file-unpack-0.70-lp150.2.10 >  A ZQ/=„qB1O-Y* t9x(ݎq%)o0Y=#g*7`K6LO:l;nQ^[!QUjݨU1M8&ko|8Df{UUţ/-r7cr3Y'\Q3j/%H/c ~|9K=r2"]^Kn5Ze+Ž_<++v)?#>u6n'd̂) X72c5b86220809676840f1b80e2ae18f9024ad8b03edd6a1110958f599a0522f6a524e5a453ea80f7750cfc869db9ab8b06c941c0UZQ/=„yrA@@af&ۥs@q4 UΤd_"xj qD}L'ޯKy3.>tc$OzS+ zZΆ@G/u@k+Yz |0H¶]/( 8 /F{Ko|dPAL0kQ I0g`jAx~1s)0H;{X] 6zT^h͗JbFr}.rˡ4d]B?|ǙERwUd>p>4L?4<d  C 2^dl           @ h    @`(98@<90<: _<F/>G/T H/| I/ X/Y/\/ ]0 ^0b0c1Vd1e1f1l1u1 v2w3 x3 y3z333348Cfile-unpack0.70lp150.2.10Command line tool to unpack anything/usr/bin/file-unpack is a trivial command line frontend that ships with the File::Unpack perl module.ZAcloud119O2openSUSE Leap 15.0openSUSEGPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0https://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Archiving/Compression ( Z>Z?Z?Z?Z?Z?Z?Z?Z>Z?7f722876525ba02981568db9ad5a6dd0061e1cb8f390066584a35aef7c0f05c19ba8313e680db3a028825cdcd29f95d82c929f0ae4cfb08e0151064ec20e485cd70b9948d309a323005bfa56fa125c8d657f765dd4f2e893bed025f3033f71a5f61f27bd17de546264aa58f40f3aafaac7021e0ef69c17f6b1b4cd7664a037ecfile-unpackfile-unpackfile-unpackfile-unpackfile-unpackfile-unpack.1.gzrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootperl-File-Unpack-0.70-lp150.2.10.src.rpmfile-unpackfile-unpack(x86-64)@@@    /usr/bin/ߖ@X~@X+U@SS@RJ@R@QY@QKQQQ~`QQQQ@Q@QsQsP6@OYOC@O>A@O))@OO@OKN@N@Nh@Mߒ@MWMM@M'MMUMlMlMMx@Mx@MM2@M@Mx@MwkM\@L~L8LLLzLzL~@@L{@LuLs@adam.majer@suse.decoolo@suse.comcoolo@suse.comcoolo@suse.comcoolo@suse.comjw@owncloud.comjw@owncloud.comjnweiger@gmail.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@suse.comjw@novell.comjw@novell.comjw@novell.comjw@novell.comjw@novell.comjw@novell.comjw@novell.comjw@novell.comjw@novell.comjw@ use mkisofs to supply `isoinfo` program instead of genisoimage- fix file list hackery- add 6.diff from my pull request- add 5.diff from pull request of micha- add fix-xml-test.diff to fix tests on tumbleweed- Update to 0.70 - added support for MacOS pkg files that are xar archives.- Added symlinks file_unpack_deep and unpack_deep to exploit the new semantics. - Update to 0.69 - fixed - Semantics change of Default to one_shot unless $0 contains 'deep'. New --deep option to also switch this one. This is a move towards least surprise. No other unpacker has this deep feature. - Fixed builtin helper for application=x-lzip to conform to IPC::Run::run() semantics. - Added an example how to write a mime helper script to the documentation. - Fixed diagnostics in case a helper script fails.- perl-String-ShellQuote pulled in by name, to work around perl-App-cpanminus false positives.- 0.66 harmful filename test removed, fixing bnc#860561. The name may not match, when symlinking back. Readlink is the only thing that counts. - _run_mime_helper() now returns diagnostics even when 'successful' so that we can see reasoning for 'passed'. - added t/08-survive-corrupt.t to define behavoiur for good10.pdf and bad34.pdf - registered the two new test files with t/02-mime.t and t/07-cmdline.t- 0.65 CPAN no longer fails with 'Using $< in a non-suffix rule context is a GNUmake idiom'- 0.64 fixed explosions on ksh: * assert writable dirs in _run_mime_helper while disassembling jail. needed for ksh/ast-base.2012-08-01.tar.bz2/src/cmd/pax/data/ro.dat * all rename()s in _run_mime_helper() equipped with or die. * DESTROY() now handles more cases: Adding the epilog when missing is paramount.- require lzip only for factoy. It is simply nowhere else.