avahi-autoipd-0.6.32-lp150.3.2 >  A Zi/=„coXW=swse G9]0|ŵcI߆UX滇<ߓ9I% fMrxjA\Kg8Ӝ 0cgۉ4s 9B*C0wlۆ{<\zOٍ.\1UhK`^Ar?O Jp; u!κªze#b[KRUO3ڌKV&TݗfS00c61dc3855508dc0d2df92ee2450b07ac8fdb919e90f9c71287acd4691e6f14f5171af250c7ea68a961d9c459bd8aa13a9a43a3dZi/=„jA*NoIC b,y5l!bO39jRR΀WҤM.ua]߷E<u#J 07&59zBRL+gb8XDx9@`uNkZsئhr(ϊj"(g[O-aH 753^J+\$4UH. ne[ 5F7Of L[WB[eƄ>pBD?Dd ! I(,48KT^ x          &   0  X      \  ( 8 ;9 ;:;=>|>>F>G> H> I> X>Y?\?, ]?T ^@ b@cA~dAeAfAlAuA vB wC xC yD zD@DPDTDZDCavahi-autoipd0.6.32lp150.3.2IPv4LL Service for Zeroconf and Bonjouravahi-autoipd is an implementation of Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses. avahi-autoipd doesn't depend on any other Avahi library, hence it makes sense to install it even if Avahi itself is not installed.Zhlamb13openSUSE Leap 15.0openSUSELGPL-2.1+https://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Networking/Otherhttp://www.avahi.org/linuxx86_64getent group avahi-autoipd >/dev/null || /usr/sbin/groupadd -r avahi-autoipd getent passwd avahi-autoipd >/dev/null || \ /usr/sbin/useradd -r -s /bin/false -c "User for Avahi IPv4LL" \ -d /var/lib/avahi-autoipd -g avahi-autoipd \ avahi-autoipd PNAME=avahi SUBPNAME=-autoipd SYSC_TEMPLATE=/usr/share/fillup-templates/sysconfig.$PNAME$SUBPNAME # If template not in new /usr/share/fillup-templates, fallback to old TEMPLATE_DIR if [ ! -f $SYSC_TEMPLATE ] ; then TEMPLATE_DIR=/var/adm/fillup-templates SYSC_TEMPLATE=$TEMPLATE_DIR/sysconfig.$PNAME$SUBPNAME fi SD_NAME="" if [ -x /bin/fillup ] ; then if [ -f $SYSC_TEMPLATE ] ; then echo "Updating /etc/sysconfig/$SD_NAME$PNAME ..." mkdir -p /etc/sysconfig/$SD_NAME touch /etc/sysconfig/$SD_NAME$PNAME /bin/fillup -q /etc/sysconfig/$SD_NAME$PNAME $SYSC_TEMPLATE fi else echo "ERROR: fillup not found. This should not happen. Please compare" echo "/etc/sysconfig/$PNAME and $TEMPLATE_DIR/sysconfig.$PNAME and" echo "update by hand." fi # Change ownership of /var/lib/avahi-autoipd after upgrade from openSUSE <= 12.3 and SLE <= 11. chown -R avahi-autoipd:avahi-autoipd /var/lib/avahi-autoipd E A큤AZhZhZhZhZhSiZhZhZhZh905873f5aaffecf3dbe8285e71157553fb3da7ce1e1f78bf48bcf493d29f3a08d38a3a322efae3889b5215aa12d5ad672a196af4924a9b61dca0ff0a730dcf56886accf9d8480f3081362604a2a36b97d8007e34bfbe9b1f8c66c5349d3bb5bb6ac7eea252188624c47e5506f43ce56140ca9ce41d5080635d9973e48ecf85149c43f8f268284007eb148259c16cac902eeabbeeb18c92fb858279c7b1de271929e22084287399c5a66afee9f79a96a72963f0897ffedd12974550fc03093e284ee1c6a334dc39d4d6f76888f8a18c42dbc273d5db4870df1687e1e1f0c9e565b900be7ed29e7255e033ffab672d1dec148f1dde873c4dbf2c734a2e610b56b1rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootavahi-autoipdrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootavahi-autoipdavahi-0.6.32-lp150.3.2.src.rpmavahi-autoipdavahi-autoipd(x86-64)avahi:/usr/sbin/avahi-autoipd@@@@@@@@    /bin/bash/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shcoreutilslibc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.14)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4)(64bit)libdaemon.so.0()(64bit)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)shadow3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.1Z@Z@Y0Y-^XBW@Wk@Wk@W>@W@V@V$@VZUoT@S[SM@S(RB@R=@RQQh@PP}L@Pl(OjO;OKp@O;@NNU@N`N@N@NtN@MӴMgM] MWL!L@L@L*@LL~@@LT@LKK!