are actually visible. * Monocle: don't set negative scales. * Monocle: menu is shown only if mouse moved with a button pressed. * Monocle Seen: safeguard against rendering a bunch of small images. * TSM: fixed occasional segfaults on tab closes. * Vrooby: proper partition naming in UDisks2 backend. - Fixed for PowerPC and ARM architectures: * no v8 and mupdf for ppc* — monocle-mu plugin was disabled; * no libpurple for armv5 — azoth-velvetbird plugin was disabled. - Removed leechcraft-doc-doxygen-rpmlint-w.patch: resolved in upstream. - Qt >= 4.8 became required to build.- 0.5.97 bugfix release: * Core: fixed colors for QML buttons (mucn neater now). * Core: properly handle META key in shortcuts dialog. * Core: properly set default string codec, fixes debug messages encoding. * Util: fixed memory leak with QML and ColorThemeProxy. * Util: fixed rectangle fitting algorithm. * Azoth: fixed chat entry destruction on chat tab close. * HotSensors: take text color from the QML theme. * LackMan: fixed a typo in SQL query. * Launchy: extended known category aliases for Multimedia. * Monocle: keep page position on resize. * NSM: fixed icons for tab context menu actions. * TPI: update job name as well. * TPI: don't show internal tasks. * Vrooby: close the device popup on hoverout. - New plugins were enabled for Factory: * Touchstreams — music streaming.- 0.5.96 bugfix release: * Core: keep tab icon along tab moves between windows. * Core: fixed toolbar handling on tab moves between windows. * Core: fixed file locking threading issues. * Core: fixed network disk cache expiration handling. * Core: proper handling of forcefully closed unassociated dock widgets. * Core: don't show actions with empty text in popup menus. * Azoth: fixed autoscrolling. * Azoth: application-wide users list shortcut. * Azoth: case-insensitive users list filtering. * Azoth: use proper icon for voice calls. * Azoth Acetamide: made the channels list dialog non-modal. * Azoth Acetamide: allow joining to channels while the list is fetched. * Blogique: fixed progress indicator. * Blogique Hestia: fixed autoupdating entries in local blog. * Monocle Postrus: fixed FindLibSpectre.cmake for upcoming CMake. * LMP: fix rare segfaults on queue clearing. * LMP: clear last song data on player clearing. * LMP: support drags from filesystem browser. * LMP: replace queue on playlist activation. * LMP: properly restore play mode check state. * Popishu: fixed caret line background color. * VB: don't own conversation by the buddy, fixes multiple segfaults. - New plugins were enabled: * azoth-otroid — Off-the-Record module for IM; * monocle-mu — another pdf module via the mupdf backend; - Renamed to correspond upstream naming policy: * poshuku-delicious => poshuku-onlinebookmarks-delicious; * poshuku-readitlater => poshuku-onlinebookmarks-readitlater; - Updated leechcraft-acetamide-qt47.patch to revert some 0.5.96 changes to provide azoth-acetamide plugin at openSUSE 12.1. - Added "-Doverride=" CXX-flag to prevent compiler errors at openSUSE 12.1. - Fixed up via `spec-cleaner`.- 0.5.95 release: * Aggregator module got a major speedup; * Azoth IM client became more keyboard-friendly; * Blogique, the blog client, now supports - autosaving, - tab unclosing, - session management with the TabSessManager plugin, - showing recent comments and inbox messages; * Choroid plugin requires Qt >= 4.8; * GActs now bundles a patched Qxt with it. It adds support for assigning media keys to global shortcuts, a thing that upstream Qxt misses (and seems to not accept the proposed patch for several years already); * GMail Notifier module now supports showing a quark at SB2. * Sidebar plugin became deprecated; * Launchy module now supports favorites category; * LHTR visual editor plugin now supports tables; * License was switched from GPL-3.0+ to BSL-1.0; * LMP audio-player got a proper album art manager; * Monocle document reader now supports - page thumbnails, - bookmarks (with visually highlighting the currently displaying area), - forms for PDF files, - text searching; * Multiple windows support; * Poshuku history widget got support of - filtering by URL, - eliminating duplicates in the same section; * SB2 now supports placing the panel