- 0.63 * supporting lzip, untested- 0.62 * support pax- 0.60 * report text/x-application-xml instead of application/xml for ordinary xml files.- 0.59 * helping upx to survive symlinks. "%{lsrc}s" format added. * POD fixes from from anirvan/patch-1 * application/msword helper added. Using antiword. * helper diagnostics improved: first line of stderr is captured in the log. * {verbose} control improved.- 0.58 - bugfix: {inside_archives} was not decremented after leaving an archive.- 0.57 - fixed -f to really allow crawling symlinks. * the logfile will contain the link name, not the link target. * it thus preserves the illusion that all is inside the destination tree. - The following command can now be used to recreate the logfile (and retry more unpacking) in $DIR: file_unpack -D $DIR -f -L $DIR.unpack.log $DIR - _run_mime_helper(): cleanup $jail_base added when cmd fails to run. Helper failure may still may result in missing files. - t/07-cmdline.t added.- 0.56 - guard _my_shell_quote against undef. - no 'running as root warning' when !{verbose} - Relax testsuite on test.mht - relax DESTROY to not start a logfile, when none is requested. - testsuite really silent now.- oops, t/data/test.mht not included.- 0.55 - option --follow-file-symlinks or new(follow_file_symlinks => $yes) added; where $yes is 0, 1, or 2. We may want to use '1', if we are e.g. inside a legaldb_unpacked tree, where everything is a symlink. This usage is experimental. A value of '2' is hideous and requires studying perldoc first. - tracking $self->{inside_archives} added. Also experimental.- attempting to build the C-Version of stringsx. RPM does not like this, it enforces noarch on me. - > unused- 0.54 - no longer add special files like fifos, sockets, dev nodes to the logfile. - loggable_pathname adds {srcdir => 'input'} if path is in $self->{input}- 0.53a file_unpack binary was not updated to actually use the new plaintext feature. Rerolled 0.53 tar ball.- 0.53 - new parameter -A and new(archive_name_as_dir=>1) added. - new(log_type => 'PLAIN') added, used unless -L- 0.52 - logfile: input menitoned on 'passed' items. - Makefile.PL now actually installs file_unpack (rt#73670). Man page is a hack. Sorry. - file_unpack can now unpack multiple archives on the command line. - helper/handler wording now consistently speaks of helpers.- 0.51 input archives that do not exist in destdir (because they were unpacked) now show up in the log prefixed with './input/./' unless fullpath.- 0.50 made testsuite survive on SLE11_SP1, put IO::Handle::tell() inside eval to survive SLES11_SP1- 0.49 made survive ntop, in{file} must not modify, so that reopen inside mime() works.- 0.48 made compatible with perl-5.14.2 where qw() is (qw())- 0.47 Fixed rt#70885- 0.46 Incompatible change: unpacked filenames are now relative to destdir unless -F or ->new(log_fullname => 1) New parameter -P or ->new(log_params => {}) to feed params into the logfile.- 0.45 Added option world_readable=>1, to assert 0755/0444 modes for dirs/files.- 0.44 using syswrite in log() to catch errors.- 0.43 Implemented no_op option in _run_mime_handler(). Added -n option to 0.42 Unexpected DESTROY handler closes json logfile properly with an {error} message, if any.- 0.41 Statistics in logfile about skipped (exclude and symlink) files.- 0.40 less verbose with differing destnames... Survive crashes in run(). logfile json syntax preserved, even when terminating error message. No more trailing dummy "/":{}- 0.39 Try /._\d?