@K'z@J@ĴJ@J J~@J|Iyfjiang@suse.comrbrown@suse.comjengelh@inai.dedimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgmgorse@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgmgorse@suse.comalarrosa@suse.commgorse@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgmgorse@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdmueller@suse.comaj@suse.commt@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgmgorse@suse.comsbrabec@suse.czrmilasan@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgcoolo@suse.comschwab@linux-m68k.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgcoolo@suse.comvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgfcrozat@suse.comcoolo@suse.comjengelh@medozas.dedimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgfcrozat@novell.comvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgcoolo@novell.comvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgaj@suse.devuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orglnussel@suse.delnussel@suse.deaj@suse.desbrabec@suse.czjengelh@medozas.decoolo@novell.comdimstar@opensuse.orgvuntz@novell.comcoolo@novell.comcoolo@novell.comvuntz@novell.comvuntz@novell.com- Add avahi-daemon-increase-rlimit.patch: increase rlimit as a conservative way to handle certain crashes referring to upstream commit 71ace71 (bsc#1085255).- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)- Do not suppress errors from avahi-autoipd user creation, but do suppress getent output. - Replace $RPM_* shell vars by macros.- Modify user generation (boo#1010384): + Use getent to check for existing users/groups, only creating them if not found. + Do not hide output of groupadd/useradd. + Do not mask failures: if a user can't be added, we have a problem.- Drop %insserv_cleanup scriptlets: it's been a while that avahi did not install any sysV init scripts anymore. - Simplify avahi_spec-prepare.sh: OBS is well able to handle macros in package names by now. - Drop conditions to only handle systemd services on openSUSE > 12.1; it's been long that we did not ship the sysv scripts anymore and openSUSE 12.1 is long EOL.- Replace avahi-0.6.31-systemd-order.patch with avahi-0.6.32-suppress-resolv-conf-warning.patch: only warn on missing resolv.conf if the options that use it are enabled. https://github.com/lathiat/avahi/pull/63- Update to version 0.6.32: + Don't log warnings about invalid packets, commonly triggered by Windows 10 systems. + Fix issue with bad packet size estimation, causing probes to continuously be sent when hosting large numbers of services. + Fix build on Solaris/SmartOS (filio.h issue). + Fix build on FreeBSD (PCAP_D_IN issue). + Fix debug output with libdaemon >= 0.14. + avahi_server_set_browse_domains now correctly uses the provided list, instead of re-using the list from the configuration file. + Set nl_pid to 0, this will automatically assign the value and prevent conflicts per netlink(7). (Bug #334). + Check for netlink pid=0 (kernel) instead of uid=0, which works correctly with network & user namespaces. + Fix reversed IFA_LOCAL and IFA_ADDRESS checks (Avahi#355). + Don't fail the build on deprecated GTK/GLIB usage. + Gracefully fail if SO_REUSEPORT is not available. + Minor Python 3 update for the python ServiceTypeDatabase test usage of print, should be backwards compatible. + avahi-autoipd: Fix incorrect usage of IFLA_RTA instead of IFA_RTA which could crash on ARM (Closes: gh#lathiat/avahi#42). - Drop upstream fixed patches: + avahi-unicastdomains.patch + avahi-gtk_box_new.patch + avahi-fix-mkdir.diff + avahi-enable-ipv6.patch + avahi-reserve-space-for-record-data-when-size-e.patch - Rebase avahi-0.6.31-invalid-packet.patch.- Add avahi-0.6.31-systemd-order.patch: start after NM/wicked, to ensure resolv.conf is present (bsc#982317, gh#lathiat/avahi#59).- Update to GNOME 3.20.2 (Fate#318572) - Added License field in spec file.- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572- No longer install sysv services: the systemd services have been installed for a long time already and are masking the sysv scripts; those scripts existance only add confusion (boo#959908).- Temp disable 2 old Conflicts that are breaking staging. These can back in once there is a new release of avahi.- Add avahi-0.6.31-invalid-packet.patch: do not spam logs for invalid packets (boo#947140 bsc#948277).- Sync up the multiple .spec files.- Add avahi-outdated-URL.patch: Do not redirect users to , which no longer exists, but bring them to the more generic blog entry http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/avahi-compat.html (boo#914298).- Do not depend on gnome-icon-theme: + the network-wired icon is meanwhile available in faenza, gnome, mate, nimbus oxygen and tango icon theme. + the dependency causes avahi depending on gtk3, which causes a build loop with gtk2. + the avahi-desktop.patch causes these desktop files to be only shown in GTK based desktops, which have any of those icon themes available.- We've moved everything to /run, adjust file list as well.- Do not start unconditionally / by default under sysconfig as it breaks vlan,bridge,bonding setups (bnc#853845, bnc#851953).- Sanitize scrtiplet requirements (bnc#839520): + Add shadow Requires(pre) for useradd and groupadd. + Add coreutils Requires(post) for chown.- Change RPM Group of shared library package to System/Libraries. - Run pre_checkin.sh to sync .spec files.- Fix hang when registering with large numbers of service files (bnc#835984, avahi-reserve-space-for-record-data-when-size-e.patch).- Automatically disable avahi on networks with unicast .local domain (bnc#431704, avahi-daemon-check-dns-suse.sh, avahi-daemon-check-dns-suse.patch). - Split avahi-autoipd into a separate package (bnc#431704#c6, avahi-autoipd.if-up, avahi-autoipd.if-down, avahi-autoipd.README.SUSE). - Use dedicated UID and GID for avahi-autoipd. - Added sysconfig to fine tune behavior. - Remove no more needed gnome-nettool2.png. - Fix paths in man pages (sed script). - Update avahi-discover.desktop to fit Desktop Menu Specification better (avahi#365, fdo#49699, avahi-desktop.patch). - Move service-types.db to the main package. It is requires by python-avahi and avahi-utils.