in any window side; * Vrooby now supports UDisks2 and building with several backends. - New plugins were enabled: * azoth-velvetbird — LibPurple wrapper for IM; * blogique-hestia — local blogging; * hotsensors — temperature sensors for sidebar; * lmp-graffiti — audio tags editor for player; * monocle-doc — monocle plugin documentation; * poshuku-autosearch — autosearch for browser. - See more at and - Added leechcraft-acetamide-qt47.patch to revert some 0.5.95 changes to provide azoth-acetamide plugin at openSUSE 12.1. - Added leechcraft-doc-doxygen-rpmlint-w.patch to prevent rpmlint "W: file-contains-date-and-time" for doxygen made html-files. - Removed boost.patch merged by upstream.- A bug with not loading torrent plugin was fixed via boost.patch.- 0.5.90 release: * lots of improvements and bugfixes; * desktop-files to open different file types; * gcc 4.5 support was deprecated. - New plugins were enabled: * azoth-shx — shell command runner; * blogique & blogique-metida — blogging; * dumbeep — dumb sound notifier; * hotstreams — radio streams provider; * launchy — third-party application launcher; * lemon — another network Monitor; * liznoo — power manager; * monocle-postrus && monocle-seen — PostScript && Djvu documents support; * musiczombie — client; * sb2 — another side bar; * shaitan — terminal; * tpi — quark task progress indicator. - Clean section was removed. - Applied into upstream patches were deleted. - Useless desktop-file was deleted.- setup permissions correctly to avoid false duplicates reported by rpmlint because of new fdupes behavior (bnc#784670)- fix build with new libqxmpp (backported from git)- 0.5.80 release Media player LMP: * All proper logic for uploading songs to cloud services * Fetching playlists from such services * A new plugin has been added - LMP MP3tunes * There is now a nice stats label below the playlist * There are now different sort modes * Among cosmetic changes are fixed background colors in QML elements * Support for ignoring "The " when sorting artists in collection * And shortcuts for different actions are configurable now, too NetStoreManager: * A new plugin has been added - NetStoreManager GoogleDrive * For now only uploading and fetching the list of uploaded files works Document viewer Monocle supports: * Displaying one page or double-page spread * Copying selection to image or text * Scaling * Width-fitting * Tables of contents * Links * Paginated navigation * Printing * Monocle also integrates with the rest of LeechCraft * For now only PDF and fb2 file formats are supported * PDF is supported via Poppler library IM client Azoth: * A new plugin has been added - Azoth BirthdayNotifier * Azoth now finally displays user's avatar in tooltips * Tabs of conferences with unread highlight messages are now marked * RSS-reader Aggregator now supports exporting feeds to PDF * The issue reporter Dolozhee now supports fetching issue categories- 0.5.75 release Media player LMP got the following features: * Uploading files from local collection to portable media players * Optional transcoding of uploaded files * Support for social radio stations like Last.FM radio * Obtaining personalized recommendations, recent releases etc * Support for MPRIS New Modules: * Vrooby is a removable storage devices manager * Monocle is a modular document viewer * Several things were optimized a lot * A bunch of minor fixes and enhancements in other plugins * A nickname can be inserted by Ctrl+activate it in the roster * Azoth ChatHistory module finally got a small calendar widget * Links in chat logs are now clickable- 0.5.70 release Media player LMP was all-new rewritten and got such features: * Specialization on audio * Local collection * Static and dynamic playlists * Support for external playlists in pls, xspf and m3u8 formats * Playback modes: sequential, shuffled and track/album/playlist repeat * Scrobbling listened tracks to Last.FM via LastFMScrobble * Fetching missing album covers via LastFMScrobble * Requests for similar artists via LastFMScrobble * Tray icon * Core: "back"/"forward" mouse buttons make tabs switching * Fixes in AdvancedNotifications module In modular IM client Azoth: * Added support for /kick and /ban commands * Smiles