/ name suffixes on collisions to avoid _fu_* directories if possible. Added _chmod_add() to help creating readable files and executable directories. Raised default maxfilesize from 100M to 2.5G, honors FILE_UNPACK_MAXFILESIZE too.- t/data/ was missing in MANIFEST- 0.38 Both File::LibMagic and File::MimeInfo::Magic fail on info files. Ask perl -T and return application/x-text-mixed in that case. Fixed comparison with RLIM_INFINITY, it evaluates -1.- fix manpage to not contain ./ macros.- added a primitive man-page using .nf- 0.37 Fixed setrlimit() calls, to not explode, when the limit is already lower. Minor cleanup.- 0.36 removed dependency on lsof, in favour of /proc and builtin _children_fuser(). tick-tick now shows the percentage of the fastest moving fd.- 0.35 tested with gcc-ejc, parsing lsof output with $u->run() during $u->run(). Yeah! Libmagic perl module explodes with malformed utf8, assert LC_ALL=C. run() untaint argv0. needed for running helpers under -T Empty file is text/x-empty now. not application/x-empty.- unrar is unfree software- updated to 0.32, fixed logfile JSON syntax. fixed setrlimit().- updated to 0.31, docu fixes. list() mode added.- 0.29 Mention /usr/bin/file_unpack in perldoc- added /usr/bin/unpack_file as a symlink - 0.28 Look only at files and dirs, ignore special files. Reading a pipe could block us endlessly.- switch to perl_requires macro- 0.27 new feature in mime(): attempt full file access not only if flm reports currupt, but also when it reports a/octet-stream. This helps to recognize a/x-iso9660-image Added .iso by including my old as a helper. Added .lha- 0.26 Added .upx; we are testing all application/*-executable for upx to get the mime type. Fixed test results on SLE-11, 02-mime.t now can match regexp too. Dependencies sharpened: file >= 5.03 shared-mime-info >= 0.60- 0.25 Added .cpio, .deb, .cab, .7z Removed done_testing() for the sake of old Test::More on 11.1- 0.24 Fixed helper. There was a debug die :-)- 0.23 Added option one_shot, to new() and Added unpacking of: application/pdf, %tar+lzma, %rar, %uuencode Added '# Requires: ....' comments with the builtin handlers to document the non-perlish dependencies. Fixed recognition of .xls -- File::LibMagic said corrupt, with only a short buffer. Swapped 2nd and 3rd parameter of _run_mime_handler(): mime helpers have now their suggested destname as second parameter. mime(): added suffix rules for 'text/plain' and 'application/octet-stream', to harvest even the least trusted source of information, in the absence of anything else. Implemented first draft of helper/text/=x-shellscript: tested embedded gzip. Added -L option to; _run_mime_handler() now untaints its argv. run() errors are now propagated. t/04-subdir.t now does a real-life unzip test, if unzip is available. Lowered $RECURSION_LIMIT to 200. 1000 takes ages with big files. Call bunzip2 with -f, but don't call xz with -f. Fixed unpack() to not hit 256 char limit per filename so easily. Tested mime_handler_dir(), now it actually works. Introduced a default directory /usr/share/File-Unpack/helper. Preparing env variable PERL5LIB for helpers. mime(): Fixed usage of LZMA alone decoder: count as positive, only of output appeared. text/x-shellscript: uudecode and shar support tested; works now.