- Add avahi-move-everything-to-run.patch: move everything (socket and pid files) to /run.- Fix useradd invocation: -o is useless without -u and newer versions of pwdutils/shadowutils fail on this now.- Replace systemd-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(systemd) to prefer the -mini package, avoiding build cycles.- Mark /etc/avahi/hosts as %config(noreplace)- Add avahi-enable-ipv6.patch: enable IPv6 by default. Fix bnc#710230.- Add avahi-fix-mkdir.diff: fix build with automake 1.12.1, which removed AM_PROG_MKDIR_P, which is deprecated for a long time.- Stop passing --with-systemdsystemunitdir to configure: we'll just use the right default value, which should be %{_unitdir}. - Change systemd BuildRequires to systemd-devel since this is needed to get that default value in configure.- Update to version 0.6.31: + Add Mumble to service type database + systemd: syslog.target is not longer useful + Compatibility with newer automake - Rebase avahi-empty-share-dir.patch. - Move dbus xml interface files from devel subpackage to main subpackage: those files are needed at runtime.- Add avahi-gir-fixup.patch: Change the gir/typelib dependency to be correctly libavahi-core.so.7 instead of avahi-core.- Split the typelib files in typelib-1_0-Avahi-0_6 subpackage. - Add typelib-1_0-Avahi-0_6 Requires to libavahi-glib-devel subpackage.- Change libtool BuildRequires to be unconditional: it is needed to build all submodules as well. - Change License tag to spdx identifier (LGPL-2.1+) and remove duplicate mentions of the License tag.- Use systemd macros for 12.1- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile - Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build- Add avahi-gtk_box_new.patch: do not used deprecated gtk_[hv]box_new function anymore; this fixes build of avahi-glib2.- Update to version 0.6.30: + Make IPv6 work again + Minor other updates + Updated translations - Changes from version 0.6.29: + Updates regarding systemd integration + Compatibility with newer gtk3 and gobject introspection + Fix CVE-2011-1002, fixing the fix for CVE-2010-2244 + Minor other updates + Updated translations - Drop patches fixed upstream: + avahi-init-lsb.patch + avahi-init-dnsconfd-fix-status.patch + avahi-fix-howl.pc.patch + avahi-null-packet-infinite-loop.patch- Enable gtk3 support: + Add gtk3-devel BuildRequires for avahi-glib2. + Add libavahi-ui-gtk3-0 subpackage. + Pass --enable-gtk3 instead of --disable-gtk3 to configure in avahi-glib2. - Remove explicit Requires of glib2-devel and gtk2-devel in libavahi-glib-devel: they will automatically be added the pkgconfig() way. - Use sysconfig PreReq instead of sysvinit(network) on 11.3 and earlier.- Add avahi-null-packet-infinite-loop.patch: fix an infinite loop eating CPU when receiving corrupted/null packets. Fix bnc#671797.- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun: + %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at least one desktop file. - Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.