aren't replaced anymore in the middle of the words * Added support for hiding and disabling accounts * Autopaste module was migrated to the * Azoth p100q is now more compatible with Adium themes * Azoth Xoox now supports adding, editing and removing phones and emails * Some MUC reconnection issues were fixed in Azoth Xoox. * Azoth Vader module now supports assigning phone numbers to contacts * Some problems with authorization handling were fixed in Azoth Vader- license update: GPL-3.0+ COPYING and the majority of source code files now state that leechcraft is GPL-3.0 licensed- 0.5.65 release New Modules: * Dolozhee module (bug reporting and feature requesting tool) * KBCraft module (keyboard layout manager) * Otlozhu module (simple GTD-inspired TODO manager) * XProxy module (advanced proxy configurator) * LackMan got a major UI update and general overhaul * TabSessManager supports global tab unclosing * Azoth Xoox properly caches entity capabilities and vCards * Lots of fixes and improvements in Azoth Acetamide * Choosing chat window style and its variant became much more handy * Azoth Xoox got full support for XEP-0232 * Azoth got configurable minimal message editor height * Auscrie was improved and fixed.- 0.5.60 release New Modules: * Added Azoth Zheet module (MSN support) * Added Azoth Vader module (Mail Agent support) * Sidebar module * Session manager module (save/restore LC tabs) * NetStore manager module (now support Yandex.Disk) * GActs module (global hotkeys) * Azoth Acetamide support CTCP and vCards * Aggregator works with DB in another thread and not block main app * Many Imporements in adium style support * Now using system oxygen icon theme- 0.5.0 release * added magnet scheme support in Bittorent module * updated icons * Poshuku browser - don't notify about items already existing in Favourites. * Azoth Xoox: always initialize message subtype. fixed summary description- 0.4.99 release * fixed memory leaks on Azoth * Lackman update to new format * Enabled flash support in Poshuku browser- 0.4.98 release * Aggregator storages crash fix * IRC plugin fixes * Azoth adiumstyles fixes fixed modules dependencies in spec- 0.4.97 release * Azoth messenger visual fixes * bittorrent optimization * fixed bookmarks sync- 0.4.96 release * Fixes in Azoth AdiumStyles * Fixed handling of media players in Azoth Xtazy * Authorization issues were fixed in Azoth. * moderators are now able to kick participants in Azoth Xoox- Enabled Plugins: LcFTP, Lackman, Gmail, Knowhow, Syncer - Added Renkoo AdiumStyle to azoth-adiumstyles - Set QAppStyle to Default from Plastique - Fix Aspell support - Fix AnHero plugin - Remove dbusmanager.patch, not needed- Add eiskaltdcpp-fix-php5-issue.patch - fix resolving /usr/bin/php5 dependence- 0.4.95 release - new packages: pogooglue, delicious, readitlater, isterique - removing qt-multimedia from dependencies - optimizing the spec file by using macros - New features: - * Support for XEP-0055: Jabber Search in Azoth Xoox. - * AdvancedNotifications now supports enabling/disabling rules and single shot rules. - * Azoth and Azoth Xoox now support inviting to MUCs. - * Azoth Acetamide now supports SSL connections. - * and other features fixing the bug with azoth style packages in openSUSE:Factory- removing the download service for openSUSE:Factory - adding dependency aspell-devel for spell checking support- 0.4.90 release- 0.4.85 version release- 0.4.80 version release- package name fixed/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigcloud103 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f5c683975640271f03e2cadfdecab6168a2f33b5, stripped PRRRRRR RR!R RRRRRR RRRRR RRR RR RRRRRR1*Gutf-84bf0e3e4f8033f0fed76fedc7b55c27964474cc7ecb3d08533c882e0f52a62b7?7zXZ !t/₏"] crv9uBeix*n̲~}D%-S`HH_3fGю%`=-[X[$Q\\/]估('*T%ڵzh!|˙ʘy)ҦYH[t lX~vxAB>>ɿ7<= hkmL1ӖVPMԂ\c³ْҫ2  ]Fظvu\_-CIue#t_I4*J7LPz춡 'v HLj?1iz㨲 T"t,7`L0XjHA'3)krO=y=LFM@w;jV)i@XNܾy W嚬'mExx‚";(«A6]c}Exu %@/c N&3^E"}ɀ~B TbuP/,E"$,|t?,{eDI' 6+>P%'ו3XS!r$b:lE#m0ʧ$ٺndc ڶ\6^+OP'iQ7Wrv$: `!7.6P0 H^gq Z-WJw#,+Z`J7,~TzUĬM]@խQ,R'Iykdд}WHn9N^bݘ9::q E_wuw6H@oW1vE^ʊڞ<$eYܼ5VH|N@t 8[1\&. .[޹ٿH];*1%/edYP1F赍ҷD1@Z-jӡ[Oa9!?-8:L@d\>ͬyksG>w]zpCT1vCc P'uĜ{"ɇ - 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