- 0.22 Fixed descending of destdir into subdirs of subdirs Added t/04-subdir.t, Added first support for running unpack() under -T Replaced MANIFEST.SKIP with a filter in t/manifest.t Fixed t/02-mime.t to survive missing shared-mime-info. (Makefile.PL cannot require non-perl packages, can it?)- 0.21 Added 'nothing-to-do' semantic for mime-helpers: Point back by symlink. Added helper/text=x-shellscript to demonstrate this. Made external mime-helpers work: registering, calling. Remember absolut path, call mime_type() correctly. Started to propagate errors from _run_mime_handler() to unpack(). mime(): In SLES11 we get 'text/plain charset=utf-8' without semicolon.- 0.20 from cpancloud119 1526176833 0.70-lp150.2.100.70-lp150.2.10file-unpackfile-unpack-deepfile_unpackstringsxunpack-deepunpack-fileunpack-file-deepfile-unpack.1.gzfile_unpack.1.gzunpack_file.1.gz/usr/bin//usr/share/man/man1/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// script text executableELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=5a0c7a0fe838b731279956dff6ee2ec20abf1e05, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)empty (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RRR#,_` utf-85c54abc615576e8bfa308f09fe29a336db13d4d211eedceec714c0623dc22ff4? 7zXZ !t/Ucz] crv9uc%Oֿ>] Q/GdL X )`g_Ͳh@vŏ7e{|G}p iiSqn)16QwdM 㼉rL.mLT CYˀJ+t{ [wNr F?l~I-P#4iFĢuoAy Bt5-Km)k٩w]we ^nbdS$Mn䚊Os"sC|x``Fhs&O|JL;^~sG_Z G|YLL]Sk{U]_E3mv[S^^SW${j8Y~U 'Q,v˪{دH`/K(#q:P KS3a .`,æZ_if,\wSSVuT@Db4mT]l DN'Q n@W~(տ|cL o:"w˼3tX+#F"~&F\ ,B:eƨUvGYSM (D"ؗ3[ЇZ{<k \e%e.d^ &IG3Kwy(SF?z`\;Ol->K? ]&)_ 4G !cO2[yɾ> 1qi@B=..uYNk<`ƈb`\!*YZP@zL3irnX A^WI~`2n{1u07rAw ഷGo4`0K-6ix*qIŽ_!d֌ ˝cVwmv}=S9[W '3()c9"pA(Rj/[7lۖx3ǝd-SB8Y60Zs2rם~?t0IfEB#9X'oO}sk%e } _F#5F`F?ޞ:I?Ah_YvS-ggiǛ" (xq"X0rapny/Խu"׊iQ׏Q9P]2>1 kAoBjbNf#`ͿzBRo}.g: }X f#j0<ʪȢ$e0];s3pμZ۽w9u>[ƣF@>^uіb/:1DA'SF&ܪAPI?đZs4]۸7l?L >B yu_2 Bpf,dQ*W~)ZUr%MqC=͊nbD]/ީB?']Nv>N-CRm >~x0K#iJuPl//2t唆+y"uF \DL$:.I(lDpۢ 0XKcx M_/:beK=E`9OmDJj;"P0nԿq ',t+#FVR¥Pо f:9xR既Vm_h$FF|7ϟ>:"d*P8%],4w(`؟HtHXXzuܵ}p{\hQ3ODOyκQXXG=uX&T;[v{18L"[p#hC¶ @&J&wK24mG&SzK~Pr`;  TL6,u5=OQz{wI*8dK&[`JZ"D|vL.%*Z.]t"i|YҚF8UY&:ӭsDbo#eaVN|δ{nY9CQc盻>quj;z.q8ksKxsSQ: 3>Z)vЏdX}9 :p E7")1Nhé322 MXrMs}hu!V(^ii}:`OB&q}f?'%;p4 :q61-d'8aZGg²\H;ZR@[C$>z^GQ9sߩg(B*;ޮccfzv63f3+-kkZ!ڶfBKԼH=,'wc$s}u-{a2;#:4lmaF㽛L&干$i`GS#߱g+xV x4H6Xj Ud}*_7v&X BD=U:6BrO$t/w׹JпX.QSH@B]}A{\>B]=Ll[;8i1yUuA8ۡyI/ %<`y3St&d5[de.31A>}yrdbs^&=CW&M+Z |z^-}ltvp)W4,< œ1Mwu?{L#=T;5[xCQ>Eg!]WŌ1}+^ 9ߍdlYئmeGqtODj5&^* ^]H='k,_OY^4 Ez9nSJ~*T{ž~Ϧx@vj~B1YX3RFAw 1ss(B*yQ5 YCC3c{`#˔*!#ҷc%%>tMzZH -WKVB@i:JS7ɪLjۖw-vnyB$6 E!ѻ[χi3o;N7nI.& M߸͋Z5 4{&Cԅ{!iLAXZ){eY+fCR=S;Whl EoL >sqF Ume*@A2Vw=E;ӽs-$V%d^TiPSY6slt/nsڝܺJr>s{zovZ}+K?5"؏$CgfmL}W4U]s!JH#1۹q(+7[yF,v'10 >ëAO즁GnT+aa]ط iy-J @}xS4K `=}#8ō"U~o2>@,%SK3I0) r?ݐUy 7`8 GvW \J;ʁoC'@&s4> &*Fg:RLN#Y Ţ 0?DyW;]NYcxL;Gkf;I9$A-7F\@M (s`q^}oܟ=O /`R"W8ˣ#2[]x~ pBژǼ~ '}&N~.,UW WlKt[SBa~N0yHLxJ蔂wnʑ<}y=mͪ[,ks~3rǽ{ 5\i{k&V@aKz3_̀0 AgX͂ rQص"aiCNzv[ڙJ{(PD2) 9 8\-84վ j, )ՆQ \QV{Bh~57Az!:dQff)a~)1ƖƕҾ6)hFM7^9? ǎDHa&Ԙrjk|F-g1V["#T6"ū/%dd3|.Fo\Yvc,+=&4XeuiDž4EĪ? n]E?RR`b>o^@{Q=WVY4"&,Ƙȅ/ øM+i4Vj1Mn0}(i_ )H(D51MTu9br|IL*1@JQ¢T*_ C$j2"k8:!ۨy%a]M UZ"gK/F BPyø0/ Y( 2dDž׀^w\}HA~,J_PrkKv"q`(T*xkIs09n @xwj^>ʨ`i j@1r8Af,Ben}Eb$J1s)LA!WL yUK cC1 1|h _ζTAd8pVscTe T8c43ڌ\`ca5m`uB JQxTIdǯ+( (1^Dp2G#h++ Wl.@cq_b|ݷ:+ѫTxy7ع'|<."4A6( ~$X5[NdW{_IB%e$%IaQ(^:qe,RH=?pz+mA1/9{ y"2Q8ҵTxkp#傊G;aܸ*N@)0aI 9 \ rH5@%:)=׀/ĺd$pgJ'a֐]-q&fjAcɌ <(Z\HEeP*H*=y)(cc{E DCml?o?q9 ]/Z׳'o (!B~6 \l]^I)F{ ل0LٻԊF[Tmg&x7OKooïI$.UK؁+ g|eJqWDw[#Ř)ǐ @3Vi]" a17#|/ؖWNr!oriԢŷ(8ɬ]bNo$ ȳþb2շzc{XGK䯽"T }oI+ e.ayT]Z"!/:XH%U+hMXH.UHcף&bYz}:>#hDޓ R(Sֵ7ZtӸ]9,Aض YZ