- prereq init script network- Add avahi-init-dnsconfd-fix-status.patch to make avahi-dnsconfd init script report unused instead of dead in status when it's unused.- Update to version 0.6.28: + Updates regarding systemd integration + Properly avoid bus activation on non-systemd systems + Compatibility with newer gtk3 and gobject introspection + i18n updates + Minor other updates - Drop avahi-gobject-introspection-1.2.patch: fixed upstream.- Change lang package Requires to Recommends since it is not mandatory at runtime.- Rename avahi-gobject-introspection-1.1.patch to avahi-gobject-introspection-1.2.patch and update it to the 1.2 format.- Update to version 0.6.27: + Various systemd fixes. + Daemon: - make sure we never choke on SIGPIPE - return successful error code when we ran successfully - reset signals on initialization - unblock all signals by default + Update libavahi-client so that it can deal with auto-activated avahi daemons + Bump soname + Build fix when gtk3 is not installed. + i18n updates - Changes from version 0.6.26: + Fix CVE-2010-2244 + Support for Gtk+ 3 and Gtk+ Introspection + Native systemd socket activation support + Add systemd service files + Add various resource control options, for traffic rate limiting as well as cache size and D-Bus client object limits. + i18n updates + Minor other updates - Rename libavahi-core6 to libavahi-core7, to follow library soname bump. - Rebase avahi-gacdir.patch. - Add avahi-gobject-introspection-1.1.patch to set format of gir file to 1.1. - Add avahi-fix-howl.pc.patch to fix generation of howl.pc. - Drop avahi-0.6.25-fixcrash.patch: fixed upstream. - Drop avahi-init_unused-not-dead.patch: fixed upstream. - Add gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires for the glib2 build, to get introspection support. - Remove libglade2-devel BuildRequires. - Remove avahi-utils-gtk <= 0.6.22 Conflicts, since the file for which we added the Conflicts doesn't exist anymore. - Pass --disable-gtk3 to configure since we don't want gtk3 support right now. - Pass --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system to configure. Thanks Kay!- also check ipv6 case in avahi-0.6.25-fixcrash.patch- Add avahi-0.6.25-fixcrash.patch: avoid crash due to assertion when receiving corrupt packets.- Handle /var/run on tmpfs. - Avoid self-obsoletes.- Do not force start avahi daemon on update (bnc#588367). - Added support for translation-update-upstream (FATE#301344).- Add baselibs.conf as a source- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0- Add avahi-init_unused-not-dead.patch, init scripts report service dead instead of unused after a stop (bnc#329708).- Tweak the use of new python macros.- fix generation of sub-spec files by using update_spec.pl- use new python macros- Remove perl-XML-Parser BuildRequires.- Update to version 0.6.25: + Use send_destination for DBus rule + Make .desktop files pass desktop-file-validate + CVE-2009-0758: Reflector creates packet storm on legacy unicast traffic + Build system fixes. + Updated translations. - Respin avahi-desktop.patch. - Drop bnc_459007.patch: fixed upstream./bin/sh/bin/shlamb13 1525836028 0.6.32-lp150. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Leap:15.0/standard/04761d401badc7e2587d969b8d65fa09-avahicpioxz5x86_64-suse-linuxPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executableBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executableELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=ada1f1cc4280c66df4c110aa5bfa23266e9aa528, strippeddirectoryASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RRRRRR RR R0/XҲ'utf-8f4476b5e411b8490e3c41f8c9c1677acabd31eb4617a9d5d7fdd96a38c1cc68e?7zXZ !t/ƃK*] crv9u` :zWG57r*z _.B mR3hU`f#a_ZK}mޅcb/At:hEqw@CʓjMGhܗ+ ,HSj>k)&𨸊B%R0IQ;LS`!+q ib'u%p3Wtp^/*J>N*ʼnښ~s 0+DtՓ0آI:BN)1k}kk*͜;Hq(O*/ c 1$Kߑ#\D5qxY9Jp~\lJ:e|1o+vFM~]nO _1}623?2(.&Ö)W^gbӮ%ʮx\lG-ޮ_3@ݍnysWӶnnw H24,ˮdզ# 3\PEm-CP@6 e(A*7 cϞpa[; EJ1|6eĝ/v}[_Ϊo/˥:UWt#CF;aύ%DF7D)<@Y<׺.kKԊG06 B2ZpTEЎkm:>%S̔D^ D6廩 a։m&+SqM+eMut/axCWޯ<.ӣZ3Ғ.?'jt\ZΛroc7G'2Q+-wwrvl {k8<ƌs)HhϼU}LUW%5uOܶ&;Vg=NEӄ.×@KgI_nDʘEH\|q..@уw CgJ[3|[%fӍ%x i |۰j&yhp^9MYAJ,+RI7?^G # U~ȡpx3[ȖHe v#؆Nڄ Si H?j,8hmh_'gCad#`j\u Dם.YTZ?dIFycVfֹ*ٔfV^c $P9ySoE@;2}RAkGq^7!w9\JiAǁ+ý逕j9`}& !v.yV0kSulP\7&A'/l3+e*,*ƋwPHIQ5^.,OW?5VweЙSR,*߯Q=tQcInW%7 [Nf ^𓺉H9Geq| >6?#\u3-/OoOK+,`S-q5z¯_ÔJ#\ggK^V2-uȭ/JH@ܿzmt_-[(U୭PbӤSf4*YM]S8>=22QڬNEo,[U)\pw橏C3{j"s(m}E8P癥\켣rn&u`RGȀ QDa;DE͎F ;1 Ա1X/|Q`?n0z',QcY[0FK;@/AJ57 %Ex5rU>a`ysѹRԵL~ZhρQ\*ۺ["L1K M Zj9xϛh`.z[ze,*x^yAnA}#pvkvgVniID[a1Cb;kC~;a&VvÜ嚞k %XL̛=" RN;"f_#'׼[6{Եnz71ُ?0+Uo.Xd%BXı/" /~Y(O=PE?q ,r7k$)q~ٓo "PWf?cڏtuĤYiI?axJ,[~6*'iJxS"hmijm?N;Sqe)j \G/cy\]/[|ZhJ>8 *of '=hX $Ѕ6$&d+2v'!sa GW^6[9^v SIYu!$-HOO |Ј*i?$-QXtqŎ1Oј;k烃; {Իq(l&E |ʧwLE$$rz8nN̊j) 9IϴZP-hN5A@\|PVf詪%E.NvCf !섓_#B7 7DuZ]m11aO*.3'{]%0͍P '5nWaE{¼`ȍ83EjT})ǸǍϼǪ(N~u5us\&<#D̍?cy,ۢ, Aq} (zEa,e7 *tGl&pf˴T`$& )>?:g%PoBjY}2i\S1my.v?RB/Pu!Xj.ZR--Gn`u[ ~ģD-'{ ^[:}^Le&Ivr] ~YP*b3 BH3Fx70_Ucf)2Cz9WסּS29mn Xqvtq!Ym,mdOi萨{%%/3Tya+l@ Izz!~$؅/m`3=tK3ooM߉MH%XhbY/)z7WF/ ÀмRͪ͗궻7'@Gt P".%>TUalܡA°.u9~>d|uB@ywDH=.#qA;׵'dpG9ʆ/r8Çʼc(sy{ϹhLToaW1=@ 3G[}JkA{KW1\pcG-]0wwAn{tń_K;c5ZW5γ=G #E8 ُPc.T*="y4`u01vP| 61%Ocw?fT&KB tGm6L_s܆b {Q>g AF+S/[6Fͬehe]3~+#u)mf|L$I=|cTr[k+&5JO#rtG*nݞyPg =@#sI֤ꃍQ$?>$.;TU2".!2lw$ODkz٫>J9ػCabd!C9=TYz*Aڞg|;iF+3K+V.bmB]v)¸U2LQ{7CrN_ I}`?LyӍ.VS[, nl35&(cHal9ȻS\Ꙡ[PJ1H` O Z@x>`{2 \Sp+S5Ңd%0B9*aRgB"Fy 8L,cRm*֑o[\xIۖ1L17^hz]c7GO`F0aХДcQYrņB۲?;4Z2:Ţ2# +mpٸΔԝ6?b;G ۺ߷O0^'fU<$@b%L$|g21 ;FSTξ fz>6d0܈L5U҆S˘Ԛ`n)"kA0c| eGG!d WIȜ5K*yY+o-mW( bkqnH;q0D|Q=k3^:ɳz{ aaf{n@,gv&Nl`nVVLS!z;%q5W x:2ؾj&ʲ9ZvN`py@&kڈ8nhMO3pXe2 &*&kQh>rѯ] `-)@RCY7!bCkw LUZiN! ̂X`dVexUH+zni׊4+1*+}wąaZ^P96Bm̗fD>7nПvPSdW>oD_⩻Kz400HCs1%(3>?ߦ UEq|anCgFhs%x GS`81#X@ C1e+K.ũuDKlm{&zXl0:(@=4{BP(XsLFEcXfc9;*j( /tQvr MVͤz񈸇Ќew8yO\3ر^Wq ?`"]kX:EjK{M#^!i].'Q[^p0}[t=ϙ#'`@`L'Ty԰9^fP/u# &9)Fm`o6"6Y6tʃt7Vv bN8aa%j#za,5c|gnxwJ 5=X('8-xb 3ЄLbeS͚WOCX4c{XKn=ڏOwQ |T56;Z-#ybR {Xi: !g[$%.,Ӂ84K R$_goDmd ,D" ^@ŤT_̰H:ׄP LށB}QϸucUy;65eB1Q'jvhW"k6>5<b"yU[\>VE2xeeo^bq8!ሒ#,]|WIP_/ lL `8&_"^ U iaBzߧ8m{JsFu9 ҏXgP=( pi˟})f/<~Ҁ59=: 'oVlq8saJl͗ tZ-V܄-ۂ%Og #|U049;Xr*6^}v+"X! {ŸXgz:Jts ~HiRdP}"MuR(.ۗ(K0βEII֋Ȫ Y\?N'rWTEN3l" $!o[, 'h:%0K7oCי d\/S :ѿ.,Ϧ"Ղo(DxUV G[K2LQ\bc-q=z_S|-nb!MV/;` C!ۖ'=-G$*cEw9&itjvC6캚St)B9? 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